A strange place. An Alien Place.
The Arena is a sprawling place, a 5 kilometer wide square. The most noticeable thing is the massive, sprawling gash in the earth, many kilometers deep. There is rough vegetation, and everything has a reddish tint. Sand storms frequent this area, reducing visibility greatly. The Occasional thunderstorm also rolls by, and when it does, a torrent of rain is brought with it.
After 5 sets of posts, a sandstorm will arrive. 5 sets of posts later, it will dissipate. While it is active, visibility will be negligible, even with specialized equipment. 6
more sets of posts later, a thunderstorm will arrive, which will last for 4 sets of posts.
A set of posts is whenever each fighter has made a post.
1. No Autohitting (As per usual with battles)
2. The Regular Rules for this Sub-Forum
3. The battle only ends once one fighter is either dead, or permanently disabled.
The First post of the fight is Riot.