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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH1: The Bloody Arrival OOC&IC a Kris X Siks 1X1 Rp.

  1. #11
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    Two Elves moved ahead of Sabin and pushed the gates of the stocky fort open. Inside Y'gol's prediction of the amount of occupants stayed strong. The Elves leading her into the fort were the only residents aside from the group's Hart mounts. Five tall gold colored Harts were tethered around a bale of hay and two metal tubs of water.

    They were very beautiful creatures, but they looked weary and paranoid like their riders. It was very telling for the overall state of mind for the Elves. Either the Ogre really had them rattled which considering Y'gol's past could be possible or there was something more to their presence here.

    Sabin was led to the only building within the walls. A medium sized two-story barracks made of dull colored stones and rough-hewn logs. The signs of habitation and quick repairs showed the Dark Elf that the Archers had probably been here much longer than the Carnivore let on.

    The group continued to lead Sabin across the yard and right through the door of the barracks. Once inside the building Sabin could see that the men all seemed to be living only on the first floor piles of food were stacked in the two supply rooms along the back wall, the cots were grouped around the meager firepit they dug, and the rest of their effects were stacked inside the fort's small armory set back in the western wall. This was odd considering they had two floors and aside from the Scarred one there was no sign of any kind of leader. But considering the way the other men spoke to him he was only a Sergeant or something and groups like this never go out without a Captain or Lieutenant at the helm.

    So where was their real leader? Well that question was answered when all the men but Yaorlan and another Elf this one a giant with almost white skin and aside from his bow he also carried a long dirk that was strapped to his thigh. The giant placed a heavy hand upon Sabin's shoulder and held her in place while Yaorlan walked up the steps to the second floor and knocked on the dark door which was covered in glowing runes. He paused for a few seconds then the muffled sound of a woman's voice called out and he opened the door and stepping into the darkness before the door swung shut on it's own. The giant and Sabin stood in silence while the sounds of muffled discussion could be heard through the door. A minute or so later Yaorlan opened the door and stood half-way out side motioning for Sabin to enter. The giant let her go with a quick shove then Yaorlan clicked his tongue and admitted the Dark Elf into the room that stunk of incense. Once Sabin was in the Sergeant stepped fully out of the room and closed the door behind him.

    Now Sabin was standing alone in the dark room the odor of incense was nearly overwhelming and as the air settled around her another smell crept it's way into her nose. The sickly sweet smell of death and decay. A few minutes passed before a low sultry woman's voice echoed through the unnatural dark. "My Goddess, the famous Sabin Togar." Sabin suddenly feels a presence in front of her and feels a soft pair of lips against her own and a hand dance across her lower back and rump. They lingered for a handful of seconds before the presence whisks away and torchlight suddenly erupts around the room and a High Elf woman is seen seated at a large square table. Denika Lestaff was wearing her usual uniform of trousers, boots, and sleeveless tunic. But in her bare delicate hand was a small dancing fireball. She smiled at Sabin looking the other woman up and down.
    "Well, well, I must say I love the new look Sabi, but still far too much clothing for my liking." She closed her hand snuffing out the fireball.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 11-07-2017 at 11:31 PM.

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  2. #12
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    Sabin smiled softly, "My dear friend", she bowed her head as she moved closer to the woman.

    Denika was beautiful. Even by elven standards, she was considered to be unnatural in her charm and physical appearances. With such clean visage of purity and alluring voice, Sabin found out all too quickly that Denika was the kind of lady to get what she wanted, no matter how much the odds were against her.

    There were so many tales about married husband leaving their partner to pursue her, and win some affection, no matter how small. She was always surrounded by circles of males, who were willing to do their bidding, like bees around their queen, buzzing in a hive.

    They said she gave her heart to no one, but Sabin was one of the few to know it was not so. Denika simply had a particular set of interests, and rarely swayed from it. Gender meant little for her, for she would have let her love go for whoever she deemed worthy, and often she chased after her heart's objects with much determination that she would rarely lose.

    Sabin, was a different case though. She could stand her ground, and… well… simply didn't sway that way… Sabin did played along though, but not completely, keeping her chastity on the matter, which only increased Denika's passion. But Denika didn't push too much, as she enjoyed the game far more than the goal. Teasing Sabin was something she enjoyed a lot.

    Sabin on the other hand treated her with respect, not outright rejecting her, and honoring her as much as possible.

    Sabin walked around the room, gazing carefully. She didn't expect to find Denika here. This was making things all the more complicated, "Denika… Why this fortress here?… And your men are all armed, have you plans for war, friend?"

    It was no secret that Denika had unsettled grudge against the Orc. Sabin sighed slowly, "Denika, friend, why are you here, so far away from home? And the elves that are with you, why have they followed?"

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    Denika licked her lips slowly as she and Sabin continued the dance they had dozens of times before. The Mage loved a challenge and despite the race of Dark Elves being famously promiscuous Sabin is of a more prudish demeanor. She was a forbidden fruit of sorts and Denika always loved fruit. As the stiff woman spoke trying to go right for the truth of their mission, Captain Lestaff felt the twinge of a smirk crease her lips.

    That's what she gets for sharing a few drinks with Sabin. Says more than is needed, but she'd been admonished more times than one for pursuing an agenda. And despite the loyalty of her men she knew they would tell the Lady General if it was heard she was here hunting down some dumb beast who ate someone he shouldn't have.

    As Sabin finished Denika let out a light ringing chuckle standing up from her seat and sauntering over to her small liquor locker. She wouldn't drink much, but keeping things as natural as possible would be key. Opening the small gray cabinet she pulled out a blue colored bottle, it glowed softly in the dim firelight. She poured a couple of glasses and placed one on the table nearest Sabin and took one for herself before returning to her chair. She unbuttoned the top three buttons to her tunic exposing the top curves of her breasts which she gently scratched before sitting down.

    "Now, now Sabi. We haven't seen each other in years and the first thing you ask is the nature of my mission. Come catch up and have drink with me first, it's a fine vintage of Ban-dia Ghealach. Moon Goddess in the common tongue. I hear it's a favorite of your people." Denika gave a feline smile and leaned back in her chair her chest bouncing a little as she moved. It would be enough to distract her underlings or a random visitor, but the trick with Sabin is to slowly chip away at her almost unflinching professionalism.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 11-28-2017 at 04:04 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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  4. #14
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    Sabin followed the elf, as if bracing unheard tune of a flute. And oh boy, how well did Denika played.

    The rules of hospitalities; Say what you want about dark ones, they were forbidden to act impolite, and the elven woman knew exactly which strings to pull.

    The soft gestures did not go unnoticed, and sabin smirked to herself; were she a man, or had such desires and tendencies for women, would she had fallen for her by now, captured by her charm? Since, regardless, if she was not one to go for ladies, it was hard to resist this alluring woman, even if any attraction she felt was only platonic.

    Denika was dawdling (in both senses of the word), but Sabin knew it was not the case. The elf leader was actually getting serious; the soft gestures, the drink, the undressing. She was clearly putting all her cards on the table; Maybe to buy time, maybe to gain something?

    Sabin knew this was the case, as Denika didn't straight out attack her for asking those questions, or wondering what she was doing in the area to begin with, and armless not the less.

    "Sounds lovely, Denika", Sabin said slowly, "Pour me, if you please?"

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    Denika smiled gently feeling the warmth of the wine flow down her throat and gather in the bottom of her stomach. Standing back up she nodded and poured the dark red colored wine into the glass then walked slowly over to Sabin leaning down a little so the woman could see her cleavage before handing her the glass. She knew Sabin said she doesn't like women, but Denika has brought caste Priestesses into her bed before so she knew everyone had their reservations about playing all sides of the field.

    Once she handed over the glass she slowly walked back to her chair making sure her hips swayed with each step. She took another sip of her own drink and motioned for Sabin to take the seat across from her before she sat back down sliding down in her seat a little taking a more relaxed pose as she waited for the Dark Elf to join her. Her keen military mind began rolling over topics of conversation. She wasn't one of the Elf Queen's Spy Masters or Scouts, but she had friends and lovers on both branches and you hear things from time to time. She heard about Sabin's mother dying recently, but that wasn't a subject you open with. The female Mer was usually very discreet about her fulfilled contracts, but once again you hear things.

    After a few more seconds she stumbled upon a simple topic, one that will open up more paths of discussion. "So Sabi, the last time I saw you. You were hunting down a rouge Vampire with that tall handsome human man, what was his name?" She tapped her delicately pointed chin with a thin tapered fingers as she tried to recall the man's name. "Orfiel? I think? Hmm quite the broad pair of shoulders on that one. Did you two manage to catch the creature?"

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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  6. #16
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    Sabin title the glass in her hand, not stopping to lock gazes with the lovely woman before her, she allowed herself to lean back in her sit, allowing her the fabric to stick to her figure. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was the situation which turned a bit more friend. If Denika was about to play, Sabin wanted to stretch the lines some more.

    And besides, you can't unlock answers without the desire to soak in a conversation.

    "Your intel sharp as ever, dear friend", Sabin said, brining the cup closer to her lips. Despite taking few sips, Sabin was careful to not drink too much, and make sure it only looked like she was drinking mouthful. She needed to remain in control.

    "Yes… Orfiel…", she smiled softly.

    The two were able to hunt the being down after few months together. The journey itself was joyful and eventful, and Sabin was able to explore more of the human in more than one ways…

    But truth be told, what excited her more about this task, was actually the vampire itself, who Sabin had met on few occasions before. Luckily Orfiel didn't catch on that.

    And Sabin did help the vampire escape later... They part ways soon after, true, but not before experiencing a lovely night together… But it was better to leave that part unsaid.

    "We sure did…", Sabin paused for a moment. Was Denika leading her away from her question, or was she hinting for something, "You know how it is when you caught in the heat of the chase…"

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    Denika smiled knowingly sipping her wine some more. In the heat of the moment affairs have always been her favorite type of moments. The adrenaline, the thrill of death being inches away, and the game of chase coming to an exciting conclusion. "Oh yes, some of the best things in life happen in the heat of the chase." She crossed her legs maintaining the comfortable posture in her chair. "What was the payout for that? 200 sovereign? I don't dip into the Bounty Hunting business much myself, I've got a state job to keep me fed." She smiled motioning around at the fortress. "But that seems a little low for a Vampire, I've fought against a couple in my time they can be quite formidable. Even with magic."

    She smiled summoning another little fireball to her hand and bouncing it up and down like a ball before she closed her hand returning the fire to nothingness. Looking away from Sabin she swirled her drink around her glass for a few seconds deciding where to go next with the discussion. "So how did you and the Priest manage it? Drowned him in holy water? Or maybe just a quick stake through the heart? The last one I fought repelled six of my own men before I managed to immolate her flesh from her bones." She took another sip of her drink going back to watching Sabin.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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  8. #18
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    Yes. It was indeed too little.

    It had a lot to do with the fact that no real evidences were linked to the case for which the order was issued, and that Orfiel had issued the task himself and it was the most he could spare for it.

    Sabin had no real reason to take the mission, but she knew for sure that the vampire in question was not involved in the case and was framed, mistaken for another. When she was able to hint it to the vampire after a long hunt, capturing him alive became easier.

    With the promise that he will be moved into a guarded cell if his life was spared, Orfiel left the case be, which enabled Sabin to free the vampire with ease and fake his death soon after.

    But truth be told, Sabin was sure the real culprit was going to appear one day or another, and she hoped it won't be Orfiel alone to handle the case when the situation will arise again.

    "Well, evidences clearly show it was not the right man. Orfiel was settled with locking him away, but he died in his cell. We suspect there might have been silver in his cup. Regardless, as more similar cases appear while he was still locked, Orfiel was convinced he was not our man…"

    Sabin turned to look at the Elf, "How rude of me, friend, I have not ask about you. How have you been faring?"

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    Denika finished her glass of wine placing it on the table in front of her adjusting her body posture again opening the front of her shirt a little more and fanning it. Wine always warms her up like little else, she could feel her cheeks and neck reddened and she made herself sway gently as if more drunk than she let on.

    Standing slowly up she moved to the window of her chamber and threw it open letting the cool wind and moonlight rush into the room. The torches flickered and a couple of them went out, they cast the room into a dimly lit twilight the flames complementing the moonlight and the sudden cold did wonders for Denika's objective becasue her nipples grew hard in the air poking out from under her tunic a little. The Mage let out an almost pleased sound as the air rushed over her body sending a slight chill through her lithe frame.

    "Hmm hope your employer wasn't too cross with you two over that. I know what an annoyance it can be to have a valuable prisoner die before their intended time." She smiled a little devilishly before walking back to her chair and setting herself down in it again. "But I am glad things turned out well enough in the end. As for me, as you can tell I'm in the employ of her regal Majesty Isalina Brightcloth of the great Elven land of Avelar." She rolled that off her tongue in a mechanical manner as if making small talk with a visiting dignitary. "Worked my way up the Battle Mage ranks until I earned a commission and now here I am. We've had our share of military victories, but we're more a strike team than a infantry group." She locked eyes with Sabin placing her hands over her stomach. "Have you had contact with that handsome Priest recently?"

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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    Sabin smiled, "You are asking a lot of him, do you fancy him?", a chuckle followed, "Although I won't fault you. He is a charmer… When he isn't obsessed with going after something that is…", Sabin rolled her eyes.

    She moved slowly for the window, enjoying the breeze and hiding the fact her cup of wine was almost untouched, "Sadly no. I haven't heard from him in some time. Which is to be expected, I suppose. Him being a priest, and me… well… being me…"

    Sabin already felt bad about spending so much time with the man. He was a pleasure for sure, but she often wondered how close to him was she really allowed to be, for he was a holy man, and needing to attend for certain services and religion, something that her clan knew nothing of and cared little for.

    "I just hope he is okay... and happy..."

    Even being around him felt like she was making him stray from the path he believed in.

    Sabin leaned in, "You certainly rose in ranks...".

    Sabin considered everything said by the elf. Her unit was offensive, and yet here they were, preparing for great siege, or so… and so far away from any warring country… something didn't add up...

    They clearly being here for some time now.

    Sabin had to play her tricks accordingly, as the elf was certainly, even if she didn't look like it, was on her guard.

    Sabin moved behind the elf, carefully placing her hands on her shoulders, "Who are you fighting with?", she asked slowly, with a low, gentle tune, "I'm sure her highness would want little to do with a farm town…"

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