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Thread: When Faeries Call (Ashen X BurningSun22)

  1. #21
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    "You know. You make this so hard. I am trying my best to help you. You are such an ungrateful twit." May stood and her fingers transformed into sharp pointed talons. The light shone off of each one, glimmering like a blade. "I do not know how the Fae stand mortals. If I were to have my way I would slaughter the lot of you and be done with this game of politics." She began to move closer to Spade, like a cat eyeing its prey.

    Just then the magical doors burst open and a second May appeared. Looking indetical to the one about to pounce on Spade, except without the talons. This May had a bow strung up with an arrow. "Step away from her!" The new May warned the other. She quickly addressed Spade. "Get behind me!" She warned, hoping the woman would listen.

    The decoy May smiled, revealing sharpened teeth. "So it was you who shot at me in the woods. I should have known like the little trickster you are. How did you escape? You are supposed to be dead!" The fake May began to transform into a wretched beast. She outgrew her skin and popped out into the form of a woman whose bottom half was that of a bull. Her top half was blackened with scales and large horns jutted out from her forehead. Groteqsue blackened wings flapped out from her back.

    The real May did not answer. Instead she shot an arrow that landed in the beast woman's eye. The imposter led out a loud screech that could shatter glass. With the distraction underway May used her free hand to grab Spade's. "Please we must go. I can get you home. I will explain everything after." Her words were pleading and her eyes were genuine. The next few moments were fragile and the outcome would depend upon Spade's choice...
    Last edited by Moonlit_Fae; 11-24-2020 at 01:13 PM.

  2. #22
    The Ashen One
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    This fae-woman was still bumbling and bitching about how difficult Spade was being. Spade had to remind herself to stop rolling her eyes. Maybe all fae were this entirely devoid of self-awareness. She sighed, and a swear escaped under her breath. How much longer would she have to put up with all this?

    Her question was answered when the doors to the room were thrown open. May was standing in the doorway--and in her room. Spade stepped back, wary, wondering what was going on now. With things changing so rapidly like this, she didn't know how she would ever adapt to a world like this, and she hoped she wouldn't have to. So there was... another May? She didn't want to tolerate the first one, let alone another. But in a few more moments, she realized the first May was some monster, some demonic beast, and a fear rippled through her. Once again she was powerless and in danger.

    The new May was promising to bring her home. Spade couldn't quite believe that, but if nothing else, she was offering to get them both away from the demon. Spade nodded awkwardly, taking the new May's hand and going after her. She had been promised explanations later, but now, she wasn't even sure she wanted one. If she could just keep holding out, she could prove to herself that this was some kind of dream...

    Taking another glance at the demon, now with an arrow in her eye, writhing, Spade nodded to herself. "You have a lot to explain," she mumbled, but in the commotion, she wasn't sure if May had heard her, or if she'd spoken at all.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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  3. #23
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    May gave a curt nod, showing that she had heard Spade and would give her answers when it was safer. May led Spade quickly out of the room. "Lawrence now!" she shouted to her ally. It was a centaur with another bow and arrow drawn. He shot an arrow that seemed to light up itself with fire as it soared and and entered the room. Another screech could be head. "I will hold her off. Meet me in the mushroom circle in 12 hours." May nodded to him. For now her goal was to get the Winter Knight to safety.

    It seemed like ages as May ran down twisting and winding corridors, keeping Spade close with her. Finally May found the door she wanted. An old wooden door unassuming as it sat settled in this grand hall. "This is the one!" She said with a smile, relief starting to come over her. "Once we pass through we will be back to your woods." May let of go of Spade's hand put her hand against the door where handle should be. She spoke a small enchantment "Duur uk vuud uvam su kae verr omd brems ik su sra kursor raork."

    A white light emerged from her hand and a door knob formed. May grabbed the handle and the door opened with ease. A bright white tunnel awaited them. "I hope you don't get motion sickness easy!" May then grabbed Spade's hands and jumped through the twirling tunnel. As the two entered they would be free falling and feel the twistinf of time and space around them as they hurled through the air. It only took a few moments but within the tunnel timed seem to linger.

    Eventually the tunnel spit the two out onto mothy earth within a bright sunny forest. May landed with grace like all of her kind had. She let out a loud burst of laughter. "That was wild! I can't believe my plan worked. I managed to get you away from my crazy aunt and manipulative mother!"

  4. #24
    The Ashen One
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    As impressive as the magic of May's friend was, there was no time to admire it. Spade wanted to know how to create fire like that, but she didn't know anyone in this world, didn't know the depths of their abilities, and she didn't know what she was capable of, either. What was that monster she had just talked to? How capable were May's allies? Would the beast be stopped? The more she struggled to understand, the more lost she felt. Her only concern was getting away from all of this, returning home and forgetting any of this nightmare had ever occurred.

    Spade and May reached a door, and Spade arched a brow when the fae said it would lead them back to her world. After everything, Spade couldn't be sure this May was trustworthy either, but she allowed herself to hope that this would be the end of this nightmare. She didn't understand the words May spoke, as if they were a spell in another tongue, but they seemed to work, for they created a light in her hand. Spade watched May use this light, open the door, watched the tunnel appear. She saw it all, until she could not. In the tunnel, her stomach jerked to her throat, and she pinched her eyes shut, willing her digested meal back down. By the time she opened her eyes again, she was no longer in the wintery wasteland.

    It took Spade several long moments for her to recognize where she was. The earth beneath her hands was warm, the sky a dark, starry blue, and the trees surrounding her were hers. She sighed. She was back now. Had this been a dream after all? She needed to get home, have a cup of tea, and rest her aching head.

    But the laughter piercing her skull pulled her from her thoughts. Spade turned sharply towards May, anger clear in her expression. She was laughing? Spade took a wary step away, unwilling to trust this laughing lunatic. "What?" Her voice was strained, harsh. "What the hell are you on about?" she snarled. "What was that? You took me to them. You didn't save me from anyone." She turned away from May, eager to get away from her, from all of this. "You know what?" she said, voice mixing with malice. "I don't want an explanation. Just get away from me."
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

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