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Thread: [IC] The League of Extraordinarily Useless Heroes

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    Default [IC] The League of Extraordinarily Useless Heroes

    Four individuals sat around a table in a vaguely decorated small conference room, with white walls, white carpeting, and even white ceiling. The four people were unassuming and average looking people, but in reality they were far from it. Little did these four know, they would save the world from the greatest threat it would ever face. Or... they would simply die trying.

    As the four individuals contemplated their surroundings, a tall man entered the room and took his place at a tv screen on the wall. The man was of african descent, and looked to be in his 50s, with his graying black hair. He wore a dark trench coat and an eyepatch on each eye. Over the eyepatches were a sweet pair of shades, and he wore cool leather boots. "I'm sure you guys are wondering why I gathered you here today," The man said, facing the wall before an assistant entered the room and turned him around to face the four people around the table.

    "Well, as you might have heard by now," the man continued, "A brand new supervillain recently captured all the superheroes in the world and trapped them in a stasis cube. I know you guys aren't exactly super, but you're all we've got left, so we need you to save the world. Unfortunately we know nothing about this villain other than they go by the name of Doctor Evil."

    The old man took out a remote from one of his pockets and pressed a button, turning on the tv behind him. On the big screen a picture was revealed of the four people at the table, The North Face, The Archosaur, The Sleeper, and Captain Awesome, badly photoshopped in a team pose in front of the statue of liberty, with the words "Doctor Evil" menacingly written in comic sans on the left of the image. At the top of the image, in big bold letters, were the words "The League of Extraordinarily Useless Heroes".

    The man smiled proudly at the image he could not see, hoping his four new heroes enjoyed the masterpiece he personally made with the help of his assistant. "Now," the man spoke up again, with extreme authority, "I have a battle plan set up for you to take down Doctor Evil, and it's very important you follow it to the letter." He cleared his throat and made a serious look on his face. "First, you are going to need to-" but he was cut off by the wall behind him blowing up, followed by a half-dozen evil looking robots flying in the room, clearly looking for a fight.

    The old man performed a three-sixty degree spin as he whipped out two pistols from his coat and began shooting in the general direction of the robots. After a full minute of shooting, the robots all collapsed to the ground in defeat, but so did the man. He called the four heroes to his side, and after a moment of coughing, he spoke to them dearly, "You... must defeat... Doctor Evil..." And then he drifted away as he breathed his last breath.

    "Looks like its entirely up to you guys to save the world," the old mans assistant spoke somberly. "The old man chose you. I don't know why, but he did. Don't screw this up." The assistant began walking away from the heroes, muttering a simple "Shit, we're all gonna die."

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    It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. It all seemed like everything would be okay. Expect for one thing: there were no superheroes. In the all the hustle and bustle of New York, not a single superhero was in sight. Of course, there were tons of people, but there was no flying people, no smashed walls, and no trace of anything out of the ordinary. And that was when everyone realized something very fishy was going on.

    James Morpheus was not having a good day. He got fired from his job from his very useless powers, and his lazy bum couldn’t even get out of bed. That is, until the email came. It said that some secret organization needed the most useless superheroes in existence to save the world. They also gave their location and to come as soon as possible. James decided to go because he finally had a chance to get a job that accepts him, even though it seems like some kind of dumb prank. He left his apartment, got into his car and left.

    When he got to the supposed location, it looked pretty much like a superhero headquarters. James got inside with very little problems and went to go to a specific room. The place inside was very vaguely decorated, with white walls, floors, carpets, ceilings, and even some potted plants. When he got to the room, there were already three other people there and some sketchy dude with double eyepatches. The dude explained the situation to everyone using a tv and a excellent speech. Unfortunately, James slept through all of it(damn you superpowers!). He did manage to get some tidbits, such as “superheroes trapped in a stasis cage” and “Doctor Evil”. It seemed like they had to save the world. The old man was about to explain their battle plan when the robots attacked.

    The battle was wild. Bullets were flying everywhere, ricocheting off the walls, and everything was being eviscerated. The old man was joining the battle as well, firing at the robots with two pistols in each hand. The robots were very intimidating, with a humanoid body shape, red eyes, sinister smiles, and flying jetpacks. James ducked for cover, along with the others, and crawled into the table and went into the fetal position.

    The battle ended, and the heroes won. But not without a loss. The old man was gone. James got out of the table to see blood, death, and silence. Complete silence. James turned around to the others and asked: “so, what do we do now?”
    Last edited by DoctorInfinity; 09-12-2020 at 01:43 AM.

  3. #3
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    Uncrossing and crossing her ankles repeatedly while maintaining a rigid posture, Daniella Norteņo kept her hands folded in her lap. The purse with her professional and commercial portfolios tucked in beside unnecessary multiples of her resume hung from the back of her chair and her stationary for notes and pen were at perfect right angles with a water bottle stationed at exactly 2 o'clock. This was the ideal arrangement according to the blog she followed for conference room planning and professional etiquette. It was an important tool for mediation and legal strategising and she wanted to fully utilise the space in her future office. No better time to put it into practice than now. After all, when she received the e-mail to come here to headquarters it had been... terrifying. Exciting, but terrifying. She had done the best she could to prepare. Her simple skirt suit said pre-law, but not too stiff. She arrived promptly - if prompt was early - and probably a good half hour ahead of the others. Just enough time to scope out the surrounding level a bit.

    Now, seated around a table in this stark white room with three other recruits, she did her best to smile a sunny smile as the unknowns in her mind made war with the vision of poise and peace she was trying so hard to channel. Imagine them naked.

    She ran her gaze around the table and shut her eyes. No... no. Just imagine your brothers, yes. Just breakfast around the table with Alfredo and Victor. Her sunny expression took on a more genuine cast as an imposing man in a dark trench coat and shades moved into the room. He stood facing the wall, so she turned toward him a bit to better hear what he had to say. She furrowed her brow a bit as the assistant entered and turned him around to face the table, but was quickly caught up in the super villainy he presented to them. Despite that easily dismissed moment - which she would later come to think of as foreshadowing - she was wholly attentive to his discussion on the Stasis Cube that had been a blight on both superheroes and the general population (by said superhero absences) for some time now.

    This is an unbelievable first assignment! Anything to do with this is a career-maker!

    She picked up her pen and began jotting down notes as he spoke.

    1.Stasis Cube
    • Appears large enough to hold all superheroes or bigger on the inside?
    • Do we have any idea what the containment cube is made of and are there any leads on how to disrupt the barrier?
    • Exactly how many superheroes are inside?

    2. Doctor Evil
    • Actual doctor? In what field(s)?
    • Projects or published papers of note?
    • Colleagues or past associates? If so, have they been contacted or are they colluding?
    • Prior events like the Stasis Cube at a smaller scale? If yes, where? Test sites?
    • Has there ever been a similar act of villainy that was successfully thwarted that we can use again?
    • If doctor, thesis long-winded? Could indicate a possible monologuer, good indicator of hero success according to Conrad's The Heart of Super Darkness.

    Glancing up briefly at the team reveal, Daniella slid her eyes carefully around the table again to gauge responses before adding a few things to her list.

    3. The League of "Extraordinarily Useless" Heroes
    • Have a word with HR later
    • Comic Sans Perhaps the greatest crime actually facing the world currently

    When the man's tone became more serious and he mentioned the battle plan, she felt every weight lift off her shoulders. The rigorous job hunting. The angst of putting together the perfect resume to balance her pre-law degree with her heroic aspirations - the volunteer work, the internships where she was never hired. This was the moment she made both of her parents proud. This was the moment-

    The wall exploded. The wall exploded, and along with it her shining moment of self-congratulation and hope burst like a soap bubble. She ducked low on instinct as their instructor cleared away and began taking out the flying robots. No, heroes don't hide, girl! Get in there! No robotic flying monkey is going to take this moment from you! You can do this!

    Still clutching her notes, she bounced on the pads of her feet twice to still her thoughts before stepping forward and lunging to sweep her chair over her head and... in that matter of seconds the robots were gunned down and their instructor was already slumped to the floor. While she had hesitated, cowering, he had taken out their attackers and taken the worst of it.

    Lowering her chair in shame, she darted to his side and unclenched her hands from the notes and pen to cradle him in her arms and hold his hand. At his charge to defeat Doctor Evil, she nodded vigorously and whispered to him, "We will! We will." He grew still. There was no more to the plan. The assistant intoned their charge and the weight of it slid over her spine like ice water. She stared out into the hole that was the side of the conference room that had contained but a few minutes before that horrible, horrible image of the superheroes gathered in this room. Her eyes welled up a little as she murmured to herself, "The... the greatest crime wasn't Comic Sans!"

    Daniella blinked quickly to hide her moment of panic as the tall, brown-haired man who had spent half the meeting asleep asked, "So, what do we do now?"

    After a quick pulse check, she lowered the older man to the floor and folded his arms over his chest. Sliding off her suit jacket, she placed it over his face respectfully.

    Scooping up her notes and pen, she rose to her feet. Her knees felt a bit weak, but she was proud of how relatively steady her voice was when she spoke.

    "We should talk to his assistant again, collect anything they have on Doctor Evil and the Stasis Cube so that we can form a plan of attack. Do any of you have combat experience?"

    4. Battle Plan
    • [spatters of blood mingled with what is presumably some sort of robotic fuel]
    Last edited by Alura; 09-12-2020 at 05:18 AM. Reason: Formatting!

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    Billy lounged in his chair, watching the obviously super-cool guy start his presentation. As he listened, his eyes wandered the room. Not that there was much to see, the room was almost as boring as listening to the man speak. The only thing that made Billy feel anything beyond boredom was the badly put-together graphic. That made him feel unspeakable rage. So he didn't speak it.

    Finally, his eyes fell upon the other "heroes". One was conked out, slightly drooling, another was doing something, Billy couldn't care less, and the last and only woman on their team was probably the only one paying attention. She was sitting straight up, watching intently, and writing something. I heard sitting rigidly like that is bad for your posture, Billy thought idly. Something about how humans are meant to squat and not sit. Of course, he was one to talk about posture. Currently, he was very slowly slipping underneath the table, but he couldn't adjust in the middle of a meeting. That would be rude.

    The presenter talked about some guy named Doctor Evil, and that nearly made Billy laugh. What a stupid name. Hoepfully nobody else on the team had a name like that. That was embarrassingly stupid. As the presenter continued, something caught Billy's ear. It sounded like an explosion. It was probably the wall, which had burst open in a shower of copper wiring, drywall, and pieces of 2x4's. Hovering menacingly in the air were a half-dozen menacing robots, probably here to menace the poor heroes. Billy got out a coherent thought before they started blasting: "Hey, they kinda look like Megamind rip-offs-"

    Their instructor performed a rapid amount of admittedly cool-looking spins and trickshots as he blasted right back. There was a shower of sparks and metal bits as the robots exploded ridiculously easily. If I was a supervillain, I'd make my hench-robots a bit more sturdy Billy thought as he finished slipping beneath the table. After a moment, Billy slipped back out, ready to see what kind of bird could destroy these robots, but there weren't any more. The presenter had shot them all, probably looking quite cool. But what comes around goes around, because he had also been shot.

    As the presenter slipped from the realm of the living to the dead, Billy watched the female hero rush to his side, cradling him. She checked his pulse and laid her jacket over his body as the previously asleep hero asked what the plan was. Billy stepped forward, and let a few eagle feathers fall across him. They drifted in the wind before coming to rest as Billy stared into the middle-distance. He was just emptying his pockets, but it looked mystical. In the background, the assistant muttered his overwhelming belief in the heroes. Dick. The female hero began to make a plan of action and Billy spoke up.

    "Hi. I'm Billy, and I don't really have any combat experience but I can turn into birds and those can really mess you up." He gave a small smile as he gestured vaguely to the feathers he had dropped.
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    CptAwesome: theres no way im doing this. its deff a trick to make me look stupid

    LeoIsHere: But what if its not? This could be the moment youve been waiting for. your chance to be a super hero

    CptAwesome: but what if its not?

    LeoIsHere: Then you can leave and forget about it entirely. but if it is, that's a major opportunity you will miss out on if you don't go.


    CptAwesome: fine, ill go. but if at any moment i think its a trick im leaving immediately.

    LeoIsHere: That's all I'm asking for.

    LeoIsHere: Youve got this, Captain Awesome!!

    CptAwesome: thx leo <3

    Carl gazed at the messenger app open on his computer screen for a moment. Was he really about to do this? Sure, the e-mail about starting up a new group of supers looked legit, but with his reputation, why would anyone want Carl on their team? Even his own brother laughed at him. George, where are you?' Carl's older brother and best friend, George, had gone missing the same time all the other heroes suddenly disappeared. Was it all a huge coincidence, or did something really happen to all of the superheroes?

    'Well, I guess if this is real, at the very least maybe I can finally impress him...' And with that thought, Carl was finally fully convinced to check out this offer to join a superhero team. So he turned off his computer, got dressed in his nicest pair of jeans and plain white shirt, and made his way through the city to the location given in the e-mail. 'If anyone calls me "Captain Loser" I'm out.'

    When Carl finally made it to the location, he found it completely boring, at least as far as superhero headquarters go. It wasn't the most impressive one he'd seen. And the people around him didn't seem too impressive either. Who were these three? The woman, and the two men, Carl didn't recognize them. Were they new, or were they nobodies like Carl? 'Maybe we really are out of superheroes...

    Carl was considering just leaving until the boss man entered the room. 'Now this guy is a definite badass.' Carl was too busy admiring the old man to pay attention to what he was saying, but he was taken back to the real world when the image appeared on the screen. '"Extraordinarily Useless?" Really?' Carl let out a sigh. 'I was right, this was a joke.' He gets ready to stand up and leave, but momentarily reconsiders. 'Maybe they are just calling us that for the acronym. TLEUH does have a nice ring to it.'

    Carl was once again pulled away from his inner monologue when the robots burst into the room and started attacking. He quickly slipped under the table and whipped out his phone, opening up a notepad app. He quickly started typing away, describing how he would act in this situation as a superhero. He wrote how he would run at the first robot with super speed to punch, then do a body slam on the next, following that with his signature JumboCombo™. 'This will make such a great story.'

    He would have wrote more, but the fighting was suddenly over, and the other three were leaving the table to approach the old man who was now drifting away. Carl slowly walked over to the group and knelt down, picking up the old mans pistols which were now on the floor. As the old man passed away, a single tear fell down Carl's face. 'I will avenge you, old man.'

    While the other three began a discussion on the new plan, Carl simply walked over to the new hole in the wall. Looking out, he spotted a dozen more of the evil robots walking through the streets. Completely ignoring his three new companions, Carl yelled out gleefully, "Yes! This was real!" He happily shot a round of bullets down at the robots on the street, causing them to notice, and begin their flight to the four heroes.

    "Uh oh," Carl took a few steps back. "Guys, we have a problem." A squad of a dozen robots would be upon them in mere moments.

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    Everything seemed okay. The team was figuring out a plan to defeat the maniacal Doctor Evil. Suddenly, out of nowhere, all hell broke loose. From the hole that spills into the street, a dozen menacing robots were about to burst in. All because of a idiot fan boy trying to be a superhero alerting them. James considered using him as a meat shield. No, that would be too evil. Unless? Anyway, the team that James was in was pretty much useless in fighting robots. There was a bird man, a girl that was the only professional person on the team, the idiot from earlier, and James, who had terrible powers. They were going to lose.

    While waiting for the robots to attack, James was thinking about the plan the girl was talking about earlier. Apparently they had to:

    1.Find the assistant

    2.Figure out who Doctor Evil is and where his lair is

    3.Find out weaknesses to the Stasis Cube

    4.Form a battle plan

    This plan wasn’t put into action because of the robot situation right now, but James had an idea. “Okay team, I’m going to find the assistant guy, because he might be important, and you will fight the robots to distract them. If your powers are too useless, just use the environment to your advantage. If I don’t come back, tell my mother that I love her. I’ll be right back!” James said. He then left the others to fight the robots and turned right into a long hallway.

    In this hallway, James found a robot that went straight past him without noticing him at all. Strange that it had not noticed James, unless it had hearing problems. Well, it didn’t have ears, so maybe that’s why it didn’t notice him. Or maybe James was just lucky. Anyway, James kept going and found nothing, so he turned left into the next hallway.

    This next hallway was chaos. Employees were screaming and shouting as a ton of robots were assaulting them severely. James didn’t know what to do, so he went into the room on the left. In this room, James hopes to find the assistant, but there were only file cabinets and a pistol and some ammunition. James picked the gun up. He didn’t know how to use it except for pulling the trigger so he just put the ammunition in his pocket and turned to the door. He was about to leave when a robot bursted from the wall behind him. It seemed that James was doomed.

    The robot that was approaching James was even more menacing and stronger than the other robots. Except for his head, which looked highly vulnerable. Under normal circumstances, James would’ve ran away in fear. But not today. Especially since that his only exit was dangerous considering the robots in the hallway. So James has to fight this thing. “Alright pisshead, time for you to die,”James said, as he started sprinting towards the robot. He punched the robot’s chest, thinking it would do something, but it didn’t do anything. The robot laughed with its metallic voice as it punches James into the wall.

    James was in immense pain. The robot was moving closer and closer. James thought he was going to die. He decided that if he died, he would die with courage. So he slowly got back up, and started limping towards the robot. The robot’s facial features had a confused expression as James walked towards it. Does this puny human think he could stop it? It was all very confusing for it. That expression turned to shock as James pointed his gun at the robot’s head and fired.

    Sparks were flying as the robot’s head exploded. James was right. That robot’s head was vulnerable. Doctor Evil really needs to work on his robots. James looked through the hole in the wall to find a stairway to an exit. The drop wasn’t too bad, so James jumped off without thinking. That would be a mistake, as he landed on his face. The pain was growing. James barely got up to his feet. He then went down the stairs very carefully as to not make his legs hurt anymore. He opened the exit door and walked out of the building and into the street. The city was chaos. Citizens were screaming as the robots attacked. Buildings were on fire. The police were cowering in fear. Lots of bad stuff were happening. James made his way around the building to find the hole into the conference room from earlier. James started firing at the robots, trying to help the team, when he suddenly fell asleep. His powers were activated. Dang it.
    Last edited by DoctorInfinity; 09-13-2020 at 09:17 PM. Reason: Lots of problems that I need to fix.

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    Daniella watched the whimsical fall of eagle feathers scattered from Billy's hand and threw her mind back to the infographic. The... Archosaur? Perhaps a raptor? Weren't those prehistorically feathered? A touch confused, but in awe of power she could only imagine, she extended her hand to him. He must be PR gold.

    "I look forward to working with you, Billy! My name is Daniella, but please call me 'The North Face'." She glanced at the feathers on the floor. "That's quite an impressive talent. I imagine you are a hot commodity in the recon industry."

    She half-turned to address the men who had been listed as The Sleeper and Captain Awesome also, hoping that the Captain was an experienced combat veteran who would be leading them. In that moment shots sounded out so close that her ears rang. Staggering back, she grasped a piece of the broken wall so as not to tip out of the building and glanced over her shoulder at the hive of robots that were swarming towards their location. Panicked and awkwardly balanced with one arm pinwheeling ridiculously, she pulled herself upright again and stepped away from the gap, pulse pounding and ears red. Were any of them armed? And why did she make the classic female superhero mistake of wearing heels without backup flats while there was a crime spree happening in the city?

    Her eyes zeroed in on the gun still in their fourth member's hand. Dropping to her knees again, she pawed around their instructor's pockets for any additional ammunition. "I really am just... so sorry, Sir." She apologised to the chic corpse.

    She rose, throwing anything of use found on the instructor to the man still holding the gun and looked around the room. "Okay. Okay, I have an idea. If any of you have weapons, get ready to use them."

    Running to her purse and the contents scattered about the floor, she pulled an embarrassingly pink tube of pepper spray from the clutter. Popping the holster, she looked up as their sleepy compatriot booked it for the hall saying something about finding the assistant while the rest of them fought. Blinking open-mouthed for a moment, Daniella considered if they should book it after him; but even if they closed the door it was unlikely wall-destroying super villain robots would be deterred. They were menacing that way. Any deaths that resulted would land squarely on their heads: a very inauspicious beginning. Still, where were the robots coming from? Were they the targets? Was it possible that someone knew of them already, or were things just so bad that Doctor Evil was already sending these things to destroy the headquarters of the superheroes? Or perhaps worse yet, was this attack unrelated to Doctor Evil's machinations? There had been unrest in the city in the absence of the superheroes, but this was beyond the pale.

    The thoughts zooming through her mind were abruptly interrupted when the first of the robots began firing into their already damaged white conference room. Flipping the table on its side she kicked her purse under one side to keep it from rolling. Why did it have to be round!?

    Taking several gulps of air and blowing them out to steady herself, she called out, "Try not to shoot me!"

    Dashing for the robots with one arm lifted over her face as a shield, she sent red sprays of the capsaicin gel in the pink pepper spray tube she had retrieved arcing towards anything that looked like a camera or a sensor. It might not destroy them, but she hoped that it would disorient the battlebots long enough to allow them an extra moment to hit them with... anything, really. She should have listened to Victor and carried a handgun, but really what self-respecting superhero carries a handgun to superhero HQ on their first day?

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    Billy mentally cringed as Daniella instantly went to dinosaurs. Even without mind-reading, he could recognize that look on everyone's face when he told them his name. Serves me right for calling myself "The Archosaur".

    "Uh, yeah, sure." He chuckled nervously as more shots rang out. He spun to see more robots swarming the building, already firing. His eyes locked on... who was that again? Oh yeah, Captain Awesome. Blech. He was holding a gun towards the robots, which looked undamaged. Instantly, the team descended into chaos. The North Face rummaged through the old man's pockets and began throwing bullets at Captain Awesome as Sleeper booked it after the assistant from before.

    "Okay. Okay, I have an idea. If any of you have weapons, get ready to use them." Billy quickly dug through his pockets as The North Face ran off to get a bright pink tube from her purse. Nothing. Shit. Billy cursed himself, before taking a deep breath. He steeled himself for the shift. There was a burst of feathers as Billy shrank. His feet became talons, his arms became wings, his body sprouted feathers as his face melted into a hooked beak. In less than a second, Billy had shifted... into a red-tailed black cockatoo.

    Billy squawked as he sprang into action. There was a rapid fluttering of wings as he flew towards the first robot, which leveled its gun at him. Billy squawked again as he perched on the barrel. In a very parrot-like way, he climbed up the arm of the robot, pecking at the metal and plastic bits. Behind him, The North Face was pepper-spraying robots. As he sat on the robot's head, pecking away, something clicked. Not mentally, no, the rest of the robots were just leveling their guns.

    Then it clicked mentally. he squawked as he lifted off, leaving a splatter of white bird dropping on the robot's head as two other robots fired. They missed Billy by an inch, but they hit where he was just perching, the head of a robot. The robot clunked to the ground, limbs twitching with electricity. Billy's feathered head crest came up as he made a very parrot-y laugh.

    He lifted off again, heading for another robot as the the rest fired towards him. Bullets whizzed past, hitting walls, ceilings, and the SMARTBoard but not his admittedly large feathery form. Cockatoos are big birds, how have they not hit me? Billy thought before he remembered The North Face's pepper spray. Billy pecked away and took off just before the robots fired. Are we... winning?
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    Captain Awesome flew out of the building and destroyed the first three robots with laser vision, then telekinetically threw the next four into the sun. Then he executed a sweet JumboCombo™ on the remaining robots and saved the day. His three allies then applauded him and started up a fan club dedicated to him, and he married The North Face and they grew old together and had a dozen crime-fighting children, and the world was saved forever thanks to Captain Awesome!

    Okay, that didn't happen, but that's what Carl imagined happening. In reality, he was frozen in fear, staring at the robots quickly coming towards him and his new team, but he snapped out of it just in time to catch the ammunition Daniella tossed him. 'Dang, that was cool. I can't believe I actually caught that.' With a new feeling of confidence, Carl took cover behind the table and struck a pose that he thought would make him look cool, but instead he just looked rather stupid.

    "Don't worry girl," Carl addressed Daniella, "Captain Awesome is here to help!" As soon as the robots were in range, he fired off a volley of bullets at them, then momentarily took cover to avoid incoming projectiles. 'Just like Call of Duty!' When the other two heroes joined in the fight, Carl popped back out of cover and began firing non-stop at the robots, making a surprising amount of hits. "I AM THE OLD MAN NOW!" He shouted out as adrenaline coursed through his body, imagining himself as the old man who previously took down half a dozen robots single-handedly.

    As the robots were being pelted with bullets, pepper spray, friendly fire, and bird poo, their red eyes briefly lit up in a bright blue light, then they stopped fighting. "He wants them alive," A deep, raspy, robotic voice sounded out from one of the machines, then they flew back out of the building, returning to the streets below, where a firefight with the NYPD was ongoing. On the ground another squad of less intimidating robots prepared themselves with nets and bear traps as they readied to go capture the four heroes. And since one of them was already on the ground, and asleep, no less, the other three would be that much easier to capture. It was only a matter of time before the world was subjugated.

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    James was dreaming. He was dreaming that the team had won, that the world was saved, that James actually got paid, and that James had finally defeated the nightmare that was his powers, that he had finally begun a better life. Of course, it was all a dream, as James woke up to a robot with a net in his face. “Shit!” James yelled in surprise as he sat up quickly. His pain from before was a little better now, but it was still pretty bad. James picked up his gun, pointed to the robot’s face, and fired. The robot’s face exploded, with sparks flying and oil getting on James’s clothes. James got up slowly and started limping towards the hole in the wall. “Hey guys! Need some help here!” James said. James turned around to find two more robots heading towards him. James tried to fire at them, but his gun couldn’t fire.

    James looked around to find a weapon or at least anything that could help him fight the robots. Even though he still had the ammunition in his pocket, he doesn’t know how to reload. In fact, he hasn’t used a gun ever, other than today. James was looking around when he found a garbage can nearby. He opened it up to find two trash bags full of stuff. He picked the lightest one up and threw it at the robot’s head. The robot’s head was then decapitated from its body. James picked the other trash bag up. This one was a lot heavier, so it was a lot harder for James to pick it up. By the time it was fully picked up, the robot was in swinging distance. James swung the trash bag as hard as he could, breaking the robot’s face and impairing its vision.

    With one robot gone and the other damaged, James made his escape and ran to his car. Unfortunately, the car was in shambles as a really fast robot quickly damaged the car’s wheels, making it impossible to escape. This robot was more agile and smaller than the other robots. James ran as fast as he could back to the facility, with the robot breathing down his neck(or what was close to breathing). He made it back to the hole, hoping someone from the team would help him.
    Last edited by DoctorInfinity; 09-13-2020 at 10:36 PM. Reason: Minor Mistakes

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