Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal Saskia Miranda Elizabetha Victoria, Princess of Lys of the House Castravet
Born as the second child, of the second wife of the King of Lys, Saskia is deeply beloved by her family and her nation. The Princess' fate weighs heavily on her mind, as it was promised before she was ever born. According to the Treaty of Argent, signed in the capitol of Lys - the King's first born daughter would wed the Emperor of Asterious' eldest son and heir. In so doing - a temporary and uneasy peace was forged between the two nations.
Her birth was heralded as the fulfillment of a promise, and ensured peace would stand. At the same time, her birth heralded the demise of Lys, as upon her marriage to Sebastien, the Prince Imperial her beloved country and homeland would be assumed by the Empire as nothing but another vassal state.
Saskia is warm, affectionate and known for her intellect. Ever the student, Saskia has been educated in state craft, and is perhaps more knowledgable on the subject than her elder brother, Crysos. Saskia, however, has been something of a disappointment to her father. Women in the royal line was been gifted with the power of ice magic, Saskia at the tender age of 23, has yet to show any signs of the gift.
Though Saskia is beyond the age of marriage, recent chaos has thrown her fate into doubt. Her father, the King of Lys has been ailing for some years and is now believed to be on his death bed. Her betrothed, Sebastien, a man Saskia adored and perhaps even loved, has died after shortly assuming the Imperial throne. Arrangements were swiftly made for her to be engaged to his younger brother, Alistair, the new Emperor. While Saskia has not met Alistair, or at least not that she can recall, the rumours of his unyielding cruelty have reached Lys, making her less than pleased about the fulfillment of her duty.
Asterious, showing no signs of slowing down, is posturing for war, growing ever more impatient with the delays of the Imperial wedding, and assumption of control over the ancient Kingdom of Lys. Growing up, Saskia was always close with her eldest brother, the adopted son of the King, Theobald. It does appear however, that her affections have grown significantly toward him, to the point where he has become a distraction from her engagement. Though he is more than ten years her senior, she has always revered him.
Many in the capitol of Argent feel that crisis, even a war is coming.