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Thread: An Abyss of Secrets [M] (Sorrow & Ashen)

  1. #141
    The Ashen One
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    Cai was glad to see the siblings found happiness in seeing their home again. He knew the journey was long on all of them, but what had these two thought, being dragged across their nation? Were they as happy to be over with this trip as Cai knew he would be, as soon as he got the chance to throw his head onto his pillow back home in Omashu? They recognized their neighbors, neighbors who had missed them and neighbors who, possibly, would miss them all over again. When Braxxon ran off, Cai silently walked after him, giving Amalia the same confused look she had given him.

    Their grandmother looked well, and the gleam in her eye told Cai she was glad to have her children back. He offered her a simple smile, opting for Braxxon and Amalia to be the center of her attention. While they spoke, Cai listened absently, not wanting to eavesdrop but having nothing else to focus on. He wanted to know what the old woman would have to say about his idea, about taking her grandson and maybe even her granddaughter to start a new life in a new nation, all on a whim.

    When the elderly woman spoke to him, Cai turned his attention sharply to her. She wanted to speak to him privately? "Ah, yes ma'am," he said simply, giving her a slight bow. He waited for Braxxon and Amalia to head inside, leaving him alone with this stranger. "Cai," he offered, giving her a hand to shake. "You can call me Cai. It's a pleasure to formally make your acquaintance, ma'am." His eyes turned to the small house where Braxxon and Amalia had disappeared. "Thank you again for letting them go with me. They've been a delight along this journey, and I would have never been able to get the answers I needed without them. We've developed some strong bonds on the road to the Boiling Rock, and that's why I've offered them a new life, with me, out in the Earth Kingdom."

    He wondered how he sounded to this woman. Some random man from a faraway nation had come to take her family from her, and now that he was returned, with the money he promised, he was threatening to do it again, more permanently. He cleared his throat. "I have an apartment in Omashu that I shared with my brother and his fiance, but since they've... moved out, I've got the space to spare. I'd love to offer it to Braxxon and Amalia, and get them a new life started. I run a lot of odd jobs in Omashu, especially delivery work, and I'm sure I could find them jobs too, and introduce them to loads of people, the works. It's up to them, of course, but I think the opportunity would be good for them, and if I'm honest, ma'am... They've become a bit like family to me since we've met, and I'd hate to say goodbye so soon."
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  2. #142
    Member DragonOfSorrows's Avatar
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    The older woman was silent for quite some time, it would be enough to make anyone uncomfortable. She never once took her gaze off Cai, watching his body language carefully. She could tell he was uneasy, and in a twisted sense, she enjoyed it. He wanted to take away her grandchildren, something she never considered. Something she was truly against. She finally spoke up and broke the unsettling silence.

    "I will let them decide that, boy. Let me make one thing clear to you," she leaned in, using a more strict and hushed tone. "They are not to go to Ba Sing Se. I do not care what they tell you, how much whining they do, or even if they sneak off in the middle of the night. Drag them back to your home," she sat up and cleared her throat. "I have my reasons." She slowly climbed from her seat and walked towards the house, opening the door. As she opened it, it revealed the two kids listening in on what was being spoken about. With a shake of her head, she motioned towards Cai. The two happily took their places beside of him.

    "Does this mean you've already made your choices?" It was a question she already knew the answer to, but yet she made sure.

    The two nodded eagerly. They both had huge smiles on their faces, which warmed their grandmother's heart. She knew this day would come eventually, but she hadn't expected it so soon. As she came around her stand, a sense of pride rushed over her. She gave her grandchildren a soft smile as she opened up her arms for a hug. Her body lightly shook as they hugged her, tears running down her wrinkly face. As she pulled away, she wiped them off. Her soft smile put her grandchildren at ease so they wouldn't shed tears like she had.

    "Gramma, you know we'll come visit. It's not like we'll be gone forever," Braxxon said. "After we get settled in our new home we'll write to you."

    Amalia had started tearing up on her own, but after noticing her brother wasn't, she quickly tried to hide it. She had nodded in agreement with her brother, knowing full well that they'd write their grandmother. "There's nothing to worry about, 'kay? So no more tears, Gramma." Deep down she knew her grandmother was upset with the sudden leave, but she also knew it was something that needed to be done.

    With a final hug and goodbye, their grandmother had waved them off. She had sent them off on their way before the day grew too late. It was hard on her, but she was happy to know it was time for her grandchildren to go and work on their own lives. As they walked off, she had hoped Cai would heed her words.
    A dragon with dull scales

  3. #143
    The Ashen One
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    Cai was put off by the old woman's demeanor, and her warning felt all too strange. He nodded sheepishly, knowing full well he wouldn't keep Braxxon or Amalia from doing what they needed to do. They were heading out on their own now, and while Cai would never abandon them, he knew they were adults now, and they needed to find their own way. With a meek nod, Cai hoped the old woman would be satisfied.

    The two had already decided, and Cai couldn't hide the smile at his lips. He'd have a family again, a real family, people to grow alongside and support. He thanked their grandmother for letting them go, even if she didn't necessarily want to, and then, it was off to start their new lives.


    Two months later

    The sun stretched over the buildings of Omashu, casting the streets in a soft, warm glow. Cai hopped out of bed at the sound of a delivery by his door. He made his way to the front of his apartment, the apartment he once again shared with two other people. There was a box at the door, the pair of boots he had ordered to better trek through the mud on his longer deliveries. On top of the box was a letter from the Fire Nation, from the Boiling Rock. A smile splitting his lips, Cai brought the letter to the small dining room table, and he carefully opened it up.

    His eyes raced over the words, written in the script he hadn't seen in so long, the penmanship of his brother. Remus was writing to him, finally, for the first time ever. He asked about the apartment, the jobs, the two kids Cai now considered family. For the first time in his life, his cold, stoic brother was initiating contact with him. He read the letter over a few more times and made a mental note to reply later, then tucked the letter into the pocket of his tunic. Cai pulled himself from the table and went to wake up his roommates.

    "Braxxon!" His voice sang through the halls, too early for a weekend. "Amalia!" It was an ordinary day, no work, and they had plans. The three of them had planned a picnic that day, and Cai was up bright and early, too excited about sharing food with his closest friends. In his room he'd stored a gift for each of them, an earthbent bear sculpture for Amalia and an earthen decorational sword for Braxxon, to show how proud he was of them and how they had adapted. He hardly would have recognized them, those two Fire Nation kids he'd picked up on that trip, oh so long ago. "If you don't wake up, I'll eat all our sandwiches." He retreated into his room, packed the gifts into a basket beside their lunch, and made his way back to the common area. "Braxxon! Amalia! Come on, it's time to go!"
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  4. #144
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    Months later had passed since the siblings made their move across the world. Staying with Cai had been almost a dream come true. Every day seemed to be like a brand new adventure, even if something exciting was rare to happen anymore. Amalia worked her own stand with money she saved up. Her flowers were some of the more popular ones, almost selling out daily. She was almost gifted when it came to raising the cacti for their beautiful flowers. Braxxon ended up doing mercenary work. His unique style of bending with his staff and fire was enough to have the job offered to him days after his large move. He took pride in his work, honing his abilities to improve. Sometimes the job was dangerous, but for him it was an exciting new thing. Starting his life was something that was needed. He could finally get away from the shadows that followed him from his past, resting easy knowing that no one here knew who he was.

    A loud calling from Cai had slowly stirred Braxxon awake. He had set up, letting groans and curses escape his lips. He wiped his eyes and glanced around his messy room before getting dressed. As he stumbled into the common area, he let out a large yawn. He ran a hand through his messy he stared up at Cai. "Mornin'." It was the only audible thing Braxxon could say considering he just woke up. Even if he woke up early on a daily basis, it still didn't effect the fact he was not a morning person.

    Amalia had wandered into the common area, dressed up nicely for their day ahead. She had a small white flower tucked behind her ear. She giggled at her brother, never understanding why he agreed to waking up early knowing full well he'd be half asleep through it all. "I almost charged out the door this morning. I almost forgot we had plans this morning!" She let out a small laugh. She walked towards the door and opened it, motioning her friends to go on. "Well, let's go!" It was quite clear she was excited. It had been a long time since they had all spent a full day together.

    Braxxon was the last one out of their apartment. He stood in the doorway and glanced back into the home they had made. A smile stretched out on his face, even a small chuckle had escaped from him. Flashbacks to all the good and bad times they had with one another with the journey they had taken not that long ago. He was proud of himself and the others. They all came so far, becoming better than they had hoped. Those few moments of reminiscing felt like hours to Braxxon. He believed they had met Cai for a reason, he couldn't be happier. Amalia's calling to him had snapped him from his trance. He turned back and smiled to her. "I'm coming!" he called back. With a final glance into the apartment, he slowly shut the door behind him.

    ~The End~
    Last edited by DragonOfSorrows; 12-04-2019 at 08:03 PM.
    A dragon with dull scales

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