Magica ChroniclesHello there! Welcome to Magica Chronicles! This is the most advanced RPG you will ever play on this forum! It involves items, weapons, armors, and even monsters for you to slay and level up! So come join the game and see what all the talk is about!
Spoiler: News & Updates
Valentine Horror [02/09/2010] - Yay! Our first holiday event! This holiday we are having people do a new holiday quest! Its ganna be great! Its going to come out later today, along with the In Character thread, FINALLY! So give this quest a try, its recommended for level 3 or above, you will be fighting some noob monsters along the way.
Some New Stuff [02/08/2010] - Alright so I added 3 new items, 2 new armor items, and 1 new monster along with a new quest. Check them out. In other news I think we almost have our third player, the In Character thread will go up and it will start, however it may not really kick off until we get a few more, so just be pacient. I think we don't have many members because of the specail system we carry along with the confusing rule sets they aren't willing to try.
Game Ready, More Members Though [02/07/2010] - The game is ready for being played, however we need more members. We need atleast a total of 3 members to start the game, I will add my character later which will require us to only obtain 1 more member.
Game Almost Ready [02/07/2010] - The game still needs a few items and quick changes and new power entires, but once that is all down, which should be done in about 20 minutes or so, we will be able to start all the battling and adventuring!
Spoiler: How to Play
Battle System - The battle system for this roleplay is much diffrent from any you will ever find. So lets say you want to fight a monster, well the first thing you are going to want to do is do something called Attack and Defence Check. What these are are is you use the randomizer (Link At the bottem of section) and say you want 1 number ranging between 1 and 20 and then hit the submit button, once that is all done you will come up with a number, if you are attacking you will add your attack stat to that, if you are defending then the roll you had you you would add your defence stat to it. So lets say your attacking a monster, you roll a 4 and your attack is 4 then you would have 8, then the monster you would roll for and lets say it rolls a 5 and 2 defence stat, then it has 7, your number is higher so you use the damage that is next to the weapon you have equiped. So if you get to deal damage and the weapon you have does 1 - 4 damage then you put that into the randomizer and whatever number it lands on is the ammount of damage it does to the monster.
Based on Trust - This game is based on trust, for you roll the ammount of damage that you deal to the monster and such, and its incredably easy for you to cheat this sytem by lying in your post and saying you rolled somthing like a 10 just to be able to hit a monster, but wheres the point in that? Its no fun if you cheat, it doesnt propose a challenge and it ruins the fun for everyone else, so please when making a character accept the rolls you get and tell the truth.
Spending Stat Points - If you see under your stats something that says stat points and then 3 next to it, it means you have that ammount of stat points to spread out to the stats above, like Attack, Defence, Range, and Magic. You gain 3 stat points every level to spend them with caution, if you screw up or change your class and want your stat points relocated that is allowed, however you need to buy the Stat Rester item.
Monsters Attacking - Now I said that monsters are in this game, and that is true, and I have a character as well, but I will be determaning monsters actions, the damage they deal and their attack checks, however, when your character attacks the monster you will roll their defence for them, not me.
Interprating The Battle System In A Post - Now this game is a roleplay with a specail battle system, however it may confuse some how to put it in a post, well the first thing is you might want to describe the actions your character does and then say something like '[character name] attacks with Steel Longsword. (Attack: 6)' now what the (Attack: 6) thing means is that the character has rolled their attack check and also added their attack stat to it, so you always want to post that after you say what you are attacking with, then say something like: '[monsters name] tries to defend but it fails (Defence: 3)' what the (Defence: 3) means is that the monster has been rolled for and its defence stat added, now when you say something like it tries to defend but fails is based on weather your character breaks it defence, like if your attack didn't bypass the monsters defence you might say something like this: '[monsters name] slithers around and dodges the attack (Defence: 8)' so if it beat your attack you wouldnt say it didnt dodge or block your attack. Now for this excample lets say you do pass the enemies defence so you would say: '[characters name] steel longsword slices through the monster (-5 health)' The -5 health means you hit a 5 on the monster. So it continues like that.
Turns and Rounds - So since this is a RPG you will get to do one move, then another ally, then the monsters. You get 1 turn each round, a turn is just one characters move while a round is after everyone and thing has done its action. So you can only attack once per round, or use one item per round.
Looting - Once you have killed a monster you will earn Exp and Gold, and even possibly an item. However, you will not get this reward until the attack is over. I will distribute th rewards at the end of the attack.
Link to Randomizer -
Spoiler: Quests
Slime Slayer - The Green Leaf Village smith has asked you to go and kill three slimes.
Reward: 15 Exp, 10 Gold
The Mob of Noobs - There has recently been a mob of noobs going around and bugging the heck out of people, its up to you to defeat the six random waves of monsters.
Reward: 30 Exp, 40 Gold
Spoiler: Dictionary
Spoiler: Character Information
Spoiler: Races
Human - A very basic race that is civilized and can live up to the age of 80 years of age.
Orc - A green skinned race that believes in many orcish traditions and religons of many gods. This race lives up to 110 years of age.
Elf - A race that is similar to humans but have pointed ears and live up to 120 years, they are also very good with speed and ranged attacks.
Lurkers - A sort of fiendish monster race, these creatures are blue skinned ghost like monsters that hide in shadows, this race can live up to 400 years of age! (Mage & Shadow Mage class only)
Spoiler: Classes
This class uses pure brute force and likes to max out on Attack to be able to deal a huge ammount of damage. Favors the sword and anything else that is a melee weapon.
Starting Health: 1 - 8
-Health gained Per Level: 1 - 6
Starting Magic: 1 - 5
-Magic gained Per Level: 1 - 3
This class likes to use magic consuming spells that can either effect the targets stats or even deal incredable damage.
Starting Health: 1 - 5
-Health gained Per Level: 1 - 3
Starting Magic: 2 - 9
-Magic gained Per Level: 1 - 4
This class likes to use ranged atttacks, such as bows and arrows, this class also has very good defence but not so great basic attack.
Starting Health: 1 - 7
-Health gained Per Level: 1 - 4
Starting Magic: 1 - 4
-Magic gained Per Level: 1 - 3
This class likes to dual weild two weapons, normally two daggers but they can wield many other items as well.
Starting Health: 1 - 5
-Health gained Per Level: 1 - 3
Starting Magic: 1 - 5
-Magic gained Per Level: 1 - 3
Spoiler: Monsters
Level: 1
Health: 5
Magic: 0
Damage: 1 - 3
-Attack: 2
-Defence: 1
-Range: 0
-Magic: 0
Exp: 2 - 4
Gold: 1 - 3
Items: None
Level: 2
Health: 8
Magic: 2
Damage: 1 - 5
-Attack: 3
-Defence: 3
-Range: 2
-Magic: 1
Bite - The monster bites down on the target very hard, does 2 - 6 damage. (2 Magic)
Exp: 4 - 7
Gold: 3 - 5
Items: None
Retarded Blob
Level: 4
Health: 10
Magic: 5
Damage: 2 - 6
-Attack: 7
-Defence: 2
-Range: 3
-Magic: 2
Retard Spin - The monst spins in a circle with its fists spread out hitting you everytime it spins around, dealing a total of 3 - 7 damage. (3 Magic)
Fart - The monster farts and makes it very hard for its target to breathe, dealing 1 - 3 damage and 2 damage each turn for 3 rounds. (5 Magic)
Exp: 9 - 17
Gold: 7 - 13
Items: None
Level: 5
Health: 6
Magic: 0
Damage: 4 - 9
-Attack: 8
-Defence: 15
-Range: 0
-Magic: 0
Exp: 10 - 25
Gold: 9 - 18
Items: None
Crazed Knight
Level: 6
Health: 27
Magic: 0
Damage: 3 - 9
-Attack: 9
-Defence: 7
-Range: 5
-Magic: 0
Exp: 11 - 27
Gold: 10 - 18
Items: Bloodstone (34%)
Psycho Killer
Level: 8
Health: 35
Magic: 4
Damage: 3 - 11
-Attack: 12
-Defence: 9
-Range: 5
-Magic: 4
Stab - The monster stabs his knife into his target dealing 4 - 14 damage, and has a 30% chance of causing the target to bleed for 3 damage each turn for 4 rounds. (4 Magic)
Exp: 11 - 24
Gold: 12 - 20
Items: None
Corrupt Priest
Level: 11
Health: 43
Magic: 15
Damage: 1 - 5
-Attack: 5
-Defence: 10
-Range: 8
-Magic: 12
Life Drain - The monster drains 4 - 7 health from his target and gains that ammount of health back. (4 Magic)
Energy Burst - The monster has a burst of energy dealth 1 - 17 damage. (5 Magic)
Exp: 15 - 32
Gold: 13 - 24
Items: Bloodstone (46%)
Fire Feind
Level: 14
Health: 50
Magic: 10
Damage: 4 - 16
-Attack: 11
-Defence: 12
-Range: 10
-Magic: 5
Fire Strike - The monster charges at you and hits you with its body causing 4 - 18 damage. (5 Magic)
Exp: 15 - 39
Gold: 16 - 30
Items: None
Level: 15
Health: 57
Magic: 10
Damage: 5 - 18
-Attack: 15
-Defence: 12
-Range: 12
-Magic: 9
Spam Drain - The monster blurts out random things and starts to give you a headache and then starts to make you want to stab your ears out, it deals 1 - 20 damage. (10 Magic)
Exp: 15 - 42
Gold: 17 - 35
Items: Medium Health Potion (54%) Bloodstone (49%)
Spoiler: Bosses
Level: 20
Health: 75
Magic: 20
Damage: 6 - 22
-Attack: 17
-Defence: 19
-Range: 17
-Magic: 15
Lightning Bolt - The monster summons a bolt of lightning to his hand and throws it at you, which will deal 10 - 30 damage. (15 Magic)
God Wrath - The monster uses up magic to increase his Attack by 5 for the next 5 rounds. (5 Magic)
Exp: 45 - 100
Gold: 32 - 73
Items: None
Spoiler: Weapons
Bronze Dagger
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 10 Gold
Damage: 1 - 3
Bronze Shortsword
Level Required: 2
Class Required: None
Value: 20 Gold
Damage: 1 - 3
+1 to Attack
Bronze Longsword
Level Required: 3
Class Required: Warrior, Ranger
Value: 30 Gold
Damage: 1 - 4
+2 to Attack
Wooden Staff
Level Required: None
Class Required: Mage
Value: 10 Gold
Damage: 1 - 3
+1 to Magic
Spoiler: Armor
Leather Hat
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 10 Gold
+1 to Defence
Leather Armor
Level Required: 2
Class Required: None
Value: 25 Gold
+2 to Defence
Leather Pants
Level Required: 2
Class Required: None
Value: 15 Gold
+1 to Defence
Heart Shield
Level Required: 2
Class Required: Theif, Warrior
Value: N/A
+3 to Defence
Black Heart Helmet
Level Requried: 2
Class Required: Mage, Ranger
Value: N/A
+3 to Defence
Spoiler: Items
Small Health Potion
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 10 Gold
Use this item to gain 5 health back.
Medium Health Potion
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 20 Gold
Use this item to gain 10 health back.
Large Health Potion
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 30 Gold
Use this item to gain 20 health back.
Full Health Potion
Level Required: 5
Class Required: None
Value: 50 Gold
Use this item to gain all your health back.
Small Magic Potion
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 10 Gold
Use this item to gain 5 magic back.
Medium Magic Potion
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 20 Gold
Use this item to gain 10 magic back.
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 30 Gold
Before you go to sleep at night use this and you and your whole party will wake up with full health and magic, it can only be used once though.
Level Required: None
Class Required: None
Value: 20 Gold
Use three of these to make a Small Health Potion, Use six of these to make a Medium Health Potion, Use ten of these to make a Large Health Potion, Use twenty of these to make a Full Health Potion.
Smoke Bomb
Level Required: 2
Class Required: None
Value: 15 Gold
Use this item to escape the current match, it will only allow your character to escape, not anyone elses, also you will not recive the battle reward if you use this item to run away from battle.
Spoiler: Powers
You summon a ball of fire to your hand and chuck it at the target.
Level Required: None
Class Required: Mage, Ranger
Value: 20 Gold
If the spell hits the target it deals 1 - 5 damage plus an additional 1 damage each turn for 2 rounds. (3 Magic)
Fire II
You shoot a ball of fire into the sky and it comes down like rain on the target.
Level Required: 5
Class Required: Mage
Value: 50 Gold
If the spell hits the target it deals 2 - 7 damage plus an additional 2 - 3 damage each turn for 2 rounds. (5 Magic)
Dual Wield
You pull out a second weapon, making you have one weapon in each hand.
Level Required: None
Class Required: Thief
Value: 40 Gold
Is you have this power in general you can dual weild two weapons, you don't need to use this power or spend magic, you just need to own this power for it to work.
Spoiler: Characters
Spoiler: Level Advancement
Level 1 - 0 Exp
Level 2 - 50 Exp
Level 3 - 130 Exp
Level 4 - 245 Exp
Level 5 - 380 Exp
Level 6 - 525 Exp
Level 7 - 680 Exp
Level 8 - 850 Exp
Level 9 - 1,030 Exp
Level 10 - 1,240 Exp
Spoiler: Skar (Sneakyonfoota)
Name: Skar (Scarlet Jennings)
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 6/6
Magic: 2/2
Class: Warrior
-Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Bronze Dagger (Damage: 1 - 3)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
2x Small Health Potions
10 Gold
Attack: 2
Defence: 2
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 0
Personality: Assertive, confident; not too bright. Strong will but would prefer to apply direct force to a situation than to think things through, let alone laterally.
Appearance: Skar stands at 5'10'' and has a somewhat lean build that is covered in layers of leather, chainmail and plate. Her long, dark hair falls freely. She wears a patch over her left eye in the shape of a heart--actually just for show, narrow slits afford her a somewhat unobstructed view through it.
Background: The last thing that the young Scarlet wished to be was a blushing bride, having had her heart set on being a brawling warrior who came and went as she pleased. She left home the day before a marriage viewing of her prospective husband, taking her dowry as her "war funds" to start her new life as an adventurer at 16. Since then she's found mercenary work mostly doing menial tasks--no guild will accept her and she has yet to gain any kind of recognition as an adventurer (let alone any formal training).
Spoiler: Steven Nordac (Cloud)
Name: Steven Nordac
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 6/6
Magic: 1/1
Class: Warrior
-Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Bronze Dagger (Damage: 1 - 3)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
1x Small Health Potion
20 Gold
Attack: 1
Defence: 3
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 0
Personality: Steven is normally quite around others who don't know him well. He likes to destroy monsters with his pure strength. He is nice and will help others in need but he generally cares about himself.
Apperance: Long black hair that hangs infront of his face which holds his deep blue eyes. Steven has a smooth white face. He posesses a scar right about his right eye, it isnt to visable but if you looked long enough you would be able to see it.
Background: Steven was only 15 when his father and mother were taken away and killed by the KNIGHTS. He later on vowed to train under a master of fighting and destroy the KNIGHTS for doing such a thing to his parents. He had a sister, but she was lost during the attack of the KNIGHTS, he doesn't know where she currently is or even if she is still alive. She is also one of his goals, Steven promised to come back and find her.
Spoiler: Ilan Swing (Agnores)
Name: Ilan Swing
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 5/8
Magic: 5/5
Class: Warrior
-Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Bronze Dagger (Damage: 1 - 3)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
2x Small Health Potions
10 Gold
Slime Slayer:
-Kill 3 Slimes (0/3)
Attack: 2
Defence: 1
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 0
Personality: Ilan is very easy-going and care free. He loves fighting for the fight, not winning or losing. He tends to be a bit rash, challenging oppenents he is in no league to fight. However, Ilan hates with a fiery passion thieves and liars, and will not tolerate either such thing, as such, he is honest to a fault.
Apperance: When not wearing armor, Ilan has a simple black vest and brown, baggy pants on. He has sapphire blue eyes, a button nose, and longish blonde hair that covers his ears, one of which was mangled in a swordfight. His belt buckle is that of a small iron sword, signifying his family business.
Background: Ilan's dad was part of the local fighters guild, and thus at a young age Ilan picked up sword fighting, his goal to one-day best his dad as top fighter in the guild. His mom died at child-birth; Ilan had nothing but his harsh dad to live with. So, at the age of 15, when his ear got mangled in a practice swordfight with his friends, after sneaking into and stealing weapons from the guild supply, his father berated him constantly about it, and began treating him as a non-human because of his ear. At the age of 17, Ilan joined a traveling caravan to escape his father and practice his sword skills, one day hoping to return and prove to his dad how strong he is.
Spoiler: Rolac Kesien (Tytun)
Name: Rolac Kesien
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 6/6
Magic: 4/4
Class: Ranger
-Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Bronze Dagger (Damage: 1 - 3)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
1x Small Health Potion
20 Gold
Attack: 1
Defence: 3
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 0
Personality: A thinker more than a fighter, Rolac will study a situation until he knows if victory is possible or unattainable. To others, he is usually quiet and blank.
Apperance: Rolac has the face of a calm youth, with short, spiked silver hair that partially hides his elvish ears. His emerald eyes seem to pierce into a person’s mind, given the impression that he is always calculating them. His clothing attire includes leather armor, gauntlets, and boots, though the rest of his body is covered in what seems to be thin clothing.
Background: Born into an Elven community, Rolac learned everything that any other Elf should. Upon reaching the age of 18, though, he began to experience ‘desire’ for the other world experience. Giving his request to the Elder, he was told to train himself in the art of defense before he would be allowed to go. For three years, he trained himself with the bow and fast footwork, and was then allowed to leave. Traveling around has given him a sense of knowledge that he would have never learned from the community.
Spoiler: Sinthalla Crenidious (Spirits Breath)
Name: Sinthalla Crenidious
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 5/5
Magic: 10/10
Class: Mage
-Race: Lurker
Gender: Male
Age: 213
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Wooden Staff (Damage: 1 - 3, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
1x Small Health Potion
0 Gold
Fire (3 Magic)
Attack: 0
Defence: 2
Range: 1
Magic: 2
Stat Points: 0
Personality: Slight suspicion, not fery fond of being near those who don't have an affinity to the arcane arts. He is self aware, trying to speak his mind, yet at times feels shy to as well.
Apperance: ( Now pretty much invision a tan embroidered leather robe that is a deep burgandy around him.
Background: Being brought into the arcane ways early on, in relative terms. He was raised under a heavy belt, father always chastizing over the smallest problem that is done. Mother was always trying to protect him so he wouldn't leaver the house. Luckely traveling caravans that had a night show to attract attention to the annual festivities opened his eyes, and gave a chance to get out of his town, away from his parents.
The caravan however dropped him off at the nearest arcane school, hoping for the best and to be rid of a hinderance. It was then when he began his training.
A long time of training ensued, he was an apprentence, weak and not well skilled. But he was to go out, gather some herbs and mushrooms, where he decided he had learned enough to survive on his own. That is where his story begins...
Spoiler: Valen Kraus (Zaro)
Name: Valen Kraus
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 5/5
Magic: 2/2
Class: Thief
-Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Head: Leather Hat (+1 Defence)
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Bronze Dagger (Damage: 1 - 3)
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
1x Small Health Potion
20 Gold
Attack: 1
Defence: 3
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 0
Personality: He is generally lighthearted, merry, and loves to have a good time, because with a profession like dungeon delver, it's better to eat, drink, and be merry now, for tomorrow you may die....and also the next day...and the next day...and the next...
He is very businesslike, and reputation and customer service are very important to is profit.
Apperance: He has wavy jet-black hair, and deep, tan skin for a man who spends much time underground, as well as big, expressionate dark brown eyes. He is a bit on the short side, and lithe and lean. Lockpicks and other tools cover him, on the two bandoliers, in the multitudinous pockets of his leather vest and custom made cargo pants, and on his backpack. A built-in torch holder juts out of his backpack, on which an unlit torch is resting. A pair of goggles push back his hair, baring his forehead.
Background: Valen is one of the latest in a prestigious line of professional dungeon delvers. For generations, the Kraus family has made refined the dungeon dive into an artform, and Valen is eager to prove he is worthy of his line. He left his family abode in search of challenging dungeons on which to build his own reputation. Two years later, he is out of money, his high-quality equipment he left with gone, and getting desperate for work. He still can't complain, however-he has already outlived most of his siblings, most of whom fell in the line of work. Dungeon delvers pay a high price for failure-and death is only for the lucky ones.
Spoiler: Red Hans (Tobi Good Boy)
Name: Red Hans
Level: 1
Total: 0 Exp
-Next Level: 50 Exp
Health: 4/4
Magic: 7/7
Class: Mage
-Race: Lurker
Gender: Male
Age: 178.
Head: Nothing
Body: Nothing
Right Hand: Nothing
Left Hand: Nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: Nothing
Accessory 1: Nothing
Accessory 2: Nothing
1x Small Health Potion
20 Gold
Attack: 0
Defence: 0
Range: 0
Magic: 0
Stat Points: 3
Personality: He doesn't express emotion around others, he stays quiet, and listens to people.
Apperance: He is 150 pounds, 6'4'. He wears dark robes and keeps his face hidden. The only detail of his face that can be seen is normally his brown hair that sometimes stretches out of the hood of his robe, when it does, it is shoulder length. Along with his hair, his chin can be seen sometimes, it has a scar going up from the neck.
Background: Since he was born, his parents had abused him since he was nine, so he was put into foster care with a thief for a mother(Elf.), and a warrior as a father(Human.) which took care of me kindly. I became an apprentice at age 42 and took long studies. At age 67, both my foster parents died by the hands of the KNIGHTS and he swore revenge. He had become a full mage at the age of 112. He decided to test out a fire spell, it horribly backfired and left a huge scar running from the middle of neck up at a slant to his left eye. which resulted in severe pain and the blindness of his left eye. He sewed together a dark robe to cover his face, so no one would laugh. He Then graduated from a University for mages at age 171, he then trained for 7 years until he was ready to go out, at age 178...
Spoiler: Character Skeleton
Name: The name of your character.
Class: Choose the class you want.
Race: The race your character is.
Age: The age of your character.
Gender: Male or Female.
Personality: How does your character act around others?
Apperance: What does your character look like?
Background: What are some of the things that happened to your character in the past?