You join, as in any other RP, by submitting character sheets. In this case one for your Summoner - no set template, but ideally it includes a brief outline of physical appearance, personality and anything else you feel necessary. And one for your Achiever, which is simply a brief paragraph about them, details of which work of fiction they appear in, the author who invented them, and at what stage of the story they are taken from (for example, if you pick Aragorn from "Lord of the Rings", is it when he was wandering as Strider, after he became King, just before the Paths of the Dead, whatever)... feel free to include a pic and/or link to a wiki page if you like. Your Achiever may come from any medium you wish - literature, comics, music, poetry, anime, manga, movies, TV. Try to post someone who is a bit unlike the Achievers already posted - we don't want a whole bunch of barbarian warriors and nothing else. The team has to be a good mix.
Every effort will be made to have all the Achievers make an equal contribution. So beware - if you submit an absolute invincible, the GM will find a way to limit their powers.
Metagaming- yeah, yeah, it's evil, etc. But in order to keep the action fast-paced, feel free to employ it to a fair and limited extent. If you address someone else's character, it's all right to have their character look quizzically at you, or contradict you if it's obvious that this is what they would do. If you feel someone else has misused your character, let them know OOC. Character inventor has final say!
Interact with whoever you like, in any way you like. Have your Achiever take a violent dislike to some other Achiever, or a Summoner (their own or someone else's), or fall in helpless love with them. It's all good.
Have your character's weaknesses on display as much as their strengths - it makes for a better story.
If you wish to leave, please let the GM know OOC or in pm. She will kill your characters off in as much an IC way as she can. When an Achiever dies, their Summoner vanishes, or vice-versa.
Tell all your RP friends how awesome this RP is.
Feel free to send money...
This RP is brought to you by KriSys productions. GM is Kris. Assistance in concept was rendered by Sy23.
Enjoy. Have fun. Play nice.