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Thread: [M] Rise of the Uchawi

  1. #11
    The Ashen One
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    Mae was still as she heard them. There was more than the usual whispers, though they were louder than whispers now. No, they were being accompanied. She could sense them seemingly before any of them. They didn't seem like the kind Mae was looking for; their movements were too deliberate to be commanded by a darker force. No, these were probably thieves, sellswords, and they would surely regret choosing their victims tonight.

    Her hand again went to the book by her hip but she decided against it. Resham and Kaito surely would distrust her if they knew of the contents of the book. And if they just saw what she could do, they would send her off to the gallows in a heartbeat. This was a job for a blade. So Mae unscathed her blade, a simple broadsword that was just starting to dull. Swordfighting was hardly a sport for a woman, but she would show them both that she was no ordinary woman. And as one being came at her she easy deflected his attack and countered it, shoving her blade deep into the man's stomach. "You might have done better to choose someone else," she whispered to him. "I'm sorry. It is kill or be killed, and I have much left to do."

    Whether either of them heard her she did not know. Her words were not for them, anyway. She got right to work in handling the fight. The voices were getting louder still, shouting, making her concentration falter. She was trying hard to stay in the fight, but with so much noise, she was finding it difficult to even think.
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    The two males fought as if it were something they needed to do a lot. Kaito drifted after Resham through the fight, his blade cutting through the air easily. The blade glittered dangerously, the edge razor sharp as it cut easily into and even through skin. Each time he cut a theif down, he murmured something under his breath before continuing after the younger. Resham was also holding his own quite easily. He was small, nimble, and quick on his feet, far quicker than many of their attackers. His blades flashed, cutting in and out of the men, striking into the chest, or into areas heavy with arteries. Still, he turned, noticing Mae struggling slightly to focus. His eyes widened as he caught sigh of a man behind her, and set his jaw as he raised his hand. "Duck!" He yelled at her before sending one of his knives straight through the air. There was a guttering, choking sound, and the man fell heavily, the knife embedded in his throat.

  3. #13
    The Ashen One
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    Anything quieter than a yell and she would not have heard him. Mae did as she was told and watched as the man fell down before her, life draining from his eyes. She nodded a short thanks to Resham. This was getting out of hand. The voices, if they didn't quiet soon, Mae would get herself killed. She shook her head, sending her hair flying. Shut up, she willed. Please. For now, just shut up.

    But soon it seemed the fighting was drawing to a close. There weren't many thieves about, it was too early in the day, and once they were all taken care of Mae sighed and wiped her forehead with her sleeve. That had been close, too close, and she hated having to rely on anyone. Still, the kid had saved her life. She looked over at him. "I thank you," she said softly. "I was distracted. You protected me. You have my gratitude." She looked to the older man too. "You two are quite skilled. I take it you fight often?" She sheathed her sword and crossed her arms over her chest. "Not exactly something a lady likes to hear when traveling with two strangers, but it seems to have protected us. I shall not pry."
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  4. #14
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    Resham wiped his brow, exposing for a moment a golden circle in his skin, lighter than his tanned complexion. Before one could get a good look, his midnight hair fell back over it, concealing it as he walked and retrieved his knife. "You're welcome." He said simply, turning with a grin on his face. "It's easy to get distracted in a fight like that. It was chaotic, and dark, so I don't really blame ya. Be a bit more careful next time." He said, then walked back over to his pet. She trumpeted, brushing him gently with her trunk. He laughed slightly, fetching the lantern and fumbling a bit with a match. Cursing softly, it finally lit, and he picked up the lantern and looked at her.

    Kaito turned towards her as well. "Not many ladies carry a sword, or know how to use it. Still, it is a unfortunate truth that we find ourselves in situations such as these more often than not. Are you alright?" He questioned, sheathing his blade. His suspicions cleared, he now regarded her with more concern than distrust. Resham rolled his eyes, walking ahead. "Lets go." He urged, wanting to leave the now blood slick road far behind.

  5. #15
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    They were still speaking, though they were quieting. Be more careful... If only he knew the war that was going on in her head. Maybe then he would see how impossible it was to be more careful. But Mae shook it off. She was not to be making excuses for herself. The voices, they were commonplace, and blaming them would be foolish. No, she would take the blame herself, and next time, she would do better.

    But she was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a trumpet. She turned to face Resham, who seemed to be laughing at something huge and wrinkled. Mae's brows furrowed as she thought but soon her expression turned to one of confusion. "An elephant?" she murmured. "Your pet is an elephant?" She looked the beast down and noticed for the first time the pale tusks, the large ears. "An elephant around here? I've never even seen one before with my own eyes. I... I hardly know where they even originate. By the gods, an elephant..." She started chuckling lightly. "I'd never thought I'd ever actually see one."

    When she quieted she turned to Kaito. "I am fine," she answered him. "Unscathed. I know my way around a blade. It is only fitting, someone like me should know how to wield one. I travel at night, after all." She gave him a little ow as she continued walking. "Thank you. I trust that the two of you are well, too?"
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    Kaito nodded, a faint smile on his face. "We are alright. Resham is a bit too quick to be harmed by robbers as slow as they. And you are correct, it does make sense I suppose." He was quiet for a while, then looked at Resham and Mah La. "But, yes. Our pet is an elephant. We've come quite a ways from home..... They come from two areas if I remember correctly, both rather hot areas. On is a bit more humid though. At any rate, we do indeed travel with a full grown elephant." He found himself chuckling as well. He hadn't contemplated how absurd it would seem to someone else, but now that he was, he too found it amusing. "She's quite attached to Resham, and him to her. She's saved his life a fair amount of times. It's rather difficult to harm her, which comes in handy in combat." Resham seemed oblivious to their conversation, and was petting Mah La as she walked, sitting on one of her tusks as he did so. She didnt seem to mind it.

  7. #17
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    "I suppose it would be." She continued walking delicately, taking in the sounds of the large animal's footfalls. Now that she knew it seemed so obvious. The beast could be nothing but an elephant. It was just so absurd, a knife-wielding boy with a five-ton beast as a pet. But then, the thought of a young girl willingly heading out to meet with the dark lord was probably just as farfetched.

    She had to wonder at the pair. Were they father and son? No, they looked too different. And if they came from elephant-bearing lands, why were they so far from home? But it didn't concern the girl. It had little to do with her or her motives, so she tried to switch the subject. "So tell me, what is it you've heard about the Black Dragon? You seemed to have some idea of who he was before."
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    Kaito was quiet for some time, his face darkening slightly at the name. "When you travel as much as we have, you can't help but hear about him." He said finally. "I've heard he is raising an army, that much I know for sure. For what purpose, the rumors vary. He uses some form of magic, something that has caused a good deal of fear for any who practice the arcane arts. I've heard he is cruel, and wishes to enslave this world under him. I've heard he goes against natural order, and raises the dead to do his bidding. Death seems to follow in his wake, though most misfortune seems to be blamed on him. I'm unsure what can be said of him that is true. I'm going on almost nothing but rumors alone." He was then quiet for some time. "How far until the village." He asked dully, wishing to get off the subject.

  9. #19
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    And she let him drop the subject. "Some time yet. We have not been travelling long. Look how the moon is positioned a bit northeast? We should get to town when the moon is about... there." She was pointing, trying to use the sky to guide her. It was a lot easier in the day, of course, but Mae had long given up day travel. "We will be there before you know it. Peace, Kaito."

    When she quieted she got to thinking. He had heard the same rumors she had, then. The undead army, the necromancy, the murder... Such tales would have anyone running, and so she was, running right towards the beast. Someone might have deemed her a lunatic for that alone. But she wanted her answers, and she was unafraid of what the dark being might do to her. No matter what, if he could just confirm her thoughts, it would be worth it.
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    Kaito sighed. "...... There was one woman who I place higher credibility in. She said, though warning me she was not fully certain, that he lay to the west. I didnt hear more from her." He said softly. And that was all he said before forcing himself to think of their travel.

    It took hours. By the time they reached the village, Resham was passed out, and even the elephant was tired. Kaitos feet felt like lead, aching and protesting from carrying him so far. There had been no other attacks, but he had remained somewhat jumpy since, especially when the you gets fell into sleep. As such, he was relieved to see the town before them. Tiredly, he walked through the streets to one of the few illuminated buildings, the tavern. He knew they'd be able to get some lodging there, as well as some drink. Quickly, he paid for a two rooms, as well as some space for Mah La nearby the building. After leading the elephant to her resting place, and carrying Resham into one of the rooms, he looked for his other companion, and sighed as he glanced wearily at Mae. "I owe you a few drinks, correct?" He asked, gesturing at the bar.

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