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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH1: The Bloody Arrival OOC&IC a Kris X Siks 1X1 Rp.

  1. #121
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    Sabin's pleas fell on deaf ears as Denika mounted the steps to gallow and dragged the girl up after her. Guk-Guk had regained some of her senses and began fighting against Denika. But Denika's muscles were empowered by her mad state and the massive quantities of magic she was exerting to keep her horde going. As she reached the top she quickly scratched Guk-Guk across her face and used the child's blood to boost her magic and amplify her voice.
    "Y'GOL SKULLBORNE, BEAR WITNESS TO THE PAIN YOU SO CALLOUSLY DEALT ME! FIRST IGIN, THEN GALMIED AND MY MEN, AND THEN YOU KILLED MY BELOVED SABIN! I WILL USE HER BLOOD TO BRING THIS MOUNTAIN DOWN UPON YOUR HEAD!" She screeched her last words and Y'gol watched in horror as the Elf pulled a long sacrificial knife from her belt and lifted it high the clouds above them rumbled with thunder and lighting and a torrential downpour began to fall down upon the besieged town.

    Most defenders were forced against the buildings. But Galmied had fought his way to Sabin's side and say in full horror what Denika was about to do. But like Sabin and the others there were too many Undead between them and the High Elf. Guk-Guk was now at full awareness, but she was too terrified to fight she simply stared at the knife locking eyes with Y'gol through the lines of monsters.
    "PAPA!" Was all the girl said, and it was all that was needed. The Ogre had been holding his own well, but as the Elf addressed him and showed her intent. It stopped the beast from fighting and the Undead swarmed him jumping onto his body and forcing him to his knees making his watch what was going to happen. But the more he looked the more his collar began to burn, he felt a rage and sorrow he'd never felt before even before he was imprisoned. Before his rage was more from annoyance than actual anger or pain. Things stopping him from eating or getting away, but now before him was the one thing in the world he loved more than anything.

    His cub was crying and bleeding and a madwoman who Y'gol didn't even think would be so mad at him after years of being out of her sight was threatening her life. He didn't care about his own safety or even the safety of the town and the townspeople meant little to the father. Tears began to fall from the eye holes in his skull helmet and the rage was filling his entire frame. He shook the helmet off and the pain was obvious on his ugly face, the necklace began to glow orange, than, than white, until it finally shattered the built up magic knocking the zombies down all around him and some in the way of Galmied and Sabin. The Grizzly Beast stood to his feet and let out the most powerful and pained roar he or anyone around him has ever heard. He was blinded with all the emotions the necklace has been suppressing for years, joy, lust, amusement, and even love. But above all them sorrow, anger, and his protectiveness over Guk-Guk ruled. Following the sounds of his daughter he charged forward rending undead like leaves in a storm.

    It was only by sheer luck none of the Defenders were in his path. He was moving with intent and Galmied knew exactly where he was going. Using the distraction of the Father's Rage he plowed through the dazed horde and ran up the gallows and ripped Guk-Guk from Denika's grip mere seconds before Y'gol reached the gallows and tore through the sturdy beams like a hurricane his clawed hands grabbed Denika around her torso and with all the power and pain he could muster threw the High Elf back and completely through the wall of a large warehouse. The impact was so great the building began to collapse, but Y'gol didn't care this woman needed to die for threatening his child. The large beast bust through the rest of the wall bringing it down around them.

    For many that would've been death, but neither combatant was easy to kill. Denika had her magic and Y'gol was Y'gol. The two burst through the rubble locked in battle Denika barely holding on using the last bits of her magic to keep her alive in Y'gol's initial assault. She managed to hurl a few fireballs at him before he caught her up and threw her again. This time back into the rubble of the Gallows. Denika was at her end and the effects of the toxin had finally run out, but she saw her death and was ready to rejoin Igin in the aether. Y'gol lifted up one of the support beams from the ruined warehouse and was running forward intent on crushing this Mage once and for all.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-12-2018 at 09:08 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #122
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    And the beam fall hard and his hand reached forward.

    His long talons hitting and tearing the flesh, a burst of blood spreading on the ground, leaving a very bitter yet mesmerizing smell.

    Sweet scent of pure blood… But it did not belong to the high elf.

    Galmied’s terrible scream echoed louder than the most powerful banshee, as he saw Sabin being impaled at the hand of the ogre, her body twitching like a fish caught in a rod, pulled out of the water.

    Denika eyes widen with horror, and for the first time since her mad attack, she had finally realized what was happening around her, or at least part of it.

    “No”, the high elf sobbed, “Oh god no…”

    The dark elf saved her life, taking the impact head on.

    Sabin gasped for air, blood bursting out of her mouth with rage of wild coughs. The Ogre removed his hand, his whole body shaking as he was trying to help the delicate dark elf to lie down.

    “I’m sorry Denika...”, Sabin said slowly, caring little for her condition. In truth she was afraid to die, but even while her vision was disappearing and her eyes saw only darkness, she only wanted redemption, “I’m sorry Denika… I took much from you… But please… please… with this… please… forgive the ogre…”, her breathing slow, “Y’gol”.

    I ammm hereeee”, his voice was low and rough.

    “Please forgive Denika- Don’t hurt her further”.

    Galmied shielded the eyes of Guk-Guk who kept trying to look over his shoulder. The last thing he wanted was for the girl to see such horrible sight, but in truth, he was trying everything to hold himself from falling apart right there. He was willing to go back to the shackles, was willing to put back time just to prevent this new woman in his life, his Valkyrie he cared much for- form being hurt like this. Fate seemed to be so cruel to him.

    He cursed himself and his fate, as his blue hands reached over his chest almost by instinct, tracing the moon scar the ritual of him and Sabin made, trying to see if it was still there. He knew that once her lifeforce was gone, the symbol will disappear, and he expected to find nothing, But instead something happened… the symbol was still there, and was glowing... what more, it felt warm under his hands…

    Were the gods toying with him? Or maybe… there was still something he could do just for the simple fact that him and her were now linked.

    He pet the scar and pleaded it, asking for a miracle.

    As Denika fall to her knees, sobbing so strongly, she noticed a light evorping from Sabin’s body, reaching from the icicle looking scar upon Sabin’s right boob. The aura spread around and into her body, somehow increasing Sabin’s healing regeneration… but that level of enchement seemed almost god like in nature… impossible... like a miracle...

    Denika didn’t know what to make of it and couldn’t understand what was happening, but she did caught sight of the snow elf, who seemed relieved as much as she was.

    The zombies fell to the ground, one by one, lifeless again. The few pieces of flesh they had rotted instantly and the skeletons dropped to the ground, collapsing and breaking apart like glass. Then the bones started to dissolve into ashes which were carried away by the wind, leaving no traces of them.

    The clouds faded and the weather was calm once more, like a welcomed summer night, and the moon rose above, tracing its ray upon everyone.

    Denika shook her head, realizing everyone was staring at her. She bent beside Sabin, seeing that the woman had almost fully recovered.

    “Idiot”, Denika said.

    Sabin smiled.

  3. #123
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    The world seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief as Sabin returned to life and Guk-Guk ran to Y'gol's arms babbling on like they hadn't just fought a Zombie Horde or witness Sabin return from the dead. The night was spent cleaning up the town and ended just before midnight when everyone fell into deep slumbers. The rain returned, but it fell in gentle waves like the hand of a god wiping the bloody and scarred slate of the world clean. The storm rumbled gently across the skies and by dawn had gone away leaving the world warm and clean, like the beginning of spring.

    Sometime during the night the High Elf who had recovered enough of her magic to heal herself had gone back to the fort and collected her belongings then returned just before the dawn had left her entire salary as a Captain on the table of the Inn with a single note under the large bag of gold coins.

    I am sorry, I hope this helps make amends.

    -Denika Lestaff

    Galmied was the one to find it and knew the woman had already left Sāmhach. He gave the money to Xandra and Hasher then enjoyed a quiet breakfast before the rest of the people awoke to eat their morning meals themselves. After breakfast it was all hands on deck to repair the damages from last night's battle. Everyone lent a hand even Y'gol and the Mercs from the Red Blade Guild. It was like the happy ending in a child's fairy tale. A town of misfits and scoundrels working together to rebuild their home uniting under a common goal and finding camaraderie in the toil. It took the better part of a week to repair and even improve on some parts of the once sleepy mountain town.

    But as with all good things the partnership came to an end. The townspeople left to tend their gardens and animals and the mercs left for the next payday. So at the dawn of the following week as Sabin and Galmied were packed and ready to continue on Sabin's mission to find out about the New Moon Clan only Xandra, Hasher, Dire,and Guk-Guk, appeared to bid them farewell. It was a somber occasion no one really wanting to see the other go, but no one really being able to think of a good reason to have the two Elves stay.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-13-2018 at 10:10 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #124
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    “She didn’t say anything else?”, Sabin gaze was still fixed outside of her room window, were she saw few children playing together. Guk-Guk was among them, ejoying herself.

    “No”, Galmied answered softly, with somewhat apologizing tune. His hands rested on Sabin’s bed which was filled with a lot of flowers and “get well soon”, notes. It was amazing to see many of the Red Blade Guild joining together to take turns beside the dark elf’s bed, making sure she won’t die while recovering.

    They had to-- Galmied didn't part from her side, and as the snow elf’s skin shade turned even more blue and dark, they had to promise him to stay instead so he could catch few hours of sleep himself.

    Sabin already talked with him about how frightening the thought of dying was, and he told her how much he would have liked her to avoid such things in the future ---she promised to try her best. Only when he threatened to do the same heroic deed as her did she regained some common sense and promised to take care of herself better.

    While spending the time together, the two learned that the symbols they shared held much more mystical connection than they even dared to believe. Xandra and the rest of the mages from the guild tried to study the scars, but none would give proper answers. Like Galmied have stated, such binding had a very specific role, and the likes of the way it acted for him and Denika was the only example known to the magic academy.

    Xandra suspected that there might be further powers involved, or that they both harbored unfulfilled magical potential which have yet to surface.

    Either way, the couple soon learned of another side-effect, which they used to please one another once Sabin got a bit better.

    “I’m surprised she did even that… leaving money and asking for forgivness…”

    “Yes", Galmied said, “The proud captain would not do something like that. That seems to be so unlike her…”

    “Maybe she had changed”, Sabin looked at the snow elf, her silver eyes full of hope.

    Galmied swallowed. He knew the captain much better. He wanted to believe that this was indeed the case, but something in the back of his mind told him that this action was only something small… compensation… Something to say that she indeed lost this battle but not the war. He couldn’t help feeling this was not the last they will see of her, or the fact that her anger was truely subdued. But seeing Sabin like that, so hopeful and happy… He rather have kept those thoughts to himself.

    “Maybe”, he leaned in to kiss her, trying to avoid pressing the areas that were stabbed, as Sabin was still recovering after all.


    “It’s time to go”, Sabin thanked each of the guild and inn members, hugging Guk-Guk tightly.

    “Saba gotta go?”, it’s been a wonderful week so far, parting from the dark elf whom she started to view as a maternal figure was somewhat hard to bear.

    “We will visit”, Galmied said, “We will buy you gifts”, he bent so he would meet Guk-Guk’s eyes and touched her nose, “Lots of gifts- so make sure you take good care of town and your father while we are away”.

    “Speaking of which… where is Y’gol?”, Sabin asked suddenly, realizing it has been at least 3 days since she last saw the ogre.

  5. #125
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    "Running errands." The rough voice of Y'gol chimed in as he rounded the corner of the Guild hall carrying a large bag across his back. Ever since he broke the necklace the Ogre's usual slow halting speech had vanished. Though his voice was still rough and quiet he spoke with a kind of regained intelligence. He could put feeling into his words now and it allowed him to say what he thought as he thought it.

    Guk-Guk smiled and ran up to her Papa hugging him tight. "You bringa the gifts Ms. Magic and Wolfy ask the leather man to make?"

    Y'gol nodded patting the girl's head fondly."Yes my cub and something a little extra for you."

    Guk-Guk squealed happily. She loved getting gifts especially gifts from Papa Bone. She clung onto his leg and laughed merrily as he walked forward with her hanging on. He nodded to Xandra and Hasher then dropped the sack opening it for the Innkeepers. He then pulled out a small box and shook his child off and handed it to her. The girl dropped to her knees and opened the box quickly, inside was a complete suit of leather armor. A vest, long pants, studded gauntlets, and spiked boots lined with rabbit fur. Each piece was in the child's size and she quickly took off her fur boots, gauntlets, and cape and dressed in her new armor before donning her fur cape again. She laughed and danced around, this was her first armor and she loved how it felt against her skin.

    The Puppet Master smiled sadly at the little girl wiping a tear from her eye. The Were wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head. Y'gol asked them to help him pay for the armor and told he told them why he needed it. But they would let him spoil the surprise involving Guk-Guk. They moved to the sack and pulled out two decent sized packs and a smaller satchel. Hasher hefted the packs and Xandra carried the satchel and together they presented them to the departing Elves. Hasher presented the bags to each Elf.
    "These are for your journey and thanks from all of us in Sāmhach. Masterfully made travel packs and enough supplies to get you through a week or so on the road." Xandra sniffled again handing the smaller bag to Y'gol, it was too small for either of them and it was filled with things a child might want like a small book, some sweets, a short red dress and a very distinctive Doll with a shiny bone skull helmet.

    The Ogre looked down at the bag sadly then at Sabin.
    "Sabin before you go may I...make a request?" His voice was softer than before and sadness trickled from the words.

    The Dark Elf finished inspecting her bag then placed it on the ground nodding to him.
    "Of course Y'gol, anything."

    Y'gol reached down and stroked Guk-Guk's head lovingly.
    "Will you take Guk-Guk with you?"

    Everyone but Hasher and Xandra gasped Guk-Guk gasped the loudest.
    "Papa no want Guk-Guk anymore!" The child began tearing up all the old memories of people giving her up when they got sick of her coming back to the surface.

    Y'gol knelt down and picked the girl up hugging her tight hushing her gently.
    "Of course I do Guk-Guk. I want you to stay with me more than anything, but you deserve more than I can give you." He kissed her gently looking at a shocked Sabin. "I want her to have a better life than I did as a child. And I want you to give it to her Sabin, teach her the things I cannot. How to read and write, how to be intelligent and speak like a Scholar." He chuckled at the last request. "And show her what it means to grow from a girl to a young woman." He set the still watery-eyed girl down kissing her head. "Is that ok with you cub?"

    The little Goblin wiped her eyes and nose and thought for a little bit.
    "Will Guk-Guk be allowed to coma back and see Papa? An-and what if Guk-Guk get hurt? How Papa know?"

    The now gentle Ogre nodded.
    "Of course you can come back...and"

    "Your Gampa Dire will be there to protect you." Everyone looked up as Dire who has been silent this entire time spoke up crouching down to the girl level patting her back. He'd been thinking it over the entire week. He's been alone for so long he was ready to fade into obscurity, but after the battle when he found out he had a granddaughter his mind began racing. This little girl had lost her mother. her father, and now was about to lose her Papa. He couldn't let any more pain and trouble befall the girl. While he wasn't even sure if the girl wanted to know him as a Grandparent, but he had to at least try. Guk-Guk's eyes welled up again, but she nodded as she jumped back into Y'gol's arms hugging him fiercely.
    "Ok Guk-Guk go, but she not be happy about it. And Guk-Guk teach Gampa to not interrupt someone talking."

    Both Dire and Y'gol chuckled as they stood up and Y'gol handed the satchel to Dire who draped it around Guk-Guk's narrow body. The Ogre then placed the girl down and she quickly looked through the bag grabbing up Lil Bone and one of the candied chestnuts popping it into her mouth and crunching down.

    Y'gol smiled back at Sabin.
    "So what say you Elves? Will you take Guk-Guk and her Grampa with you?"

    Galmied chuckled shouldering his bag.
    "The more the merrier." He smiled at Sabin waiting for her answer like everyone else.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #126
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    “I am fine with this!”, Sabin said.

    This day has surely bore much surprises within. The Girl Guk-Guk had found a lost relative and Y’gol seemed set on a new and healthy path, for himself and the girl.

    Sabin was really happy to find out that Galmied was okay with more companies, a thing she appreciate much about partners.

    She knew she wanted Guk-Guk to study some profession- And she had some idea where it could be done. Sadly she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the girl with her as she still had her own private quest, and risking the girl was unthinkable.

    She squeezed Galmied’s hand and the other whispered in her ear, “We will take her to the next town. It is about seven days walk from here- we could let Guk-Guk and her grandpa adjust there as well. Besides there is much I wish to learn from the Orc. He fought in a very intersting manner, and I wish to be taught as well”.

    “Well, with your size and color I’m sure you’d be passable as one too”.

    Galmied kissed her, “Laugh it up fuzz-ball!”.

    Sabin chuckled, “I want Guk-Guk to study to tame the ore. Maybe blacksmith? She is talented, and I’m sure she learned much from her late mother”.

    “It’s perfect then, in the Capital city of Excelsior, the city I aim for us to go, there are many talented smiths, and I’m sure one could take her in and-”

    Sabin expressioned changed swiftly and the snow elf could tell something was wrong, “Hey, I know there are a lot of humans there, but I’m sure that they will take her- Not everyone are racists…”
    “Yes, yes, or course”, Sabin bit her lips.

    Would she be able to tell him that there was another reason she felt uncomfortable going there…

    Would he understand if she told him another man… a lover… was bound to be found there as well…


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