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Thread: 「R」 【S T R A N D E D】 「OOC」

  1. #21
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    Nathaniel Caldeir Ralston
    Spoiler: Nathaniel 

    First Name: Nathaniel

    Middle Name: Caldeir

    Last Name: Ralston

    Nickname(s): Cal, Nathan, Nate

    Age: 25
    Sex: male
    Nationality: white...?
    DOB: 2/17/1987
    POB: (Place of Birth): Polperro, Cornwall, Britain
    Sexual Orientation: straight


    swimming, fighting (mma), rudimentary survival skills, building with wood, and chopping wood.

    He cannot for the life of him grow: a plant, a miniature human being to adulthood, or any small creature that depend on him for survival.

    Primary Language(s): English
    Secondary Language(s): English
    Affiliation(s): none
    Connection(s): none


    Nathaniel is very free loving. He often feels constrained by the small town he's in and his family relationships, and relationships in general. Although he first strikes many as a happy, chill guy, he is bitter and and angry about his lack of freedom, and his brother. Even in school he felt rejected, due to no one really being able to relate to his feelings. Nathaniel is disenchanted with society as a whole, as many people see his looks and only see what they want to see; most of the time he uses that to his advantage, since he long gave up on trying to convince people otherwise. He's average in most things he does, although he packs a mean punch. Like every other person he's broken, although it shows through if you catch him at a certain moment. His family is decent enough which only adds to the fact that Nathaniel feels at odd with the atmosphere and his friends. He has difficulty trusting people knowing everyone is human. Some would call him jaded, a skeptic, along with many other things. Even if you go beneath the surface of who he is as a person, and have a deep talk with him, the next day, things will be as if that talk never happened. He figures in the busy city, he can at least distract himself from his own loneliness. He lives his life alone and he doesn't expect to ever really trust someone. Although he dislikes judgmental people, Nathaniel sees himself as being shallow and judgmental, usually deciding fairly quickly whether he dislikes someone.


    Surfing, Fishing (sort of), water, forests (sometimes), climbing and cliff diving, felines


    responsibility, Garret, waiting, kids, deserts, clingy, cheery people or those involved in and discuss charity work (charity doesn't hold any appeal for him much less does he want to hear about it), trends (he doesn't really understand them), drugs, falling, pets (generally speaking - he finds them dirty. He likes cats but they are the only exception. He doesn't like fur (dirt is no problem) all over him. He'll happily bond with a kitten though or any sort of feline. He doesn't mind other people's pets, just doesn't want to have a pet that is not a cat)

    Pet Peeves:

    People who cannot just watch a movie - they have to be doing something else WHILE watching the movie.

    Brief History/Biography

    Nathaniel grew up in the seaside town, Polperro, a renown quaint fishing village. This atmosphere and association is kept up even in modern times, with fishing boats tied down just across the street from the houses. Nathaniel's dad taught him how to fish, but preferred to take his son camping. Many trips were made driving from the ocean to the forests. There his father would make him chop wood, as a way of building character. All the excess wood needed to go somewhere so Nathaniel also learned how to make various structures out of the wood. As soon as Nathaniel was of age he was signed up for boy scouts, and learned basic survival skills, which Nate is impartial to. His favorite place is Porthleven. When Nathaniel turned 10, the family took a summer vacation near Porthleven, and it was there Nathan learned how to surf. Water is his passion, and he loves the sea, the beach, and he'll even tolerate fishing to be by the ocean. When it comes to fighting, he learned as a way to get out of some of his anger. He knows where to throw his punches and how to move on his feet, along with knife skills. Nathaniel always wanted the thrill of an adventure, as he grew up reading many adventure novels, and surfing in a bigger busier town only increased his longing to be able to see the hustle and bustle of the city.

    Although his family is very connected to each other, Nathaniel himself feels very distant from them, especially his two siblings, his older brother, sister and younger brother. It was not due to a lack of love on their part, his parents, and siblings had good intentions. Something he doesn't like people to know is that he is estranged from his older brother, Garret. They never saw eye to eye, and Nathaniel always saw his older brother's taking responsibility, and success in life, as something he could never be. He knew his older brother disapproved, and disliked him and even more so at extended family gatherings where Garret would make it clear he was not associated with his younger sibling.

    To ease his loneliness Nathaniel starts up conversations on the net, which is how he met Charles Blake from Georgia. They struck up a friendship, and when Charles invited Nathaniel to visit him, Nathaniel saw his chance to see a big city, as a ship was going from New York to Georgia. He told his family that it was a boating trip to visit an old friend, hoping it would lower the amount of questions that would follow (it didn't), but his family eventually relented. He has never met Charles Blake in person.

    Where am I

  2. #22
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    *comes in, sits down, starts writing character sheet* Totally in on this.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  3. #23
    Damacyn's Avatar
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    Yay! Another one! One more to go!
    Last edited by Damacyn; 02-18-2016 at 03:30 PM.

  4. #24
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Spoiler: Picture 

    First Name: Azriel
    Middle Name: Avner
    Last Name: Tzvi
    Nickname: Ri-Ri [ree-ree]

    Age: 24
    Sex: Male
    Nationality: Israeli
    DOB: May 2nd, 1992
    POB: Tel Aviv, Israel
    Sexual Oreintation: Heterosexual

    Skills: Handy with improvising; crafty with knives; a fantastic liar; hunting
    Primary Language(s): Hebrew
    Secondary Language(s): English
    Affiliation(s): Mossad
    Connection(s): TBA

    Given where he grew up and what he grew up under, Azriel tends to see things in a different light. While he admires responsibility and honesty, he knows when there are times to lie. He also knows that not everything is as simple as black and white. For him, life comes by taking each day at a time. Today he may be stranded, but tomorrow might take him somewhere else. His way of life is to just take everything in stride.

    When something needs to be done, Azriel will rise to the challenge. Speaking of challenges, he tends to be an adrenaline junkie. He seeks out his own fears to defeat his own "demons". For him, he knows fear is a very real thing and a natural part of life. But he refuses to be controlled by it. This is not to say that at points, he too can be crippled by fear.

    He has a great sense of empathy. It is easy for him to sit down with someone hurting and listen to them. He is more keen to listening than he is to talking, making him at most times a quiet being. With that said, he absolutely despises obnoxiously loud people. They tend to disrupt his line of thoughts and easily irritate him. Not to mention when someone does him wrong, it takes him awhile to forget about it (especially if it is a repeated offense).

    Likes: Heights (rock climbing, cliff jumping, diving, bungee jumping, parachuting); Running (cross country, marathons, triathlons); Cooking

    Dislikes: obnoxiously loud people; onions; wet skin and sand mixed

    Pet Peeves: Incessant pen clicking; nail chewing

    Brief History/Biography:

    Having been born and raised in Israel he has seen his fair share of crime and cruelty to humans. His personality is shaped by his people's past and their beliefs. He has seen refugees crying for their loss of homes. He has seen people ignoring the poor on the streets.

    Because of all that he has seen, and all that happens around his country, he rose to the challenge of protecting and protecting others who share the same values of life. Thus he joined Mossad, hoping to make an impact somehow with his country. Hoping to show that they were not weak, they could not be pressed from all sides, and they were certainly not a people to give up.

    His parents had moved from Israel to America after his father was offered a new job with great pay. His parents always wanting to see California and New York, left him in Israel. Having been fine with this, he contributed his entire life to Mossad.

    "Where am I?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  5. #25
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    We just need ONE MORE PERSON GUYS

  6. #26
    Giga Onion
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    Both characters are really interesting. I'm going to have a lot of fun (*Insert Evil Laugh Here*).

    But, anyway, both characters are accepted. Welcome aboard you two.


  7. #27
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    ONE more person! We must have one more!
    Spoiler: Looking for a Roleplay? Just click it! 

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  8. #28
    Giga Onion
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    Ask around peeps!

  9. #29
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    *asking around now* ONE MORE PERSON

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  10. #30
    Giga Onion
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    Currently working on the IC and making it ready for when we get that fifth person.

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