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Thread: Finding Evermore? 1X1 with Cwlee [M]

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    Mature Finding Evermore? 1X1 with Cwlee [M]

    It was another bright and colorful day on the planet CelestialCloud. Ember was the only thing or person that wasn’t the brightest or most colorful. Only thing colorful about her was her bright red hair and green eyes. Though that wasn’t enough for her on this planet, especially in this town. The town of Celestia. The town that the royal family lives or did live.
    Ember walked into a small diner, where ever she went she got strange looks and murmurings initially pointed towards herself. She moved to town not long after the royal family went up in flames. That was when she was sixteen. That was eight years ago. She was still getting the looks. She was still getting the judgments. She sat up at the bar and asked for an Iced Tea and a Breakfast Platter.
    “Do you have the money to pay for this?” Asked the waitress.
    “If you must know, yes I do. You ask me this every damn time!” Ember snapped back at her.
    The waitress looked at her with a shocked look. “No need to get hostel. I will call the authorities. How do you even get money? This is a small town and it’s not like anyone ever sees you work.”
    Ember frowned and bit her lip. “I work in another town since you guys won’t give me a chance. Now, may I please get my order?”
    The waitress rolled her eyes, but nodded her head.
    On the tv was a live broadcast. “Today marks eight years since the bodies of our beloved God and Goddess was found in the rubble of the castle in our own town of Celestia.It also marks eight years that our beloved Goddess Princess Cyra has gone missing. She was not found in the rubble. I’m here with the new God of the Town, The God and Goddess Nephew, August. The reporter said and gave a bow to the God and handed him microphone.
    “Today marks another sad day for my family. I think what hurts more than knowing my Aunt and Uncle are gone is not knowing the whereabouts of my beautiful cousin, Cyra.” August sniffled and wiped his eyes. “It was hard for me to take over the kingdom knowing she could still be out there and knowing she is the rightful heir to the throne. Tonight our flag will be at half mass and a search party will be out in the woods and closer towns to look for our beloved heir. Remember she has beautiful long red hair and beautiful unique teal eyes. He said and handed the microphone back to the broadcaster and it ended.
    Ember watched and didn’t even noticed her food had come. She only snapped back to attention when she heard someone say that it was probably her who started that fire. Just because she moved into the town a few days after the fire. She rubbed her eyes as her contacts were starting to burn her eyes. She sighed and started to eat her food in silence. Once she was done she paid and headed home to relax.
    Last edited by Clucky Has Arrived; 05-31-2024 at 06:38 PM.

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    Music blared inside Amon's cockpit as the vampire bounty hunter hurtled through the stars, traveling hundreds of lightyears to find a planet called CelestialCloud. It was said to be an ancient world, possibly older than the universe itself. But what truly drew him there was the being he was hired to find, a powerful entity capable of causing chaos and destruction wherever she went. Surprisingly, his mission wasn't to kill her but rather to save her.

    "Computer, what's the condition of the planet?" Amon inquired, his voice steady despite the excitement coursing through him.

    The ship's AI responded promptly, "The planet of CelestialCloud has a moderate temperature with a perfectly breathable atmosphere for you, Amon. There appears to be a storm brewing on the southern hemisphere, but it should not concern us as our destination is in the northern half."

    "Thank you, computer," Amon said as he switched to auto-pilot and prepared to suit up.

    At a nearby spaceport, Amon docked his ship and disengaged the hatches to the exit. Clad in a sleek spacesuit that outlined his muscular build, he left the helmet, knowing the air was breathable. He descended the steps of his ships, the platform beneath him welcoming him. The gravity here felt heavier but manageable.

    "Now, where am I going to find this celestial being?" he mused aloud, his eyes scanning the horizon. His heart pounded not with the anticipation of battle, but with an unexpected flutter of curiosity and hope. As he ventured deeper into the town, he wondered about the being he was sent to save. Who was she really? And why did the thought of her stir something deep within him?

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    Ember sighed and started to walk down the path. She was muttering about how judgy this town was. How does anyone get along here? She wondered to herself. You had to be just like everyone else and that she didn’t want to be. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice she was about to walk right into someone until it was too late. She fell to the ground and looked up at the back of someone. She bit her lip and stood up.
    “I am so sorry!” She looked at the outfit of the person. All black? She waited until the person turned to face her. “Are you new here?” She asked the man and gave a small smile. Maybe I should give him some advice about his outfit? Or maybe I should befriend him and have ONE friend in this town. She rubbed her eyes again, this time a little more aggressively as they itched.

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    Upon searching, someone had bumped into him. He looked down at the person, raising an eyebrow at her in discomfort. As he realized she was harmless, he eased up, his red eyes memorizing her figure. She was undeniably beautiful and perhaps she knew the whereabouts of the celestial being. He shook his head in response, not wanting to reveal his identity to her yet.

    "No, I'm from the town over," he replied to her. "I shop here time to time. I'm looking for someone. Maybe you can help me." Her red hair was drawing him closer, but the man remained still as he waited for her answer. He sifted through his long black hair with his fingers as he gazed at the young woman.

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    Ember frowned when he said that and sighed. I guess it was too good to be true. “I’m not well liked in this town, so I wouldn’t be good help to you.” She said honestly and turned her head away for a moment. “Who are you looking for?” She asked softly and looked back at him, looking at his black hair. “Also you might want to change your appearance or you won’t be liked either.”

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    Amon chuckled, almost mockingly towards the woman. "I don't walk around to be liked, missy," he told her as he began to walk away from her, realizing she probably did not know much about the whereabouts about the celestial person. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am. Hardly doubt you know anything about celestial beings." He waved her away, but as he did, he could not help but think about how fitting the woman was of the descriptions given by his tip. Her eyes, however, were the only description off, and Amon knew the eyes told much of the truth.

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    Ember scoffed and whirled around. “I’m just trying to help you out, Sir!” She snapped and started to follow him. “I do live in this town. I do know about all the Gods and Goddesses here.” She said and stood in front of him. “You shouldn’t be so rude either!” She snapped again, trying to put this man in his place. “If you go in places acting like that the authorities will surly be called on you.”

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    "Let them come then," Amon scoffed, challenging the authority. "What are they actually going to do? Hm?" He chuckled as he went about his way, not minding that Ember was just tagging along now. Eventually, she would likely grow tired and just leave him alone. "You did say you know something about the gods. Didn't you?" That thought perked his interest. "Do you know where I can find one then?"

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    Ember frowned and could feel her anger rising at this arrogant jackass. Though she couldn’t lose her cool. She couldn’t let her power off, it would completely blow her cover. Though for some reason she willed to follow him. Why did she will to follow him? When he mentioned gods, she raised an eyebrow.
    “Can it be any gods or are you looking for them in a certain area?” She asked him curiously. “Why are you interested in them?”

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    "Not any gods. They're called Everyoungs. Heard of 'em? Didn't think so," he replied, not even giving Ember a moment to answer his question. Amon seemed to continue to assume that she didn't know much. "A rare bunch that need saving apparently. Pays real well, nobody wants to do it though, wonder why." Amon seemed cocky or perhaps the right level of confidence. From his stature alone, Amon appeared to be fit and well presented as if he knew what he was doing.

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