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Thread: Round Three- [Paladin-vs-Samurai]-Judge Siks

  1. #11
    Red Ninja
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    The clash of steel on steel rang throughout the square blocking out all other sounds. But over the battle the bell roared out shaking the ground beneath the warriors' feet. Both fighters looking to end as quickly as possible. Both swung with great power and ferocity, but they were evenly matched in many cases.

    Strength matched by defense, rage matched by boldness. The fight could go either way at this point as the samurai's blade struck the shield the force of the blow and the sudden shaking of the ground caused the blade to skip across the surface and slid down and slashed across the face of the Paladin's open front helm. The tip of the katana slides over his eyes blinding him.

    Once more the ancient katana tasted blood and sung with pleasure. But that singing was replaced with a scream of pain as the heavy head of the mace collided with the side of the Oni's head. To any normal creature the blow would've killed them outright, but Oni's have thick skulls, still the sound of a loud crack rang throughout the Samurai's ears as his jaw was painfully dislocated and blood began to pour out of the large wound from where the mace blow landed his eye beginning to swell shut a massive pressure building in his head adding more rage to the roaring of the sword.

    The Grinner gave one final loud clap the tolling bell ceased leaving everything in the perfect silence of the midnight town. The battle was reaching it's conclusion, the Paladin, now blind with his shield arm hanging lifelessly at his side would need to rely on his strength of faith and to guide his mace towards ending this abomination.

    As for the Samurai, not only was the blade thirst for hunger screaming in his ears, but the resounding ring of the mace impacting his skull was nearly deafening. And with his face quickly becoming stained with blood his left eye was blurred skewing his depth perception. But the many years of training and rage from the blade would guide him through his disability. All he would need is one more strike and this holy annoyance would be sent off to meet his maker.

    This would a case of blind faith versus imperfect instinct, only one can win...and only can prove which is stronger.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    One more post apiece before the winner is declared! Make the most of them!

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #12
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    This was yet another opponent who talked too much. Kano thought before the ground shook. An opponent who ignored their own weaknesses and thought themselves impervious. And the samurai had every intention to take advantage of the obvious weakness.

    Then his head rang like the bells that had surrounded the arena. Kano stumbled away from his foe, the world spinning. Working his jaw Masamune stumbled again, half hung loose and the samurai could do nothing immediate about it. When the enemy was dead could Kano focus 8n something else.

    Kano lifted his head, fighting the urge to shake it, and realigned himself with his foe. The samurai had staggered around behind the others back; With rededicated purpose Masamune again focused on his blade. Adding the burn of the pain to the fury and hunger, Kano lifted his blade.

    Stepping towards his foe the samurai swung his blade down. Driving it silently with his rage and pain. Had he been able to move his jaw, Kano would have added a roar to drive the blade. As it was he swung with silent savagery.

    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  3. #13
    Crimson Casanova
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    Brutus practically shouted triumphantly when the shield initially deflected the sword, but then that shout turned into a howl of agony. The ground shook violently and the tip of the blade skidded across the metallic shield and then slashed both of the Paladin's eyes. His vision immediately became crimson and his entire face erupted with terrible agony. He involuntarily dropped his mace and his free hand went to cover his eyes in a vain attempt to mitigate the pain.

    His body shook uncontrollably from both the physical and emotional trauma. Several thoughts raced across the Steel's head, but he mainly questioned what occurred. The Blessing should've worked, that attack shouldn't have touched me at all. What the hell? It was completely baffling, yet, the Paladin had an innate sense that there was another unholy intervention.

    The Steel tried to steady his breath and quickly recalled that his mace successfully struck the Samurai's face. It probably wasn't a fatal blow but it surely crippled him too. Those few precious seconds likely disoriented the Oni but he will strike again if Brutus doesn't retaliate. It should be another overhead attack, Brutus recognized the pattern from all of the Samurai's strikes and predicted another savage strike. His free hand quickly unstrapped his shield and let it fall unceremoniously to the ground. Fuckin' hurry up and grab your shit. Brutus blindly felt the ground for his mace-handle and felt blood profusely drip from his face. Got it!

    He gripped the handle and heard footsteps approaching from behind. The Paladin quickly turned around roared out and lifted his left arm in an overhead manner. Beforehand, it was useless while equipped with the shield. However, he had the strength to lift it one last time to serve one last purpose. He gritted his teeth together in bitter anticipation and then felt the blade cleave right into the limb. The grizzled warrior loudly cried out in agony, in a very similar manner to his last battle. However, he fought to stay conscious by focusing on the pain and focusing on his hatred against the abomination.

    I can't let this thing live! Brutus felt blood tears stream down his face and the cold steel within the bone marrow of his arm. Based upon the pain pulsating across his limb, he couldn't even tell if the Samurai cleaved right through it. However, Brutus was still alive and thus successfully deterred the attack. Now, it was time to finish the Samurai.

    The Paladin of the Steel tightly gripped his mace and then unleashed another grizzled roar. He swung his mace in an overhead manner and judged the distance where the Oni's head should be. And since the sword remained stuck to his left arm, Brutus knew his adversary's exact position. Thus, Brutus intended to finish this battle by crushing the Oni's skull.

  4. #14
    Red Ninja
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    As each warrior's blow landed the night screamed out with the impacts of their weapons. The shadows flood from the alleyways their eyes burn with blue fire before they swarm upon Brutus and Kano. Darkness and pain wash over them both, whether their blows ended his foe or not neither knew. The last thing they would see would be the bone white grin of the Reaper as he snaps his fingers smartly the sound becoming like the great bell tolling in the distance.

    Darkness overtook their vision and the peeling of a bell would stay with them even as they fell into the night.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Very good fight gentlemen, you both played your characters well and moved the fight along at a nice pace with plenty of action. Very fitting for a semi final fight. But as we all know there can be only one.


    Writing Style: 6

    -Ideas: 2
    As you have done this entire tournament you played Kano very close to how I pictured him being played. Straight forward, savage, and deadly. But there was a lot more you could've done to make him more your character playing the field and memories you were given.

    -Flow: 2

    Very straight forward and easy to read and follow, but also a little boring and predictable. While the character was somewhat built like that you could've done so much more with your posts. But your understanding of how movements work and their counter reactions were good.

    -Conventions: 2

    I didn't see any glaring issues with grammar or spelling, but I did see a couple.

    Effectiveness of Combat: 7

    -Character Consistency: 3

    As was said before, you played the Samurai's character and personality well. You could've done more, but still he's been a very consistent character this whole fight.

    -Ingenuity: 2

    While you played Kano well there was much that was happening in this fight you could've used to your advantage rather than just savage striking away. You had a large space to use for more interesting attacks and interactions. But your knowledge of fight science and such did translate well.

    -Interaction: 2

    While you interacted a great deal with the Paladin that was about it. I know the character was going through a tunnel vision build, but even in that tunnel there were things to interact with.

    Control of the Field: 6

    -Environmental Awareness: 1

    While aware of the environment, you did not use any of it to your advantage.

    -Strategic Awareness: 2

    Well inline with what the Samurai could do, more could've been done.

    -Control of the Fight: 2

    About even between both Samurai and Paladin.

    Grand total: 18


    Writing Style: 8

    -Ideas: 3

    While you stuck quite well to how the character was written you didn't let that restrict you. While all the costly gambits were not exactly what a long lasting vet would do they were creative and gave slight advantages.

    -Flow: 3

    Like the Samurai you were very straight froward and direct with your posts. But you did manage to give more to read over and delve deeper into the Paladin's mind and memories.

    -Conventions: 2

    Nothing bad, but did see a few mistakes.

    Effectiveness of Combat: 7

    -Character Consistency: 3

    Like DNAfein you played your fighter convincingly and consistently the whole fight.

    -Ingenuity: 2

    Also like DNA you could've done more to get an advantage without constantly damaging your fighter or putting him in a worse position.

    -Interaction: 2

    You did interact a little more with things other than your foe, but still you mostly focused entirely on him without moving around the arena for a better tactical advantage.

    Control of the Field: 6

    -Environmental Awareness: 1

    Aside from kicking the rock at Kano you did not use the environment to your advantage.

    -Strategic Awareness: 3

    While still suffering from a type of tunnel vision you did show Brutus trying to use stratagem against the Samurai's bull rushing.

    -Control of the Fight: 2

    About even between both Paladin and Samurai.

    Grand Total: 21

    The winner is The Paladin

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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