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Thread: Rank the star-Wars films

  1. #21
    Red Ninja
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    I'm with pal for the most part, but I'll put the prequals above the new ones simply because they tried a little harder to not be crap. The new ones are just utter crap with maybe Rogue One squeaking out ahead of Solo, Force Awakens, and Last Jedi because the robot in that one was one my favorite chars in the whole franchise.

    As for the new ones being SJW it has nothing to do with a female being the main lead or having Finn zipping around. It has to do with most of the people not being good chars they're flat, a Mary Sue, or just there for a check mark and to push an unasked for agenda. The new ones simply retell the same stories nearly point for point with a different paint job.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 02-07-2019 at 07:25 PM.

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  2. #22
    Knight in Swiss Armor
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    Wow I had forgotten this thread existed... my previous comment was made before TLJ butchered the entire franchise by increasing the SJW power level to over 9000!

    I stand by my previous statement, however, with the caveat of pointing out how TLJ completely butchered Star Wars forever, in case anyone hasn't realized it, yet. I'll just go ahead with a brief description of everything they did wrong with the main characters, and some side characters.
    Spoiler: Spoilers (obviously) 
    Last edited by Holeypaladin; 02-08-2019 at 03:44 AM.

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