"The steamer began to move slowly away, but on the landward horizon appeared the silhouette of a fighting machine. Another came, and another, striding over hills and trees, plunging far out to sea and blocking the exit of the steamer.
Between them lay the silent, gray ironclad Thunderchild."
Official Name: The Terran Federation
Other Name(s): The Remnant, the Fleet, the Federation
National Color(s): Purple/Black/Silver
Spoiler: National Flag
National Slogan:
Terra Firma
Government & National Population
Autocratic Military Dictatorship
Political Left|-------------|-------|Political Right
Key Members of the Terran Fleet-In-Exile:
Grand Admiral: Marcus Sheffield
Minister of Fleet Armaments:
Minister of Terran Affairs: Xavier Gonzalez
Minister of Naval Security:
Minister of Naval Intelligence:
Joint Chief of Staff: Márcio Paschoal
Marshall of the Corps:
Key Members of the former Federal Government:
Leader of the Federation; Arkadiy Shulga - Last confirmed sighting in the Sol system, circa 2670; presumed deceased.
First Lady of the Federation; Krasmiria Shulga - Last confirmed sighting in the Sol system, circa 2670; presumed deceased.
Director of Defense; Márcio Paschoal - On board the TFNV Thunderchild as a personal advisor to Admiral Sheffield; pursued by international law for war-crimes.
Director of Intelligence; Sirena Koskou - Last confirmed sighting in the Selkuth system; confirmed deceased, executed circa 2671 (after her capture in the Iluna incident) per trial for war-crimes.
Director of Colonization; Léopold Bethune - Last confirmed sighting in the Alpha Centauri system, planetary governor; wanted by the Terran remnant as a traitor to the Federation and to Mars.
Director of Foreign Affairs; Vijaya Arya - Last confirmed sighting in the Selkuth system; wanted by the Terran Remnant as a traitor to the Federation and to Mars.
Director of Finance; Iswara Shroff - Location unknown, missing after the Iluna incident in 2670; presumed to have fled to the Scatterran spheres.
Director of Domestic Affairs; Xavier Gonzalez - On board the TFNV Jalal; pursued by international law for claims of war-crimes.
Director of Research and Development; Joshua Sanford - Location unknown, missing after the fall of Alpha Centauri 2669; presumed deceased.
Director of Security Forces; Hugo Kolbrun - Last confirmed sighting in the Selkuth system; confirmed deceased, executed circa 2671 (after his capture in the Iluna incident) per trial for war-crimes.
Legislative Body: N/A
Homeworld: Earth (Formerly)
Capital: Formerly Mars Currently TFNV Thunderchild
Population Breakdown:
Terran; 97%
a. Caucasoid Terran; 45%
b. Mongoloid Terran; 30%
c. Negroid Terran; 25%
Other; 3%
Major Race(s):
a. Caucasoid Terran; The Caucasian race, sometimes the Caucasoid race, is defined as "relating to a broad division of humankind covering peoples descending from Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Central Asia, North Africa and South Asia" or "white-skinned; of European origin" or "relating to the region of the Caucasus in South East Europe".
b. Mongoloid Terran; The Mongoloid race (also referred to as the East Asian race or Far East race) is the race descending from East and South East Asia, including the Han Chinese and other Chinese races, the Mongolians, the Japanese, the Vietnamese and the Koreans. Mongoloid strains penetrate into central Asia. American Indians are a mixture of caucasoid and mongoloid people. Mongoloid traits are found in combination with caucasian ones, through lagodan influences. The Saami people of northern Scandinavia are thought to be slightly mongoloid in nature, although this hypothesis is contested.
c. Negroid Terran; Negroids are a race of people, generally descending from Sub-Saharan Africa but with descendants in various parts of the world, particularly the Americas. The term is most commonly applied to the peoples who speak the Niger-Congo languages (Congoids). Groups such as the Khoisan (Capoids) are regarded by most as related, though they have a different anthropological structure. Certain groups widely regarded as Black Africans, descending from around the Horn of Africa, have a degree of Hamitic admixture, particularly some of the Ethiopians and Somalis.
Language(s) Spoken:
English; taught in public education, official language
Trade; taught in public education
Russian; taught in public education
Spanish; taught in public education
Chinese; taught in public education
German; taught in public education
French; taught in public education
Other; various Scatterran languages taught in military specialty education or paid colonization education
Primary Tech:Terra-Forming - The process of taking an inhabitable planet and making it habitable for human life, while challenging natural forming xenolife and geographics of the annexed planet. This includes freezing or heating an atmosphere, introducing elements such as atmospheric gases, water, biological lifeforms (plants), and/or exterminating hostile xenospecies (unintelligent). There are four classifications to terraforming:
T0 - Planet is uninhabitable; human life unsustainable outside of atmospheric shields. Natural geological phenomenon occurs often and poses a large threat; high temperatures, unexplained plate shifts, volcano eruptions, electrical/plasma storms, atmospheric gas storms.
T1 - Planet is inhabitable; prehistoric lifeforms such as plants, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. No spontaneous intelligent lifeforms. Reasonable atmosphere for native species, temperate. Unexpected weather and natural phenomenon.
T2 - Planet is inhabitable; human life sustainable with stable atmosphere, almost breathable. Some spontaneous intelligent xeno-lifeforms, and unintelligent xeno-lifeforms, including plants. Docile weather systems and less occuring natural phenomenon.
T3 - Planet is Terran inhabitable; perfect atmosphere for human sustainability, no atmospheric shields required. Temperature reflects Earth as well as native plants and xenospecies. May or may not have naturally occurring intelligent xeno-lifeforms.
Secondary Tech:Replicant Production - A replicant is a synthetic human with paraphysical capabilities. It is a genetically engineered creature composed entirely of cybernetic and organic substance. Animal replicants were developed first for use as pets and beasts of burden after most real animals became extinct. Later, humanoid replicants were created for military purposes and for the exploration and colonization of space. They are much stronger, faster, and indistinguishable from real human beings outwardly. However, they lack empathy and do not have emotions. They have a fifteen year life span after activation.
Tertiary Tech:Interstellar Space Travel - Facilitating their rapid expansion into the stars, the Terrans have logically invested heavily in developing technology to carry them across their domain. The theories of Miguel Alcubierre were finally realized decades after his death as both the opportunity and ability to put them to the test came about, many a ship in the Federation utilizing such drives as the Federation both plots its course and carves its swath from among the stars.
Federal Colonial Marine Corps
HADT, or High Atmosphere Drop Troops, whom served as the heavy force of the Federation's infantry military. They were transported by the Interstellar Fleet from planet to planet, despite mission classification, and dropped from high tier atmosphere layers onto the ground in multi-use capsules. They are equipped with the most advanced heavy operating mechanized power armor and arsenal to match. HADT was widely known throughout the Terran Federation as "Boomer Babies", due to the nature of their field tactics and purpose.
CI, or Colonial Infantry, were the main force of the Federation's infantry military. They were transported by the Interstellar Fleet—just as HADT—on low mission classification. They are not dropped from atmospheric heights like their cousin division but deployed on ground by shuttles detached from the Interstellar Fleet. CI was the more versatile force and had a wider range of allocated resources than their orbitally dropped cousins.
RRF, or Replicant Reconnaissance Force, whom served as the special forces and black operations portion of the Federation's former military. They lack the ability to have emotional ties to targets and eradicating obstacles during all mission classifications—usually top tier—and follow orders without resistance. RRF was the main stealth force of the Corps, and proved very successful even until the close of the war.
Rank Structure of the Federal Colonial Marines (link pending)
Federal Interstellar Navy
The Federal Fleet a galactic exploratory and defense service formerly maintained by the Department of Defense of the Terran Federation. Its principle functions included the advancement of Federal knowledge about the galaxy, expansion into other systems through colonization, advancement of science and technology, military defense and diplomatic service. Many officers once served as representatives of the entire Terran nation when first contacting other xenospecies and peoples. An on-going joke by the Federal Marine Corps is the nickname "Support and Transport", which was the main use of the fleet. They were widely used to carry ground and sea support vessels for the FMC, and ferry diplomats to other nations.
However, the FIN is more than capable of defending or attacking in hostile space territory or when Terran territory is invaded. Divisions in the fleet are called sectors, and most are part of a balance-powered flotilla of around fifty to one hundred different classes of ships. Smaller, stealth classes in reconnaissance sectors, do not follow the flotilla but remain singular for diplomatic transports, intelligence gathering, or tracking down single, high profile, hostilities in Terran territory. There are five sectors which are divided into several battalions. Flotillas are made up of different battalions from the five sectors.
Rank Structure of the Federal Navy (link pending)
Currency: CRT; Terran Federation Credit
Gross Domestic Product: 160,000,000,000,000 CRTs
Housed Under: (formerly) Department of Finance, Department of Domestic Affairs, Administration of Research and Development.
Economy Type: Absolute Command Economy
Economic Tendencies:
Major Exports:
Cybernetic Enhancements
Replicants; Android Technology; non-military grade
Military Grade Weapons
Major Imports:
Consumer Goods
Raw Materials
Unique Manufacturing: Replicant Technology, which is the manufacturing of androids who mimic the physical traits and genetic makeup as real human beings outside of their cybernetic parts. They are used for military, colonization, business, and personal purposes. They are the first front when it comes to exploring unknown reaches of space, terraforming a new planet, or for physical conflict during times of war. Replicant technology is highly expensive and is not auctioned off. It remains to have a fixed price, and was formerly produced by independently owned corporations; not the military.
Reproduction: Legal; encouraged after the sack of Earth.
Status of Drugs:
Marijuana - legal with state-assigned permit.
Tobacco - legal, adult age restrictions apply.
Cocaine - illegal, outside of applied use by the state.
Alcohol - legal, adult age restrictions apply.
LSD - illegal outside of applied use by the state.
Caffeine - legal, no restrictions.
Heroin - illegal outside of applied use by the state.
Opium - illegal outside of applied use by the state.
Methamphetamine - illegal punishable by military draft; no citizenship earned.
Firearms: Everyone in the fleet is armed and trained, civilians included. Proficiency with an assault rifle is mandatory for legal classification as an adult.
Death Penalty: Legal.
Speed Limit: Speed Limit ranges with each ship.
Religion: Freedom of Religion supported by state and encouraged.
Pornography: Legal, age restrictions apply.
Prostitution: Illegal save for state sponsored brothels maintained for civil service and the armed forces. Private practice punishable by military draft; no citizenship earned.
Polygamy: Legal if classified as a colonist.
Homosexuality: Illegal if classified as a colonist. Legal of civilian, military, or citizen.
Stem Cell Research: Legal; state sponsored.
Cloning: Legal; Military use: clones not eligible for citizenship until military service contract completed. Business: clones hold all entitlement to company or corporation. Colonist: not eligible.
Slavery: Illegal.
Hunting: Legal if non-intelligent xenos or wildlife.
Consumption of Meat: Legal.
Litter: Illegal, fines ranging from 1,000 CRT to 5,000 CRT.
Suicide: Illegal, punishable by forced draft; no citizenship earned.
Gay Marriage: Legal if non-colonist.
Abortion: Illegal.
Sexual Activity:
Pedophilia - Illegal, punishable by conscription; no citizenship earned.
Beastophilia -Illegal, punishable by conscription; no citizenship earned.
Xenophilia - Illegal, punishable by conscription; no citizenship earned.
Rape - Illegal, punishable by conscription. Child (if any) is not aborted.
Prerequisites for Citizenship: Minimum military enlistment for five years.
Automatic Citizenship: N/A.
Partial Citizenship: N/A.
Prohibited Immigration/Visitation: Consortium citizens and members of their respective military, or any Terrans who acknowledge the Peace Accords of 2671.
Censorship of Media: "Freedom of Speech", open media but state-regulated pending improper propaganda against the Federation or negative light thereof.
Last edited by Ottoman; 03-05-2017 at 03:24 AM.
"None of us know our end really, or what hand will guide us there. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played, or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say 'but I was told by others to do thus' or that 'virtue was not convenient at the time.' This will not suffice.