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Thread: (M) Rogue's Gallery IC

  1. #11
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    [This post should really be placed at the start of this meeting... I will add another post later, and by this time I will read everything else]

    She was the emblem of vanity and arrogance, craved from the stony pillars of expectations and laws that natured her birth and early life.

    She was whetted carefully to understand that beauty was not solely in the eye of the beholder, but also in their loins. And one could not hope to preserve himself or herself without proper dignity, courage and strong will, for without those testaments one would fall prey to scheming wolves and other hyenas scavengers looking for the benefits of the lions.

    But just like the scales of the court, one must be balanced, for without being careful, the tip of the edges may sway too much for peace to last. She learned it the hard way, having everything around her collapse into the earth and never be seen again.

    But as broken as she was when she fled for dear life, she still preserve her education, her art, her trade, her beauty, and her stones- the gems she learned to craft and wield for her power to grow, and it only made sense for personality to become like that of a cold pebble.

    She enjoyed good years so far, but gems were becoming more and more expensive, and with a good reason too. The fell of the stock of the capital Excelsior made incomes and trades suffer terribly, and with that the mining business nearly stopped altogether. obviously the market recovered eventually, like business tend to do, but it was still too little and almost too late, for the shops were filled with low quality decorations, and they cost more than what was considered reasonable.

    True, she didn't starve for bread, and while the scrolls she created for a hefty sum made good money, and her additional special benefits on the side did provided a much needed income, it was hard to find the right ingredients to empower her special powers, and an enchantress like Sheva needed the best of the best, and not poor excuses for stones that cost an arm and a leg.

    Luckily enough she was wise enough to save for cold days, and had a decent supply of needed gems, but finding a perfect trio matches was becoming harder and harder. And then, like a sign from heaven, even though she stopped believing in her higher watch ever since her great befalling, a lone paper reached her hands- a wanted ad.

    Were it any other situation she would have just dismiss this application, but the promise was not of money alone. The fact the guild master promised a very rare stones stroke her interest more than the promised of ancient relics or golden coins, because what would good apple be for someone without teeth. If the so called master of this guild was willing to spare jewelries from his collection, it meant that he must have his hands on other gems she could use herself, and if so she needed to get on his good and close side.

    The road was not long and she reached her destination after two days of riding. She wanted an humble entrance, but know her coming will draw more attention than needed. Even if she had hidden her beautiful face with a hood, the night breeze that followed in with her and slammed the doors opened would have created a scene regardless. So be it, at least she will play her role perfectly and won't budge from her frozen expression.

    As expected, pairs of eyes glared at her from any corner of the room, but she was unbothered. After all she made a profession out of being the star of the show, and if people did not notice her then it was all for nothing.

    She found a distant table and relocate herself to the far edge, in order to better grasp her surrounding and atmosphere, which seemed welcoming enough... Considering all the weird bunch that gathered at the room, and was expected as this flayer was not excluding people or... things...

  2. #12
    Krystalline Moon
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    The star filled sky along with the moon illuminated the path that was before Ashvel as he was finally returning to his home. Lucky the night was only beginning by the time he exited the forest next to the guild. He could hear the sounds of songs being played and the smell of the food was exquisite. Even though he doesn't have to eat food he still enjoys the taste. It was much better than the animal’s blood he usually feeds on. He doesn't like to feed on humans, or any of the other races in hopes that maybe one day they might find not all vampires are cold blooded creatures.

    Stopping his advancement right outside the tavern doors he just stood there for a moment. Preparing himself mentally for entering the guild. Having only been with the Rogue’s Gallery for a couple of months he has mostly kept to himself. Granted there was many different races inside of the great walls of the guild there was still some that didn’t have too much respect for his kind. He just kept to himself and stayed out of trouble. Since he knew there was even predigest inside of the guild.

    Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the doors and took his first steps into the building. Instantly he could feel eyes on him, and not all of them friendly. He was usually outgoing, but even he knew better than to be like that in a place like this. Quickly making his way to a table in the back of the room that was still empty he sat down and looked into the eyes of the people that were judging him.

    When one of the barmaid's came to his table, she flashed him a smile. “What would you like today?” She asked as remained kind to him. This woman was the only one that worked here that treated him like he was a normal person.

    Taking his eyes off the people in the tavern he looked up at the woman with a smile. “Just bring me the usual.” Ashvel replied as he pulled out some coin to pay for what he was going to be getting. As she smiled and left the table a couple of the patterns that were not too pleased with him being there approached his table slamming their pints on the table. The men were on each side of the vampire with anger in their eyes and venom on their tongue.

    “Why would they be serving a thing like you?”

    “Yea, shouldn’t you go piss of with your own kind?”

    “Well maybe this little piss is lost, and needs to be thought that places like this are for the living?”

    Ashvel just closed his eyes and didn’t respond to the taunts of the drunks. If he stooped to their level, he would be no better than them, and the last thing he wanted to do was start a fight.

    “Maybe it needs to be burned at the steak, or better yet throw some holy water on it.”

    “Nah that would be a waste of time. Tie it to a pillar and let the sun do is job. Things like it are nothing but an abomination and shouldn't be allowed in civilized locations.”

    Ashvel just shook his head as he refused to be railed up. Though he wasn't going to take the verbal abuse without at least saying something. “Every race in this world has the right to live. Not all of us hunt human and other races. So, please return to your drinking and leave me be.” He said as the woman returned with a chicken breast coated in a apricot sauce. Along with a mug of beer.

    The two men weren't a bit happy with what the Vampire said and grabbed the beer, and poured it all over his head, and pushed the food to the floor. One of the men grabbed Ashvel and lifted him off the seat holding him by the scruff of his shirt.

    “You better get out of here before you see what happens to a mouthy little shit like yourself.” the man said as he then threw the Vampire to the floor. The two men were making a ruckus and drawing the attention of some of the other people in the tavern. Ashvel picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself off just as one of the men swung at him connecting with his jaw and sending him back to the floor.

    “Are you thinking of leaving now you piece of shit.” The mas said as he kicked the Vampire in the ribs multiply times. He knew that there were more than his guild mates in this building, but he came in anyway knowing good and well he might have to deal with something like this.

  3. #13
    Crimson Casanova
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    Bigwit's impish grin only broadened when Merry Grasshopper happily joined in for the drink. Many members of Rogue's Gallery were intimidated by the tall woman. She was a massive powerhouse and there were several stories about her skirmishes in the frontlines of battle. However, Bigwit - the ever-curious creature he was - struck up a conversation with her several months ago. She seemed all too welcome for a friendly face, and the two of them became closer companions ever since.

    The snow elf bent lower to be on the same level as the goblin, which Bigwit always appreciated the courtesy. He can't complain about the view either, but the Valkyrie saw right through the imp and pulled up her tonic. Bigwit's yellow eyes twinkled with a little bit of mischief before they returned to Raenisa's elven orbs. The goblin made another 'cheers' motion before taking several gulps of his alcohol. Despite his size, he certainly knew how to open his lungs and downed the entire beer in a few seconds. "Ah, Bigwit needed that... and Bigwit is enthusiastically happy to hear that you are doing well, Merry Grasshopper!" He nodded his head rapidly to her, strongly reaffirming his statement.

    "And yeah, Bigwit hasn't had a good thrashing in a while, too," the green gremlin casually gazed around the room and the several patrons... which included many beautiful women... before his eyes returned to the one before him. "But a different type of thrashing," he winks at the lovely lady before him. The goblin had a reputation in the guild for being a notorious flirt. Whether or not he was successful with his advances as a small goblin, he'll let the rumors speak about his bedroom misadventures.

    Suddenly, Bigwit's ears perked up and he began to hear a commotion near the bar counter he just left. He glanced over and saw two men confronting a vampire. Bigwit recognized that the cursed member was a relatively new recruit of the guild. The goblin didn't personally have a chance to socialize with the white-haired vampire, but he could tell by the undead's demeanor that he did not wished to fight. Bigwit's happy-go-lucky smile immediately disappeared, which is a rare sight.

    As a small and unsightly goblin, Bigwit has experienced the ire of prejudice several times. He hated to see such despicable acts with a passion. The hand around his glass pint tightened with tension, before he just purely reacted by throwing the empty glass at one of the men. It shattered against side of a guy's face, the one kicking the vampire on the ground. He screeched from the pain and held up a hand to cover up the fresh gashes and blood dripping down.

    His companion wildly turned around and faced the perpetrator. Bigwit stared down at both of them with anger, his orange eyes blazing with a quiet anger. "Bigwit politely suggests you filthy slugs leave," he spoke up, but still settled in his seat. "Otherwise, my companion here will tear off your nutsacks," he motioned to his friend, Nisa. Like mentioned earlier, several members of the guild were intimidated by the powerful warrior.

    "Or better yet, Bigwill can summon a demon to devour your soul in your sleep." He said that with a completely stoic expression, but his words expressed deadly intent. Could Bigwit actually summon a demon? Of course not! But Bigwit has overcame many obstacles and avoided many fights with his quick wit and ability to bluff on-the-spot.

    The second man stood there, clearly hesitant to do anything. Bigwit could recognize the caution in the man's eyes. After all, there were also several rumors of circulating around Bigwit's capability with shadow magic. The goblin noticed some stirring in the room, and his eyes caught a hooded figure making their way towards the confrontation. Bigwit sniffed with his nose, identifying the decomposed smell of skin.

    "In fact, one may be here, right now," Bigwit stated darkly with a devious smirk.

    "Bloody fuckin' goblin!" Even though the second man was about to shit in his pants, the first man with the bloodied face was too beyond pissed and charged straight at the goblin.
    Last edited by RedKayne; 11-30-2018 at 01:53 AM.

  4. #14
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    Vel had quietly finished her meal, wiped her mouth and pushed the plate aside before pulling her scarf over her face once more. She shifted her seat to take a look around the common room, taking in the movements and commotions that were common place here. people stumbling about, people slumped in their chairs, people talking and laughing and some even singing, barmaids bustled from table to table and just general life taking place. something she couldn't help but envy because even though she was a part of it she felt so far removed from it.

    Her eyes caught a white haired fellow make his way inside, he was a relatively new face but he'd been here about as long as she had give a month or two. He made his way over to the bar and went about getting some food. If she remembered correctly he was a vampire, the closest thing here that was kin to herself. But he walked around so openly people were of coarse drawn to him... especially those people who hated his kind. Vel watched silently as two men strode up to the vampire. Through the Din of the common room she couldn't make out their voices very well from the other's she was far across the room.

    Vel found herself standing as the men took the vampires food and pushed it onto the floor, dumping his drink over the man's head and knocked him to the ground. She started across the room, her steps not skirting around the outer edge as she usually wold. Vel might be a shy one and avoid mingling as much as she could, but this was one of her guild mates, new yes, but still a guild mate. The room seemed to quite, only by those who had noticed the Goblins actions and the wail of the injured man. Banter still on around the common room for those who hadn't noticed the commotion yet.

    Vel stepped between the charging man and the Goblin he made an attempt to knock her out of the way in his rush but Vel's hand took hold of his out reached hand and used his own momentum to pull him over her shoulder and down on top of the table of goblin and the snow elf were seated at effectively cracking the table in two and sending the man into a heap of wood splinters. The loud crash that came with the collision silenced the room drawing any eyes that hadn't already taken noticed the commotion to the source of the sound as Vel pulled herself back to her full five and a half foot height towering over the man as she stared down at him from under her hood.
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  5. #15
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    Tristifer stopped eating and pointed at the guild master as the man sent a server to clean up after the ocecat. Pointing his fork at the old man the archer declared, “Double Standard.” Through a mouth full of food. Returning his attention to his meal Tris, like Dagur, knew that the old man would have done the same for every member of the Gallery. Both however also had to give the other a hard time whenever possible.

    While the old man left to handle business Tristifer ate. He finished and scanned the room. His eyes landed on Jezibel. “Damnit.” He muttered, he'd lost an old bet with Balder. The human figured out who had caught her by the ice in the glare she through the large new comer who'd disappeared with her earlier.

    “Pardon me,” He muttered to Adam. Getting to his feet Tris headed towards the Duhsa Kin. As he made it halfway the room focused on the start of a fight. The archer immediately turned in that direction. His pace slowed as first the goblin and then the mostly dead members intervened.

    Stopping next to the shattered table Tris leaned down and grabbed the man's money purse. The archer's eyes turned to the bloody faced man as he tossed the purse to Reggie behind the bar. “Drop your purse, get your friend and get out. You just bought the Vampire dinner, paid for a round of drinks and replaced the table your friend accidentally broke.”

    As he spoke the archers empty hand turned to pint at the still standing assailant. A throwing knife twirled through his fingers as he continued. “Any part of that not covered by what you have on you will be collected tomorrow by Balder.” Tris quirked an eyebrow, and his voice grew cold and steely. “Unless the two of you are dead or have run very, very far away.”

    The sharpshooter turned to the bar, and resumed his trek to the Duhsa Kin's table. “Did you hear that Reggie?” Tristifer said loud enough that everyone could hear. “Drinks are on these gentleman, order whatever you want and don't kick them in the ass as they leave. And remember, don't fuck with the Gallery.”
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  6. #16
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    Jamon remained close and just slightly behind Su Lin. His eyes darted about the interior of the Gallery at the assorted people within. Thoughts of ‘Father and mother most definitely would disapprove of my being here, however I do not have Sir Faltskog for advice’ as the young man’s hands felt a perspiration forming about them. His sight turned back to the woman who rescued him from his own bad choice who seemed to be moving toward a table occupied by another attractive woman.

    Su Lin had made her decision, this child has to come to grips with reality that his distorted sense of loyalty … or was it debt to be repaid… whatever the child was thinking, she wanted this pet to find another master. Her steps deliberate as she approaches the table Mynx occupied. Though it was not her nature to randomly speak to those she did not know, an exception would be made so as to cut loose this pet that seems intent on following her.

    As she comes close to Mynx's table, somewhat dryly she mutters
    “Good day… is room still open at your table Miss?”
    lowering her head slightly while still focusing upon her for any sudden movement the feline might make.

    Slow to respond, the ocecat lifted her head slowly, turning at the waist to stare at the pair behind her. She had only just procured a table in the crowded bar at some expense and had been enjoying her third drink of the evening. She was pleasantly intoxicated and she knew the dangers of her state--delayed reflexes and uncontrolled impulses. Perhaps better to be alone, she thought, scooting her chair backwards despite her better judgement.

    In typical languid motion, Mynx rose from her chair and stood over the woman and her supposed attendant, breathing deeply of their scents. First she circled the boy, her hand playing lightly on his shoulders as a deep purr rose from her chest...youth and innocence, a delicious combination. Her tongue flicked out, her canine teeth imbedding into her lower lip as she pulled herself away and turned to the dark-haired beauty. Herbs...and blood...but not her own. A low growl escaped her and she put her nose close to the woman’s neck and inhaled, the motion almost sensual in its deliverance. “Human, you sit beside me. The boy stands.”

    Before Su Lin has a chance to move to a chair, Jamon wishes to make a good impression to these women, though Minx is beginning to frighten him a little… okay… alot. He has seen this played out in the courtyard many a time, this simple introduction. Sir Faltskog has done it so now is his chance to impress this woman who saved him.

    He rests one hand flat against his stomach, the other behind his back bowing ever so slightly. His throat still dry no matter how many times he swallows. He tries to sound dignified yet the fear gripping him his words come out raspy.
    “Please allow me to introduce Mistress Suzie…” extending a hand toward Su Lin.

    Su Lin already seating herself in the empty chair next to where Minx raised from. As the child speaks, she simply closes her eyes, obvious anger rising in her body language. Thoughts run through her mind that she could help this child by drawing her boot dagger and plunge it in his chest, then he might be reborn into something smart. Only two people have ever addressed her as Suzie, one she killed for, the other she killed with. She simply mutters
    “Child… I go by Su Lin.”

    For the slightest moment, Jamon sets aside his fear though his body still slightly shakes. He has been numerous times addressed as Child, now has been addressed as boy by the scary woman, in a raspy tone due to the dryness of his throat while folding his arms in front, almost pouty
    “Please have it known I have seen 23 winters!”

    In a factish tone, she simply mutters “You might not see a 24th.” before looking in Minx direction awaiting her to sit.

    Mynx raised a brow at the exchange between the two, her first assessment of their relationship now in question. She again approached the...young man...and lifted his chin to look him directly in the eyes. “You are ‘fraid, and should be. If you soil thyself, I will eat you.” She chuckled, then sat back down, folding her arms before her and crossing her legs at the ankles beneath the table. She took her emerald necklace into her hand, playing with the jewel, and stared hard at Su Lin. “Drink?” she questioned then slapped her other hand hard against the table, putting up two fingers when her motion got the attention of the barmaid.

    “Now, what you want?”

    Looking to Minx, she stated “If they have such, just a red wine. I am sure the child would desire it's mothers boosom”

    Jamon remains standing biting at his lower lip. This certainly was something different. Sir Faltskog would have counsel for how he should react, Father had warned him he might need act upon his own should he venture off.

    Su Lin's chocolate brown eyes focus upon Minx nodding her head in the direction on Jamon
    “Mayhaps are you in desire of a pet? This one seems to have lost it's former owner and I have no desire to own a pet.”

    “Is it warm?” the ocecat responded in reference to Jamon as two drinks were set before her. She tilted her head towards the newcomers. “Red wine...and a tainted milk for ’im,” she requested, her gaze now appraising the offered treat once again. “I could perhaps use ‘im. What askin’?”

    Very casually she spoke
    “It cost me nothing, fair trade, the wine for the pet.”

    Jamon pondered if this is how it felt when Father traded servants for trinkets. He begins to replace some fear with some anger. Finally he speaks
    “I am not a trinket, Miss Su Lin saved my life, I have a life debt to my mistress.”

    Su narrows her eyes ratherly dryly
    “I did nothing for you child. I simply allowed one to be reborn so to come back with better sense, it had nothing to do with you boy. Do NOT dare change those events into tavern tales on what happened. I am not someone that poets write pretty words about. I bloody horrid things so nature stays in balance.”

    She takes a coin setting it on the table looking to Minx
    “You may have the pet for free, it is broken far worse than I thought. It smells of Palace life.” already having noticing his delicate hands and lack of scars from what she saw of him.

    Mynx nodded, and without warning, she reached out and grabbed the boy’s arm, her claws digging into his flesh and drawing blood. She gave a sharp tug and forced him into a chair, keeping her hand there to stay any objection he may have. She gave him a stern look. “You are trinket. A toy. Now drink milk.” Set before him was a glass of cow’s milk, a reddish fluid floating on the surface and slowly sinking into its depths, creating a swirl-like pattern. Mynx smiled, her prominent fangs exposed. “Blood makes you strong. You are weak. Drink.”

    As Jamon feels intense pain shooting through his arm then entire body, he feels the jerk into the chair. Looking to his arm… was that really … Blood?

    A thought of ‘Father would never allow such an outrage’. His mind drifts to a time he fell off his horse in the mud. Nothing was broken so the stable hands only had 20 lashes set upon each of them. Certainly Sir Faltskog would have taken to sword by now.

    Those thoughts drift yet he is only able to let out a painful yelp. In his chair, he felt his eyes welling up with moisture trickling down his face. Father would never approve of his crying like a maid.

    As the liquid with a red swirl is before him, his shaky hand grasps the glass and drinks the liquid. His eyes water more as the liquid causes a gag reflex.

    Sipping her own wine while watching the boy, Su Lin offers a monotone
    “I offer you advice boy, do not allow the liquid come back out.” offering him a cold stare.

    Mynx watched the boy for a moment, enjoying his discomfort, then she stiffened, her nose lifting as she sniffed at the air. Her hand went up and a low growl came from her throat. “Vampire,” she whispered, then turned to the entrance. Quickly she calmed as she recognized Ashvel, but the vamp brought a bit of excitement in his wake. She released her grip on Jamon and stood quickly, planning to rush forward before seeing other members of the guild dealing with the trouble-makers. Feeling a bit of disappointment, Myn went to return to her seat when her sense of balance faltered. She felt the room spin and before she had a chance to steady herself, she vomited, her drink and fermenting liver hitting the floor. Weaving, she gripped the back of Su Lin’s chair and dropped to her knees. “I’m done,” she said with a groan, “...need bed.”

    Su Lin rose from her chair… if looks could kill, Jamon would be dead a thousand lifetimes as she stared a hole in the boy.
    “Assist me with your new master child” is all she spoke as she moved to allow Minx stabilize herself against Su. Jamon still rather put off by the reference of being called a child, a boy, a toy and a trinket all in the single day yet moves around Minx other side. The trouble makers are being plenty tended to so she is directed toward Minx’s room.

    As Minx now rests comfortably in her bed, Su approaches Jamon and stands directly in front of him. She steps ever so close to him, he does not even hear her dagger slide from her boot sheath as she whispers softly to him
    “She owns you now, you will see to her comfort this eve.”
    She moves her dagger in front of his chest, still whispering softly, if not but for the words, they could sound erotic
    “Understand one thing, I know more ways to remove life than you know sands in a desert. Displease your master and I vow this, if she does not end you, I shall. Now undress and keep your master safe through the night.”

    With that, she turns and steps out of the room so Minx new possession could tend to his master … or seal his fate.
    Last edited by Storm; 01-04-2019 at 04:35 PM.

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  7. #17

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    Bigwit just had this effect on women. Maybe it was the fact that he was so honest about his true intentions that made her so relaxed around him. It wasn’t the same as being an honest person but when you get down to trusting your lives with other people you just find some of them that really stick. Most would find it crazy but if Bigwit told her to immediately go on a rampage in this tavern she would. She figured at the end of the day he must know something more than she did and he would not lead her down a dark road unless he could see clearly in it. This was the bond she had towards him.

    Both of their pointed ears perked up at the commotion that was unfolding before them. Now she purposefully sat where she did, being at minimum a foot and half taller than anyone in this room and with the strength to back it up, to prevent such things from happening to her guild mates. She sat upright, the jovial look gone from her face. Anyone knew their fates were sealed when Bigwit’s smile vanished, with the two of them together the tension they made would cut like a claymore through a parrying dagger. She watched the expert throw of Bigwit as the glass moved through the air and smashed against the side of the guy’s head. If this had been a fun time she would have complimented him but alas it was not.

    At the mentioning of her name she stood up straight and tall. She didn’t need to say anything she did what elves do best and looked down on them as if they were trash. Bigwit continued his speech how much of it was true she did not know but that was always a wonder with him. The man charged towards the goblin…clearly outside of himself. Nisa was going to simple scoop the goblin up right before contact and smash the man’s face in but she needint do a thing.

    The strong silent one who interested Nisa came forward and smashed the man down onto their table…the moment taking out everything that was laid out for them. Bigwit had been right to slam his drink. Adam stepped forward and handled all the final arrangements of their exchange…Nisa wanted to hit something so bad. She decided she would take care of things herself. She walked over to the one the girl smashed into the table she put on some long white gloves and grabbed him by the collar. She made her way through the crowd and opened the door, she tossed the man out like garbage and then stood in the doorway staring at the other man until he left.

    Once again she said nothing but once the man had left she would make her way over to the white haired man who had been messed up by the two. “If you would like to freshen up, I wouldn’t mind offering you my quarters to rinse, I am certain we can find something from the guild so you are not soaking in drink.” She was unsure if the man had met her, she certainly could not remember meeting a vampire. Even giving a polite bow she still was taller than him and simple said, “Raenisa Nericeran also known as the Valkyrie of Death and friend to all those of the Gallery.” She gave him a pleasant smile and followed up with, “We white hairs need to stick together after all.”

    If he agreed she would take him upstairs but if he declined she would move to at least replace his drink and food. It was only fitting members should stick together.
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  8. #18
    Poppa Squirrel
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    As Su Lin exited Minx room and was back in the bar proper, her sight cast upon the Snow Elf as she exited one of the drinks through the door. She watches with interest as the second follows hthe other out the door. She is acustom to seeing drunkards making bad decisions yet those two embodied an evil which corrupts the natural order. It is understandable to harbor resentment toward various species and vampires are considered in campfire tales the embodiment of evil. Stories aside, the two leaving the Gallery were far worse than mere stories. Mayhaps in thier next life that would change.

    She makes good pace to the door stepping out into the outside air. Her eyes fixate on the two men making their way up the street. She casually begins a quicker pace following the two while ever so casually draws two acupressure needles from her wrist strap. These are not the traditional 1.5 inch needles however 4 inch weapons grade needles holding one in each hand.

    As she closes the gap, she hears their speaking of rounding up a couple mates and returning for the blood sucker and it's mates. Her decision snd thier fates are made.

    As she gets close enough and the two are side by side, she starts a fast pace determining the correct placement. As she passes between the two, one hand each inserts the fine needles in the back of each man's necks. A lifetime of practice makes this effortless. As she passes the two, she acts as though she lost her balance going to the ground in front of the two.

    As the two look to the woman on the ground, she raises to her feet appearing to dust herself off. Her eyes look to the ground offering an apologetic
    "Most honorable sires, my humble apology for my clumsiness, I beg of thee a thousand pardons."

    In their drinken state, they didn't feel the pinch of the micro thin needles. Had they not been so focused on planning a return to the Gallery they might have tried harm to Su which would have brought her dagger to feel their hearts. They simply waved her off and continued up the street planning their evil.

    Su Lin turned and started back toward the Gallery with the thought of
    'Their deaths shall be at least peaceful'. The needles were inserted piercing each of their spines. Within several minutes they would tire, within 5 minutes, they would be found deceased. No physical trama, if not closely examined they could be dismissed for natural deaths. Her only thought on this matter is she prays they would be more accepting in their new lives nature will provide them with.

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    Default Co-post (Papa Squirrel and Mama Moon)

    Jamon kept his eyes upon Su Lin until the door shut. A thought of ‘undress?... How dare she suggest such a thing to me,’ ran through his mind before casting a gaze upon Mynx as she lay in her bed. His arm still ached from where her claws had dug into his flesh and he reached in his pocket to remove a cloth wrap that Sir Faltskog had provided him as part of his carry-always provision.

    He took a moment to wrap his arm with the cloth to protect the wound and sighed, thinking ‘those two would allow my arm to fall off… Father would never allow such a thing,’ before looking back upon Mynx. Seeing how quickly she moved in grabbing him and pulling him into a chair and the strength she possessed, he cautiously approached her. Rationalizing that if he does not do this, the beautiful dark skin woman would kill him, he moved his hand down to a blanket and raised it over Mynx--having watched Father comfort mother when she partook in too much spirit when hearing of battle field losses. This woman… beautiful as she was, was not mother though, he doubtesd she was even a Princess. ‘Am I really her possession,’ drifted through his mind as he looked upon her. In sleep, she was a vision to behold. Would Father approve of such a woman? He sat along Mynx as she slept. It was his duty as a gentleman to protect this fair maiden, this thought almost bringing a chuckle. ‘I seem unable to protect myself, how can I provide safety to a maiden?’ drifted through his mind.

    While Jamon was lost in thought, Mynx stirred, his movement on the bed causing her to open her eyes just a crack. The ‘cat nap’ had rejuvenated her a bit and despite the ache in her stomach, she almost felt herself again. Rolling over, she was surprised to notice she’s not alone, her newly acquired pet close to her...but not providing warmth. Groaning, she reached over and tugged at him, bringing him closer to her so she can curl around his form, her tail wrapping itself tightly to her.

    Jamon's face flushed. He has been offered companionship by his teachers, yet this was different. For as violent as this woman seemed to be, in the opinion he has formed, an odd sense of warmth and tenderness came over him as he moved closer to her. For a fleeting moment, he casted aside the threat made upon him--words both women have spoken to him-- as he pressed closer to Mynx. Dare he reach around to hold the woman pressing upon him? ‘She would probably tear my arm off, or bite it,’ he rationalized. However, he reached around to hold her closer, again rationalizing, ‘if not, the other would end my life, so I think Father would approve of my staying alive’.

    A soft purr emanated from the ocecat as she was pulled closer and in an act of bonding, she started to groom Jamon along his injured arm. “Remove shirt...I will clean wound,” she demanded without malice--it would not do to have her pet die from an injury. She was aware of his pain and his discomfort from the physical closeness, but she also detected something else in his smell. Fear...and perhaps desire.

    As she spoke, he rationalized that she may have been as the healers in his Father's Palace, so without much hesitation he removed his shirt. His soft unscarred skin would make it obvious to Mynx that he had lead a pampered life. His face burned as he pressed his bare chest against Mynx … making it painfully obvious that he had not lain undressed with a woman before.

    Mynx put her hand on the boy’s bare chest, allowing her nails to lightly scrape his skin. “Pretty,” she purred, a chuckle following her pronouncement. She kept herself close to the boy as she unwrapped the bandage, enjoying the tension it seemed to bring to him. With a sigh she then rose and walked across the room. She dipped a towel in a basin of water and returned, wiping away the blood that had streamed down to his hand. She rewrapped it then lifted his face to hers. “What is name of my pet?” she asked.

    Jamon had accepted that he would be known as ‘boy’, ‘child’, ‘trinket’, or some other term he had heard his father’s knights refer slaves as. With his tone unusually soft and a strange desire drifting through his being, he responded softly, “I am known as Jamon…” He looked into Mynx's eyes, his lips quivering slightly.

    “Jamon…” she repeated, her finger tracing the curve of his lower lip. She moved in closer, her mouth against the nape of his neck as she inhaled deeply of him. “ are not ‘fraid now. Hungry. ...but you will not survive me,” she finished with a laugh, moving herself away from him before she changed her mind.

    As she pulled away, the words ‘you will not survive me’ drift into his mind. Was this woman showing some concern over him? He dismissed that thought while still looking upon Mynx, a fear … and … unexplainable emotion filling his head. Was this what mother spoke to him about when she told him that he will someday possibly be enchanted by one unexpectedly? He softly offered “Afraid I … am not,” hoping that the woman before him did not take his words as an invitation to cast fear into him, something he still held.

    His response was not what she had expected, and Mynx had to admit the boy had some courage. She turned back to him as he spoke, looking closer at the pretty boy and chewing on her lower lip. Harken would not appreciate her hurting him more, but he was tempting her...and it was too much to resist.

    “Cats not play well with soft toys... I gentle,” she said in a husky tone. Laying back on the bed, she slipped out of her body suit easily and turned on her side to face Jamon. Her body was similar to a humans, although mostly covered in a light downy layer of spotted fur. She radiated confidence and the smile on her face showed it. “Undress,” she said, wondering if the boy would be able to overcome his shyness now that she was challenging it.

    For Jamon, this was certainly something completely new and unexpected. Father had his most gifted counselor walk him through how to champion a maiden should the time present it self, but never in his instruction did Lord Maximus speak of a woman making a first gester.

    He had trouble catching his breath. Looking upon Mynx, he worried about her mistaking his burning passion for a medical ailment, as his face also felt a fire in it. He turned with his back to her as he allowed his pants to slide down his legs to the floor, ‘a gentleman does not show himself,’ drifted through his mind, recalling his instructions for Palace protocol. The air of the room brouht a chill to his perspiring bare body as he turned to step toward the bed with a quickened pace. As he lay in front of Mynx, his body trembled with both chill and desire. ‘Dare do I touch her,’ drifted through his mind as he tenderly reached out to lay his first touch with a woman. Looking for some words to speak, awkwardly he could only manage, “by what name do I address you…” which brought a deep blush to his face. 'Was this all he could speak', filtered through his mind in embarrassment.

    Mynx's blue eyes followed the lines of his body as he lay beside her, taunting him without touch. She briefly glanced at his hand upon her, then smiled. “Mynx will do,” she answered, then leaned in close and placed her mouth on his. There was no way for her to retract her fangs, and the tips of the teeth dug into his lips as she pressed hers hard against his, a small drop of blood coming from each puncture. Lazily she played her tongue with his, drawing in his taste and savoring it. She moved closer to him, sharing their warmth and desire. As her breathing increased, she found it harder to keep her claws retracted. Redirecting them, she dug her fingers hard into the mattress, a tearing sound following the act.

    Jamon’s own breath quickened as he bonded for his first time and he felt both a pain and an odd excitement. As for Mynx, she sighed and fell back onto the pillows and closed her eyes once again.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 12-03-2018 at 04:17 AM.

  10. #20
    Red Ninja
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    Default Kris x Siks co-op and GM mover

    Kris x Siks co-op

    Adam watched the young man and woman slip outside. He shook his head knowing exactly what was going on, Jezi and her buddies were frequent patrons of the Gallery. And sometimes they were even hired by Dagur as back-up for some local jobs. Good bunch of kids normally, but like most people in Balefire there was always an ulterior motive.

    Still he wasn’t going to let the boy get robbed blind. But as he got up to intervene Dagur patted his shoulder and said he’d handle it. Sitting back down the hidden Prince finished his drink, but almost spat it out when he saw who had just walked into the Gallery. A woman he hasn’t seen in years. Elisheva Malkoth, disgraced former general from the minor Kingdom of Salivan. And his fiance once upon a time. Last he heard she’d killed the Queen of Salivan, like him she was in hiding it seems. But unlike him, she could be hunting him for the hefty payday his mother and father had up for him. Swallowing his drink he quickly put his cup down and made a beeline for the backdoor. He’s lost Hunters before and he was sure he could do it again.

    Which was a mistake on his side, for if he didn’t made if obvious she would not have noticed him to begin with. Someone who just up and left like that meant that he was either in extreme hurry to get to someplace with a woman, or that he was hiding something- or worse, someone who was after her life. It has been too long- she almost forgot there are people after her head. She got up, but moved gently, without causing a scene, following him while making sure she was not followed.

    The baker was busy with the fire, and the maid was kneading the bread, humming a strange tune, to notice either of them. She leaned at the wall and slowly walked to the other, allowing herself to rush and slam the door open once she was at a good distance.

    “OI!”, she called, “STOP RIGHT THERE!”.

    Of course that didn’t help and so she began to run after him.

    Adam swore under his breath thankful he wasn’t wearing his heavy armor tonight. He did have his sword though, but this woman was a mage and he wasn’t eager to get that close to her. He didn’t say anything, just doubled his pace glaring back at the woman.

    “STOP!”, she called after him, cursing under her breath. It was a cold night, and frankly even were the conditions better, she had better stuff to do than running after a potential risk. When he turned briefly, she halted a moment, as his face was somewhat familiar, though she couldn’t recall from where exactly. This was only adding up to her uneasiness- her heart pounded fast in her chest, and she was becoming more and more irrational in her behavior and thoughts ran wild. She knew, even without fully knowing who this person was, that she could not allow him to leave. She felt the small pouch in her belt and cursed. She was running low on stones, but this was a must to use condition.

    She took out a scroll as she started to chant- the paper dissolving by the wind as its one use spell was working and the stones flew around, perfectly homing around the running man. She knew the barrier will not hold him for long, but it was enough for her to close the distance.

    He flinched back, but ran around the now zapping wall before him and she used the chance to jump at him, knocking him to the ground with her body.

    “I TOLD YOU TO STOP DAMN IT!”, she screamed at his left ear as she panted, catching her breath, while fighting him to stay down, “Why did you run? Tell me now!”

    Adam swore again he hated magic and generally those that use it. Skidding to a halt he quickly turned, but didn’t have time to draw his sword or dodge before she jumped at him like a wildcat or something. She wasn’t very heavy, but her momentum was enough to send them both to the dirt and water of the alleyway. She fell atop him and in the light from a lamppost they could clearly see each other’s face. It was a split second of recognition before Adam planted his hands on her chest he squeezed then flipped her over his head ripping the front of her dress down as she flipped before he quickly got back to his feet glancing at her, simple black bra, before pointing an accusing finger at her. “Because I’m being chased by a crazy woman!”

    “HOW! HOW DARE YOU!”, she hugged her dress in some attempt at decency as she pushed her legs and her body away from him, kicking at the ground before her. Shame and anger painted her cheeks red and she shivered under her ruined clothes. Tears gathered in her eyes as she tried to think on how to act, “I’ll kill you!”, she cursed under her breath, “I’ll kill you!”, she drew her blade as she was once again on his heels, pushing the blade directly for his face and throat, she ran while screaming: “I WILL KILL YOU FUCKING BASTARD!”, there was already another scroll in her hand, and it too, burnt with blood as the magic enhance into a ball of flame which she aimed directly at his body, along with her blade that danced at the air.

    She was humiliated beyond words, but she couldn’t allow herself to be stopped by the fact her body was uncovered for she realized he was someone whom she needed to take down fast, before he had the chance to tell anyone about her whereabouts, “YOU WON’T SAY A WORD, FUCKING BASTARD!”, she continued at slash around him as he avoided her impacts, “I WON’T LET YOU TELL ANYONE THAT I’M HERE!”.

    That’s all she cared about, after all, why did he ran away to begin with if not to get the money for information about her, or to call for backup to take her down.

    Adam growled he’d hit a nerve there, but she made the first rookie mistake letting her emotions take over. Her sword swings were skilled, but wild and again with the freaking magic. She didn’t recognize him which pleased him, but now that he’d seen her nearly topless she’s hysterical and apparently thinks he’s a Bounty Hunter like he thinks she is.

    If he ever calmed her down he’d have to set her straight, but first he needed to keep her from burning himself or the town down. He rolled away from the wildly thrown fireball and as she got close enough he swung his hand up and knocked the sword from her hand. The weapon clattered against the far wall ringing through the night like a bell.

    As she was disarmed his quickly grabbed her arms and forced them down to her side before he wrapped her in a bear hug and reeled his head back before smashing his forehead into her’s. It stunned them both, but he was used to fighting like this and carried them both to the ground. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the ground. Using his greater weight he forced his hips into her making her legs part keeping her whole body pinned down. “CALM THE FUCK DOWN SHEVA!”

    The impact was overwhelming for her, and her head was spinning, her vision growing blurry. She felt her energy leaving her limbs as she found herself unable to fight under those condition, feeling the touch of her last scroll falling from her hands. The blade noise was still ringing in her ears as she mumbled, the brute’s voice echoing like a horn on the day of war.

    But the way he called her brought some sense to her mind.

    “What… did… you….”

    Call me?

    Not many called her that. Mostly friends and family. Was he someone close? She tried to focus on his visage. Now with her mind abandoning thoughts and immediate conclusions, it was easier to recognize the face, even though the name has yet to surface on her lips.

    He was older than she remembered. He grew up nicely, but somewhat savagely- a clear detachment from his noble origin perhaps?

    Back then, when she was still at court, both of them were about to be used as a political tools for the sake of the kingdom. The offer was not bad per so, even if she was not too eager on her life to be decided by others, but so it has been since her birth, and she accepted her fate. There was a marriage proposal and few meetings. That person was third son, which origin was kept somewhat unclear- but still, he was not to be as important as a first born or even a second born. Yet the deal has failed to be signed, with his absent, but before she could learn more, there came the day of that awful court charge.

    Who was he exactly? Definitely a noble… But what was his name…. She couldn’t recall…

    Back to reality she looked up and found him still gazing at her. She opened her mouth few times but no voice escaped her lips.

    He leaned in closer and she used the chance to bite at his ear weakly, creating a direct touch of her soul energy.

    ‘You will rip your shirt- and carry me back to the tavern. This is an order’

    And then she fainted.

    He knew not to trust magic so as soon as she bit him he jumped back, the magic hit his body. It moved on it’s own despite his mind fighting it. He couldn’t stop it, but he managed to save his shirt from an unfixable rip. The fabric tore down to the top of his abs, but he managed to stop it there.

    This is why he hates magic. Though his upbringing would’ve had him carry her spell or not, he gathered her sword then picked Sheva up carrying her like a bride in his arms. His body moved on it’s own. But his mind was still free and he couldn’t help but study her face and body as he carried her. It wasn’t a long walk back to the Gallery, but as they entered the bar Adam saw just how much he had missed. A broken table, alcohol spilled everywhere, and his comrades all standing around while three drunks were practically thrown out the door. Looking around he shook his head and looked at Tris who may not be the cause of the destruction, but he had a feeling he had a hand in it. He heard the sharpshooter say the men that had just been thrown out would be paying for the damages and the next round of drinks and food and simply sighed. “By the Blade, I leave for a few minutes and you lot tear the place apart. Best clean it up before Guildmaster Harken comes back down.” With the unconscious woman still in his arms he went up stairs and kicked the door of his room in before kicking it closed behind him. He roughly placed Sheva on the bed then pulled his ruined shirt off before going to his wardrobe to find a new one.

    A weak cry called from behind as Sheva recalled her senses. She was sitting as she hugged her legs and pressed her hands over her forehead, the headache unbearable. She was disoriented and barely capable to grasp her surrounding or recall what happened, but her moans of pain swiftly changed to gasping of fright, as she quickly got up from the bed only to fall back as her head was spinning and her legs were shaking. Still she leaned on rails as she got up and headed for the door.

    Adam barely got time to find a new shirt before the Mage awoke and stumble towards the door. He hissed then quickly grabbed her and put her back on the bed. “Stay put Sheva, you aren’t ready to go walking yet.”

    “Why do you care about me?”, she hissed back, “Frankly I was sure you were going to rat me out me for coins…”, she looked away from him, his gesture was too kind to be trusted, much too soon after she took control and attacked him, “What good reason would there be for someone to care… Unless there is ulterior motive?”, she narrowed her eyes.

    Adam rolled his eyes locking the door to his room and going back to his closest to find a new shirt. “It’s more I don’t need you breaking your neck outside my door.” He smirked lightly pulling out a gray jerkin. “Besides, you attacked me first. Why?” He turned looking at her still uncovered chest. “Also I guess it’s rather cold in here?”

    She growled as she covered herself with her hands and moved her body so that her back was directed at him, “If you have the nerve to question me in this manner, how about handing me something to cover myself first!”, she said with anger.

    Adam chuckled and tossed her his own ripped shirt. “There.” He moved to a small table by his washbin and poured out a glass of whiskey. He took a quick sip then turned and moved back to the door leaning against it waiting for her.

    She realized he only tried to annoy her and get her more upset, so while still pointing her back to him, she took out a needle and started to string the fabric together. It was probably the only good gesture she was going to get from him, and she would need to leave his room at some point, so she started to work, “I thought you were someone sent after me. I was careless… I have been avoiding main cities and towns for a long time now, I forgot I was still on the run. When you left in such a hurry, I thought it was because of me…”, she licked the thread into the pin and curled it around twice, before inserting the needle in, “We have met before haven't we?”, she asked, while working.

    Adam chuckled lightly shaking his head. “Indeed we have many years ago. Ironically I thought the same thing about you hence why I ran. My name is Adam.” He kept his eyes downcast while sipping his drink slowly listening to the woman stitch up his old shirt.

    “Hmm… Adam…”, the work was getting along, not perfectly, but enough to serve the purpose, “A noble… I gather hitting a woman in the head was something you learn outside of the castle?”, she bit her lips as she was stung by her needle, but continued to work, “We were to be wed, if memory serves right, something to do with your father wanting control, was it not? But you escaped… or abducted?”

    The man nodded slowly swirling his drink around the glass. “Well when someone is throwing fireballs at you and trying to stab you in the face. You have to stop them before they actually draw blood.” He sipped more nodding again. “Yes as is always the case with royal matches. Salivan had a few gold mines my father wanted to control. And since King Ramses didn’t have a daughter his general and famed court magician was the next choice. As for my escape or abduction seems fairly obvious which it is since you found me here.”

    “Hmm…”, she continued to work, “Well… I won’t ask the reasons for your escape, unless you share them, and frankly right now I am too furious to care…”, she finally finished and put the shirt over body as she got up from the bed, “If I me be so bold, I would assume that the door to this room will be opened once I promise to keep silence of your whereabouts? That would be the reason why you locked me here in the first place yes? If it was for other reason you would have said so before. Well, I don’t plan to tell on you… but you will promise the same to me, won’t you?”

    Adam nodded finishing his drink and moving from the door looking up at her studying her face. She really was quite pretty even after trying to kill him twice. “Agreed Sheva, might I recommend coming up with a fake name and change your appearance a little. I recognized you after a few meetings over ten years ago when we were children. And before I grew this.” He rubbed his lush beard a little before stepping away from the door unlocking it.

    “I appreciate the gesture, however my face… is my trade…”, she bite her lips as she looked up at him. Would he be able to understand how much she relayed on everything she was born with to get by in life, to simply hide them. Even with risks involved, she was too stubborn, and proud to do so, “I would be more careful, however I gather that here, you alone may be the only one to recognize me… so far away from the kingdom of Silvan… I believe it is safe here…”, she got up and had for the door, “I will find someone that specializes in fixing clothes… I was told one of the tavern ladies actually has the skill and I will return the shirt to you when I do”, she opened the door and stepped outside.

    Adam shrugged chuckling. “Keep it, it’s big enough to be a sleep dress for you. I don’t know if you’ve come here looking for a job, but I would recommend it. We travel far and earn good money.” He nodded to her giving her a small smile. “You’re looking good Sheva, it was nice to almost be killed by such a beautiful woman.” He closed the door behind her leaving his words hanging in the air.

    Sheva stood there, wordless, her cheeks burning like coals, which reflected in clear red line upon her pale skin. It was hard to tell if she was furious or blushing… maybe it was both.

    She considered for a moment to break the door open and attack him again, but decided against it. She descended down the stairs, to find someone to fix her dress.

    GM Mover

    *Meanwhile on the outskirts of Balefire*

    A large campfire crackled heartily along the marshlands to the north of Balefire. Four huge shadows were gathered around it. A female Orc and her pet boar sat quietly alongside a huge green-skinned Giant and his draft animal, a large shaggy furred mammoth named Maso. The four of them had been out securing supplies and contracts for Guildmaster Harken and the Rogue’s Gallery. Neither of them were homebodies so when the time comes to have free time between jobs they are the first out the door and back on the road.
    Like with the Dusha Kin, Orcs and Giants are regular allies and trade partners. Many of the people of plains are like this. The Plains don’t have much in the way of unclaimed resources nor any strategic military locations, plus they cross the borders of the Four Great Nations. The Dominion, Avelar, Ebonrock, and the White Peaks and generally no one is stupid enough to cause trouble in any of those lands. The only creature that has ever done that was an Ogre wearing the skull of some kind of unknown beast, he hasn’t been seen in awhile, but still his infamy remains.

    They traveled in companionable silence. Neither being big conversationalists, but as they heard the rapid footsteps of someone approaching their woke from their meditations and prepared their weapons. Any one attacking such a formidable group would be asking for a quick death, but luckily the young man announced himself as Mosley, a messenger from the small mostly frozen island of Novigard. He came with an urgent offer and one that made both Shel and Balder laugh and nearly send him off for fear he’d gone mad. But his pleas and promises of wealth won them over enough for Balder to take the contract and promise to bring to the guild tomorrow for the Guildmaster’s consideration. This was unacceptable to Mosely he offered a bag of fifty gold coins to each of them to go there immediately. As true mercs they could never say no to free money so they pack up and were gone within the hour.

    They weren’t that far from the Gallery. And already there were hearing stories about a big fight and Vampires teaming up a Dark Wizard Goblin to burn half of Balefire down. Shel couldn’t help but laugh while Balder was already tallying up the bill in his head if these stories proved true. He supposed they could always whore some of the girls and Tris out to help pay for the debt. He just hope Dagur was killed in the fire otherwise he might kill the rest of the rogues off and call in the bounties on their heads. Many of them, Dagur included have bounties somewhere in Eisignol. The pair arrived just as three drunken men fell down dead, Shel investigated and found small acupuncture needles in their spines. Word had been going around the area about a human assassin taking up residence in Balefire, though like everything else on the road you take it with a grain of salt. Balder just hoped those poor bastards deserved to die in such a horrible way and he deeply, deeply, deeply hoped the assassin hadn’t been seen at the Gallery. Though as the two of them arrived Balder saw a small sneaky looking woman slip back into the tavern, she looked to be the assassin type and matched one of the descriptions he got about the killer hanging around the city of cutthroats.

    Shel shook her head and left to settle Lulu into her stall and Balder pulled Maso’s kit off and sent the great rumbling beast to find a nice patch of field to sleep in. Bracing himself Balder pushed open the wall that served as his door and looked out across the tavern room. A broken table, beer everywhere, Adam carrying a nearly topless and unconscious woman, Nisha on the verge of punching her way through the building and Ash on the ground in a pool of food and alcohol. The Giant shook his head slowly. “This is coming out of all of your paychecks.” He said simply his deep rumbling voice shaking the walls slightly and as silence filled the tavern a door upstairs opened and Dagur was seen standing outside his office sighing deeply. “Alright mercs clear the floor and stay put. Patrons I am sorry, but I must ask all of your to leave...I have some words for my friends here.” Grumbles and disagreements began, but a clearing of Balder’s throat and the subsequent latching of an entire wall as he stepped fully into the tavern stopped all that and the people quickly filed out and vanished into the night. Once everyone was clear Dagur called out for everyone hiding in their rooms to come back out Adam came out with his bottle of whiskey, Mynx and Jamon exited both looking very sleepy. Sheva came back out once she changed into more appropriate clothes, and lastly Shel returned from tucking Lulu in for the night.

    Like children about to be yelled at by their parents the Rogue’s took seats in the tavern while the kitchen crew cleaned up the table and spilled beer as quietly as possible. Dagur has never been on to yell at his people, but sometimes it’s needed especially since all the rucks woke him up from a very pleasant dream. He studied each of their faces for a few seconds then began. “While I applaud all of you for sticking up for your friend, I must take umbrage with how you went about it. We aren’t exactly Balefire’s favorite citizens here and part of our funds go to the city watch to keep them from coming to collect bounties on any of you or me. Luckily those men weren’t killed.” Balder hmmed softly shaking his head after seeing the woman come back and finding those dead men he put two and two together. He’d bring it up to Dagur later.

    “Now I see some new faces out there, and since you few didn’t leave when I told all patrons to go I assume you came here for other reasons.” He looked at Sheva, Su Lin, and Jamon in particular. “Either with a contract or a desire to join our group, well I welcome you to stay the night if you haven’t already found a room and come see me tomorrow morning for a proper interview and potential hiring. But that will be for later it is late now and you are all way past your bedtime….*yawn* ...and mine. I know I’m not any of your dads...or at least I’m pretty sure I’m not, but I am for sure your Guildmaster so go to your rooms and think about what you’ve done.”With that Dagur went back into his office. The Rogues were well used to their eccentric leader and found it best to just do as he asked. Adam helped Ash up and walked him back to the Vampire’s room before returning to his own. Sheva was quick to vanish back into her own making sure to lock the door behind her. Everyone else was trusted to find their own way.

    As for Balder he was too big for a room inside so he usually pitched his huge tent outside in the field by Maso, but tonight he had something to discuss with Dagur. Exiting the wall again the Giant moved slowly around the back of the Gallery and knocked softly on Dagur’s door. He could easily reach the second floor landing and simply leaned against the building waiting for the old man to come out. Feeling an itch the Giant rubbed his back against the rough wood shingle and winced lightly as he heard some fall off a wall inside and crash to the floor followed by some muffled yelling. Quickly moving off the wall he saw Dagur exit and handed him the contract and his bag of fifty gold pieces. Intrigued Dagur placed the money inside before quickly moving down the steps and moving with Balder out of hearing range to discuss just what the culmination of the Guildmaster’s good feeling today meant.

    ***the next morning***

    Dawn peaked through the windows of the Rogue’s Gallery, the smell of fresh baked bed and breakfast wafted through the darkened halls and into the rooms of the mercenary band. A rooster from the nearby farm crowed loudly, but it’s raucous calls were lost against the heavy wood of the Gallery. What wasn’t lost though was Dagur standing out on his balcony holding a large gong and a stick. He’d been up all night planning and fact checking the new contract and he believed they could pull it off and many of them could retire on the possible gold they could earn from it.

    Taking one last pull from his mug of fermented cider he struck the gong with all his might and shouted to his minions. “WAKE UP CHILDREN DADDY HAS A SURPRISE FOR YOU!”
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 12-01-2018 at 07:20 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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