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Thread: Blood Line CH4: The Bloody Heart (Kris X Siks)

  1. #11
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    I'm planning to work on story this weekend


  2. #12
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    Dawn broke over the building of Stonestead and lit up the small bedroom in which Sabin was sleeping. Despite her usual penchant for sleeping naked she was wearing a warm set of robes and underclothes but the cold of the Giant town and the empty feeling inside her heart as she continues to miss her Sad Blue Lion. But she knew she would see him again. And today would be her first step in saving him from whatever fate he's been forced into.

    Her ongoing pregnancy making her morning routine more laborious than before. Complete with morning sickness and a quiet prayer to the Goddesses for the quick return of Galmied so she can kick his big blue ass for getting her pregnant in the first place. Then she'd give the biggest kiss and hug she could ever give someone.

    After a five minute marathon of getting cleaned up, dressed, and ready for her trip to Y'gol's cave with her new band of misfits. She just hoped the Ogre had a big breakfast and wouldn't try to eat anyone, but a fight between the Ogre and Dolg Gramar would be an interesting fight, they are nearly the same size and strength. But still she hoped this would go peacefully, but for now she needed to gather the troops and give them all a little briefing on how to handle the very unsettling Ogre.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  3. #13
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    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #14
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    Sabin looked at the cave, tapping her legs nervously. She hoped the meeting of Y'gol and the new group would go about smoothly.

    The others seemed pretty unbothered, or half asleep, which was given. Not everyone were morning type.


    Sha’lina stared at Denika, "What is the plan now? I can't stand those ice elves anymore!"

  5. #15
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    *At the cave*

    A low rumbling sighing sound was heard form the cave before the lanky Ogre exited pulling the last bits of meat off the leg of some animal before his powerful teeth cracked it open to suck out the marrow. His unblinking red eyes scanning the group. Their demeanor changed nigh instantly, Yaorlan swallowed hard his hand tightly gripping the hilt of his sword as he looked away from the Ogre, Ramiel pulled out his notebook and quickly began jotting down notes about Y'gol even going so far as creating a rudimentary drawing of the beast. Firefeather didn't believe Sabin before, but like Yaorlan as the looming beast appeared before her she gripped her bow even going so far as reaching into her quiver for an arrow. The last one to respond was Ra-Ja who breathed deep the Ogre's foul odor his muzzle crunching up lightly as he drew himself up to his full height.

    While the Grizzly Beast was a foot taller than the Dolg Gramar, Ra-Ja was broader plus his armor and weapons were of a finer quality. But still a fight between the two apex predators would be a sight to see. The most basic of introductions were given, but Sabin cut any small talk short as they had lost enough time and her stomach twinged, the child kicking lightly as thoughts of it's father shook the woman's heart. With Y'gol leading the way the group moved quickly and quietly into Snow Elf territory.


    Denika took a deep breath of the cold air outside her room at High Elf embassy she was nude, but wrapped in a heavy bear fur cape. Sha'lina was with her acting as her lady in waiting during the day and something like her guard at night. Though as the Dark Elf warrior was sitting nude in Denika's bed her scarred and curvy body covered in a light sheen of sweat and her chest was peaked and still heaved lightly from what could only have been a rigorous bout of love-making with her "lady".

    This likely would have happened anyway, what with how flippant High Elves and Denika in particular treat sex. But the hormones her pregnancy has brought has kicked the Witch's libido even higher. And bedding some random Snow Elf off the street would bring unneeded attention to her real reason for being in this forsaken land. A woman, especially a pregnant one shaking up with any man would raise far more eyebrows than the other places in Avelar. Besides Dark Elf women are quite fun lays, and Sha'lina has such great technique and stamina, she'd have been quite a stud should she have been born a man.

    It would be a good stress reliever in the coming days as she worked her magic and word play to get to Galmied and the Sea God's trident away and further Deireadh Beatha's ambitions. While it was nice to see Ashayra again the girl's fate or broken heart mattered little when the goal was a cosmic throne. Power is the only currency that matters in this world and being paired with a God would be the ultimate power.

    The child kicked in her stomach causing her to smile and rub her belly as it poked out from under the cloak. And this babe would be her ticket to that power, she'd never thought of herself as a mother. Children were an annoyance at best and a liability at worst. No woman of power in her right mind would let some man weigh her down with his seed and subject herself to the pain of birth or the slavery of motherhood. But this child was...special, it would be one of the most powerful beings in the world and she would be it's master. She could endure the pain if it meant such power, but a yawn rippled through her body and a sheer cold wind whipped across her perch causing the woman to pull to cape tight and retreat back inside her room. Closing the door behind her the great warmth from a spell she cast earlier hugged around her curves under the cape making her smile broadly and drop the clothing to the ground. Rubbing her hands over her body she rejoined Sha'lina on the bed kissing the Dark Elf deeply her hormones kicking in again.

    *The Next day*

    Sabin's small group reached the borders of Stomgard mere days before the weeing was to commence the brand above her breast burned with longing the closer they drew to the Snow Elf capital. And as the stepped upon the main road leading directly to the great stone gates of Stormgard she painfully felt the Ogre's absence who had left their group before dawn leaving a pile of animals pelts in his wake. They would keep the group warm or be sold in the city for coin and information.

    Despite being by and large a dangerous and unpredictable creature, Y'gol's presence filled the pregnant Dark Elf with a strange sense of security and balance between her fears and her instincts. And with him gone she felt alone even with Yaorlan besides her. But she took comfort in knowing he would go back to Guk-Guk and keep her daughter safe from any and all harm. With a slightly quaking sigh she hugged her fur cape closer around her and began walking towards Stormgard.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #16
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    Hopefully a post will be tomorrow

  7. #17
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    *The streets of Stormgard*

    Sabin and her small group blended into the glistening white landscape of Stormgard like snow in Ophier. Travelers were not uncommon in the Northern Regions of Avelar, but the group wasn't a common sight. Dark Elves and Wood Elves were rare enough this far north, but a Tribal from Bisignol and a Dolg Gramar from the desert are totally unheard of, some Snow Elves don't even think they exist.

    So the looks the small band were getting weren't unexpected. And despite the low annoyed growls of the heavily cloaked lizardman they kept staring. "We need to get inside before our Moonblood decides to eat the townfolks." Yaolan said pulling his hood up a little higher to keep the cold off his ears.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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