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Thread: +++Personnel Archives+++

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    June MotM 2014
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    [*Ordos Xenos; Imperial Inquisition:*]
    [*Personnel Request:*]
    [*Storm Trooper:*]
    [*Remus, Julianus*]

    The Remus family is best described as an old tree, containing hundreds of branches and thousands of leaves. Withering and yet sprouting new life over the course of millennia. Each child of a successive generation has the ability to sprout another branch, but like most gardens it must be pruned. If one of its daughters marries out, their first born must be of the Remus name. Those exhibiting mutant traits are expunged or bastardized. Luckily for my eldest sister, the Remus family accepts those with psychic traits, however, any children she may foster will also be bastardized. Remus will only accept pure stock.

    And I've always hated it...

    Name: Julianus Remus
    Age: 48 Terran Years
    Position: Inquisitorial Storm Trooper

    Active* Siblings:
    - Inquisitor Chrysanta Remus, deployed on Inquisitorial runs across outlying Imperial Sectors.
    - Sororitas Hospitalar Roxanna Remus, deployed on Gravio II. Tending to victims of recent viral outbreak, under the banner of the Sisters of the Sacred Watch.
    - Commissar Aeton Remus, allocated to 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.
    - Colonel Balios Remus, commanding officer of 627th Corilithian Armoured Regiment.

    * Note these reports detail latest generation of family Remus, for retired personnel or extended family of similar generation please search out a Scribe of the Ordos:
    - (Deceased) Kephas Remus, former commander of 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.
    - (Infant) Solon Remus, currently undergoing Schola Progenium conditioning.

    - Gruff
    - Stern
    - Loyal
    - Questioning

    - Hotshot lasrifle
    - Hotshot pistol
    - Combat knife
    - 2 Fragment grenades
    - 2 Bright grenades
    - 1 Melta bomb

    - Carapace armour: Typical armour kit, forged from plates of armaplas fashioned into a complete suit. Forge world stamp of the Seventh planted on the middle of back neck ring, Inquisitorial -I- displayed on right shoulder guard and upper left chest;

    - Matching helmet: Armaplas ballistic helmet, with attached targeter and secondary helmet lamp powered by an independent battery or miniature motor. An Imperial eagle is stamped upon the front, along with a manufactorum stamp of the Seventh imprinted underneath at the top of the dome.

    - Rebreather mask: Polymer visor is capable of several visual modes including, night vision and thermal. Visor is capable of tinting in the event of blinding lights , it is powered by an independent battery or motor mounted at the back of the helmet;

    - Auspex: Electronically accessed in Remus' visor optics, this simple device displays a forward 90 degree cone which detects movement up to varying increments. These being 10, 20 or as far as 40 metres;

    - Microbead: A small ear mounted communication device for short range communication between Inquisitorial team members or if required external sources - those being elements of local PDF, stationed Guard Regiments or militia forces. Upon the ear pieces mounting plate is the Manufactorum stamp of the Seventh.

    - Tan fatigues: Typical operating uniform for the Inquisitorial militant, though camouflage patterns and standard kit are changed during assignment and operating theaters. Remus routinely swaps between standard uniform worn on base to that of white fatigues during assignment on planet Venatora

    Julianus of the family Remus. A family of some renown its sons and daughters having a long standing tradition of attending the Schola Progenium becoming members of the Inquisition, the Commissariat, Adepta Sororitas or the Imperial Guard. For Julianus however he was destined to a life of duty to protect and provide security in the halls of the fortresses of the Inquisition. He has been allocated to several Inquisitors for numerous assignments, tasks which have led him to believe the result of all things falls to the cursed gods and leaving him suspect of rooting out cult activity wherever it be found.

    He was born the sixth child of his generation, his older siblings often left him envious by their own successes or current positions of notably higher standard. His sisters, a Soroitas Hospitalar and a Ordo Xeno Inquisitor, the latter personally requesting his services to merely rub it in. Something that left him wondering if she ever truly grew up or how she even became an Inquisitor in the first place. His brothers two officers of the Guard and a Commissar; the oldest son a man who Julianus no longer considered his brother, having led to the death of another one of his older male siblings.

    His home world, routinely called the First that being it is the capital of the Sector and coincidentally the first to be colonized by man. A high tech system at the back end of the universe, now at war with the Tau Empire as those young xenos continually attempt to expand their sphere. Julianus would have rather signed himself up to the Guard, fighting and dieing for his home, not here, not for family tradition on some far flung backwater he hadn't even heard of.

    Report Ends
    Last edited by Jarms48; 11-10-2013 at 02:46 AM.

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    June MotM 2014
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    [*Departmento Munitorum:*]
    [*Personnel Request:*]
    [*Corporal, Klemens, Fenerentinus*]

    Hah, no shit man, nice shot! Hey Miller, this little bastard might throw me off my mantel.

    Name: Ferentinus Klemens
    Rank: Corporal
    Age: 32

    - Lasgun: Pattern Corilithian XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
    - Laspistol: Pattern Corilithia XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
    - Combat Knife
    - 2 Fragment Grenades

    - Carapace Armour
    - XI Re-breather Mask
    - 94th Delphic Triarii Combat Fatigues
    - 1329th Corilithian Combat Fatigues

    - Back Mounted Vox-Caster
    - Microbead
    - Ration Packs
    - Rifle Lamp
    - Helmet Lamp
    - Sundries; water canteen, ration packs, etc

    Ferentinius of the family Klemens, a working family on the forge world of Corilithia VII, often simply referred to as the Seventh. The boy had a hard life, forced into work at the manufactorum lines at an early age where he worked alongside the other children of his generation. His father, a man originally from the Ninth came in seek of a better life, one that was not given to him.

    Disobedience is routinely punished upon the forge word, numerous counts leading to servitude imperpituis. Ferentinius' father suffered such a fate, the boy forced to watch as his father was tortured, his mind was wiped, his limbs removed and replaced with machinery. The young Klemens was branded soon thereafter, a reminder that the Mechanicus do not tolerate dissidents or damaged product.

    His family fled, Ferentinius' mother blew their savings on a cargo freighter. Where they continued to live a more robust life on the Second, Klemens could never truly forget what he had seen nor would the mark upon his back allow him. When the boy closed his eyes he could feel the burning heat, the pain, his fathers screams. As time continued to pass those memories fell into the back of his mind, he had the branding removed and the boy joined the Guard as soon as he came of age.

    He was attached to the Corilithian 1329th during the Ork invasion of Delphic, during this Klemens performed with distinction where he was soon bestowed with the rank of Corporal. Though just like many of the millions of Imperial Guard Regiments, the 1329th was largely forgotten and did not receive further combat assignments or off-world transport. The 1329th headquarters then began assisting in reconstruction efforts where they were eventually reorganized into the 94th Delphic.

    [*Report Ends*]

    * * * * *

    [*After Report*]

    The 94th Delphic suffered a transport incident aboard the Governor Seydlitz during transit to Schattenwelt. Records and articles attained from surviving members of the Guard and Navy have suggested Ferentinius began to suffer from paranormal and paranoid disillusion during this event. Reports from medicae personal have stated that his mind is free of any noticeable taint and he has undergone numerous psych evaluations. Corporal Ferentinus Klemens remained with the regiment's grenadier contingent and is noted to have been awarded the Iron Aquila for actions in the subsequent Arcus crusade, also retaining a brevet squad command after sergeant Miller was killed in action.

    [*Report Ends*]
    Last edited by Jarms48; 12-28-2018 at 07:37 AM.

  4. #4
    June MotM 2014
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    [*Departmento Munitorum:*]
    [*Personnel Request:*]
    [*Lieutenant, Jalousies, Alexander*]

    Spoiler: Alexander Jalousies 

    Do you know who my father is? This world be damned if he knew of my whereabouts.

    Name: Alexander Jalousies
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Age: 25

    - Lasgun: Pattern Corilithian XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
    - Combat Knife
    - Fragment Grenades
    - Bright Grenades

    - Carapace Armour
    - XI Re-breather Mask
    - 685th Corilithian combat fatigues

    Alexander of the family Jalousies. A family largely known across the Corilithian primus mundos, his father more so than others. As the first son of a member of the Corilithian banking clan, Alexander was brought up with luxury, his every whim catered for and the best education his father could buy. His standing education would have allowed him to run for local governance or inherit his fathers position but the privileged boy wanted to see the stars, fight back against the Tau of the Kor'shia Sept.

    He joined the Guard, his noble standing fast tracking him to the rank of Lieutenant and to his fellow officers astonishment he had a natural ability to command. His regiment, the 685th Infantry was called for deployment though not against the war with the Tau of Kor'shia but as a response to a message of distress of an embattled world. The 685ths support efforts were largely unsuccessful, the remnants of the regiment either withdrawing or disbanding into the local populace.

    Alexander was unlucky enough to be apart of the latter, he had to endure rigorous 'cultural' assessments to evaluate his standing and acceptance in the so called Greater Good. An idea he highly despised but was capable enough to pass their tests, where for the next several months he worked doing odd jobs, jobs he could never see himself doing. He could have went insane had he not stumbled upon a girl and also coincidentally a member of the resistance.

    When the Tau opened arms for the human populace to enter the local militia Alexander took the chance to infiltrate the organization. His task was of large importance for the ultimate goal of the resistance members, to bring the Eagle back to Valkora.

    [*Report Ends*]

    * * * * *

    [*After Report:*]

    The fate of Alexander Jalousies is unknown, articles of correspondence received from successful evacuees of the 685th have hinted at his survival. Though these reports are sketchy and do not detail what happened to the first son during the time of occupation. His father demands the successful return of his only born, even going to the extents of contacting the ATAC, an undoctrine and often questionable PMC.

    Corilithian committee has debated the return to Valkora, but with the ongoing war with the Kor'shia Sept such an action is impossible.

    [*Report ends*]
    Last edited by Jarms48; 02-11-2015 at 12:50 AM.

  5. #5
    The Replicant
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    You should add the events of Eclipsis to Klemens' bio.
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #6
    June MotM 2014
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    Don't worry I plan to, well there you go Mr Azazeal. Klemens backstory has been flushed out a little more. Though I cannot write much more on an after report seeing as you did so for me.

    And to be honest I was a little dishearted that Fitz was killed after the events of Eclipsis.
    Last edited by Jarms48; 02-20-2013 at 01:27 AM.

  7. #7
    June MotM 2014
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    Last edited by Jarms48; 08-13-2017 at 01:23 AM.

  8. #8
    The Replicant
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarms48 View Post
    And to be honest I was a little disheartened that Fitz was killed after the events of Eclipsis.
    So was I, since I rather liked her character. But I forced myself to write it, because unfortunately war is indiscriminate like that. Especially in the complete ****-hole that is the 41st millennium.
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  9. #9
    June MotM 2014
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    +++Opening Extract+++

    ... Loading Departmento Munitorum Request.
    ... Loading
    ... Loading

    Spoiler: Cadian 1010th Field Army; Commanding Officer 

    Spoiler: Cadian 1010th Field Army; Participating Regiments 

    +++Extract Ends+++
    Last edited by Jarms48; 07-23-2021 at 12:11 AM.

  10. #10
    The Replicant
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    Which RP was he in (out of interest)?
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    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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