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Thread: Champions of Idun (OOC/Signup)

  1. #1
    Antivan Crow
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    Default Champions of Idun (OOC/Signup)


    Click HERE to be taken to the IC thread

    Many years ago, the world was torn apart by mankind. War, famine, pollution, crime, and more... no country was spared the consequences of humanity's hubris. Billions perished as people fought over scraps of food, over trickles of water, over who would deliver them from their suffering... until there were less than ten million humans left alive. Realizing that the future held only extinction if this continued, the remaining world leaders pooled what resources they had and saw to the construction of the city that would come to be known as Idun.

    A massive clockwork city powered by both geothermal and nuclear energy, Idun was a marvel of engineering. To maximize living and working space, its walls and buildings towered high into the sky as well as delving deep into the earth. This also allowed the city to tap into many deep aquifers to slake the thirsts of its many inhabitants and irrigate the immense greenhouses used to grow the city's food. The world had been saved, in a sense. Not the whole of it... but enough of it.

    Still, there is unrest. Some question how such a city can operate so smoothly. Others are unhappy that their taxes are so high. Nevermind the fact their basic needs, such as water and electricity, are all met. And a few have been outspoken and even violent in their distrust of the city's leadership. Any such outbursts are generally dealt with harshly, so as to dissuade further violence... but that never lasts as long as the authorities would like.

    Those who commit serious crimes are exiled to the polluted and inhospitable wastes outside the city walls, as Idun's finite resources cannot support a large system to incarcerate these criminals for extended periods of time. Minor crimes are dealt with via resource penalties. For example, someone caught stealing from a shop might have their power cut off during set times of the day or their ration chips restricted for several weeks. It is not a perfect system, but it works.

    Rumors have been circulating about the automated systems keeping Idun running, though. A few nutcases here and there are always saying things like "There are demons running this city" or "Your sandwich there is actually made from dead 'exiles', not animal meat" or even things like "I swear I saw some guy literally run up the side of the central spire last week." ... and every now and then, a tabloid picks up on one of these stories to gain publicity and hands the crazies a few ration chips for the stories.

    One thing concerns some of Idun's older citizens, though. The crazy stories? Maybe they're not so crazy. After all, they are always the same general tales. Even the ones about people doing impossible things often followed a theme. If they were so crazy, wouldn't they be different or more outlandish? In the five centuries since Idun was founded, only a select few had ever been assigned to maintenance duty in the greenhouses and utility sections. Why? Was the city just that autonomous? Or was there something to hide...

    You are one of the around eight million denizens of Idun. You go about your life in whatever manner you are accustomed to. Are you a baker, making sweets not covered by ration chips for folks to buy on special occasions? Maybe a factory worker, processing rations to feed the masses? Perhaps an athlete on one of the city's menagerie of sports teams? A musician? A journalist? A mechanic? Regardless of your profession, your world suddenly changes and you are unsure what to do.

    Last night, you awoke in a sweat. ... no... awoke is not the right word... it was like a waking dream. You were not quite asleep, but neither were you awake. A womanly figure shrouded in a silvery light appeared before you in your room and spoke of the atrocities committed in the belly of Idun. The automated zones are not so automated as the people are led to believe. She says that "exiles" are corralled and controlled as if they were less than dirt. Enslaved. Abused. Raped. Beaten. Murdered. Why? All to keep those above living in luxury.

    Many have tried, she says, to change the city and free Idun's mercilessly oppressed underclass. You hear of them sometimes from the "crazies", who speak of people doing unlikely or even impossible things. It seems the stories are not so crazy as they seem. Are the other stories true as well? She cannot tell you, for time grows short and some things must be learned first hand. Touching your forehead, she says "A parting gift for Idun's newest champions"... champions? But you are only one person. Wait! Don't go! There are so many questi-... your alarm buzzes annoyingly in the background as you spring to alertness once more.

    Perhaps you brush it off as a weird dream. Perhaps you think about it all day. Either way, you soon find you have an unusual ability that you did not have before the dream. This is not good. Soon you might be the one the crazies are talking about... and then the police will probably come for you. Will you hide this gift and try to live your life as usual? Will you become a criminal by using your power to exploit those beneath you? Will you usher in change for the better and try to save those trapped in the automated zones?

    This is your story... now turn the page and see what happens next.


    1.Obvious but obligatory. Follow all RPA Rules.

    2. This RP will be fairly sandbox-y. If you are expecting a linear experience, this is not the RP for you. There is a plot, but it will be up to the players to discover it.

    3. I am always willing to consider the stances of my players. If you have an idea, let me know. If you have an issue, let me know. My office is always open. But if I say something is final, it is final. I advise you not argue it at that point.

    4. Your power is assigned, not chosen. If you want to write a story for your character based on your power, you will obviously need to roll your power first.

    5. Your character can be from pretty much any walk of life. However, they may not be in politics, city planning, or an exile. Chances are fair that there are other roles I do not want players to be, but I cannot think of them at the moment. I will let you know if you pick a career that is off-limits.

    6. This RP is not for short posts. The general accepted MINIMUM is two paragraphs per post.

    7. If you have an argument or beef with another player, do NOT air it out in the OOC. Bring it to me and I will try to mediate. If it is particularly bad, take it to RPA Staff.

    8. Write "An apple a day" at the end of your CS so I know you read these rules.

    9. Do not post OOC material in the IC thread and do not post IC material in the OOC thread.

    10. Characters are allowed to become romantic or intimate, but do not go into explicit detail. Sex scenes must "fade to black". NO character under the age of 18 may be part of such a relationship.

    11. Writing should be done in third-person, not first-person. That is using he or she instead of I when referring to your character. You may also refer to them by name, as that is also third-person.


    Image at top of CS, please and thank you.

    Age: (16-50)
    Gender: (Male or Female)

    Career: ( Give a short [2 sentence or so] description of what your character does for a living)

    History: ( Detailed, 3 paragraph minimum. What was your life like before being blessed with the gift you were given? What were you doing when you discovered what your ability was? Do you have a family? Stuff like that. )

    Power: ( Be sure to roll for your power, everyone. )

    Possessions: ( What does your character have? Keep it reasonable, please. )

    Hacksilver: ( 1 Hacksilver Bit is about the same as $1USD. Hacksilver Coin is about the same as $10USD for larger amounts, Hacksilver Scrip is used, which is paper money. Each slip of Scrip is about the same as $50USD )

    Ration Chips: Everyone starts with at least three but can have no more than seven.


    Sivil Ann Gardner, played by Kortaga
    Dillon Doyle, played by Kiro Akira
    Ardan Malétma, played by IsaacGaming
    Allison Zeigler, played by Dunwich
    Johnny Jones, played by Cfavano
    Carrie Moore, played by Dawscombine
    Dunkirk Silvas, played by Iwazuma

    Notable Citizens of Idun

    Spoiler: Arthur Elfriede IV, Jericho PD 

    Spoiler: Jeanette Bradburton, the face of Idun's News 

    Spoiler: Lautrec Kingston, Lead Vocalist from the Sable Spirits 

    Last edited by Salroka; 10-23-2018 at 03:59 AM. Reason: Updated Roster
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  2. #2
    Archmage of RPA
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    Spoiler: Dillon Doyle 
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 10-12-2018 at 07:46 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  3. #3
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    I am interested!

  4. #4
    Member Dunwich's Avatar
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    This sounds fun. Looking forward to it.

  5. #5
    RPA Honor Guard
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    wouldn't this fit better in sci fi or fantasy?

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  6. #6
    Antivan Crow
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    I don't think it really fits in either one too well, as it is kinda both. So I plopped it in General. If staff wants to move it, they can.

    Updated Opening Post with CS Template and additional rules.

    And everyone please be sure to roll for your power. A dice roll app can do the job. Just roll a D20. That, or you can pick a number from 1 to 20. I would prefer you roll, though.
    Last edited by Salroka; 10-04-2018 at 09:31 AM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  7. #7
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, Beta!! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

  8. #8
    Antivan Crow
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    @Kortaga - Looks fine, but please add an image at the top so people can get an idea what Sivil looks like. After that, I will PM you with your power. Also, she would have a couple hacksilver coins and a few bits. Even poor folks like me usually have a few dollars here or there.

    also, I added a small detail to the CS Template.
    Last edited by Salroka; 10-04-2018 at 08:50 PM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  9. #9

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    If you want a real person or a different picture let me know. Also re-added character sheet with updated money stuffs. Looking forward to hearing my power and getting started!

    Spoiler: Character Image 

    Spoiler: Sivil Ann Gardner 
    Last edited by Kortaga; 10-15-2018 at 03:04 PM.

  10. #10
    RPA Honor Guard
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    Spoiler: Things I like 

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