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Thread: 「R」 【S T R A N D E D】 「IC」

  1. #11
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    "Hey, what 'bout we do the smart thing and take shelter over here?" she heard, and she couldn't help but nod in agreement. A sheepish grin crossed her features quickly, and then faded to just a simple smile. No one can see your nodding, silly, she thought to herself.

    "Yeah, I like that idea. I'm with you. Shelter" she replied with smile in the other girl's direction, stepping a bit closer. Her fingers absently reaching up to rub her temples, "My head is splitting too" she muttered noticing that the guy that had started the conversation was also rubbing his head as well.

    "I'd rather not be zapped by whatever is causing that lighting show" she lifted her chin in the direction. Thinking that it looked just a looked a little too odd, the colors weren't quite right for lighting. Since she still wasn't sure exactly where she was? she decided to let it go for now. Something to be figured out later, when she could think.

    "I'm going... anyone else?" she said and started heading that way.
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    Reaching the others, Erick tried to find the words to speak, but gave up after a few seconds and just nodded them a greeting. He didn't know what he was supposed to say in a situation like this. They were all shipwrecked together. They needed to survive somehow. That was pretty blatant to him, and it was nothing he really needed to comment on.

    Instead, he directed his attention to the sky, and all the commotion it was carrying. He had no idea whether this sort of weather was common or not, but either way, it spelled out bad news for them if they were hoping to live through this experience. Biting his lip, he scanned the terrain once more before turning to the lighthouse. It looked good enough to him. Who knew what would be waiting for them in the dense forest if they took up shelter there? Besides, the waves were bound to rise up pretty high in a storm like this, and there was no way to tell how far inland they should go until they were safe. Lighthouses were supposed to be built for this sort of weather right? Right.

    "There don't seem to be any better options," he agreed with the two women who had come to the same conclusion. So he followed in suit.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
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    The man who spoke had a strange accent to his voice, along with the lady who spoke with a southern? accent. She spoke with a drawl. The lightning flashed around them and Nathaniel let out a low whistle; a sense of foreboding filled him.

    "I will" Nathaniel's reply came quickly and he followed after the girl. His pace eventually overtook hers, and he reached the lighthouse a little faster than the others. Its chilly out here, he thought, as the wind blowing on his damp skin was not helping with his temperature. He waited at the entrance of the lighthouse as he glanced up and shuddered. Lighthouses always creep me out.. at least this one does "It looks old" he said to no one in particular, and tried his best to peer inside through the door. "Like rapunzel's tower or something..." The door creaked as he opened it slowly, but did not enter the lighthouse. It would be rude of him to enter first. "Wonder if anyone lives here...." he muttered to himself, as he glanced around the room.

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    You all depart for the lighthouse, the faint sound of rumbling growing louder and louder as you creep upon the front door. There, at the front door, (if one would be paying any attention) something was etched onto the door's wooden surface. The etching was incomprehensible, but you could feel that it meant something rather dangerous and unsettling. That aside, you enter the lighthouse with all of you packing into the first floor.

    The first floor is relatively large, completing to that of your normal living room of a two story house. The first floor was riddled with dead leaves, which to some of you may be alarming as that could mean the door was previously open and had allowed leaves from the trees a few dozen yards back in. However, that was not even the height of your venture into the first floor. Upon seeing the first floor, after noticing the dead leaves riddled about the concrete floor, you notice that there sat a desk with some items laid carefully upon its top. These items include: a portrait of Nathaniel and Charles holding a large bass, some crusty lipstick, and a proposal ring.

    These three items correlated with three of the members of this party, but some of you aren't sure what the latter two items mean in essence with the rest of you. You assume, just by observing the photo (if you decide to) Nathaniel would have no recollection of this photo being taken. Preferably none of you even remember meeting each other. Some of you may have assumed you were all going to same place, thus you connected the boat with them. But other than that assumption you really can't make heads or tails of these items.

    With those items aside, there are a few other objects pushed up against the concrete walls of the lighthouse. A small bed was tucked under the staircase to your right. The bed seemed to have some wear and tear to it, but it was relatively usable nonetheless. A stained, burned, and torn map of the island is pinned to a billboard that's just off to your right. Only a corner of the map is visible from what you can gather. And, if you decide to look closer, you can see that the piece of the map is displaying the lighthouse and about five hundred to a thousand yards in all directions. Groups of trees were drawn onto it, and then the ocean could be seen as well. But, that's all you can get from the map. The rest of the map seems to have been ripped from the billboard.

    You have been gifted with more choices:

    You can ascend the staircase to Floor 2
    You can examine the bed closer
    Optional choice: Lay down upon bed (1 person bed)
    You can examine the piece of the map that displays the lighthouse and the area around it.
    You can examine the items on the desk.
    You can examine the floor a little more to find additional objects or items.


    ≪Charlotte Martyn≫

    With all your struggling, and ramblings, you break free from your bindings. However, the noise you had made had caused a great echo to reverberate throughout the entire "structure". With that apparent, you come to realize that you are, in fact, in a building. The building, using your deductive reasoning, is some sort of hospital containing abandoned rooms with dark markings upon its walls. You can't see the markings, under the low-light conditions, but you can assume that those markings were not of the pleasant kind. Thus, you make it a mental note to get out of this place as soon as physically possible. But a sound gives off a rolling grumble as though the skies above were mumbling to you.

    There, in the distance, strange lightning flashed just beyond the horizon (with winds picking up greatly). Trees, being lit up by the lightning, would reveal a forest and then a long stretch of forest. The windows, of which there were none, revealed several floors of the decayed building. You can see, through the flashes of lightning that are giving off quite a light show, that some of the parts of the building have fallen from their origin. This could mean that you could be subject to architectural failure, and thus you make this a mental note as well.

    You begin to move, knowing you don't want to be here any longer, but as you begin to move towards the nearest exit something scratches at your subconscious. An innate urge to run. You aren't sure what you could be hearing, as you were hearing something dripping to the floor from above. A fear, unlike anything you've known before, creeps upon you as you slowly inch your way towards the exit. You want to run─no you NEED to run. However, the feeling of being catatonic slowly creeps up on you as the fear begins to overwhelm you.

    You have been cursed with more choices:

    Go catatonic because of the immense fear hanging over you
    Look behind you (Will be hindered due to low-light conditions and the flashing of the lightning)
    Run (No looking back, just run)

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    There was small conversation, and one of the women even said that her head hurt too. He wanted to make a comment, but others had hopped in with their opinions and so he stood silent for another second or two. It looked like they were going to head in.

    The choice had been made to enter into the lighthouse for safe keeping. Azriel preferred this over anything else because it meant he got to be warm.

    Naturally, being from a warm place, he didn't like the cold. He had experienced a fair share of storms, but that did not make him any more susceptible to liking those conditions. He hardly had time to pay attention to the enscription on the door before he pushed his way in. It wasn't much warmer, he realized. But at least he wasn't getting wet. And aside from that, there were odd things inside of the lighthouse.

    Though he could not make it out where he stood, he could see the bed and he could see items on some surface. But he didn't let his eyes linger on that for too long.

    He had noticed that there was a way to continue up the lighthouse. This made sense in his head because after all, someone had to change that big bulb somehow... At least he thought that's how lighthouses worked.

    And that almost gave him hope for a second. Yea people had to change those bulbs! Lighthouses were meant to help boats! So if the light was working, maybe that meant someone would be back to check on the lighthouse! And then they wouldn't be lost! But he certainly couldn't get his hopes up. Nor could he let himself be tempted by resting on the floor or the bed when there was still so much of this place left. What if there were somebody here? Or what if there was something useful here? Like a radio? Or... or... a raft? Azriel felt another frown cross his face. Goodness him, this day was certainly odd. But that didn't mean tomorrow would be bad!

    He just had to get through this day first! And to see what else the lighthouse had. So with a nod of his head and a silent decision on his part, Azriel decided to explore the second level of the lighthouse.
    Last edited by Kicks; 02-24-2016 at 02:01 AM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    "Helloooooo... Anybody home? We're in dire need of a phone... Mister?... Miss?..." It seemed as if the lighthouse was empty until she and her fellow cast aways put foot there.

    Yet some furniture was there, suggesting that either someone lived here or whoever live here is in dire need of a maid. There were some random stuff on the desk, nothing that would ring a bell to her except for a photo of Charles and one of her fellow cast aways.

    She looked at it then at Nathaniel "Hey you, uhh... what's-your-face, Do you know some dude called Charles Blake, from Georgia?" She asked to Nathan while showing him a photo, why it was in this godforsaken place was beyond her, but it seemed very Very Hominous to her.

    But then again the world was very small, right?

  7. #17
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    Once they approaching the lighthouse, Erick caught a glimpse of something on the door before the first person entered, and stepped to the side, holding it open while the others went in so he could take a closer look. He could tell it was an inscription, but whatever the message was supposed to be wasn't legible. Did that make this place old? For some reason, the longer he looked at it, the more uneasy he began to feel, and he suddenly wasn't too sure about how lucky they were to stumble across the structure... but it was better than getting caught in a storm where he knew chances of surviving were slim, so he walked in, deciding to just stay cautious for the moment.

    Once he was actually inside, it surprised him how "house-like" the place was. There were leaves scattered across the floor and a bed, which meant someone must have been living in here, but it was all so worn that just how long ago that was could be anybody's guess.

    One of the others heading upstairs tore his attention away from his observations, and he paused, glancing at the others in the room for a moment, before trailing up after them. No one had any idea what was in this place. Sure, he wanted to get a better look at the things on the first floor, but letting someone go off on their own would just be stupid. He'd let the others in the group look around down here and then ask them about it once he and the other guy got back. It would be awful to lose any more people after being shipwrecked.

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    Becky followed the others into the room, grateful to be out of the impending storm, for the time being. Running her fingers through her hair, she pulled out as many of the knots as possible with her fingers, and pulled her long locks into a quick knot at the nape of her neck, out of the way. She slipped out of her small jacket in an attempt to dry off a bit. Shaking it as much as she could in an attempt to get some of the excess water out of it. She wasn't too hopeful that it would be even worth the effort. Her t-shirt clung to her frame, plastered against her skin, the air instantly cooler now that she had removed the jacket. Looking around she didn't see anything to do with the jacket, other than to toss it on the bed, so she just hung onto it for now. Maybe it would dry.

    Inspecting their surrounds a bit more, her nose instantly crinkled at the dusty dry smell in the room. "phew!" she exclaimed "this place reeks. It's like no one's been here for awhile, huh" she said towards the others. Watching as one of their members moved to head upstairs, hopeful that maybe there was a phone or something up there, to help them out. Kicking her feet through the leaves on the floor, she doubted he would find a person in this place, if that's what he was thinking. It was obvious to her at the amount of debris hanging about, that no one had been here in this place, for awhile. At least in this room and since this seemed to be the only entrance? It was probably certain that they were the only people here.

    Never one to sit still, she moved about, kicking leaves as she went. This place certainly could use to be cleaned up, that was for sure. With her sneakers still squishy with water, she watched the leaves rustling along as he kicked them. The dust cloud that rose, instantly caused her to sneeze into the open air "ACHOOO"
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    Charlotte’s head turned toward the rumbling noises beyond the windowless walls of the building she was in and her brow furrowed – it sounded like a storm? That wasn’t good. She looked around and in the darkness was unable to find a door, so instead she inched along the wall she had found and smashed the chair against, and with her hands still behind her back, used them to feel her way around.

    The task and the rumbling, the darkness and the malevolent aura this place had were all making knots in her stomach, over and over themselves. She didn’t like it at all and she wanted to get out. Her teeth found her lower lip as she focused, gnawing, finally her shoulder bumped over something that proved to be a door frame when she grasped the door’s cold handle.

    “Finally,” she gasped and pulled it open, stumbling forward over her own feet some as she moved. Charlotte moved through the doorway and out into the hall, peering left and then right and glowering; the light conditions weren’t much improved and she could still hardly see. Charlotte’s heart hammered in her chest, the sound resonating in her ears and mixing with the rumbling of the storm to make everything even worse. There was a dripping that nagged at the corner of her attention, but she pressed back to one of the sides of the hallway and moved along the wall just as fast as she could manage.

    The fear was making acid and bubbles in her stomach, making her feel sick – if she had had anything to throw up, she very well might have, especially when the wall she was moving along crumbled and came to an end under her fingers. Charlotte recoiled away from the gaping maw of lack-of-hallway-and-floor very quickly, so much so that she threw herself to the ground in the process.

    “Crap… that was close!” She panted softly, then climbed to her feet and carefully peered toward the hole in the building, the strange storm’s lightening from some other structural failure giving her a view, making her groan inwardly. One of those bubbles from her stomach made her hiccup and she shut her eyes tight, pushing herself back against the wall again and heading in the other direction than she had been going before, faster.

    This direction proved to be more fruitful and after a few failed attempts, one of the doors she found and tried proved to be a staircase, which she descended carefully, one step at a time. Her balance was impaired with her arms bound behind her back, which paired with the darkness was why she didn’t move faster, like she wanted to, but she didn’t bother to look back and kept moving.

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    Nathaniel watched as everyone entered, and he entered last shutting the door behind him. Guess I might as well explore, his eyes flicked upwards, and in the dim lighting he noticed how much dust had accrued in the cracks and on the surfaces of the furniture; dust bunnies lay everywhere. The creak of the floorboards above him caught his attention and he saw two of the men go upstairs. He stood for a second unsure of the course of action to take: on one hand he wanted to investigate this mysterious building (which, he noted, had a strange inscription on the door), on the other he also felt that the group downstairs was now more of his responsibility. After mulling and thinking about the situation for a few seconds, his blue eyes glanced around at the group downstairs. They'll be fine. he thought, and quietly made his way toward the steps of the stairs and trailed after the other two quietly.

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