Persistent Worlds Application
Name of Project: Never-Ending Conquest Season 2
Master GM: Tolvo
RPA Join Date September 2012
RPs You Have Participated In Never-Ending Conquest
Realms of War
Transient Souls
Title of Persistent World: Never-Ending Conquest takes place in a world where lines have been drawn and various nations, kingdoms, and lands have come to be at odds with one another. With the explosiveness that comes with multiple large scale wars unveiling in rapid succession things are in turmoil while bloody conflicts continue to claim lives. Each faction vies for as much control as possible while trying too reach whatever their end game goals are. From the Northwest the Western Empire reaches out seeking to annex and conquer whatever it can. The demons of Destruin in the Southwest stretch their borders constantly seeking to turn all mortals into monsters. In the Northeast the Five Kingdoms look to avenge past transgressions against them. In the very South the Southern Kingdoms struggle to hold their lands while fighting on all sides. To the Southeast the Southern Dominion seek both riches and to claim what was lost to them. Far in the Northwest the Barbarian clans rally to fight off invaders in their lands. At the very center are the Mersus Deathborne who are on a pilgrimmage to turn the entire world undead.
Genre(s) of World: Fantasy, Mature
Number of Members Involved: Currently 5(Not including myself)
Names of Members Involved: Cashpop
Evening Rain
Dire Hoef