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Thread: Kaleb (The Thief) vs Apophis (The Myth)

  1. #1

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    Default Kaleb (The Thief) vs Apophis (The Myth)

    A flash of lightning cause the streetlights to shut off, then they lit dimly and began to brighten as thunder rumbled the world around Apophis. He scanned the street, his opponent had not yet arrived. He raised his right arm, feeling the weight of his drenched jacket. He slowly pulled his jacket off and folded it in half, then crouched to place it on the ground. He then pulled off his jacket, showing his tattooed and scarred chest, multiple small, circular scars and several lines, the most prominent scar starting just below his chest tattoo, a straight vertical line down the middle of his torso, disappearing under his waistband. He then stood, pulling the revolver from his belt, then pressed the cylinder lock and flicked his wrist to the left, the cylinder opening. He tilted the revolver backwards, the clip falling out, several bullets being knocked out of the clip as it hit the ground. He crouched down, setting the revolver right side down on his clothes with the cylinder open. He then stood, pulling what appeared to be a 14 inch long solid lead cylinder from his waist and crossed his arms, waiting for his opponent.

  2. #2
    Member owa666's Avatar
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    Kaleb was standing on a building overlooking the battlefield. I doubt I can win this up close and personal. Better close in and end it quickly. Kaleb knew a little about this man, from stories, to myths, to fairy tales.
    He draws his two daggers and begins to run across the rooftops until he spots his enemy. He lined up a little bit behind him, as to surprise Apophis Now or never., he thinks as he jumps off the roof, aiming for the man, dagers aimed at his throat.

  3. #3

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    Apophis simply stepped out of the way of Kaleb's blades as Apophis' staff extended to six feet long, "You didn't think that would really work, did you?"
    Apophis set one end of his staff on the ground, "You can't sneak up on someone if you're running in at least 2 or 3 inches of water. This might be easier than I thought."
    A smirk crossed Apophis' lips as he set the end of his staff on top of his shoe, "My turn."
    Apophis let go of his staff and kicked it up, catching it just before one of the lead ends. He then have a hard swing towards Kaleb's side.

  4. #4
    Member owa666's Avatar
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    Kaleb, not surprised by the dodge, rolled to keep himself from being injured. As the Staff comes for him, he falls to the ground, ducking, then springs back up as the Staff moves over him.

    "You have good hearing to hear me over all this rain." Kaleb smiles, "Not many can do that. Of course, perhaps a legend could." With that Kaleb rushed in, not allowing his opponent any tie to answer him, making a slash attempt with one of his daggers.

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    The silver liquid seeped out of the end of Apophis' staff around the knife embedded in it. Apophis gave Kaleb a disapproving look, "You broke my stick."
    Apophis jerked his staff back, the knife sliding easily out of lead, mercury dripping onto the ground. Apophis then jumped slightly, twisting his body, his foot speeding towards Kaleb's head.


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