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Thread: [M] The Throne of Gods: Divinity's Requiem

  1. #1
    Crimson Casanova
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    Default [M] The Throne of Gods: Divinity's Requiem

    This is Rated M for violence, blood, gore, language, nudity, sexual content, and contradiction of religious beliefs that might be considered blasphemy outside of creative context

    The Throne of Gods: Divinity's Requiem

    Take a look at the other active story! (MoD - OOC/IC)

    The King of Gods is gone. The Throne lies empty, waiting for your ambitious hand to claim it.

    The Monarchs stand in your way, and a new era must be ushered in. The God of Ruin calls upon those who understand the necessity of celestial rebellion to topple the established hierarchy.

    There is no Order. There is no Freedom. Only Pain and Chaos shall reign.

    Will you walk with the Child of the Apocalypse and forge a new life? Will you seize the mantle of a Monarch and rule with an iron fist? Will you betray Ruin and lead the rebellion yourself? Or will you sit upon the throne in the end?

    Evil knows no limits.

    Spoiler: The Five Monarchs 

    Spoiler: The Multiverse Setting 

    Spoiler: Rules and Expectations 

  2. #2
    Crimson Casanova
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    Spoiler: Notable NPC Characters 

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Spoiler: Damian: Child of the Apocalypse 

    Accepted Player Characters

    Temperance: Goddess of Virtue played by Hannelorian

    Chisoni: Goddess of Grief played by Azazeal849

    Jonas: God of the Night played by Iwazuma

    Alatus: God of Punishment played by Yamimoon

    Igniteen: Goddess of Fire played by Scottie

    Inosci: God of Despair played by RisingPhoenix
    Last edited by RedKayne; 10-22-2024 at 07:00 AM.

  3. #3
    The Grey Lady
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    Name: Temperance

    Gender: Female

    Age: ~45,000

    Spoiler: Temperance, Goddess of Virtue 

    God/Goddess of: Goddess of Virtue

    Faction: Formerly, Order. Currently, Chaos


    Virtuous Whispers: The gentle whispers of influence calling those targeted to reach for their better angels. Or so that was it's intended use. Temperance can use her powers of influence to sway those to her side, and act in a manner that is befitting of her will. The call of the greater good being hard to resist. At the same time, these whispers can be words of corruption, convincing those to abandon their morals and virtuosity effectively enacting her own journey from the world of order and light into the darkness of chaos. Operating chiefly on arrogance and insecurity of her fellow deities, influence is aligned with the power of will. Arrogance, insecurity, propensity for rash actions and temperamental emotion strengthen whispers become. Those of weak will or shakeable will are easier to influence. Virtue and Sin are inherently intertwined, one can easily become the other with just a little convincing. Though once someone is aware of what is happening, the effects of influence can be easily be broken.

    Good Works: The ability to channel her divine energy to other deities for brief periods of time. The virtues of the world as expressed through actions often directly correlate to the abilities or domains of other deities and as such they will benefit from Temperance's good graces, allowing the effect or impact of their abilities to grow so long as her grace is shared. Similarly when virtues are corrupted into sin, that too carries tremendous power which can further be spread amongst the chosen.

    Divine Light: Calling upon the energy of good will and order itself to summon rays of light to cut through darkness and her enemies, tempering her enemies into submission. Her only true defensive move that requires a fair cool down period once utilized.

    Equipment: Humility's Rapier, a thin yet deadly blade intended to humble her enemies particularly those harbor unparalleled pride.

    Personality: A once cheerful demeanor has been replaced with scathing sarcasm and dry humor. Temperance seldom conceals her own thoughts and often favors a direct approach to any and all who cross her paths. Where she was once judgmental, she finds little offends her. Only faint traces of humility remain within the shell Temperance feels she has become. Temperance has seen ages go by, and has slowly become jaded over time, often leading her to assume the worst of everyone who surrounds her. She prefers words over actions and would rather not get her hands dirty, instead opting to act through proxies, often weaker willed individuals.

    Background: Chastity. Charity. Temperance. Diligence. Kindness. Patience. Humility. Good Works. Faith. Sobriety. These humble words are the words of virtue, the divine tenants that those who wish to walk in the light should obey and embody. While modern humanity dates back 300,000 years, it is thought that consciousness as we may conceive of it dawned some 45,000 years ago, leading to the eventual creation of morality. And with that notion Temperance the Goddess of Virtue was born. A glowing beacon, a holy flame for those who wished to better themselves and their communities around them. The overwhelming desire to be good, or to do good once fueled the Goddess, a humble servant of Order, defining the moral code of those across the realms. Yet with evolution, comes changes in morality, the very definition of right and wrong bringing forth a profound loss of clarity. Virtue gives way to sin.

    The death of Suriyel and the fall of the Gods was forever a defining moment for Temperance, a goddess of humble beginning. The true order of the realms seemed forever lost. If the King of the Gods could be killed so easily and the factions associated with evil could rise up, what was the point of virtue? It was clear that holding such virtue could not stop the triumph of chaos. After a hard fought return to Elysium and the reclamation of her power, not even Luthious himself could convince her to stay true to her purpose and the restoration of Order as it was once known. A self imposed exile in the land of Carcari completed her transformation, using the tricks she once used to invoke the best in all beings, to slowly corrupt and invoke the worst. A desire to destroy those who she once idolized, to awaken them to the reality that she now experiences is her overriding motivation. Even the death of Baldramont seemed to further prove her point that the chaos of the realms reigned supreme. The end of all things hath hastened her growing wrath.

    Walk Diz way: There are a number of theories as to why Temperance has chosen to follow the God of Ruin into the breach, though none have been directly confirmed by the goddess herself. The most logical explanation is simply that his goals align with hers. Convinced the order of the multiverse is fundamentally broken and beyond restoration, it stands to reason that by following someone who wishes to dismantle it all monarch by monarch, a new world order emerges that will ultimately restore her faith, validating her own beliefs. As Diz' end game is not entirely clear, Temperance would in essence be gambling on the chance of a future more closely resembling what she would choose having found herself entirely bereft of her original faith and purpose.

    Diz is not an unknown factor in the life of the Goddess of Virtue, the vast majority of her life standing in direct opposition to the ways of chaos and ruin. The two have met throughout the millennia, it is possible, some might argue that at some point in time she herself fell victim to the god's devastating ability to corrupt and thus became a tool for perpetuating corruption throughout the multiverse and therefore has no perceptible other choice than to simply obey.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 09-23-2024 at 07:16 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #4
    The Replicant
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    Name: Chisoni

    Gender: Female (usually)

    Age: Unknown

    Appearance: Chisoni has pale skin that almost appears blue in some lights, and wispy black hair that falls to her hips. Her features are always shadowed, as if light simply won’t illuminate them, but those who knew her before the Fall would recall her pale, hollow eyes - bloodshot and frequently tear-streaked in sympathy with the humans she was connected to at any given time. Since the Fall, an overindulgence in her sacred charge has caused the shadows over her face to darken, so that now it can barely be seen at all. Her purple fingernails have grown long, such that they almost resemble claws.

    Spoiler: Chisoni 

    God/Goddess of: Grief. Her epithets among the pantheon include The Hollow Maiden and The Weeping Lady

    Faction: Unaligned (formerly, Balance)

    The Howling - Chisoni is capable of unleashing a psychic attack that bombards an enemy with dissonant screaming and feelings of extreme pain and loss. The barrage can incapacitate, cause bleeding from the nose and ears, and in some cases kill.

    Veil of Tears - if Chisoni needs to escape or to disable her enemies, she brings down a cloud of shadow - the black mist is ice-cold and inflammatory to the eyes, similar to pepper spray.

    Equipment: Although she rarely seeks out conflict, Chisoni can manifest a lash made of purple fire to attack others if provoked.

    Personality: Chisoni has never pretended to be something other than what she is, and she would not ask the same of any other god either. She has great respect for those who are authentically themselves, and those who endure hardship. She cares for humanity, in her own way - she does not see herself as a bringer of suffering, nor necessarily healing; more of change. She would rather be alone than in a crowd.

    Background: Like many gods of emotion, Chisoni took form slowly - growing with life itself as a half-formed concept before attaining true consciousness through the thoughts and experiences of higher creatures like humans. As a manifestation of one of life’s least pleasant emotions, Chisoni was never even given a name by most cultures, less still prayed to. No matter. She would help them anyway, for it was her calling. They gave her strength, and in return she would guide them through their grief to eventual acceptance.

    Though Chisoni found her home in the faction of Balance, she had few friends there - drifting from place to place and seemingly content with her own company. One she could claim more than a superficial relationship with was Dashura, the god of love - for the end point of all love is grief, one way or another.

    The Fall was a revelation in more ways than one. With no context for being suddenly stranded near an urban centre in the south american continent, Chisoni fell back on what she knew. The humans requiring her attention grew in number as gods and demons ran wild across the Earth and casualties mounted, and Chisoni was awed to find herself stronger than she had ever been - a useful side effect when demons and upjumped demigods dared to cross her. Perhaps this new state of affairs was not a calamity - merely a change?

    She still helped every human whose pull she felt, of course. But there were so many, and acceptance took time. Was it not simpler - kinder, even - to just take all of a person’s grief into herself at once, and purge them of both the hurt and the memories that had caused it? Selrina would never countenance leaving the humans so unbalanced and empty, but then again Selrina wasn’t here - and she certainly had made no effort to find and help the stranded gods that Chisoni could see. Chisoni likes what she has become, and the new freedom she has been granted to wield it. She will fight alongside others to defend that freedom, if necessary.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  5. #5
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    Alright then. Time to bring back a definitely-not fan favorite.

    Spoiler: Jonas Maldor, God of Night 
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 10-01-2024 at 12:06 PM.
    Karma is the best.

  6. #6
    Crimson Casanova
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    The Four Horsemen of Diz's Army

    Spoiler: Erebus: God of Terror 

    Spoiler: Aris: Goddess of Tyranny 

    Spoiler: Lilith: Goddess of Manipulation 

    Spoiler: Belladonna: Goddess of Murder 

    Members of Diz's Army

    Spoiler: Marid: Goddess of Madness 

    Spoiler: Phyraxis: God of Whispers 

    Spoiler: Azazel: God of Corruption 
    Last edited by RedKayne; 10-02-2024 at 01:07 AM.

  7. #7
    Krystalline Moon
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    Name: Alatus

    Gender: Male

    Age: Unknown


    God/Goddess of: God of Punishment

    Faction: He once fallowed Balance, but now he has no true home to return to. So, he now fallows Diz.


    Divine Retribution - Whenever Alatus is injured he is able to place a mark on the offender. This mark is a seal of punishment. Once the target is marked they instantly suffer the same pain or injury. Depending on the strength of the celestial they may only suffer a portion of the damage.

    Judgment’s Edge - Alatus can channel his divine authority into his attacks, imbuing them with an aspect of punishment. This authority of punishment that will directly target the sins or wrongdoings of the target. The more egregious the offense the more damage that is dealt. This ability reflects Alatus’ role as an executioner, giving him an edge in fights against corrupt or guilty entities. Without exhausting his physical form.


    Personality: Alatus is a shell of his former self. He was once kind and willing to help. Now he was resentful and cruel. He will do anything to get his revenge for the people that were killed for no reason. He is no longer a reserved kind person that finds his duties to be tedious. Because of the events of his past he now has no feelings of remorse about the people he has had to punish, nor does he find his calling a cruel one. He has changed so much in the span of a couple of years to any Deity that knew him in the past he would seem like a completely different person.

    Background: Alatus was not like most of the other Gods and goddesses that were in the heavenly realm. He didn’t like humans, because of the fact that he was the one that was tasked with punishing them when the crime was so grotesque that even the heavens would not turn a blind eye to them. He alone has been responsible for the destruction of countries because of who earned his punishment. Because of his title as the God of punishment he has lived a solitary life. Only making appearances when he has been called upon. Doing what needed to be done in order to keep the vermin from destroying themselves.

    That was before the fall of the King. Once the fall happened and he fell to earth Alatus wandered the human world seeing a different side of the humans. He found they were more than just savages that loved to kill one another. He found them to be a lot more civil than he had given them credit for. So, because of that he decided to try and get to know them better by involving himself in a village.

    It was not easy for him to assimilate into the village, but once he did he found his life a lot better than his old one. The people were patient, and treated him well. They didn’t see him as something that was to be used, and then ignored. They invited him in, and treated him like one of them. No, terms and conditions to be found. He lived peacefully with the humans he once thought were barbarians.

    However, all good things must come to an end. It seemed his peaceful life was going to come to an end. During the fall harvest a stranger entered the village looking for Alatus. Once the two met he took the messenger out of the town and into the forest that surrounded the Village. The two gods spoke to one another, but Alatus didn’t agree to the request that the god had of him. Refusing to return to his past life. He was no longer going to be used by the other gods. He had made a life for himself, and he refused to leave.

    The god was not happy with the response that was given, but there was nothing he could do to force the god of punishment to bend to his will. The god left with no resistance, and Alatus returned to his chosen life. Little did he think that his peace was going to be shattered because of the decision he had made.

    A couple of months had passed as it was coming time to take the harvest to a larger town. They would need to buy other supplies to last the winter. Alatus was chosen to go along with the small group to the city. It was a three day trek both ways. So, he and the other three would be gone for the next six to eight days depending on negotiations. Luckily everything went well and the men were almost home.

    However, what greeted them was not the welcome of the people they knew, but the charred remains of the building, and the crows that were feasting on the corpse’s of the dead. All of the men just stared at the destruction. None of them even moved an inch. Some time passed as Alatus finished burying the bodies. He had some clues as to who killed the people that he cared about. He went to the building he called home, and pulled out his weapon, and his clothing. He disappeared from the mortal world.

    Alatus was now working with Diz to right the wrongs of his past, and punish the people responsible for the annihilation of the village.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 10-08-2024 at 03:30 AM.

  8. #8
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Name: Igniteen

    Gender: Female

    Age: Unknown

    Spoiler: Appearance 

    Goddess of: Fire

    Faction: Balance Chaos

    Kiss of fire - Igniteen is fire. She is the burning campfire, she is the crackling funeral pyre and she is the destructive forest fire. She has control over fire in all forms, be it a simple flickering candle to the belly of a factory furnace to the roaring tide of lava. She can change the temperature, the size and the intensity of fire. She can warm a soul just as easily as she can incinerate someone.

    Ash Whisper - Ash is merely the whisper left behind after the flame has expired. Igniteen flows between the ash with ease. She can transfer her form to the whisper of where fire once was. The area must be of appropriate size for her current form. She can also purposefully create the ash through her own burnings. The ash does not need to be stationary; she can float through it while it falls to the ground below.

    Consume - Igniteen always had the ability to shrink her form, nestling within the smallest of flames atop a candle. As her domain shifted towards Chaos, she developed the ability to do the opposite. Swelling to massive forms as long as kindling was around her, soaring like a phoenix and devouring everything in her wake. When in her minimalist form, she needs to find kindling to return to her normal size. When in her maximised form, she feeds off anything and everything around her. Destruction follows in her wake.

    Equipment:She has no real equipment. Wooden tokens litter her body, scraps of what appear to be gasoline-soaked fabric hang from her waist and she wears small dead dried flowers in her wild hair.

    Personality: Where once a goddess stood that was optimistic, caring and hopeful, a shadow remains. The gift that she gave the humans was taken and manipulated. They brought pain, war and destruction with its power. Her warnings fell on deaf ears. Igni is fluid like the fire that she feeds, she is observant and quiet like the crackling dying bonfire as well as searing and loud like the hissing clang of blacksmiths work. A lick of her past self appears when something is brought within her reach and obsession grows.

    Background: Igniteen burst into the universe with a blinding white hot fury. Formed within the very core of the earth, she wormed her way out when lava first erupted from the seabed. Life was good. There was so much to do. So much to see. Always eager, she frequently got under the feet of her elder gods and goddesses and could only watch with intense obsession when the first being stood upright. She was naive. She was fickle. She wanted to give them something. Provide these humans with the very essence of her being.

    The first years rolled by and they treated her creation with reverence. She was worshipped by many different names. She provided comfort to the smallest of dwellings, she gave light to the fend off the predators that slinked in the dark and she help them stumble forward in progress. Igniteen brushed off the concerns of her elders, her humans knew the risk. They knew that her flame could be fickle. They knew that her flame could kill as easily as it could cleanse. There was hope in the crackling flame.

    There was no one particular moment that everything changed.

    But it changed.

    Her gift was no longer used for warmth, for light and to cook the meat they needed for sustenance. No. It was now used for pain, for control and for death. Her panic was visible, it roared through the land and demanded to be heard. It fell on deaf ears. A whisper within her skull foretold the possibility of rebirth. The voice felt familiar yet forbidden. It was only meant to be one cleansing…but the humans didn’t learn.

    Balance started to twist further out of her grip. It no longer felt like her acts were evening the scales…no it was melting the brass and dribbling it to the cracks in the earth. It was not a gentle stroll to the God of Ruin for Igniteen, she attempted to resist as long as possible. Then it was like falling into the abyss. She tumbled head first to his call. With fire, they can be cleansed. With her flame…they can start all over again. Burn the slate. Begin anew.
    Last edited by Scottie; 10-14-2024 at 06:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Immortal Goddess
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    Name: Inoschi

    Gender: Male

    Age: Unknown


    God of: Despair

    Faction: Unaligned

    Hopeless Aura: Being within his presence can directly instill feelings of despair and hopelessness in others. His aura can amplify negative emotions

    DESPAIRING REND: Consumed by an orb of hopelessness, the victim is subjected to mental and physical pain, instilling great despair and feelings of loss, and hopelessness. The emotional strain is so great that even the strongest of minds can break leaving a shell behind. When one loses hope, they lose everything. Consuming hope increases his strength and power.

    Shroud of Sorrow: Summoning a black mist that, upon contact, creates illusions or hallucinations that induce feelings of despair and hopelessness thus immobilizing the victim.

    Equipment: Twin Orbs of Hopelessness - in addition to physical damage, these orbs can inflict mental damage so great even the strongest of minds begin to break and hopelessness consumes. The orbs are an extension of him. They can transform into barriers to protect him and into any weapon he chooses. They can even take the form of sentient lifeforms, what the humans call pets and through them he can see and maneuver them without being near.

    Combat Expertise: Do not let his looks fool you. Inoschi is deadly in combat. He is skilled with any weapon put in his hand and can subdue most enemies without use of his abilities. It is wise to not underestimate him.

    Personality: Inoschi is quite the opposite of what his title suggests. Playful, extroverted, and comical are three traits that Inoschi possesses. He’s extremely smart, enabling him to figure things out faster than others, but keeping it to himself just to see how things unfold. He’s cunning, calculative and enjoys seeing others suffer from despair. Even when he succumbs to despair, he finds it extremely hilarious and will laugh at his own pain and torment. Contrary to what others may believe, he is able to love and show affection, but that is saved for those he truly cares for.

    Background: Inoschi is the twin brother of Chisoni, the Goddess of Grief, but they tend to have a rather comical, borderline chaotic relationship. He does not have a complex creation. Despair has always existed even amongst the deities and thus he was always around, watching and observing. When the fall happened, he watched his brethren and sisters plummet and yet he was unphased because despair always existed, but the events of the fall and subsequent events increased his power and domain. Now he goes where his sister goes, watching her work, a constant thorn in her side.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 10-17-2024 at 06:09 AM.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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