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Thread: (M) Blood Line CH3: The Bloody Truth (Kris X Siks)

  1. #31
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    In the darkness, a looming shadow reached forward. Gentle yet agile, a sway breeze with a very noticeable sweet odor.

    It was Dire who first picked on the hint of scent, and almost immediately hissed, "Sabin-!"

    Guk-Guk reached forward to hug the woman, knocking off the tray of food the lady was holding, "Mama!", she cried with happiness.

    The lady quickly flinched back, her black hair descending down her lovely shoulders. The skin color is unmistakable, and so was the facial expression and the gentle neck. It was rather dark so Dire almost made a mistake. Almost. But he knew that this pretty elf, was not Sabin as this lady's eyes shone in gold, not silver.

    "Who are you?", Dire hissed and the lady moved forward to the light. She must have been a woman from Sabin's tribe. Dire met many of the dark ones, but none of them reached Sabin's gentle beauty, and here, said lady could rival or maybe even surpass hers. The skin tune was the same delicate lovely purple. Dire saw many of the dark ones in his life (and he did travel almost all over the map), and none of them had a skin color akin to Sabin's color, and here this lady was almost her twin. She even had the same shape of of eyes, nose and lips... But she was taller than Sabin and seemed somewhat less sure of herself.

    "You are a child of the Qumran tribe, are you not?"

    The dark elf opened up her mouth few times before she answered, "Do you know of my clan?"

    "Answer first".

    The woman nodded softly, "Se'elith Togar", the woman said slowly as she crouched to the floor to pick up the food that was dropped to the ground, "Forgive me for my foolishness, Because of me, this room is now a mess".

    Dire was in disbelief. Why would a proud child of the moon reduces herself to be a plain maid and for a tribe of bandits and murders no less, "I've met one of yours... Sabin Togar".

    The dark elf stopped for a moment to clean and looked up to Dire, a look of dread in her beautiful eyes, "Is she well? is she alive? please, spare me no details".

    "What is she to you?"

    The woman was unsure what to answer, but after a long moment of silence she added, "A sister... But I may never be able to adress her as such..."

    "Why are you here? with all of those bastards?"

    Tears rosed in her eyes and glittered in gold, "It was not supposed to be like that... I was tricked... but now... now there is no turning back".

    "Tell me more!"

    "I can't, please, don't force me to...", she lifted trails of her hair off the right side of the neck where Dire could see a glowing orb. She was branded as slave. So there was no way for her to escape.

    "Who did this to you?", he asked slowly.

    "I did... He had nothing to do with it..."

    Dire moved forward grabbing her shoulders, "Listen, we are attacked by these people and it could be that you hold something... a key of sort... for us to understand all of this...", he kept shaking her, "I've known Sabin for a short while, but enough to know that your kind will never submit yourselves as slaves, and your clan in particular... the Togar family which is the royality... They will never be this evil, what's going on?!"

    Tears continued to flow down from her eyes, "I... I was a fool... And that's why it all happened. Our elder brother, Sable... he had a plan... I should have rejected him from the start but I couldn't... I ended up branded... I did... horrible things... YAHHHHHHHHHHH".

    The dark elf was tossed to the ground by the might of the brand, and since it was directly over her neck it also slowly suffocated her. Dire lifted her chin up and tried to revive her by breathing into her mouth. Guk-Guk hurried and cleaned her sweaty face with water, and they kept to look out for her until she recalled some of her senses.

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    As the camp was being put back together Sabin found herself somewhat useless. And seeing as it was Dark Elves that launched the attack those around her thought it best if she kept out of sight for now. So basically grounded to her tent she found herself falling into a very morose mindset focusing on sharpening her blades, brewing poisons, and just doing anything she could to get prepared for rescuing her daughter and Dire.

    But as the twinkling stars of night began to come to live overhead she had used up all the Alchemy stores she had or could lay hands on without paying for and her blades were sharp enough to shave even the fine hairs off her meticulously clean shaven legs she was out of ideas. The tent stunk and her heart burned with grief. The only one who could really grasp her pain was Y’gol and she knew from experience that when the King’s Killer is upset it’s wisest to leave him alone. The last she saw of him he had cleared a hilltop of trees by himself and was staring mournfully into the night lifting his nose whenever a breeze came by hoping for a scent to track.

    With the blood and grime of the attack still clinging to her body she gathered up what clean clothes she had and went for a quick cold bath in hopes of clearing her troubled mind.

    First she throw in her clothes, rubbing them on a plank, and beating them with oils and soap. Then, when she realized she may have been a bit too serious with her cleaning, and almost ripping some of them with her rage, she pushed them inside the water and hung them by the branches of a midget tree. She then walked by the edges of the river and set by, playing with her fingers in the water, while sitting naked idly.

    She was without much of a motivation or will, but the water was warm enough for her, so she got up and jumped inside, quickly diving in and gasping for air as she throw her head out, her hair splashing beads of water all around her. She wiped her face and then splashed them some more, as she started to rub her skin, feeling her overgrowth that was her belly, slowly wondering about the miracle of the newborn creature that has yet to submerge, and then, her hand, as if by instinct, reached to rub the brand on her chest. She bit her lips as weak electrical wave passed quickly around her body, and the growing sensation of longing. She hugged herself, imaging it was her lover who was doing so, and as she started to pet her body she started to think about him, as though he was there with her.

    She wanted him so badly. It’s been so long, the taste of his flesh, and the sensation of his lips were almost a memory of the past.

    If someone would have come by and said that this was all a dream of fiction she would have found it hard within herself to argue otherwise. And so, like a person thrown into deep oblivion, where emotions overruling any reason or justified thought, she began to believe that she indeed was lost and everything she held dear was lost forever as well.

    She started to sob softly, as her silver eyes glittered as she started to shed tears, which fell directly on her cheeks and made their trail down her neck, and lingered into the brand. As the first tear hit the brand the weeping woman was hit with a wave of ice cold magical energy making her body fully shiver and duck deeper into the relatively warmer water. But as she did she found herself in some kind lifeless plain shrouded in purple waves of energy. It felt like life had stopped all around her and for a few seconds she thought she was alone. But a few seconds later another figure appeared- one she never thought she’d see again.

    It was Galmied he was naked and seemed to be coated in sweat. His eyes were slightly glazed over and his broad chest was heaving. While she saw nothing Sabin knew what had just happened. The Pale One looked up his shoulder shagged in defeat his eyes cleared up and he saw Sabin. “Sabin?” He asked confused studying her like she was an illusion.

    Sabin parted her mouth few times and blinked her eyes. She reached her hand forward, but then quickly pulled it away. She looked at him with a gaze that suggested both great lust and another one that seemed disgust.

    “This but a dream! A dreadful creature from another world. Sent to increase my torment, with this cursed vision. Is my mind wishing to break me further, so I would assume the worse?”

    She pointed her right hand’s finger as she used her left to cover herself, “I shan’t be tricked by this. My lover won’t… it is not he here, is he! Drench with the stench and struggle of another love battle, is he?! Stop tormenting me creatures of the night!”

    Galmied stared blankly ahead the woman’s angry words barely phasing him. His life had been a blur of pain and overindulgence for months. Throughout it all one face and one name has haunted his fevered dreams. “ Valkyrie?” He asked his eyes clearing up some more and some recognition beginning to shine through.

    She bit her lips, as more tears gathered in her eyes. His voice rang like a sweet bells and his words like prayer for the lost lamb. His body was reflecting some unknown halo and his whole expression showed softness.

    It was him… no doubt about it….

    More lucidity came to him and his body straightened up. His eyes widened and he rushed to Sabin kissing her hard wrapping his arms around her. It was like he was really there, what magic was this? Neither of them knew, but the large Snow Elf didn’t care his woman was finally here.

    She hugged him tightly, but could not help seeing his broken expression. Yet she longed for him for so long that this gesture of wanting her eased all of her worries, “How can it be?”, she kissed his shoulders, his chest, his neck, “I feel you and yet I do not… What is this…”, she noticed the small glitter of his brand and noticed her’s was matching the pattern the brand glowing like twin heartbeats.

    Galmied touched her’s gently and his whole body shuddered forcing him to move closer to Sabin their naked chests pressing together the brands touching and pure pleasure flowing through them both. “Our marks...they like a link between us.”

    Sabin gently moved her fingers over his brand and softly rubbed the skin surrounding the location, enjoying the fact she too, could have feel the sensation. It meant that it was indeed some kind of mutual experience. She then moved both of her hands around his neck and entangled her fingers into his hair, which felt somewhat wet but still as silky as she remembered. She looked long and hard into his eyes as the smile shaped upon her lips, and without realizing it, she was soon on her toes so she could raise to his face and kiss him.

    But it was then that she heard a weak moan coming from behind him. While everything still looked like the lake she had bated in, there were some kind of additional layer over some area in the horizon. In it she could see an image, as though the sky were torn by knife around that area, and she could see sights, which were probably reflecting what was happening on his end. A lady was lying in a bed. Naked.

    She recognized her instantly as that maiden from before, the one which along with his sister came to pick him away. She was fast asleep, lost in her dreams as the bed around her seemed to be in havoc, as if by struggle or….

    “Galmied?”, Sabin asked gently. There was no clear tune to her voice. It could have been a genuine question, or a surprise. But she wanted to know what was going on.

    Seeing her confusion he looked behind and his own face scrunched in confusion. “Who is that?” He asked absently, but just as the words left his mouth his eyes glazed over some and he stumbled back falling to his backside on the surprisingly squishy dreamscape. He looked up at her some clarity coming back followed by shame and horror. “How long has it been since I saw you?”

    “Three moons”, Sabin said slowly, “And counting…”, she moved closer, feeling the sweat lingering down his nape, as his naked body was evidence enough for what could have been happening. His expression was hard to read, but she felt something she didn’t feel from him in a long while. Fear.

    “Three moons? Nae it cannae be, I just saw ye last week!” He got to his feet, but feeling hadn’t quite returned and he dropped into the Dark Elf’s arms. Lifting his hand he saw a small glowing tattoo and he gasped. “A wedding brand?” He asked in disbelief then studied it closer. “Nae engagement tis nae set intae my skin. What happened these three months my love?” He asked like a child memories of his enslavement flooding his mind.

    Sabin felt like she was about to give in and break right there and then. She felt like she bursted into another’s being’s life and disturbed their peace. What was all those words about marriage and engagement. Didn’t he throw a tantrum when an old lover returned to her life? She wanted to just get up from there. Accept the idea that she was alone for good. Departed from child and the love of her life, as well from friends and family… but she collected all that was left from herself as she continued to stroke his hair, allowing his head to sink into her lap.

    And then, no words followed. Just melody. She began humming, then repeating words from an old poem in her own tribe’s words. A song which she herself was oblivious to the lyric meaning. Her mother sang to her this song in same fashion, and she always considered it being some kind of a song to ease a broken heart and worried mind.

    While still humming she continued to speak, now in common words.

    “There was child of ice, with heart of thunder. Who shamed his pride, for his family. He was banished and cursed. His soul was shattered, and what was left of his body, he gave to all those that sought ownership.

    And soon, that curse he wore as a brand. Not by his will, but against. And that brand he needed to suffer, until a child of the night shared the brand with him, taming it some to ease the pain, but not enough to erase the memories.

    And while the mind finds comfort with forgetting the past, it is the past that does not forget, or the people that seek pride. They carried the child, back into the lair of ice, to aton, and there he felt it was his mission to break away from the brand… once and for all…

    But what happened then? The girl of the night does not know, for she did not share the fate of the brand, from said point onward. She had another family to look and care for, with the hope of the child of ice returning to her… But what did the child see? Has his sins been cleaned at least? Has he decided to abandon the mutual brand he was carrying for another altogether? Or was he tricked by the darkness of the cold?”

    Sabin continued to pet his hair and tears gathered in her eyes. She was glad that the wind was playing with her hair, for she didn’t wish for her lover to see her in such pain. She was, after all, happy to receive just this moment of bliss, and by so master all of her power to enjoy every bit of it, before the night was over, and dream was all going away. Even if Galmied was with another, for at least one more night, he was hers, and hers alone, but what all this meant? What was going on? Did his sister trick him into this?

    The woman’s calming voice seemed to return the man to himself. Lifting from her lap he cupped her face and brushed the hair away. Seeing the pain speared his heart, he kissed her deeply lifting her body onto his lap pressing their brands tightly together. His love burned into it filling his woman with it. But along with his love she felt his fear and doubt- he didn’t know what had happened to him since last he saw her. All he knew was what his heart and soul told him. “I know nae what is happenin’, all I know is this.” He trailed his hand down her body and to the swell of her stomach feeling the energy of their child seems to bubble up at his closeness. “Ye are the mother of my child, and I will find my way back tae ye.”

    “You better! Child of ice!”, she moved closer to him and began to kiss him from his forehead, down to his nose, lips and chin, before nuzzling his neck, sniffing his sweet aroma, “I am waiting, don’t keep me waiting for long!”.

    She knew at this moment that all her worries and doubts were foolish and unrealistic. But she was still afraid- for she knew that once this nightly image disappears, the darkness may claim her heart once more. But at the same time, he was worried as she did, even more- or so she felt and so she moved closer and brushed their brands together, as she moved her body into him, allowing some of her energy to slip into his. If he was feeling the same sensation as she did when their brand were brought closer, then she figured, it will be good to press themselves closer, so he would experience ease and pleasure.

    The woman at his bed, moved slightly, but not enough to wake up. Still, Sabin remained in her place, stubborn to claim her position and ground. She began to kiss him as her hands moved around his back, as she pushed him and climbed atop him. If that woman of ice was going to wake up, she at least ought to know who was in charge of her man’s heart. She began to saddle him as she lingered her hands over his chest, kissing and licking around his upper torso. She needed it, and even though Galmied, who claimed to not feel the missing of time, felt like he only just parted from her, he probably too won’t reject this- even if to him, their meeting is as though but a day passed.

    Reacting to Sabin’s assertiveness Galmied quickly brought his hands up to fondle her hips before he aligned them and pierced Sabin’s womanhood the sheer joy filling his being and making his brand for her glow even brighter. His hips moved with forgotten vigor letting the waves of pleasure to guide his hands and lips.

    She found it somewhat hard to fight his strokes. He seemed to be full of vigor tonight. But even so, she return, by jumping back, full of ecstasy as she let her most basic instinct guide her, to the point of being mindless being. She only wanted to merge into him, as close and as tightly as she could, and absorb all that he was going to give her, before their time together was disrupted once more.

    Time passes different in a dreamscape what could feel like hours could only be but a few minutes on a clock. Neither Sabin nor Galmied knew how long they had coupled, but as Ashayra began to moan in her sleep and awake it seemed their time was close. And as he pulled away from Sabin’s embrace, the other woman’s soft moans turned into a quiet yawn as she sat up looking owlishly around. But she made no indication she saw Galmied and Sabin, a quiet cry went through her lips but more in fear. Getting from the bed she was nude, her white body looked stark and beautiful in the moonlight. Her body was more powerfully built than Sabin’s but lacked the Dark Elf’s more voluptuous curves. Her’s was a body built from training with a sword and physical conditioning while Sabin’s was built from taking lives and seducing targets.

    As the last of Galmied’s lucidity began to falter he couldn’t help but goan to himself and this drew Ashayra’s attention to the left a soft smile escaping her lips. “Dreaming of me betrothed? Here join me for some more hot mead then I can make all your dreams come true.” She said dreamily before moving away from the two lover’s sight carrying two stone mugs. The listlessness began to return to Galmied’s eyes as he pulled back further with tears in his eyes. “I will find you again my love.”

    “I know”, she bit her lips as she exhaled. Her back was still facing him, but she needed a moment to calm herself before turning to face him. While she was in, once again, a bitter mood, she recognize his tone of voice, and knew that she will turn to find a face similar to the expression she saw on him during his enslavement days under the yoke of Denika. And she needed to be strong for the both of them.

    She slowly moved around and crawled into his lap, hugging him tightly, and sharing his body heat, which was slowly fading as ice cold sensation took over them both, and got her chilly to the bone, “No more tears”, she kissed the edges of his eyes, and licked the beads that gathered, “We are waiting, my love”.

    And just like that, the vision of Galmied, the bed, the woman, and the heat were all gone leaving her to within the cold water of the lake. She looked around her and once she was sure she was alone she soaked her body into the water, and when she emerged she started to cry painfully, weeping and moaning with all her might, crying a river into the lake. Through her pain and tears though she felt a comforting warmth from deep within her belly. Placing a cold hand upon it she felt the remnants of Galmied’s energy jump to her hand and transfer directly to her brand making it glow with love and comfort. Her lonely duckling may not be right next to her, but she was carrying his child and by extension a piece of his soul and for now it would dry her tears. And as the soft voice of Kri-Kri the Goblin was heard from beyond the bushes calling her name the rest dried and she returned to herself drying off and dressing in clean clothes before following the female’s voice.

    “Is something the matter?”, Sabin had just appeared beside the goblin with a change of clothes. She was surprised to find someone calling for her so late at night. Maybe Y’gol returned and some plan was formed into motion?

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  3. #33
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    Se'elith's body stirred as she slowly regained conscious. She still felt horrible pain surging all over her body, but it was much more manageable than before.

    "Aunt Lith", Guk-Guk said slowly as she noticed her moving, urging Dire to come and take a closer look.

    "How long was I out?", Se'elith asked.

    "Not long enough, and you still didn't give us answers. But I don't think that you fainting on us again will help us".

    Se'elith nodded, "That is true".

    "So why are you here?".

    Se'elith stared at Dire long and hard, "I must stop my brother before he will do something vile... But I cannot aid you directly... I can hint you, I think", she got up slowly, "What do you know on the ancient world creation, from the perspective of the dark elves that is?", she asked.

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    Guk-Guk quirked her eyebrow. "What does that hafta do with things?" She moved at sat in Dire's lap looking quizzically up at him. Mama Saba had told her bits and pieces about the origins of the Dark Elves, but it was a lot of words and things to remember and history was never one of the girl's favorite subjects.

    The old Orc nodded slowly hugging the child as he sat down across the Elvin woman.
    "Some, in the beginning there were Gods and Goddesses for each of the ancient elements. Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Light and Dark. And while all were powerful the Goddesses of Light and Dark of the full moon and new moon were the most powerful and the keys to keeping the last God, the God of the Void from destroying the world. But this was before the mortal races were created, and soon the Sister of Light and God of the Sea grew close and became lovers. They spent all their time together and this made the Dark Sister deeply jealous."

    He hugged Guk-Guk closer stroking the young girl's arm. "So in desperation the Dark Sister made a deal with the Void God. To keep the two apart so she could have her sister back, he agreed and they coupled to seal the pact. He used his evil powers to banish the Sea God to the far reaches of creation. But the Void God was never known for keeping his word, he lusted for both of the sisters and easily took them for his own. The remaining Gods and Goddesses were powerless against him and it only took the combined efforts of the four of them to empower of Twin Sisters and seal him away the first time. It was a dark time for all creation, but no destruction lasts forever. The remaining elements sought the Sea God out and eventually brought him back to do battle. From there it gets murky, some say the Void God was killed, others he got locked away again. As for the rest of the Gods and Goddesses they went on to found all the races and settle into eternal slumber."

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    "And children were born from the void and light... The ancestors of the orcs and dark elves", Se'elith hugged herself, "You know more than I thought you will. No disrespect here. It's just that hardly anyone remembers the old tales nowadays".

    The elven woman rose up, "With the little I tell you, try to put the pieces together, as I'm bounded to tell more. You have some tries before you will need to leave here... You are on their radar, Dire, and I can sure see why".

    Dire gave the woman a puzzled look and she directed him to a tablet in the room which described the ancient battle. It was a replica of sort, with a lot of small images, "They say the real tablet is well preserved, but my brother was able to copy it, and used it to decorate the halls of this fortress of his. To always remain him of his goal".

    "Goal?", Guk-Guk asked. Her gaze moving between the pretty elf and her grandpa until one image in particular seized her eyes. She moved closer as her small hands traced the lines of the tablet, "Tha' one lookin' like you Grandpa"

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    Default Rescue mission pt1

    Kri-kri led Sabin back to the camp. Everything was at put together as possible and most of the caravan was sleeping. But gathered around the central fire were Iks-Iks, Ci-Ci, Rikki, and Y’gol no one looked very happy, but the Ogre was sporting a few new wounds by the looks of him. Though like a gnarled black oak tree he stood unbowed steam seeming to be rising from his body.

    The She-Goblin nodded to the group then moved to sit in Iks-Iks’s lap who fondly wrapped his arms around the swell of her hips kissing the female's neck as Sabin made herself comfy.

    She looked at the couple and couldn’t ignore how well they seemed to get along together, making her recall of her own man, and how far he was away. Still that didn’t stop her from getting back to being professional, “Do we have a plan”, Sabin said as her eyes scanned the members of the team, “How many of them are there? What are we up against?”

    Rikki picked some dried blood from his ear and answered. “Y’gol and I went tracking after the Slavers.” He chuckled looking at the grim faced Ogre who was idly ripping into the carcass of a deer he caught his mouth working mechanically while his eyes stared off to the west annoyed and full of anger. “I’ve been told I’m a good tracker a lot, but this big fucker never lost once. Anyway we tracked the Slavers all the way to the way border of Ophier and an old fort half buried underground. It was quite the sight, they weren’t even trying to hide it, carts moving in and out full of people and supplies. He tried to approach but…”

    “There was foul magic afoot.” Y’gol growled low in his throat examining his newly burnt hands. The Slavers used some kind of amulets to bypass it, but we couldn’t get close enough to take one. Not even the Redkin and his dog.”

    Rikki scoffed reaching over and began applying some cool colored poultice to Decker’s paws. “Even touching the ground near the barrier burned like fire and sent some kind of magical alarm all through the camp.”

    “Show me!”, Sabin’s eyes glittered as she got up, “How quick can we go there!”, she couldn’t stay idle so long and had to take action. Even though Rikki and Y’gol were probably good at what they were doing, she couldn’t stop thinking that they got stuff wrong, or missed a chance by an inch of second. She had to be there and see for herself.

    The Redkin scoffed lifting up his mount’s scorched paws. “As fast as the paws of a burned coyote can go. Or as fast one of you can carry us.”

    The sound of Y’gol snapping the femur of the deer filled the air. “Not quick enough. They were moving carts of people out every few minutes. You stay here.” He slurped the meat off the deer’s leg and stood slowly up his ugly face wincing slightly in pain as he did. Wiping the blood off his hands he looked at Sabin. “I will carry you. Come whimsy Den Mother.”

    Iks-Iks clicked his tongue. “Be careful, we’re leaving come first light.” Being a little bit taller than his mate he rested his chin on her bare shoulder his arms wrapping fully around her waist.

    Kri-Kri nodded leaning into him some the small tube top around her chest sliding up a little she looked at Ci-Ci who was wrapped in a large blanket her bare feet shifting through the dirt. “Will you be joining us Ci-Ci the little girl is your niece after all?”

    “I’m no warrior”, Ci-Ci looked surprised and shocked at the suggestion, “I can send you some of my bombs, and other items. But I rather wait here”.

    “Probably better”, Sabin nodded as she looked at Kri-Kri, again a little envious with the attention she got from her mate, “It’s best that only the capable will come along. We are not sure what other traps awaiting us there. And someone will need to take care of Guk-Guk once we get her back”.

    The Ogre seemed to growl at the implication of leaving his beloved cub in the hands of a stranger, family or no. “Thank you.” was all he said before he studied Sabin picking up his skull helmet and cleavers. “Grab only the essentials. And meet me by the treeline in five minutes.” He growled lumbering off into the darkness.”

    Sabin nodded as she moved back to her belongings and armed herself with her daggers and Galmied’s prized knife at her belt’s hips. She switched her clothes to more protective ones, tying the laces of her boots and clothes, which, now with her growing belly, felt somewhat suffocating, but it was a burden she was willing to take in order to ensure her mission. She also removed the lid of her poison jar and rubbed her weapons with it, aiming to kill whoever she considered an enemy. She grabbed a backpack in which she throw some food and water, and herbs, along with medical first aids relievers and some bandages. She hoped to not need any of them, but she figured this was going to be a rough overtake. Once she was done she rushed to meet the Ogre, “Ready”, she said, her eyes fixing on the road ahead of her.

    Y’gol nodded picking the woman up cradling her in his arms. He had managed to clean himself up a little while he waited, but all that meant was she wouldn’t be covered in blood during the journey. He settled her comfortably then took off at a surprisingly quick run for someone with only two legs.

    Sabin held tightly to his shirt and tried not to burden him. She knew he was probably going to carry her so they will be light and quick to their target. She was happy he trusted her to be so close to be doing something like this. Feels like only yesterday they were still at odds with each other, “I won’t hinder you, Y’gol”, she smiled. She had to admit that not running around with her extra weight of her pregnancy was a welcomed change.

    The Ogre shook his head easily navigating the forest in near total darkness.”No you won’t.” Was all he said as he jumped several feet across a ravine with the ease of dodging a puddle. “How are you planning to get through the barrier?” He asked ducking under a low hanging branch.

    “I’m sure entering something by saying ‘pretty please’ will only work with Galmied, so…. I’ll have to be creative and think of something once I see it”, She smiled, “Not that I’m not saying that you couldn’t figure it out yourself too but… I trust my womanly instinct to come with some idea… worse case we throw rocks at them or challenge them outside… I am not sure yet…”, she chuckled, “One way or another we are getting my daughter and Dire back and breaking some bones… I don’t want them to die too fast… not after what they did to that poor child…”

    Y’gol growled low lifting his nose to the wind and course correcting to follow the dry smell of sand and blood. “You weren’t very good at using your womanly appeal with the Wood Elves. So maybe a plan will be good. The barrier is magic that much I’m sure of, maybe if you strip naked and try to seduce a wagon driver we can steal his amulet pass.”

    “My, Y’gol, I’m starting to wonder if you just want to see me naked. You can just ask nicely you know?”, she smirked, “I didn’t know that pregnancy was your fetish though”, she giggled, “We can try and see the location. If what Master Rikki said is true, transportation into the barrier is constant. We can try to ambush for those people with the amulet… you may need to stay back however, you are a bit too big for the environment and might be spotted”

    The Ogre gave a kind of snort as they breached the forest and entered the flat scrublands towards the deserts. “Sabin, if I was wanting to see you naked or the like I wouldn’t ask. I would simply take. I am far from the noble warrior your mate is, but many of the races find the naked body of you Dark Ones appealing. And most males are slaves to their lower brains.” He took a quick breath scanning the flat waving grasses before them. “You won’t have to worry about me. I already tried to get in. Tis why my hands are more burnt.” Regaining his direction he took off at an even quicker run now that he didn’t have to jumped around trees.

    “I’m sorry about your hands… It sounds like a nasty spell”, she considered carefully, “I wonder if the charm will work while not in the hands of those acolyte that leads people and good inside. How long until we reach there, Y’gol?”.

    The Ogre nodded slightly. “Not long. The rodent, his pet, and I reached the fort in about half an hour. I carried them some of the way too.” He chuckled lightly. “But the coyote managed to keep up well enough.” He created a small hill and slid down the soft grass almost surfing down the gentle slope before quickening his pace again. “Maybe we can use the dead body to fool the barrier if it’s still wearing the amulet?”

    “I don’t mind if it means we are getting inside”, She hissed, “Those bastard deserve all the harm we can inflict on them. And I know this is not a priority, but if we can help others while we are at that we should… Once Guk-Guk is safe I do want to understand those Dark Elves; motives. We already have a bad reputation, we don’t need those rogues making it worse”.

    The big beast nodded seeing the distant dust clouds of Ophier over the next couple of rises. “Nearly there.” He said quietly leaning down slightly closer to Sabin, his speed lessen some, but he moved with remarkable stealth.

    “How do you do it Y’gol?”, Sabin asked, “What kind of training did you pass to make yourself strong and swift?”, she watched the road changes before her as swiftly as the mind, the scenery altogether replaced with different sounds and smells, “Are all Ogres like you? When we trained we were always taught to give the extra attention to the smallest enemies for they may prove the deadliest, and the fastest, and here you are, the anomaly of creation. Strong and fast… I believe that is why a lot of my brothers and sisters fell by your hands”, She petted his chest carefully, “I’m honored to not be at odds with such magnificent creature as you”.

    Y’gol snorted slightly shaking his head as the reached the edge of the magical barrier. “There is no training, simply living. I have been on my own since I was a cub. You learn to be swift to catch your food and you learn to be strong to protect your kill.” He lifted his nose to the air locating a close wagon on it’s way to drive past them. “No Ogre is like me, for I am not a full Ogre. What is your idea?” He asked crouching down as much as he could behind the sand dune.

    Sabin eyes widen with a surprise, as she gazed at the ogre. She didn’t expect to learn of his heritage origin, and of him being not a full ogre. It sure would explain his nature and outworldly behaviour and his uniqueness… alas now was not the time for questions. Her eyes narrowed on her target as she moved closer to the ground. She felt the weight of her belly pushing her against the ground, making her lose some balance, but even so she was capable to maintain a full crouching stance. She noticed a group of acolyte matching, leading people with collars and leashes around their necks. Their hands were bound and chained and their physique showed hunger and starvation. Some may not survive the coming moon.

    She could have easily noticed the sparkling gems upon the necklaces of their captures, for the Dark Elves wore armor plate which presented their full chest and their muscles, while having some areas protected.

    “Blasted, if they were dressed in rugs, I would have simply sneaked as one of them, but they will immediately see me like this. We don’t have much time. If we attack now, we run the risk of the tumult to draw unneeded attention. We observe for now. We only need few of them around, and at least one with a jewelry”.

    The wagon went in and another followed. Few more hours passed like this, and Sabin was growing irritated. The heat along with her pregnancy was unbearable, and having Y’gol aid her finding a hidden spot to relieve herself occasionally was almost risking their mission. However, near dusk, one wagon came which bore no slaves, but other strange goods, and only few dark elves to guard.

    Sabin nodded to Y’gol as she withdraw a bomb and lit it on fire, “Give it about twenty seconds before you jump in. It is a silent trap, but the poison is deadly upon immediate impact. Once the first one is done, it is safe to attack”.

    She made sure no one was around as she threw the round object at the wagon. The Ogre growled softly and watched. The sound of an object hitting his wagon made the young Mer stop and look back. It sounded like some part of his cargo had fallen over these were important supplies. Climbing into the back he searched through and found the smoke bomb, he was about to call out, but the small explosion of vapor hit him hard in the face and made him stumble off the side of the wagon the smoking object falling from his hand.

    As the woman asked he waited for the twenty seconds then crept forward dragging the unconscious young Mer back to Sabin. “Here.” He said simply.

    Sabin’s hands reached for the necklace and grabbed at it, tearing it off his body, letting the small chain remain on his body. She then rushed, with amazing speed for a pregnant lady all the way to the area of the barrier. She recalled what the other Dark Elves did, which was simply entrust the gem into it, and it in turn allowed them safe passage, alas for her it seemed to not work. The gem was shattered immediately and Sabin barely escaped the scene to avoid harm done to herself, “CURSES AND DAMNATION”, she cried.

    It seemed there was no way for either of them passing. In frustration she did something which Y’gol noticed, but couldn’t stop on time. She threw herself at the barrier and his hissing cries for her to stop was echoing as a dark light encircled her body. She recalled the damage done to his palms and expected the worst, knowing this foolish act was deserving a proper punishment, and yet, such punishment never came to pass. She found herself on all four… and intact. Slowly she looked up, wondering if she was even alive, only to find out that she was at the other side of the barrier while Y’gol remained behind. She quickly ran for the barrier, careful of touching it, studying it carefully once to learn that it did not harm her once she touched it. However, it seemed it was one way entrance, for she felt like she was pressing against a glass door, only able to see and not pass, “Y’gol, what is the meaning of this?”, she asked, extremely surprised with the unexpected outcome of the events.

    The beast growled quizzically slinking forward quickly know the fuss she had made would be attracting attention soon. “I do not know, but it seems you are on your own Ms. Togar. Be quick and be quiet I have seen a few of your sisters walking around in the garbs of servants in my look around. That may be your best chance.”

    “Yes”, Sabin nodded. Wondering why would female Dark Elves be around was of second concern. Another question to be left for another day. If she could find any one of them, she could easily conceal herself into their rank, but she wondered how it will be possible for her to hide her lump long enough for her to find Guk-Guk and Dire, “What about you?”

    “THE FUCKING OGRE IS BACK!” A loud male shouted from the camp causing Y’gol to snarl and run along the barrier drawing their attention from Sabin.

    Sabin realized that the best action was to move ahead. She had to trust the big creature to take care of himself, “Just stay safe friend”, she whispered as quickly disappeared into the nightly tunnels, leaving the Ogre behind hoping they never catch him.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #37
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    Default Rescue mission part 2

    Dire growled lightly inspecting the relief closely. The girl was close, the creature in the image had what looked like a mane of hair and covered in some kind of scale like a Dolg Gramar, but the build, skin color, and burning red eyes were exactly his own. He opened his mouth to question the woman when a loud bell began tolling all throughout the dungeon forcing his hands up around his ears. “What in the dead night is that?”

    “ALARM, ALARM, INTRUDER AT THE BARRIER! AN OGRE” A male’s voice sounded through the dimly halls.

    Guk-Guk’s ears were much more sensitive than Dire’s she cried falling into Se'elith’s arms cringing.

    “Shush, little one!”, She pet the little girl’s head and carefully pet her black mane. She looked at Dire and he immediately understood what she wanted to say. He knew that she being her longer than needed was a cause of risk for not only her, but maybe the both of them. She had to leave, before anyone realized she outstayed her welcome entree. Dire nodded at her and she picked up Guk-Guk’s cheeks in her hands, making her look into her golden eyes, “Hey little one. I need you to be strong, okay?”, she said with a smile.

    “You go, now auntie?”

    “Yes”, Se’elith nodded, “You protect your grandpa yes?”

    Guk-Guk nodded with tears in her eyes, “Don’t go”

    “I must!”, Se’elith let Dire a chance to take her place before she quickly ran away.

    Dire gritted his teeth and wrapped his arms around Guk-Guk holding the child close as the pretty Dark Elf gathered up her things and quickly vanished from the small cell just as heavy mailed boots came down the corridor. Thankfully the loud peeling of the bell had ceased and the two prisoners had managed to recover as Sable and a smaller knight entered.

    Dire growled pushing Guk-Guk behind him.
    “What do you want?”

    Sable studied the pair and smirked.
    “Oh a great many things savage, but for now you are coming with me. I have many questions you will answer.”

    With a low snort the blue skinned Orc shook his head.
    “No.” Guk-Guk poked her head out to shout at the mean Elf, but the small knight produced a black orb and said a quiet spell pain seeming to strike the girl like a hand around her throat choking her.

    The Orc snarled and lifted his hand to strike the tormentor, but Sable snapped his fingers and the knight continued the spell crushing the girl’s windpipe more. “Do it and Sha’lina will kill the brat.” With tremendous effort Dire lowered his hand and the small knight canceled the spell causing Guk-Guk to drop to her knees coughing violently.

    “Good savage, now come!” Sable ordered moving to the side slightly as the pair began to pass. But just as they passed Sha’lina grabbed Guk-Guk by the hair and yanked her roughly back and away from Dire. Before either Sable or the small knight could react Dire’s hand shot out and punched the knight squarely in the front of it’s helm sending the bit of armor away revealing the youthful face of woman, but her skin was a midnight purple color and on her face was the tattoos of the New Moon Tribe that glowed angrily against her gold eyes. She hissed and pulled the Orb out intent on killing the girl now. But a loud shout from Sable in the Dark Elf tongue and the cold sting of steel pressed against Dire’s neck stopped him.
    “You have a fire and I need you alive, but do that again and I’ll show you true suffering. The girl will stay with Sha’lina as insurance for your compliance. She will be unharmed if you play nice.” Dire was foaming at the mouth with rage, if Guk-Guk wasn’t present he’d have taken Sable’s sword against his skin just for the chance to crush the bastard’s head with his bare hands before he broke both the bitch’s arms and fucked her to death right there in the cell. But for the girl’s safety he quelled his rage and growled something in Orcish to his younger. Who wiped her tears and tightened her jaw forcing her own pain and anger down just like her Gampa told her too.

    The tension faded and Sha’lina put the orb away grabbing Guk-Guk’s shoulder before nodding to Sable. The Dark Elf man nodded sheathing his sword before he jerked his head down the hallway. Dire gave one last look at Guk-Guk before he walked down the hall with Sable giving a hand signal to Sha’lina down the opposite side. The woman nodded a small trickle of blood sliding down her fair face as she guided the Half-Breed deeper into the dungeon.


    Sabin moved through the above ground camp, whenever patrol passing she glued herself to the shadows and let the darkness hid her until it was safe to move again. She narrowed her eyes to look for any sources of light and carefully made her steps be almost unhearable. It looked like any normal camp during time of war. Nothing was interesting, and she knew there was no way for the important prisoners to be located in this area, which she considered the Orc and the half goblin to be, seeing how they went out of their way to grab them.

    She looked around carefully, eyeing another fortress and near it not far was a tunnel leading down. She decided to trust her instincts and follow into the rabbit hole. She would need to find a disguise though for most of the Dark Elf women weren’t exactly running around in their armors and those that were sported the hated symbols of the New Moon Tribe.


    In silence Dire moved before Sable. But as the sounds and smells of blood assaulted his sense he growled. “Where are we going?”

    Sable only smiled, “You will see soon enough, savage, no need to spoil the surprise ahead of time.”


    Guk-Guk was holding her tray steady, but the heavy glasses of beers threatened to be knocked over every few moments, when each of the Dark Elves pulled her chain in order for her to serve the drinks. She was dressed in minimal clothes now, which, although pretty, made her feel uncomfortable. The gems were heavy and the silk was itchy upon her skin.


    And the worst thing was the leering gazes of the males that hungirly undressed her. She was indeed a pretty creature, and her being underage didn’t stop them from desiring her. She swallowed hard, recalling previous events where she was forced and taken against her will, and even so, she held herself from crying as she knew a worse fate may come upon her if she was not strong enough.

    There were other women in their arms, of many races, and some appeared to be even of the Dark Elves, however, they clearly did not wish to be there, unlike the horrible lady who put her in this place.

    “Don’t be day dreaming now”, said the mean elven lady. She was pretty, but vicious. Nothing like her mama Saba or auntie Se'elith, “These men have eaten girls younger than you… I would try not to draw too much attention if I were you”


    “Where have you taken the girl?”, hissed Dire after a long moment of silent. Since his destination was unsure, he at least wanted some answers.

    Sable chuckled, “You are a grown man, I’m sure you can think of some ideas…”

    And though he did, as ire and rage took over him. He jumped at the cocky Elf, before he was pulled back down by the heavy power of magic.

    “Dark elves… shouldn’t… have such powers…. What did you do?”

    Sable chuckled and simply turned his back to him. And continued down the dark corridor, there were no answers yet. But the smells grew worse and the dread continued to fill the Orc’s mind.


    Sha’lina sat in a viewing box overlooking both the brothel and a medium sized gray stone arena. It was filthy dried blood, that looked like mud, and even some broken glass and metal scraps. All and all it looked like a horrid place.

    The young girl let out a sad sigh as she moved back to the bar with her empty tray. Is was getting harder and harder to keep a stiff upper lip. She’d lost track of how many times she got groped and yanked about, her young mind was constantly under assault from horrid memories of her past. Luckily no one had tried to push it further than just being handsy and mean, but she knew it was only a matter of time. She felt a hot tear threatening to trickle out of her eye, but with a sniff she pulled it back and shook her head biting her tongue and cheek some to make her jaw lock in place.


    Soon Dire found himself led to a small damp feeling room lit up by only candles and at the center was woman that smelled of High Elf and oozed magical aura. He recognized her smell, but before he could say anything a pain bolt of force struck him in the chest and knocked him out on the ground in the middle of a summoning circle.

    The male Dark Elf harrumphed gathering up the items laid out on the black wood table. “I hope this works Lady Lestaff.”

    The Mage woman stepped into the ring of light her stomach poking noticeably out from under her loose fitting blouse. “If he truly is what you say he will.”


    Sabin had passed around the camp, finding no trace suitable for keeping Dire and Guk-Guk. She wanted to believe they were still here, but at the same time she started to feel discouraged. And then some more noises were heard and she quickly hide behind the bushes. She panted heavily and as the figure in question draw for her direction she knew she had been found out. Without even thinking twice she leaped at the woman, but sadly her skills were not as good with the additional weight burdening her. She was caught, one of her hands being twisted behind her back while the other was free to try and stop the blade from drawing blood from her neck. But then the attack stopped and her hand was free.

    Turning around swiftly, ready to jump at her attacker, but she stopped. Recognizing the woman almost immediately, “Se'elith”

    The Dark Elf lady drop her knife and rushed for Sabin hugging her, “Little sis”.

    “What are you doing here?”, she asked, barely capable to let go of her weapons and hug her sister, “Are you helping them…?”. Sabin then noticed the brand.

    “Not by will… but I don’t deserve your mercy…”

    “What did you do sister?”

    “I can’t tell you… not yet…”, she looked at the cave’s direction, “What are you doing here?”

    “I’m in search of a particular pair, an orc and half goblin child”

    “Ah!”, she smiled, “No wonder the little one confused me as you… of all our family we are truly the most alike… alas, I cannot help you. Sable is mad… and you are… with a child?!”

    “Sable? Sable is here?”

    “Don’t ask me more sister, I cannot… answer”

    “Sister, did he do it to you?”

    The Elven girl looked at the sky as tears gathered in her eyes.

    “Tell me where they are! Tell me where Sable is! If you cannot speak more I’ll find out myself what he wishes to do with them”.

    “You are with a child, sister. If they get their hands on you, they may hurt you”

    “And if I won’t hurry I may lose another child of mine!”

    Se'elith tilted her head. The goblin appeared to be half Orc, not half Dark Elf child. But now was not the time to worry about such nature of birth or maternity, “Let’s switch our clothes, they won’t be able to spot you and may confuse you as me”, she was wearing a very old baggy clothes, and the possible outcome was that anyone watching may not see Sabin’s belly, at least not right away, “We both have the same face, and if no one looks very close, they will not notice our eyes right away”.

    “Then let’s do it. And where are they held?”

    “At the Arena’s gathering. A place which Lady Lestaff had turned into a big altar of some kind.”

    “Denika! Denika is here too?!”, Sabin swallowed. This was a person she had not the desire to meet anytime soon. Not after being friends for so long and then stealing her man and tricking her, what more joining forces with her enemy. And with the Ogre waiting outside things will only turn from bad to worse.

    But there was no other option, at least Sabin wasn’t willing to lose any more time to think of one, “Give me your clothes… and then show me the way”

  8. #38
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    Default Close of chapter pt1

    Se'elith and Sabin quickly switched clothes and after some instructions from her older sister the pregnant woman made her into the camp of the New Moon Clan. Forcing the pride and confidence from her shoulders and posture. And keeping her shoulders hunched Sabin did her best impression of a slave with a broken spirit. Her dear Galmied was a good inspiration and she wondered what he would think of her now if he could see her.

    Would her sad blue duckling be proud of her for being so clever or ashamed? He was of an honorable warrior people and from her interactions with others of the Pale Race sneaking about and being in disguise would be deplorable and not worthy of a warrior such as her. She didn’t know, but she knew her man wasn’t like the rest of the pompous Snow Elves. She just wished he was here right now. Even if he was outside the barrier with Y’gol just knowing he was nearby would set all the turmoil in her heart to rest because if she failed she knew he’d be the first one in to save Guk-Guk and Dire.

    Feeling tears threatening to fall she quickly ducked into a large tent to regain her composure. When a rough male voice made her jump and almost reach for the dagger she had tucked into the back of her pants. “Oi you bitch! What in the Dark Sister’s name are you doing in here?”

    Looking up Sabin bit her tongue seeing she had stumbled into one of the bathing tents and was currently being stared at by no less than six naked Dark Elf men.


    Now she was forced to be topless. At least it was warm in the brothel. Little Guk-Guk’s composure was quickly failing. She stunk of beer and spit, and a particularly randy man had gotten too handsy with her and yanked her already miniscule chest wrapping off. She was still a young girl, but since she started her period she’d been noticing her chest growing more. Mama Saba had been helping her adjust her normal chest wrappings since it started. Now her buds were noticeable and slightly bouncy and the sick males around her were loving the sight.

    Some even groped her as she passed forcing her to spill the drinks over her front which just riled them up further. She wished Mama Saba or Papa Bone or anyone really would come save her. She’d even accept Yaoy’s aid despite him being mostly a big jerk, just anyone friendly and not filled with lust.

    She handed her last drink to her last costomer and quickly ducked away avoiding the stern glare of the Madame needing a place to hide for a few minutes so she could do some of the breathing exercises Mama Saba had been teaching her to do when she was getting upset. Sticking to the shadows and using her small size to her advantage she found herself a small closet to use, but as she reached for the door a pair of slurring male voices made her jump and let out an unintentional squeak.

    “Well…*hic* well…*burp* well. Lookie here Bulfin, I told ye I…*hic* saw the little green…*hic* plaything come this way. It was a Dark Elf man again, he was very ugly.

    Blufin looked more like a Half Troll slave who had gotten his freedom. “Ha indeed Haoli…*hic* last…*burp* time I say you’re wrong.” They moved closer with fairly obvious intent. “I’ve never fucked a Goblin so young. And…*burp* the slave we got…*hic* have been…*hic* turned into one-size fits all...c-co-sleeves.”

    Haoli chuckled beginning to undo his pants. “Oh…*hic*...*hic* I ha-have. Not even virgin...She-Elves are so tight. *hic*”

    Panic and horrible memories flooded Guk-Guk’s mind and she simply did what the Shadow Men always made her do. Lower her wrapping and just lean against a wall and wait.

    And then the voices stopped. In quick and fast motion two bodies were lying on the ground as the young half goblin felt something covering her body, “Here, wear this”. Those were slave attire, but much less revealing that what she was forced to. The voice calling to her caught her by a surprise and as the figure draw close to the light Guk Guk’s nearly called Sabin’s nickname… until in despair she noticed it was Se'elith… but she was dressed in Sabin’s clothes?!


    “Forgive this slave, master”, Sabin faked a very hoarse voice, pretending to be much older than what she was, with the clothes she wore now, it was possible to do so, as she hunched further, and seemed to act like a blind woman finding her way, “I was sure I was in the ladies room, oh dear, pity me…”, she turned around as she paced like a hag, and shivering and swaying like crazy, trying to hide herself from view.

    Se’elith’s heart had gone out to the girl after Sabin had told her everything. Like many of her dishonored sisters here Se’elith had been passed around the camp a few times. Each of them forced to ingest potions that made them infertile. Even the actual women of the New Moon Tribe took part in the abuses and infertility drugs. Orders from Sable, he was deadset on tearing down the Dark Elf culture and that started with breaking bloodlines and royal genes. His plan needed to come to fruition before the clan became too big. But the woman couldn’t see the child be treated so cruelly especially once she learned this was Sabin’s adopted daughter.

    Guk-Guk hugged the old cape looking thing around her and opened her mouth to speak but the woman shushed her gently and placed her fingers over the child’s lips. “Don’t speak we need to move. Your Mama is here looking for you and she can help us free your Grandpa. Just stick close ok?”

    Hope filled the Half-breeds young heart and she fought back the tears and fear once more, pulling her wrapping back into place before picking up Blufin’s big single edged knife. She nodded at her Aunt.


    One of the men scoffed waving the assumed crone away as seven much younger slave girls entered the other wide of the tent. Two Humans, two Dark Elves, two Snow Elves, and a single young Goblinness. The men grunted devouring the nude sweat slick bodies of their bath attendants. The first speaker grunted throwing an empty tub at Sabin. “Get out of our sight crone we have guests.”

    “Of course, master, forgive me master”, Sabin wanted to throw up at the grovel she was giving, but it couldn’t be helped. She had to find Dire and Guk-Guk first and be out of here. She couldn’t have taken all the men here, even if she oh so badly wanted to.

    She continue to act as she was, once outside she stretched and stood up as she continue to sneak further around the camp. She wondered what this community was all about. So many cultures and slaves… what were they trying to do here?

    She continued further until she heard voices rising in volumes and slowly headed for the direction of the noises. It seemed to be emitting from down a long entrance of a tunnel like building. Stepping inside memories rose in her head, about the old stadiums that used to be build down the lower areas of the village where she was born. Her father used to tell her stories about the uses of such locations where mighty battles took place, and the blood of the victims was offered as sacrifices to the god of chaos and how such culture was almost eradicated because it was too barbaric. Still the building were impressive and held her in awe to the sight.

    Now as she continued down the stairs, she began to shiver in fright. What if such culture was taking place here?! What about her daughter and Dire?


    As the sound of havoc rose from the corridors Se’elith rushed up ahead, pulling Guk-Guk’s hand and climbing the stairs. The brand on her neck hurt like crazy as she knew she was acting against the will of her brother, but at the same time, seeing Sabin gave her some hidden hope. Even the brand itself was not as stingy, and she wondered if Sabin had some inner influence… maybe magical of nature to it? It was a ridiculous idea, as most Dark Elves didn’t even meddle in magic, but it was a nice thought to consider.

    As the two girls ran they paused as a figure stormed by them. Guk-Guk was the first to recognize Sabin and when she did she jumped at her, nearly knocking her over, “Mama Saba”.

    Sabin took a moment to collect herself before realizing that her family returned to her. She hugged the child, and allowed her emotions, which were already overloading from her pregnancy to take over. Guk-Guk couldn’t help herself either and the two girls started to cry together. Se’elith smiled softly, “We need to get out of here”

    Sabin looked right and left, “Where is Dire?”

    Guk-Guk looked up in question as well. She could remember the voices from the chambers. The evil elves betting money and collecting payment, saying something about competition, but between her trying to maintain the drinks, and keeping people from touching her, she couldn’t make much of it.

    “He is probably fighting. In the arena!”

    Sabin didn’t need another information to learn what was going on, “Is this an altar to the chaos god? Are they out of their mind? Who is in charge of this place?!”

    “Sable… gah!”, the brand started to take its effect as Se’elith knelt down under the heavy power of the pain.

    “But why?”, Sabin asked. A question to which her sister couldn’t answer.

    “Guk-Guk, I’m going to get your grandpa!”

    “NO!”, the girl immediately grabbed Sabin’s legs, “Mama is pretty. They do bad stuff…”

    “The girl is right… don’t think that pregnancy can stop people’s lust…”

    “I have to get him out of here, I’m not leaving without him”, Sabin grabbed Guk-Guk’s shoulders and forced the young girl to cross gazes with her, “Listen here kiddo, mommy will be back. I promise you. Did I ever break a promise to you before?”

    Guk-Guk seemed to be in deep thoughts. She wanted to find some kind of an example just so that she could make Sabin stay, but she couldn’t.

    “So I will be back, and I need you to be strong and protect your aunt, do you understand girl?”

    Guk-Guk seemed unsure but she nodded. She was unhappy but what could she have done? The mother and daughter hugged and Sabin quickly descended down the stairs, further into the abyss.


    It was the third fight whose blood was spilled at the ground. Dire was injected with some kinds of syringe that contained some powerful hallucinogenic herbs and he was already feeling himself losing his clearity, giving in to primordial instinct of fighting and killing. What was the point of all this? He hardly had his mind to understand. All he knew was that he had to continue fight to live. He heard the muffled sound of the crowd that cheered and roared like crazy whenever he was victorious and he hated the smug smile of Sable who set upon a throne beside a lady covered in veil. She looked like someone he was sure to saw somewhere…
    Rage filled Dire’s heart, a rage he thought he was long past. A berserker warrior is the master of his anger, but every warrior starts as a whelp who is mastered by his emotion. This was the state Dire was in, all he had was a heavy black stone club carved with strange runes that glowed with each frantic breath he took.

    All around him bodies were littered. None looked fight to plough a field, but still they were scattered about his lone dais in the center of the arena. Wearing slipshod armor and using modified farming tools as weapons. None was a worthy opponent, and yet still the once stoic Orc brayed for blood like a mad hound. More bodies were shoved through the gates to die by his hand the blood flowing across the ground and collecting in a large stone bowl quickly becoming a veritable pool of it.

    They are pitiful, don’t they

    At first it sounded like someone besides him spoke, but it appeared louder than the rest of the voices around him.

    They don’t compare… just… lambs to be slaughtered

    The realization sink in. The voice came directly from his head. The Orc huffed as the rage continued to increase. Now thinking that he was losing his mind, literally, he began to be completely consumed by the rage.

    Yes. Kill. Kill. Kill

    The voice laughed.

    Color this world with blood

    Sable got up and Denika sitting beside him seemed puzzled about his behaviour.

    “What’s the matter?”, she asked.

    “It’s working!”, he said as he felt the magical energy of chaos increasing. It never happened before. No other warrior, or “vessel” was able to summon so much resonance with the energy of the abyss, but here, this lone Orc who had the appearance of the God of Chaos in the slab of destiny, seemed to somehow connect himself to the source.

    “It’s working!”, Sable said again.

    You don’t recognize the lady yet, the one beside our servent?
    The voice continued.

    Memories not his own filled the old Orc’s mind. Eons in the past, back before Man or Mer walked the earth. When magic was as common as water and only the pure beauty of chaotic creation. When he was a king without measure, master of all. He was the Void and she was his wife.

    She thought to use us… poor soul… if only she knew…

    Another world, another creation. Beings strong and mighty roamed the earth, and sky. Among them, were two. Twins.

    They refused us… but when one shared a love, which was unshared by another… jealousy tends to make things… interesting…

    Dire dropped to his knee crushing the windpipe of some boy barely old enough to have chin hairs. His free hand coming up to clutch at his skull like he was trying to keep it from exploding sweat poured from his body and a physical heat began to flow from him.

    “Moladya!” Dire shouted in the deepest of pain sending a pulse of pure magic out across the arena. It hit Denika hard causing her to fall back into her chair flashes of memories crashing through her mind. The confused her, but her magic fired back banishing the thoughts as she smiled down at Dire.

    Why is our property is seeded with another?!

    “Dire!”, a voice hissed as the cry reached her ears. Sabin quickly recognized the voice only to follow and enter into the most groutqe scene of blood and gore, the kind she had never saw before. The stench filled with her uneasiness made her throw up. Yet she barely recovered as she moved closer.

    AND…-! Why are they both fertile from seeds not ours?!

    Sabin waved for Dire as she noticed his gaze, hoping to grab his attention while the crowd was busy.

    I sense in your memories something foul…. Is he… is he also around us… Did he impregnate our properties?!”

    Dire growled at the voice a name filling his thoughts. Deireadh Beatha God of Chaos, ender of days the final state of existence. More names and titles flooded across his mind’s eyes. Moladya, Goddess of Darkness, Lilvanni, Goddess of Light, the last name filled his mouth with acidic bile and caused his eyes to turn red. But the name wouldn’t leave his lips.

    Guk-Guk was sitting in her Aunt’s lap chewing on her nails nervously when she heard Dire’s yell. The pain she felt was tangible and moving on instinct the brave little girl shot up from Se’eligh lap and ran full speed down the corridor. “GANDPA, GUK-GUK IS COMING DON’T BE SCARED!” Still weighed down by the pain of her brand Se’elith gritted her teeth and ran after the girl.

    Darkness began to coursing from Dire’s blue body the wild cheers of the audience replaced by pure fear. Many of them running for the nearest exit trampling those in their way. Like Denika, Sabin was struck with the magic memories smashing around her mind like wild horses. She felt the child in her belly’s aura scream in fear and pain.

    Guk-Guk and Se’eilth arrived tears rushing down both their faces. Guk-Guk ran to Sabin, Se’eilth trying to cover them both from being trampled. But still Sabin’s baby screamed in pain.

    Jet black tears fell down Dire’s face as he let out one final scream filled with all the pain and suffering the God inside him as caused and felt. One final blast of magic shooting out, both Denika’s and Sabin’s unborn children were screaming now. The unleashed power of the Void God beginning to destroy the arena the blood below him shooting up like crimson snakes only to be absorbed into his body. When all seemed lost something...miraculous happened. A dome of shining white ice surrounded Sabin, Guk-Guk, and Se’lieth while a sheer wall of black ice shot up between Sable and Denika. Then just as suddenly all screams and sensation ended. Guk-Guk opened her tear stained eyes. The camp was gone, they were all in the middle of a field of some kind. At its center was what used to be Dire, in his place was a huge figure of black and purple. Darkness flowing from him like tentacles. His eyes were only blackness and when he breathed the very fabrics of reality seemed to flex. Near them was Sable and Denika, but they looked far from afraid, Denika still showed signs of pain, but she wore it well. Sable was a smiling fool all his plans finally coming into fruition.

    The young girl stared at her beloved Grandpa his features still there but twisted horribly. “ Ganpa become Shadow man!” She screamed in horror clutching to Sabin and Se’eilth shouting it all away.

    Sabin was confused. There was so much going on at once that she could barely hold herself from breaking apart or throwing up again. Still the child needs a careful care, and she hugged Guk-Guk tightly, “No, that’s not your grandpa”, She kissed the tip of her head, “Just someone who looks like him. Your grandpa is kind and sweet, isn’t he?”

    Guk-Guk nodded but her face was still buried under Sabin’s bosom and she didn’t let go. Sabin felt up her belly and talked in her mind, “Thank you little one. I’m sorry that you suffered. Your father and me love you very much, please bear with us some more, don’t be scared”.

    “Well… that’s weird”, Se’elith moved her fingers over her neck, “My brand… it’s gone… but how?”, she looked at Sable who seemed to be falling at his knees.

    “Whatever that took over Dire is probably sucking all the possible energy it can to sustain itself… if your brand is made by such energy, my guess is that it too, will be lost into the power that Dire generate around himself”.

    “What happened to him?”, Se’elith asked.

    “I am not sure… I think… his creature is… angry… and jealous?”, Sabin said.

    “You think?”

    “I am not sure… I think… I think I recognize this energy… and I detest it to the core… but I’m not sure what’s going on…”, Sabin’s eyes widen, “But that’s not what important… if more of this energy be sucked out, I suspect the barrier will be down too and Y’gol may be able to-”

    A loud roar was heard which echoed some distance away, with the cry of hurting men.

    “Enter…”, Sabin said slowly as she looked around and noticed the silhouette of the giant ogre. She then looked ahead at Sable, who didn’t seem to notice her yet. Which was for the better. But the elf beside him…”, Sabin narrowed her eyes, “We need to leave here… Before Y’gol will find out who she is…”

    As the roar reached the ears of the reborn God a loud hiss filled all their ears. “A ’BHEIST!”, Dire shouted before he was enveloped in darkness and simply vanished. Seeing their God leave Denika gave a final glance at Sabin before she too vanished in a shroud of darkness with Sable in tow.

    Guk-Guk still clung to Sabin. “A best?” She asked.

    “A beast… a very angry and powerful beast”, Sabin petted Guk-Guk’s head, “but don’t worry, we will get your grandpa back, right?”, She kissed the girl, and moved closer for Y’gol who finally reached the group, “You are late, old friend”, she gave him a sad smile which faded almost immediately, “Were you… by any chance… experiencing something just now?”

    His injuries seemingly forgotten Y’gol let out a slow nod. “Many images, but nonsensical. No words, no direction. Just….” He looked down at his quaking cub wishing to comfort her, but the woman was much softer and better suited. “Images. Come we must go.”

    Sabin looked at her older sister who nodded. Still holding the shaking Guk-Guk to her chest the trio took off at a steady pace back for the Goblin camp.


    The moon was past it’s apex and making it’s trip to the horizon. The camp was quiet, a slight chill silently marched through the rows of tents and wagons. Nearly everyone was asleep, even Y’gol, who was laying on his stomach arms dead at his side and head atop a log for comfort a low rumbling snore sounding from nose and mouth. Near him a fire burned steadily two figure huddled around it. Se’elith and Sabin hadn’t spoken since they got back, which considering Guk-Guk was asleep next to Sabin was probably a good idea. The girl was using the woman’s thigh as a pillow while she was curled up in a heavy warm blanket her beloved toy held tightly in her arms. Her sleep was troubled, but every time she began to whimper and cry Sabin was there with a gentle word and a loving kiss while she stroked the girl’s mop of hair slowly.

    The tension was thick between the two sisters, but neither really knew where to begin.

    “I’m sorry she had to go through all this, after all you’ve told me about her… reliving her nightmare sounds like a terrible experience”, Se’elith said slowly. Looking at Sabin now, with her mature belly and the child at her lap, the Dark Elf couldn’t help but be a bit jealous. They inject so many herbs into her that she wondered if she could ever have her own children, a thing she wanted for so many years. Why did she have to follow Sable? Why did she want to try and save his soul?

    “I need to tell you something, sister, it’s about mother…”

    Sabin looked up to her. Her hand stopped petting Guk-Guk but she tried to maintain her posture as to not wake up the child.

    “It’s about her death…”

    Sabin looked at the sleeping Y’gol. Almost wishing she could get the beast up and attack whoever that was responsible for the matriarch death. But Sabin was afraid that the truth will be unpleasant one.

    “You left… You left almost immediately after her death… I was so furious. I felt like my world had come apart. I was upset with the fact no one really did anything… and I couldn’t see the picture for what it is”, Sabin said slowly, and when she heard the soft moaning of Guk-Guk she passed fingers through her hair and petted her again, “But if I try to think calmly I can see it clearly, and understand that ever since Sable left our home things have started to go wrong… The Qamran tribe received a letter of sort, requesting the “Eye of the Abyss”. An object that the Matriarch herself had in her possession. It was a beautiful necklace, with a swirling changing stone at the center. The request came from a new tribe by the name of “Molad”, or “new moon”, and even though they offered high sum of money, the kind of which our clan would be happy to receive over small jewelry without any meaning or importance, mother refused. She never gave any reason as to why, she probably knew it was dangerous so she kept even the closest people to her in the dark about it”.

    “Yes… You are right…”.

    “Molad…”, Sabin said slowly, “It’s the night upon which the moon is not visible, almost like it is still in the dark, but people know that soon it will be birthed and shine brightly… The pet name of the goddess of darkness, Moladya. The Goddess of Witchcraft and the Unkown. Sable was always fascinated with the art of magic, and this goddess in particular, wasn’t he?”

    Se’elith eyes widen as Sabin slowly talked, feeling like her sister could see right into his plot. Now that she had lost her brand, she was able to speak freely, “He was obsessed with the idea of the beautiful goddess who was scorned. Although twins, the goddesses of the moon were worlds apart. And while she had such power, she felt like she was nothing compared to her sister, the goddess of light and life, loved by all. She watched how her sister, the closest person to her grow apart as her love for the sea god increased and she withered away in the darkness. In her sorrow and false understanding that she may be forgotten she turned to the abyss, but when one look at the abyss… the abyss will stare back…”

    Sabin nodded, “And Sable got lost within his own idea?”

    Se’elith gave a sad smile, “He felt like he could never find himself within the strict rules of the clan. He wanted to leave and start his own tribe, in which people would be free and act as they chose to be. But the more he dealt with the power he did not understood the more degenerated he became. Me and Sable shared the same father. He was wise man, but his position was cut slowly as he was pushed aside in favour of the more loveable mates. Sable watched how his father was demoted, and although he accepted the changes with pride, Sable felt betrayed in his place. He then decided that all children and mates should be on equal term, or maybe be set to have less in a family- that way, no one needs to feel like they need to compete with affection. Sable drank in the stories of our father about magic like a thirsty babe. He wanted to really create something different, a better world… and while he was studying and researching… finally something spoke back to him…”

    “What do you mean?”, Sabin asked.

    “I shouldn’t have dismissed those ‘dreams’ he had. But by the time I realized it, it was too late. My brother was lost to his madness by the day. I thought that it was a temporary insanity which came with the pressure of having to lead so many lost lambs. I had to stay by his side, but I also was still part of the twin moon tribe. I had to save face and return to the tribe and carry out missions like normal, as if nothing changed. But our parting grew longer until I couldn’t reach him at all. One day he came to me and said that he knew that one of the Dark Elf daughters is the rightful bride of his master. I had no idea he advanced so far in magic by this point now and when I tried to fight him he placed a brand on me. Once I was fully under his command he “introduced” me to the people at power around him and it was then that I finally realized that he had abandoned his noble ideas for a better future in favour of a cursed cult and horrible rituals. His new tribe was ruled by savages that took pleasure from the suffering of others. They didn’t touch me right away… no… They wanted me at my worst, and so the abuse began. I was locked away and left for dead, drinking the occasional water drops from rain and eating whatever bugs and mice around me, the same creatures that bit me in my sleep. Life was slowly parting from me, and it was then that the real meaning of being a slave was forced into my body. When the door was finally opened, and the light of day nearly blinded me, I was taken by them all, but by this point I didn’t care. I was reduced to being a husk, glad to receive every little morsel of flesh or pleasure that I could get from their lustful touches. And when I was finally indoctrinated he told me I was ready for the most important task”

    Sabin slapped Se’elith in the face. She felt the rage building within her as her silver eyes were filled with tears. She shook so much that Guk-Guk stirred in her sleep. Feeling the presence of the Goblin child brought some sense back to her, but the anger couldn’t easily be silenced, “You killed her”, she whispered as her voice was muffled by her sobbing and tears. She knew she couldn’t blame Se’elith after everything she had just heard, but knowing how strong her sister was kind of made her upset with how weak she had become.

    “By that time, my masters were everything to me… I couldn’t refuse them… nor Sable… who had long abandon even the meaning and idea of protecting those sharing same blood… I was placed into our tunnels as a spy… it was rather easy. It’s very hard to notice a change within an assassin and I was one of our tribe’s elite after all. Even if they considered me different and cold, no one in their right mind would amuse the idea of a daughter killing her own mother. And so many chances came across… oh so many… Mother was already growing ill and careless. Even since she lost your father Sabin she was not the same woman. I could also see that the necklace of the “Eye of the Abyss” was wrecking her health further. I could sense the energies, as it was the same magical nature hailing from Sable himself, and I had the ‘joy’ of feeling it so close… It felt like his ‘master’ or whatever ‘ghost’ that was controlling Sable wanted to help me to get rid of the Matriarch quickly. Apparently she was one of the last guardians of the jewel. A boon she received from someone else… a duty given to her from ancient days. Maybe she could have been a potential vessel as well, since Sable was looking high and low for the kind of Dark Elf maiden to fit the description of Lilvanni, but even when he came across someone who filled the requirement something was usually off. You see, like the moons, the goddess Lilvanni had particular coloring of silver eyes. The kind of which I only saw at few women of our clan, and our mother… and now that I think of it… even you…”

    Sabin narrowed her eyebrows with anger.

    “Obviously, with mother already having one foot in the grave was not a reasonable choice as a vessel… nevertheless, we had to get the “eye” and to do so… mother had to die… But as submissive as I became, as pathetic creature longing to please my masters as I was… I still couldn’t do it…”, Se’elith started to cry, “I think the moment I held a dagger above her sleeping face something awaken within me, trying to fight… and when my will faltered I poured poison into her drink on another occasion, but I was slowly regaining my self at this point and realized the horrible thing I’ve done, but even then I was unable to fight my orders. I couldn’t talk to her, or save her, so I did the best thing I could… I stayed by her side until she drew her final breath… and you know something… that very day I tried to kill myself… but… something…. Told me… not to… I think it was her spirit… I think she told me she had forgave me.. .”

    Se’elith started to cry and Sabin lowered her head.

    “To make amends I decided to continue lowering myself for Sable and his men. Let them bully me until my death comes. As if Sable knew what I was planning, he ordered me not to kill myself and even told his men to never reach such point. He enjoyed my suffering and wanting it to last…”

    “What happened to the “eye” after she died? I didn’t see such a jewel on her body on the day of the funeral”, Sabin asked, her gaze lightning the shadow of the tent.

    “Sable has it. He said that once his master found the right body he would claim the eye and all that belongs to him… Sabin… I know that what I did was horrible, but I ask you to-”

    “Don’t ask for it, I would not see your pride ruined any further”, Sabin moved closer and hugged her sister, “I am still upset with you sister. I am not sure if I can forgive you fully now, but I will… How can I not… You helped us when we needed you most…”, Sabin looked up to her sister, “And I would require you one more favour”.


    “When that strange maddening energy took over me… I realized something very important. There is another piece to this puzzle… Galmied…”

    “The father of your child?”, Se’elith ask.

    “None other. In my visions I saw him. But it was not him. It was someone else, a perfect image of might, a lion. A raging sea god, that is full of vigor and life. Someone, that under normal circumstances Galmied could have became”.

    “But then he wouldn’t have met you”.

    “Indeed. And I am happy to the gods whom brought us together. I will see him growing strong, but that’s not the main concern. When I first set out to destroy the New Moon Tribe I was oblivious to the circumstances- I didn’t know that they served the God of Chaos and that he aims to bring about horrible future and that’s not all. Apparently something about me and that elf sitting by Sable brought about his rage. He called us his property and he hated seeing us tainted - pregnant with the seed of another man. I wonder how Galmied will react to the knowledge of Denika bearing his child, or maybe he already suspected such outcome?”

    “You recognized the High Elf? Even with the veil on her face?”

    “Not right away, but the visions and magic allowed me to see something I couldn’t see otherwise… And the moment the foul magic entered my body, I felt my own brand reacting”.

    “You wear a brand?”

    “Of love”, Sabin said proudly as she showed some skin from her upper right chest. The brand shone weakly in the shape of snowflake, “I cherish our bound. But at the same time, if what evil leaked into me peeked even briefly at our connecting magical mark, he would know about Galmied and his whereabouts… I have to reach him before the God of Chaos or Sable does. I told Galmied I will let him deal with his affairs, but right now my little duckling is probably the only immediate target of the god of the abyss. And possibly the only one who can help me stop him”.

    “Where is he now?”, Se’elith asked curious.

    “In the land of the Snow Elves”

    “That’s some distance away… Would you seriously travel so far in your condition? And with a child?”

    “I have to help Dire, and I must warn Galmied… As for Guk-Guk, no she won’t come along with me. I won’t risk it”

    “Will the little one truly let you go?”

    “She will have to. We came here originally so that I could find a safe spot for her to remain and mature. However her aunt is a little weird. I had my doubts, but knew she had to remain here… and now I know I can leave her with a safe mind, after all, her other aunt is here to help”

    Se’elith was surprised, “After all that I told you, do you still find it in your heart trust me?”

    “I have to… you are my blood sister… and someone who showed great compassion in the most dangerous situation. Our rules tell us to judge with our mind, not just our heart. It will be the first step of your repentance... “

    “Repenting means that I need to come along, or go get him instead of you. Look at you, you may break your water sooner with all this excitement, and then you won’t help your unborn child or his father”

    “I won’t let Sable have the chance to hurt you further, sister, and it’s my decision to make, I’m going… ALONE!”.

    “No you will not Ms. Togar.” The low voice of Y’gol piped up after the women finished speaking. The great beast had awoken during the more heated part of the argument and simply laid still listening, but it wasn’t until he heard her wishes of travelling the many days North on her own so heavy with child. “You will not survive the journey.”

    “Y’gol…”, Sabin said slowly, “Forgive me, I didn’t intend to wake you, please return to sleep, our daughter is safe and there is no need to worry further”. Although she was genuinely impressed with Y’gol kindness, she really didn’t want to put anyone else in danger, for something she considered to be a personal matter. After all this ‘god’ was only looking for Galmied, and had the intention to hurt only those in the prophecy for now. Y’gol could be saved or get stronger meanwhile to fight the real danger once and if it reaches such point. Besides someone needed to stay with Guk-Guk to provide additional familiar comfort and protection, now that her grandfather was taken away.

    Sitting slowly up the dull pain of his battles darting across his mind he shook his head.
    “It is not Guk-Guk for whom I worry. You are not the woman you were four months back, you have matured from a daughter seeking revenge to a mother seeking to protect those she loves.” He reached down and gently lifted Guk-Guk who cried softly, but a low soothing whistle from Y’gol calmed the troubled young girl before he sat down by the fire rocking Guk-Guk slowly. “I told you this in Samach, you have many responsibilities, many more than just vengeance. Especially now.” His cub had partially dropped her toy and he fixed it his ugly face smiling. “I know I cannot stop you from going, but I want to be able to tell our little girl that her Mama is safe and will come back soon. This I cannot do from here.”

    Sabin considered his words carefully and Se’elith nodded in agreement, “Y’gol…”, she said finally recognizing the creature, “Aren’t you the-!”

    “No”, Sabin said immediately with a smile, “He is not the person you think he is… not anymore…”, she then looked at the Ogre, “I know that all your words are true… but I don’t know what to do. Parting is so painful… I never could do it properly. I am a coward. What are you suggesting that I do, Y’gol? All these change and the child in me. I’m scared to death. But what worries me most is the idea that people I care about will die… or worse…”, Sabin eyes then lit in the darkness, “Wait a minute, what do you mean, ‘this you cannot do from here’ ?”

    The beast growled lightly surprised it took Sabin’s sister so long to recognize him. And he wasn’t the King Killer anymore. He was simply a hunter crushing the shadow men who had hurt his child in the past. But this was a relatively new development and to much of Eisignol he was still the Grizzly Beast from everyone’s nightmare. One he had nearly forgotten.

    Kissing Guk-Guk’s head he hummed lightly. “I am coming north with you Sabin, and I intended to stick by your side the entire time, but your sister just gave me a painful reminder. While you know me as Guk-Guk’s father, the rest of the world knows me only as the monster I once was.” He placed Guk-Guk gently back in Sabin’s arms. “This groups end is in Ebonrock, but they will be trekking North for a further month picking up goods and supplies along the way. The last town before Ebonrock is the Giant town known as Stonestead. From there I will be accompanying you until we reach where your mate is. I am still unwelcome in most big cities, so once we part I will make my way to Ebonrock and the caravan.”

    “Very well, I cannot refuse this reason. It will give me enough time to properly say goodbye to Guk-Guk and the wonderful members of this bunch. Enough time to heal wounds and to restock. Maybe properly learn the ways of the ice kingdom. I have yet to visit there personally, so it will be an exciting experience… I just hope we won’t be too late…”

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  9. #39
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    Default Close of chapter pt2

    The weather grew colder by the day, and Sabin felt it, probably stronger than anyone, with the chilling eating at her bones. She was sure it was her condition that making her body unable to withstand the new temperature, but in truth, she figured that since she was used to the warmth of the ground, this open freezing air was not something she could have easily get used to. Supplies were running low, and even the small warriors of the Lohems were complaining non-stop about how they needed to cut down their food rations in half. Se’elith was getting stronger in spirit, and Guk-Guk found some comfort with her as companion, as Sabin spent many of the days resting and sleeping in the cart. Even Ci-Ci was getting somewhat less crazy than usual, and the idea of caring for a child was not as horrible as she acted out to be. And when she slacked or had her head in the air, both Kri-Kri and Iks-Iks set her straight with long lecture of how the Goblins should care for their little ones. Y’gol was his usual silent self, and the further they went up north, so did Guk-Guk. Sabin knew their parting day was drawing near, and that it sadden the girl greatly.

    “Mama?”, Guk-Guk said one day as the two were riding the cart, “You must promise something”.

    “Anything child, as long as it is in my power to give”, Sabin’s belly was now even bigger, and resting against her was uncomfortable, but Guk-Guk still insisted on laying her head close to her.

    “You come back to me, and to Papa Bone. And you bring Grandpa and Uncle Gammy back too? And we make big party, and everything be safe?”

    “And you will craft jewels for me? And train with your aunt in battle like I asked you to?”

    Guk-Guk nodded and Sabin kissed her head, “You are a brave child. I know you had experience a lot of pain. And I don’t want to leave you, but if I won’t do something, there will be other people in pain, you understand this, right?”

    Guk-Guk leaned up and kissed Sabin’s cheek moving off her belly and hugging small tears streaming down her face. “Guk-Guk, love you Mama Saba. Please coma back.” It was as much a plea as it was a prayer.

    Sabin wanted to answer as best as she could but she couldn’t have lied to her child. If she told her she will be back and end up dying, that will be more crushing to the girl, and so she simply said, “Mama Saba loves Guk-Guk with all her heart and she will do her best to not let Guk-Guk down”.

    “I hope I won’t”, she kissed the top of her head.



    The elf looked up as he was called to stand ahead of his squad. He knew that ever since he took over the legion of Denika and told the truth about her “private mission” that he would be constantly thrown back and forth along any orders regarding his former commander. But he was not prepared for the mission he was going to endure now.

    He waved his hands and placed his palm on his chest, the way it was the custom of salute in the army of the high elves. Denika’s squad was built from the most non-traditional unit, and hardly anyone took them seriously. She surrounded herself with many men she hired, and some that she branded or spelled. But after that Yaorlan took control over them and called them back to the capital, the trained magisters worked day and night to remove any influences that dark witch placed upon their bodies and spirits. And it was then that the knowledge of her treason was brought to the light.

    And while the Mage Lords, and the monarch herself refused to take public action, the lords and barons already worked behind the scenes to capture the reneged sister of the queen, even talks of seeking out the King’s Killer to do it.

    “Sir!”, Yaorlan called and waited for his orders to be given to him. What he didn’t expect was to see the entire unit he was in charge of be dismissed from the room, leaving only himself, “What- what’s the meaning of this!”

    “Sergent… no… Captain Yaorlan. For doing a great service for your nation, we have decided to entrust you with the highest mission possible directly from the Lady General!” said Mage Lord Brimmel, he looked at the two commanders by his side who both nodded for him to proceed, “As you know, your former leader has gone missing. A thing which, after hearing her recent meddling with the throne, cannot be tolerated. We cannot send some official name after her. She is clever, and she will learn of this right away… but you, the only one to resist her charms and bring back our lost boy home… you will be the only one we are able to trust with such mission”

    “The fuck-!”, Yaorlan spoke as he stomped his left foot on the ground, “I ain’t going back near that bitch!”. The three commanders, who had already had their shared pleasure of knowing his stubborn character and colorful language nodded and Brimmel spoke again, “We know it was a horrible experience. No one can even start to imagine what she did to you and your men… but right now… you are the only one we can trust this task with”

    “Frucking… listen… I am only a hired blade. You all just saw me as one the moment I joined in arms. Arrow fodder to be used in your army just because I was born under the wrong Elven tree branch… and you all turned a blind eye to what was going on with her… I am not helping with this… If this about rank or money I can simply just walk away from this and-”

    “But you won’t…”, said the lady besides the mage. She seemed beautiful, but something about her showed cruelty, “Your brother has been held prisoner since he cooperated with the druids in the former coup against us. While we do usually behead for such crime, you agreed to serve. It became mutual ground for you to keep his life and to bring money for your poor family. Now… I offer this… your brother’s freedom and our agreement to drop any of the charges against him…”

    “Just like that…?”

    The woman smiled evilly. She enjoyed it when people were walking into her trap, “Just like that…”

    Yaorlan sighed, “Well, I have about thirty men in my squad, if we follow the lead we could-!”

    “No”, said the woman again.


    “No… As you said before, every member of the army is important. Arrow fodder or not, we cannot lose any heads for this mission… and we cannot risk Denika finding out about this plan. Don’t you agree that a full unit will rise her suspicion?”

    “What do you bloody want me to do? Go solo on her?”

    “That… may not be necessary”, said the other Elf who had been silent all this conversation, “While we cannot send any of our rank into this mission, we can send you some records to the best mercenaries we worked with in the past with. I suggest a small group of five or four people will be sufficient”

    Yaorlan sighed, “Fine… but that bastard brother of mine is coming with me”

    The three looked at each other for a long moment before looking back at Yaorlan, “Agreed”.


    And so the time had come, the caravan was set up outside the borders of the Giant Homestead. Their supplies were topped off and had a couple of young Giants tagging along. But more removed from the merry band a much sadder scene was unfolding. Guk-Guk, Se’elith, Sabin, and Ci-Ci were walking towards the forest line where Y’gol had spent the day waiting.

    Guk-Guk’s head was down and her shoulders were shaking some. Se’elith was stone faced, but her eyes threatened to begin shedding tears. Even the normally brusque Ci-Ci was showing signs of sadness. She never pictured herself with a Niece and such a strange extended family through the little girl, but the month they spent together was one of the more enjoyable in recent memory and now part of it was leaving with a high likelihood of never coming back. But as they reached the forest and the once terrifying sight of Y’gol loomed up among the low branches she gulped back her own tears mentally preparing herself to handle a crushed little girl.

    Guk-Guk’s tears came as the reality hit her. “Mama please let Guk-Guk come, she no want lose you! I be good I promise!” The girl shouted holding onto Sabin.

    Sabin hugged the girl tightly, “You need to be strong, my child… You know that this is only temporary, and I shall return to you once I can”, Sabin smiled, “You understand this right, my child?”. She couldn’t allow herself to break and cry. Not now. If Guk-Guk saw weakness it will crush her, and if Sabin can’t control herself now she will not be able to continue her mission.

    Guk-Guk sniffed loudly wiping tears and snot from her face. She tried to think of anything whatsoever she could do or say to keep Sabin around or convince her to let her come. “But Lil Bone will miss Sir Quackers and Sabbi too much. He alla time telling me so, and who will keep Shadow Men away with Papa Bone going too?” It was silly, but the little girl didn’t want to lose her Papa and her Mama.

    Sabin smiled as she knelt in order to be in the same eye level of her daughter. She usually was the serious type, but for her daughter she was more than willing to be playful. She removed the stuffed duck and presented it to the girl, “What’s that?”, she asked surprised as if learning an interesting thing, “Sir Quackers thinks you are right!”, she looked at the duck and her daughter, “Are you two conspiring against me? How rude!”, she smiled, “Well, do you think should Quackers be punished Y’gol?”.

    The Ogre caught on to Sabin’s game and hoped it would work. “Yes, but I think he just doesn’t want Lil Bone to leave his sight. I’ve seen them playing cards and talking many times. Lil Bone won all of Sir Quacker’s money last night. And the honorable duck needs that money to buy a ring for Sabbi. Maybe we can cut a deal yes?”

    Sabin smiled lifting the duck to her ear and nodding along as the toy spoke to her. “Hmm good idea my honorable fowl.” She handed the toy to Guk-Guk. “We’re gonna leave Sir Quackers with you Guk-Guk. Give him time to win his money back and find a ring for Sabbi.” She leaned in and whispered in the child’s ear. “He plans to marry Sabbi when she comes back with Uncle Gemmy, and he has asked me to escort his lady fair personally.”

    The tears left Guk-Guk’s eyes and she hugged Lil Bone and Quackers. “And the groom can’t see the bride before the wedding night!”

    Y’gol chuckled and nodded. “Yes that is bad luck.”

    “Indeed”, Sabin lowered her head and whispered in her ears, “If the poor sucker can’t get his money back, maybe you can help him make a ring?”, she got up and kissed her girl, “I entrust you with this mission! You must keep it a secret!”, she smiled as she heaved her backpack over.

    Still sad but, smiling a little more now Guk-Guk hugged her toys close.
    “Ok Mama Saba, you take care of Papa.” She hugged Sabin before moving over to hug Y’gol. “And you take care of Mama, ok Papa?” The Ogre lifted up and hugged his child close. “Of course cub. Papa loves you.” He kissed her cheek and set her back down. Sabin gave her one more hug before handing her to Se’elith. “Mama loves you too Guk-Guk now be good for your Aunties and we’ll be back before you know it.”

    She then looked at Ci-Ci and Se’elith. “Take care of each other and teach her everything you can please.” The two women nodded and a whistle from Rikki who had been hanging around outside of earshot told them it was time to go. With tears in all their eyes the three females turned and headed for the Redkin. Guk-Guk was held in Se’elith’s arms in such a way that she could watch Sabin and Y’gol the whole way back to the caravan. Once they were out of sight though Y’gol placed his heavy hand on Sabin’s shoulder and a long pent of sob rocked the pregnant woman’s body. She didn’t know where her journey would go next, but one thing she did know was she would find a way to get back to her daughter before death came to claim her.


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