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Thread: Blood Line CH4: The Bloody Heart (Kris X Siks)

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    Default Blood Line CH4: The Bloody Heart (Kris X Siks)

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3



    The city looked like a giant miller kingdom. The natural lakes were already frozen as winter drew near, but as far as Sabin could tell this was probably the natural way of the city’s appearance save for a few days of sun. After all, she was not familiar with the northern kingdoms as personally as she did the kingdoms of the south or the underground tunnels of her homeland.

    This town was supposed to be a quick step for Stormegard, where Galmied was kept, but Y’gol insisted that she spent some days in the inn for comfort before setting out again. The giant ogre seemed to be more sensitive about children than what she gave him credit for, and despite the fact the clock was ticking, she was happy to receive a moment of respite. Alas things did not go smoothly for her. Although they did not held pitchforks and torches, her sight did cause some of them to act strangely and avoid her, with some of them out right refusing to let her buy items or stay at their inn. She forgot, that like Y’gol her kind were not welcomed around more civilized areas that the north self claimed themselves to be. Pregnant or not, she was still a dark elf, and her kind had unflattering reputation.

    When she was shown the door on the fourth inn, something in her outright snapped, “Lady have mercy!”, she said to the big woman in charge, “I am willing to pay in advance, and I shan’t stay longer than four days. I am tired and sore and could really use a bath!”.

    “For all that I know, you could be faking your perfency!”, the large woman shot back, “What are you planning to steal from us? Who do you need to kill?”

    “Oh for freaking bloody sake!”, a voice called behind her, “How can she possibly fake that big belly, I mean look at her”.

    The voice and the man caught Sabin by a surprise, as she recognized him immediately, but the dense man that he was, he still hadn’t caught up on her.

    “Here”, he said, throwing his knight badge which was forced on him by the higher ups, “I vouch for everything she needs and should anything be amiss I’ll pay in front. Now for goodness sake, it’s cold weather and she could use some fur and a room, please handle her?”

    The woman picked up the badge and sighed, throwing it back at the elf who smirked.

    “Wait here then, I’ll get your room key”, she told Sabin as she disappeared behind the counter.

    “Thank you, Yaorlan”, Sabin giggled.

    “No problem, lady I-”, as if only now realizing that she knew him, the elf quickly moved forward to see who the dark elf in question was and smiled like crazy, “Well I’ll be damn, is that you Sabin?”

    The two hugged, “What are you doing here? I thought you’d be promoted by now into some tropic island”

    “I thought so too, but those high elves are so greedy, unless you are born one of them you are in constant watch and service, what about you?”

    The innkeeper then returned with Sabin’s room key, “The prices for the rest of your required goods are listed here, if you need me I’ll be in the back room”, she said, disappearing once again behind the counter.

    “No field trip sadly”, Sabin said.

    “I can see that… Not with that belly of yours… is that the blue oaf’s doing?”

    Sabin smiled.

    “I have to say I did miss the big bastard. I could sure use someone like him around. The guy was impressively strong. So where is he? Why he ain’t helping you with buying things?”.

    Sabin, as though emotions kicked in, started to sob and cry like crazy. Yaorlan quickly looked around himself, and as he feared everyone gave him the look of ‘what have you done to make this woman cry’.

    “Whoa!”, he said, hugging the woman and petting her head, “There, there, all good. Me and few comrades are around a table not far from here, join us for dinner?”

    Sabbin still sobbed but nodded as he led her to the table not far from the counter, “We need to catch up don’t we?”, she said slowly.

    “Yeah… I mean if I make a woman cry I want to at least know why”, he said and the two of them laughed.

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    As the pair approached the table many of the other patrons gave them looks. The Miller's Roll, like all buildings and businesses in Stonestead was built by Giants for Giants, but it was a popular stop for anyone heading North or West in this part of Eisignol. So alongside the big and tall chairs and tables were many built smaller for the other peoples that come through. This meant a great number of views and prejudices were present.

    Giants as a whole are not known for holding many of these, as with any race there are exceptions. But tonight with rumors of Dark Elf slavers roaming the lands to the South everyone was on high alert. As such only nasty looks followed them. Yaorlan's group was seated surprisingly close to the tall fireplace and likely wasn't what Sabin would expect, aside from her good friend there was only one other Elf a stern Druid looking man sipping from a mug of Vodka while he was hunched over some ancient tome muttering to himself and jotting down some notes onto a pad in the language of the Wood Elves. The other two were strange sights to be sure, first was a wild looking young woman obviously a Tribal. She was singing softly to herself in her native tongue as she skillfully worked on making primitive arrows. The last member she didn't see right away because he was stretched out on the floor wearing just a pair of pants nearly in the fireplace snoring quietly. A Dolg Gramar warrior, and considering the size of him it was quite the optical illusion.

    The Wood Elf let out a shrill whistle getting everyone at the table's attention and causing the lizardman to stir and growl sleepily sitting up glaring at Yaorlan. "This one will be feasting on your bones, to ward off the incessant fucking cold of this place Leaf-for-brains."

    The man rolled his eyes.
    "Do that and you'll never get out of here Moonblood, now put some clothes on I brought a friend to sit with us. Ms. Sabin Togar meet my rag-tag band of mercs. My brother Ramiel Swiftshot." He pointed to the wizardly looking Elf who simply looked Sabin up and down before harrumphing and going back to his book and vodka. "He's not good with people, next is Sparky..." The Tribal women glared at the Wood Elf and willed a small fireball to appear in her hand. "Dun't call me that Half-Ear, ye havenae quite recovered from the last time." Yaorlan chuckled and held his hands up in peace one which had a bandage around it. "But your full name..or...title thing is so damn long." The fireball grew causing Ramiel to scoot away and protect his notes. "Just do it Yao! She burns my research I'm out of this fucking mission!" Their leader simply scoffed and took a deep breath. "Fine, Sabin this is Firefeather the Sharp-eyed of the Wildfire Clan." And with that the fireball vanished and Firefeather went back to fletching her arrows. Yaorlan let out a sigh and looked at the big lizard finishing up strapping on his breastplate, arm, and shin guards. "Do I need to use your full title too?"

    The big warrior chuckled and nodded picking up his massive longsword and strapping it to his waist. The Wood Elf let out a groan and took another breath. "This is Bladesire Ra-Ja of the Red Tooth Clan. By the Gods I need a drink now. You people are about as impossible as she was when we first met." He pulled out a seat for Sabin before picking up his own pint of Vodka and taking a long swig of it. Ra-Ja chuckled tightening his sword and nodding to Sabin. "I can still eat him if you want me too."
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 03-30-2019 at 03:03 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Once he had drained his pint Yaorlan went up to the bar to get a refill and bring some water back for Sabin.

    “Thank you”, was all Sabin said as she picked up the cup and drank. Once some color returned to her cheeks she looked at the group to study them further. They all looked very impressive and fearsome. But they were not Yaorlan’s usual squad members, “Are you out of the military and walking into some adventure now?”

    “Sadly no… This is actually an adventure given by the higher up ranks, and this idiot’s freedom here is on the stake here”.

    “I believe”, said the other elf, not even bothering lifting his nose from the book he was reading, “That the imbecile is none other than you, little brother, so do us all the favour of not addressing me as such”, he licked his thumb as he flipped a page, carefully gazing on the words he was reading.

    Sabin tilted her head, looking somewhat puzzled.

    It’s a long story Yaorlan started to say as he scratched the back of his head. “Something to do with Dryad and their stupid rebellion against the kingdom. Don’t mess with those tree huggers”

    “Or fell in love with them”, added Ramiel as he flipped another page.

    Yaorlan blushed and coughed.

    “Big trouble if you do”

    “Yeah, yeah, we hear you!”, Yaorlan said, slamming his fists on the table, his ear and a half twitching in anger, “Either way… He ended up in jail. The oaf taking up my spot in the gallow. Doing a special service earned us the right to keep our heads. And he got to spend some time in jail”

    “It wasn’t so bad. I got many books to study and some peace…”

    “And I suppose if they let him out…”

    “It’s because they willed it… for a price…”

    “Which is…”

    Yaorlan sighed, “Listen darky, this is military secret we are talking of”

    “Oh just tell her already!”, said Ramiel, still not looking up from his book, “It’s not like it’s such a big secret. I mean look at our merry group, we are drawing attention if we want or not”.

    Ra-Ja chuckled taking a huge bite from a side of raw beef he was eating besides the fire. “Ra-Ja is quite happy not being the biggest one in the room for a change.”

    Firefeather simply clicked her tongue putting the finishing touches on her fifth arrow. “I just need the money, High Elf politics are stupid.”

    Yaorlan sighed then sat down. “Fine, but if a High Elf hit squad comes for us I’m handing all of you over to save my own skin.” Taking another pull of his drink he answered lowering his voice a little. “We’re hunting our mutual friend Denika, rumors put her down here someplace. I don’t suppose you’ve seen her?”

    Sabin’s eyes widen and the human girl couldn’t help but notice, “Seems like she did”, she said without stopping to tie ropes around the arrows.

    Sabin moved backward as she stretched her hands on the table, “Do you want to quick version or the long one”

    Ramiel closed his book, his eyes studying Sabin for the first time, “Depends. Does your story involved beings from the age of the Iaegr and the Aelfir?”

    “Kinda…?”, she said looking at them all, “Sorta…?”

    Ramile patted her hands, “Then by all means, do tell!”

    “Well then…”


    Sabin talked in length about her story. While Ra-Ja and the female human seemed unbothered, Ramiel was in awe, like a small child hearing story of brave warriors from the local shaman. He found everything she told to be fascinating, while Yaorlan was starting to pour himself shots of Vodka, when he realized his mission, which was already difficult, seemed to be on much bigger scale than he wanted it to be.

    “And that’s how I got here”

    “Amazing! And that Ogre! Is he still around?”, Ramiel asked.

    “Hopefully. He seemed pretty convinced about me not risking my unborn child more than needed. But I don’t want to put him in danger either”.

    “Well, maybe you won’t need to”, Said Yaorlan.

    “Why is that?”, Sabin seemed somewhat puzzled.

    Yaorlan took another vodka shot as he wiped his lips with his sleeves, “Seems we will be heading your way. Reports has been indicating that Denika been on the trail heading north, and the only town ahead is that of the Frost Elves”

    “Snow Elves”, correct him Ramiel.

    “Whatever. Pain in the ass elves if you ask me”, Yaorlan said.

    “Can’t agree with you more”, said the fire tribal, “Luckily you have expert of flames. Ice will be an easy task to melt”

    For the first time Yaorlan realized he made a good choice hiring this human. Shame she was impossible as the rest of the bunch.

    Ra-Ja simply snorted, the idea of heading further North making him cold already. “Why can’t there be Sun Elves or something in the middle of the desert for us to hunt?”

    Yaorland snorted. “Well how much do you know about all these God, Goddesses, and shit? Is it even worth the bother to square off with them?”

    “Well, if you are going after Denika, that most likely where is heading to next”.

    “Can you be sure of that?”, asked Ramiel.

    “No. But if you consider all the options…”

    Ramiel hummed. He then got up and packed his book into his bag, “Well then. We’ve been fumbling for a direction for almost a week. This is better than everything we got so far. I suggest we head out with this lass”

    Firefeather looked outside and chuckled. “You plan to command the sun to rise there Wizard? Even with a Dolg Gramar and a Fire Mage we’ll never make it that far in the dark.”

    The druid looked at the window and hummed again. He then set back and opened his book, “You do have a point”

    “You are hopeless”, Yaorlan sighed and facepalmed, “Are we seriously related?”

    “If we don’t please inform me, that will make so much more sense”.

    “Gah!”, Yaorlan sighed. He then got up and headed for the counter, the Inn’s lady returned with the keys for them, “That’s your room darky”, he put one in Sabin’s hands and throw another two for Ra-Ja and Firefeather. He then went for Ramiel and grabbed him by his arm. Ramiel, although been pulled, never removed his eyes from his book, “I’ll see you all in the morning, so you better all sleep or I’m counting it off your salaries”.

    Sabin chuckled as she headed upstairs to her chamber. She recalled she needed to inform this to Y’gol as soon as possible, maybe it was better indeed to travel ahead with Yao’s group than the Ogre. She didn’t want to bother him any further, and she hoped he will go back to Guk-Guk and her sister to protect them. There was no telling as to what Denika, Sable or the former Dire now god of chaos might do to her family.

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    *In Stormgard*

    A steady snowfall was blanketing the ancient stone city of Stormgard. Under the dimly lit skies the city looked like a painting lost on the walls of a forgotten temple. Braziers lined the snow covered streets and the Winterbloods were slowly bustling down the streets. Heads low and tucked under the hoods of their cloaks, the snow was the norm so most simply walked through it despite it's beauty much like people in the South never really notice the rain.

    But upon a hill a dark lone figure stood in the window of a grand longhouse. A white bear cloak draped about his heavy sagging shoulders, but in the quiet firelight his shadows sagged even heavier. His chest was bare adorned with scars and a dimply glowing crescent moon he mindlessly rubbed slowly as if it caused him pain.

    His eye were vacant as if he hasn't slept in days. He swayed slightly as if moving to music only he could hear. A deep yawn broke his grimly locked lips and his heavy hand come up pressing flat to the window steadying himself. Lost like a man in a storm a single low question rumbled up from his chest. "What truth is this?" A question he had asked himself many times, each instance making the strange brand on his chest glow and burn.

    "Agamar." A quiet woman's voice shook him from his musings, like a trained dog he turned to the voice and walked back into the room his head still down, but his hand never leaving the brand.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 06-03-2019 at 02:35 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    “You have not dressed yet husband?”

    Ashayra stood motionless, her long silver gown lingering behind her and seemed to be just as part of her as her long silver hair was. While the snow elves had much more tolerance to the cold, she was still much more dressed than one would expect such a being to be, fur of lovely color decorating her delicate and fragile body.

    Even her skin color was unusual; Too bluish, almost light gray, as if she was a porcelain doll instead of a living breathing creature. And there she stood with her maids, two underlings that were just as lovely, but plain compared to her, and they were holding robes of man and other decoration.

    “Please husband, dear… we need to get ready”

    The maids bowed as they moved forward to start and dress Galmied.

    While they needed to move fast before guests and other lords and nobles were coming to bless them for their upcoming wedding, Ashayra gaze was still sharp and attentive as ever, and the fact her dear Agamar has touched his brand did not escape her, even though she did not seem to understand the meaning of it.

    Even before he was placed under hypnosis Agamar was somewhat without a will but now he seemed to be even colder than the harsh winds and snow of her country. Could he somehow have broken from it? It couldn’t be so… and yet…

    She clapped her hands and her maids rushed to work. She bit her lower lip as sadness took over her heart. This man was nothing like the young and lively Agamar she knew of when they were still youths. She hoped she will provide him with everything he was deserving. His rank, his titles and lands, and a good dutiful wife which will bear him many children, and be patient if he asks for mistresses or common whores. Still she hoped he won’t turn out like his grandfather and start to gather them around, especially not the kind of the dark elven lass she saw back at the hut he was staying.

    “You are so lost, husband… but don’t you worry”, She moved forward to kiss him and petted his beautiful silver hair, “Soon we shall wed, my dear, and everything will be fine”.


    “Y’gol!”, Sabin whispered slowly not wishing to startle the beast even though she figured he already picked up her smell.

    She waited for the ogre to dust himself from the snow as he raised his head. It was a chilly night and she held to her fur coat for dear life, but still, even though she didn’t want to leave the tavern, she had to inform him about the people coming to aid them.

    It was going to be troublesome otherwise if she did not make him aware of them first.

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    Default Y'gol and Sabin co-op

    “Y’gol!”, Sabin whispered slowly not wishing to startle the beast even though she figured he already picked up her smell.

    She waited for the ogre to dust himself from the snow as he raised his head. It was a chilly night and she held to her fur coat for dear life, but still, even though she didn’t want to leave the tavern, she had to inform him about the people coming to aid them.

    It was going to be troublesome otherwise if she did not make him aware of them first.

    Y’gol part- In the silence of the night and from the pile of snow the huge bulk of Y’gol stood holding what looked like half a stag in his massive clawed hands. The blood was still warm dripping onto the snow leaving small steam trails as it landed.

    The Beast himself was equally bloody and steaming, but he hardly seemed bothered by the cold despite being mostly naked and hairless. Crunching the deer’s leg the Ogre studied Sabin. “You shouldn’t be out in the cold Den Mother.” He said simply before dropping to his haunches to continue eating.

    “I know, dad”, Sabin chuckled softly, “However, I knew that if I didn’t tell you ahead of time, things might get complicated.”She clutched the fur coat closely as she leaned in. Ironic that finding him in such scene was exactly how this whole journey started to begin with. Some things never change, but maybe it was for the best. She pet Y’gol’s arm softly, “We will have some friends tomorrow. They will come with us to Stormgard”.

    Y’gol growled low his jaws crunching slowly and his eyes staring unblinkingly at Sabin. “Oh really?” He dropped the deer into the snow and moved a little closer to Sabin breathing in her scent. “Two Wood Elves, a human, and a big lizard?”

    “H-how did-!”, Sabin’s eyes widen before, “That nose of yours is so incredible! Yes, exactly as you said. In fact at least one of them you may already know of”

    Y’gol chuckled going back to his meal. “As all the races have a distinctly different taste they also have a distinctly different smell. Wood Elves smell like a lush forest and tastes very earthy, Humans smell like the swamp and taste equal parts bland and sweet, and Dolg Gramar smell like fire and sand and taste like spicy jerky.” He finished most of his deer before stashing it under the snow. “Then each person has their own special scent, but I’d need to be around them to tell. So who is the one I know?”

    “Oh my! If we were talking some months ago I would find this information repulsive, and yet now it is fascinating, how do dark elves taste like then?”, Sabin smiled, “However that stench of blood coming from this deer is rather repulsive to me, forgive me, I’m going back or I throw up”, having a child made her extremely sensitive to some foul lingering scents, “Yaorlan… Former lieutenant in Denika’s army. Now he is the squad leader, hunting her down around those areas”, Sabin nodded, “His brother Ramiel, a strange human girl called Firefeather and Ra-Ja, the Dolg Gramar”

    Y’gol chuckled moving to the large cave nearby. “Quite the motley crew you found for yourself Ms. Togar. Well bring them to this cave in the morning and we can see how the introductions go. Now go back to the warmth of the inn, the night and cold are for beasts such as me, not whimsy den mothers such as you”. He laughed low the laughter echoing through the mouth of the cave as the Grizzly Beast vanished from view.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Default CO with Siks :D

    “You have not dressed yet husband?”

    Ashayra stood motionless, her long silver gown lingering behind her and seemed to be just as part of her as her long silver hair was. While the Snow Elves had much more tolerance to the cold, she was still much more dressed than one would expect such a being to be, fur of lovely color decorating her delicate and fragile body.

    Even her skin color was unusual; Too bluish, almost light gray, as if she was a porcelain doll instead of a living breathing creature. And there she stood with her maids, two underlings that were just as lovely, but plain compared to her, and they were holding the man’s dress robe waiting patiently.

    “Please husband, dear… we need to get ready”

    The maids bowed as they moved forward to start and dress Galmied.

    While they needed to move fast before guests and other lords and nobles were coming to bless them for their upcoming wedding, Ashayra gaze was still sharp and attentive as ever, and the fact her dear Agamar has touched his brand did not escape her, even though she did not seem to understand the meaning of it.

    Even before he was placed under hypnosis Agamar was somewhat without a will but now he seemed to be even colder than the harsh winds and snow of their country. Could he somehow have broken from it? It couldn’t be so… and yet…

    She clapped her hands and her maids rushed to work. She bit her lower lip as sadness took over her heart. This man was nothing like the young and lively Agamar she knew when they were still youths. She hoped she will provide him with everything he was deserving. His rank, his titles and lands, and a good dutiful wife which will bear him many children, and be patient if he asks for mistresses or common whores. Still she hoped he wouldn’t turn out like her grandfather and start to gather them around, especially not the kind of the Dark Elven lass she saw back at the house in Excelsior.

    “You are so lost, husband… but dinnae worry.” She moved forward to kiss him and petted his beautiful white hair, “Soon we shall wed, my dear, and everything will be fine”.

    Galmied’s Part: Like a spark from a fire Agamar’s eyes focused and he shook his head tiredly. “I’m sorry love, just havenae been sleeping well these last few nights.” He lifted his arms and let the maids dress him up like a giant doll. He never liked dressing up much, but it is nice to feel something other than armor or rags against his skin. The Snow Elves were never one for fine silks and flimsy clothing like that. But the pelts and fine leather made from some of the many dangerous yet beautiful beasts that roam the north felt just as fine and kept you far warmer.

    Once the maids were done and Ashayra had dismissed them he moved to her side and hugged her firmly. “I’m sorry love.”

    “I forgive ye, dear husband”, Ashayra leaned in to kiss his lips, “Now, now, let us head downstairs. The party in our honor is about to begin, and we cannae miss it, aye?”

    The man nodded slowly giving his fiance a smile before returning the kiss. “Ay, dear wife ye lead the way. Maybe my sisters brought their children, been awhile since I’ve seen any of them.”

    Ashayra smiled gently hugging his large arm to her svelte body. “Ay I think so, Ragnild’s two Felgar and Hilde have grown into quite the able hunters, and like all twins they only work well with each other. And Igna remarried a couple of years ago to a fine former guard named Bulsver Shattershard and just gave birth to her daughter Elsa last winter. She’s the cutest little snowball ever, and actually has nearly white skin. Caused quite the stir…but don’t worry I’ll make sure you’re all up to date my love, we can take our time going downstairs.”

    Agamar nodded softly his smile growing lightly. “Glad to hear it, and that'll probably be best. Dinnae want to look the fool in front of everyone.” He chuckled lightly moving his hand to the soft swell of her hip holding her body close to him.

    “hmm”, the fair lady hummed as she leaned her head at his chest, “Well then, shall we head out?”

    The maids move away for the couple to pass through the front door as they walked down the stairs and from there to the main hall. Like all Snow Elf structures the Wintershield clan hall was a sturdy building made of heavy lumber and stone. Ideal for keeping in heat and standing resolute against the infamous Tìr Deighe winters. Being of a more aristocratic caste the Wintershield home was larger than most in Stormgard, and the large main room at the bottom of the carved steps was filled to the brim with nobles both from all over Tìr Deighe and across the Elven nation.The music was lively and the smell of rich roasting meat and fine meads already filled the hazy air and mingled with the sounds of triumphants yells and jolly voices. Snow Elf celebrations were sights to see, even funerals were move lively than most down south. The Snow Elf mindest is built in such a way to make light of the despair that has often plagued their people and lands.

    “Agamar, ye sunbitten son o’ a whore!” A giant hand belonging to Elder Hasvir Bitterfrost grabbed Galmied tightly, soon followed by two more tall Elvin males though none quite as big as Hasvir, “We will be stealing him fer a moment, aye?” He asked looking at Ashayra, who nodded gracefully a small ray of hope on her beautiful face that the rough, but jolly warriors from Agamar’s childhood would be able to shake the melancholy from her man’s mind. She waved them off letting the Elders pull him away. They were relatives of Agamar, all happy to see him healthy and once again among them after many years of exile. And hearing him marrying the princess, only added to their high spirit, knowing the lad got a worthy match in Ashayra.

    “Ye got a little soft there… eh lad?”, Hasvir bellowed patting the man’s less defined six pack, “We need to have you go outside and hunt with us more to get you back in shape!”

    The next Elder to speak was a man with a bulky archer’s build a gold patch over his right eye, this was Elder Medoc Shatterstring. “Well what do ye expect ya great walrus?! The Southern Ladies like to spend more time on their backs or in the gardens o’ the Blue City than out doing anything useful.” The next Elder laughed before taking a huge bite out of roasted ox leg. This is Elder Bombuldor Ice-Bellow. “Haha I’d take that iffin I get to eat some o’ that fine southern food...I hear they have great steaks too!”

    Agamr had recovered from the cobwebs slightly and pushed Hasvir roughly back chuckling. “Could still kick yer arse dear cousin.”

    “BAHAHAHA!”, the man said, roaring with huge laughter, “Heard that lads? The softie wants to test his merit! I say it’s time to check how much we need to train him!”,He said pushing aside the food and trays while Bombuldor quickly grabbed the food he wanted before they got smashed onto the floor

    The other two stood aside, as more joined the crowd, Hasvir sat down and rolled his sleeves up, his right muscular hand resting on the table, “Bring it, sunbitten boy!”

    Agamar grabbed a tankard of mead and slammed it back quickly before he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sat across from Hasvir. “Careful old Mer, dinnae want to break yer arm off.” Hasvir chortled and hunched down gripping the offered hand. While Hasvir had Agamr beat in size and sheer weight. The former Slaves rough life had given him finely sculpted muscles of his own plus a few pressure points in the hand he wasn’t sure how he knew, but did and would use them to his advantage.

    Such spectacles were common among the rough Ice Folk, sometimes they even came to swords and blows. But while the men were at play many of the women would simply watch in amusement or pat their heavily pregnant bellies knowing the type of mood such rowdiness would put their men in tonight many of them were quite eager for the closing of the festivities.

    Two women though didn’t share in this sentiment. Ashayra who according to tradition wouldn’t be able to see her beloved until the wedding a few days away. He would even be removed from her home and taken back to the Ice-Sworn longhouse to go through his own wedding preparations. With a sad smile she moved like a ghost through the crowd towards another woman this one wearing a veil and a long dress who was seated besides the large fire pit sipping cider her hand slowly stroking her very large belly a wispy smile across her beautiful golden features. Ashayra soon joined her sitting gloomily besides the taller woman.

    “They already have such… lustful expression upon their faces”, Ashayra said looking far at her man, “And I won’t be able to see him for some days now” She sighed as she looked at Denika, “I’m glad you joined the celebration. I remember you said you don’t want to get too close, but I never understood why. Still, it is good you did, you are my guest of honor after all”.

    Denika let out a low laugh and patted the young Elf woman’s thigh gently. “It’s for the better my dear, I’ve been accused of some...vile things in the past few months and would like to remain as unnoticed as possible. But I could never pass up my ward’s wedding celebration, not for all the gold in Queen Brightcloth’s treasury.” She leaned down and hugged the woman tightly.

    “Thank you, you have been a true friend Lady Denika. I cannae even find words to express how grateful I am…”, Ashayra looked with love at Galmied, her eyes sparkling, “It is as though I got back a lost gift… the love we both shared so many years ago, is ours once more… even though I find it so hard to believe such a fickle relationship could ruin it… and with a Dark Elf whore no less…”, the beautiful Ice Elf smiled sadly, “However that’s of the past, and with the current way things are going, I will be able to make him happy again… as he was in our youth… however, ye have to forgive me for having doubts. Ye coming to us, offering your help, with almost no price and no demands… I am often wondering if you ever going to ask the impossible for what you have given me… Denika…. I don’t want to lose him, please… makes my worries go away, so I can know to trust ye… tell me if there is something you truly desire, Lady Denika!”

    Denika let out a low rich laugh stroking to worried child’s hair slowly. “Be calm my little snowflake, I promised your mother at your Presentation to the Gods that I would watch over and protect you. Like...a mother would. I just want your happiness girl...that’ll be payment enough. Just give it a few more days for the potion I made for you to help him heal from his life as a Slave. I protected him as much as I could, but I am but one woman.”

    Ashayra bitterly smiled, knowing more or less what Denika was talking about. As a lord, Agamar will be able to have as many women, concubies, sex slaves, and occusional palace whores as he likes. She even wondered if Denika actually planned to set herself in one of the roles in the future. It kinda hurt her, but as a child of the Snow Elves, she knew that this was the way of life in their culture, and only made sense per so. Agamar will not be satisfied with one woman, and obviously his happiness will improve with more. Still it was remarkable for the former slaver to give her such a boon when she could probably have him all to herself again… unless, Denika was honest with her words, and simply understood her place in the chain, just as Ashayra needed to, “Ye will always have room with our lord, as ye know, Lady Denika, I will approve of ya if ye desire it. Ye’ve done more than enough for me already”.

    Denika chuckled lightly and shook her head brushing some hair behind the Snow Elf’s ear. “You needn’t worry about that child. I have found my place and it is nowhere near Agamar’s side.” She patted her swollen stomach lightly. “Besides I don’t think I could carry a Snow Elf babe, this one is big enough.” She smiled finishing her cider.

    “You never said… who is.. .the father…”, Ashayra asked slowly, noticing that she always walked alone, “Did the father abandon his child?”

    Denika shook her head slowly. “No. He’s a warrior, a great one. His name is Sable, somewhat infamous, but he is true and a very good lover.”

    “I don’t believe I have heard of him, but he sounds like a good man”, said Ashayra as she smiled softly, “Well then, I will excuse myself to get my future groom out of trouble… I will see you soon Lady Denika”

    Denika nodded softly to the young Snow Elf and waved her off before getting up and drifting through the merry crowd of northern Elves moving for the exit. She needed some air and Sable’s minion Sha’lina was looking quite annoyed having to play serving wench for all these “low brow savages” as she called them. But she did look so cute in her corset and short skirt, and she fit in well with the other young servers. The High Elf chuckled as she walked up and plucked a small bit of sweet meat from her tray. “Hmm thank you young lady.”

    Sha’lina growled lightly keeping her composure. “You are welcome mi’lady. How are you faring this evening?”

    Denika smiled eating the meat slowly. “Very well everything seems to be going according to plan. How goes your night?”

    Sha’lina sighed hating this subterfuge shit. “It goes well mi’lady, many rumors and words going around to follow. There’s talk of a special wedding gift for the young bride and groom.”

    Denika grabbed another small meat snack, being pregnant gave her such an appetite. If she knew this would happen she would’ve stayed childless. But too late now. “Oh really, what special gift?”

    Sha’lina narrowed her eyes recalling the words. “Some kind of heirloom from the groom’s family, ancient and thought to be magical. A trident pendant, been in the Ice-Sworn Clan’s vault for centuries apparently. That is all.” The small Dark Elf said before she felt a pinch on her behind from a large Snow Elf man who was already red in the nose from too much alcohol. “Well ah dinnae know we b...brought a bonny wee....slut...tae a weddin’-cere...ceremony.” Biting back her first response Sha’lina put on a weak smile. “Only the best for such a prestigious couple sir.”

    The drunkard moved to pull the disguised assassin close, but a cough from Denika stopped him. “Excuse me Frizs, but I need this young lady’s assistant fence. Come along dear.“ She waved her hand and began walking away Sha’lina happy to put down her tray and follow, the last thing they needed was for her to kill one of these barbarians and blow their cover.

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    The wedding party wound down well after midnight and many of the guests could still be heard singing merrily down the snow covered streets as they tried to find their ways back home or to a nearby inn. But before too long the Wintershield home was cleaned up and remarkably quiet. You would never know there was a rousing Snow Elf wedding party here mere hours ago.

    As per the rules of his culture Agamr had returned to the home that had sold him into slavery. His father had died may years ago so his mother Esbri, his sister Ragnild and her children Felgar and Hilde so that pain was gone, but still he didn't feel at home even in his childhood room which his mother had kept in neat order. It was void of his clothing, but many of his persona effects like a carved flute and his first training sword were still there. He dropped his bag to the worn bed and the solid thud sent a chill through his body. He'd been a slave for over two centuries home was a novel luxury he had given up on after his third owner. And even now in his only true "home" he felt just as alone and hopeless.

    Like he was locked in a prison cell, but the cloud over his mind left him with only more questions as to why he was feeling this way. It felt like a huge part of him was missing, but he didn't know for sure, placing his head in his hands he rubbed his face slowly then began to idly scratching the strange brand on his chest.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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