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Thread: The FAQs of RPA

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Important The FAQs of RPA

    An informational series collected from the various questions asked & answered by members just like YOU!

    New to RPA? Having trouble with your signature? Need help with posts? The answer you're looking for is most likely in one of these threads. If you have a question, be sure to look through this collection and check if it has already been asked and answered.
    If your question is nowhere to be seen - you are, of course, free to make a new thread to get help!
    Hope this helps and have a great day!


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  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Q: What is a banner?
    A: A banner is an image, usually about the size of the signature images (sometimes longer) that people use to advertise their roleplays. The images and text on a banner resemble elements of the roleplay and help catch the attention of potential players.

    Banners are used for Roleplay of the Week submissions, in the OOC and IC of roleplays to direct you to one or the other, or in people's signatures to direct you to their OOC if you want to know more about their roleplay.

    Q: Do you lose Creative Rights when posting on RPA?
    A: Rule #3 of the Forum Rules
    3.1-Any roleplay that you create is considered open source, as such RPA will not take any legal action should someone steal your work. This site is for fun, therefore, if you are worried about someone stealing something that you post here, don't post it.

    3.2-If you want, we will close a game if you ask in a clear, polite, message to one of the rp moderators, and it will be moved to one of our archives. Do not ask the staff to delete a thread that encompasses the work of more than one individual, or posts that affect others' work. The answer will be "no". It's not fair to remove everyone's work for the sake of a single person.

    3.3- Artwork and other literary work that is posted outside of the roleplaying forums are still your own based upon the rules and regulations of the site they are posted on.

    Q: How can I become a staff member?
    A: There is a thread regarding staff applications in the Site News & Announcements section. Submit an application and the staff will contact you regards the position if the application is approved.

    Q: Whenever I try to access RPA on my phone, a blank screen or error message pops up – what do I do?
    A: You are most likely having a problem another one of members had:
    “Some search engines still list the site as opposed to I do bring up the mobile site by entering and at the bottom is the login option. Once logged in, it does give the option to go to full site.”

    Q: Why are text boxes disappearing when I click on “Go Advanced” or “Edit Post”?
    A: Your browser is probably not updated to the latest version. Update your browser and if the problem still persists, contact a staff member.

    Q: Can anyone make a thread in Downtown?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Where can I post my short stories for others to read and receive feedback?
    A: You can post your stories in the Creative Writing section. Any art or media you would like to share with us (Including your Character Bios), can also be posted in the creative section, so feel free to show us your works

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    Forum & Features

    Q: How do I use the auto-save feature?
    A: You should be able to go back to the thread you were working on, where you were writing your post, and in the bottom left corner there should be an option to "Restore Auto-Saved Content".
    (But please don't just rely on that system, as we will not be responsible for data lost. It is advised to always have a backup for your posts before you finish posting).

    Q: Why is there a limit for signatures?
    A: The limit is set by the administrators. Having more than two pictures slows down loading times for some members and causes page stretching. Even if the pictures are hidden in spoilers, they still take time to load and slow everything down.

    Q: How can I disable smilies?
    A: If you Go Advanced, beneath the text box there is an option to turn off the smilies for the post.

    Q: What are member titles and all those bars & stars under usernames?
    A: Member titles are earned through contests, becoming the Member of the Month, a moderator, or having over 10,000 posts. When you earn a title, you can ask an Admin to edit the words right under your username to say whatever you want it to (as long as it's in the character limit and following the site's rules). The different colored bars are to differentiate between newbies (yellow), regular members (orange) and staff (all the other colors).

    The little green bars and stars show how many rep points you have received, your rep power is how much you can give. You can receive points for funny, clever or well-written posts, you can give points to someone by clicking that little star next to 'blog this post' on the bottom of each post.

    You can read more about it here and here.

    Q: What is a group and how do I join one?
    A: A group is a group of people usually with a particular interest or something else in common. It provides a way of communicating between members as well as sharing photos or other images.

    You can see all the groups you're in by going to the "Group Memberships" section on your public profile.

    The groups list page displays all groups that have been created. You can list the groups by the number of members, messages or pictures, the group name, when the group was created or by the date of the most recent message posted. You can use the controls provided to search for a group.

    To join a group, click the group title then click 'Join Group'. When you have joined a group, its name will be shown in your public profile. You must be a logged-in, registered member to join groups.

    You can create up to 5 groups and join as many as you wish to.

    Q: Is there a way for me to be notified when someone posts in a specific thread?
    A: Yes, you can subscribe to a thread. At the top of the first post in a thread, click on “Thread Tools” and then “Subscribe to This Thread”. Now, whenever someone posts in it, it will pop up on your Settings page as one of the subscriptions.

    You can also tag a person to let them know, or be tagged yourself. Read more about it here.

    Q: Where can I store my character profiles?
    A: There is a subforum called “Character Bios” in the Creative Section – you can post them there.

    Q: What is “rep” and how does it work?
    A: This thread has all the information you need.

    Q: Can I get multiple badges of the same type?
    A: A member is able to receive every badge they have accomplished. So, yes, a user can get multiple badges of the same kind, if they meet the requirements of that badge.

    Q: What are the Member Awards?
    A: The RPA Awards have been hosted here every year. The Member Awards and Roleplay Awards are comprised of multiple categories, such as "Pocket full of Sunshine," "The Door Man," "The Mime"; "Best Romantic Couple", "Best Antagonist" etc. It's a way for the members of RPA to nominate and vote for people on the site that have made an impact relating to the awards categories.

    Q: Can I pick and choose which awards I would like to receive if I win more than 3?
    A: In the case of people winning more then 3 awards, the Mods judgment will determine the results based upon how many votes they receive in each category.

    Q: What is a Battle Arena?
    A: The Battle Arena is a subforum/category where roleplayers can create characters to fight others.

    When you click on the Battle Arena, you can go to the Barracks to find rules and guidelines such as How to Create a Character, How to Create a Battle, and the all important Battle Arena Rules.

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    Arch-angel of Epica
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    New Members

    Q: Why can't I view my profile?!?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1
    A: Not being able to view your profile is one of the New Member Restrictions we have on the site. “To prevent the increase of spammers from flooding the inboxes of our members with junk mail, we require the new members to have a number of contributing posts before they can private message (at the moment you can only have 2 PMs in your inbox), or view profiles.” There is no specific number of posts that will bump you to member status, just participate around the forum civilly and you will become a member in no time.

    Q: How come I can only have two private message in my inbox?
    A: Having a limit of 2 PMs in your inbox is one of the New Member Restrictions we have on the site. “To prevent the increase of spammers from flooding the inboxes of our members with junk mail, we require the new members to have a number of contributing posts before they can private message (at the moment you can only have 2 PMs in your inbox), or view profiles.” There is no specific number of posts that will bump you to member status, just participate around the forum civilly and you will become a member in no time.

    Q: How long does it take to become a full member?
    A: There is no specific time limit or post count you need to have – you will be upgraded to member status whenever you begin to participate around the forum as a positively contributing member.

    Q: How do I get one of those orange bars? What about the other colors?
    A: The orange bar appears under a member's username. If you are a new memeber you need to post around the site, until the system will update you to a full member. Then your username bar color will change from yellow to orange. All the other colored bars are worn by staff members. or by special usergroup, like member of the month. You can read about it here.

    Q: What can a newb do on this site?
    A: There are only a couple of restrctions for new members – a PM limit of 2 and not being able to access your profile. Even with the restrictions to 'newbie' accounts, new members are still allowed to join roleplays, create roleplays, play forum games in the Downtown section, post stories, artwork, recipes, join clubs, post blogs, participate in events, chat with other members, etc... You can do everything that a regular member can, excluding the restrictions.

    Q: Can I start my own role play even though I'm a newbie?
    A: Yes, but it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the site and its members before committing to creating a roleplay of your own.

    Q: How do I go about joining an RP and creating a character?
    A: If you see a roleplay of your interest, click it, and read away! Be sure to ask any questions. Adhere to the rules of the GM. Remember: The GM's word is law! Post your character sheet with as much detail as possible and wait for the GM's approval.

    Q: How can I become more involved in the Battle Arena and group Rps?
    A: For Battle Roleplays, the first thing you need to do is Create a Character - you need to do this before you even think about battling. I would recommend that you read through some people's characters and battles to get a feel for the section and provide an example of what you're aiming for.

    As for Group Roleplays, here is a small guide.

    1) Read everything in the OOC pertaining to the rules, plot, accepted characters, explanations. Some GMs will add notices along the way in the OOC while others will have a spot prepared for Updates.
    2) Create a character, and wait for it to be accepted. Ask questions or help with the character sheet if you have any problems. If the GM asks you to modify it to fix something, you should fix it if it isn't too big of a problem.
    3) With Group roleplays, people take turns posting. Some roleplays have specific posting orders, while others do not. Some GM's will ask you not to post every other time someone else responds to give others a chance. Other GMs like that type of enthusiasm. It really depends on the GM and the players involved. The GM and other players do have lives outside of RPA, so please try not to get discouraged when the posting schedule gets mixed up or slows down drastically. Most GMs will wait till everyone has posted in a round before moving on with an update, though again, it depends on the GM and others involved.
    4) When it deals with other people's characters, don't try to take control over them, whether it is actions or conversations. GMs can puppet a character along if it helps the story progress. Usually, GMs will reserve the right to puppet or kill your character off if you go inactive or disappear. If you need another character's responses or their help in a post, you can ask for a Co-Post with them.
    5) A GM's word is law. If you want to change the storyline a bit with your character's actions, make sure that you talk to the GM and other players about it first.
    6) If you get stumped with what to post, don't be afraid to ask what your character can do next. Roleplays have failed because no one knew what to do next.

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    Accounts & Profiles

    Q: How do I change my username?
    A: You may change your username by contacting an administrator (purple names) via PM/VM. Make sure you absolutely know what you want since you are to keep your new username for thirty days before requesting another change. Read more about it here.

    Q: How do I add a profile picture?
    A: Click on "Settings" at the top of the site's banner which will take you to your Control Panel. On the left side are the different settings. Under "My Profile" (third section down) click on "Edit Profile Picture" and choose whichever picture you would like to display.

    Q: How do I delete my account?
    A: We actually do not delete accounts on RPA. Your account will remain, but you decide if you no longer wish to login.

    Q: How do I delete friends?
    A: There are two methods:
    1. Go to your User Control Panel, click on Contacts and Friends. Click on the box that's at the corner of their avatar. You will notice that it unchecks the box that says "friend." Scroll all way down, and click Save Changes. A pop-up will ask if you're sure, then click your response.
    2. Go into your Profile, click View All Friends, and click "Break Friendship" next to the name you want to delete.

    Q: When I try to upload a signature, it says “Invalid file” - what do I do?
    A: Try hosting it at instead, then attach it as an image instead of doing the upload directly through RPA. Also, make sure the image you're trying to upload is within the size limits - for signatures it's 500x200 and for avatars 130x130. If you're still having problems, ask an administrator to upload it for you.

    Q: It says my avatar is too big when I try to upload it – what do I do?
    A: The maximum avatar size is 130x130. Most online photo editing websites have an option to resize an image if yours is too large. If you can't figure out how, just contact a staff member and they will help you out.

    Q: I keep getting a notification that I have a new VM when I actually don't – how can I fix this?
    A: You can delete the VM that's causing the problem or mark it as read. If you decide to delete, you can ask an admin to later restore the VM so you don't lose any info. And as always you can simply contact an admin to help you fix the issue as well.

    Q: Why do I keep getting logged out of my account?
    A: Make sure your browser is updated to the latest version. If you're using Internet Explorer, try using a different browser as it's not very compatible with RPA.

    Q: Why isn't my signature showing up?
    A: When you're making a post, there is a check box under the text box that says “Show Signature” - yours is most likely not checked. Check the box and your signature will show.

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    Threads & Posts

    Q: How do I change the name of a thread I previously created?
    A: Members cannot change thread names - just ask a staff member and they will be happy to take care of it for you.

    Q: How do I delete posts in my thread?
    A: Posts cannot be deleted or moved by members, just ask any staff member and they'll take care of it for you.

    Q: How do I add pictures to my posts?
    A: add the image by uploading it to a hosting site (We recommend that you use and putting the image URL in this tag: [img ] image URL here [/img ].
    Another option is to choose the icon that says "insert image"

    Q: How can I make the “spoiler/hide” in my posts?
    A: There are two ways. You can manually type out this code: [hide= (title of spoiler)] stuff in the spoiler [/hide ] or "Go Advanced" and click the button with the S on it on the bottom row, farthest to the right after you have selected the text you wish to spoiler.

    Q: How do I embed a video in my post?
    A: First, go to Youtube and find the video URL you want to embed. In the URL link, copy everything after where it says “watch?v=”. Go to your post, type [youtube ] paste the code you copied earlier here [/youtube ].
    Another option is to choose the icon that says "insert video"

    Q: How do I subscribe to threads?
    A: At the top of the first post in the thread you wish to subscribe to, there should be a "Topic Tools" button. When you click on it, a menu drops down. Subscribe is one of those options.

    Q: Can I post in threads that have been inactive for a while?
    A: As long as a thread is unlocked, you're welcome to post in it.

    Q: How can I make the words in my post rainbow-colored?
    A: If you look at the toolbar at the top of the posting window, the one that is an "A" with the little arrow next to it will allow you to change the color of text. Highlight what you want to change the color of and then click the "A" and pick the color you want.

    Q: Why is my post invisible?
    A: Sometimes our anti-spam system is a little overzealous when it comes to new people and holds back posts, just contact a staff member about the issue and they will approve the post for you.

    Q: Can I format all my posts to a specific font/color/size different from the default?
    A: Unfortunately, you cannot do that. If you want to change the settings of your posts, you have to format them every time you post.

    Q: Why are my threads and posts not showing up?
    A: It is most likely due to your browser if you're using Internet Explorer. Try going on RPA from a different browser and if the problem still persists, contact a staff member.

    Q: Where can I see all of my subscribed threads?
    A: Go to your user "Setting". You can see your "Subscriptions" there, and even organize them into categorizes.

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    Q: Can I create a roleplay with a limited number of accepted players (whom I have already contacted about it)? Would this be a private or group RP?
    A: That would be considered a group RP and would need to be placed in the appropriate forum for its plot. A private RP is always just two players.
    While that can't be considered to be a private RP, you are allowed to limit the number of players you are accepting to a set number to match the cast of characters needed for your game (if you choose to make it a small cast).

    Q: Where can I find cool real-life pictures for my characters?
    A: You can find tons of great pictures on DeviantArt, Google, stock photo websites, etc. Try googling movie characters you've seen, or actors you like. Usually, that'll show pictures of them in a variety of movies and you might come across something that fits your character. Just search for any keyword that might provide some good pictures of models or actors – you're bound to find something. If not, try asking other members how they find their pictures and they might be able to help you out.

    Q: Where can I go for help and critique about my RP idea before posting it up?
    A: You can post a short (or long) summary of your RP idea in the RPG Requests & Recruitment section and ask for help/advice/suggestions/etc. You can also read many of the guides in the Advice, Resources, Help, & FAQ sections.

    Q: How does an RP reach the Hall of Fame?
    A: An RP goes to the Hall of Fame upon its completion - as in the story, or the chapter reaches the conclusion that the GM had in mind. But the threads will not move their on their own- To do so, you need to contact a staff member and inform them that your RP has been completed and it will be moved to the Hall, granting all of the participants of the RP a “Master Gamer” award.
    There is also a special badge given to ongoing series of RPs that have finished more than one chapter. You can learn more by contacting a staff member.

    Q: I'm working on collecting information for my new roleplay such as settings, pictures, etc – where can I post this stuff until I can make it an RP?
    A: You can post it in the RP's OOC thread, make a thread about it in the writing section, or you can create a social group – it's up to you.

    Q: Is there a way for me to predict the number of players that will join my roleplay?
    A: You can write out a few paragraphs describing the roleplays you'd like to create and place it in RPG Requests and Recruitment for an interest check to see who might be interested.

    Q: What is god-modding in an RP?
    A: When people say they don't like god-moding, they're usually referring to:

    - Characters that act invincible i.e when it is impossible for any other player or character to damage or defeat this particular person. This could be because the character has a ridiculous amount of stamina, health, defense, etc. or because they never allow themselves to be hit. It can be extremely boring when characters don't have weaknesses or don't allow themselves to be beaten on occasion, especially if they act superior to all other players while they do so. They tend to be the lone swordsmen who fight an army of one-hundred without taking a single scratch... and things like that.

    - Players that control characters other than their own. It's more commonly referred to as 'power-playing', but people will sometimes mix the phrases or include this definition under 'god-modding'. So yeah, dictating a character's reaction (when that character isn't yours) can often be looked down upon. For example, if you swing a punch and decide that it knocked the other player unconscious, it is likely to annoy that other player. If the rules of a roleplay don't specifically say that they allow players to control other's characters, you should refrain from doing so at all.

    - Another idea for this can be a political figure of sort, who controls the whole setting of the game and won't allow you to get near him/her, just because another NPCs had been placed there conveniently to protect him/her. If it's reasonable within the plot it may still be excused though...

    Q: How do I get started on creating a roleplay?
    A: First, post in the Out of Character area - the story, settings, plot, character sheet, rules, etc. Then let people join or talk about it. This also becomes extremely useful after you start the role play. Why is that? People won’t have to private message back and forth or interrupt the role play with OOC comments. They’ll have a place already made to discuss and ask questions about what is going on.

    Make sure to always post a bit of story and history about your roleplay, along with a goal to be solved or attained. That way people will feel that they can accomplish something throughout your roleplay. Another useful tip is to always provide that extra content, images, cool art that you might have made. That kind of stuff can go a long way when drawing people in.

    Q: How much control does the GM have and how much freedom do the players have?
    A: The game master is in charge of creating the RP, recruiting for the RP, keeping the roleplay moving as well as directing the game down the path intended for the plot. The GM has the task of maintaining order and as such they have total authority over their RP and are expected to use it wisely.

    Any player who is interested in signing up or any player that is already signed up has right to ask the GM questions or discuss things with the GM in order to foster a better understanding of what the GM's intentions are for their game. You may offer ideas to the GM as long as you are respectable while doing so and as long as you realize that the GM's WORD IS LAW and that they do NOT have to change parts of the story or the entire plot just because you don't agree with it. Remember, it is their game after all, not yours. If they make a decision that you don't like then you need to be able to accept it and move on. You should be able to handle these types of situations when they arise.

    While no GM has the right to be a tyrant in their game, the staff will always support the GM's decisions as long as the GM is acting fairly towards other members. If you feel that the GM is abusing the powers that they have as GM and that they are doing harm to the roleplay then please feel free to contact one of the roleplay moderators. Before contacting a RP Moderator make sure that you have a solid case, that you have your facts straight and that you are able to direct the mod you contact to the complaint in question. If you can't present your case in a respectable manner, and you can't provide facts other than a simple statement that you don't like the way the GM is handling things, then you should just live with it the way it is because it is probably not that big of a deal.

    Use your creativity! That's why you are writing anyhow and RP'ing is a perfect way to unleash that creativity. If you get stuck, there is no harm in asking the GM for help or to ask others to brainstorm with you. The GM should be receptive to ideas and should be acting in the best interest of all the players and for the story. If you feel that you have respectfully approached them to present your ideas and they aren't willing to listen, then you probably shouldn't or wouldn't want to be in one of their RP's anyhow and would be better off starting your own RP.

    If you do not agree with the GM, DO NOT ARGUE with them as it will get you absolutely no where. The staff can not stress enough how important this is. You are a guest in their game. Work with them and if you can't and feel that you have exhausted all other options then do not cause drama for the game, the GM, or the forum. Your best option is to respectfully drop out of the game with no further incidents, or contact a staff member.


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