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Thread: Mystics IV: The Final Chapter - Reincarnate! {M} IC

  1. #11
    I of the storm
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    Confusion. She could see it in the girl's face. Discord. She could sense it in the air.

    It was beautiful.

    "How many times do I have to say this before it gets into your whore skull?" His voice was angry, masculine, aggressive. Quite foreign emotions to the being behind the face, but a necessary facade. "I. Don't. Love. You." As his words sunk in, the girl opposite him began to tremble. The hapless young woman grit her teeth, tried to be angry, tried to muster some kind of response... But she couldn't. She had always known that her lover would leave her eventually, realise how weak she was... How useless she was. "I'm sorry..." was all she could muster. Sorry that she hadn't been good enough. Sorry that she'd been such a drain on him.

    "Sorry won't bring me the two wasted years of my life back." The boy muttered bitterly. "Not worth the average sex, I can tell you that." That stung. Thinking that he'd only been with her at all because... She was easy. She began to cry.

    "Oh, I've had enough." The boy growled, standing sharply and storming from the room. As he left, his ears listened intently. And there he heard it, a satisfying reply. "Goodbye, David..." the girl murmured. He pretended not to hear, and made his way out onto the street.

    As soon as the boy set foot on the pavement, his face changed. No longer was he a sweet-faced young man of eighteen, he had become an old woman of about fifty, nondescript. She took her time, and sat down on a park bench opposite the girl's apartment, producing a newspaper and pretending to read it with interest. The street was abandoned, save for a pair of friends that were in the process of strolling past. Perfect. They'd be gone just in time. Even as they turned a corner, and moved out of sight - the old woman looked from her paper to the roof of the apartment, twelve stories high.

    The girl stood there, swaying on the edge like a candle in the wind. And now, all she needed was...

    "Ella!" The boy's scream was loud, but not loud enough to reach her. He had just come onto the street, and after realising what was about to happen - he sprinted toward the apartment.

    He was too late.

    Before she had a chance to even notice him, she dipped forward, and fell with the grace of a martyr, smashing onto the pavement with a delicious thud that was audible to the old woman below. What made it all the sweeter was that Ella's lover had no doubt heard it too. He sprinted toward her body, looked unsure of what to do for a few moments - and then promptly turned away and vomited. Her work was done. She knew from experience that it would only be a matter of time before the heartbroken fool would join his lover in death. She cared not. The anguish on his face was all the reward she needed.

    If her face was not buried in the newspaper, and the street was not so devoid of life - an onlooker might have sworn that the woman grew visibly younger before their eyes. Her grey hair turned to raven, her wrinkles became less pronounced. Her face altered itself slightly, becoming sterner - and sharper. Her eyes went from brown to grey.

    The children at the school had been gossiping about a freak at New Grampus just that morning. Something about the room temperature dropping significantly. How very interesting. She would replace one of the teachers there, and observe this "freak" more closely. Besides, she had nothing else to entertain herself with at present. She often took the form of teachers. People in positions of authority who were easily trusted and could learn a deceptive amount about their students. Then she could select the perfect targets...

    And welcome chaos.
    Last edited by Evening Rain; 10-23-2016 at 02:16 AM.

  2. #12
    Red Ninja
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    "Ah nothing beats traveling by sunbeam." A soft feminine voice chirped as a flash of pale yellow scales glimmered through the breaks in the trees. First day of the Blackbrick Academy semester, and the first day of Alimiax's Senior year. She was a bundle of nerves, most Dragons don't go to non-Dragon schools and she's gone nearly her entire school career with only a select few even knowing she was a Dragon. Such knowledge was always a danger, most races love challenging Dragons to any competition or fights. It's one of those expected things when you're near the top of the food chain and uppitiness isn't an exclusively humans fault. So many other races like to think they're the best of the best and take any chance to prove it.

    That means making any Dragon who is foolish enough to let themselves be known is fair game. Usually the Dragon can talk their way out of it, but some, like that incident at St. Lorelei's Academy can only end in violence. Luck tended to favor those of Light Dragon lineage, Prisims, Starries, Sunners, and Moonies all had more luck than others Dragons, but they weren't allowed to gamble so the luck had to be used in keeping them alive...not a bad trade-off. Being a Sunbeam Dragon, Ali always traveled by Sunbeam even if she didn't have to, it was easier and saved her from getting tired out so early in her school day. Traveling by flight from her Aunt Deliahax's house to Blackbrick would be a lot of wing flapping and people dodging. She'd need a nap before first period, after five minutes the young Dragon landed daintily in the woods outside her school. Looking around she saw that she was alone and quickly changed into her human form, hiding her now nude body behind a big tree quickly pulling her school clothes out of her pack and dressing.

    She'd done this routine for years, through sun, through wind, she'd even done it in the snow a few times. The key was to be quick and have it all ready in your bag, in a minute flat Ali was ready to go and began jogging towards the front gate of her school.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  3. #13
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    ~Two weeks prior~

    “Everything is ready go to?”

    “Yes. The box has been set and the bait laid.”

    “Rick all set up to go? I don't want a giant space laser on my head because some repugnant imbecile forgot to clean up after themselves.”

    “Don't fear. I personally checked over each step. If anything, it'll fall onto Mr. Scarto’s head, which I made sure to prep the stocks in should it go to plan.”

    “I'm glad I have you here. I swear half this country would burn in nuclear waste if not for you.”

    “Thank you Master. Shall I prep a new limo for you then?”

    “Yes.. and make sure to get a bullet proof body.”

    “Of course Master.”

    ~Present day~

    A modest limo pulled up to the curb, the afternoon sun resting behind drifting clouds. The scent of aged wine and oakpine hung on the door as the chauffer settled the car to a stop, making sure not to jostle the rider before exiting the vehicle. With practiced grace the man pulled the door open for his guests.

    “We have arrived at your destination, Mr. Raven. CWDU headquarters. Shall I wait by the door or find a spot to park?” The driver asked, helping the man and woman out of the vehicle. Eldrich was dressed in his normal attire, a pleasant smile on his face. Quickly behind him was his secretary Jackie Chun, dressed in a sharp pencil suit, the tight skirt just above her knees. The soft blue suit matched well with Eldrich, making them pleasing the eyes.

    “Good sir, I would never ask you to wait, so please go park and stretch your legs. I insist.” Crowe offered him a pleased smile and a generous tip, handing him two Jacksons and heading into the building. The driver could only look in shock as his customers walked into the building. A huge grin broke out while hopping back into the driver’s seat.

    “Good afternoon and welcome to the.. Oh! Mr Raven and Ms Chun, what a treat it is to see you here. What delight brings you here today?” The officer at the front desk asked, giving the two a welcomed smile.

    “Oh, I wish to talk with your chief here please. I would like to discuss an event that I need his help on.” Crowe asked the woman with a smile, looking around the room. With the peaceful times, things had become slow around here, yet people still bustled and fro, others sitting around three waiting room. Even a rather well built young man, magic exuding off him. He gave a wave to him as the Secretary made her calls.

    “Chief Zanut is free to see you” She spoke with a cheery smile.

    “Thank you very much. Come along Ms Chun.” Crowe bade to the women as they headed up the stairs, greeted at the office door by the aged chief officer.

    “Mr. Raven, it's so wonderful to see you again. May I ask what brings you around here today?” Chief Zanut asked him, offering him a seat.

    “Well, I would like to discuss something personal with you…” Crowe began. With a smile, he pulled out his checkbook and pen. With a few simple strokes, he wrote out a few things onto the check and handed it to the man. The chief took a look at the paper, before his eyes went wide in shock.

    “Are, are you sure this is right? 5 ..50 million?!” The chief asked, incredulous at the massive sum of money. It was then that Crowe moved. With the magic infused in the paper, it was easy to grab the man's emotions, ramping up the feeling of joy. He relaxed into the chair while watching, a gleeful smile while the man went silent from joy. It was too simple, controlling them like puppets on a wire, made to dance and move for his pleasure.

    “I assure you, it's correct. I know we are in a time of peace, but without such a great force as the CWDU, we would be awash in death and despair.” Crowe spoke, allowing sadness to creep into his voice. He eased back on the magic flow, making the man droop and sag. A sigh escaped him, from the emotional drain and weight of memory.

    “These are some troubling days indeed. Many good men and women are lost to us.” Zanut sighed heavily, spinning in his chair.

    “Yes they were…,”Crowe spoke, before flooding the man with his magic, allowing joy to fill him again,”but they wouldn't want us to be sad. Which brings me to the reason why I'm here. I would like to host a charity ball in honor of the CWDU and those who lost their lives. Which would require some knowledge from you. To help raise funds for those horribly affected by the events.”

    “That, that would be wonderful!” Zanut started, yet stalled a bit. Crowe held off on increasing the man's high, letting wariness take hold for but a brief moment.

    “But… there are some who wouldn't want to be known or be given such a public display.” Crowe held his hand up to pause the man

    “No fret good man. I'll keep them anonymous and keep them out of the proceedings. If that is all you are worried about, I'll be glad to deal with that personally if need be.” Crowe responded with a polite smile.

    “Well…. I don't see anything wrong with that. Shall I print off a list of them, or would an email do better?” Zanut asked, waking up the monitor and looking through the systems already.

    “Ah, email would be best. It'll make setting up funds and the party much easier then. Thank you so much for your support.” Crowe said, lowering the control carefully as the man worked. A few clicks and a beep later signified the email being sent. They chatted amicably as the file was processed, Chief Zanut wanting to assure that everything went well for him.

    “Ah, and there were have it. Thank you again for obliging an old man with a simple notion.” Crowe addressed the man as he stood, holding out his hand.

    “No no, it was my pleasure. I'm sure those for who the ball is for will love the idea. You have a wonderful d-”

    The retort of gunfire broke the pleasurable atmosphere as bullets littered the entrance with glass soon behind it. Zanut jumped, hurrying to the window to look at the scene below.

    ~Moments earlier~

    A man burst into the door as Crowe and Zanut had been talking, swathed in a heavy cloak and low hanging hat. His face was obscured with a heavy mask, and one could see bulk beneath the cloak. Tension rose as the man stopped in the doorway, a quiet mumbling from the collar. Few stopped to look, the first being the Secretary, left wary at the man.

    “Sir, may I help you?” The secretary asked the man, resting her hands on the desk. The room fell deathly silent, the man finally catching the attention of others. A minute chuckle echoed from him, filling the room with an uncomfortable air.

    “Sir, please. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked again after a few moments without an answer. The man stood stock, the laugh dying in his throat.

    “All shall perish for the power of my master! Blood for the throne!” The man shouted in a shriek. Without a second chance to respond, the man pulled out a large bulky AK-47, painted solid black. The tension broke like glass as he let loose a flair of bullets, taking a few civilians and the Secretary in the burst. He was quickly lit with fire from those who could respond first. Holes riddled the man's coat, hat flying off from the hot lead. Coat now in ruins, one could see the seat uniform beneath it.

    “All shall feed the dark lord's plan!”He shouted into the air, drowned out in the burst of fire between the two.

    ~Chiefs office~

    “The fresh hell is going on?” Chief Zanut asked the air, dragging the two guests away from the window. Crowe has already dropped the magic fully, allowing the shock of the situation to deepen further. Even from here he could hear the screams and laughter, a beautiful cacophony of anarchy. He allowed himself to be pulled to the desk roughly, fear etched clear on his face.

    “Stay here behind the desk.” Zanut ordered, drawing out the standard .9mm revolver from his hip. Resting both hands on the grip, he burst from the door, rolling into the hall and clearing a desk to hide behind, a splatter of bullets nearly clipping him in the side. Crowe had wished the man had been shot, just to be done with the false niceties. It made his blood boil and want nothing more than to gut him like a fish. Giving a sigh he pulled out his phone giving a silent nod to Jackie to keep watch.

    “Time to see what they hide.” Crowe whispered while navigating his phone, finding the file he needed. A virus scrubber had been created to break into the Cwdu, designed to copy and store the files in the system, bury itself and send the info once deleted. Sending the email, he sent it as a reply to Zanut, using his magic to speed it up as get it into the system. Turning and peering over the edge of the desk, looking to be curious of the events, hand resting on the keyboard.

    His magic flared to life on the machine, the keys pressing and depressing in a blur, opening and downloading the virus file, clearing the email reply and setting it to work. He was guaranteed a 24 hour window to get this, but he forced the virus to move faster, needing to gather as much as needed before it got cleared.

    With a malicious grin he ducked behind the desk, motioning Jackie to duck and cover, shielding his ears mere moments before a shrill bellow blasted from the front.

    “Blood for the throne! Anarchy will live!”

    Fire and shrapnel engulfed the front, a concussive blast crumbling as an explosion rocked the building.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  4. #14
    Immortal Goddess
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    The huffing wind rose up around the lone figure sitting atop a pedestal. The tar-black clouds revolved around the mountain peak, thunder bellowing loudly in the distance. A storm was coming. The lone figure stood to his feet, his eyes opening slowly revealing dark pupils resembling a dark sky with stars scattered throughout.

    “Ancient Ones, I come seeking guidance,” the long figure said against the howling wind. There was no response. The man lowered his head, as if defeated. His eyes darted around the mountain top trying to figure out what he would do next. “Ancient Ones, evil is resurfacing, I need your guidance.”

    Minutes passed and there was still no answer. Lightning streaked across the pitch black clouds signifying the storm’s arrival. The man turned his attention to the pedestal he had moved from to call upon the Ancient. He had come and received no answer.

    “Rest assured I shall not allow evil to undo all that we worked so hard to accomplish.”

    “Then you had best prepare for the fight of your life.”

    The lone man turned swiftly to see a woman dressed in beautiful gold garbs that lightly dusted the ground where she stood. The wind moved around her, as if not daring to touch her at all. The man’s hair whipped viciously as the wind increased.

    “Mistress,” the man said kneeling to show his respect to his superior.

    “Dorian, you are one of us, there is no need to bow to me,” the woman said with a smile.

    Dorian sighed and stood to his feet. “It is as we feared Mistress Nya, Auro has been found and will soon awaken. He will bring about the end.”

    “All is not lost Dorian; you know what to do. Find them, and train them.”

    “But they are so young, they’ve not experienced all that life has to offer. How can we ask so much of them?”

    “You know the rules of existence, we cannot interfere in the matters of mortals, and as a transcended you must tread carefully, but you are the only one Dorian who can bring them all together.”

    Dorian sighed once more and turned from Mistress Nya if only for a brief moment.

    “So it begins again,” he said softly, nearly inaudible due to the raging wind.

    “A never ending circle. For wherever there is good, there is bound to be evil. Where the darkness consumes, light shall liberate. One cannot exist without the other, and yet one cannot exist where the other is present. Be careful Dorian in your task.”

    A soft smile was all he could manage as Mistress Nya took her leave. There was nothing else he could do. He would have to recruit them as Naja had recruited him so long ago. The memory still fresh in his mind as he looked at his hands. He hadn’t aged a day. He had transcended, joining the Ancients, but never feeling like one of them. Their rules didn’t allow interference in the matters of mortals, but Dorian believed in a hands on approach. He had been designated as the Overseer, but how would he accomplish so much in such a short amount of time?

    Nemine, Kurama, Kana, Halley, Callan, Caine, Drax, Nora, Iravelle, Matsunaga, Torfrid, Kaiyen, Cyrus, Jin, Aurous, Melantha, Sable, they all still lived, but where had time placed them all? Each had their piece in protecting the world from evil and keeping the peace that the world knew so well.

    A bolt of lightning surged from the storm clouds above, striking Dorian, absorbing him, his destination set, he would find them all and bring them to Blackbrick Academy, run by the infamous Headmaster Gandor.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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  5. #15
    The Froggiest
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    Ocella looked to the skies, her eyes filled with worry. During the time that she had spent in the jungle, she had experienced only two storms. This was by far larger and much more powerful than the ones she had experienced, and she knew that her shelter was not strong enough to survive the night. The storm had snuck up on her rather rapidly and she hadn't even caught wind of it until the skies above her began to darken.

    The trees were too dangerous to provide sheter, for the lightning was too frequent. She couldn't stay by the river for it was bound to flood. She knew that this was her first true test and that she had to act quickly.

    "Think Ocella, think," she chided herself as she looked around for any possible shelter to get her through the night. She was walking along a game path in an attempt to find something quickly, knowing the dangers it posed. Still... it could prove worth the risk.

    "Damnit!" She shouted, her voice drowned out by the raging wind around her as rain began to pelt the Earth beneath her. "Shiiiit. I didn't prepare for this," she chided herself again as slowly but surely she became drenched, her clothes clinging thickly to her small frame. Finally, though, she came upon a cluster of trees with large, fan-like leaves that seemed sturdy enough. Checking for nearby water sources and finding none, Ocella raced for the trees and quickly found shelter underneath. There was no hopes of building a fire now, all she could do was try to avoid getting any more wet than she was.

    "Oh mom and dad... I'm so grateful you aren't here," Ocella said to herself as she sat against the trunk of the tree, turning into her angelic form. Her wings and the tree leaves would offer a source of protection from the elements for the night, but for the predators... she was frightful. She knew that she would have stories to tell when she got home... if she got home. Her parents would be proud, that much was certain... but first she had an enormous task ahead of her that was slowly dwindling her confidence away. Her wings wrapped around her and kept her body warm, but they were growing heavy and difficult to maintain after some time.

    "Maybe I wasn't as ready for this as I thought," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. Nothing she had ever done could surmount to the difficulties she was facing then- but she knew that somehow, she would have to get past it.

  6. #16
    Red Ninja
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    Juni and Siks co-op!

    Ocella had never heard anything akin to the noise filling her senses at that moment. It was one of dread, one that would certainly lead to greater consequences later- the sound of rushing water. Although an unknown sound, it was easily recognizable as she heard trees collapsing in the jungle. It was heading straight for her and her head snapped up in an instant, spreading her wings and taking flight into air as quickly as she could.

    It was dark around her and she could see the water rushing past where she had once been without regard to whom had previously occupied the space. Her heart was racing and she was having a difficult time staying airborne with the water pelting against her wings.

    And thus she screamed in fury and defeat, seeing the ground beneath her succumbed to the mighty river beneath her- how could she have missed it?! Everything was collapsing around her at once, and lightning was striking trees in the distance.

    Then she saw it, and at first she thought she was having jungle hallucinations. In the distance, not far from where she flew... was what appeared to be a stone structure covered in vegetation, as though the forest had claimed it for its own. She wondered if perhaps it was in the path of flood waters, but there was only one way to find out- and that was to seek the structure.

    The journey was treacherous- lightning was coursing through the sky and her wings were heavy with water. She knew with everything in her that she had to reach the structure, whether it was still in use or not- for nothing she flew over showed promise in sheltering her from the storm and she still had many hours until morning light. Finally, though... after what seemed like an eternity to Ocella, she stood at the forest's edge surrounding the structure, observing it- trying to identify if anyone, or anything, was inhabiting it.

    As the storm howled and tore about the lonely stone walls of the old Amazon Mystic's base a single figure stirred from under a small mound of blankets. His body looked to be that of a young man in his prime, but his hair and eyes showed him to be much, much, older. He was a being as old if not older than the deepest, darkest parts of the Amazon.

    This is Master Hillard Redscar, the first and only Body Mystic that has ever existed. He a hails from a now extinct race of pure men. Sound in mind, body, and spirit, warriors through and through and once bound by a moral code thicker than that of the Knights of old. Through the eons they either died or integrated into the lesser races of men, Master Redscar would've gone with him had he not been blessed with the immortality of being the wielder of The Protector Armor. A magical suit of plate mail even more ancient than it's master, created by the Gods themselves. It, along with the Aegis shield are kept locked away, as a gloried crypt keeper with the invincibility of Body magic all he's ever needed to fight were the occasional grave robber or malcontent supernatural creature looking for some plunder.

    Easy pickings for even Neophyte warriors and no reason to waste the energy pulling out two items made by Gods to fight Gods. Tonight though, something alerted the old man's Body Sense power. It was a living body, but this one had a power Hillard hadn't come across in nearly 500 years. This person was a slumbering Mystic. Grabbing his cloak and sword the old man exited the warm magically altered confines of the Amazon Base. Passing the statue of another one of a kind Mystic, Master Marzarex the one and only Sound Mystic, Hillard vanished into the trees and began tracking the young girl through the stormy night.

    He found the girl floundering through the rainy sky, she was part angel but she didn't have the feel of the usual Elements Angels get assigned she didn't have the glow of Light or the creeping caution of Dark. This girl was a Nature Mystic, what a novelty in the eyes of the old man. Curious he followed her choppy decent to the front gates of the old base. Crouching in the trees above her Master Redscar decided to test the girl, he couldn't allow any dark aligned Mystic to enter the Amazon Base she he must make sure she was on the good side. He let out an almost mad laugh and shouted down from his hiding spot in the trees.
    "What do we have here hmm? Someone so lost she knows not who she is? Well lucky for her I know what she should know."

    After Ocella had stood there for several moments, crouched behind a tree in observance, she was about to step forward when something startled her more than the storm itself had. She heard an utterly mad laugh, and had it not been for the voice that spoke after she might have assumed it belonged to that of a wild animal, perhaps an owl- but it was the voice whom solidified that she was being watched.

    She jumped in fright, backing away from the sound as she tried to look and see where the voice was coming from... but with no avail as rain fell upon her and blurred her vision. She felt as though she were a sitting duck and it made her very, very nervous. There weren't many people in the Amazon forest, primarily native peoples- and she had yet to interact with any, though she wondered if she had accidentally stumbled upon a tribe... which could mean trouble for her.

    Still, she listened to his words carefully, knowing that her responses could save her life. "How is it that you know who I am, when you claim that even I do not?" she asked the figure, shielding her eyes from the rain in an attempt to find where he was hiding- still yet with no success.

    A second bout of mad laughter littered down to the young girl cowering in the mud and grass.
    "Because I know what she'll know soon enough. She is very important to the future, but first she must learn who she is and where she falls." He bounces to a lower branch to get a better look at the dirty girl. Young, blonde, and fit looking good start, she didn't exude any kind of evil power and she was too inexperienced to be hiding her evilness.

    She would be questioned some more.
    "So what does she think she is and where does she think she falls?"

    Ocella was entirely confused, it was as though he were speaking in riddles to her- and for all she knew, he could have been some mad old coot who lived in the rainforest and had rainforest dementia. It was entirely possible, but regardless as to whether or not it was true- she didn't know what his intentions were or what he would do if she tried to run, so she listened closely to what he said.

    He mentioned something about her being important to the future- and she tried to find him, to see him but failed yet again. Instead, she gave up trying to hide and trying to find him and leaned against a tree, water soaking her from head to toe. She looked exhausted, and she was- but she wasn't going to fear him, rather instead what would happen if she didn't find shelter soon enough. If he was going to harm her- there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was defenseless, minus her flight, but he seemed to be a master of the trees and that would do her little good.

    "Important to the future?" she asked, curious by his words. "I know who I am- it's why I'm here. Well... not here, at this structure... but in the forest. And what do you mean, where I fall?" she asked the man, looking around her surroundings and taking in everything she could- trying to devise an escape plan if needed.

    He'd already caught her in her angelic form, there was no denying her heritage. "I'm a half angel, if you must inquire. And about three hours ago, I fell into a tree branch if you're going to be so vague. Now the questions fall to you- who, and where, are you?" she asked, wondering if he would answer her questions as she was his.

    Deeply amused at the girl Hillard decided to introduce himself. Dropping from his perch he landed a foot from the girl bowing lightly to her pulling his old hood back. For the first time he showed himself as the long haired, long bearded old man, he was.
    "I am Master Hillard Redscar and you look tired. Come we'll see just which way to fall, because only those who fall right can enter here." He let out another series of mad laughs and led the girl past the fierce Dragon statue and into the Amazon Base.

    Ocella watched, an anxious expression on her face as he finally revealed himself, landing only a foot away from her with ease. He was a peculiar person... he appeared young, yet his eyes and his hair suggested otherwise. She couldn't explain it, yet she wondered if it was because he lived in the Amazon. He introduced himself, and beckoned her inside- but she was entirely hesitant to go anywhere with him.

    Still, she was tired... and she was weak. She was cold and shivering, her body was soaking wet and her clothes had nearly been reduced to rags. What other choice did she have? To die by the very thing she loved, wanted to protect and to learn from? Neither scenario was ideal, but... maybe, just maybe... she could get inside long enough for her to recover and to escape. On their way inside, the two passed a large and intimidating dragon statue that was covered in vegetation along with the rest of the structure. She made note to ask him of it later, if he didn't turn out to be some sort of killer who ate his victims to leave no trace behind.

    'Oh mom and dad... I'm so sorry,' she thought as she entered the building, closing her eyes for a moment, her mind filled with fear and worry- wondering if she could trust him, wondering what he was going to do next. The inside was warm, but she could barely feel the heat from the room for she was shaking far too much, the rain soaking her core. "Do... do you have a towel I may use to dry off with, Master Redscar?" she asked, her voice hopeful. She figured if she were entirely polite and called him as he introduced himself, he might be willing to oblige with her request and that less likely to kill her.

    The old man hmmed still deeply amused and nodded tripping a hidden rune that activated the interior wards of the old base turning the lights on and filling the room with warm light and heat.
    'Hmm yes, you can have your own bathroom and free bed if you so wish. Might even be some clothes left from the last residents." Another merrily mad laugh and he pointed the girl to the room just off the main room they were currently in. She could find her way and he wanted to find some food for his first guest in nearly 500 years.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #17
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    It was a bit of a conundrum he was faced with, really. Breaking the wards around Auro had been easy enough with how they had worn down, but the challenge of actually breaking the dragon from his slumber was another task all on its own. But, it was something Darkholm would have surmount. His hands hovered over the sleeping form as he examined the spell and its components to discern how to unravel it. Auro had put himself under a complex spell, but that was expected. How else would he have remained in slumber all these long years?

    Darkholm could undo the spell. But that was no guarantee that, after so long, simply doing so would awaken him. Power radiated from Darkholm as he began to work, shadows lengthening as dark energy collected around the mage. Black mist swirled about the altar and a sound like cracking glass filled the air as the sleeping spell began to weaken. The spell came undone as the mist swirled about Auro, but Darkholm had not way to know how quickly the lingering effects would fade and when he would actually awaken.

    Darkholm had no real time to wait. But, he did know of someone with the particular skills to help things along. Getting in touch with him would be a small expenditure of energy, all things considered. Darkholm seated himself upon the stone floor and worked the necessary spell.

    His projection took shape within the CWDU building, though it was something only Crowe would be able to perceive. “Ready to bring proper anarchy and discord to the world?” Darkholm asked him. “I have a doorway to such a future for you. You can step through and really do some work. Or remain here and flail pointlessly at the systems of modernity.”

    A swirling portal opened next to Darkholm's projection, a window into the chamber showing Crowe the figure sleeping upon the slab. “He is the key to such a future. And I need your help to wake him up.”

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    The explosion was severe, gouts of shrapnel and flames in the building. Crowe laughed quietly as he felt the floor groan beneath him, threatening to plunge him down below. He had overplayed with the man, not planning such explosions, yet loving it all the more. The only risk now was falling to the lower floor from the ruined structure. Though that fear was short lived as the air shimmered, revealing a vaguely familiar face. The man had found him a while ago to discuss a plan to find a great evil to help ruin the world. Crowe had brushed him off as a silly fanatic.

    “Seems you can truly deliver.” Crowe said as the man gave his spiel again, though with a much different twist to it. With a nod to Jackie, he led them into the portal, feeling the sudden shift from the flames to silence. It was good to hear again, and not worry. It was time to finally drop the façade of him being a good man.

    “So, this is the great Auro?” Crowe asked rhetorically, ignoring Dakholm while walking up to the sleeping figure. It didn't boast the fear he expected, but the thrumming in the air spoke otherwise. He hardly stirred from his pedestal. The being was asleep, the scant traces of a sleep spell having just been broken. Yet still the darkness slept. It would not do to allow such a beast to rest while the world reveled in ignorant bliss.

    “He slumbers while the world thrives. I think it's time to show them what they have forgotten,” Crowe chided to Dakholm before resting his hands on Auros head,


    Power surged forth from Crowe, tendrils seeking into Auros mind. He felt through his mind, gathering what sensations and emotions that rested inside. A simple one to get, that he himself could make. His thumb pressed gently on his ear, creating that tiny bit of unease, of confusion, a feeling of being disturbed. Three coins now pressed onto Auros forehead while Crowe backed away, keeping ahold of that emotion.

    Now clear from the range, Crowe began. Magic pooled out of Crowe while fueling the emotion to the extreme. The air began to waver and grow heavy above Auro, thin black strands flowing through the coins. They wrapped around the slumbering figure, seeping into his flesh, spreading that disturbance through him, to stir the great beast from his sleep.

    “It would be wise to call Roderick it you can. In case this ends badly for us.” Crowe spoke, knowing well that this could end with both of them dead.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

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    Co-Op between Sikstaslathalin, Panda_Frog,and RisingPhoenix

    His first set of business was to check on the Amazon Base that had been left in the capable hands of his dear friend and former master, Hillard. The old man was wise even if he laughed like a madman. Dorian knew when it came to it Hillard’s abilities were great and could help in the upcoming war if the man was ready for such a difficult task. Dorian could not interfere in the matters of the war. He could recruit, he could train, but he could not fight. It put him in a position to rely on others. The Rules of Existence were placed for a reason, it was the reason the Universe sustained for so long. For now, he had to find the new recruits and train them to save their own futures. The lightning coursed through the clouds above the base and with an intensity unmatched, lightning flew down from the charcoal colored sky, striking in front of the statue of Marzarex. Dorian now stood in the midst of the settling debris. His senses instantly went on alert. He could feel one of them. How lucky was it for him to have located one so soon? Hillard’s presence was a constant beacon here, but this new presence was quite angelic in nature.

    His attention settled on the statue and he sighed. Placing a firm hand on the base, he closed his eyes.

    “Had it not been for you master, we wouldn’t be here today. Thank you Rex,” Dorian said softly as he made his way into the base. It was easy to find Hillard, he was busy in the kitchen.

    “Hillard, old friend, I see you’ve kept this place in pristine condition.”

    Hillard was busily gathering up food and drink for him and his guest when he felt a familiar and powerful presence enter the Base’s perimeter. Moving towards the door he smiled broadly and opened his arms to Dorian letting out another mad cackle.
    “Well, well young master does my heart good to see such an exalted presence at my door.” He hugged the Overseer firmly hearing the man’s back pop lightly. “And it’s more thanks to your magic than me, I just keep the bugs out.”

    The larger male still had the strength of ten as Dorian felt his body lift and his back pop. He had been trying to pop that spot for the longest time, and would have to remember to thank Hillard later after all matters were discussed. After being released, Dorian smiled and chuckled warmly at Hillard’s comment.

    “Thank you, and I wish this were a leisure visit, but I’m afraid I’m on business,” Dorian said realizing how much of a party pooper he was being. “The one who is here with you, you already know just as well as I. Have you sensed it yet? Do you remember Auro?”

    Hillard’s cheerful face instantly darkened at the mention of the hated lizard’s name. His fist’s clenched and an audible pop could be heard going up his entire arm.
    “I was hoping it was just a nightmare, but sadly yes. I also saw a black comet move across the sky heading towards the East. What could that mean?”

    “Black comet?” Dorian replied not understanding what it meant, but knew it had significance to the visions he was having. There was something coming. Auro may be just the catalyst to get things started. “I’m afraid Auro is being set free. This world is not ready for such a monster, and that girl and the others are key to defeating him. If you say you saw a black comet then I need to take my leave immediately. Please, take the girl to the Blackbrick Academy. She will learn all she needs to know there, for now I must take my leave.”

    Dorian rested a firm hand on Hillard’s shoulder and walked towards the door. When the door opened for him, he turned and looked at Hillard, “it may be time for you to dorn that which you put away so long ago Hillard. Farewell.”

    With that Dorian was gone, he needed to speak with Marzarex and Galez. There was something too familiar about a black comet, but he couldn’t quite place it. He remembered speaking with the Ancients about prophecy, but he was having a hard time bringing it back to his remembrance.

    Outside in the rainforest, he found a clearing and sat down. The rain pelted all around him, but avoided him as the wind had avoided Mistress Nya.

    “King Roanoke, I seek the guidance of Marzarex and Galez. I ask permission for their presence,” he prayed.

    Hillard nodded watching Dorian leave his breath coming out in slow controlled puffs. This was some of the worst news he’s heard in a good few centuries. The previous baddies the other Mystics fought were tough...but they were children compared to Auro. A Dragon wrapped by who knows what and given tremendous power and the cruel mind to wield them at their fullest.

    He knew of Blackbrick Academy, but the storm out would make travel impossible tonight. He would try to calm the young Mystic in his care and begin planning for the journey, it has been a very long time since Hillard has left the Base.

    As Dorian prayed to Roanoke the air around the Overseer rippled gently and the astral projection of the Dragon King appeared. Dressed in diamond plated armor and with a long gray beard finely trimmed and with faint silver braids twining it. Very rarely did he awaken and answer anyone directly trying to contact him. But recent events have stirred his consciousness and Dorian was a noble and just heart.

    The monarch nodded to Dorian a faint smile on his lips.
    “As you wish young sir, but keep it as brief as you can. Souls that have earned their right into Drago’s Kingdom can only stand to be parted from it for so long.” The King nodded once more and waves his glistening hand towards the skies. The King’s image fades and is soon replaced by those of High Elder Galez and Master Marzarex looking just as they did the last time Dorian saw them alive. Galez was tall and strong, but wizened and dressed in his black armor. Marzarex was in his Master Mystic form, the ethereal Dragon of Sound. They both smiled, but Galez spoke.
    “It is good to see you young Dragon, what brings you to call upon us?”

    It was good to see King Roanoke, the King of all Dragons. Dorian admired the pure strength the Ancient held. In his kneeling position, he dared not look directly at Roanoke, but he instead focused on the ground in front of him, thanking King Roanoke for granting his wish and only looking up when Marzarex and Galez were in front of him.

    “Masters,” he said softly with a smile on his face, “I will keep this as short as possible. Forgive me for pulling you from your eternal rest, but I need to know. What do you know of the black comet?”

    As Dorian asked the smiles ran from the old Dragons’ faces. This couldn’t be real, such a thing could never happen. But as they studied the young man’s feature they saw this was no jest. Galez seemed to be struck mute at this news, but Rex spoke for the both of them.
    “It means the end is nigh young one, the apocalypse is upon us. Dorian you must act quickly! The force that is about to be awakened is like nothing any of us have faced, I dare say even the Ancients could scarce imagine it.”

    Galaez found his tongue again and nodded.
    “Quite possible, listen closely Dorian. We have sensed the awakening of the new Mystics, gather them quickly and train them in secrecy. Evil has many eyes and ears, and you will need every element of surprise to survive the first few days. This new evil will even have spies in the very ranks of the Dragon councils.”

    Dorian’s eyes widened as he listened attentively to both Marzarex and Galez. His visions had been right, but they had taken him in various directions. As he listened, his mind began to piece together what was going on. He had a limited knowledge of the Dragon Lore, aside from the parcels within the vast library in the realm of the gods, the only other knowledge would be the great King and Queen of Creation, and none of the Ancients bothered the creators with whimsical requests. Dorian lowered his head.

    “All will not be lost. Darkness has a way of returning even in the midst of peace, but the spirit of mortals has a way of fighting back. I have hope in the warriors of old and new.”

    The Elder Dragons nodded slowly. Galez continued speaking.
    “Do not lose that wisdom young Dorian you will need every ounce of it to save not only the mortal world, but all of existence. Even the Mystic’s Gods of creation will be threatened if what that comet is foretelling isn’t stopped, but sadly we can only tell you so much in the way of combatting it.” He sighed heavily looking at Marzarex who nodded solemnly. We must speak with Drago directly, only he can give us further guidance. While appearing in the waking world is draining for us we will meet you in your dreams once we have something to tell you dreamwalking is far less of a strain and you need not call upon his majesty to contact us...he will have his hands full in the coming months.”

    Dorian, with his mind processing all the information he was receiving, looked into the sky as the clouds seemed to grow angry. Signs of trouble ahead. He took note of this and understood that something bad was on the horizon.

    “Thank you for your information Master Rex and Elder Galez, it means more than you know. I hope Selene and Fria are well,” Dorian said still kneeling, “but rest easy, I will await any further news in the realm of dreams.”

    The mention of their loves brought momentary smiles back to the grim Elders’ faces before they began to shimmer and vanish. Rex answered for them both.
    “They fair well, and are probably missing us by now. Take care of the ones you love Dorian farewell.” With that the High Elder and Master vanished back into Drago’s Eye leaving Dorian alone with his thoughts.

    He stood to his feet as the two began to vanish and a slight bit of hope glimmered in Dorian’s eyes as he watched them return to the realm of the Dragons.

    “Peace be with you both,” Dorian said as he held his hand out with his palm extended to the sky. Closing his eyes, he felt the magic of old creep into his veins.

    “All who served to protect this world, I need you now once more. Here the call of the Mystics. Meet at the BlackBrick Academy.”

    The signal burst from his hand entering the atmosphere and fracturing heading to all the old mystics who were still alive. Dorian turned towards the base and smile. The girl was in good hands with Hillard. In the meantime he needed to focus on gathering new warriors of peace.

    “Reveal them to me,” he uttered softly waving his hand in front of him. Almost instantly a view of each of the new mystics appeared before him. The first that came across the image was a monk, but there was something odd about him, he exuded energy from the spirit realm, and Dorian could sense the dragon within him. “A spirit dragon? I’ve not seen one of those in quite some time.” The image changed and two humans appeared, one a girl and one a male. The male a hot head while the girl quite interesting indeed. Then it shifted to another, the half angel that Hillard had encountered. Then another flashed before him. This one was another dragon, a sunbeam dragon if he remembered correctly. She was a tough one so it seemed. Her image lasted for a brief moment before being replaced by three young men, one of which just happened to be another dragon.

    “King Roanoke would be happy to know his children would be involved once more in saving the world.”

    Without another word Dorian was gone, heading to find the first of the teenagers, the one known as Joshua.

    The wind was light and soothing around two figures as they stood, feet bare, upon the softest sands they had encountered yet. For the past few months, while Kurama and Kiran had been busy running an empire, Halley had taken Hanah traveling through much of the world to further both of their educations. Specifically, they sought after ancient texts from around the world and languages neither of them had heard of before. Of course, in their down time a little rest and relaxation was in order- which was often in the form of a beach outing or a camping trip between the two. Surprisingly, Hanah was the better fire-maker.

    Suddenly, Halley heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in quite some time. Hanah heard the voice too and looked instantly to her mother, both a look of worry on her face and a look of excitement on her face. “UNCLE DORIAN!” she shouted, jumping up and down instantly. She was expressing that which Halley was not- for she too was happy to hear from Dorian, but the two girls knew he wasn’t reaching out to catch up on old times. She knew that if they had heard the call, Kurama and Kiran would have as well.

    Racing up the sandy shoreline, Halley and Hanah quickly grabbed their shoes before holding hands and departing. With the speed of light, both mother and daughter appeared at the gates of BlackBrick Academy.


    Auro’s eyes flung open and a roar erupted from his throat as he sat up straight into a position no mortal could ever hope to achieve. Power erupted with his motion sending both men to the rocky wall, pinned there until the power subsided. Auro looked around the room, his eyes taking in the sight before him.

    “WHO DARE AWAKEN ME?” he questioned floating off of the pedestal, his feet never touching the ground. “A demon and warlock?” Auro questioned his voice weak but still full of power. He let out a loud laugh before coughing softly. “Tell me you two, what brings you to awaken me?”
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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    The silence of the forest was broken by the screams of the two men, as they were running away from the monster they had challenged. They were ducking through the trees running as fast as they could to try and put as much distance between them and Etrama.

    “What in the hell it that thing? It can’t be human!”

    “What is something like that doing out here in the boondock!?

    Both men were scared to death as they continued to run, but it was all for naught. Etrama was right on their tails, and even decided to use one of his spirits that control shadows to help him in his endeavor. He used his power to pull one of the soul that he has enslaved form an object he had in his possession, and fused the soul with himself. Once the soul resided within him, he quickly ran into a trees shadow and disappeared. He was moving from shadow to shadow to get ahead of the two men.

    He appeared out of the shadows in front of the men, and they stopped running for just an instant, and that was their undoing. The shadows at their feet shot up wrapping themselves around the two men, and then they were pulled to the trunk of the tree behind them. One for each tree.

    Etrama slowly walked over to one of the men with a menacing smile on his face. He had a question that he wanted answered, and he figured his new ‘Toy’s’ might be able to give him the answer that he wanted. Although that would make this all to quick and he wanted to make them suffer and see that they have no choice but to answer his questions.

    Both of the men were scared and fought against their bonds. With fear in their eyes as they watched the man smile and begin walking over to them. Neither of them knew what was going to happen next, but they did know one thing. They should have just left this thing alone.

    “What do you want monster? One of the men said as he resigned himself to his fate, and built enough courage to confront the man. He friend was still scared shitless, and was unable to speak, and that was the man that Etrama was approaching.

    “Well looks like you have finally realized the predicament that you are in. So I will make this short and sweet for you at least, but this man here is not going to be so lucky.” Etrama said as he pulled one of his daggers from their sheath on his calf’s. He had his clothing hiding the daggers as he was meditating so no one would be able to see them until it was too late. Let alone not many people keep their weapons in such a place.

    He took the dagger and ran it across the man’s chest cutting deeply into his flesh. The man broke out in a scream as the blade did its work. His friend pulled against his bonds. “Get away from him you monster!” He screamed at Etrama as he tried to get the man attention. Which worked.

    Looking over at the helpless man who seemed to be loyal to the creature he was cutting he just looked at him, as he pulled his second dagger. “If you want me to stop. Then you better answer my question….” But before he could ask them anything a surge of dark energy filled the air, and caught his attention. Looking in the direction his eyes narrowed. It seemed there is more than one person that has now held his attention. This was an ancient power that had just awakened, and now he knew where to go.

    “Well it seems you two are off the hook.” Etrama said with a bored tone to his voice as he placed his clean dagger back into its sheath. He wasn’t going to let the men go, but he wanted them to think so. “Return to where you belong.” He said as both of the men got a relived look on their faces, but this wouldn’t last long. Etrama stabbed the firs man in the chest with his second dagger, and as he pulled out the blade the man’s lungs were filling with blood. He instantly began to struggle once more as he tried in vain to breath. Once he was done their he moved to his other victim. “Enjoy the afterlife.” He said as he sliced the man’s throat from ear to ear.

    He watched as the life drained from the man’s face, and the gurgling as he tried to breath. He then free the two men form the shadows, and disappeared into them once more. He only had a short amount of time left before he would be walking the rest of the way to where ever this energy was coming from, and he needed to cover as much distance as he could.

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