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Thread: RED SNOW [IC]

  1. #11
    RPA's Hedonist
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    ROUND 1

    Once everyone found themselves armed in the wicked winter wonderland, their Secret Santa Tracker began to synchronize, as the screen displayed. After a digital array of trivial graphics passed, along with some bleeps and bloops, everyone was given their target. The tracker showed the target's coordinates and some basic intel. The world watched as hidden cameras locked onto every contestant with announcers going on about the possibility of who could win.

    The hunt begins...

  2. #12
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    Last edited by Kris; 12-14-2018 at 10:20 PM. Reason: needed to change by imp

  3. #13
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    As our hero was casually hiding in the bushes, sitting against a tree and looking up in at the sky, he grew bored of waiting. It was not his free choice to participate, so hope of survival was far to be found. One could only imagine what the others were like. Brigands? Killers? Corporate oppressors? Who knew?

    His eyes surveyed the snow-covered horizon. He spotted some girl near the wooden cabin holding what seems to be... a lightsaber!? He couldn't tell at that range. His brown leather jacket camouflaged okay in the shadows, at least. As he turned back his head, he noticed another man crouching in the bushes in front of him! It was at about sixty meters distance. Q froze like a hedgehog. In attempt at supersneaks. The apparent superghilly might not have spotted him yet. Or had he? Q suddenly felt fucked. He hesitantly waved his hand at the man in the bushes.

  4. #14
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    It was like a mental enlightenment, when a name burned into Kris's mind, and she could only whisper it as the pain was overwhelming, "*&^%^".

    The gusts of wind blurry out the sound, and even those around her couldn't fully understand the name. Still the name drove her to act unlike herself. She pulled her weapon from the box, and as rusty as it was, she could still function it with a few tries. And then she quickly took cover behind sea of boxes, that simply were there (don't ask).

    She felt a power controlling her as she aimed for the distance, but then a oversized boom caused her to panic and shoot.

    She aimed at Dnafein:





  5. #15
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    Merry heard the boom, just as she was collecting her weapon from the box that had her name scratched across the top. She quickly ducked down behind the array of empty crates and boxes, strewn about the ground. They wouldn't offer much cover, should she be in real danger, but it would have to do for now. Peaking about, she realized the sound had come from a decent distance away. She was safe, for the immediate future. Pulling her weapon from the box, she made a grimace of annoyance at what she had been given. She recalled studying about this type of weaponry a very long time ago. Was this someone's idea of a joke? She didn't find it very funny. She had no idea how the heck this was going to work out for her. She had accuracy with most weapons, but this?

    With a deep sigh, she tried to remember everything she had ever learned about this type of gun. She knew this would not be much use with any kind of distance. The weapon was just too risky. She recalled horror stories of when people would use these types of guns, about a hundred years ago. They would lose fingers, eyes, and more from the back fire of gunpowder. They clogged and needed to be cleaned constantly. this was going to be a tough one. She came to the realization that her only hope was to try and get close enough to use it as a club against her opponent. Taking a practice swing with it, she smashed the box that it was stored in, and whistled in a bit of delight. It had done some serious damage. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all?
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  6. #16
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    Alexander glared at the brown-jacketed man. He was going to get Alexander killed! He snuck through the bushes and came out by the man. "What do you want?!" he hissed.

  7. #17
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Burrowing through the snow D'Nafein moved through the battlefield. He'd creep to the surface to peek around seeking his prey. He moved stealthily intending to last as long as possible. Unfortunately this seemed to work against him as the first gunshot rang through the air.

    A bullet ripped through the snowbank and Dna. Looking down, he studied the hole that passed through his gut. “Well that [CENSORED] sucks.”

    D’Nafein slowly counted to fifty; Finding himself still breathing he released a relieved sigh. Stifling a groan he started moving. Pushing himself away from the red splattered snow Dna, resumed his hunt. Freezing upon hearing a crate smash, he peeked out of his new snowbank spotting Merry.

    Releasing a whoop, D'Nafein burst through the snowbank rushing towards her. He hefted a tomahawk, spinning it in his fingers before his arm came back. Snapping the arm forward he flung the weapon at his target. Dna sprinted on diving into another snowbank and digging through to avoid reprisal.
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  8. #18
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    G reached the cabin and peered through the window, frowning as the contents offered her slim reprieve; there wasn't anything she would see that would serve any better than the "weapon" she had. Sighing. she turned to peer around the wintery terrain again.

    "How am I even going to find the others out here?" She complained, seeing nothing but a blanket of white. spotted with a meagre assortment of trees and bushes. No one in sight... but wait! The tracking device she had been equipped with flickered into life, revealing her targets location - and he was close! How best to approach? Given her loadout, she would only get one shot - but if her tracker was working, so was whoevers' was hunting her.

    Abandoning caution, G let out a (hopefully) fearsome war cry, sprinting toward the nearest of the scraggly foliage. She closed the gap quickly and leapt the last few feet, swinging the now unfurled magazine in a furious swipe at @Q;'s head, aiming to deliver a series of agonizing papercuts to his face.

    Panting from the sprint, she straightened, the now rather crumpled mag held before her like a shield, her free arm bent in a kung-fu like pose, and looked at Q to see what damage she'd managed to inflict.

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  9. #19
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    "What do you want?" Alexander whispered, hastily.

    "Simple... just die," Red stated aloud before revealing himself from a nearby bush, leaping from the green thicket and brandishing his weapon. He clenched a drill in his right hand, the ammo of the cerebral bore. He found no use with ranged weapons, so might as well improve with his melee attacks.

    He thrust the drill in mid-leap and aimed to slice against Alexander's back with the pointy edge. If this was an anime, the dramatic and tense music would be playing at this point. And Red's movement would continue in slow-mo as he neared his opponent.

    But it wasn't an anime, Red finished his leap and landed almost in between Q and the probably Salty man he just wounded. Suddenly, he heard a text notification from his pocket. Red shrugged and grabbed his phone with his free hand, before glancing at the screen. Ashley sent you a new message!

    "Sweet, that was fast," Red muttered as he opened the message, eagerly looking forward to Ashley's response... while also ignoring the other two people within arm's distance. The tinder guy wondered what his opening line would receive...

    Kill yourself.

    "Well, that's a lil' harsh," Red shrugged nonchalantly from Ashley's message.
    Last edited by RedKayne; 12-22-2018 at 07:09 PM.

  10. #20
    RPA's Hedonist
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    Already, blood was spilled, but these were only wounds. The demented audience was waiting for the face of death, as was sadistic Santa. Announcers from all across the world were covering every detail, every highlight of the arena.

    And now,
    ROUND 2

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