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Thread: Withdrawn Char list Rumble 2016

  1. #21
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    Also reviewing Doc's.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    -Withdrawing entry due to RL cropping up-
    Last edited by Thelonewanderer; 07-15-2016 at 09:21 PM.
    War...war never changes.
    A Wanderer always walks the lonesome road at some point. always
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    Spoiler: The Undead Pledge 

    Spoiler: The way of the Warrior 

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    Revewing Beta, Cfavano and Thelonewanderer

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    Withdrawn from entry.
    Last edited by Derpnaster; 07-31-2016 at 07:15 AM. Reason: Error: 403 Forbidden

    "Life before death,
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  6. #26
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    Name: Viram Hardin
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Tiefling

    Appearance: Young man who has outgrown many people, at least vertically. When taken to the horizontal or strength wise, he is far behind. His dark brown hair, bordering on black, is cut short and unevenly. He has several scars on his face, mostly from childhood incidents, he has a cut on his left calf from falling onto a jagged rock, a dent in his forehead from, surprisingly, a rock, and cut on his chin from, a rock(I have this scars irl, I was a clutz), and several scars around his right eye from a small dog when he was three. He has a birthmark on his left ankle and one just below his right pectoral. He has one tattoo on his right palm, a symbol he calls, “The Eye of Viram.”

    Outfit: Despite not being poor, Viram has simple clothes, he has a baggy shirt which sleeves go to the elbow, baggy pants with a belt, and boots. These clothes seem impractical for battle, though they allow for him to move more freely. He has a black ring on his right middle finger, which can allow some magic to be amplified when passed through it, but too much will shatter the ring. He has a heart locket around his neck, only of which the chain is invisible, and has some small souls tied to it, mainly for advice when he needs it most, but sometimes aiding in some of his spells.

    Personality: Viram is a cabin atop a mountain, to get to the warm and incredibly nice center, you must first travel through unbearable cold. He loves to read many books, and has read every book at his library and more from traveling around. Many things he learned can be traced back to a book or two. He lives close to a town, but except for the occasional trip into town to buy some things, he lives in the forest surrounding it. He loves nature, even more than he loves books. He has made friends with nature spirits and has been taught some nature spells, but most of his other spells can be traced to books.

    Bio/Background: He was teased as a child [Insert typical RP protagonist story], and only took solace in books, many books he found and whatever money he had leftover would be spent on books. A man came through one day and was selling strange books Viram had never even heard of before, and bought them. When he arrived home, his mother scolded him for buying the books, and locked them away. While she was asleep, he snuck into her room and got the books and read them. He learned many magic spells from this book, none of which are good, and most of which cost human souls, or at least fractions of it, and as such, he began attaching souls to items he had, until they would have so much that they just shattered. His mother punished him severely for this, but he still continued. After his mother died, he attached a small part of her soul to a necklace she had given him, which he had found out could hold more soul than any other item he had. She is never used in his spells, and is the one that gives him advice, despite being very angry her soul is partially tied to a necklace. He traveled around for more books and became known as the “Angel of Death” owing to the fact that whenever he passes through, all spiritual activity ceases until another person dies. He heard of the Rumble and has been preparing himself by learning several spells and buying a black ring which will increase the output of his magic. He has finally arrived at the Rumble and is unsure if he is ready, but is willing to try regardless.


    •Weapons- He has a dagger in each of his boots, neither of which possess any magical enchantment, the blade is made of solid steel and the handle is oaken. They are the typical dagger in shape, about a 6 inch long blade. Each dagger can take about 250 uses without repair, but will become extremely dull and nearly uses after 175 uses or so. Despite not having any magical enchantments, he has a small vial of poison for each of the daggers, which will cause fatigue and a minor amount of health drain, (Don’t know whether or not the poison should be a move of its own, owing to it not doing that much). He also has a bag full of small stones which can be used for either unbalancing his opponent(and possibly him) or for hurling them at his opponents(he has about 100 stones, each about 1.5 cm in diameter).

    •Armor- His simple clothes are all he has, allowing him to move much more quickly, and able to dodge attacks, but a physical attack that lands could be devastating. His heart locket generates a small amount of defense against magic automatically, and will alert him to such spells, but relies mostly on him reacting.

    •Items- He has several magic based items, including things that would buff him, but would last only one use. He has 5 flowers, which will slightly increase the effectiveness of his nature spells, 2 bones, which will increase his dark spells, and 3 vial of souls, which can be used to restore the souls of the locket.

    •Accessories- The black ring he has will slightly increase his magic, but large magic spells will deal massive damage to his opponent and him, and destroy the ring. The heart locket generates an aura of defense against magic, which is based on the number of souls he has(x/25 rounded) and contains a maximum of 250 souls. The souls can be used for his spells that require human souls(or rather fractions of them, 25 souls in the lockets is the equivalent of a full human soul). It will not refill after or during battle on its own, but rather, will require the use of a vial of souls.
    •Equipment-N/A anything here is already mentioned


    •Passive-being of infernal descendance, his genetics are much more used to fire, and as such, will be more resistant to it and high temperatures, but cooling spells will do slightly more. His horns are very sensitive, but also small, and attack on them would be debilitating

    •Active- Nature: Grow- this spell will cause plant life to grow, but mostly just grass, this ability would be useless in a toxic area. Takes one action, due to the minority of it, has no cooldown. Heal: will heal a minor amount of health, will take one post to cool off Dark:(Judges base how much souls each ability costs depending on its strength) Soulbind- Cost 30 souls- will cause opponent to to lose some life, and Viram to gain half of that. Example: Opponent loses 7 I would gain 3(rounding down) Soul Shield cost 20 souls- will create a magic barrier around Viram, blocking magic attacks, or at least weakening them. One post cooldown Soul Shatter 75 souls- Will apply one random debuff to the opponent: Major fatigue, poison, or madness, which will cause the opponent to see things that aren’t there, which may cause them to try to attack the creatures, but could deal damage to me. No cooldown, but is uber expensive Other: Clean: all he does is tidy things up, and when used three times, increases Atk. and Def. slightly, and decreases the soul cost of everything by 5.

    Attributes- Viram organizes nearly everything he can find and is worried when things aren’t but is greatly relieved and renewed when things are. If a battlefield is messy he will be more likely to mess and more likely for his opponents to miss. He will clean the battle field up, taking 3 actions at the most, but when it is cleaned, he will be much faster and stronger, making it much harder for his opponents to hit or dodge him.
    Vote leave the country 2016

  7. #27
    Antivan Crow
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    Last edited by Salroka; 07-13-2016 at 07:12 PM. Reason: Binned the character because everyone wanted to make him a useless Call of Duty guy.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  8. #28
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  9. #29
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    Sorry for the delay, folks ^.^ I can't miss one after all this time, now can I?

    Spoiler: The Huntsman 

    Thank you Hayabusa for the Sig and Avi.

    Alright everyone. Thank you for your time. This is a link to the thread explaining my departure from RPA. Stop by for the read if you have a chance. And catch you all on the flip side

  10. #30
    Crimson Casanova
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    Captain Malstrom is ready for re-review!

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