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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH3: The Bloody Truth (Kris X Siks)

  1. #21
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    "I hope so too, old friend".

    Sabin rubbed her belly with affection as dreadful feeling took over her body. She was growing into something different. At first she rejected relationship and love, and now she found herself head over heels with an elf from another clan, and also bore his child before settling down into her own place. She sought revenge but ended up finding a child to call her own, and an old enemy to be called a friend.

    When she set out, she planned to even give up her life in the process, but now found so many hooks that prevented her from diving down the depth of sorrow and regret.

    But when push comes to shove… will she be able to stay as she is and not run away again like she has always did?

    She was a dark elf after all, daughter of the moon goddess, and emblem of a clan leader, possibly a future matriarch. There was so much to consider, and any tiny grain or rice can push the balance of the scales off.

    "I hope so too…"

  2. #22
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    Y'gol growled low and stood up, his huge shadow swallowing Sabin as he stood between her and the moon. "The choice is yours Ms. Togar, but if Guk-Guk loses you the pain and sorrow will be more than I, Dire, or Ci-Ci can fix. If it helps with your decision I will hunt you down and show you what an Ogre with his mind set on death can really do. Good night" It sounded like a threat and it might've been one, but it was said with no malice and as matter-of-factually as one would speak about the rain. He nodded to the Dark Elf and moved slowly back into the camp heading for the main food tent, though both him and Sabin knew he wouldn't be filled up there he could at least get some amusement from watching everyone be scared.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  3. #23
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    The sun rose slowly as early rays of light basked at the ground.
    Sabin was tired, and the words of Y'gol kept her on toes until late hour, but it was more of the decision of Ci-Ci that really scared her. She knew Guk-Guk could not remain with her now, as her heart still burns for revenge, and the little child of the dark elf clan also needed a home.

    She smiled as she considered how proud would Galmied been if he was around, he seems to always like it in pact, and most have took great liking to the new family forming around her. He will be good with children.

    She pet her belly softly as she considered the fact her lover was too far for her liking. And this only scared her more. She knew she had very little windows of opportunity to get things in order before she herself grow too big to move much.

    She used the time most of group were asleep to take a bath and examine her body. The marks of blood vessels increased, around her thighs and legs, indicating of the change for the upcoming birth, and she found herself confused to the site, as if she was wearing someone else's skin and not her own. She washed her face and chest, carefuly examining the brand, which grew a little dim of light in the last few days. She hoped it was not a bad omen.

    Dire was up before everyone rose, like usually, and the two children began to woke when she heard Ci-Ci's voice hailing from the distance.

  4. #24
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    Ci-Ci's cries were the last calm sound heard that morning because shortly there after a horn called and screams of fear and anger filled the cold dewy air. An army of dark cloaked figures swarmed from all around the camp and seemingly out of the very ground.

    A loud roar the could only come from Y'gol thundered over the horns and screams. But a loud explosion silenced it. More such explosion rocked the ground under Sabin's feet making her stumble and fall back onto her ass. Rikki could be heard shouting over the the sounds, but it sounded like he and the Lohem-Gibor were at a loss. Getting back to her feet the Dark Elf scrambled up the hill, but saw only the glint of golden eyes before darkness swelled in her eyes from a blow to the head.

    She awoke around mid-morning with her head in Ci-Ci's lap. Y'gol was looming over her his body wrapped in black bloody bandages, Ci-Ci wasn't in much better shape her head was wrapped and her arm was in a sling. Around her she saw a wounded Rikki and also Iks-Iks and Kri-Kri. Rikki moved an ice pack from his swollen eye and coughed up some blood smiling. "Welcome back Ms. Togar, seems shit went down hard."

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  5. #25
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    Sabin's eyes moved back and forth in the sockets as she tried to grasp the situation.

    "What's going on?"

    She moved closer trying to locate the sources of the noises but couldn't find any one firm location, as havoc was dancing all around her. It is then her thoughts shifted to the most important person she had close right now.

    "Guk-Guk!! Where is she?!"

  6. #26
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    Everyone's face around her look down in shame, but Y'gol growled the answer his voice taking on the dangerous slow tone Sabin knew back in Frostmire. "She...was...taken." His whole body clenched in anger and despite the bandages and wounds he ignored the pain. "Sa'nua...was...killed...trying... to... protect...her." Ci-Ci let out a choked sob, but otherwise kept quiet. " t...they...were...both....taken." His body ceased to quake, but the anger and pain remained on his face.

    Rikki nodded slowly. "The Lohem-Gibor are out hunting up clues on them. They were the Dark Elves, they came out of the woods between guards shifts and had people planted in the camp. They blindsided us all, but at least the Ogre killed a dozen himself and ate half that." He chuckled lightly before groaning at the sound and holding the cold press closer to his head.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #27
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    "No… no…!".

    As if everything she heard until now was nothing but fiction, Sabin dashed forward, the cries of people around her, echoing as though through filter as she reached the filed, the source of noise.

    The dark elven boy was torn apart, his eyes wide and bleeding tears. She shivered badly as she bent carefully to close his eyes, embracing him and crouching as she started to sob herself, her cries wild and horrible like a wounded animal, a sight not fitting for a proud assassin of the dark race.

    "Poor child…", she said slowly, "May you'd be joined with the twins and their light will guide you…"

    How horrible was the person bearing him into this world, only for this child to suffer without knowing the love of a family.

    She heard the steps following her, and she only barked an order, "Bury him with pride".

    Her twin blades were already at each hand, as her eyes glittered, her body projecting an aura which was unlike that calm gentle elven woman. She dashed forward as let the taste of vengeance guide her senses.

    Y'gol had the power of sense and smell, but he did not think like dark elves did. She knew exactly what kind of landmark to look for, and she simply rushed ahead, determined to free her daughter and her friend, and avenge the boy.

  8. #28
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    Before she got very far though a long strong arm looped around her waist and hefted her up into the air and carried her back to the tent. " ill...only...find...death...out...there." He dropped her back down and rumbled low picking up the boy and carrying him to be buried.

    Iks-Iks exited nodding. "Yes, yes. We are all injured and tired, but so are the Dark Ones. They lost many in this early morning raid and will need to stop somewhere to rest. Besides the girl is with that big blue Orc, I saw him kill six Elves with his bare hands protecting the girl and it was only after their leader was about to hit them both with a Fire Bomb that he surrendered. Still though he never let go of the little girl." The pure Goblin brought a stool and some water over and made Sabin sit and drink.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  9. #29
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    The dark elves assembled, bringing forth whoever they could capture, their faces covered with paper bags and their hands tied behind their backs.

    "That fiend lady Denika mentioned is here, should we report her of this incident and let her know of this ogre?"

    "Not yet!", hissed another dark elf, "We need to let Lord Sable know of this first, he already told us how tricky the high elf mage is... and in her condition it will be better not risk her doing anything that will not go well with the plans... remember she is only a needed addition, nothing more... we should regard her highly for her obvious play she will have in the coming events, but we are the masters, not she".

    "Very well", said the first elf, "And you would love the treasures we have with us".

    "Excellent, more sacrifices. A well compensation for the loss of our brothers..."

    "Not only this!", the dark elf moved closer pushing two covered figures, one very tall, another much shorter, revealing their faces.

    "Hmm...", the dark elf studied Guk-Guk with a smile, "I think I have a special use for her... as for him...", his attention shifted at Dire, and he licked his lips as some kind of understanding hit his mind.

    He walked backward and took out one of the torches that lit the chamber everyone was gathered at. He moved across the cave as he studies images of historical events, until he found the wall painting he desired.

    He noticed the image of the twin goddess of the moon, and the sea good trying to battle a powerful foe, known as the god of Chaos and death, the void god. He moved closer to Dire lifting up his chin as he studied his face and moved back as he realized something.

    "Get me a crow", he said, "I need to let Sable know of something...", he looked around his back, "Get everyone in the cages until we start the ceremony, aside of this two, place them in the lower dungeons. I need to do some thinking".

  10. #30
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    Dire was so proud of his granddaughter. She didn't cry or beg, or show fear. She seemed to have more Orc in her than Goblin. As the attack happened Guk-Guk was already up and rushing to the Berserker's side. And together they fought off a fair number of Dark Elve, but they quickly outnumbered the pair and after they captured the girl and threatened to kill her Dire threw down his blade and took his girl into his arms holding her tight and snarling at anyone who came near.

    Then as they were led into some black-out wagon and taken who know where and still little Guk-Guk didn't cry or show fear. They didn't go very far by Dire's reckoning, but once they stopped and stepped from the wagon the old Orc wasn't sure where they were. It was deep underground in some kind of fortified structure. Not Dark Elf design, but showed signs of Dwarf and Giant craftsmanship. Deeper and deeper they were led, many prisoners watching them. Him with hate her with lust, any woman trapped in this place was likely near dead from suffering the lusts of the prisoners who seemed to have free reign of the cell block levels with Dark Elves watching them closely as they wander weapons and poisons ready.

    As he and Guk-Guk were led to meet the warden he found himself growling deeply as he saw it was one of the Elves from the camp. It took his utmost control to not rip the Dark Oes face off as he stared intently into the blue Orc's face seeming to come to a realization. Even calling for a crow to send a message to his master. Then at the end of their journey they were taken to a surprisingly comfortable cell. It was then Dire came to the conclusion that they were in an old church not a fortress and he and Guk-Guk were locked into some kind of monk's cell. It had a decent-sized bed, a small fireplace, a table, a bookcase, and a wash bin. There was no fire nor water to wash, but using the books Dire could fix one of those. Though now that they were alone he heard the quiet whimpers of his granddaughter and forgot about the fire quickly moving back to the bed and wrapping her in his strong arms hushing her gently. "Don't worry my blood, your Papa and Mama won't rest until they save us. And I'll keep you save."

    The girl was openly crying now holding tightly to her grandfather. "Ganpa this like place where Shadow men kept Guk-Guk, they come back for her now!"

    Dire shook his head and began rocking her gently.
    "Not while your Ganpa is alive. He'll tear this place down around them." He continued to comfort the girl, but his keen ears picked up the sound of unsteady footsteps coming down the hall towards them. Reaching over he broke a leg off the table and waited.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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