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Thread: Ground War - recruitment and OOC

  1. #1
    The Replicant
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    Default Ground War - recruitment and OOC

    Recruitment and OOC thread for the War in the Dirt campaign. Submit your regiments and characters for review here!

    Major NPCs are detailed in the next post, and will be added to as the campaign progresses.

    ICs are live! Click here for the Imperials and here for the Patriots.

    Spoiler: Accepted Regiments and Characters 

    Last edited by Azazeal849; 05-25-2023 at 07:03 AM.
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    Spoiler: The Imperial Crusade 

    Spoiler: The Adrantean Patriots 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 09-24-2020 at 01:46 PM.
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    Derpnaster's Avatar
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    Regiment Name: Haven 14th Expeditionary Task Force
    Regiment Type: Self Sufficient Mechanized Infantry.
    Allegiance: Imperial

    Trademarks: Silver left paundron adorns every infantry squad, Their language is a mixture of multiple world dialects of Gothic, making them notoriously hard to understand when they don't want to be, known for scrapping and scavenging almost anything still usable. They are not liked by pretty much anyone who isn't a guardsman or works with guardsmen.

    Colonel: Iliana Rafella Ketch, a relative unknown to the wider imperium, and she prefers it that way, what is known that she is a woman with red hair, violet eyes trademark of Cadians, and is of impressive height. The men under her command claim she is a peerless warior, and have gone so far as to make the audacious claim that she has faced down threats such as a heretic Astartes and emerged the victor. After a decades long disagreement with the inquisition, and subsequent crusade of redemption, Ketch and her Desert raised regiments returned to active service, primarily as small kill teams intended to fight underground wars or prepare a world for a larger imperial force.

    Captain: Captain Gustav Minch, a stout man despite his age, Gustav and Iliana go back to the years following the formation of Haven, and some rumor the two were involved in establishing an imperial fortress on the planet which they crash landed on. Gustav has sand colored hair and clear blue eyes, and a firm jaw that's taken it's fair share of blows. Gustav leads the first company, often from the cupola of a Glyphborne pattern Chimera.

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  4. #4
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    Regiment Name: Destruction Maniple Alpha-Rho-Phi
    Regiment Type: Legio Cybernetica combat unit
    Allegiance: Patriots

    Trademarks: Typical Legio heraldry along with the personal heraldry of the Dominus, that being a metal fist closing around a star. The Skitarii attached speak varying degrees of Gothic and have most of their external augments covered in vat-grown flesh to give the maniple a human face to stand with the robots. There are those who might describe the conduct of the Skitarii as "thuggish" at times.

    Colonel: Magos Dominus Johann Krypter has led his maniple for centuries and is known as an efficient man of stern character. His hunched machine body is easily recognized thanks to the voluminous robes he wears that make his slender cyborg form look much larger. His stern mood can be known to turn harsh and he tends to be stand-offish with outsiders and fellow Mechanicus alike.

    Captain: Tribunus Donovan Anarkos has served the Dominus faithfully for his entire adult life. He is tall and imposing with a shaven head and piercing eyes of cold ice. He is an able commander who is used to maneuvering his troops around the battle robots while they are being commanded far from the front lines. He never questions the orders he is given either because he is that loyal to his Magos or simply because he is not able to.

    The Maniple's heart are the five battle robots the Magos Dominus commands through a mixture of pre-set orders and constant updates to information either through the attending datasmiths or the closed command network he has. Krypter commands four Castellex pattern of Castellan Class Robot, each outfitted for shock assault by default but can be equipped for city-fighting and siege assault as needed. The fifth is a Thanatar class robot deployed in heavy fighting situations.

    Attending the robots in battle is a regiment of hardened Skitarii the majority of which are outfitted as what are colloquially called Rangers usually sporting either galvanic rifles or arc weapons depending on the situation. Within the regiment are two small squads of elite Sicarian infiltrators whose main purpose is advance scout support to provide accurate reporting to assist in adjusting the movement and attack patterns of the lumbering robots.
    Last edited by Atrum Daemon; 01-03-2019 at 10:48 AM.

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    Regiment Name: Martyrs of Menoth
    Regiment Type: Mixed Infantry
    Allegiance: Patriot

    The menofix is the Menites' official insignia. They generally follow a color scheme consisting primarily of white (though aged a crude shade of yellow), with sanguine as a secondary color, and gold as a highlight. The regiment has no official motto, but ever since the beginnings of the uprising, some notable members have taken a liking to the phrase "the retribution of Adrantis." It has since been adapted by the men as a sort of de-facto motto/war cry.

    Spoiler: Amon Severius 

    Spoiler: Mikael Kreoss 

    Currently on hiatus (possibly for good)

  6. #6
    The Replicant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derpnaster View Post
    Regiment Type: Self Sufficient Mechanized Infantry.
    Heh. “Self-sufficient” means something different when you’re the locals whose stuff they’re commandeering. Accepted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrum Daemon View Post
    Regiment Name: Destruction Maniple Alpha-Rho-Phi
    Accepted! I think I already know what their first posting will be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ma1chbox View Post
    Regiment Name: Martyrs of Menoth
    Accepted @Ma1chbox! Although I have a couple of questions - what does the “cult of the Menites” actually entail (in this 40K setting)? The Imperial church (and by extension, the Adranteans) give fairly broad leeway to local religions, provided that they recognise the Emperor on Terra in one form or another as the one and only god.

    Also how did the original regiment end up martyred?
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    Best part is I've dredged up everything from battles that have actually happened on the tabletop, It was a battle against Death Guard in which one of my Company Commanders managed to get a lucky final shot on a Plague Marine, while my Infantry stood down some Terminators, it was a good fight. So yes, my commander has actually kill Chaos Space marines.

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    I didn't actually intend for the Menites to be a cult, just a fairly loyal regiment named after its founder. Taking what you said into account, though, I suppose making Menoth a minor saint that the Harbinger remnants follow would be a fitting change. The Menites could then be some sort of local fire cult. Perhaps the Harbingers originally interpreted Menoth's fire as more of a guiding light, but the Martyrs took to interpreting it as the fires of judgement.

    As for the reason the Harbingers were almost wiped out, I just wrote the first thing that came to mind, which was them fighting a protracted siege against a loyalist fortification during the first parts of the uprising. That actually brings to mind a question, how long as it been since the rebellion started? I'm under the assumption that it's been more or less a decade or so.

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    By the time we launch, the rebellion (or liberation - where is your sense of Patriotism, citizen of Adrantis?) has been underway for a matter of months - essentially long enough for both sides to reorganize and make ready for war.

    Now, if you're in the market for a homeworld and a tough siege which bloodied the regiment badly...perhaps your regiment was founded on Tephanie (seat of Patriot government) from the remnants of a Planetary Defense Force (think military reservists) unit and civilian volunteer militias who attacked one of the main symbols of Imperial authority, the precinct-fortress Arbites (think Judge Dredd and you're there) in the earliest moments of the liberation?

    You'd get yourself many, many martyrs - and who better than the Imperial super-cops who are all about judgment themselves for the regiment to have blooded themselves in combat against?

  10. #10
    The Replicant
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    PaintSerf is correct; it has only been a matter of months...which is damn fast by Imperial standards, but they pulled and redirected a tonne of local sector forces to respond to such an extreme rebellion as fast as possible.

    Both sides are suffering from the speed of the counterattack - the Imperials are a jumble of different units who have not had any chance to train together yet, and half their reinforcements are still en route, whereas the Patriots are still attempting to consolidate their position and put together an effective industrial base.
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