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Thread: Hunted - Uprising {M} {IC}

  1. #11
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    Meiko watched with increasing confusion as more and more people ran up to this white-haired boy. "Uh... alright... never mind then... guess you got this covered..." She began to back away, deep in thought. What the hell was that? Who is this kid? She turned and walked away, and got about 40 feet before a thunderous roar shattered the sky. "Jesus FUCK!" She spun on the spot. "What the HELL?!" Her eyes jumped from aspect to aspect of the giant butterfly now sitting in the middle of the park, surrounded by a small crowd. "Do you have a brain, or is it just an empty plastic bottle?" she yelled at him. She watched him shrink and advanced toward him. "Do you have a biological need to cause a commotion or something?"

    Mattias jumped at the sudden crack of thunder. Odd... no lightning... or rain, for that matter. He continued on his way, only considering it for a moment before his mind went to other matters. He slipped into a clothing store. He spent the next fifteen minutes choosing new jeans, new shirts, and a new jacket. He slapped them on the counter, along with the last of his money. He purchased his clothes, slipping his change into his pocket. He exited the store, and glanced up at the park across the street. What he saw made his jaw drop. A bigass butterfly. Like, the size of a city bus. He watched it turn into a boy, and a girl (his sister? girlfriend?) advance on him, seemingly yelling. Oof. He crossed the street quickly, garnering a couple honks and some new curses. He entered the park, making his way towards the small group around the two.
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 11-07-2019 at 04:06 AM.
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  2. #12
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    A brooding figure hung out in a nearby ally as a parade of rainbow salmon danced down the street. A toothpick hanging from between his slightly sneering lips. Displays like this always made his stomach rumble, all the disunity hidden under some flamboyant cry for unity. You never see a straight pride flag in these things and the second you bring it up the bigot comes out of the manchild dancing to some ABBA song dressed in bright pink fairy wings and a tutu. And when they see the real discrimination leveled at Non-Humans they run away or pick up the pitchfork and torch themselves.

    This is probably why he never had issue running squads into these gatherings to pickpocket and loot. Once the salmon parade reached his alley he dropped his head and let out a low steam-like whistle. His small wooden puppets exited the alley behind him and a few alleys down six casually dressed Brooklyn Bandits exited and chose their targets. Similar whistles answered him and he gave a long whistle similar to a bird's call and all they went to work.

    The people who come out for these stupid parades are so easily distracted by the pretty colors and bubblegum music that even the novice thief can make off with their valuable. These were good days for the BBs, Whistler's target was a young woman in a tight black rainbow shirt and shorts that she must've stolen off a man. She didn't carry a purse which did make her a little bit of a challenge. But Whistler loved a challenge sometimes. Her wallet was tucked into the side pocket of her shorts, even more of a challenge. A luck would have it though some skinny guy with a goofy haircut pushed through a pair of women holding hands causing them to separate and bump into his target allowing him to catch her and sneak his hand into her pocket pulling her wallet out.

    The woman let out a squeak followed by an annoyed hiss, but the Thief wasn't sure if that was directed at him or the rude guy. Still he helped the woman up and scoffed giving the rude guy the middle finger as he pocketed the wallet. "CIS-scum asshat." This seemed to be the right answer cause the woman he caught shouted that exact thing at the retreating guy. "No respect, for other people." She added giving Whistler a smile. "Thanks for the catch ally, don't you just love these?! Pride and power in the face of a system who wants to destroy love because it doesn't fit into their little white supremacy schemes."

    Whistler smiled biting back his gut reaction and come up with a more limp-wrist answer. "Cha! Most def girlfriend. LET LOVE WIN!" He shouted setting off the powder keg needed to get away from the interaction. The whole line of parade goers began chanting that even the girl he caught. Slipping away the sardonic Whistler simply marveled at how easily sheep can be amused. But the wonder was broken as a series of things happened. A building fell down, lighting fired across the sky, and the sheep panicked some calling the pigs. One rule Scarlet and John taught them all was if shit goes sideways in anyway break off and return home. Whistler let off a long shrill steam whistle and saw as his people ran for the shadows. His puppets joined him and before they ran as well.

    He didn't know what was going on nor did he care. His first guess would be some stupid Gifted showing off their power. That'll bring out the crazies even quicker than a Straight Pride Flag in the Rainbow Parade. He could already picture a mob forming to die on their swords of tolerance when they find out the building breaker was a lightning bolt slinging psycho with authority issues. Ah well more dead bodies make the soil richer for the next generation.

    Everyone knew the escape plan so after he stuffed the items his puppets stole into his long coat pockets he picked them up and willed them to hang onto his shoulders as he took a winding roundabout path back to BBHQ. An hour and some change passed before he reached what many locals call the "old town" nowadays. Brooklyn, like every other part of New York took a lot of damage from Warlock, but one thing the true sons and daughters of Brooklyn pride themselves on is their ability to be tough and rebuilld. Scarlet and John had done a lot of work fixing certain things up, breaking other things down, while they hadn't officially "taken over" the borough they have a lot of it at their back. Ambush spots, false alleyways, quick escape tunnels in nearly every direction, a Thief's paradise. They did their best to keep the shit that went down ten years ago in mind when rebuilding the Brooklyn Bandits.

    Soon he rounded the corner between two buildings and saw the entrance to BBQ. A trash can and a dumpster, ironic considering the group's reputation. Hopping up onto the trashcan he moved to the dumpster and jumped through a window into a pit with a hidden ladder. It was a powerfully built hatch and tube made by a former Omega Gifted Hunter called Salazar. The man was insane, but after Scarlet and John helped him and his newborn kid with some supplies he did this as a favor. No one was sure just how strong the entrance would be, but every good rabbit borrow has multiple entrances and exits all of them made the same way and hidden differently. With guards both Gifted and not watching them. About the best anyone can do in this day and age with the world getting ready to blow up all over again.

    He reached the bottom of the ladder and ducked into another hidden entrance opposite the real door that led into the building they had built under. Empty warehouse where some of the most skilled Bandits put on a show of a chop and black market pawn shop. Real operations that make real money, but only a fraction of the Bandits group. All easily taken down and moved every week. But the loot drop off was deep underground in the base proper. Another few minutes passed and he was home, the base like always bustled like a miniature city. People dropping off loot, picking up supplies, getting jobs, getting food, or just going about between jobs. It was cozy, and Whistler liked to assume it's what the world was like before The Event. People greeted him and his puppets as he moved to loot drop and once that was done he decided a nap would be a good reward.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 11-07-2019 at 04:05 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  3. #13
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    Feeling the gust of wind bounce her she grumbled in a slightly annoyed manner. Big man with big problems and he made a joke. She put on her grumpy face crossing her arms. "Not the time Uncle." She said and frowned, the look seemed less like a grumpy face and more of a puppy trying to look angry. Still she tried to pull it off and quickly moved back to Taeyung when he began talking to the man.

    Solaria watched the two converse back and forth tugging on her uncles sleeve only to mutter during their conversation. "Hes dangerous uncle, he destroys things..." she said and hid even more behind him peeking around just barely to see the man before her. When the two embraced eachother she jumped back in fear reaching behind her for the bat she had tucked away in her jacket. If this man attacked she would defend her uncle.

    Solaria grinned hearing Taeyung speak of his so called beast form and noddes. "Yea hes like the top of the top of the top Omega gifted hes real big!" She pointed out proudly and noddes to him. After the embrace she was told to run if told to and pouted. "No. Not leaving uncle to fight alone. Even if he can beat this man, momma wouldnt be happy if you got hurt."

    As the form grew before them, Solaria stared in amazement, this guy was surely a blood relative of her uncle. While she wished she could have such a form she stared in amazement and simply let out a scream in more excitement then fear. By a scream it was clearly a squeal."wow
    ..... so....... pretty." She said before shaking her head to snap out as the form ceased, ignoring the roar. Then ad they spoke of leaving, she quickly moved over to Uncle Tae staring up at him. "Can you bring me and John too? And youve gotta show me how to do the beast form one day..."
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 11-10-2019 at 02:38 AM.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  4. #14
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    Killion looked to Warlock as he spoke to him about how he knew that his son was able to control his power. Yet he was surprised that he actually fought back. As he was told what was happening next he was a little shocked that Master Warlock was sending him to fetch his son. Why would Warlock want him to go and bring his son home? Granted he would get the job done but he was curious since there were more powerful members under his command that would be able to bring him back just as well.

    "Master Warlock. If you don't mind me asking. Why send me after your son? He is quite a bit more powerful, and he could easily best me. Wouldn't it be better to send another to go and retrieve him?" Killion asked hoping he didn't offend Warlock. He has served him faithfully all these years and would never do anything to lose that trust. It was just he was confused on the matter of why he was sending him a Beta to retrieve his son.

  5. #15
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    "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." John made the promise as he puffed out his chest in pride. As a young man, this was the best chance to prove himself. Even when asked to stand to the side as Mr.Taehyung asked about the other man transforming, he stood by his side with a fighters stance, fists balled up in strength. What he was not ready for, was to see the man transform into a massive and colorful butterfly thing. His stomach dropped and his arms went slack while staring at the creature man.

    "Wow…That's…" John found him self faltering for words before the man let out a road, making him jump from surprise. John did his best to hold back a scream, though let a yelp escape from the sudden noise. He tried to retain his strong front, but one could see the sweat starting to form.


    Sam, having wanted to back away from the entire scene, was completely glued to the spot when the girl rushed in. From their conversation they knew each other, that wasn't what shocked him. What was the name of the man, Taehyung. The name sounded so familiar about him, and when the other man, the one who obviously cause the explosion, mentioned the name warlock, it slid into place. The man was one of the omegas during the war ten years ago. A pit of cold dread formed in his stomach as he gripped the laptop, breaking out in a cold sweat just watching the people. Sam couldn't even react as another kid joined the group, obviously knowing both Tae and the teen girl, who was now named nugget.

    "This.. this can't be real." Sam spoke, watching the growing crowd as his legs shook in fear. The dread grew worse as the new person was named the son of Warlock. Every fiber and muscle in his body was screaming at him to run, yet he needed to do something. These Omega level threats were a pure threat to everyone there. While Sam wanted to help mutants like his father, his own fear and power were locking him in place from letting something this threatening like this pass..

    The man shifted forms, a surge of energy filling the area and mesmerizing Sam, like a deer caught on train tracks staring down a steam locomotive. The roar from the butterfly beast hit him like that train, dropping Sam to his knees in shock as his eyes went wide. He tried to reasonably logic things out, but his brain had basically shut down from fear and shock of the roar. Only two things his mind could lock on, one being that these people were a true threat to everyone, and two, someone needed to do something.

    *If these people get away, who knows what kind of damage they will do. One of them being the omegas from the war, the other being the supposed son of Warlock. Someone needs to contact the police, hell even the government needs to be aware of this right away!* Sam let the thoughts run through his mind as he sat upon his knees, just trying to work up the courage to even move. He gripped his laptop hard, feeling the plastic upon his hand before finally realizing that he had a laptop, and he was someone.

    His mind warred with the fear and himself before adrenaline and idiocy matched together for the best dumbass idea. Forcing himself to his knees, he pulled out his phone and opened up a new text chat to the local 911, setting the vocal recorder on and finally moving towards the group, shaking like a leaf.

    "Huh, ar...are you re-really Taehyung?? The fighter in the war ten years ago?" Sam asked, feeling his entire body shaking as he moved forward.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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  6. #16
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    Tae Yong always felt off after transforming. The stories his father told him of how his family could transform without a second thought always made him smile. He never really understood where things went so dark with his father. When he was born he recalled the stories his father’s henchmen would tell him. Taemin was a kind man to them all when Tae Yong was born. He devoted a lot of time and knowledge to helping Tae Yong understand his heritage and the power he held, but somewhere along the way his father darkened.

    Standing in the park, a thousand things swarmed through his head. This man had come out of the sky, literally, and presented himself as the brother of his father. He knew too much about their lineage not to be somewhat associated. Still, what other proof could he get to back up his assumptions. Taehyung hadn’t attacked him. He asked questions and returned the hug Tae Yong had forced on him. A part of him didn’t feel alone anymore.

    Stepping towards Taehyung, Solaria and John, Taeyong sighed. He looked at the girl who’d approached him while he was sitting on the bench. She had an angry look on her face and was yelling at him.
    “Umm, who are you exactly?” Taeyong asked confused why the girl was so angry. Taehyung was about to step forward when someone new approached him. His eyes observed them, as if peeking into their soul. He remembered the first time Psion did that to him. It was extremely uncomfortable. The individual asked him if he was really Taehyung. The news has spread globally about him and his fight in the war ten years ago, but it had been misconstrued heavily by the government. A lot of people knew Taehyung to be innocent in all of this, granted he did kill his fair share during the escape. Even still, there were more who felt he was just as guilty as Warlock because of his gift and wanted his head on a platter. The government had its way of twisting things around, but one thing was certain. Taehyung did not fear them.

    “Yes, I am, who is asking?” Taehyung asked looking at the shorter individual.

    Lightning streaked across the clouds and thunder boomed in response.

    Warlock looked at Killion for a few moments after the male finished speaking. Without warning he burst into laughter, slapping his knee as if Killion had said something funny.

    “You honestly don’t know do you?” Warlock asked still laughing. The fact that Killion was the only one not aware of Tae Yong’s crush was comical. The guy was indeed oblivious to it. Either that or he’d rather not acknowledge an 18 year old guy crushing on him. Regardless, when Warlock gathered himself he sighed.

    “He likes you. He has a crush on you. He won’t hurt YOU. You’re so oblivious to the fact that it’s funny. Why do you think I’m sending you? The other he’d lash out at, prime example being Aarow and his group. You on the other hand, you have something he wants. No doubt he would succumb to you.”

    Warlock shook his head. He didn’t care that his son liked men. It was never something that bothered him. What bothered him was the fact that Tae Yong felt sympathy for humans in a way that sickened him.
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    The old, raggedy backpack bounced rhythmically as small feet pounded the pavement in a desperate attempted to flee; which was made hard by the sea of bodies that covered the street for the days' festivities. But being small had it's advantages. Much like a squirrel darting though the forest the young girl darted through the sweaty bodies of brightly decorated individuals. Behind her, yelling echoed as it blended into the chaos already being created. After several minutes of slipping and sliding the young girl came to stop in a small clearing of people. Huffing, and dripping with sweat, she crouched over and attempted to catch her breath. Suddenly, through the noise a sharp whistle stood out. Head jerking up, hazel orbs searched the crowd until they landed on a tall, lanky individual standing at the side. Breathing normally once again, the young girl approached the figure.

    "Did'cha get it, Squirt?" A rough, throaty voice questioned as she got into range. Allowing a small smirk to cover her features, she whipped the backpack around and pulled out two sandwich's labeled Dickie's Subs's on the side before tossing one to the older individual. "Of course I did. Also, names Mia, not Squirt." She interjected with a slight edge of annoyance. The other individual let out a loud, belly shaking laugh. "Your debt has been repaid. Thanks, Kid." And then, like a shadow in the night the man disappeared.

    "It's Mia, ya old man!" The young, dark skinned girl called as the watched the disheveled man disappear. Despite the odd interaction, the older man--who had identified himself as Mr. Hayes--was a good person. When Mia had made the decision to leave her warm home and loving family to enter a life in the streets he had been one of the couple individuals to step in and teach her the way of "street life;" where to take showers, where to get food, safe and warm places to sleep, and anything else that could be thought of of. Of course, they didn't know what she was...and then never would.

    Without so much as another thought, Mia stuffed the sandwich back in the bag and then started off. Her destination was the local park. It was a beautiful day out and there was a thick, sturdy tree where Mia could climb to eat her newly foraged food. After several minutes, Mia had arrived at the park. Normally, there was the risk of running into the police, but the festival going on that meant less police and an further opportunity to relax. Finding the tall, sturdy oak tree the limber girl began to climb. Several seconds later she was settling on a branch and pulling out the sandwich. Taking a bite she felt a familiar presence settle beside her. With out so much at glancing over she broke off a small piece of the turkey meat and presented it to the new presence. A rough, wet appendage suddenly lapped across her skin.

    "Hey Shai," Mia murmured, picking off another piece, "Good to see you alive and well." Shai [Shay] was a rather large, fluffy cat that had been following Mia around since she left. Often, Mia joked that cat was her guardian angel--if one believed in such a thing. Either way, Shai just seemed to appear and disappear at his own will. The company was always enjoyable though.

    Suddenly, something--or someone--had caught Mia eye. A boy. He was blatantly using his power in the open section of the park. Eye widening in amazement, she watched as a second later a butterfly that was bigger than anything she had ever see appeared and interacted with the boy. Then several paths emerged at once. Lightening struck the ground close to Shai and her. While she felt the small wave of panic flood over her; Shai did not move. Another couple people approached the scene. One even interacted with the boy. More lightening. Then a man appeared. With interest, Mia took another bite of her sandwich and observed from her platform. Things were about to get interesting.

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    Solaria glared to Taeyong, who obviously was looking and speaking to another girl in the vicinity, but she didnt care. This man was obviously so freightened by her and hernuncle that he couldnt look her in the eue. "Me? Who am I? Well for your information I am Eolaria. I am the biggest wind current youll ever meet. And Taeyung is MY uncle thank you very much." She spoke with a huff and stared the taller man down. Her small figure looked up to him but she was clearly bigger.

    With a second huff she puffed her cheeks out and focused on the boy having a staring contest with him, regardless of the fact he wasnt looking at her or likely paying ANY attention. Her momma still told her if she meets someone bigger stare them down and show no fear and they will run away. This was her chance to show she was a big girl and nobody could defeat her or her uncle. "Thats right! Look away" The girl spoke with confidence and tried to make herself look as big as a 4' 8" girl could.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  9. #19
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    Killion was taken aback at Warlock’s reaction to his question. He never expected Warlock to bust out laughing at his question. He had never seen the man act in such a manner yet by Warlocks reaction he knew that there was something that he had missed or overlooked. Yet when the Omega revealed what he thought was so funny Killion was shocked. It seemed that Tae Yong had a crush on him, and everyone realized this except for him.

    It almost seems ironic that he didn’t ever realize that the young man had a crush on him. How could he have been so blind to the young man’s advances. He guessed that since he never really had those kinds of feelings for anyone he didn’t recognize them in another. Taking a deep breath he regained his composure and just smiled.

    "Well looks like I have been oblivious to his feelings. Though I do have no true feelings for the young man. However, you are right. He might be willing to come back with me without a fight. But…" Killion said as he stood up looking over at Warlock.

    "What am I to do if 'He' has found your son? I am sure he felt the same power surge that you have, and that man might prove to be more of a handful compared to Tae Yong." Killion asked as he knew fighting that man would cause a problem.


    Once Gilbert was out of the park he instantly turned to face the trees that were at his back. A sad look crossed his face as he realized that the young man that caught his attention he never even got close enough to get a good look at his face. All he saw was his beautiful dark purple hair. Cursing under his breath as he was too afraid of losing his normal life that he missed the opportunity to talk to the man

    When a thunder clap echoed in the air Gilbert cocked his head. The sound was different from normal it almost sounded like there was a roar along with it. Shaking his head as he figured he was just hearing things. He turned around and crossed the street to his condo building which overlooked the park.

    Typing the code to enter the building he quickly made his way up to the fifth floor to his room. Entering the spacious room there was not much to fill the space. Having only the bare essentials, and a single large koi shaped water fountain in the center of the room. There was a leather couch, red wood table and chairs, a coat rack by the door, a small table by the door, land some pictures on the walls, but other than that the room was empty.

    Removing his jacket and gloves placing them in their respective locations he walked into the room and to his balcony that faced the park. Opening the glass doors he walked out to the balcony and looked out at the park. Giving a soft long sigh as he looked to see if possibly the young man would come out of the park in his direction.

  10. #20
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    "Ari, be careful." John tugged on her arm some, though still trying to be brave. Just having Sir Taehyung here was good, but there was nothing wrong with being cautious. The last he wanted to do was tick off one related to Warlock. Giving Taehyung a smile he stood besides Solaria, wanting to keep her safe as instructed to by the older man.

    "And you stay back, mister." John pointed his finger at Taeyong, glaring at him. He was sure he could take a hit from the man, though if he went for that butterfly form thing, that was a different question all together.

    His eyes did snap as the new guy approached Taehyung, the man shaking through his entire being. Things were getting a bit strange here. More people had begun to arrive, and now they were attracting a crowd of possible non normals, which would end badly.


    " name is Samuel." Sam let him know, shivering some as the thunder boomed overhead. He didn't dare check his phone, knowing the message would send after a moment's delay. The last thing Sam needed to bring to his attention was that he was in contact that moment with the police.

    "I had heard that you were part of the war between warlock and others, is that really true?" He asked carefully, trying to get some measure of calm in his voice...and failing miserably. The fear of just being near this man was enough to have him feeling nausea.

    "I mean, you were all over the news, then you just...vanished." Sam commented, letting his words work through the fear he was feeling at the moment.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

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