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Thread: (M) Outbreak: Genesis IC

  1. #11
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    The helicopter had attracted attention, and not just the attention of the living impaired, some survivours in a nearby hanger, one of which was one of the workers on the tarmac of the airport, and in charge of the fuel trucks, came to help with refueling. "We wont be able to take everyone at once, so we'll be ferrying wherever we find, until then we'll probably borrow your hanger as a safehouse" Bryce said. The leader of the survivor group nodded as the helicopter was refueled. Just then two separate radio calls came through one after the other. The first was from some military guys across the Potomac from them at Joint Base Anacosta-Bolling offering them safe haven in return for help with search and rescue operations, and medical assistance. Bryce agreed, and got to preparing the first load of passengers, all the while looking at the gunners dropping any undead that approached. The second was from a fellow officer, which caused Bryce to quickly grab the radio. "Trooper Ackerman, this is flight paramedic and pilot Bryce Fletcher of the Maryland State Police and Air National Guard, it's a shame you may not be able to make it to the airport, we'll be heading towards Joint Base Anacosta-Bolling I'm sure the soldiers at the gates will let you in if you make it before us, we'll see you there if it comes to it" he said. "Contact, large hoard, coming from the terminal! They seem to have been awoken by something!" one of the guards yelled. "I see them, ETA around 20 minutes, unless they see us and then probably less" the sniper medic said. "Well, guess you gotta make sure they don't, and everyone else work faster" Bryce said. The sniper medic picked off any and all walkers that seemed to look towards them, including the odd Howler or Screamer.

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  2. #12
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    Zeke chewed on the inside of his cheek as he looked out across the school grounds. Thirty deaders had been called in by the sounds of his jeep and the other undead already there. The group was pushing as one against the barrier. He had enough arrows to kill the zombies, but even he wasn't a Legolas level archer. He'd likely burn through all forty-nine arrows he had left and only be able to kill maybe half.

    The roof was their best route, but now he had to figure out how to get back to the jeep that the horde had been kind enough to leave alone. The building was standing on it's own with nothing close enough to jump to and the roof was a good fifty feet off the ground and a drop from here could kill or break legs. At least the Zombies prefer live meat to dead, but they would still get eaten as would the bodies downstairs in the gym. He shrugged at Andi's question.
    "Can't rightly say now, we need to get to my jeep before we can hightail it outta here." He looked worriedly down at the deaders. He needed some kind of explosion to thin them down then maybe he could pick the rest off.

    Quickly looking around he saw an old school bus that looked operational. Maybe they could use that and the jeep to escape. Continuing his survey he saw some oil and other chemicals besides a taken apart air conditioning unit. He quickly pointed to Andi.
    "Hey Andi, I don't suppose you know how to make a chemical bomb?"

    Winslow appeared at the door still looking pale.
    "I know how, but I won't be able to do it myself and I have a grenade here." He plucked it off his belt and tossed it to the cowboy who caught it expertly and slipped it onto the strap of his pack nodding his thanks. "Ok we gotta plan now. You two see what kind of bomb or napalmiesh thing you can make with that stuff by the AC. We have a few seconds before the deadheads break in, I'll toss this grenade to bust'em up then you come in and rain God's own hell down upon them."

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  3. #13
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    The knife moved smoothly in Ash’s right hand; Gliding through the targeted flesh as if through butter. His left hand thrust forward spearing the chunk that had been cut free. Ash brought the fork to his mouth and began to chew. His eyes flickered from his plate to his big screen tv, studying the sections displayed on it. His fork stabbed the last bit of flesh on the plate.

    Turning from the tv to nearby dining room Ash wondered if he should have another plate of the Prime Rib. Deciding three plates was enough the former NSA analyst returned his attention to the monitors before him. The tv displayed feeds from the few cameras that remain functioning; They either were somehow shielded from or outside the range of the EMPs. Ash’s laptop sat nearby displaying the view from the drone.

    Ash watched the chaos outside, as well as on some of the floors below. The young man never really considered how lucky he was to have the 14th floor to himself. Now however it was obvious how lucky he was. Or had been.

    Ash sighed as his eyes flickered over the cameras angled at the highways out of town. They took in the ruined and abandoned vehicles littered across them. Movement on a section of the tv grabbed the man's attention. A helicopter was landing at the airport; Almost at the same time a program on the laptop registered a radio signal.

    Ash listened to the message and quickly got up. He wrapped the remains of the prime rib that was supposed to be his meal for becoming a field agent. Wrapping it first in Aluminum foil, than in cellophane. As he added the meat to his supplies Ash overheard the conversations and turned to his attention to his map. He located his destination, and outlined a path using the drone to scout as far as he could.

    Gathering his gear, Ash shut down his equipment. He said goodbye to his collectibles and left his apartment behind. The analyst made his way carefully to the first floor; And upon exiting the building he retrieved the drone and began working his way towards Joint Base Anacosta-Bolling.
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  4. #14
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    Andi shrugged at Zeke's question regarding the making of bombs and moved over to Winslow's side to aid him in the endeavor. "Bomb-making 101..." she joked, lending her arm to the injured Sergeant as they picked through the supplies on the roof. They set aside the used oil and some rags, but it was obvious they would need additional items.

    "You start tearing up the rags and I'll be right back...just a few seconds," Andi said, glancing briefly at the older man. He nodded, setting to task with a labored and painful grunt. With no comment as to where she was going, she descended the two sets of stairs, pausing to press her ear to the door leading into the gymnasium before unlocking it. She would have a few minutes at most, the sound of pounding already getting louder in the short time since she had arrived.

    Without hesitating Andi ran to her classroom and gathered up glass bottles and isopropyl alcohol, throwing them into a bag haphazardly before heading back out. A loud cracking noise sounded, followed by a crash and she froze, her heart pounding in rhythm with the oncoming footsteps. Already she could see them, the distance to the gym equally divided between them. Without a second to waste, she started running, the infected letting out a howl as their prey came into view. Drawing her gun, she fired into the crowd, taking out two of the front runners, and injuring a third. She dove through the gym door, throwing her bundle before her and grabbing at the door as soon as she passed the threshold...but not soon enough. They were inside. Scrambling to her feet, she scooped up the bag as desperate hands pulled at her jeans and she floundered, falling forward. She flipped to her back and kicked out, her gun once again coming into play as she tried to keep back the hungry horde.

    "Fuck...fuck...fuck..." she gasped, finally making it to her feet again. In a seconds time she was at the stairs, doubling-timing it upwards, her breath coming in gulps. She threw her weight against the second floor doorway, driving her key into the lock and pausing to catch her breath. Five sets of eyes regarded her. Swallowing back bile, she nodded to the next set of stairs.

    "Get on the roof...they're right behind me. This door isn't going to hold long." Already she could feel the door vibrating against her back. Pushing away she followed them up, wiping the sweat from her forehead and trying to regain her composure as she climbed. When she dropped the bag at Winslow's feet, she looked over at Zeke. "How long did it take me?" she asked with sarcasm. "Next run is yours."

    Zeke chuckled yanking the pin off the grenade and walking to the door listening to the horde thundering through and up the steps. "Haha didn't know I was supposed to time you, but you are damn fast." He winked at the woman and popped the spoon letting the grenade cook for three seconds before he quickly cracked open the door and tossed the grenade down the steps. No sooner had he released the grenade, shut to door and jumped away, then a loud explosion was heard and the sounds of the Undead screaming and being blown to bits could be heard. Lucky for all of them the door was heavy and metal so it absorbed enough of the blast to save them, but by the sounds in the stairwell the grenade hadn't rekilled all of them. "Well that did some good, but we ain't outta the woods yet. This roof have a fire escape or something?" He asked Andi looking around the roof.

    "Yeah...come on, I'll show you," she replied, leaving Winslow to finish up the Molotov's as she walked around to the other side of the roof with Zeke. Metal stairs led down, the frames hugged in close to the brick building. The last set was pulled up from the ground with a spring-loaded release. "We're going to have some problems..." she said barely above a whisper. "Not everyone can move fast---they were planning on staying here until help came, but..." She shrugged. "I can help the Sergeant, but the pregnant lady is about to burst...and she hates me already...long story...don't ask. ...and the older couple...damn it...we can't just leave them here. Not now." She rubbed at her eyes as a headache started pushing at her temples. "They only survived this long because they were already in the gym when the first group of inside the high school. We lost almost everyone in the first few minutes. How the hell are we going to get them to climb down the fire escape and run for a vehicle?"

    Zeke patted her shoulder giving a carefree smirk, this was almost fun for him. He quickly looked between the fire escape, the people, and the bus. "Ok, ok, ok....uh they can take the bus. There's that airport and maybe a military base nearby. But first we gotta deal with the rest of those deaders." He moved back to Winslow and nodded approvingly at the wounded man's progress. There was enough here for two bombs. "Alright y'all listen up, these bastards are tough, but we can beat them. We rig these cocktails up as a trap and then...we run?" He said not 100% sure, but it was still fun for him.

    Andi felt her hackles rise when the cowboy put his hand on her again...glaring at him once his back was turned and he was detailing his "plan". He actually seemed to be having fun when there were lives at risk. The sergeant had been in charge until his health started declining, and for lack of a better choice, Zeke now seemed to be running the shots.

    She sighed and resigned herself to the new leadership. "Humphrey is one of our drivers...he has the keys to the bus...hopefully it's in running condition."

    Zeke nodded.
    "Alright I like where this is goin'. Ok folks here what we're gonna do. Y'all head for the fire escape. I'll rig up a surprise and give these deadheads a bit of Southern Hospitality. Then I'll join ya and we can take the bus and my jeep while the dead heads get a personal look at the Colonels extra crispy recipe." Winslow finished the bombs and handed them to the cowboy and began limping with the others towards the fire escape. Zeke slung his bow over his back and pulled his hood up and cutting some cordage from his pack. He quickly tied a bottle to a light above the door keeping the other in his coat. The first bottle would be enough to slow them down and give him the time to pick more off with his bow, but it sounded like there were too many for a single bottle to kill. He would use the second one to cover his own escape once everyone else was safe.

    Zeke ran after the others and knelt down drawing his bow and readying another arrow. "Ok start bookin' it y'all!" The group needed no further urging and began moving as quick as they could down the fire escape. The door finally gave way and the bottle burst in an impressive explosion actually killing the first three, but there was at least ten more behind them. So taking a deep breath Zeke began sending arrows down range dropping dead heads both on fire and not.

    Andi was only half way down the fire escape, Winslow leaning heavily on her shoulder, when the Molotov exploded. Her pace was set by those in front of her, but the youngest in their group, a teenager in his senior year, was already running for the bus. Despite his age, the bus driver, Humphrey, was close behind, pulling his wife along by her hand. In front of Andi, puffing and holding her stomach, Melanie...or just she was fond of saying, was taking her time, carefully navigating each step.

    "Keep moving..." Andi urged, growing impatient after the pregnant woman stopped for the third time. The woman let out a groan, clutching hard at the hand rail, her knees starting to buckle. " you don't. Get up Mel. Come on. There's no time for this." Andi came up behind her, trying to help her stand upright, but the woman let out a squeal, slapping at her hands. "Fine...get your pregnant ass eaten...let us through." ...and Andi tried to get past her, but between Mel's extra passenger, and the Sergeant on her shoulder, there wasn't enough room. "Bloody hell!" she exclaimed, finally bullying herself up and forcing her arm under Mel's elbow and directing her forward.

    In the lot, the bus roared to life, the engine catching quickly as Humphrey pumped the gas pedal with his foot. He had everyone on board except Andi and her crew...and of course Zeke...but his door was now shut, the infected already starting to pound their hands against the glass. He honked the horn several times, keeping the undead's attention focused on him, then put the bus in gear and started rolling slowly forward.

    Zeke looked back and decided it was enough playtime. He jumped over the ledge and scrambled his way to the ground, quickly grabbing Mel's hand and leading her, Andi, and Winslow to his jeep. He threw the last cocktail and freed the bus from the clinging zombies before he roared the jeep to life and motored away from the school, hanging his hand out the window to tell the bus to follow him. He wasn't sure if the airport or military base was closer, but he knew his way to the airport, so hopefully that'd be the safest bet to escape to. Once the pair of vehicles were up to speed and gone Zeke looked back at Andi and the woman who seemed to be going into labor. "Andi, I got a high-end med kit under the backseat...grab it. Winslow I assume you got CLS training in the military?"

    The wounded man nodded weakly. "Some yes, but unless you got some morphine or blood clotting powder I'm not gonna make it." He let out a rough cough and the hick chuckled. "Oh don't you worry fella I got you covered. I have morphine, blood clotting powder, and damn near anything you could want. Give him a quick shot Andi, I'm heading for the airport...hopefully we can get there quick like."

  5. #15
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    Martin briefly smiled at his Partner when the call came back over the radio before responding, "Ten-four Fletcher, we're about a half hour from the base if traffic is light," He joked as he turned the key in the ignition, "See you soon, as long as the locals don't give us too much trouble." Martin finished the transmission as Brady took his place in the passenger seat. From atop their parking garage at the Washington Union Station, just north of the Capitol Building, they could nearly see the Fredrick Douglas Bridge, which would be their route across the Potomac. Martin locked his shotgun in place on the center console, shifted into drive, and made his way out of the parking garage, plowing through two walkers who stood in the entry way. From there he drove past the now burning Capitol Building, before getting on South Capitol Street, which would take them right to the bridge.

    Along the way they didn't see much in the way of survivors, except for a couple of guys who looked like they'd just come back from acting in a Mad Max movie. Against his better judgement, Martin stopped for a moment, rolled down his window, and asked if they needed help. The guy with the mohawk, who referred to himself as "Sludge" and only spoke in the third person was the first to speak. "Cop want to know if Sludge need help? Well Sludge pretty hungry, maybe cop taste better than the last guy." He said, the look in his eye indicating that he had completely lost it. Sludge turned to his friend, who had been staring at Martin the whole time, and patted his shoulder. To Martin's surprise, the second one quickly threw the rather small knife he'd been holding, which sailed through the open window and struck Martin in the shoulder. Without hesitation he shoved his foot down on the gas, peeling out just as Sludge hurled himself into the hood of the Tahoe. Sludge was now clinging on to the hood as they sped off, leaving his friend to run after the SUV. With one hand Sludge reached down to his belt, grabbing an icepick and swinging it into the hood. Martin decided to try that trick that he'd always seen in the movies and slammed on the breaks, going from sixty to a dead stop in a matter of seconds. since they had stopped just before a bend in the road, sludge now laid slumped against the now dented driver side door of a parallel parked car, his head no longer looked like a head, and his arm was no longer attached to his body.

    They didn't stick around, as the commotion had attracted all manner of unwanted attention. Ignoring the knife in his shoulder, Martin drove on, much to the dismay of his partner. From the time they had left to when they'd reached the bridge nearly forty-five minutes had already passed and Martin now had a small pocket knife in his shoulder, which he hoped to God was clean, but the sight of the base from the bridge made him forget about the pain for a while. They were almost there, and hopefully they wouldn't run into anymore psychos along the way.

    Runa slowly lowered her rifle, before releasing it and letting it hang from the two point sling. Just around the corner of the wall were two of the slower infected, and just beyond them was s small service entrance to the tarmac near the Southwest Airlines terminal. Her brief journey to the airport had been mostly uneventful, the only hindrance she faced was one particularly fast infected. It had acted in a way she hadn't seen from the rest of them. She had snuck past most of the dumb ones, only having to take out two or three, when she came upon an alley with a couple of the infected feasting on a recent kill. She had been completely silent, but one of them began sniffing at the air, before looking her dead in the eye. She was prepared to sneak off when another call came over the radio, a brief conversation between a cop and the pilot, and it was loud enough to be heard down the alley. Both infected stood up, but the one that had caught her scent shoved the other one straight into the wall and took off running down the alley toward her. Caught off guard by it's speed, she took off down the street, vaulting a jersey barrier and sliding over the hood of the car to try to shake the creature. When she looked back it had surpassed both obstacles with no struggle and was rapidly catching up to her. She knew she couldn't outrun it, so she stopped, spun on her heel and raised her rifle before firing three shots in rapid succession. The creature stumbled, lurched forward, hit the ground face first, and slid to a stop, with two in the chest and one in the head.

    From there the rest of the trip had been easy enough, and now she had come to one of the last obstacles before she could get to safety. She took a deep breath, rounded the corner, and quickly closed the distance between her and the closest walker. In one swift motion she drew her sword, singing it upward towards the chin of the first infected, which had yet to even look at her. The front half of it's skull was separated from the rest, and it's body quickly fell to the ground. The attention of the other had been caught and it lunged for her, but she quickly sidestepped and swept her blade low. The walker fell forward, it's leg severed at the lower thigh. Before it could try to lift itself up, Runa drove her blade through the back of it's head. She quickly looked around to make sure nothing else had noticed her, and when satisfied that she was undetected, she turned to the chain link gate. It was locked, but she was able to scale it easily enough, and like that she was on the tarmac.

    Now she just needed to get to the helicopter pads alive. She rounded another building, to her left was the terminal, which was crawling with infected, and to her right down the tarmac a good distance were the helipads. Unfortunately, her arrival didn't go unnoticed, as at least a dozen of the infected by the terminal began heading towards her as fast as they could. She was outnumbered, and her only chance was to run, so that's what she did. She ran as fast as she could towards the helipads, and when she caught sight of a National Guard Pave Hawk, she began waving her arm and hoping that they wouldn't shoot her.

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    He'd heard it. The sound of the helicopter blades as they cut through the air with a dull thumping that brought back memories of desert sand and glaring heat. Looking up at the Pave Hawk as it passed overhead, Salem noted it's direction towards the airport. To see a living memory that had been ingrained in his mind from combat zones in faraway places now flying above the city filled with infected was surreal. The sounds of gunfire that he'd heard had ceased, and now in the silence he had to analyze the situation before making a decision. Hearing movement behind him, he spun with his rifle raised to find three of the infected rushing at him. Without hesitation he slammed the stock into the lead one even has he pulled the knife from the foregrip, stabbing a second one in the temple. A kick to the inside of the third one's knee put it onto the ground long enough for him to repeat his stabbing action to it's temple as well before retracting the blade and driving it down into the forehead of the first.

    A woman calling out for her kids to run faster made his decision for him, forcing him to focus on a more immediate threat. Choosing speed over stealth, Salem sprinted in the direction of the shouting, only slowing to check his corners as he approached. A sudden howl split the air, making the hairs on the back of his neck rise in response. Salem rushed the backdoor of the Crystal apartment building, kicking down the door with relative ease given the adrenaline in his system. Making an executive decision that the second floor of the building would provide sufficient view of the road from which the sounds came from, he took the stairs two at a time to emerge in the second floor hallway, going over to a window where he could see a female subject in her late twenties to early thirties chasing after two pre-teen children being pursued by nine infected including the one howling.

    Using the stock of his rifle to knock out the glass window, he opted for the loud approach in hopes of diverting the attention of any nearby affected from their more obvious prey. Carefully taking aim at the infected closest to the family at an estimated hundred meters, Crow steadied his breathing to normal even as he squeezed the trigger, watching the first round snap the head of the lead infected back with a pink mist. A second shot made the next one stumble, slowing it down enough to follow with a shot to the head. Seventy meters. Another headshot followed by another. Fifty meters and closing fast. Three shots yields two more kills. Thirty meters. Three perfect headshots eliminates the pursuit just as the family enters the complex, having seen the breaking glass and seeing the sniper aiding them.

    Turning around and heading downstairs to meet them, he directed them into the back alley he’d entered from before re-closing the door and ensured they were alone.

    “Are you three alright?” he asked, reaching into his pack to withdraw a couple of water-bottles, handing one to the kids and the other to their mother.

    “We’re fine, just tired. Thanks for the help, I ran out of ammo with my gun earlier. Don’t suppose you have some 9mm to spare?” the woman asked, body shaking with exertion even as she gulped down the water.

    “No, but you can use this.” he said, handing her the Colt 1911 from the right shoulder holster, leaving the one on the other side in place. “Name’s Salem Crow, United States Special Forces.”

    “Sarah Castiglione. This is Leo and Zach.” She said, smiling as she introduced herself and her children. “You saved our lives.”

    Salem merely nodded as he glanced over them, ensuring they drank up the water he’d given them before responding. “There was a helicopter heading in the direction of the airport. Seems like our best chance at survival. Stay behind me, and do as I say.” he instructed, his tone brooking no argument. He didn’t want to seem rude but right now his focus was on getting them to their destination.

    Leading them back towards the airport, he noted there was no more alleys to take, instead he made his way through the Booz Allen Hamilton parking garage until he could see east to the Water Park Tower Apartments, beyond which lies a wooded area between them and the airport.

    “We’re going to cut around the apartments, through the woods and out the other side. We need to take the most direct path. Once we’re through the fence-line at the airport, we’ll head south on the field to the helipad.” Salem explained, taking a moment to scope out their route with his rifle. There was a few infected, but not enough to be concerned with. “How familiar are you with using a handgun?”

    Sarah glanced at him. “My husband made sure I knew how to handle a weapon, he was an NSA Analyst. He was always concerned that he might find information that would place us in danger.”

    It was Salem’s turn to glance at Sarah. “Ever take a life?”

    Sarah nodded. “Home intruder, a year ago….and a couple of looters since the outbreak.”

    “Alright, good. Means I can trust you to handle yourself in a life or death situation.” Salem noted, nodding in approval. “Let’s go.”


    Salem could hear the helicopter a short distance away, the gunfire from a mounted weapon and the sporadic fire of a sniper rifle. Seeing the mass of infected between them, he figured there was only one solution; he would move forward around the edges of the crowd, draw the attention of those closest and keep it while Sarah and the kids made their way to the Pave Hawk.

    “When I start firing, take the kids and run to the helicopter.” he said, eyeing the situation. Closing his eyes as he took a breath to work himself up, he stepped out into the open and took aim at one of the infected armed with a kitchen knife, putting a round through its head with a squeeze of the trigger. Two more dropped before he garnered their attention, ignoring Sarah and the kids as they sprinted around him, headed for the rescue chopper.

    Selecting his targets by proximity, Salem eliminated those closest to him as he counted the rounds left in his magazine. The moment he hit empty, he immediately drew his FN Five-Seven and maintained his attack on the mob, knowing he wouldn’t be able to kill enough to keep them from reaching him at this point, forcing him to make his own move towards the helicopter, albeit at pace suitable to maintain fire on his targets. When the pistol emptied, he again holstered and drew his remaining M1911 even as he picked up the pace and only shot them when they got within fifteen feet of him.

    Seeing the helicopter, he maneuvered so that he came from the front of it to ensure they didn’t mistake him for a target as he took the opportunity of their suppressive fire to reload all of his weapons. That done, he climbed aboard the helicopter.

    “Captain Salem Crow, US Army Special Forces. Appreciate the Evac. How much longer are we sitting around for and what’s our itinerary?” he asked, nodding at Sarah and the kids who now sat in the seats in the back.

    Last edited by Rayne7; 05-12-2018 at 01:04 PM.

  7. #17
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    Andi reached under the seat and pulled out the med-kit, opening it up on her lap. She went through the contents quickly, losing some to the floor as the jeep took a sharp turn. Huffing, but keeping her curses to herself, she grabbed a morphine pen and pulled off the top. Leaning forward she grabbed the Sergeants arm in her hand and rolled up his sleeve. He gave her a nod and she dosed him, tossing the spent cartridge to the floor. She then passed up the clotting powder and sponges.

    "I hope you got this Sarge...not much more I can do from back here." She spared a glance at Mel beside her, the woman continuing to groan with her eyes squeezed shut. How she ended up with this baggage she had no idea, but the arrangement couldn't have been worse considering...and just as she had that thought, Mel looked at her.

    "This is all your fault!" she screamed, spittle flying from her lips. It was obvious she needed to direct her discomfort on someone, but Andi was having no part of it...not today after all they had been through. At first she just stared at her with disbelief, then she pointed a finger at herself.

    "Me? How is this my fault? I didn't knock you up."

    Mel swung at her then, managing to hit her once on the arm, before she starting gulping in breaths. She started sobbing and her gasps became more like hiccups. Andi feared she was having contractions...hopefully they would last long enough to make the airport. She sure as hell wasn't delivering a baby.

    "Faster damn it!" she called to the front before returning her attention to Mel. "You're breathing wrong..."


    "Tempting...but really...more like this," and she tried to demonstrate the appropriate method. ...and much to her surprise Mel started laughing, but not with humor.

    "I don't know what...he you. Fucking bitch..." and then she started screaming in earnest, her hands going to her belly. "!"

    Zeke stifled laughter as he floored the accelerator. "Haha your wish is my command girly. Hope those fellers at the airport know what to do here." The jeep roared with power the bus behind them matching the speed. Zeke did his best to remember where the airport was, but he wasn't sure if they'd make it in time.

    Andi scoffed, both at Zeke's humor and his comment regarding the men at their destination. "They better...or you're delivering this baby," she returned, glancing sideways at Mel as she spoke. The woman was crossing her legs now and she bent forward in the seat, letting out a loud groan.

    "Holy shit!" Andi gasped as Mel's water broke. "Drive faster Zeke...take the next left at Main..."

    Zeke couldn't go much faster without risking a roll-over, but he'd do his best, pushing the grey jeep to 70 miles an hour. He could see the airport on the left. The Deaders were thick, but he could see people running towards the helipad. He laid on the horn announcing their arrival. He motioned for the bus to pull up alongside and between the two heavy fast moving vehicles they mowed down large swaths of the dead and formed a quick barrier in front of the helipad. Zeke jumped out shouting at everyone on the chopper.

    "HEY WE GOT A PREGNANT LADY READY TO POP IN HERE! MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!" He quickly ran around and opened the door showing them Mel and the wet seat under her.

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    "Glad to have you onboard, Crow, I'm Warrant Officer Bryce Fletcher of the Maryland Air National Guard, and this is my medic squad. We'll be in the air in five minutes, and then onto Joint Base Anacosta-Bolling, seems the Navy, Army and Marines have managed to hold out there since zero hour" Bryce said. "Of course a Marine had to save an Army boy" the sniper medic said, chuckling. "How's everyone's ammo looking?" Bryce asked. "2 and a half mags" the sniper medic said, removing his current magazine to check it. "75% remaining" the door gunner said. "Alright Darryl, finish off the current mag and then stow your weapon, Katie keep providing covering fire" Bryce said, just then he heard something big approaching. "Bus and jeep, incoming, 250 meters out" the Darryl out. "Covering it" Katie yelled, opening fire. Once the bus made it and was unloaded, and Katie and Darryl grabbed what few medical supplies remained in their chopper. "Know how this is done?" Darryl asked. "Yep, I had to help my sister give birth on the side of the road once, and my mother was a trained midwife" Katie said. They got to work helping with the birth of, as far as they knew, they first of the new generation of survivors. "Well, it didn't come out looking like a zombie, that's the main thing" the other pilot said, only to receive a couple of death glares. "What to soon? At least the zombies can't give birth" he added, before turning his attention back to preparing for take off. "Alright we have 3 minutes remaining, if you're coming with us then get in, if not go and wait in the hanger for the later pickup, we're dusting off soon" Bryce said, climbing back into his seat, pulling his flight helmet back on and spinning up the engines.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  9. #19
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    “Young lady, what have I told you about that mouth of yours?” Kenny pulled her ice pick free of skull, curses dying on her lips as a shotgun blasted through the next zombie. Relief nearly made her collapse in sudden weakness as she caught sight of the familiar weathered old face. Alive, the only good person to walk into her life and he was alive. The only thing that mattered to her now, was keeping it that way.

    “What took you so long, old man?” Kenny bolstered, regaining her composure as two more people came out of the shadows of the ally way. She recognized them from the gun range, the more extreme trainers, always going on about the end of the world or fall of government. Though she’d never put much stock into it or really understood why Reginald bothered talking with them, she was grateful now as they saved her and what remained of her small group. As they took care of any stragglers with the much higher powered weaponry, Kenny gave in and threw her arms around the older man.

    “Zombies? Like a real live fuuu-.. bloody zombie apocalypse. How is this even happening? What do we do? Where do we go?” A sharp look from Reginald had Kenny’s new friend altering his own choice in curse as people moved in looking for answers. It was something Kenny had always admired about him, the way he just always seemed so in control, a natural leader, someone others automatically looked up to. It was also why she’d always given him such a hard time, why would anyone like that, with such easy authority, be interested in a punk kid like her.

    “You’ve got two choices.” Reginald started, tossing a set of keys to one of the men who’d come with him and rambling off his address. “You can come with us to the airport or hunker down with them.”

    Kenny frowned at the suggestion they split up but didn’t say anything as the others began explaining their set up. Once the others had decided to take their chances hunkering down, Reginald swung a backpack on, clipped a radio to his belt and the groups went their separate ways. Just the two of them now, they moved through the streets quickly and quietly. In a hushed whisper Reginald informed her he hadn’t gone to the school as she’d assumed, but rather up to the range they frequented. It was there he’d run into the others, looting and convincing them to trade their help in finding her, with the store of food and supplies he had back home. Figuring in where she said she’d been working and the most direct route to where she’d assume he was, Reginald had set to work.

    Kenny shook her head, a slanted grin on her lips. The old man had a plan for everything, even the end of the world, she should have figured. She questioned him now, on why they hadn’t stayed, what made him think the airport was a better option. He grinned back, explaining the helicopter that had gone over head. The call that came over the radio, military evac was a much better option then some guys with guns in a basement, even if they were pretty good shots. Staying in the city was a fool’s decision.

    They were inside the airport perimeter now, Kenny could see no way to reach the helicopter, the noise from it and the gunfire had drawn quite the crowd. It was a miracle they hadn’t already been set upon. But it seemed they weren’t the only ones on their way in, rapid gunfire started up on the other side as what looked to be a small family came running in. Just as they seemed to enter a safe zone, a horn blasted through the air.

    “Now Kenny. Go now!” Reginald pushed her forward, as vehicles peeled onto the tarmac, eliminating a large chunk of zombies and clearing some of the path for Reginald and Kenny. Someone was screaming about a pregnant woman, and people began spilling from the vehicles. Kenny had a moment to admire the handiwork of the supped-up Jeep before she as she pulled her own to cover the growing groups flank.

    “There are so many people, they’re never going to be able to take us all. Women and children, should be the priority.” Kenny was doubting the validity of Reginald’s plan now. They were surrounded, a pregnant woman was apparently giving birth, and there was only one way out. She doubted they’d last a return trip, even with the added military fire power. What was the fuel level of the bird at anyway? Could it even make an other trip? A million questions ran through her head as a three minute warning was called out.

    “Good thing you’re a woman. And one with a valid skillset. Got you a WELDER OVER HERE!” Reginald chimed in between gunfire picking off zombies who got to close. He shoved her a second time an oddly jovial smile on his face as she stumbled towards the chopper.
    ...ǟռɖ աɦɛռ ȶɦɛʏ ɮʀɛǟӄ ʏօʊ, ɨȶ աɨʟʟ ɮɛ ɨռ ȶɦɛ աʀօռɢ քʟǟƈɛ.
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  10. #20
    Red Ninja
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    Zeke had moved to the bus using it for cover as he killed a couple of noisemakers before they brought even more deaders to them. He half heard the chatter about the chopper not being big enough and he immediately looked at the aged bus driver and his wife then at Mel and Winslow. They were more a priority than the rest of them.

    "I see your women and children and raise you the elderly and wounded! I can fit three other folks in my jeep. And if any y'all know how to drive a bus ya can take that too. But whatever we doin' I say we do it soon. I ain't got enough arrows to hold these deaders off long!"

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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