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Thread: [M] The Journey of a Thousand Steps IC

  1. #11
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    Default The Celtic Heroes reach Megiddo.

    The next day the old merchant had brought back more cloth to replace Andraste’s ruined one.
    “Well, we wouldn’t want you sittin’ here all on your lonesome, now would we?” He said when she had asked him why he had done her this service.
    They had some conversations over the next few days of the journey, and the man listened and gave some very thought out answers to some of her questions. And she had saved him from bandits a few more times, and a bond began to grow between the two. The man, whom she learned was named Gregory McTerish, sort of became her adopted uncle.

    He was still a little uneasy at first that she was a forest guardian, but his unease subsided as he found her to be little different from everyone else. A tangible being with feelings and not some mystical creature.
    When they came to the last town of his trip, having bartered all the way there every chance he got, they parted ways.

    “Fair journey, Andraste,” The man had said with a warm hug, “And may you find a door open to you where’er you go.”
    “I wish you the same,” She replied, “And a good deal in the next town.”
    And they gave a small laugh at that before parting ways.

    From here, Andraste stayed off of the road as much as she could, and headed to any clump of trees she could find to help her with direction, and for safety.

    If Merlin had known he would be waiting so long for the warriors of the Isles he would’ve sent one of the apprentice Druids to play guide. His attentions could’ve been much better spent communing with the Fae and the Gods of the Lands to devise a way to combat the Voidlings. Using his mind and millennia of experiences to pour of the ancient magics for an answer, surely whatever these things were wouldn’t be able to contend with the very forces of creation! Would they?

    Still the request had come from on high and even he could not refuse their pleas so here he was dozing in the midday sun summoning up a breeze every now and then to keep the heat of the day from him waiting for whatever rabble the Gods had picked to make their merry way to the Standing Stones.

    The Child of light strode toward the circle of stones like one with a strong sense of purpose and not enough good sense to keep on the lookout for possible danger. Only one thing could belie that sort of carelessness, it was the confidence that whatever could lurk behind the rolling hills or in the would would not, or could not harm him. Whether this was because of his divine nature or his otherworldly prowess with weapons, who could know? Still, the Hound of Culainn, defender of Ulster, slayer of many, and foe of Connacht walked on towards the enigmatic ring of stones.

    “Ho there, Greybeard. Are you the one I am supposed to meet? I was called here by my dreams, told there would be a guide here, and since you are the only one I see, my reason tells me that it is you. So, be that as it is, what message do the Gods have to give to this hound, slayer of countless hordes of men and monsters unnameable, the greatest warrior in all of Ireland?” The Cu boldly stated, walking without fear up to the old, bent, graying tutor of the great King Arthur. The Cu, massive even for his people towered over the old wizard, and even though danger and power radiated off of him, one could clearly tell he was at ease, and meant no threat.

    As the presence of power grew to gnaw on Merlin’s senses he awoke from his light doze and gave a deep frown at who was addressing him. “Oh by the stars and stones, who woke you up Hound? The Spirits must be quite desperate to bring a club swinger such as yourself here.” With a low sigh Merlin stood up his ancient bones creaking and groaning with having sat too long. “As for the quest I must wait until all of you are here. I’m too old to repeat myself. Just sit down and try not to break anything.” The old man grouched moving to the altar at the center of the circle and grabbed an endless stone goblet of fine spirits handing it to the large warrior. “Here, this is a cup that will never empty, it’ll be necessary and irreplaceable so avoid giving it to some dark skinned hussy or fair haired Dane for a night of tumbles.” While he couldn't give Cu the full details he could at least give him some of the items he was instructed to make for the journey ahead.

    Taking the goblet from the old wizard, Cu did indeed sit down and he looked at the clear liquid in the stone goblet. Raising it in toast to the wizard’s health he took several long draughts from it, gulping it down like a man parched beyond belief. With how long and how many times he tussled in the bed with that fairy, it would be safe to assume he was a bit dehydrated, leaving much of his energy inside of her. Finally removing the cup from his mouth he gave a long sigh and a deep belch. “Well, that was certainly good, I needed that. Being dead does build up quite a thirst. Old man, be there any game among these parts? I could get us something to eat. If you have been here waiting for me, you must be as hungry as I am, especially with how skinny you are. Please do not be offended, I just try to be as honest as I can, for I find deceit a hateful quality, which, if you know about my legend, you can see why.”

    Merlin sighed and shook his head waving the man’s concerns down. “There is more game animals here than in Ireland, Hound of Ulster. But it is a delicate balance of nature this close to the Standing Stones. If you hunger so, then by the Altar is one of three large fabric packs, it holds similar qualities to the Goblet. I have not hungered for many moons, But help yourself to one of them. I need to fast so my mind can be clear for the magic. I will need to take us all to the far South.” Moving to the forest side of the stone Merlin extended his senses out to try and find the others.

    “Nah, its alright, I ate after I awoke in a glade not far from here. I just felt it polite to offer some sort of service to my host. I’m more than just a ‘club-swinger’ as it were, though that appears to be all I am known for. I was taught manners in a kingly court after all.” He said, but he did start playing with his hurly, bouncing the ball off of the club in the air, and chasing after it when the bouncing made it go off, seeing how long he could keep it airborne.

    After far too long walking, Bairdhwyn finally made it to the circle of stones. The forest seemed to pull at him, branches and stems bending outwards to keep him within the forest. Nevertheless, he caught sight of an ancient-looking Druid and a tall, muscular warrior. He took a deep breath and put on his best “prince of the Fair Folk” face, before strolling right up to the pair.

    “Ho, Hound! Ho, Greybeard! The Queen of the Faeries sends her regards. I’m to retrieve her scarlet saddle, as it were, and was told to meet you here. How goes it?” His wings buzzed. His ears pricked up. His thoroughly green skin made him seem indistinct within his green coat. He was utterly alien in this procession, and he loved it.

    Andraste, after resting for a bit in the safety of this small thicket, continued on her way for a few more days before coming upon the Standing Stones with three other figures, though one appeared to be a faery, it never hurt to be cautious. She notched an arrow and slowly moved to a better spot of advantage before cautiously walking to greet the others.
    “Ho faery! Ho Elder and… warrior.” She said as she approached with her bow lowered, but still ready to draw in a moment. Her features still hidden by her attire

    As the last two heroes approached Merlin studied them closely. Bairdhwyn Ó Áine, one of the many sons of Áine of the Summer Court, and despite her disguise the old Druid recognized Andraste McYaren, daughter of Abnoba, Goddess of the Forest and Rivers. With a nod and a clack of this staff he greeted the newcomers. “Ho, Bairdhwyn, Son of Áine, Ho, Andraste, Daughter of Abnoba. The Spirits tell me you are the chosen three. Three Demi-Gods, well if nothing else this will certainly be an interesting quest.” After saying a soft chant he waved his staff above his head and the goblets and packs set aside for the other two floated to their feet. “As I told Cú Chulainn earlier these goblets and packs are enchanted to never empty of food and drink, they will be necessary and irreplaceable once we leave the shores of the Isles. Keep them by you at all times, last thing we need are the lurking Voidlings to get more treasures from us.” Moving back to the center of the Stones the old man waves his staff again displaying a map of stars and lights above their heads. “Using the magiks of Stonehenge I will be taking us from our homeland to a place in the far Southern deserts called Megiddo where our Gods and those from other pantheons and cultures not our own will meet in a Great Conclave and set us on our quest proper. We will meet warriors, witches, and other Demi-Gods of many cultures so try to play nice.” He glanced at both the bawdy warrior and the Bard both are known for their lackadaisical personalities at times. “You all know what needs to be retrieved for our Gods, but you will also help the others find theirs. The threat of the Void and it’s underlings are too great for any one of us to handle so cooperation is paramount. Do you all understand the magnitude of this?” He asked, looking each Demi-God in the eyes waiting for their answer.

    As soon as Andraste was revealed, she was a little surprised, but quickly overcame her shock as she removed her head cover to reveal her wolf-like ears.
    She was also visibly surprised to hear that there were other gods, but now didn’t seem to be the time to ask questions just yet, so she clamped her mouth shut until it was her turn to respond. But, when it came time to speak, all she gave was a determined nod.

    Bairdhwyn took the pack and the goblet and eyed the rest of the group.

    “I appreciate your assistance, Wizened One. I cannot guarantee the others will be courteous, but I’ve navigated the intricacies of faerie society for centuries. Politeness is paramount to survival, as many have learned.” He winked at Andraste. “Now, tell us more about this desert.”

    Cu Chulainn smiled, upon hearing that there were others like him out there, others which he could test his prowess. “Well, I am curious to know of these other lands, but I am confident my strength will be able to keep us safe.” He turns to his two companions, especially the fair Andraste. “You needn’t fear, fair lassie, I will keep you safe no matter what monsters might try to hinder us” he continues, slightly bowing to the tall wolf girl. “As you likely well know, no weapon forged by the hand of man can harm me, and no man is my equal in combat.”

    Merlin let out another sigh. “Do be careful Hound, there are more things in Heaven and Earth than what can be heard about in your Bard’s tales, many such warriors as you will likely be part of this quest. All I know of our destination is called Megiddo and it’s a sacred mountain town where the Gods have agreed to meet as a neutral ground for discussion. Now all of you make sure you have your goblets and packs because we are leaving now.”

    Moving back to the center of the stones he picked up his own pack and goblet and began chanting in the words of the old Magicks. Power began swirling up around them day turning to night, the ground erupting and settling all around them. The sheer power of Merlin’s spell caused many of the stones to tumble or shatter, but this was what the Henge was meant for, he was sure the Druids would rebuild it as soon as they could. As his spell reached its crescendo he slammed his staff into the altar stone and all four of them vanished in a flash of light and a crash of earth and stone.

    In what seems like the time it took to blink their eyes the four Heroes of the Isles arrived at the base of a large mountain. Dry wind and grainy sand blew all around them as the magic settled back into the earth. Heat washed over them and strange smells assailed their noses, they had truly jumped through time and space to wind up on the far side of a world they had barely known. The old wizard slumped to the ground exhausted, the spell looking to leave him even older than he had before such was the price of using such powerful magiks. But after a few seconds he took a long drought from his endless goblet and looked back at his younger charges. "Welcome to Megiddo, children of the Isles. Come we need to enter the town, they do not speak our language so be careful who you talk to and what you do. The townsfolk are a Chosen people and very powerful in their own Magiks." With that the wizard pulled a leg of lamb from his pack and ate it heartily leading the way to the gates of the mountain town.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 12-05-2020 at 05:47 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  2. #12
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    With the Wizards warning to have her things ready, she slung her bow and grabbed her new bag and goblet.
    She was in aw with his spell at first, but did her best to stand firm as she sweat with some unease over her surroundings, and she raised her arms to protect her eyes and mouth from the assaulting sand and heat as soon as she felt it. This was natural.
    Then she saw the wizard sit down and she was quick to see if there was any aid she could render as she cast a glare at the two other men. Though it was mainly for the larger, who was Cu Chulainn.
    Think that I need your protection? I need protection from no man. She thought, I'm not some puppy that needs to be cuddled.

    She moved to support the wizard, seeing if he would accept her aid. He was a powerful being, yet still elderly, deserving of much respect like the elders back home.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

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  3. #13
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    Default The Egyptian Heroes arrive in Megiddo.

    Sweat rolled down from Sobekhotep’s hair, down his shoulders, and between his shoulder blades. It was a sweltering day, where the sun baked the sand until it scorched the feet and cooked anything foolish enough to try and cross it. Even in just his shendyt, he felt as though he was melting.

    The boat came to a stop as sailors leapt onto the docks and began tying the ship. Sobekhotep thanked the captain and made his way into Heliopolis. It was a city that was by far larger than Shedyet. The streets were fuller, the houses closer together, and the market made Shedyet’s look empty. Nevertheless, he pushed on. Above him, green flame burned in the shape of a crocodile’s jaws. The passersby said nothing and seemed not to notice it. As he walked, he came across a wider area where two warriors, one male and one female, wrestled. Above them burned a bull’s horns and a coiled serpent.

    The wrestling match had carried on far longer than either side had anticipated. Wenenu and Tjenenyet were still evenly matched for the most part. Speed keeping out of Strength's reach while Strength promised a quick pinning should Speed slip up. The noonday sun was beginning to wear on them both, but as they felt the presence of another God. Wenenu, being the taller of the pair looked up at than instantly regretted his choice as Tjenenyet jumped at his head and swung her entire body around him like a pole and threw him off his center of balance enough to bringing him crashing onto his face.

    The woman let out a triumphant laugh her body bouncing in the sun as sweat shined the copper flesh. "Haha I win, guess how's stuck on the bottom tonight!" The serpent goddess was about to do a victory dance when she saw what had distracted her partner. Quickly grabbing her robes she threw them on bowing to the Demi-God. "Oh Prince Sobekhotep, we did not expect to see such a storied warrior here. Please excuse my lumpy friend and I." She kicked Wenenu lightly who quickly staggered to his feet to grab his own clothing. "The Elders hadn't told us who to expect. I am Tjenenyet, Serpent Protectress of the Gardens of the Gods." She bowed to the godly prince. Wenenu, having finally managed to get his armor on bowed as well. "And I am Wenenu, Bull Guardian of the Mountains, please to meet you mi'lord."

    He waved his hand to dismiss their bow.
    “It is an honor to meet gods such as yourselves. I rarely speak to any, even my father.” He peered around the area. “I was told to come here for directions so that I may retrieve my father’s Was scepter. I was also told to join with any other heroes of Egypt. It doesn’t seem like whoever else is coming is here yet, so in the meantime, perhaps you could fill me in a little more. My father’s servants are a particularly unhelpful bunch.” He gave them both a toothy grin.

    Wenenu smiled sheepishly. "Sadly my lord we know little more than yourself. With the Elder Gods busy with the whole maintaining the barriers of reality from this...Void thing we were given basic instructions."

    Tjenenyet gave an annoyed hiss returning with a Roc's feather and a glowing jug of beer handing them both to the son of the Crocodile God. "We are to take you and whoever else was called to a town to the North called Megiddo where our Gods and those from across the world are to meet in a Great Conclave and set us all on some kind of Quest. That's about all we know, but Thoth did give us these artifacts for you to use. The Roc feather will let you become like the wind and sand and this jug is unending with whatever liquid you wish to put in it."

    His eyes widened with the valuable objects being placed in his hands. He tucked the Roc feather into his pouch and secured the beer jug to his belt.

    “I see. Thank you for these treasures. While we wait for the next hero, what do you suppose we do?” He was sort of floundering awkwardly. He was told to come here and meet with these gods and the others. He hadn’t counted on being so early.

    The sound of heavy wings and the tired screech of an eagle answered Sobekhotep's question before the large black shape of Am-Rai dropped heavily onto the stones next to them. Despite being not quite a physical being the strain of his long flight was reflected in his sagging shoulders and gently lolling out tongue. Above his head floated the image of the Jackal's head and amber fire eyes. Like the others he was in the form of a tall dark-skinned human though he was easily the tallest one among the four of them. Rushing back to the pile of gear Tjenenyet grabbed Am-Rai's own jug of beer and Roc feather handing him the jug first. "Here good warrior take this endless jug and Roc feather, that will give you..."

    With speaking the avenger grabbed the jug downing several large gulps holding his long scarred fingers up in silence. It wasn't until he had slacked his thirst that he responded. "I know what they are Tjenenyet, I helped Lord Horus retrieve them. I am Am-Rai, servant of Anubis and I am to retrieve the Ostrich feather of Fate." Falling onto his backside the exhausted jackal nodded to Sobekhotep lifting his jug in greetings. "Prince of the Nile."

    Sobkehotep was reeling from the way Am-Rai had transformed, too stunned to say anything. By the time Am-Rai addressed him, he had recovered enough to speak. He nodded in a similar way to Am-Rai.

    “Warrior of the Gods.” He glanced up at the jackal head glowing above Am-Rai’s head. He was not uncomfortable with the idea of death. He had encountered death many times on the Nile. However, the idea of traveling with a servant of Anubis, who kept death about him like a cloak over his shoulder made Sobekhotep shudder inwardly.

    Wenenu and Tjenenyet and joined Sobkehotep in his shock at Am-Rai's sudden appearance, but a shrill cry from Horus told them it was time to begin moving. Clapping her hands Tjenenyet got everyone attention. "Ok, the Elder have told me you two are the only ones we're getting right now so I will begin the briefing." She nodded to her bull-necked comrade who picked up a pair of stone tablets and handed them to the animalistic warriors. He then snapped his fingers and a map began to form within the hieroglyphs adding images to the Serpent Goddess's words. "We four have been tasked by the Elders to embark on a perilous quest not only to the deserts of Juda, but every corner of the world both known and unknown apparently. We will be joined by Heroes from cultures other than our own working for Gods whose name we can't even pronounce."

    Wenenu took over as his companion got her own helpful items set up. "We were not told who else would be joining us from their other groups, but it was impressed upon us that we all will be needed to reach the end of this quest and potentially save our plane of existence from the Voidlings. We will be heading the mountain town of Megiddo to the north and from there the Gods themselves will set us on our paths. And while they will send assistance if needed most of the gathering of clues and hunting of artifacts, they can only spare so much as they try to hold the Void back from getting back into our world. Patience and manners will be key to all of this we cannot risk some earthly conflict because some brutish barbarians from a backwards cultures don't like the Pharaohs or something. Do you both understand this?"

    Having regained his composure Am-Rai set the Roc's feather into a belt pouch and summoned his weapon to hang the beer jug on a small hook on the head of his polearm. "I have but one purpose, recover that which I've been sent to recover. But I will do my best part of a team."

    “I’ve had some dealings with the Greeks, both friendly and unfriendly. If these barbarians are anything like them, I’d say we might just make it.” He glanced over his shoulder to the Nile, deep and brown and slow. “How are we getting to Megiddo? I don’t imagine we’ll be taking a raft there.”

    Tjenenyet clicked her tongue and motioned her head up at the grand temple at the center of the city. "Portal travel, fastest way just follow us." Moving on in silence the four Egyptians made their way quickly through the crowded streets of Heliopolis to the grand temple. The Priests and Priestesses at first moved to stop the armed warriors, but their eyes drifted above their heads and their eyes widened upon seeing the blazing emblems above them that only those trained to see could see. Each bowed low then quickly moved aside ushering everyone from the paths of Egypt's chosen warriors.

    The Serpent Goddess stayed in the lead pulling scrolls and a rod of some kind from her personal bag chanting softly as they entered the center of the temple. "Where we're going isn't too dissimilar from our own, but they are technically under Roman control, but the town and the mountain itself are under the protection of the Gods so we should be save from those Mediterranean fools. But still keep to yourselves until we reach the summit." With her last warnings given the Goddess laid out the scrolls and ignited the rod with mystic flames. Her chanting grew louder and louder until she smashed the rod into the stone floor. The group vanished in a plume of sand and wind, the sensation was like being thrown through the air in a sandstorm, but mere seconds later they appeared at the base of the mountain town of Megiddo. The heat was little different from Egypt, but the rocky terrain reflected the treat back up at them and the smell was more unpleasant, like wet mud mixed with decay.

    Tjenenyet staggered from the exertion thankfully being caught by her bull headed companion before she fell onto the sharp rocks. Wenenu easily lifted the woman up into his arms and nodded back at Am-Rai and Sobkehotep. "Let's go gentlemen."

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #14
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    Serika’s arrival in the coastal town of Kirra was hardly a hero’s welcome, but that was not unexpected. An unmarried woman with no male relatives stood little chance of gaining anyone’s respect for long, though the inevitable fear and respect that witches commanded among the common folk certainly compensated for it. At least this particular trip hadn’t been quite as difficult to arrange as before. Her grandfather had seen to that; how convenient it was to find just enough silver in the cave she’d been sleeping in to pay the boatman and purchase any other necessities along the way. This particular matter, naturally, had been deemed grave enough to warrant such generosity, so that no time would have to be wasted on taking jobs from the sailors in exchange for passage to Delphi.

    Even now, the words she’d heard in that dream still echoed in her mind, and still she struggled to make sense of it. Who in their right mind would dare to steal from the sacred vaults within the underworld? Of all the sons and daughters of Olympus to have provoked, the criminals had chosen the only one who was certain to one day see them punished for eternity, if not now then at the time of their inevitable demise. In any other circumstance, Hades might have simply been content to wait patiently for the thieves to inevitably reach his doorstep, contemplate a suitable punishment in Tartarus while he waited, and then reclaim what was stolen from him after all was said and done.

    These, however, were not normal circumstances. Stealing from Hades was one thing, but the very scythe used by the Titan King to overthrow Ouranos and wage war on the Olympians? To leave such a symbolic and potentially dangerous artifact in enemy hands for any length of time was out of the question. And to make matters worse, the Titans had apparently not failed to notice the scythe’s absence, and the ensuing chaos in Tartarus required the full attention of the chthonic gods, lest the evils within should break free into the rest of the underworld and ultimately throughout all of existence; even now, the situation was dangerously close to becoming as bad as the time when Hades’ abduction by Sisyphus had allowed the natural order to completely break down. And so it fell to the few chthonic followers and demigods in the mortal realm - Serika included - to correct this wrong and restore order within the underworld, before it was too late.

    Departing Kirra and entering Delphi proper, Serika took notice of two warrior women headed the same way that she was going, though for now she said nothing and merely lifted her black veil over her face, watching them closely but silently. Compared to the two warriors, Serika was little more than a shadow on the street, quietly making her way to the Oracle’s temple and watching as the two warriors did the same. Either these two were aligned with the thieves, or this theft was only the beginning of an even greater conspiracy against the gods.

    For now, only time would tell.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    Bairdhwyn faltered for a moment, then regained his composure. His bare feet baked on the dust, but not a speck appeared on him. He squinted at the bright sun. He was used to twilight forests and the glittering mists of the area between worlds, not this bright, hot, dusty environ. He rummaged in his own bag for a moment before pulling out a small package wrapped in waxy leaves. He undid the twine and reached for the food inside. A flaky bread, some dried meat, dark red berries nearly bursting, and a mysterious-colored cheese lay inside. He tucked into the bread. He rewrapped the rest of the food and replaced it in his bag. It was bad enough the wizard had given him two powerful gifts. He wouldn’t be such a fool as to eat the food offered to him. He had his own, and this tasted of the memories of pixies.

    He caught the wolf-eared girl glaring at him and cocked his head like a curious bird. He gave her an easy smile, more akin to the way a chimp would smile than a mortal smile. His wings buzzed impatiently and he turned back to the rest of the group. His appearance was gathering him glances already, but so far it was only that. He didn’t know if the mortals here knew of how to properly harm a faerie, but he wouldn’t be taking too many chances to find out.

    “So, what is the plan? We’re here in this desert town, but now what?”
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  6. #16
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    Default The Greek Heroines arrive in Megiddo.

    Sometimes Astraea cursed her sheltered life. She'd never been off the island growing up and being with the Order didn't leave much time for sightseeing as most missions were time sensitive. So despite her best discipline the Spartaness found herself distracted by some shiny baubles. Right now she was looking at a jeweled dagger hanging up in a smith's stall.

    Serika was not one to be distracted, especially not at a time like this. The Oracle’s temple was within sight, and her focus never wavered from that point...

    ...until she spied a familiar face.

    The female Spartan looked not unlike how she had in Corinth, although Serika had not expected to find the woman casually shopping. Could she be once again on an errand from Harpocrates, seeking to purchase some necessary wares for the task? A certain jeweled dagger at a smith’s stall certainly seemed to hold the Spartan’s attention.

    Even if that was the case, getting the Spartan to actually state why she was there was obviously out of the question, so Serika maintained a respectful silence and nodded to the woman, slowing her pace to an extent. Time was of the essence, and she could not linger here too long, but if they were fated to join forces once again, then who was Serika to deny the Fates?

    Seia stopped at the familiar sound of a hammer striking metal, telltale sign of a blacksmith being near and in earshot. And allowing her curiosity to flourish for just a moment, she went towards the source to see what was occurring there. Though Seia would first see a woman in garbs that indicates she a native of Sparta, after seeing the woman standing there by the blacksmith. Seia notice how she was gawking at a tacky jeweled dagger.

    "Tacky little thing, sure it pretty. But can it even cut anything, sigh...likely some special order from some upperclass citizen here. Seia retort with her thoughts glaring up at the same jeweled dagger as a few others are doing as well.

    Astraea glanced at the Demi-Goddess and was about to greet he when she heard a Centurion woman's approach before she saw her. The warrior's quick eyes shortly following her ears, her calloused hand easily moving to the sword at her hip. Standing up from the dagger she was admiring she noticed the other warrior woman approach and look upon the shiny bauble same as she was.

    As if reading her mind Astraea clicked her tongue softly. "I'm sure it can cut fruit well enough, but it's likely the noble who commissioned it just wants something shiny to show off to some milk-skinned maiden." Glancing back at Serika, she gave the Witch a soft smile and hailed her over with a dark tanned hand. "My Lady Serika, you are more familiar with the finer things in life come tells us what kind of puffed up fool wants such a useless bauble instead of a genuine blade."

    Serika was stunned for a split second, first by suddenly hearing the Spartan speak, and then by what exactly she was speaking about. She walked up close to examine the blade, if it could even be called that.

    “Much of the blade is completely dull, save only for the diamond-crusted tip.” Serika mused, now completely focused on analyzing each and every aspect of the blade. “The blade itself is almost entirely gold, useless in a fight, but with just enough of other kinds of metals to hold the gemstones in place. The stones themselves… a large garnet stone at the base of the hilt, two more on either side of the guard, and bits of amber and diamond lining the center and edges… and there’s just the slightest rounding of the edges just before the tip…”

    It didn’t take long for Serika’s expression to sour slightly, though more out of mild annoyance rather than any particular disdain.

    “This is no weapon; it’s a fetish. One meant to strengthen an underwhelming male lover.” Serika said flatly. “The craftsmanship is adequate, and the enchantments on it are strong, but it lacks the proper counterbalance. Used too often, it could harden a man to the point of madness and make him mutilate himself just to end the pain.”

    Both warrior women were stunned at the revelation for a few seconds before they shared a laugh. More comments formed on their lips, but the tolling of power from the Oracle's Temple caused them to go silent and hurry on their collective ways to the Temple. Much time had already been lost so without much more ceremony. The Oracle beseeched her lord Apollo and the four women teleported to Megiddo's base. A strange change form the lush lands of the Mediterranean, but if this was were the Gods wished them to be then this is where they would be.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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