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Thread: [M] Gelid Seraph [Ashen & Argon Jaden]

  1. #141
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    And just like that, Shion was gone. Iggy slumped to the ground, bruised and bleeding and helpless. He had never seen Shion so seething, and now, he had to live with knowing he had done this. All of the pain in Shion's life had been caused by Iggy himself. What kind of friend was he? He clenched his fists tightly. What was he to do now?

    Iggy had always been different from the rest of his clan. He knew it as soon as he knew how to talk; something about him was off. His flame wasn't orange or red like the others', or even blue like a select few. He had the white flame, the first most of his tribe had ever seen. But even beyond that, he didn't understand the adrenaline that came with homicide. The fire mages seemed fueled by their bloodlust, but Iggy was more interested in physical activity, in sports and games. When he'd finally had enough of their ways, he was on his own, entirely racked with guilt. He'd killed so many people, and he vowed to never use the power of his flames again.

    Once Shion had joined Gelid Seraph, Iggy was reacquainted with his guilt. Every single day he had to look into the face of a boy he had ruined. He had the same facial structure as so many who Iggy had murdered, the same hair, the same build. Every day Iggy was reminded of what he had done. He didn't know how he had made it to eighteen without killing himself to escape the guilt.

    But Iggy knew he wasn't making it to nineteen. As he sat there in a pathetic heap of sweat, blood, and dirt, he could only think about his best friend, his brother, hurling insults at him, screaming at him, attacking him. He could only think of the years he had betrayed himself, betrayed Shion, leading him on. He was a terrible human being, one without the right to even draw breath. So, Iggy did what he felt like he had to do. If Shion wouldn't end the fire mages, he would.

    Shion's family had perished in a blurry wave of fire. Iggy, then, deserved no less. He promised himself this was the very last time he would use his flame, and Iggy summoned a ring of them, white-hot blazes surrounding him on all sides. The walls closed in on him, charring his skin. He couldn't even think to scream. His flame was hot enough to burn even him, despite his resistance. Iggy could hardly fight anymore as he felt the flames in his stomach, in his lungs, in his veins. He was suffocating, choking on his own disease, but he could not stop now. His skin fizzled, flesh skipping grilled texture and going straight to ash on his muscles. With burns all over every part of his body, Iggy's fires finally stopped all at once, and he fell to a wheezing heap on the ground.
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  2. #142
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    He had stalked quietly to the river, wanting to wash off the grime and dirt off his body when his nose picked up the familiar smell of burning flesh. He paused, memories flashing before his eyes. He didn't know how long he stood there but when he realized that he had frozen, he shook it off, turning back around and running back towards his friend, just as Iggy slumped on the ground.

    "You stupid-" He growled running over in attempt to catch his friend. "What the everloving hell do you think you're doing?!" He asked, looking panicked as he saw the burns etched into the skin. "Why are you doing this?!" He asked, before letting out a long whistle, hoping that Silver would hear it. He still had some burn salve there, even though he wasn't sure if it would work.

    "This won't bring back my family. This- you're just taking away the only person I have left. Please. Don't do this to me." He said, looking up when Silver came trotting beside him, whinnying all the while. Reaching for one of the bags strapped to her side, Shion felt his fingers tremble as he rummaged for the burn salve, muttering weakly to himself all the while.
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  3. #143
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    Iggy couldn't hear Shion. Pain enveloped his body, smothering him like a blanket. He felt like he would burst. His entire body tingled in a mixture of heat and agony. Was this the end? Would he go out lying in Shion's arms like this, his own power suffocating him? He was losing feeling, and Iggy thanked the stars for the release from the pain. He wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer. His vision was blurry beyond recognition, he could not hear, he could feel nothing but pain. Soon, he would be exterminated like the filthy criminal he was.

    It wasn't long before Iggy passed out. His body was tender and bare; his clothes had burned away. He lay there in a pathetic heap, patches of skin missing, body hair charred. His body had worked to restore him, but his resistance to fire had been broken through at the severe temperature of his own flames. His entire body was red, his skin now appearing more like scales than human skin. His eyes were shut, but burns bubbled around them, too. No part of his body looked normal anymore, and it would be a wonder if he came out of this alive.

    However, he was still breathing. His face twitched as if he were having some nightmare. Limbs trembled in his sleep-like state, and ever so slowly, his chest rose and fell. His body was doing nothing to heal him now, as if he had destroyed his abilities altogether. The salve Shion rubbed into his body seemed to do nothing. If Iggy were going to survive, he'd need a professional healer, more advanced salves and mixtures. Life was draining from him, and he had no idea how long he'd have until it was over.
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  4. #144
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    Whatever he was doing didn't seem to help. At all. Shion murmured a curse under his breath and clicked his tongue to call their horse over. They had a map right? Quickly scrambling for it, he unrolled it and scanned for the nearest town. "It's a few hours…" He murmured quietly. That was better than nothing. Clicking his tongue once more, he ran back towards the town, managing to find a small cart that was mostly untouched by the fire. It was missing a good chunk of the front, but Shion had to make do. Quickly fastening it behind his horse, he worried a bit that the trip might jostle Iggy. He made it as comfortable as possible, before carefully placing his friend on the blankets. "Igshi, up." He called, watching the pup settle on the cart. Silver seemed a little reluctant with the setup but didn't startle too much when Shion climbed on her back.

    The rest of the trip was grueling. Time and time again, he looked behind him, hovering over his friend as he urged Silver to go as fast as she can while making sure that it doesn't break his makeshift cart. Many times, the cart nearly did break, but thankfully, he managed to get to town before nightfall. Some of the townsfolk recognized him and it wasn't hard to get Iggy into the local clinic.

    All he could do now was wait. He had no control over what happened now. The doctor, a careful man, had shooed him off to go find a place for his horse for the night. Shion was reluctant, but he guessed he needed to reward his pets for behaving on the entire trip. He needed a distraction too. Sighing, he brought Silver to the nearest stable, paid for her to stay overnight before he began grooming her himself.

    "Do you think we made it?" He murmured softly, his trembling fingers brushing over her glank. She only sbickered in response. Igshi had settled by a pile of hay in the corner and Shion plopped down beside him when he was done. Silver approached and lay with them too, possibly sensing his inner panic despite his calm demeanor. All he couod do now was wait for morning.
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    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  5. #145
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    Darkness wrapped around his weightless body like the most comforting blanket. Iggy had no memory, no form; he could see and feel nothing. Was this a dream? An afterlife? Had he made it to whatever hell the prophets warned against, the hell his own family had damned him to? Where was Shion? Had he found his crumbled body? What had he thought of it? Iggy couldn't begin to imagine his friend's rage, but... Wasn't it worth it? Shion had eliminated all who had had a hand in destroying his family. Didn't that mean anything...?

    Suddenly, Iggy could hear. Somewhere, muffled under the numbness of his head, was the whirring of some sort of machine. He could not see, but he could vaguely feel a light prick on his left arm, as if someone were stabbing him with a thin sword. He felt another touch, this time a hand, and a thick paste being rubbed into his arm. That caused a burning sensation to swell under his skin. What was this? He tried to call out but his throat was sore, warm, and he could only gasp out a couple breaths before falling asleep again.

    Iggy awoke once more to the sound of voices. A man was standing over him, a face like cold stone. A woman was beside him holding bandages covered in black and red. Iggy warily looked around him. He'd survived? He looked at his hands, his new wounds. Patches of his hands were red, and bubbles had broken through the surface of his skin, leaving ugly discolored dots. They continued up his arms and to his chest, which was entirely red. His legs were covered in bandages, but as far as he could see, he'd come out of this with only some burn marks. His body, then, had healed him faster than his destructive ability could kill him. He'd failed.

    The man, upon noticing Iggy had awoken, explained where he was. Iggy immediately asked after his friend, and in only a moment the woman--a nurse, perhaps?--went to get him. Iggy sat there, panicking. What was he supposed to say to Shion? What could he say to the person who must have ached just as sorely as he did?
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  6. #146
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    It's been a few weeks, Shion really didn't count. It woupd just drive him up the wall. The first few days, he visited as much as he can, often chased off by the town doctor when he finds him hovering beside Iggy's side. It was no use being angry at someone who can't hear you, he says. A week later, he stopped visiting altogether. Not because he didn't want to, but because the fact that Iggy wasn't waking up was driving him mad. He needed time to recover too.

    So he spent most of his days out, hunting and exchanging his game with the townspeople. He had stopped talking completely too. Most of the townsfolk had thought of him mute, but readily accepted trade with the quiet hunter. It baffled them that he refused to stay at the inn, mostly staying outdoors or in the horse stable if it was raining. It wasn't a very big town so a lot of the folks knew about what happened and they did try to get to know the stranger a bit more, but he was far too quiet for them to actually converse with him. They never even knew his name, though the kids did refer to him as bowman. He seemed to like the kids and often played with them if he was finished hunting, or if they managed to corner him.

    That was when the nurse ran up to him with a wide smile just as he was setting a young child down from his shoulders while trying to weave a small crowd composed of children wanting to be carried and his excitable dog. Bowman sure was popular with the kids, despite his initial fear of them, they easily attached themselves to him. She shook his head fondly. "Bowman! Your friend!" She said with a wide smile. She noticed how he stiffened and flinched, looking expectantly up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. "He's awake now." She said gently. The kids clamoring for Shion's attention all cheered.

    "Yay! See mister Bowman! We told you he'll be wakey!"

    "Can we shee youw fwuend too?"


    Shion glanced at all of them, wide eyed. He wanted to leave but he felt bad for telling these kids no. The nurse gave him an amused smile. "Maybe some other time. I think Bowman just needs to be alone with his friend first." She said, Shion sprinting away from the group as soon as she finished talking. Igshi, who took off as soon as he did let out a cheerful bark as they tore down the path.

    There was no decorum in the way Shion slammed the door open, eyes wide as he scanned the bed. The doctor had a scolding on the tip of his tongue but stepped back when Shion lunged at Iggy. Shion's body was trembling, arms squeezing as much as he could. "… stupid. Idiot. Dumbass." He whispered, voice cracking from the lack of use as he hugged his best friend in his arms.

    The doctor sighed. "Be careful not to irritate his burns, Bowman, and don't squeeze him too much. You're filthy." He said, sighing when Shion only squeezed tighter and igshi strolled in, his nails clacking on the floor as he sat by his master.
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    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  7. #147
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    As the minutes ticked by, Iggy wondered how far the nurse had to go. Was it possible she couldn't find Shion? Was it possible Shion didn't want to be found? Iggy's mind was still hazy, but he thought back to the last time he'd seen his friend. The anger in Shion's eye, the rage radiating in his whole being... Had that been bubbling this whole time? And how long had it been, anyway? As Iggy waited, alone, in that lonely room, his thoughts drowned him, suffocating, until he felt he could not breathe.

    All of Iggy's thoughts stopped suddenly when he saw him. Shion stood there, a ghost in the room, staring at the corpse-like friend he'd left so long ago. Iggy opened his mouth to say something, to greet this apparition, but he didn't know what to say. How could he say anything at all? But before he could force any words past his lips, he felt the tight squeeze of a friend long gone. Iggy steeled himself against the crippling pain the embrace caused, and he hugged Shion back. It had been too long, and despite the insults, despite the hurt, Iggy was glad to be back in the familiar home of his best friend's arms.

    "I'm sorry." Iggy pulled away from Shion and shook his head. "I'm sorry, for everything, I know I've caused you so much agony. I'm sorry." He averted his gaze, not wanting to make eye contact now. "I know you'll never forgive me. I can live with that, I think." He cleared his throat. "I can't believe they're dead," he murmured, quietly. "I can't believe I'm not." He looked at his bandaged hands again. "You must have brought me here, saved my life. I thank you for that." Iggy turned up to his friend and tried on a smile. "Bowman, eh?" he asked, amused. "I didn't know you would go and change your identity on me. I leave you for a minute and suddenly you've got this secret life." He was trying his best to make the situation any cheerier; really, he was just happy to be back with Shion.
    Last edited by Ashen; 02-10-2019 at 11:51 PM.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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    He scrunched his nose, reluctant to part from the embrace, but did so. Irritation flashed in his face for a second before it was gone, the youth snorting softly, unamused. "Stupid." He said, voice cracking as he increased the volume. The doctor and the nurse had looked over at him in surprise, having heard him speak for the first time. His blue eyes fixed on his friend for a few quiet seconds before he leaned in, butting his head against Iggy's cheek.

    "I-I'll forgive you if you do… don't do stupid things like that again." He said, scrunching his nose as his voice came out in broken whisps. The smoke from a few weeks ago had most likely wounded his throat, and the lack of speech stopped it from healing properly. Shion sighed, head dropping to Iggy's shoulder, happy and content to feel him alive under his hands. "Don't make me go through that ah…again. Stay." He rasped, clearing his throat and swallowing. Talking was odd. Beside him, igshi yipped, the large pup putting his paws on the bed as he pawed both of them for attention.

    Shion could hear the doctor grumbking and the nurse tutting to let them be for a little longer. He was fine with that, if it wasn't obvious by the way he refused to let go.

    "It's not really a secret." He never really tried talking, the kids just gave him the name and everyone adapted it. He went back to squeezing the life out of Iggy, murmuring something about what happened and what he had missed while he was asleep. It was hard to understand, conaidering how whispy and cracked his voice was. Finally, the doctor decided it was enough and quite literally dragged Shion off so he could shower and eat before returning. The nurse had to clean iggy's wounds and reapply the bandages too. Half an hour later, to the nurse's amusement, Shion was back, eyes squinting at Iggy, expression telling him that if his friend tried to run, he will hunt him down. Still Shion quietly waited by his bedside, fiddling with a small wooden figure in his hands.
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  9. #149
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    That day was ages ago, lost in some time much worse than now. Iggy reflected on it as he watched Shion step out of the river after a quick cleanse. Igshi barked and splashed in the river beside his master, causing Iggy to chuckle and shake his head. Those two had grown close over the months, and though Iggy was a bit irritated their dog didn't look his way most of the time, he thought it fitting that Shion was able to command the canine perfectly. The bowman had a way with animals Iggy could only hope to attain.

    How long had it been? Iggy looked down at his hands now. Scars snaked across his skin all over his body, memories of a failed attempt, a decision he'd tried to steal from Shion. Iggy saw that now, how wrong he'd been in taking matters into his own hands. He was eternally thankful to Shion, to his savior and his absolver, and sometimes he wondered if he'd ever be able to show that properly.

    The guild had been surprised to see them back. Iggy figured it'd be common courtesy to return to those who had raised them, even though Shion had protested adamantly. The guild members were all shocked at Iggy's new look: pale, dirtied skin now appeared more scarred than not. His burn marks bled into his face, leaving what Iggy thought were cool-looking patches over his eyes and cheeks. He sported his blemishes proudly, and he took every chance he got to call himself a "war-torn scarred old man." When he'd told Gelid Seraph he and Shion had more adventuring to do, somehow, they understood.

    They'd been on the road since. It was fitting, he thought, after such a journey. What one location could possibly contain them now? They were wanderers at heart, and they had nowhere to stay but the wide-open roads to a new journey.

    At the sound of footprints, Iggy looked to brushes at the mouth of the river, where he saw a dappled grey mare grazing loudly. Silver never really had taken to Iggy riding him, but the damned horse loved Shion. In truth, Iggy was jealous of Shion's ability to ride and tame the wild beast. He seemed to understand just what their horse needed at all times, and though he didn't understand it, Iggy admired it from afar.

    He still didn't get into the water unless forced. In the months since the incident, Iggy hadn't been able to summon the fires from his blood again. Maybe he had finished the fire mages after all. Either way, he was glad to be without the ability that started all of their pain.

    Behind the river, Iggy could see the sun just beginning to rise. He looked down at his lap, at the whittled figures he'd made. He admired his handiwork, the forms of the two humanoid figures, the fluffy canine one, the large equestrian. The four figurines had taken him weeks of late-night whittling, but it was all worth it for this day. He looked back to the sun and sighed. An entire year had passed since they'd left, an entire year since their lives would change forever. Iggy smirked and gathered the wooden figures into his hands. "Hey Shi!" he called, rising and racing towards the river. "Happy birthday, yeah? You didn't think I'd forget just because we're out here, did you?"
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  10. #150
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    The water dripped down his hair as he attempted to push the wet mutt clambering all over him. "Down." He said, sighing in relief when Igshi stopped, making no attempt to jump him any further. Shion shook his head, shivering when the cool air hit his exposed flesh. He quickly dunked himself back underwater before glancing over to where Iggy was seated, whittling something. Again. He pursed his lips. At least he wasnt gone.

    Shion still had nightmares about that. After Iggy woke up, he didn't dare leave his side, unless he was kicked out by the doctor. It came to the point where he would wordlessly trail behind the older male, even going as far as to follow him to the bathroom. He was pretty sure they had an argument about letting Iggy take a bath alone, after the doctor, the nurse and Shion himself forced him into a tub, and wash his own back.

    Shion never let him. He clung hard.

    The sun was starting to rise so he took that as his cue to get up. He shivered, the odd patches on unfeeling flesh on his skin slightly cold. He wondered if they were getting their sense of touch back. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he sighed, stepping out of the water and onto dry land. At the sound of iggy's voice, his head shot up.

    "Oh." Shion blinked, not comprehending the words for a moment as Iggy approached. When it did, his face lit up. "Oh!! I forgot." He said, a smile forming on his lips, excitedly looking over at the gift. He took them gently into his hands, admiring the detail with wonder and amazement. Even after all that, Iggy can still make beautiful things. "It's pretty." He murmured softly. "Thank you."

    Lowering his hands, he leaned forward, resting his head on Iggy's shoulder. He didn't know when he picked up the habit, but feeling his friend alive under his hands was still the best gift he could ask for. After a few seconds, he pulled away, setting the figurines somewhere it won't get soaked before playfully gripping Iggy's wrist

    "Bath!" He said, beaming brightly at his friend as he tugged him towards the shallow waters deapite his protests. Igshi yipped and bounded after them, excutedly splashing about while Silver lifted her head to curiously watch the commotion. Shion laughed at Iggy as he soaked his friend with water.

    He may have lost everything once, nearly did twice, but looking at Iggy as he complained about getting his pants wet while their dog begged for his attention made him realize that this was what he wanted all along. He smiled, signalling Igshi to heel so he can talk to Iggy properly. "Thanks. This is the best birthday gift you've gotten me." He said sincerely, smiling as the sun rose higher above the horizon.

    Over by the pile of clothes, a worn, wooden chipmunk sat. It's beady eyes stared at the two figures watching the sunrise together, standing closely to each other in content silence. Sunlight washed over the boys, bathing them in gentle light, and for a moment, everything seemed ethereal. Right now, everything was alright.

    Right now, they were both alive.
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    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

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