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Thread: [M] War in the Void - Imperials IC

  1. #1
    The Replicant
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    Default [M] War in the Void - Imperials IC


    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator - Baraspine 

    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Perinetus 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #2
    The Last Remembrancer
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    Jeanette muttered a curse under her breath. This was the last thing they needed.

    "Sensorium, wash that feed and get me a clear return on the Monitors, I need to see them to kill them. Gunnery, status on the port broadside?"

    The gunnery commander, an old hand with hands and scalp laced with mechandrites and data jacks, turned to face her on the command pulpit. He saluted briskly.

    "Spirits are fully operational and soothed. Currently unloaded as per fire safety orders for close orbit action."

    "Good, that saves us time." Jeanette punched a set of numbers into the tacticae, running quick and dirty gravity and power consumption calculations through the ships cogitator.

    "Load the port broadside, three salvoes of impact fused plasma warheads. Bring the starboard broadside to combat readiness and load the fore bombardment cannon with a blind barrage."

    "Three salvoes impact fused aye!" The gunnery master returned to his station and started to issue rapid fire binharic orders.

    "Navigation, bring us about. I want us ten kliks to starboard of the Vostroyan transport."

    "That. . .that will place us in the grav-tether instead of the Vostroyans!"

    "Exactly." Jeanette smiled wickedly as the Shepherd shuddered again. "Sensori!"

    "Feeding improved data to hololith now!"

    Jeanette descended from the command pulpit, taking a dataslate from an aide as she did so. She stood by the hololith tank and looked the scene over, playing out the variables as the Shepherd shook and lights dimmed. She saw hope there. The monitors fore mounted lances pointed out into open space, not towards the planet. Breaking from the docks would allow them to come to bear, but also expose them to fire from the ground. That meant daring their capable batteries. They outgunned the Shepherd by a degree, but they could not manoeuvre.

    "Void status?"

    "64% and holding, keel aft is weakest."

    "Get some teams on that. Gunnery, prepare for three salvoes on my mark, squirting targeting data now."

    The whole ship shook like an ocean going boat in a storm. Red lights flared into life.

    "We're snared! We are being pulled in!"

    Jeanette could see that. She could also see the Vostroyan transport powering clear. She could now also see the power conduits being used to power the grav tether. As she had hoped, the power source was far from the weapon currently dragging them in for a boarding action by the stations Skitarii.



    The Shepherd of Light, voids flaring, opened up with her portside armaments. Rolling fire flared along her flank as the barrage was flung right down the throat of the gravity tether. With the pull of artificial gravity, it was like dropping marbles into a funnel, down a pipe. Each shot, one after the other, slammed into the same place until the grav tethers local voids failed and the remaining shells slammed into the grav tether itself, blasting it apart.

    As the Shepherd powered free, it fired its bombardment cannon. Fat, atmosphere piercing shells slammed into the docks holding the monitors, and released a vast obscuring cloud of particles designed to foul even advanced sensors. For a few crucial moments the fire from the monitors slackened, and the shields of the Shepherd cycled to rest the generators and prepare for the next round of fire.

  3. #3
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Perinetus 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  4. #4
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "Give that monitor a taste before it closes. Helm, execute a 180 roll on my mark"

    The broadside spoke again. Shells rippled and blurred the shields of the advancing monitor, checking its advance as it had to shunt through debris.


    Groaning, the Shepherd began to roll. Even as it did, Jeanette barked new orders for the helm, turning the nose of the huge vessel to face the monitor attacking the vostroyan transport.

    "The. . .ship is injured, but can still fight." The astropath shuddered. Jeanette didn't envy him the stress of this, his first battle. Their last astropath had burned out unexpectedly, and this astropath was a replacement part, quickly bodged into place.

    "Tell them to hold course please, and see if you can wake up. . . Ragnarov battery west. Have them harass that damn monitor on our arse."

    The astropath nodded weakly and seemed to sag from the effort. She turned back to the hololith as the ship rocked again. The whole bridge rocked, and a terminal blew out in the lower deck, shrapnel shredding a servitor and a junior techpriest.

    "Medicae!" Jeanette shouted. She had nearly been knocked off her feet by the blast. "Shields?"

    "Popped the forecastle and spine. We've lost portside gunnery control. Re-cohering on. . .mark."

    She watched as the range counted down to the monitor. Holding course took significant courage on the part of the vostroyan crew, and she vowed not to waste it as vectors aligned.

    "All ahead full! Brace for impact!"

    The Shepherd of Light leapt forwards, her plasma thrusters pushing her forward on a spear of furious light. Jeanette held the hololith and yelled last second course corrections as the enemy monitor loomed large in the view screen. Realising its peril, it had begun to desperately manoeuvre, but despite its small size, its heavy armament meant it had small engines and poor manoeuvrability.

    Many captains viewed ramming as an act of desperation. What Jeanette knew was that the doughty mars pattern vessels did not have that eagle prow for patriotic ornamentation. Each prow was reinforced adamantium, metres thick, sharp, and backed by reinforced decks designed to take the hit. The ramming prow was one more weapon in the arsenal of the Imperium. And a ram from a capital ship, against a destroyer sized monitor, was a deadly weapon indeed.

    The ramming prow bit in amidships, middeck, nearly perfect. The tremor of impact knocked crew over, tore open fuel lines and stressed bulkheads along the length of the Shepherd, but it was minor compared to the devastation wreaked on her target. There was a banshee screech as the Shepherd ploughed onwards, the beak carving through gundecks and into the adamantium spine of the monitor, where it rode up and over, tearing open more decks to the vacuum. It felt like an age, but the whole ram took less than 30 seconds before the monitor was shoved aside and rolled away under the Shepherd fires blossomed into life across the stricken ships gundecks as she began to break up.

    Her bridge crew let out a cheer, fists punching the air, drowning out the mourning dirges of the more devout techpriests. Jeanette remained focused on the hololith tacticae.

    "Damage reports please."

    "Minor damage Ma'am." Her Xo smiled. "A good kill."

    The whole ship shook. Alarms blared.

    "Aft voids! Took a hit but holding."

    The other monitor, of course. "Come to a new heading. We aren't done yet."

  5. #5
    June MotM 2014
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    Pillar of Intent had been running silent. They'd moved up and stopped within the extremes of their maximum sensor range. The gunnery officer had dumped a torpedo into the void 10 minutes ago, it was put at low burn. Making it harder to spot and increasing its maximum range.

    "Orders, Captain?" Questioned the Lieutenant Struss, the bridges gunnery officer.

    "We're waiting. Impiger is taking the stations fire, it's void shields should hold at this range." Replied Aeneas. He was a patient man, someone use to fighting unorganised pirates and the odd Ork raider. Compared to his fellow captains he was relative young and fresh to this kind of void combat.

    "What about, Retaliator?" Voiced the concern of Lieutenant Marie, the bridges comms officer.

    "Again, we're waiting. We're going to move up with Impiger and the Retaliator. When the enemy are distracted we'll switch to a gun boat roll and hit them with our macro fire." Assured Aeneas.

    The Captain paced across the deck. His hands clasped behind his back. His footfalls heavy. Pillar of Intent was state-of-the-art compared to her counterparts. His vessel was a mere decade-and-a-half old and he stood at its command for a dozen of those years. By now he knew the in's-and-out's of his vessel and what she was capable of.

    "Impiger is moving up, sir!" Marie relayed, her hands clasped to the earphones of her comm set.

    "Lieutenant Struss, dump another melta torpedo. Let's keep them on their toes. Lieutenant Horst, burn starboard retros, get us out of our torpedoes trajectory and then ahead slow. I want to keep our presence unknown until absolutely necessary." Ordered Aeneas.

    "Aye!" Came their mutual reply.

    Pillar of Intent drifted slowly to right. Aeneas could feel his stomach turn slightly as the ships artificial gravity shifted to adjust to the new force. He looked up to the bridge monitors and watched the bright green rune of their second torpedo appear. His eyes shifted towards the first green rune of their initial torpedo which was closing on its target.

    "Now it begins, lets see who draws blood first." He muttered quietly to himself.
    Last edited by Jarms48; 01-05-2019 at 02:04 PM.

  6. #6
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Perinetus 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 08-22-2019 at 03:45 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

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    The Last Remembrancer
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    Chao nodded, and kept her face set in the firm mask her crew expected. Internally, she breathed a sigh of relief. Stern facing a lance was a terrible place to be. As the monitor had just found.

    "Haul us around and give me a clean solution for the starboard batteries."

    The ship shuddered as she turned. Chao nodded as she noted the damcon board light up with fresh alerts as overtaxed seals popped. But she had her solution. Sections along the portside were being evacuated and sealed to retain atmosphere. Light damage, yes, but still damage. They would pay for that tenfold.

    "Make it clean. Gunners mark your targets and remind the Patriots the cost of turning from Holy Mars."

    "Gunnery lock confirmed."



    Comets of fire speared through the void, and a half dozen macro cannon shells punched into the listing monitor. Explosions rippled through its superstructure, fires spread, and the small vessel shattered like glass. Its broken segments and flash cooked or frozen crew began an irreversible tumble down the Perinetus gravity well.


    "Cycle shields down to ready status." Chao ordered, watching the tacticae for another surprise, and finding none just yet. "Get me a full damage report and casualty list. Move us back to geo-sync orbit over Ragnarov, and get us back to close orbit status once damage control has been achieved and the spirits soothed."

    There was a series of verbal and canted affirmations, but Chao was already ignoring them. She dismissed her officers to their various duties, duties she knew they would perform perfectly because she demanded nothing else. Her focus now was on the battle fought. She rewound the tacticae, playing back the last half hour of close fought void combat. It was a well executed ambush, and had nearly succeeded in destroying the Vostroyan troop ship. Indeed, if they had focused on her ship, they might not have got away with such comparatively light damage.

    What did this achieve? Delzharian was devious, this much was clear. He wouldn't have risked two monitors unless he could call on more ships (unlikely) or he needed orbital space distracted for a key period of time. . .

    "Comms!" Chao looked up and fixed her XO with a glare. "Get in contact with our ground elements. Now!"

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    Spot held for Retaliator first post.

  9. #9
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: HDMS Pillar of Intent, HDMS Retaliator, HDMS Resurgent - Baraspine 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  10. #10
    June MotM 2014
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    Those turrets abruptly shifted fire when Pillar’s first torpedo entered kill range, powering up with a flare of rockets and slashing jets of its directional thrusters. Bright lines of phosphor-hot shells, glowing like tracer fire, swung across space as the melta torpedo went active. They fumbled for a few seconds, then found their target, and the building-size missile slowly shredded apart into harmless pieces.

    “Torpedo one caught in the net, torpedo two is still running.” Lt Struss reported, his eyes fixed on the tacticae screen. “We are entering effective battery range in”

    "We've stirred the hive. Struss, you may fire when ready. " Captain Aeneas ordered.

    "Aye, Captain." Struss returned.

    Struss worked at his terminal, fingers brushing over keys and touch screen. He watched his display as Pillar's fire directors converged onto the Glom defence platforms. His screen flickered to life as the batteries convergence was met and green acknowledgement runes from the gunnery decks flashed their ready status. He punched in the firing commands and Pillar of Intent's main macro batteries lit up the darkness of space with a fury of building sized tracer fire.

    Captain Aeneas watched the bridge display with curious eyes. Hands still clasped behind his back as he paced across the deck. He pondered, thinking of their next move. He had to take into account that his vessel was no "knife-fighting" brawler like his antiquated counterparts. Pillar's strengths lay in her prow facing, they had to keep the enemy ahead of them, that presented their armoured prow, allowed them to focus their void shielding and maintain bombardment with all their artillery.

    "Second torpedo caught in the net, they've got a heavy defence." Reported Lt Struss.

    "Get the torpedo decks to hold fire and await further orders, we'll have to soften their screen first." Replied Captain Aeneas.

    "Yes, Captain, aye." Said Struss, as he relayed the orders on.

    Captain Aeneas turned facing. His hand dug into his breast pocket, he pulled out an old trinket. A memory of his homeworld, a life long past. He flipped the old pocket watch cover and looked at the hands. The clock set to local time as his memories went elsewhere. These long deployments often got to him, stress, the weight of everything sitting upon his shoulders.

    He closed his eyes and placed the pocket watch back into his pocket.

    "Helmsman, bring us to a standstill. We'll hold here and maintain long range bombardment." Aeneas directed.

    "Yes, Captain." Helmsman Bernd replied. His hands grasping the chadburn as he passed the orders down to the engine decks.

    "Lieutenant Marie hail the Retaliator, let them know we'll cover their advance." Captain Aeneas commanded.

    "Aye!" Maria shouted. She acted immediately, her hands moving to the long range vox's dials as she patched to the Retaliator's frequency.

    "Hailing Retaliator. Hailing Retaliator. This is Pillar of Intent, we will remain anchored at the second line and provide long range support to cover your advance. Call priority targets as they come up. Pillar of Intent out." Marie relayed. Her right hand tapping pen to paper as she waited for their reply.
    Last edited by Jarms48; 03-24-2019 at 02:01 AM.

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