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Thread: [M] Mannaful ~MadinWonderland & Shades of Gray

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    Default [M] Mannaful ~MadinWonderland & Shades of Gray

    Darkness and pain. Those were the first two emotions that ran through his mind as he came to awareness. Nothing worked besides his lungs, it seemed. Though those were hard-pressed to work right, it felt like a huge weight was crushing the air slowly out of him. Instinctively he began to panic and move, making whatever was on top of him add more pressure to his body.
    Focus. Everything will make sense if I just relax. Breathing as deeply as his body would let him, he relaxed his body, trying to recognize his surroundings. I'm buried alive by what feels the rocks and dirt. I smell mulch... probably a farm nearby. Now only two things left to think about; how I got under these rocks and how I can get out.

  2. #2
    The Ashen One
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    "Be back before dinner."
    "Yes Mama."
    Kadey walked out onto her field. She stared at the tall grass that needed to be cut. She walked on.
    She looked behind her and saw the roof of her house long in the distance. The cows were grazing a safe distance away. Nodding to herself, Kadey pulled out her match. She sparked a small fire on the grass before her. She watched as her fire grew and grew. It cackled as she fed it some wheat. Kadey wanted so badly to touch the orange flames before her, but she knew better.
    She heard a noise behind her and, panicking, she put out her flames. If her mother knew she was a pyromaniac she'd kill her.
    Kadey stood up and straightened her dress. She scanned the field. "Hello?" she called. "Mama is that you?"
    Kadey started to walk back to her house but something told her to stay. She turned around to find a small ember still dancing. Sighing with relief-what would have happened if she had left this fire?-she extinguished the flame.

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    Alright, it's decided. With large intake of breath, he began. For the first moment he waited, allowing the feeling of the mana surge course through his body.
    Strange, it seems weaker here. Wherever here is.
    The ground above him began to glow a bluish white, lines of mana coating the rocks as he focused his attention on them. With a small grunt he began moving his arms upward, the rocks that were weighing his body copying the motion. After a few seconds the rocks were completely in the air and the warm light from the sun streamed into the hole he was in.

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    The Ashen One
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    Kadey was just walking back to her house when she heard rocks being thrown. Annoyed-how many times did she have to tell those city kids to go away?-Kadey walked over to the spot where rocks lay scattered. "Would you city folk-" she stopped when she saw a giant hole. It was way too big to be a rabbit hole. The hole was big enough for Bennie, her Mama's biggest cow.
    "Hello?" she called, crouching down. Inside the hole was a human shaped figure. Alarmed, she said, "Who goes there?"

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    "Hello? Who goes there?" A woman's voice reached his ears and he opened his milky brown eyes, staring up at her. It was young woman, barely even a woman in these times. For a moment he just watched her, then it hit him. She's a human. He laid there, still as a rock, staring but in his mind thoughts were racing.
    What is a human doing here?! What should I do? Should I capture her? Send her to the capital? What do I do?!

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    The Ashen One
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    Kadey peered into the hole. Her long brown hair fell into the hole. It shielded her pale face from view.
    "Who are you?" she called, her voice cracking in the second syllable. "Why are you on our farm?"
    Kadey stood, straightening. "I don't know why you're here, but if you don't speak up I can't help you out of here."
    Kadey paused, then called, "Do you speak English?" She thought of what she would do if someone who didn't speak her language was at the bottom of that hole. How would she communicate?
    Or better yet, did she want to?

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    She doesn't recognize me? Well, it has been thousands of years since we were last seen... "English, yes. I do speak English." The words felt heavy and gross on his tongue. Every elf was taught to speak English as a second language Though it was a disgusting way of speaking, the elves pride themselves on their knowledge of the past. So they practice the old ways, even if they were outdated. Compared to her, his words were formal, stiff, and a little bit off compared to what she'd be used to.

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    The Ashen One
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    Kadey sat down next to the hole as she heard a response. It sounded strange, not at all like the people from the village. His voice didn't even sound like the bizarre voices of the city folk. She pushed herself to the edge and extended her hand. "Where are you from?" she asked. She tried to see if the man looked like a city fellow but the hole was too dark.
    Her second question, unasked, still lay at the back of her mind.
    And why are you here?
    The sun beat down on her causing a bead of sweat to escape her forehead. "Come on, it's hot out here," she rushed with a smile.

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    Sitting up by himself, he stared at her hand then looked up at her.
    She expects me to trust her so readily? Humans are as stupid as they told us.
    When he went to stand on his own, his vision swam and he ended up leaning against the side of the hole. This was something he had not noticed before; his head felt like it was going to explode. Did I use too much mana? That didn't seem like a lot...
    He felt the back of his head, surprised to find it warm and wet. Looking at his hand, he was surprised to see blood.
    Oh I see, I must have hit my head when I fell into this hole.

  10. #10
    The Ashen One
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    Kadey stared at the man as he stumbled inside the hole. "Are you...drunk?" She had seen a drunk city man run out to her Mama before once. It had not ended well.
    Something inside the hole caught Kadey's attention. "Oh my, are you bleeding? I'll be right back with a bandage for you. Don't move." She stared at his hole. Not that he can, she added to herself.
    She ran back to her house. Kadey decided against telling Mama about the strange man. Not yet anyway.
    She wet a towel and ran it to the man. "Here," she said handing it to him. "And here's some disinfectant." She smiled at him. The man looked...strange.

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