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Thread: [M] Outbreak Genesis OOC

  1. #11
    Rayne7's Avatar
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    Looks good. Approved!

  2. #12
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    Alright well since we got the numbers. I'll start working on an IC post and try to have it up in the next couple days. Looking forward to seeing how this goes!

  3. #13
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Name: Andi DuPre

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Profession: High School teacher--science

    Description: Andi is of average height, standing at 5'6" with a slender, athletic build--her legs well-muscled from years of jogging. Her eyes are a deep brown and typically have a hint of humor to them. Her hair is of the same color, with a streak of white running through it on the left side. Typically sporting a light tan from all the time she spends outdoors, her skin has a healthy glow which is adorned with multiple tattoos: flower chain around left wrist, bow on back of right thigh, butterfly on lower back, and a celestial design on her shoulder/chest area. The only make-up she wears is eye-liner and mascara.

    Spoiler: Andi 

    Weapons: Glock 19 with 15 round clip (2 additional clips); shoulder holster; tire iron; pocket knife.

    Equipment: Back pack: Basic medical kit, Taser/flash light, OTC pain relievers, additional clothing (socks, underwear, t-shirts), pepper spray, protein bars, refillable water bottle, small flask half-filled with whiskey.

    Clothes: Casual wear: Fashionable worn blue jeans with grey patterned stretch pants underneath; red t-shirt; black leather jacket; running shoes

    Background: A bit of a health nut, Andi runs a minimum of 5 miles a day along the streets of Denver. She typically jogs alone, and for safety reasons, has a CCW permit and has taken several classes in self defense.

    Academically, she's a science teacher and works full time, but she also enjoys taking short trips to the mountains to hike and camp. She knows the basics...starting a fire from scratch, identifying edible and poisonous plants, reading the stars, and putting up a shelter. Although she doesn’t consider herself to be a survivalist, she is pretty self-sufficient.

    At the beginning of the outbreak, she made her way to the highschool, which was considered to be one of the fall back points for emergencies in the city. The school was overrun the following day, and Andi, along with several other teachers and students, fought their way out of the gymnasium and out onto the streets. The local police precinct was their destination this time, in hopes of procuring additional weapons and ammunition.

    For several days they struggled through the carnage...running...killing...hiding...the group’s numbers dwindling at an alarming rate. By the time the precinct was reached, only Andi and one other teacher remained, the two fighting their way to the doors. Only she was allowed to enter, her companion bitten in their last fight, a bittersweet end for one of them in their struggle to survive.

  4. #14
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    Lol Zeke never needs to be reincarnated he simply refuses to die.

    Spoiler: Zeke 

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  5. #15
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 10-16-2020 at 08:33 PM.

  6. #16
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    You know with all the video games being poorly smashed into this rp I might make another character. Maybe a quiet scientist in a powered exo suit with an affinity for crowbars?
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  7. #17
    Alura's Avatar
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    Having alternatives during a zombie/plague pandemic is probably not the worst idea. I thought about it also, but decided to wait and float one later if it seemed like a good time/necessary. The video game references are fairly well lost on me, though, for the most part.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  8. #18
    Rayne7's Avatar
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    Here's the thing; I said I'd allow Tom Clancy style things because most of it has some basis in reality- Ghost Recon being based loosely on Delta, 4th Echelon story wise being a part of the NSA, and same for The Division supposed to be a part of Homeland Security. That being said, I have said nothing about utilizing the tech from those games; my character won't be using cross-coms glasses, cloaking system, or anything like that. Fox isn't using the hive ball, the automated turret, or anything like that. This decision was made solely for the amusement of being able to use our own characters from that universe in a different setting. And I also stated that despite the decision to include those organizations, the tech would be limited.

    That being said, if you want to make another character feel free to do so. Exo suit might be a bit much though. I know there's some in development that were being tested but I haven't kept up to date on them in a while.

    @KRCmdrSheppard You do understand that in this setting there has been a major targeted emp attacks worldwide, meaning most of the city networks that you utilize in watchdogs would be unavailable, right? That was mentioned in the last sentence of the first paragraph. There will still be certain buildings and facilities we'll come across that are still functional due to being properly protected, and those facilities will have security systems that you might be able to access, but it won't be as commonly used as it is in Watchdogs.

    Also, I know that tone can be difficult to convey over text but understand none of what I've said has been meant to be negative. If the inclusion of these things is going to detract from the experience, it can be rectified.

    Sorry for the wait, IC should be up by the end of the day. Once it's up those who have been approved can post, including Siks and blue moon who by the way are approved.

  9. #19
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    Also, for clarification we'll likely be split into two teams so you can have two characters. If you have a preference for pairing up characters let us know and we'll try to accommodate that. One team will be primarily in a support role; providing security, overwatch, and extraction among other things.

    This way both teams still can be involved and those few who are less combat oriented aren't necessarily at the forefront of the action, though they will still see some of their own.

    And this is a reminder that this is rated mature. There will be gory scenes written in detail, extreme violence, and some other mature scenes, though still within the rules of RPA. This is a horror genre setting. You all seem well aware of that and I don't think any of this will be a problem, but I still feel like stating a disclaimer.

    There will be periods of time between missions, during which time it is encouraged to establish and build relationships, work on skills, do some character progression. And in terms of survivability, I tend approach it that so long as you're not doing something monumentally stupid, breaking the rp, or just consistently making bad decisions, you're probably not gonna die unless you want to.

    Also, any concerns regarding the plot or story, scenes, and so forth I would prefer if you send me a pm. I do not take offense easily, and I don't mind constructive criticism in the least because it would be much harder to improve without it, but I've found when posted publicly it can cause some disagreements with others that ruin the vibe. There may be times we do things that aren't 100% realistic or logical if we think it can make for a cool scene or to create a situation that we can utilize for the story progression, and we withhold the right to take these creative liberties. After all, we're dealing with a world where zombies roam.

    Feel free to pm me any concerns or questions.

  10. #20
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayne7 View Post
    @KRCmdrSheppard You do understand that in this setting there has been a major targeted emp attacks worldwide, meaning most of the city networks that you utilize in watchdogs would be unavailable, right?
    Yes I know.

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