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Thread: [PG-13] Trennan Academy for the Enhanced (OOC)

  1. #1
    The Invisible One
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    Default [PG-13] Trennan Academy for the Enhanced (OOC)

    April 28th, 2021

    Also known as the day the world changed. For years an underground organization was keeping secret the fact that hundreds - if not thousands - of people in the world had super abilities. However, on this day, Frozen Ace, a superhero, along with a handful of others, took down the organization and showed the world what was once unknown. Suddenly there were many people finding out about their powers, and there was a need for order. So the team of superheroes took initiative to take stop the people who wanted to use their newfound powers for harm, and helped the people who just wanted to have control of their abilities.

    Nine years later Frozen Ace decided to found an Academy for Enhanced Humans(That is what the public began calling them) where people from all around the world could come to learn to control their powers. He also worked with world governments to get the Enhanced places to work to put their abilities to good use.

    Things were going well with the Academy until Dark Abyss - Frozen Ace's nemesis - attacked the Academy, killing many of the heroes. In a heroic act, Frozen Ace sacrificed himself to defeat Dark Abyss. The battle was over, but at a great cost. The remaining heroes would have to fill positions in the Academy, but in the end everything would work out.


    Ten years after Dark Abyss attacked the Academy, a new school year is beginning, and it's bringing the biggest group of new students since it's founding...


    Hello, and welcome to Trennan Academy for the Enhanced! The best RP you'll ever play with the word "Trennan" in it. In this RP you will play as a superhuman student at a superhuman academy. The bulk of the story will come from the player characters, but there will be a story that links everything together.
    This RP is the spiritual successor of The Academy of Superheroes, my old RP that ran on for a few years. Several things will be different here, but there will be things I bring back. For example, the history for this RP is very similar to the old one, but there have been a few changes. However, the "gameplay" of this RP will be extremely similar to the the original RP, where you will have a lot of freedom to make your own road. But like I said before, there will be a "main story" of sorts that everyone would be pulled into. But ultimately it's up to you how your character interacts with the situations they are thrown into.

    Spoiler: RULES 


    Spoiler: CHARACTERS 
    Last edited by InfraredHero; 04-05-2018 at 02:56 AM.

  2. #2
    StarCatcher's Avatar
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    I'm definitely going to join this. I've been thinking up maybe starting a Superhero rp or hoping for one to show up. I'll get a cs up soon! (Already have a character in mind)

    Set by: Unknown

  3. #3
    StarCatcher's Avatar
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    Octavia Vorhul



    Nationality:Part Russian, Part Irish.

    Spoiler: Octavia Vorhul 

    Spoiler: Cosmic Manipulation 

    Octavia was born in Omsk, Russia where she lived till she was 2 before moving to Dublin Ireland where she grew up. She lived with her mother and father who were both Enhanced but kept it a secret because where they lived people mocked them for being different. Growing up in small Dublin, Ireland was a rough thing as she did not have many friends and most of them lived miles away from her so she spent most afternoons in her backyard playing with her powers. Lifting things and throwing them around or summoning small versions of planets in the palm of her hand. She had kept this secret from her parents for quiet some while before they figure out she could control the cosmics. This frightened them because Octavia was prone to tantrums and lashing out as kids tended to be but when she did not get her way... well lets just say it's a good thing her father is great at fixing things.
    Octavia's powers grew out of hand she could not control them at all as it seemed that her emotions played a big role in it. With this was the fear of her powers becoming apparent that she would not be a thing accepted in society. She was dangerous, unpredictable, she had to be locked away. Her and her parents moved back to Russia where it was more secluded from the rest of the world. It was there that her parents had locked her up and kept her inside. This infuriated her, it was as if she was a test subject. They would watch her and examine the things she could do. Her parents knew that if her powers were to become stronger there could be real damage done if she did not learn how to control it. But keeping her in a cage was not something wise. You see at that time not many people in Russia were known to be enhanced so she was something special and were also a prized possession. Her parents grew darker as years past, poking and prodding her. Doing experiments on her since they themselves had never seen an enhanced like this. They were also enhanced but did no have powers like hers so they were curious. After years of being trapped she had finally had enough. Something in her snapped and the next thing she knew she was waking in the rubble of what was once her house and backyard at the peak of midnight. The rocks were coated in some sort of liquid substance and dim lights surrounded it. It was then she found a small camera. Looking through its contents she found the most recent video on there. It was her entering the three stages of her power, the last thing that was seen on that recording was her but she looked like a galaxy... her parents escaped the building before her outburst.
    After this ordeal she watched more of the recordings and had found that her parents had mentioned a school, a place where there were people just like her. Before she knew it she had enrolled in Trennan Academy.

    Octavia is a quiet girl and prefer to stay to herself. With that most of the time it's her trying to keep her emotions under control. She prefers a night in instead going out. But she's not easy to make friends with, it'll take her awhile before she warms up to you. But one thing is for sure you do not want to get on her bad side. Although she keeps to herself she will not hesitate to do what must be done.

    Other:(Will add later. I will also probably tweak it late too since I'm tired and just wanted to get this done. I also am trying to limit her power alot since she doesn't have good control over it and cuz it can be a pretty op power if used properly. But since she doesn't know how to use it too well she hasn't unlocked full potential so there is a lot to learn.)
    Last edited by StarCatcher; 03-02-2018 at 09:09 PM.

    Set by: Unknown

  4. #4
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started, InfraredHero! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

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    Member ZeeBat's Avatar
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    I'm interested in this rp. ^^ If you would have me I'll get working on making a character sheet to apply with.
    The Guide to the Underzee. | Praise be to Scree. | Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.

  6. #6
    The Invisible One
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarCatcher
    Limitation: Her energy is very limited and she cannot control this power for a very long time. Although she is strong she cannot use the power after summoning things like meteors or asteroids (Small enough to not impact the Planet severely and only in a limited area) Many things are mention in here but she can only do a handful of them like telekinesis, inter-dimensional portals (where she can only use it for a small distance so she usually only uses this for combat), Astronomical object manipulation (like the meteors and asteroids summoning which takes immense to do which renders her useless after she casts it) Since she is not fully trained in this she cannot use it to its full potential.
    StarCatcher, are you saying the boldend section is the list of abilities she can actually do?

    ZeeBat, I'm excited to see your Character

  7. #7
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    Yes sorry if It's confusing, I was doing this when I was tired. But yah I limited her powers a lot since cosmic Manipulation can get way too op. So for now that is the only things she can do.
    edit: Also I just wanted to list the explanation of the power to explain her potential but also to show how very little she can do since she's still learning. I'll list the specifics just give me a little.
    Last edited by StarCatcher; 02-28-2018 at 04:48 AM.

    Set by: Unknown

  8. #8
    Domina Noctis
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    Would the school take a student that is given the option of attending school and getting on the striaght and narrow or go to jail? Basically I am thinking of a character who has got into a good deal of trouble and is inches away from being incarcerated for the rest of her life but is given the chance to turn it around. I'm in the mood to play a bad girl.

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  9. #9
    The Invisible One
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    Alright Star, Octavia is accepted.

    AngelDellaNotte, I think that sounds pretty cool. I'd be down for a character like that.

  10. #10
    StarCatcher's Avatar
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    Cool! Can't wait for it to start :3

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