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Thread: [M] — Mythos Complex [OOC] (H)

  1. #1
    Ru's Avatar
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    Default [M] — Mythos Complex [OOC] (H)

    Mythos Complex is rated M because Ru was too lazy to figure out what it actually fit.

    However, the following themes may or may not occur in this RP: extreme violence (namely via monsters); various deaths, including suicides; adult themes, including language and possible sexual encounters (sexual encounters depends on the characters and this still does not permit cybering, for Ru does not like that and it's a no no on RPA); and drug use (this will only occur if there is a character who enters as a druggy, otherwise it will not be there).

    For sure occurring themes: extreme and excessive violence; deaths and suicides; excessive language; and sexual tension (I am not sure it will go passed that, but I listed sexual encounters just in case).

    Flittering about in the jagged, rough air of the downtown region are many rumors concerning the apartment complex known as Mythos Complex and the suspicious, gruesome deaths of its inhabitants. Quite frequently dead bodies are found outside of the building where it appears the renter thrusted themselves out of their window to their demise against the cold, hard, unforgiving concrete that bashed their face into their skulls. Occasionally the resident is found in worse conditions even the most daring of journalists can't stomach to speak of. Numerous reports have been made of these curious incidents only for the investigators to conclude the victim committed suicide, but with over fifty reports within the last year leading to the same conclusion it leads one to wonder… why? And this only addresses one of the smaller, yes, smaller as in less important, rumors that comes along with living anywhere near Mythos Complex. The other rumors, however, are special.

    Ghost stories, most may insist. Throughout the complex’s history residents had complained about hearing mysterious voices urging them to leave the vicinity immediately, though whether they were threatening or warning them varied on the apartment number. The most bizarre reports expressed that they were hearing noises they had never heard before residing her; these noises they claimed to be that of some sort of monster they felt may kill them if not dealt with immediately. With this said, the majority of the locals have concluded these ghost stories and monster tales to be accurate and decided that they must be the cause for the deaths over the years, but none were ever courageous enough to face it.

    The only people who dare to live in Mythos Complex are the daring, the poor, and the skeptical.

    Which one are you?

    It is a survival horror concerning monsters and the supernatural, so compare it to horror movies like that, if you have seen such kind. The most common reoccurring scenes in those are the ones I listed as for sure occurring, though I acknowledge plenty of those movies DO have sex scenes. I am just not sure if any sex would actually happen, since that depends on the players.

    In this RP, your character is a resident of Mythos Complex and is presented the chance to finally get rid of these heathens living deep below your home. Obviously, if you choose not to follow then the RP is quite boring, now, isn't it? So, it is highly preferred that you choose to follow the group.

    Your goals: destroy the monsters, stop the curse, and survive.

    If you want your character to see something, i.e. a spirit, then PM me because I control all spirits, monsters, etc. encounters.

    NO CHARACTERS HAVE ANY PRIOR EXPERIENCE WITH MONSTERS. The players will meet the monsters IN Mythos Complex during this RP when the group meets up with the monsters and not before. Your character is welcome to have had a past experience with spirits, however, just not monsters.

    -->All RPA rules apply.
    -->If you are going to be a slow RPer, then inform me. If you are going to leave, tell me. If you are going to be gone a week, THEN TELL ME. Ru HATES it when someone just DISAPPEARS from a RP and if you do not inform me ahead of time or within two weeks of disappearing then I will KILL YOUR CHARACTER.
    -->Ru = GM. GM = God. Thus, listen to Ru.
    -->I absolutely adore literacy, seriously. With this said, I am probably more likely to be an ass and kill you off if you make lazy, half-assed posts just outta pure anger. I'm not going to state how much I want per post (though, I will give you a hint, Ru usually requires two paragraphs per post... not 2-3 sentence wimpy paragraphs either).
    If the RPA dice rolling system doesn't work, then use this. The last dice is the D20 we are using. RPA Dice Rolling is explained in Dice Rolling and Sanity Points.
    1D20 must be rolled per character, which means ONE twenty-sided die must be rolled per character. If you have two characters, then it would be 2D20 instead, got it? This will be explained better in How to Play.
    -->One character per player, excluding the GM. You may make a new character upon your own character's death.

    -->Tune aka La di da (or whatever she changes her name to) is my co-GM. She won't be accepting profiles, but anything she says is valid.
    -->Only I can implement dice roll results. So, when one of my posts states so-and-so received a result only my post is allowed to act on it and put forth the result.
    -->Only one roll per round. A round would be from my post to the next one of my posts. So, if you end up posting more than once after one of my posts, but before the next one I make, you would only put your dice roll in the first post, as I will ignore any rolls after that one in my next post.
    -->If your character dies in the game you are allowed to create a new one, however it does not mean you get to keep the same room; this game is first come first serve.

    First off, creating your character. Simply fill out the character sheet that is at the bottom of this post, post it here, and wait for Ru to respond. The more details, the better.

    Now, actually playing in the campaign.
    Spoiler: Dice Rolling and Sanity Points 

    And I know that it may be a bit much, but the better I know your character the better chance I have at making this a scary campaign.

    HTML Code:
    [CENTER][FONT="Blackadder ITC"][SIZE="6"]Your Character's Full Name[/size][/font]
    [img]Put the direct link to an image representing your character here. PREFERABLY ANIME. Why? Because it fits the cool banner I made and I like everything fitting and being organized. However, please don't choose mainstream. I do not want Naruto or Inuyasha in my RP.[/img][/CENTER]
    [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Birthday[/SIZE][/FONT] What day and month was your character born? Do not include year.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Age[/SIZE][/FONT] All characters are ADULTS, so not teenagers. I don't care what age you put, so long as it is an adult age.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Gender[/SIZE][/FONT] Your gender.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Race[/SIZE][/FONT] All characters are human in this RP, so race pertains to skin tone and origin. Are you African? German? Just plain white all over? Latino? List whatever it is your character is here.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Blood type[/SIZE][/FONT] Your character's blood type.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Appearance[/SIZE][/FONT] [INDENT]This is a DESCRIPTION of your appearance, not a picture. So, describe whatever is not in your picture, whatever needs to be described, etc.[/INDENT]
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Sexuality[/SIZE][/FONT] Is your character heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.?
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Occupation[/SIZE][/FONT] What does your character do for a living?
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Personality[/SIZE][/FONT]    [INDENT]Describe your character's personality so I can get to know this individual better.
    [B]Likes[/B]: Self explanatory.
    [B]Dislikes[/B]: Self explanatory. This includes fears.
    [B]Habits[/B]: What habits does your character have?[/INDENT]
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Diseases[/SIZE][/FONT] Any and all diseases your character might have goes here whether they are physical or mental. If you character has no disease then simply put "None".
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]Abilities/talents[/SIZE][/FONT] Anything your character is good at, list it here.
    [FONT="Edwardian Script ITC"][SIZE="5"]History[/SIZE][/FONT]     [INDENT]Make it good.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

    All accepted characters are listed here with the apartment number they live in. If you would like to change your room number, simply ask for they are randomly assigned. If you would like to room with someone, then ask.

    3000 means the top floor. 2000 is the middle floor. 1000 is unlivable.
    Floor One (basement)
    No Residents. No one is permitted to enter.
    Floor Two
    2011 - Vacant.
    2012 - Vacant.
    2013 - Vacant.
    2014 - Noah J. Harrison.
    2015 - Vacant.
    Floor Three
    3011 - Bridget Loughridge.
    3012 - Holly "Boots" Hendrickson and Howl Osborne.
    3013 - Caitŕona "Cait" Shaw.
    3014 - Vacant.
    3015 - Vacant.

    Back Area
    Landlord's Office
    1 - Vacant.
    2 - Vacant.

    All who die will be listed here.

    The smart/cowardly who ran away are listed here.

    Spoiler: Mythos Complex Appearance 

    Spoiler: Mythos Complex Map 

    Hey, the name's Howl. Howl Osborne to be exact but that doesn't really matter right
    now, does it?

    So, I'm a... I guess you could say resident at this place called Mythos Dormitory. For
    some weird reason they chose me to advertise this place properly.. HA! Are they in
    for a shock. Only come here if you seek out adventure and don't mind being scared
    shitless just don't tell them I told ya that, a'right? That might get me kicked out and
    my folks would be ticked. So keep this between you and me.

    I mean... it looks nice and all but it's a bummer. It's pretty much a place parents send
    their kids so someone else takes care of them and they'll still go to school. It'd be kinda
    sad if you didn't go to school being as all the schools are right across the street! Ironic
    huh? You'd think it'd be on some street with a lame name like "School St." too, right?
    Wrong. It's on Walnut Road... I'd honestly prefer School St. Anyway...

    There's three buildings on campus. Two actual dorms then the main building. Where
    you go is based off of your sex and the availability. Like... if you're a girl you go to the
    left in the girl's dorm, the right the boy's, get it? The middle is the main office with the
    office, der, and a library for some dumb reason. The dorm buildings have uh... I believe
    it's what? Three flights? Originally the older kids had the top flight cause they're "cooler"
    but the office got fed up with it so if there's an available room you got it! That simple.
    Even if they put a little ten year old kid with some nineteen year old, they didn't care.

    Oh, I forgot. It's for "all ages". Pretty stupid, huh? Anyway... I'm making this shitty
    place sound freakin' sweet! They must be proud of me.

    Now... wanna know what's wrong with it? Well... besides the stuck up bitches 'round
    the place and the crappy office workers... they say it's haunted. Now, I'm not one to
    believe in that crap but I can't help but get suspicious, ya know? I mean, maybe
    they are hiding something in the place or maybe people just wanna get us all riled
    up. Either way... there's something wrong with it especially on the top floor. Thus far,
    in my... four years? of living here, four kids have committed suicide and three were
    found dead somewhere round campus. Creepy huh? They can't figure out why.

    Well, it's YOUR choice'ta believe me or not and your parents choice'ta have your
    ass here. If ya see me around, wave.

    Last edited by Ru; 09-06-2013 at 08:24 PM. Reason: Updatezzzzzzzzz

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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    Holly “Boots“ Hendrickson
    Birthday July 5th.
    Age 24.
    Gender Female.
    Race Caucasian, mostly Scottish and English.
    Blood type A+.
    No matter what Boots is wearing, she is always seen in her pair of signature combat boots. It is a rarity to see her without them and even then it‘s usually because she took them off to clean around the house. Ever since she was twelve years old she has worn these same boots given to her by her brother, as well as a rainbow stud on her right ear in the upper cartilage. She has six piercings in left ear and two in her right. Usually she wears oversized hoodies to hide her body, namely her rather wide hips, though her legs tend to be visible, especially during the summer when she wears short sun dresses or shorts that the hoodie covers. Currently her black hair is long, though she plans on cutting it soon to the short spikes she used to have. Her bottom lip is significantly thicker than her upper lip.
    Sexuality Lesbian.
    Occupation Babysitter and a preschool teacher.
    If anyone was asked to describe Boots in one word it would be “mother”. All she ever cares about is taking care of those around her no matter how horrible they treat her, even if it means she must push her own needs to the side for awhile. This precise aspect of her is why Howl is always found around her and has stayed by her side since childhood, because he is the voice of reason that reminds her to take care of herself and how not all people are good inside.

    She is quite the airhead and is extremely gullible, almost falling for anything said to her. It is very rare that Boots will not fall for a trick, even if it was already done to her before.

    Boots absolutely adores children and will defend them with her life even if she has never met them before. In general, she can be highly defensive with certain scenarios, though she rarely voices it because she chooses to avoid conflict. She purposely avoids serious conversations because she feels an argument is bound to ensue.

    Likes: Children (in the motherly sense), sweets, flowers, nature, and rainbows.
    Dislikes: The dark, mean people, homophobes, her mother, being alone, tart food, bitter food, and she fears almost anything.
    Habits: She sucks on her lower lip when she‘s scared or nervous and sometimes tugs on her hair for the same reason.
    Diseases None that she is aware of.
    Abilities/talents Cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing, knitting… anything else the typical housewife/stay at home mother does.
    Spoiler: Because it really long 
    Last edited by Ru; 07-24-2012 at 11:53 PM.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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  3. #3
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    I still have to read from the Character Sheet down.

    I'll work on a Character sheet in the mean time. The old Dice roller is no longer working, and since I am having a hard time recalling the new Dice system, I asked Naz if he could tell it to me again, or link me. If not, I'll try searching again for it.

    Edit: Here we go! Got it!

    This mod uses the standard AdX+B notation where

    A = the number of dice to roll (1 if not present)
    X = the number of faces on the dice
    B = represents a modifier, usually a + or - but also a divides or multiply.

    I also need it to do certain things like, only show the sum/result of the roll or show all the die results and the sum of the roll. I also wanted the ability to do open rolls, e.g. if you roll 6, six sided die, you keep rerolling any dice that come up a 6.

    So, basically, I have concocted three different bbcodes in one product:
    [roll]1d4[/roll ] - for rolling and showing only the results or sum
    [rollv]1d4[/rollv ] - for rolling and seeing the result of each dice as well as the sum
    [rollo]1d4[/rollo ] - for open rolls

    Each of these takes and optional label for the roll, to be included in the tag after the '=' sign, e.g. [roll0] and so forth. It is, however, optional as the actual notation for the roll is displayed before the results in the final posting.

    So, for example, you can enter rolls like the following:

    [roll]4d6[/roll ] to get the sum of 4 six sided die.
    [roll]d%[/roll ] for a percentage roll (same as 1d100)
    [roll]4d6b3[/roll ] to roll 4 six sided dice and only sum the "best" three results
    Also, sorry if I took up space for one of your characters/NPC's, Ru
    Last edited by Tune; 07-25-2012 at 12:55 AM.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Set by Ru
    .:Lion Heart:.

  4. #4
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    Elizabeth Clatter Longwhell

    Birthday May 15th
    Age 22
    Gender Female
    Race Caucasian
    Blood type O negative

    Ellie (that which she is mostly known as) is creatively unique. She has a child's imagination, yet a grown up's brains. Characteristics an artist would have, but she is gentler than that.
    Sexuality Hetrosexual, so straight.
    Occupation she currently attends a college to become a vetrinarian but works part time as a waitress at a local restaurant as well as at the humane society.
    Personality animal lover of course, but she's also a bit daring and is always up for the challenge. She doesn't give up. And though she can be hard and rough sometimes, there's a soft and gentle side to her that will rarely be shown.

    Likes: Haunted houses, smoothies, chocolate, sour candy, and her pet cat named Snickers, which she named after her favorite candy.
    Spoiler: SNICKERS 

    Dislikes: being alone, therefore she has Snickers.
    Habits: she looses focus sometimes, getting distracted by some things.
    Diseases None
    Abilities/talentsShe is actually quite the sketch artist, and at first, wanted to persue being an artist, but her love for animals was to strong.
    Born in the same town she now attends college, she grew up as a sensitive child. On her third birthday, her mother passed away, and Ellie became more sensitive around the house... She attended junior and high school, and found the black, soaking wet kitten she now calls Snickers when she was a sophomore in high school. She later graduated with a 4.0 GPA, and was given the abundent list of colleges that she could get in. But she couldn't leave her father all alone... so she stayed in her hometown college, which she currently attends. Sadly her father passes away from a sickness which he has had since his childhood, and Ellie was then alone, for her mother's side of the family was a Never-talk-about-it subject, as well as her father's side. She later sold the house and moved into Mythos Complex. She now has Snickers and herself. Although she recently has taken in a shy 13 yr. old boy (played by Zatory Master) named Keito Jr. Defam, for a friend of hers.

    Last edited by Wanderess; 07-25-2012 at 11:16 PM.
    "Once you've met someone, you never truly forget them."

  5. #5
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    Apollo James "AJ" Simmons
    Birthday December 28th
    Age 26
    Gender Male
    Race Eurasian. Apollo received gifts from very mixed origins, but what shows through most is his Thai/Italian heritage.
    Blood type AB+
    Apollo is a man of rather simple tastes, if he may say so himself. His clothes were typically subtle, but stylish and often nicely tailored. He prefers to keep his hair cut short so that it's neat and out of the way, and his face is typically very clean shaven, as he isn't very fond of having facial hair due to the discomfort. One defining feature had always been his rectangular glasses. He would be blind without them, but he'd decided it would be better to be made fun of than be blind. Since puberty, he's stood at a 6'2" and weighing in a grand total of 145lbs - just above the "under weight" limit. Not that he didn't want to gain weigh, he simply couldn't. As a teenager, he'd often get called a vampire due to his pale skin and dark hair and eyes, but his thin limbs somewhat ruined any chance of him being seen as dangerous. Little did anyone know that he liked to keep a gun on his body when he could.
    Sexuality Straight, although he does get mistaken for being gay due to the close attention paid to his attire.
    Occupation Accountant
    To those he doesn't know, Apollo is often mistaken as a cold, indifferent man. In reality, he's simply just quiet. Though he has a cordial personality, he also has a quiet demeanor and prefers not to start conversations with people he doesn't already know. He can often be found staring at nothing, as he spends the majority of time inside his own mind, which he prefers over the real world. Underneath a cautious exterior, however, lies an old brother with a rather protective side and a wallflower just dying to break away from the mold and live.

    Likes: Classical music, stringed instruments, philosophy and logic, math and sciences, clever individuals, five course dinners, expensive suits.
    Dislikes: Has qualms against any animals capable of causing severe harm (see: spiders, snakes, etc.), stupidity/ignorance, small talk, fast food.
    Habits: Often gets lost in space, has a tendency to lose focus and wander off (or stay in a place for too long), nervous habit of moving hands and fingers, often paces when frustrated, has a hard time concentrating with too much noise.
    Diseases None currently known.
    Abilities/talents Numbers, recalling details (photographic memory), keeps a level head during stress, picking locks, marksmanship.
    Apollo James Simmons was born on a cold December night, the first child of Adam Smith and Elaine Simmons, as well as their last. Not that his parents didn't love him, mind you, but he wasn't a "planned pregnancy." As fate would have it, his parents were young at the time. Elaine had turned become an adult just before she became a mother and his father, unprepared for the responsibility of having a child simply walked out. Elaine Simmons wasn't prepared, either. She was still driving the car she'd received when she was 16 - an ancient Grand AM with one working door and a hole in the floor of the back seat. She worked as a measly waitress at a local breakfast joint, and her $2.50/hour+tips job was barely making enough to support herself, let alone a baby. So she did what she could to survive. She told herself that there was no shame in prostitution if you were desperate - and she was desperate. As Apollo morphed into a toddler, then later a child, and eventually a preteen, he became smart. He knew his mother couldn't support him, so he did her the favor of running away. When she was busy "working," he would often take something from whatever man she'd brought home for the night. Watches, vintage rings, designer drugs - they sold for hefty prices if you found people desperate enough. By the time Apollo was a teenager, he had enough money to travel to the city, where he allowed himself to become a ward of the state. He was never adopted. People wanted babies, they wanted children they could mold into good people. No one wanted a gangly 13 year old boy who was going through God knew what. "He'd just be trouble. He wouldn't be worth it," people said. That was okay with Apollo. He'd seen what it was like to be poor, to be desperate, to have to struggle to make ends meet; he vowed that he was never going to be that way. He'd always been a wallflower - always observing, never participating - a "freak." People didn't care for him, and that gave him all the time and space he needed to graduate valedictorian, and eventually, summa cum laude with top honors. Though he could have easily lived in a posh, upscale apartment in the heart of the city, he preferred to find a cheap, homely place that would serve as a reminder as to why he couldn't settle for less. Since he ran away, he'd excommunicated his mother. Either she didn't know that he'd found an apartment a block away from hers, or she didn't care. That was alright. From here, he could keep something of an eye on his mother if he wanted to, just to make sure she was still alright.
    Last edited by AsianFighter; 07-26-2012 at 02:32 PM.

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  6. #6
    Imperfectly Impossible
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    Daniel Alfred Fitzgerald

    Birthday September 23
    Gender Male
    Race Caucasian, possibly Grecian ancestry.
    Blood type O+
    Stands at 5"10 and about 150-ish lbs. It is an incredible rarity to see Dan without his ball cap whether inside a building or not he hardly ever takes it off. He has never been overly concerned with having a great bod but he has an extremely high metabolism. His wardrobe is comprised of light clothes he tries to stay away from heavy blacks and greys.
    Sexuality Heterosexual
    Writer for a comedic television show
    Dan is the fun loving type, who tries to see the humor in everything. His motto in his adult years has been pretty simplistic: to always remain positive and upbeat, this attitude sometimes comes off as idealistic and even naive. He is pretty compulsive and often makes decisions from emotional impulse instead of logically thinking through, most often his most driving impulse is having fun.

    Likes: Making people laugh, excitement, Magnum P.I, folk music, and spicy food
    : Airplanes those things are terrifying!! Heights, proud people, not being dealt with honestly, and drinking.
    Habits: He sometimes repeats what other people say mimic like, or tries to finish their sentences. Also taps his foot way to frequently.
    Diseases None
    Abilities/talents He is quick with his tongue, played baseball for his high school years
    Even as a toddler Daniel knew that life wasn't meant to be traveled along in a mundane fashion but rather was to be enjoyed. This philosophy resulted in the young Daniel jumping from the roof of his family's two level home. The rush of falling was enjoyable but the landing, oh that landing. The feeling of hitting the ground so hard. That experience didn't shake the ideal of living a life of fun but it certainly put a fear of heights in the young lad.

    His school years were spent being the class clown and average grades. He made friends easily enough and certainly enjoyed putting smiles on faces. His ability to make others laugh even got him out of a few perhaps rough patches during high school. Accidentally kissing another guy's girl incidentally makes people angry. He was only sixteen when the car accident happened. His father, holding to the same enjoying life to the fullest mentality thought it was wise to get piss drunk before driving home from work after a promotion. Truthfully Daniel does what he can to keep that dark time out of the limelight in his memories. He can remember the dark clothes, the coffin, the funeral, and the tears. He promised his mother he wouldn't follow in those footsteps. When graduation came around Daniel had already applied and been accepted into a college.

    He took arts courses with a theatrical focus, the humor of it all is that he didn't even finish. He started doing stand up at some local clubs and was approached by a network after one of his sets. Although he couldn't imagine doing anything else, writing comedy isn't a lucrative business. Despite the stories the Mythos Complex was affordable, and was close to the network office.

  7. #7
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    Ooh, I can see there might be tension between the two guys already. This is looking great so far. Just need to finish up my character. I think all the coding threw me off...

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  8. #8
    Ru's Avatar
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    @ Tune
    No problemo! Thank you for finding the new one for me <3 It's greatly appreciated! I didn't know it had changed! ha ha.

    I also love that you're using my sig again Are you going to be joining after you're done reading?

    And you didn't interrupt putting NPCs :P I'm in the process of copying and pasting them in between things, ha ha.

    Please use the coding I have provided. I know it's a rather snobbish policy, but I refuse to read character sheets unless the coding I offered is used. Thank you.

    Great so far! I definitely look forward to reading the rest of your sheet once you're done with it

    @The Imposter
    Accepted! Thank chu <3 c: I will add your character up as well as give him his Sanity Points.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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    Anselm "Ans" Vandershelt
    Birthday September, 18th
    Age 57
    Gender Male
    Race Caucasian of Germanic Descent
    Blood type AB-
    Anselm and a Tall well built man. Although mostly covered in his thick clothing there are occasions when the heat of the Complex is too much in the summers and he will shed the coats and sweaters for a simple white collared shirt. Its in this moment that Anselm's attractiveness shines through. His torso is well-defined and can be seen clearly for those who stand close to him. Anselm has an intimidating presence and shows it off whenever passing someone in the hallways of the Complex.
    Sexuality Homosexual
    Occupation Anselm is a Professor of Ancient Germanic Studies at the nearby University. He taken a Sabbatical to deal with personal problems as of late and has not been back to work in two weeks.
    Anselm practices stoicism regularly and often answers the question of those who bother him with simple nods of the head. He often wears a pained expression upon his face.

    Likes: Children, Teaching, A good sandwich, being generous and helpful.
    Dislikes: Mirrors
    Habits: Tends to twitch and sweat in the presence of a mirror
    Diseases Alport Syndrome
    Abilities/talents Anselm is versatile in a variety of Germanic languages and their History. For an older man Anselm is fairly strong and healthy. Anselm has a perfect Poker Face.
    Anselm Moved into the Mythos Complex with one of his students who was by all means also his lover. The boy was 21 years old and Had a particular interest in older men much to Anselm's surprise. Despite being over twice the young man's age Anselm became attached to him and vice versa. The time they spent together was filled with talk of philosophy and debates over historical events. The boy shared so many interests with Anselm that despite their original intention to sustain a relationship simply for their own sexual needs, they soon began to fall in love with each other. The Boy being of a young more liberal mind, wanted their relationship to be a more public one while Anselm wished to wait for some time before deciding. Unfortunately it was out of their hands.

    Another student of Anselm's class whom was graded poorly the previous semester had discovered that the two were lovers and ousted them to the University. Despite Not actually participating with Anselm's class in particular the Boy was immediately expelled and Anselm put under scrutiny. The Scandal was huge and lasted for several weeks before it was determined that despite their relationship being of taboo no rules were actually broken and Anselm was allowed to return to his job. It was far too late though. The boy's family were very conservative and deeply religious and the Boy was disowned by them. Emotionally distraught the Boy went to the only person who had ever loved him. Anselm. In the middle of all that trouble Anselm had told the boy to leave and stay away for awhile til things cooled down.

    He never left the Mythos Complex that day.
    Last edited by Sickly; 07-25-2012 at 05:10 AM.

  10. #10
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    Accepted, St. Maria!

    I'll add your guy up, but I'm about to leave the house, so I'll decide his Sanity Points and add them up later

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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