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Thread: Made Flesh OOC

  1. #1
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    Default Made Flesh OOC

    a Kris and Sy32 production. Big big big props to Sy32 for the writing, ideas and being awesome.


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    Wanted: Brave, resourceful, tough superheroes needed to save world. Must be prepared to risk death, injury and pain. Glory, riches and fame abounding to right prospects.

    (also wanted: Fiction tragics... see small print for details)

    The world of Pixzus is in deep trouble. A mysterious silver egg is sending out emanations causing nasty diseases, which threaten to ruin the city. Not ones to be left standing, the city fathers have assembled a kick-ass team of heroes complete the quest and save the world. But there's just one teensy-weensy little problem...

    All of these heroes are from the world of fiction.

    So, in order to bring them into being, a back up team must also be assembled. A team of misfits, nerds, dreamers, tragics. Ordinary people, with nothing much of the hero about them - but who, because of their total devotion to their favorite fictitious character, actually possess the imagination and faith to manifest their chosen hero - and keep them in line and on task.

    Don't miss the chance. Come and play yourself, and star alongside your chosen hero.


    Okay, so, yeah, you love your favorite hero from fiction, right? You've read every book, seen every movie, seen the anime, played the computer game, read the manga, collected the action figure and eat, think and dream their adventures every spare moment. The one thing you'll never do is get to meet them, right? After all, they're only a character from fiction.


    One minute you were asleep in bed, or dozing in front of the telly, or falling face down onto your keyboard. The next? You awake in a perfectly circular chamber, somewhere in the city of Pixzus. Set into the wall is a wide-screen TV, on which is portrayed a sinister figure, his features hidden by a voluminous hood. This figure tells you that the city is under attack, from an evil plague caused by emanations that, er, emanate from a silver egg, buried deep in a hidden vault somewhere beneath the city or its environs. In desperation, the City fathers have assembled a real kick-ass team, to solve the mystery, complete the quest, destroy the silver egg and save the city.

    No - it's not you lot!

    No, the team we've penciled in for the mission are brave, strong, noble, sexy, strong and brave. Not a load of fan tragics like you. But there's just one problem.

    They're all characters from fiction.

    Each of you have been brought here for one ability. You all have exceptionally vivid imaginations, and expert knowledge of your characters. Your job is to go into the next room, where a series of beds stand end to end. Our assistants will connect you by various wires - don't worry, it's painless - to our computer banks, where your projection of your chosen one will be amplified and rendered. When you wake up, your character - hereafter known as an Achiever - will be there, in the flesh. They will have full and absolute knowledge as to why they are here, and understand that their memories will be wiped upon completion of the quest. While the mission lasts, you will have full and absolute responsibility for the characters. You must keep them on task, and look after their every need. And please - don't waste time asking for autographs. We have a lot to get through. Congratulations - you are now officially a Summoner!

    How to Play

    The Rules
    Last edited by Kris; 04-20-2012 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Accepted players and more...


    Summoner: Claire Calypso Grogan (aka Scarlet_Warrior)
    Achiever: Elizabeth Bennett

    Summoner: Sy23
    Achiever: Katniss Everdeen



    Summoner: Elkay Tromou
    Achiever: Teekay



    Summoner: Gwen Assa
    Achiever: Natalya



    Summoner: P.K.
    Achiever: Cassandra



    Summoner: Drakkon
    Achiever: Akshara Drakkon.



    Summoner: Dan Nichols
    Achiever: Ai Lin Chen



    Summoner: Siks
    Achiever: Mad Max.



    Summoner:Alika Kamashi
    Archiever: Bubbles



    Summoner: TJ Murphy
    Archiever: Fox McCloud

    Spoiler: Graveyard 
    Last edited by Kris; 06-03-2012 at 09:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Epostle's Avatar
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    Omg this is like league of legends on with heroes!!!
    Welcome to my masquerade.

  4. #4
    RPA's Grey-Eyed Charmer
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    Just one of the many influences that went into this idea
    My thanks to the wonderful .Karma for my gorgeous sig!!!

  5. #5
    Member Jade Moriparty's Avatar
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    Woo-hoo! It's up!!! Please let me know what I need to add/subtract!

    Name: Girly Woman
    Age: can legally drink
    Bio: Mostly typical middle-class upbringing, with added spice of non-typical middle-class girl experiences and family members. I'm currently studying for an advanced degree. I spend way too much time in my office, my nose buried in books and my eyes strained by my laptop. Fantasizing and RPing are among the only escapes for which I have the time and the money. I'm engaged, so I don't RP romance with others. However, my chara for this RP will be single in order to not have to deal with fiance-type stuff.
    Personality: I'm generally a cute, adorable, and sweet girl! I have what I think is a charming dash of attitude, although some find it to be a bit much at times. I fortunately lack many of the usual qualities of academics: I'm not neurotic and I'm not socially inept. I super-boy-crazy despite being engaged; I still get schoolgirl crushes. I like cute things, muscular men, clothes, and shoes.
    Appearance: Short, thin, auburn hair, hazel eyes, pale skin

    Name: Jayne Cobb
    Appears in: Firefly, television show
    Creator: Joss Whedon
    When: Jayne doesn't really evolve or have any major changes occur to him, so it is not really necessary to specify when in the series he came from. He won't be wearing the hat, so slightly earlier in the series.
    Bio: Jayne is a character on Firefly, a space western which follows the crew of the ship Serenity. Captain Mal and his crew are smugglers, but they all have a good conscious and will help those in need. Jayne is a mercenary on Captain Mal's crew. He helps them to steal things and smuggle them. He joined Mal's crew when Mal offered him more money and his own bunk. He sends some of the money he makes to his mom, who is caring for a sick child.
    Personality: Jayne is masculine, quick-tempered, dominant, and down-to-earth. He prefers to solve things with guns and fists rather than words. He isn't book smart, but he is street smart and has good instincts. He is, for the most part, loyal to his crew, although he can be bought off for a large enough sum. He is the muscles of the crew and has a large arsenal of weapons. For this RP, he will just have the handgun, bullets, and knife in the picture. He will also have "Vera": "Callahan full-bore auto-lock with a customized trigger, double cartridge and thorough gauge" (Wikipedia)
    Spoiler: Jayne 

    Wikipedia on Jayne:
    Wikipedia on Firefly
    Last edited by Jade Moriparty; 04-22-2012 at 11:56 PM.

  6. #6
    RPA's Grey-Eyed Charmer
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    Summoner: Scarlet_Warrior

    Claire Calypso Grogan (aka Scarlet_Warrior) is a computer nerd of the first order. Hugely overweight, a martyr to incessant acne, uncontrollable hair, protruding and uneven teeth (complete with braces), an unreliable bladder and pathological shyness, she spends most of her time closeted in her room, reading romantic novels or playing computer games, thinking of what might one day be!

    Claire hates what she is – she would far rather be a fierce female warrior, in the computer games to which she is so addicted, or a beautiful romantic heroine from a regency romance, or even (at pinch) a normal person who can hold her own at normal social activities. Alas, she is none of these things, and has to make due with what she’s got. She regards her on-line life as the important part of her existence, and real-life (which she calls “meatspace”) as an unnecessary and boring intrusion into it. She is aged 19.

    Claire is so addicted to Regency Romances and Mills and Boone novelettes that she can quote many of them word for word. She reads nothing else, though she does watch a lot of movies, which she downloads illegally from FTP sites.

    For this mission she has summoned Elizabeth Bennett, from her all-time favorite novel “Pride and Prejudice”. Unfortunately, the city fathers are not known for their literary taste or encyclopaedic knowledge – they are under the impression they are getting the character of the same name and appearance from “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” – a “mash-up” in which Elizabeth appears as a katana-wielding bad-ass zombie killer. This oversight has the potential to lead to tragedy when the chips are down!

    Achiever: Elizabeth Bennett.

    Appears in: “Pride and Prejudice” (Book, and many movie adaptations)
    Created by: Jane Austin

    Spoiler: Elizabeth 

    Elizabeth is the classic Regency heroine. By the standards of her time and background she is intelligent, independent, witty, feisty and compassionate. Unfortunately these qualities are overshadowed by her extreme snobbery, her class-consciousness, Anglocentricism, vanity and tendency towards going off-task.

    She is summoned at a point in her life just after she has met Mr Darcy, the male hero of the book of her life, and has not yet developed the romantic attachment to him that forms the main story of the work.

    Summoner: Sy23

    Sy is skinny to the point of emaciation, though closer examination reveals this to be due to a lack of body fat rather than physical weakness. Aged – erm, over 21 – Sy looks far younger than his chronological age, and tends to dress in the casual clothing favored by younger people in the early years of the 21st century, supplemented by kangaroo-skin boots. He has deep sea-gray eyes, brown hair usually cut very short, a naturally pale complexion augmented by a light tan, and, at the time of this story, no facial hair. His personal hygiene and grooming are generally good, but he sometimes neglects to cut his fingernails or toenails.

    He is talkative, cynical, analytical, tenacious and mercurial. He is never lost for a cynical remark, which can sometimes verge on cruelty. Can flare into temper, on which occasions he becomes particularly scathing. Tends to analyse situations and find connections between seemingly unconnected things, which can often lead to unorthodox but effective solutions to difficult problems. Very hard to intimidate, but can get shy when speaking to someone he particularly admires. An outrageous flirt, with fetishes about female clothing disarrangement, blushing and helplessness. Chivalrous, and will fight fiercely to defend someone he considers unjustly treated or who is defenceless. Chain-smokes cigars. Dislikes the screaming of babies and children, amounting almost to a phobia.

    Sy’s vary nature tends to mitigate against him jumping on any popular-taste bandwagon, and the Harry Potter, Avatar and Twilight crazes left him totally cold. It is as much a surprise to Sy himself as to his friends that within a few pages he had fallen besottedly in love with the character of Katniss Everdeen (anti-heroine of the “Hunger Games” trilogy), which is who he summons for this quest.

    Achiever: Katniss Everdeen.
    Appears in: The Hunger Games (book and movie), Catching Fire, Mockingjay.
    Created by: Suzanne Collins.

    Spoiler: Katniss 

    A dirt-poor child from a mining town, situated in a post-apocalyptic dictatorship, this girl could not be said to have had the best start in life. She lost her father at an early age (mining accident) and since then has had to take full responsibility for feeding her family, which include a loving but ineffectual sister, a mother who exists in a near-catatonic state, an ungrateful cat and a goat. To add to her problems, her only marketable skill is hunting – in a society in which this activity is illegal.

    Physically, she is under average height, thin but wiry, and a dark-skinned, gray-eyed brunette. This reflects the normal physical type of her place of origin, though weirdly her mother and sister are blonds! She normally wears her hair in a long braid and dresses in green or other colors conducive to camouflage.

    She is a highly ethical person, and will do anything to protect her family, or to defend what she feels is right. Compassion in her is almost a life-defining philosophy. Morose and introverted, highly practical and totally lacking in discretion, she can also add extreme political naivety and a hint of mental instability to her quiver of negative traits.

    As if her start in life wasn’t bad enough, at the time of her summoning she has just returned from a state-sponsored competition in which group of children are set loose in an arena with the instruction to slaughter each other in order to provide a diverting spectacle to the elite of the populace. Despite winning, she has managed to incur the extreme displeasure of the ruling hierarchy due to her actions within the arena, not to mention being extremely damaged, both physically and mentally, by her experiences therein. Her one consolation is that surely, things can’t get any worse. Fortunately for her, she hasn’t read the next two books in the trilogy!
    My thanks to the wonderful .Karma for my gorgeous sig!!!

  7. #7
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    I shall bring up the CS soon enough

    Meanwhile gang, looking for more ppl to join up

  8. #8
    Vixen of the Heart
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    alright Sy has my interet but no promises as I have so many rps as is...

  9. #9
    RPA's Grey-Eyed Charmer
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    And after I founded your fan club too!
    My thanks to the wonderful .Karma for my gorgeous sig!!!

  10. #10
    Vixen of the Heart
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    ... NO! no fan not that type of gal..I'm a lover..not one to be worshipped...thats what Mods are for -gives Kris favorite pie and flowers-

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