The Past:
Two warring Kingdoms, driven for dominance over their lands, fight to the bitter end. One king, knowing that his kingdom was going to lose, went to the order of magic, an ancient cult that had been helping him protect the kingdom.
Pleading with them, he asked for his kingdom to be put to rest, and his people sent into the future, where they could hopefully live on, free of fighting and strife. The sorcerer’s, feeling the plight of the king, agreed to help him, and began preparing a powerful spell to send the people of the kingdom into the future.
The other kingdom, catching wind of this, went to intercept bringing their sorcerer’s with them to try and break the spell, hoping to kill the kingdom in one fell strike. Though they had started, they were unable to completely stop the spell, but were able to alter it. The memories of the people of the kingdom were altered, to make them forget their past and to be replaced by one from the current world. The Other kingdoms army was eradicated in the blast, and the Kingdom left standing in rubble. Though they cheered, the other king remained unsatisfied, sitting upon his throne and angered by the victory taken away from him.
The evil king, King Lesh, went to his mages, and proclaimed to them to remake the spell, so that he may send his own men to the same future to kill the people of the kingdom, so that he may wipe out the remains of his enemy once and for all.
Flash forward to the present:
Enter the present day, Kingport Cove, Maine. If your char is from the present and has “Powers “they will be a direct descendant of someone from the kingdom. If your char is normal they will not be ancestors, they will be normal ordinary every day people.
A chain of events will occur that will begin to clue the townsfolk in that something is amiss. As long lying dormant powers begin to come to light, everything the people of Kingport Cove, Maine have ever thought they have known to be truth will be changed during the “awakening.”