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Thread: [M] — Mythos Complex [IC] (H)

  1. #21
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    [17-With D&D dice roller]
    As Consul was plunged into the darkness, she wondered whether if she was in some horrific nightmare. As she hit the cold, slimy floor and watched with wide eyes as the riddle on the wall glowed, she was uncertain of her state of consciousness. She had that feeling when something weird happens and you feel like you’re watching yourself from a distance, but you’re in your body at the same time. Consul sat in the dark for a few minutes, collecting herself. She lightly pinched her arm. She felt the pressure, so she safely concluded that it wasn’t a dream. Then...where was she? She stood up slowly and looked around. It was dark, so it was hard to see anything. She squinted and saw little silhouettes of...caterpillars? That or little slugs with spikes. It was more likely to be the former, though. Many caterpillars had spikes such as the Black Fuzzy Caterpillar. The more she studied the creatures, the less they looked like caterpillars, so she quickly turned her head to study the riddle and stop looking at the creatures. After reading it once, the answer seemed fairly obvious. The only difficult part would be answering in rhyme. Once more Consul sat down and began to think.

    Constructing a simple rhyme in her head, it was 5 minutes until Consul opened her mouth to speak. Then she closed it, thinking of something. Who did this to her? She never really knew what was going on. At this point, Consul wondered if this was some sort of joke. No, Consul didn’t have many friends who would pull such a prank and they didn’t know where she lived. Or maybe it was a new gameshow/prankshow. Did she say she had wanted to be on one to someone earlier? Aware that this was a possibility, Consul became self-conscious and straightened up. Okay, if this was a test or gameshow, she had to make it good. She had to be even better than them at this little game. With a little new confidence she called out:

    “There are many types of people in this world,
    From tall burly men, to tiny little girls.

    They’re all so different, but put that aside,
    And look at what flows inside

    A life-dependent plasma connects them all
    And they shall die, lest too much falls.

    Hospitals keep the fluids in sacks,
    It is spilled by soilders when countries attack.

    It is used for the letters on the stone,
    And I think that it will let me go home.

    If it’s wrong, I shall be a dud.
    But I’m pretty sure the answer’s blood.”

  2. #22
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    Keito sat alone whith the cat roaming around. He was pretty scared. He was alone in the little bedroom with a cat that could chew him up. Of course he was exaggerating, but this was how his brain made up stories to give poor Keito even more fear. He looked at the opening where it connected with the rest of the appartment, but couldn't see Ellie yet. He looked around with his innocent eyes. Everything seemed lifeless and cold. He dug deeper into his blanket,waiting for Ellie to return.

    Ellie finally returned and had a weird expression on her face."Here, it's hot chocolate," Keito wanted to know what was wrong, but got distracted by the hot beverage. Keito took it, blew a little into it and than drank it with pleasure. It felt like a warm waterfall falling into his very core, causing his to body to warm up to a preffered temperature that made Keito smile. He drank it all got out of bed. He went to the near by lamp stand and placed his empty cup there. He then turned to Ellie with a smile. He had on long soft pants that were meant for sleeping, and wore a zipped up jacket that was a bit too big for him.

    Ellie interrupted the silence, "So!" She said placing her cup down. "Today is a special day at work for me, and I was wondering if you wanted to come and help me out with it?" Keito was easily interested in what she said. He wanted to know what she did for a living? Why is was a special day? And why she would bring him along? His eyes opened with a bit of excitement, until she asked the final question. "Do you like animals?" Keito was afraid of almost anything that could walk. Keito was in a no-win situation. He could stay there all alone(which he couldn't because his under age) or go with her to who knows where with animals. He had no choice. He spoke softly,"I don't like animals...but I'll go with you anyways..." Then waited for Elli to respond.

    Sadly, Ellie had told him to stay instead with the cat, snickers. Ellie left the apartment and went to the hall. Keito just went back to the cold bed and looked at the cat. He was getting use to him a little.

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    "Should we... go check?" Though it was very faint, Apollo could have sworn that he heard someone tapping the "Shave and a Haircut" rhythm from somewhere above him. Apollo was silent, merely thinking. Some people said these flats were haunted and, sure, he didn't really believe the rumours, but he couldn't deny that he wasn't curious. Random screams in the night? Who wouldn't be curious? Chances are, it was probably just someone upstairs having a nightmare and then throwing a fit over it. This was a crowded complex, with a lot of strange people, sometimes weird stuff happened. It was natural. Apollo opened his mouth to respond to the woman under the covers when his ears perked up.

    "KATIE!" Apollo failed to resist a sigh as he heard a very audible banging coming from, without a doubt, the room he shared with Noah... sometimes. Apollo placed a kiss on the top of his bedmate's head before pulling away.

    "Well, you can check out the noises upstairs, if you like. It sounds like Noah broke into the wine again," the man said with a slight sting. A wall away, the younger boy cried out without any regard as to who heard, and Apollo suddenly found himself - stark naked - fully exposed to the winter chill as he searched the clothing on the floor. He quietly muttered something about possibly "killing you if that alcohol doesn't." After accidentally grabbing a handful of lacy underthings, which he placed on the edge of the bed, he found his own clothing, thrown haphazardly onto the floor in the heat of the moment. Usually, he wasn't one to treat his clothing with such disregard but, well, he was focused on something else at the time. Despite the darkness, the accountant dressed with ease. Boxers, slacks, right sock, left. His roommate, it seemed, had found his way into the hall, where he was frantically yelling about something or other.

    "Have you got any sedative on you?" he joked bitterly, talking over Noah's yelling. He'd never been a fan of alcoholism. Sure, Apollo drank every now and again, but drunk was not an adjective that regularly applied to the businessman. "I think I left mine in the car." After he'd pulled on his black undershirt (he strongly believed there was a special place in hell for men who wore button up shirts without undershirts), Apollo stopped, his arm halfway through a sleeve of his button up before handing it to Katia. In the current light, the shirt was just as black as every other object, but in regular lighting it was a deep red. While it was true, he wasn't fond of other people wearing his clothes, sometimes he made an exception for Katia... he also kind of liked how she somehow made men's shirts look sexy, but that part he hadn't told her.

    "Here. It isn't a winter coat but it's something," he told her quietly. He pulled on his suit coat, which had probably suffered a wrinkle, and his glasses before walking towards the crack of light that indicated a doorway. The last thing he said to Katia was a brief, "Two seconds," before he entered the hall. After Apollo shut the door behind him, he squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. The man mentally ran through lists of what he was going to say to his alcohol loving friend once he found him. Once Apollo climbed the flight of stairs reaching the floor above him, he could easily spot Noah by his head of white hair. The figure across from him seemed familiar, though Apollo couldn't pull the young man's name from memory if his life depended on it. It seemed Apollo's sudden appearance caused a slight increase in tension in the hall, and he slowly realized that the small passage was filled with men who had mixed emotions, and one very uncomfortable looking girl standing in her doorway.

    "In certain Native American tribes," he began awkwardly, "this would be considered a pow wow." Apollo blinked. He had always been an avid fan of academia and trivia - and especially academic trivia - but sometimes he ended up saying facts when nothing else came to mind. This was one of this times. "Uh, come on, chief," he joked, putting a hand on his roommate's shoulder, "I think you've had too much fire water."
    Last edited by AsianFighter; 08-07-2012 at 07:09 AM.

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    When I first began to experience it I had thought that my dream's were becoming reality. I thought perhaps the scandal had shook loose the parts of me I had stuffed so far back into my brain. Maybe it was the pills I was taking. Maybe it was everything. Eric's disappearance hit me harder than any scandal that ever was apart of the reality I knew before. I seemed to lose myself after that day. It repeats everyday, flashes across my eye's when I dream at night. I scream for him at sudden points through out my day. Lately its become more and more of a relief, the outbursts, that is. The problem arises when I sit before my desk and wonder why I sit there. Then I fade into dream when I cannot ponder any longer. These screams of mine echo loudly in my skull and wake me from any memory I've disappeared into.

    Yesterday I found that the door to my apartment will not open. At first I thought I wasn't trying hard enough to open it which honestly came to my surprise as the door itself had never presented any form of difficulty before. After my second attempt I decided to imagine that it wasn't the door but in fact it was really just myself. I convinced myself that somehow I must have gone insane from.....something. I couldn't remember for the life of me what it was, if anything at all in the first place.

    No. I think its because something won't let me. I thought I was being silly but as I began to devote thought to the concept I realized that perhaps this was indeed the case. I started to write down my experiences in my notes. It did me no good to study the moments i had with my own mind, but isolation certainly forced me to try. I think Eric first appeared in the reflection of my shower head. I admit the sight didn't surprise me it was comforting to feel him at my side. I swear I could feel his hands slide down the nape of my neck and down my spine. I turn and see nothing knowing that it truly was just my imagination.

    Eric appeared two days later when I stared empty into my bathroom mirror. I was naked. Most of the time I neglect to wear my clothes. Sometimes it feels stifling and others I feel as if I must lay in my bed and turn side to side in the hopes that he might appear next to me and that those eye's of his would beckon me to him for another night of passion. This was not one of those times. I stared into the mirror and waited. I did not know the Mirror itself would be my medium to his presence. I did not expect anything. I simply stared until the light from the windows became shadows. Hunger did not faze me so I did not move. I simply stared. Thirst did not draw me to the kitchen so I did not move. As darkness drifted through out the apartment I stood still. Then out of the mirror came a light that shined only within itself. It did not brighten the room with it's glare instead it only made the image visible.

    I could not see his face, obscured by the edges of the mirror. It was his naked body. Well as far I could tell again, accosted by the borders of the image. For a moment I imagined myself dashing the mirror against the ground in frustration but who knew if that would solve anything. As I stood and watched the image dance, the body move, the parts I knew where there but could not be seen began to appear before my Mind's eye. I knew they were his and of course I knew them well. I merely had to let go of this petty reality and give in to the dream. One the held the risk of Horrors but the reward made it worth it. My faith was well rewarded that night. I felt his touch in my own, his breath in my own, his groans in my own.

    I awoke the next day to find myself still exhausted yet satisfied. My door was open again. My sanity back and my hope renewed. Perhaps he was communicating with me trying to help me and I greedily welcomed his help in the future.

  5. #25
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    Ellie shivered and shook her covered arms as the cold seem to penetrate through them like it was freaking nothing. She really needed to where longer pants then her summer shorts and college jacket.
    She saw the group of people, and hoping someone of the group could answer her questions, she walked over to them, wrapping herself in her own arms to gather some warmth. The complex was the strangest places she had stayed at. Creaks, and moans would echo through the walls and ride upon the winds that brought noises that could not explain, to her ears.
    She saw the faces of the group of people through the dim light, and noted that Noah, Apollo, Howl, Daniel, and Bridget who stood in her doorway. Their names she knew, because of good research, and occasionally bumping into some of them at a time. But Noah was the only person who's name she knew and only his name.
    "What, are you guys throwing a party in the hallway?" Ellie grumbled a bit annoyed at all the noises they were making. "What's going on?"
    "Once you've met someone, you never truly forget them."

  6. #26
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    Spoiler: Dice Rolls 

    Ru's New Rolls
    Howl (1); Boots (11); Cait (4).

    Unknown, Dark Area — Consul's Location
    The bloody thirsty creatures managed to creep up onto Consul and a couple even burrowed into her skin, sucking at her blood like leaches in the Amazon as she thought of ways to word the answer. To many the riddle was quite simple, but it was too simple. Could the result truly be as clear as the tip of their nose? No, riddles were meant to be confusing, complex, and baffle, but not in the case of this poem written before her. This girl clearly knew better and answered quickly than expected, causing the crawlers to squirm away and seemingly disappear, at least for the moment, though they did manage to get a few cuts on the girl’s legs and took a bit of blood before leaving completely.

    An old, busted, and rusty door creaked open, revealing the dim, green glow of the hallway outside of the room she had been briefly held captive in. The light cascaded through, creating a blurred line on her feet, while the rest of her was still in shadow. A dark image flashed across the gap, though too unclear to the naked eye what it may be as its stomped fell into the distance through faint echoes until silence crept back into her vicinity.

    “Run up stairs… stay on the shadow’s edge. You’ll be safe there,” came a soft whisper, whisking its way through Consul’s ear; a silent secret the dead wished they had known before they met their end.

    The Main Building
    Howl snapped his head back only to face an unsuspected neighbor: Noah. After turning his body away from the door to 3011 he decided to make a gruff response, as he felt the answer to his question should have been obvious. When was there ever noise in this complex? When someone died or a ghost decided to bug people, otherwise it was quiet as the grave here, so why even ask anymore? “I’m havin’ a meetin’ in the morning to stop this shit. If you’re in, then show up in the lounge tomorrow,” came the groggy demand; he could give two shits if anyone actually showed up, honestly. If their death wish lay within these haunted grounds, then so be it. He shot his glare over a shoulder towards Bridget, indicating he meant her as well, then also to Apollo, who just decided to come into the picture and attempt to shed some humor.

    This man did not see the humor in the situation.

    Just as he was stepping past the two men and towards the room across the way he noticed its resident was already out and knocking on Cait’s door, which he found odd. Never had he seen those two speak to each other before, so why now? Howl was not one to pry, so he pushed the thought away and walked towards him, repeating the same snarl of a invitation he gave to the others, then proceeded to head to Boots and Hanna, where he would say it again, but his thoughts were interrupted by what he could only assume was Katie.

    Please, save her…

    Came the faint voice seemingly from nowhere that was only heard by Howl, Boots, and somehow Anselm. Howl immediately looked behind him, then back inside his own room where he saw Boots expressing the same confusion, darting her head about like a deer lost in traffic. The request was so vague, yet held immense meaning coming from the desperate dead. Instinctively he assumed it meant she must be in danger, thus he entered his domain, shut the door, and knelt by Boots’s side. If only it was the right “her.”

    Somehow only two residents — Bridget and Joseph — of Mythos Complex were able to here the stomping of the creature making its way up the stairs from the depths of the first floor until it managed to stagger onto the third. Keeping to the shadows made the monster’s form unclear, except for its glowing yellow eyes contrasting against the darkness it traveled though. Once it reached the highest area its steps were audible to all.

    Howl’s response was to wrap his arms around both girls in his room then returned to his feet. Protectively he began to step forward, ready to take down the beast if necessary while Boots kept her face close to the floor with a mixture of fear and embarrassment.

    However, he was still wrong.

    The shadow creature shrunk onto the floor, keeping to the areas of black, and crept towards the group in the hallway. A pearly white grin barred with fangs appeared beneath its ghastly eyes as they fell upon the innocent Elizabeth amongst the men, blocking his view of the other woman. Women were too tempting for its taste buds to go ignored, at least one should suffice. She was not the mission, oh, how he had mistakenly headed deeper into the hallway than necessary, but the master did not say breakfast was not on the menu; the master expressed little words. So long as the mission was kept… the mission would be kept.

    He leapt forward and, with little care to whether the child or others saw, began to rip the woman apart with its sharp claws and eager dagger-like teeth, consuming the sustenance greedily as the blood dripped carelessly out of its mouth. Within a matter of seconds Elizabeth Longwhell had went from handing a child cocoa and asking her neighbors what was gong on, to becoming the meal of a starving, demonic creature from the depths below. Barely enough was left of her when it stopped consuming to even identify her remains. Though, somehow, the kill was clean enough to only stain the floor and not the clothes of the people around them.

    Goldenrod orbs glanced up at the group, the bloody grin still etched onto its dark mug, but men weren’t on the menu and through them it could not see delicious Bridget. It exited the hallway the same way it came, edging along the shadows away from the humans the best he could.

    Cait, unaware of the massacre occurring let alone anything going on in the hall, finally mustered up the courage to leave her corner and approach the door, especially once Joseph spoke up. At least one of her neighbors managed to hear her and he did seem concerned, but was he really? Or was he hoping for a blowjob like the rest of the men who ran into her? A sigh seeped out of her plump lips as she took careful steps closer.

    Slowly, cautiously, she opened the door and poked her head out to look up at Joseph. “I…” she stammered, glancing into his eyes, then down at the floor. “I’m sorry,” Cait spoke up in a deep, Scottish accent with furrowed brows. “I…” but before anymore words could be uttered her jaw dropped and her eyes widened so large they threatened to bulge out of her own face at the sight she saw behind him as the same creature with blood dripping from its shadowed lips rose up in a threatening fashion.

    She let out another scream and attempted to run back into her room, but it grabbed onto her ankles and dragged her down the stairs with her nails digging into the wooden floorboards. Cait continued to let out a blood curdling scream until it finally managed to drag her down onto the first floor, then the complex returned to silence.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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    The confrontation did not go unnoticed within the hallway of the third floor. The few residents that found themselves watching the scene were either timid of the situation or simply chose to say nothing of the matter. Noah gave a slight gesture with his hand without turning back to signal Daniel that everything was fine, as fine as anything could be within the Complex. There was no sudden need to be concerned though, Howl, even with his brawler charisma, wouldn't start a fight over a simple question such as this one. With the years spent here Noah and Howl had come to know each other, a simple form of formality was at least present between the two.

    Apollo, his roommate, also chose this time to make himself known, the slick man had obviously been left in the dark about the whole situation as he failed at an attempt of humor. The fact that he was even here didn't surprise Noah, he had most likely been next door with Kaita and overheard his encounter in their room. Howl also seemed to find the statement out of place as he looked towards them “I’m havin’ a meetin’ in the morning to stop this shit. If you’re in, then show up in the lounge tomorrow.” He gestured towards the two men and then at the door next to them, with the arrival of Apollo, Noah had failed to notice the arrival of another pair of eyes looming over them. Bridget, a young red headed woman that he had known for some time now had been watching them quietly, he felt rather grateful for that sense of privacy she gave them. A gratefulness he did not feel towards his roommate.

    Shrugging off Apollo's hand Noah paced towards Bridget "I apologize for the commotion, I'm sure we'll figure out what to do when we gather everyone in the morning." He let a soft smile plaster itself on his rigid face before turning towards Howl. The man was informing Joseph of the meeting before seeming to head back towards his room. Overall Noah was simply satisfied that his question had stopped the brute from breaking down the door of room 3011, he didn't need an answer from him. Katie had suffered enough as it is.

    He turned back towards the girl at the door before speaking again "Let me know if you need anything." It was the least he could do, no matter what anyone would say, the Complex almost demanded its inhabitants to find some form of unity. Giving a slight nod towards the girl he began to make his way towards the stairs and make his leave. Howl had long dissapeared into his room, Joseph who still remained in the hallway seemed to be fixated on something. Noah furrowed his brows before looking back at the girl he had spoken to, he scanned over her eyes searching for any form of confusion or fear. However his attention was cut off as the room of the another inhabitant, Ellie, came open.

    The girl seemed to have been utterly left out of everything as she gave a simple question to them "What, are you guys throwing a party in the hallway?" she spoke in a rather annoyed tone gestured towards him "What's going on?" A sudden stomp cut him off before he could reply, Noah was unsure of the source as he looked towards were he thought it came from. The shadows seemed to be empty, a blackness of nothing that held a beating of steps. Suddenly eyes of fire came open, white tinged steel for teeth and claws illuminating from the little light available in the hallway. Its blood thirsty eyes tuned towards something, Noah followed its path until he caught the final sight of Ellie's eyes.

    Her form dropped into a pile of blood as in a matter of seconds the creature consumed almost every inch of her flesh. The teeth bared at Noah and Apollo, as it looked at them mocking them as it stood over her corpse "You son of a bitch!!" Noah screamed out as he pulled his combat knife from his back pocket, he attempted to lunge at it however the creature slithered away before creeping into the darkness. An eerie silence that followed only added to the tension. Gritting his teeth Noah stared at the pile of bent flesh, he was not one to be overwhelmed by the sight, he had seen far worse corpses in his field of work. It was the very simple truth that he couldn't have done anything to stop it, Ellie had been a school teacher she didn't deserve to die this way. Another scream entered his ears as he turned towards Joseph on the other side of the hall, Cait's nails dug into the floor as her form and voice vanished into the darkness. She was too far away for him to be of any help.

    Placing a hand on Apollo's shoulder to get his attention Noah spoke to him,"I need you to go get Keito, I'm going to cover Ellie with a blanket. We can only hope that kid didn't see anything." He didn't wait for the man's acknowledgment before turning to Bridget. "Take this, and stay inside, I'll come back to check on you when I'm done out here.... I promise." His voice spoke out firmly to her, his eyes were glazed over with resolve and anger as he did his best to keep a calm exterior. As he handed her his large combat knife, he firmly hold on to her hand for a few extra seconds, he needed the small comfort, before turning towards Ellie's room and going inside to find a blanket to cover her, he wa s unsure if the girl would actually listen to him. He just didn't want to lose anyone else, not if he could make sure of it.
    Last edited by Public_Hazard; 08-08-2012 at 09:59 PM.

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    Bridget felt more frustrated than anxious at this point – why were so many people in her hallway? Half of them didn’t even live on this floor. Though she didn’t mind Apollo being there, they’d spoken of classical music before, she smiled slightly at his awkward attempt at humour. Her expression quickly became blank again once Howl began to speak, but she made a mental note to attend the ‘conference’ he would be holding. He’d lived in Mythos for a while, after all, it would likely prove useful to go. She smiled again, this time at Noah – she believed he was intimidating, certainly, but he had always seemed courteous. As he addressed her again, she nodded and smiled once more, slightly wider this time, believing that was enough.

    Ellie appeared, inquiring something, and Howl left the hallway. Then came footsteps. Loud. Unnaturally loud. What? A profound sense of fear overcame her, but she felt frozen to the spot, only managing to step slightly inside the threshold of her room. A pair of yellow somethings appeared in the darkness near the stairwell -eyes? Bridget found herself unable to look away.

    As the monster struck a scream welled up in her throat - her hands flew to her mouth and stifled it, resulting in a strangled, quiet noise. Her eyes widened, then clamped shut once Cait screamed and was taken to god-knows where. Bridget fell against the doorframe of her room as her legs gave out. She had no idea that the hall gathering she’d been annoyed about had saved her life. Nonetheless, she was thankful they were there – they’d blocked her view of the worst of it. Bridget realized she’d been holding her breath. Her hands stayed at her mouth momentarily, as she breathed deeply they dropped to her side. She inhaled, noticing the irony smell of blood, fought back the urge to scream once more. It was all she could do to keep her breathing steady.

    Once she opened her eyes she saw that people were actually moving around in the hallway, taking action. Oh, why Ellie? Didn’t she have a ward? What would happen to the child now? She avoided looking at where the remains would be, choosing to fix her eyes on the floor at her feet. Then, a knife was being thrust into her hand and Noah was speaking. She actually wanted to respond this time, to say thanks, or don’t go, to say anything – but couldn’t, she couldn’t make a sound. Instead, she nodded, gripped his hand lightly, her eyes pleading. His words and touch brought her back to reality, though she was still in a state of shock. Bridget shuffled into her room and plopped onto a couch, going through the motions almost automatically, neglecting to close the door. She leaned forward, hands on her face, leaving the knife on her lap. All she could focus on was keeping her breathing steady, all she could think of was how desperately she didn’t want to be alone.

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    Hanna did not leave Holly's side for a second, still holding onto her Hanna moved so that she was between the door and boots, "What ever you do, do, not, look." she told Holly as she heard the footsteps ~What the fuck is happening?!~ she wanted to scream, but she wasn't going to start screaming like a scared little girl now. Her confidence froze however when she heard a horrific ripping sound coming from behind her and suddenly all she could say was, "Oh god, oh god, oh god." Hanna closed her eyes and held Boots close to her, praying to any god who would listen to make the noise stop.

    When it finally did she loosened her hold on Boots and said, "Stay here, please Holly, just stay here." Hanna had never been this frightened of anything before, and she wasn't sure whether she was more afraid for herself or for Holly. But she stood up anyway and nervously went to the door, and when she peeked out all color drained from her face "W-who?" she could not tell who it was that was laying in the hall way, but the shock of seeing that much blood was immense. Her eyes lost focus for a moment and when they regained focus she wished they hadn't as she watched something horrible grab Cait and start dragging her away. Stuck between the urge to help her and her own survval instinct Hanna slammed the door shut and put her back against it as she began hyperventilating.

    Hanna felt like fainting, or running out of the building screaming, but she couldn't, not now with that thing out there. When she began to hear normal voices from outside the door (Or as normal as possible in that situation) Hanna began moving back towards Holly, "It's all over now, you're safe now sweetie." She said as she took the girl's hand. "Oh dear god, Howl what the fuck was that?" she asked trying not to yell at him.
    Last edited by Lord Tully; 08-10-2012 at 02:39 AM.
    Spoiler: sorry but I have some bad news 

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    In the darkness, Katia managed a small smile through all the noise that had happened. Apollo's simple gesture of offering her what she felt was his clothing left her speechless, even after the door closed behind him. The fabric was soft, dark and cold to the touch. She dared slipping out of the warm covers to slide her arms into his shirt, and fumbled with the buttons. She hadn't bothered buttoning up the last few near the collar - a mistake she may later regret - and slipped out of the covers. Feeling around for her underclothes, she found the lacy things laying on the bed for her.

    He's... being sweet, Katia thought, pulling on her panties. She hadn't had the chance to button up her shorts when the screaming began upstairs again. This time, it was different. More panicked, and the screams only grew louder. It wasn't long before she heard the screams just outside her door. She tripped backwards over the corner of her hope chest as she tried to scoot further away from the door, save the chance of anything finding her in her dark little room. This was one of those times where she hated living near the stairs.

    Grabbing onto one of the blankets, she tugged it to her chest and slid down beneath her window. She wasn't normally scared, not of something like this. But the eerie darkness and the foreboding feeling of being alone left her shaking. Apollo. Struggling to her feet, she felt around in the dark for her slippers and stuck her feet into them. A bud of courage was growing in her chest as she shuffled towards her door. Her hand trembled above the door knob before she turned the knob and opened it up into the hallway. Craning her head around the corner of the doorjam, she couldn't see Apollo or anyone outside their rooms on this floor. Hugging herself from the cold, she ascended the creaking steps to the third floor.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />
    Set by Ru
    .:Lion Heart:.

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