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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH3: The Bloody Truth (Kris X Siks)

  1. #11
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    Guk-Guk held onto Y'gol's claw tightly. She's missed her Papa desperately, Mama Saba, Uncle Gemmy, and Gandpa Dire are all awesome. But Papa Bone had taking care of her for a long time, she had so much to tell him! They fought Vampires, met big Humans Gandpa said were gods, she can have babies, and she's gonna be a Smith!

    But she also learned a lot of things Papa never did. Like reading, writing, and manners. But one of thos manners was to not interrupt, so she simply hugged her Papa's hand nuzzling it gently. The Ogre smiled down at the girl then nodded to Sabin noting the woman's larger size and new smell. She was pregnant how interesting, and the Snow Elf wasn't around. It seemed he'd missed much in the short time since they've left Sāmhach. Thinking how best to answer her, he decided on the simplest truth.
    "Hunting, lots and lots of hunting. I came across my cub's scent and wanted to see her. She has grown quite a lot I see. Good."

    Rikki shook his head and nodded to Decker who yipped and growled besides him.
    "Yea, I have no clue either Deck. Just hope Kri-Kri and Iks-Iks are done talking with Ci-Ci. Otherwise seeing a Goblin child claim an Ogre is her father will make their friggin' heads explode. Come on you lot, Ci-Ci's is this way." The grumpy Redkin ruffled up his fur and began moving towards the Eastern End of camp.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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    (Illegal bump >.> )

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    “Are you planning to stay Y’gol?”, Sabin looked up at the giant creature, “She missed you dearly and I… we found her kin here, we are about to meet her…”.

    Y’gol growled lightly picking Guk-Guk back up and resting her on his shoulder. The girl squealed happily and began playing with the horns of his skull helm. “I will stay until you leave, I still have much hunting to do before the winter comes.“ The big beast hmmed at the Elf’s mention of kin. “She has her grandfather what more kin could she need?” He asked following the noisy little red thing and his smelly dog staying near the back of the little procession holding onto Guk-Guk’s legs so she doesn’t fall off his shoulder.

    “She would need a woman figure in her life… as…”, sabin looked ahead at Y’gol. She took a risk as she began to click her tongue and changed the way she spoke. It was very ancient language, and hope Y’gol would understand it. She just didn’t want Guk-Guk to understand:

    “I am not sure if I will be back from my mission”, she said and then added, “And she will need someone to train her in Goblin fashion”, Sabin smiled. She was thankful for having spend time with Y’gol’s daughter, but knew it was time to part.

    The Ogre growled lightly he wasn’t sure how Sabin knew the seldom spoken language of the Ogre, but he didn’t feel like questioning it. He wasn’t the only one left in Eisignol or Bisignol, but they have little to no written history or language it’s all done orally. He nodded then Guk-Guk chimed in. “And Mama Saba say because Guk-Guk can have babies I need Auntie Ci-Ci to teach me about them.” The Ogre growled again looking at Sabin expectantly. “Oh is that right Ms. Togar?” He knew she knew the girl’s past, he had hoped the Dark Elf could stree the girl away from that sort of thing.

    “Of course!”, Sabin spoke in common tongue again, “She will grow up to be beautiful woman and will have a good mate to support her, and if she wills it, she will also give birth, but only out of love!”.

    Y’gol growled a little deeper answering in the Ogre tongue again.
    “You will not be turning my cub into some kind of whimsy Den Mother! This I cannot allow.”

    Sabin chuckled as she spoke back, ”And you will not make her more of a savage than she is, mister. She is very talented and capable, and she will love and have children if she wants to. And for your information, if you dare call me a whimsy den mother, I will personally kill you!”

    Y’gol snorted as he saw what he assumed was their destination ahead before responding.
    “Not if I eat the boy first. And you aren’t a whimsy den mother yet, that’ll be after you have the child and the big blue one returns to your side.”

    With a deep sigh Dire responded in the same tongue.
    “Both of you need to grow up, and I’ll be the one eating the boys who dare sniff after Guk-Guk.”

    Sabin shook her head. ”You understand you can’t keep her off men forever don’t you?”

    Both Y’gol and Dire snorted, but before they could answer Rikki shouted back at them.
    “Ok, we’re here, best just send Guk-Guk, Sabin, and the boy forward. Ci-Ci is...delicate.” Y’gol placed Guk-Guk back on the ground while he and Dire stood upon the grass watching. The Redkin said with a slightly sarcastic tone before dismounting Decker and leading the three closer to the small caravan wagon decked out with many shiny baubles and jewelry hanging from hooks all around it.

    Rikki hated dealing with Ci-Ci. She was a nutcase even by pure Goblin standards and that’s saying a lot. She loved her job more than any living thing, but she was always all bristly when a male of any species was around. Like she expected him to blow himself up at any second, but at least she saved the snark for adult males. She was...nicer to boys at least. Sa’nua hugged Sabin’s side the whole walk over the Ogre was scary as was the Orc. But not quite as scary as his father would be if he found out about this little adventure.

    When he saw Auntie Ci-Ci’s house though he lit up some. He could smell her cooking the special gummy candies he loved so much. But Ci-Ci had protocol for seeing her. He straightened his clothes up some and put on a braver face than what he felt. Auntie Ci-Ci hated seeing him sad. Guk-Guk was on Sabin’s other side watching the boy go through the motions of cleaning himself up a little and pushing the fear from his face. The girl wondered if she should be doing that too, but a glance up at Mama Saba told her it was just the boy, cause Mama wasn’t doing it.

    Rikki held his paw up a few feet from the door to tell them to stop before he took a breath and walked to the small door. He pounded on it loudly. “Put some clothes on ya got visitors!” Like he had done many times before the Redkin stepped sideways as some ridiculous oversized mallet swung down from atop the caravan sailing through the spot he was just standing. Next he ducked around a long wooden pole that flew out from the side striking the empty air again. With a sigh he jumped back as a sword shot out from the side just above the pole. The furry sapper sighed. “You still suck at trap making Ci-Ci! Come on I got crap to do today!”

    There was some angry Goblineses from inside the wagon before all the traps whirred and clicked back into place and the front door opened showing a curvy Gobliness exited dressed in just a leather bra and panties. Heat rolled out of the wagon and her body was covered in a sheen of sweat. As Rikki came around the corner she scoffed crossing her arms under her breasts. “You friggin’ Redkin.”

    Rikki bowed and motioned for Sabin to introduce herself and the kids while he returned to Decker and the others a few feet away.

    “Peace be with you”, Sabin greeted in her formal tone as she held her hands on the young dark elf and the half goblin, “I am glad to finally meet you, Ci-Ci”, she smiled, “I am Sabin, a temporary custodian to your sister’s daughter… which I have brought before you…”.

    She made Guk-Guk stepped forward, “This is her, the lovely child, Guk-Guk, proud daughter of Jik-Jik”.

    Guk-Guk wasn’t normally one for being shy. But Ci-Ci had a look about her, she kind of reminded the girl of Papa Bone. Just scary without even trying, and as the child looked at the Goblinesses well formed chest and hips the girl felt a little jealous again. “Hi Auntie Ci-Ci.” She said meekly.

    Ci-Ci studied the girl and hmmed. “Well she does look like my little sis, though way bigger than she should be. Why?” She asked looking at Sabin.

    “She was sired by a man not of the same clan, does it change something though? She is capable, sweet, wonderful and smart, and that’s all that should matter”.

    Ci-Ci smirked at Sabin. “It means I gotta feed her more. She’s a half breed of something.”

    Guk-Guk frowned lightly. “Guk-Guk’s daddy was an Orc.”

    Ci-Ci nodded. “Yeah that seems right.” She looked at Sa’nua and her face softened some. “Your patriarch isn’t gonna be happy about this Sa-Sa.”

    “I would ask you…”, Sabin started to say, “To take good care of the child of the dark elves as well… His father… has been dismissed… I want him to be free”, Sabin looked at the golbin, “He was very happy when he talked about you”.

    Ci-CI quirked her eyebrow. “Oh really and is that the wish of the children?”

    Guk-Guk looked at Sabin for an answer as did Sa’nua.

    “I believe, we should consider the details inside… but first they need to eat, allow us inside, with your permission?”, Sabin looked at Dire, “I am guessing only us three will be allowed, yes?”

    Ci-Ci glared at Dire, Y’gol, and Rikki then nodded. “My house isn’t big enough for their male egos. Come on.” She disappeared back inside and began opening some windows and putting away the project she was working on before they arrived. Guk-Guk grabbed Sabin’s hand but Sa’nua sat upon the grass rubbing his face.

    “Why he no come in?” Guk-Guk asked Sabin.

    The boy looked up pointing to the house. “She’s nearly naked, it’s not right for me to be in there when she’s like that’s too small in there for more than two people...and I get...claustrophobic in small places.”

    Sabin kissed the boy on his forehead, “Please make an effort, for me? I don’t want you to keep staying outside”.

    She waited for the boy to grab her hand as she led both him and Guk-Guk after Ci-Ci. Once inside Sabin took her time to study the surroundings. The house was not as small as Sa’nua describe it, but the boy did understand Ci-Ci needed to keep herself away from people and he respected her deeply to say otherwise. Still the place did feel crowded with all the strange machine and maps and diagrams lying around the house.

    Sabin twisted her eyebrows in worried expression. She was suddenly not too sure if she could leave Guk-Guk in such a house, but decided not to judge before knowing the person. After all Ci-Ci did live by herself until now, and Sabin was kinda imposing the woman with two extra mouths to feed and responsibility.

    She waited until Ci-Ci removed her items from the table before taking a sit, marking both the Dark Elf child and the Goblin halfling girl to take a sit beside her.

    Still nervous Sa’nua sat down keeping his breath level and his eyes down. Guk-Guk looked around in awe at all the gadgets and tools. She was told Ci-Ci just made jewelry but it looks like she made traps and puzzle games too. She could hear the older Goblin banging about in her little bedroom looking for clothes to wear. Leaning in Guk-Guk whispered to Sabin. “Mama Saba why she so mean?”

    “She is not mean… just uncomfortable with company I guess… I am sure you understand, Y’gol isn’t so fond of guests as well, no?”, Sabin smiled.

    Guk-Guk hmmed lightly. “I guess, but Papa Bone just growl until they go away. She just seems mean.”

    Ci-Ci exited her bedroom wearing a leather vest with no bra and long cloth pants that kind of flowed out behind her as she moved. “So Ms. Sabin, tell me how did you get ahold of my sister’s child? I’ve not talked with her in years, and while it doesn’t surprise me she shacked up with an Orc this is the first time I’ve heard about her having a child.”

    “I am not sure what your relationship with your sister was like, but I can tell you she did not have an easy life. And this child had been on her own most of her life. But thankfully she got picked up by a person she holds dear. Said person left her in my care, but I cannot take care of her myself. I have a mission I must finish and…”, Sabin bit her lips. It was better not to say she may not survive in front of the child, and she doubted if Ci-Ci spoke the old tongue, “Guk-Guk seems to have a gift for crafting… I cannot teach her the way of my people, she would need to learn the art from a female goblin… and I thought you’d be more than happy to see a relative of yours”.

    Ci-Ci hmmed softly then picked up a broken puzzle box and placed in front of Guk-Guk. “Solve the puzzle and put the box back together. Young one.” The little girl looked up at Sabin who nodded softly giving her an encouraging smile. Picking up the pieces Guk-Guk began putting them slowly back together. The Crafter looked back at Sabin studying her. “And this mission is more important than the child? You can find Goblinesses like me in any Artisan’s quarters in a big city. And what of this person who entrusted her to you can she not take the girl back? Or better yet why not send her back to my sister?”
    Guk-Guk frowned. “Mommy was killed by shadowmen.” She placed the perfectly completed puzzle back before Ci-Ci before she stood up and left the little house Sa’nua taking the chance to follow. He recognized the girl’s expression right away. Soon the two women were the only ones left in the wagon.

    “That was uncalled for!”, Sabin said with anger, “You know that the only reason I would bring her in here, was if her own mother could not take care of her, and if her previous guardian had no such capabilities. Why are you so cruel Ci-Ci?!”

    The female Goblin studied the small puzzle nodding slowly. She looked up at Sabin’s outburst and sneered. “Because I’m not a mother, I’ve gone my whole life fighting tooth and nail to be the woman I am. Do you know what it’s like being a Gobliness who actively avoids being a mother in a society where it’s expected to just give up everything because you can pop out a kid? You Dark Elves don’t have that worry because your society is run by those who know the suffering of childbirth and motherhood. You keep your men in their places.”

    “No one asks you to be her mother, but to train her in your art, live on with the legacy of the promise of what she can do. She herself does not expect you to replace her mother… but It’s obvious you don’t feel like it… and if it to be the case, someone else will take care of her, I just wish you were more open to ideas…”, Sabin said as she slowly got up, “Thank you for your time, we shall take our leave now”.

    Ci-Ci sighed shaking her head. “That’s exactly what I’d be to her just like you are to her now…*sigh*...give me some time to think about it.”

    Sabin smiled, “Very well…”, she stepped outside as she saw the children, and she hugged them both, “I’m sorry she was like that, she was just not used to having people, but I think she is a nice person”, Sabin kissed Guk-Guk, “Give her a chance for me?”

    Guk-Guk and Sa’nua nodded to Sabin. And the girl nodded softly. “Did her and mommy fight a lot or somtin’?”

    Sa’nua shook his head. “No I remember her saying one night they...liked the same man, but he chose Jik-Jik. Though she was drunk and it was after Papa found me talking with some of the other kids and hit my head a bit.”

    “That would explain a little”, Sabin said, recalling of Denika. She always knew at some point the moment will come to her senses about Galmied. She had a reason to believe she was not one to give up, not after the confession she made about he she felt for him, “Love is complicated issue”

    Guk-Guk nodded softly she’d seen what she was told was love between Mama Saba and Uncle Gemmy, though it was a difficult lesson to get through her early life. Sa’nua frowned though. “Love is mean and stupid.” He pouted kicking a rock.

    “It can be like that too”, She hugged the boy, “But what your father did to you was unforgivable, Sa’nua. He had no right to treat you like he did, and I will not allow another person to harm you”, she then hugged Guk-Guk, “My daugther will protect you too”, she winked at her.

    Guk-Guk blushed nudging away from Sabin some, but Sa’nua shook his head. “No I deserved it, I killed mom.” He said quietly. “He loved her more than me, and would rather I have died than her.” Tears began trickling down the boy’s face.

    “You are not at fault, Sa’nua… your father was in the wrong… Please, I want you to understand it, you did nothing wrong, sometimes a birth does not go as planned, and it is never the fault of the baby. Just think of the fact that you survived until now because your mother’s protection carrying over from the underworld”, Sabin smiled, “And she loves you dearly”.

    Sa’nua wrapped his arms around Sabin and cried quietly into her arms. Guk-Guk saw the boy’s pain and hugged him too. “Mommas always love their kids, even if they not real mommas, right Mama Saba?”

    “Yes. She doesn’t have to be blood related to love her children. It’s not about who gave birth to you, but who calls you her son… or who embraces you and give you a home… same for fathers, no?”, she smiled as she looked at Guk-Guk.

    Guk-Guk nodded hugging Sa’nua close. “Yush.”

    The broken little boy kept crying into Sabin and Guk-Guk. He’d never been really comforted like this not even Ci-Ci was quite this touchy-feely. “”

    “You need family, not parents, and we will be your family”, Sabin said as she kissed his forehead, “and so will Ci-Ci and the Redkin, and the other Goblins”.

    The little half breed boy sniffed having run out of tears for now. “Rikki smells funny..maybe not him.”

    Guk-Guk giggled softly nodding to his words. “Yeah and he have a naughty mouth.”

    Sabin chuckled. Now that their spirits were lifted, they were left with the waiting to know what Ci-Ci had planned to do.

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    The day drifted off into night and still Sabin and her band hadn't heard from Ci-Ci. But it was a secondary thought as they watched Guk-Guk and Sa'nua play by the fire. The young half-breeds were becoming fast friends, and with Y'gol lurking around the group the boy's father stay far away. But he wasn't as angry as everyone thought he would be. In fact he seemed almost excited about something.

    No one knew and no one really cared. Happiness was the state of the night, the little Goblin telling her Papa everything she had experienced since they left Samach. Even the scarier parts, and side from a few half-lidded glances at Sabin he listened intently to his cub ramble on. She carried on til well into the night. Both Y'gol and Sabin knew they wouldn't hear from Ci-Ci tonight and decided to send the children to bed. Sa'nua went without word, but Guk-Guk tried to fight it, to no avail. Sabin had dealt with the girl's stubbornness before bed a few times before and knew just what to do. She tucked the girl into the bed rolls with Sa'nua and sang her the girl's favorite lulluby. At first the kids were hesitant about sharing a bed, but as a cold wind blew across the camp they cuddled up and were soon asleep in each other's arms.

    The Dark Elf finished the song and smiled down kissing both kids atop their heads. Dire and Y'gol were deep in discussion over hunting so the expectant mother was left to her own thoughts for a bit.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 09-14-2018 at 04:25 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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    It was cold night.

    Really cold.

    Sabin was never used to feel like this, as the earth was always warm and welcoming, and the darkness of this night was uneasy.

    She decided to pick up her twin blades as she walked a distance to fight.

    She felt heavy and tighten. As she started to move her hands and cut the air, she could feel the strain of the training. Yet she kept on training.

    The young dark elf boy was still in her mind. He was lurking for sure, and she guessed that the boy was not the reason to it.

    She eventually set down, tired and sweaty, looking up at the moon above her head. She moved her hand slowly over her mark, wondering if Galmied was feeling her presence, wherever he was.

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    The sounds of heavy footsteps were heard behind the woman and soon a large blanket was draped over her shoulders with deadly clawed hands wrapping the folds around her. Soon Y'gol sat quietly down besides her growling low in his throat. "You have changed much Ms. Togar. My cub has told me much, but surely it cannot be the whole story."

    He looked up at the sky hmming to himself. "Did you really meet ancient human Gods and fight in a Vampire war?"

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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    At first Sabin was startled, but her sense return to her quickly. She was not used to be taken off by a surprise, but her been trained to keep her cool, even when she was attacked without a notice.

    She hugged the blanket around her and smiled softly.

    "And more!", she looked up, her silver eyes glittering as her smile grew bigger.

    Y'gol said she changed, but it was in fact the ogre who has morphed before her eyes. She allowed him to sit beside her as she looked at the sky, "It feels like only yesterday I've been drawing circles in the sand, wondering if you going to rape or kill me first", she laughed, "I have yet to say this to you, but you have a wonderful daughter, I am glad you have taken care of her until now".

    She hummed softly, "How have you been until now, Y'gol?"

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    Y'gol let out a low growl which could've been called a laugh before he leaned back nodding slowly to the woman's words.
    "Indeed, and it was only a few weeks ago that this adventure started. Seems both so much longer ago and so much shorter than it has been. Now I wouldn't be able to do either without breaking Guk-Guk's heart. I have never seen her attach herself so quickly to a woman before, not even the Puppet Master had that effect on my cub. It is...interesting to witness, though the life she had led lends quite easily to her wanting a new mother." He gave a sad smile which almost took away from his black gnarled features. "I am glad she chose you. Thank you for the compliment and for taking care of her."

    Some joy returned to his face at her last question. "I have been good hunting down the Shadow Men that harmed my cub and trying to locate anything about her birth parents to give her." He frowned now as he began to remember the many dens he's come across. So many children just like Guk-Guk kept in horrendous conditions and forced to do unspeakable things. Y'gol will never be mistaken for a just or moral creature, but while he's killed children and eaten one or two the things he saw made even his stomach churn. He was glad to have freed some of them and given those who couldn't be saved a quick death.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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    "If Ci-Ci will accept her, Y'gol, what then?", she looked ahead, "I can't shake the feeling that those dark elves are planning something… and before you say anything", Sabin grinned, "They are without Matriarch… or women for that matter".

    Y'gol nodded. He knew very well how much women meant for the dark elves, and having none, meant those were outsiders, probably rebels.

    "I think they waiting for something… or someone in here… and I am in a very complicated situation…", Sabin looked at Y'gol, I can't take Guk-Guk with me. Dire will most likely stay with her, which is something I am wishing for, as for Galmied? I hope I will see him on the path I am heading toward…"

    Y'gol hissed, "That revenge you spoke of…"

    "My mother was poisoned… and I suspect it to be an act of dark elven tribe… Maybe those guys here have something to do with it… either way… I must do it… I left my clan… my family, friends… all behind for this… and I can't risk my foster daughter… besides she needs to learn and understand her heritage and abilities", Sabin smiled, "she is so talented, Y'gol!"

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    The big Orge nodded slowly lifting his keen nose to the wind. There was a dampness in the air which hindered scent tracking a little. But at the very edge of it he smelled death, not a huge concern at the moment. Things are being killed everywhere as part of nature's mandate.

    Bringing his nose back down he hmmed softly which still sent rumbles through the air. "I cannot speak for the Blue one, but the Orc and I have been discussing. As much as he would like to stay with Guk-Guk, he will not let you do this mission yourself. You are a single woman and a future wimsy den mother to boot." He chuckled lightly at the second part. "And as capable as you are, it will not be safe especially down the road as the cub grows inside of you. I am too infamous to come with you and he is an honorable Orc, Guk-Guk will be well protected her with the small blue vermin."

    He nodded slowly as the Dark Elf's evaluation of his cub's skills. "Yes...she is." He sighed slowly his hefty shoulder shrinking some. "I only wish I could've taught her more. I know only killing and hunting. I taught her how to kill a man before her first birthday with me. And she learned how to skin an Elk before she learned how to shop for supplies in Sāmhach. " He let out another sigh carving some simple figures into the dirt. "A word of advice Ms. Togar. Do not let your revenge consume you. You have seen the effects of that with both me and the Witch back in Sāmhach . I slaughtered whole kingdoms in my revenge and she nearly killed our daughter in her's. If it comes down to it, and the choice is Guk-Guk and your future child's lives or your revenge I hope you know which to choose."

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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