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Thread: RPA Valentine’s 2024: Angels and Devils

  1. #11
    The Replicant
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    Wednesday prompts are up! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #12
    The Grey Lady
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    A tremendous Happy Valentines day to all! And, if that's not your thing, happy Wednesday!
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #13
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Happy love day, yall.

  4. #14
    The Replicant
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    Another day, another trio of prompts!
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  5. #15
    The Grey Lady
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    Greetings all! Today's prompts are:

    I) Write a story where a person talks to an older family member and learns of a hidden romantic past
    II) Write a story where a patron talks to a bar tender
    III) An astronaut encounters an alien
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #16
    The Replicant
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    Saturday prompts are up - one more day to go!
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  7. #17
    The Replicant
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    And that’s the last day of prompts - thanks everyone who stopped by, and feel free to use these prompts for future creative writing or RP ideas!
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  8. #18
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Tuesday 13th February

    Angelic Prompt
    Blake was always known for being a scatterbrain, this time was no different as he was running late for the birthday party of his young niece Anna. Not only was he running late for her party he had yet to stop and grab her a present. Driving in his car he was giving it a bit more gas than he should have, because of doing so he was pulled over by the police. "Sorry officer was I speeding?" Blake asked as already knew the answer. "Yes you were young man, care to explain why?" The officer said as he looked at Blake. "I don't have any excuse.. but I am running late for my niece's birthday party and do not wish to disappoint her again. I'm not the most organized person." Blake said as he chewed his bottom lip. "Well we wouldn't want her to think you're a deadbeat so I'll just give you a ticket and send you on your way! Make sure to watch your speed young man." The officer said as he looked at Blake. "Thank you sir, I'll be sure to behave myself!" Blake said as the officer wrote up his ticket and sent him on his way. While the officer was writing the ticket Blake got a call from his sister. "Have you gotten Sarah her present? Where are you?!" Marie asked as she sighed knowing he was running late. "Crap her present! I'm on the way to pick it up and I'm right around the corner." Blake said as he made an excuse. "Yeah sure you are sparky, I bet you're just down the street. Make sure you don't miss out handing out the presents! We'll be giving them to Sarah in less than an hour!" Marie said before hanging up after which Blake drove to the store and bought his niece a barbie doll and showed up to give it to her.

    Wednesday 14th February

    Devilish Prompt
    Sam sat near her campfire boiling a pot of water with diced vegetables and rabbit meat cooking in a stew. "This will be very yummy!" Sam said happy to be out camping again. She had been so busy with work that to have a few days off to unwind and enjoy camping was a blessing for her. Sitting at the campfire the sun was setting already when she heard a snap of a twig behind her making her jump. "H-Hello?" Sam spoke hearing the rustling of leaves circling her before her eyes jetted to the right staring into some brush seeing a shadowy figure standing next to a tree as he eyes trailed up to see glowing yellow eyes staring back at her. When she did Sam could feel the blood in her face drain and her veins run cold. Moments later the figure stepped out wearing what looked like a makeshift loincloth the nails long and pointed and black with dirt. The figure was at least seven feet tall with a lean lanky build, atop it's head were long crooked antlers much like that of a buck. "Who or what are you?" Sam asked as she could feel a knot swell and get stuck in her throat as she asked the figure, her throat feeling dry as her voice quivered. "I am the guardian of this forest, also known as the forest spirit." The figure spoke in a low deep guttural tone. "What are you doing here?" Sam asked swallowing hard to cover up her fear as the forest guardian sat across from her by the fire. "Well I smelled what you were cooking and it intrigued me." The guardian said as he looked at Sam and soon the stew was finished before she got a bowl for each of them. What they didn't know was there were hunters in the forest who heard rumors of a never before seen creature roaming around. Stalking in the dark they searched for the never before seen creature whom ate the stew with Sam before he went on his way thanking her for the meal. It was not long before the hunters were on the trail of the guardian, slowly stalking behind him as he heard a twig snap himself and started to run away climbing into trees to jump from limb to limb as the hunters shot at him. Bullets flying past as one knicked the guardian's shoulder making him roar out making Sam jump as she ran to try and help. Running in the direction of the noise she soon came upon the forest guardian cornered at the edge of a cliff surrounded by the hunters. "Leave him alone! He isn't hurting anyone!" Sam shouted as the hunters didn't care, as such they still aimed their guns at the guardian and fired who covered Sam by wrapping his arms around her soon falling off the cliff protecting her from the guns and the impact of the fall causing Sam to cry when the forest guardian gave his life to protect her.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  9. #19
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Thursday 15th February

    Devilish Prompt
    Shane struggled with life after his father passed on. He didn't know what his job was, only that he used to work for the government and that his death on the job was classified. They were only allowed to give their condolences and return the body to be buried. Shane finally mustering up the courage to go to his father's grave despite having skipped the funeral went to the graveyard and found his father's stone. "Dad what happened to you? Why did you have to die? How did you die? I just don't get it, what did you do for the government that is so top secret?" Shane asked as he sighed drinking from a flask as he was drinking whiskey. When his father was alive, Shane used to be very close to him and looked up to his father as his hero. After his father died, Shane's life had gone down hill. Standing in the graveyard late at night having jumped the gate to get in he was unaware of prying eyes as there was a figure under a tree dressed in a fedora and brown trench coat. At the same time the groundskeeper was in another area of the graveyard digging a hole. What Shane didn't know was that his father's accident had not been an accident but a targeted scheme. Drinking his whiskey the figure under the tree pulled out a gun and slowly approached Shane from behind. Sensing the presence of someone approaching due to the training his father gave him growing up on how to protect himself, Shane spun and deflected the gun just as it went off next to his ear making it ring as Shane punched his unknown assailant's throat and started to run off only to get knocked out by the groundskeeper hitting him in the face with the shovel as they took him to an undisclosed place and started to torture him to get information out of him that he did not know trying to figure out what his father had been working on before he died. When they foudn he knew nothing they shot Shane in the head and disposed of his body.

    Friday 16th February

    Angelic Prompt
    James had recently found out he had a grandmother who was living alone and decided to go visit her after he found letters from her addressed to an army man up in the attic of his childhood home. James had not known of her since it was the mother of his father who had walked out on them so James' mother never told him about her. Learning she lived alone James decided to go pay her a visit to ask about the letters curious about his father's mother who was his grandmother. At this point she was in her late eighties but he still wanted to have a relationship with her to know more about his grandmother and his own father. Going to the home she lived in out in the countryside James introduced himself to her and her nurse as his father's son who was her son before finding out his grandmother's name was Rose. Asking if he could sit and talk to Rose he was invited to join her on the porch. "So the man you wrote to in these letters was he my grandfather?" James asked as he showed the letters to his grandmother. "No he was a man I met before your grandfather, I was a nurse back in the nineteen fifties and stationed overseas to help our troops who were injured. I worked in a tent behind lines treating the soldiers who came back from being injured. While working as a nurse the man in the letters was brought in having suffered burns from a landmine going off. Even so I did not mind, I came to enjoy spending time with him while treating his injuries. His name was Vincent, he was such a kind and loving man who didn't want to take a life but was conscripted by the army." Rose spoke as she had a gentle smile on her face happy to reminisce about Vincent and her younger years. "So what happened to him?" James asked his grandmother as he sat with her. "Well he eventually recovered and was sent back out on the frontlines to push forward, as he was Vincent made great strides in pushing back the enemy forces with his platoon. Sadly on his last mission he went missing and I never heard from him again.." Rose said as she looked at her grandson.
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

  10. #20
    Sovereign of Twilight
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    Saturday 17th February

    Angelic Prompt
    Aurora was known to be the daughter of a great politician, but because of the kind of career he was in there was always someone trying to kidnap her and use her as a bargaining chip to use against her father and make him pass certain bills or propose certain bills for their own agenda. As such he hired a highly specialized elite bodyguard to protect her. "Dante can do you want to have some tea with me?" Aurora asked as she looked at her bodyguard Dante and smiled at him. "I don't mind miss, I enjoy all types of tea." Dante said as he moved to sit down with her as he accepted a cup of tea and drank it with Aurora. Dante had gotten closer to Aurora over the time they had been spending together. Lately things had been rather quiet which was good but at the same time it had him feeling on edge. It wasn't normal for things to be so quiet so he was staying alert the best he could. As such his instincts were right when suddenly an explosion came from the front of the estate and the sound of semi-automatic rifles were heard firing. Dante jumped up when he heard the explosion and gunfire. "We need to go get ready Aurora." Dante said as he drew his gun out of his hidden shirt pocket and led her inside to a secret underground tunnel to head off the property to a speedboat on the shore and sped off with Aurora on the boat making sure she stayed down as he went to another shore not expecting to be met by more pursuers. "Damn seems they've been thorough in looking into where we would go." Dante said as he rushed the beach and shot at the people after them taking them down one after another before having Aurora jump off the boat and follow him into a warehouse where he held up in a room with her. When they did there were more people who came after them as he held Aurora close keeping her safe, in the heat of the moment she leaned up and kissed Dante feeling both shy and embarrassed. "Don't worry Aurora I'll keep you safe no matter what happens." Dante said as he looked at Aurora and fended off the enemies after them before finally they went and headed for one of the safehouses that he had set up.

    Sunday 18th February

    Angelic Prompt
    Lilith was calm as she sat in the cafe at night waiting for Angelica to arrive as they had met online through a dating website. The two didn't know what they were getting into but Lilith was looking forward to meeting her special someone. What she didn't know was that Angelic was an Actual Angel while Lilith was a demon herself. They would try to keep their powers hidden from one another but they wanted to see what kind of chemistry they had. Soon enough Angelica arrived at the cafe and hugged Lilith as they both blushed feeling a bit awkward and shy but happy to meet one another. "It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Lilith." She said as Angelica bit her bottom lip and smiled at her. "I could say the same, I'm Angelica. I have to say I feel kind of awkward doing this, I've never done online dating." Angelica said as she looked at Lilith and chuckled nervously. "I know what you mean its my first time as well." Lilith said as she sat back down to enjoy a meal and drink with Angelica as they took some time to warm up to one another but eventually decided to go back to Lilith's place to cuddle and watch movies after having some food and drinks together at the cafe.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I finally have 7 prompts up, hope they work for the event
    I have nothing important to say here.. But enjoy some sparklies in my signature! uwu

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