Hello RPA!

Characters are the heart of all stories, and who doesn’t love the process of coming up with them? This event celebrates that by inviting you to write a little bit about one of your own characters, what inspired them, and the journey from imagination to page.

For this event we would like you to write 100 words or more about the process you went through to create one of your characters (either an existing one who is dear to your heart, or a brand new one for this event!) Your piece should be posted in this thread and might include, for example:

  • What inspired you to make this character in the first place?
  • Did you follow a process when creating them, or did they spring into your head fully formed?
  • Was there an existing character or real life person you based them on?
  • Why did you give them the personality that they have?
  • What about them did you want to stand out most?
  • What story / arc did you imagine for them?

Optional: Add a link to the character sheet in your post - I’m sure we’ll all be curious to see the finished product!