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Thread: [M] — Mythos Complex [IC] (H)

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    Default [M] — Mythos Complex [IC] (H)

    Mythos Complex is rated M because Ru was too lazy to figure out what it actually fit.

    However, the following themes may or may not occur in this RP: extreme violence (namely via monsters); various deaths, including suicides; adult themes, including language and possible sexual encounters (sexual encounters depends on the characters and this still does not permit cybering, for Ru does not like that and it's a no no on RPA); and drug use (this will only occur if there is a character who enters as a druggy, otherwise it will not be there).

    For sure occurring themes: extreme and excessive violence; deaths and suicides; excessive language; and sexual tension (I am not sure it will go passed that, but I listed sexual encounters just in case).

    Always Accepting
    Rated M for extreme and excessive violence, deaths and suicides, excessive language, and sexual tension/sexual scenarios.

    All accepted characters are listed here with the apartment number they live in. If you would like to change your room number, simply ask for they are randomly assigned. If you would like to room with someone, then ask.

    3000 means the top floor. 2000 is the middle floor. 1000 is unlivable.
    Floor One (basement)
    No Residents. No one is permitted to enter.
    Floor Two
    2011 - Vacant.
    2012 - Vacant.
    2013 - Vacant.
    2014 - Noah J. Harrison.
    2015 - Vacant.
    Floor Three
    3011 - Bridget Loughridge.
    3012 - Holly "Boots" Hendrickson and Howl Osborne.
    3013 - Caitrìona "Cait" Shaw.
    3014 - Vacant.
    3015 - Vacant.

    Back Area
    Landlord's Office
    1 - Vacant.
    2 - Vacant.

    All who die will be listed here.

    The smart/cowardly who ran away are listed here.

    Spoiler: Mythos Complex Appearance 

    Spoiler: Mythos Complex Map 

    Please remember to use the dice rolling system explained in the OOC.

    If the dice rolling system does not work in your post, then use this instead. Merely state in your post what number you got. Click on the bottom dice, which is a D20.

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by Ru; 09-06-2013 at 08:24 PM.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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    Howl; Boots; Cait.

    On a dark winter’s night the wind howled outside and echoed throughout the halls of Mythos Complex. During the daylight hours it had been a nice sixty two degrees Fahrenheit, but in the late hours it shot down to a chilling thirty-three. Cold air nipping at the residents whom had not thought to buy a heating device, assuming the landlord would provide such a luxury. Snow caked the sidewalks and covered the shrubbery around the rundown brick building. All of the long windows were boarded up with a slab of wood to prevent anymore suicides as well as save money on replacing the glass again. This managed to keep out plenty of the air outside from creeping in, but the cracks allowed for the freeze to enter thus making the defense futile.

    Anyone who had resided in this complex for a long enough duration knew to have a heater plugged in or to have several comforters this time of year, lest tempt the frost to turn their bodies to popsicles. This concept was the same once summer hit, except air conditioners or fans were the necessity. When this place had first been found it was a nicer studio apartment to reside in, but with the rumors and the price being shot down to the shitter the landlord felt no need to fix anything that dove too far into their wallet; why bother when they were likely to be dead within the month?

    Miraculously, some residents managed to stay for months, even years, beyond the landlord’s expectancy. What especially surprised them were the skeptics that somehow lived throughout the whole ordeal finding several logical answers for their problems, since they were, normally, the ones to plunge to their death first. However, no questions were asked to how they dodged the grim reaper’s call, because that meant common faces that paid on time. Besides, if someone was performing a variation of voodoo magic it was best to be left unknown.

    On this night in room number 3012, Holly Hendrickson, commonly known as Boots for the combat boots she is rarely seen without, was clinging onto her roommate, Howl Osborne, for warmth beneath their thick comforters. They had been residing in Mythos Complex for several years now, but decided to not buy a heater to avoid paying extra electricity, so, instead, they invested in several comforters for nights such as this one. The studio was meant for one person to reside in, yet they made do by sleeping on the same futon shoved in the farthest corner from the door. The two of them had been friends with each other since childhood and found it comforting to sleep with each other in a brother-sister sort of way, not that anyone believed them when they claimed they were nothing more than that.

    A bump in the night was what caused Boots to be stirring at this hour. Today was Tuesday, so they made sure to go to bed at a decent hour so she would not be drowsy when she taught her preschoolers in the morning hours. However, she was far too paranoid to ignore the noises occurring. Carefully she scooted away from Howl — trying her best to not wake up the heavy sleeper — crawled over the covers, and entered the cold air that enveloped her the moment she left the sanctuary of their blanket cave. Shivers ran across her spine, goose bumps rising almost immediately, as she pulled her knees tightly against her chest. She was wearing a long sleeve pajama shirt with rubber duckies on it with matching pajama bottoms and socks. Boots crawled across their bed and followed the sound of moaning. Now, she knew it was not one of her neighbors — Boots knew the difference between a sexual encounter and that of a spirit — but this moaning almost sounded like crying that was all too familiar to push aside and continue her slumber.

    She reached the bedroom door, her hand extended towards the knob until she realized how moronic it was for her to be doing this at all, especially without Howl. A gulp was made then went down her throat, the spit swirling about. “Howl…?” Boots turned to her sleeping roommate with her brows furrowed and a face full of fear. He grumbled something she could not make out. “Howl…?” She stepped towards the bed, closer to him instead of further examining the sound that had been tempting her out of the safety of her room. “Howl!” Boots yelled frantically.

    Howl sat up instantly. He could sleep through anything, even road construction, but Boots crying was one of the few things that could bring him out of the world of dreams. Without any explanation, he jumped from their bed and pushed her down on it, keeping his arms extended in a protective stance. “I know it sounds like Katie, Boots… but she’s gone. They’re just tryin’ta bring ya down too.”

    Cait jumped awake, her body almost flying up a foot off her bed. Boots screaming startled her immensely, causing her heart to race rapidly. Living right next door to her for a few years should have prepared her for these kind of circumstances by now, but she never managed to get herself to sleep heavily enough even with earplugs, headphones with music blaring, or any other method that came to her mind. Body trembling from the sudden shock, as she placed her hand over her bare bosom above her beating organ she realized that she could hear the moaning as well.

    Glancing around the room briefly, there was no one else in here but her. She grabbed her button up shirt and loosely buttoned it just so she could feel appropriate enough to enter the hallway. Upon standing Cait realized the shirt she threw on was actually that of a client’s, so it was longer than expected and looked more like a nightshirt on her. With a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head, she concluded that just meant she didn’t need pants to cover herself.

    Boots and Howl resided to the left of her room with Joseph on the right. Across the way was Ellie and a little boy with the haunting 3011 room beside them. It confused her that the landlord had labeled the two rooms by the stairs 3011 then 3015. Why not make those 3011 and 3012? Or 3014 and 3015? But, it did not matter to her so long as she knew who around her was helpful.

    She strolled over to her door with her arms crossed over her chest in some attempt to keep warm, then pressed her left ear against the door. The moaning grew louder, so she knew it was coming from their floor. Being a resident who had lived there for some time, she remembered the same Katie that Howl was currently telling Boots was dead. The girl had been living in 3011 until a few months or so ago; inside now resided Bridget. Cait didn’t know the exact time since she never cared for her, when she jumped out of her window like the rest of them. Or maybe it was a year ago? Honestly, she had no idea.

    Cait pressed her forehead against the wooden door and let out a sigh.

    Hayabusa made me a pretty.

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    Imperfectly Impossible
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    The low drone of the plug in heater mixed well with the soft melody seeping from the laptop speakers. The surge of constant power being run through the twilight hours would rear its ugly head once every month but to Daniel it was the secret of a restful nights sleep. The habit had been procured far before he moved into Mythos but over his stay he seemed to only value the habit more, and the small increase in the power bill was worth the good night's slumber. The red glow illuminated from the heater stretching across the tiny room giving its contents a sinister look. A small filing cabinet reflected the light with its varying drawers pulled at different lengths, stuffed full of folders that seemed to absorb the crimson light. By far the most menacing thing obviously was the autographed poster of Magnum P.I., his smiling features twisted by the haunting glow of the heater.

    Daniel laid sprawled out on his small pull out couch despite the horrid scene surrounding him. A large puddle of drool seemed to be accumulating as it cascaded down from the corner of his mouth unto his pillow. Blankets twisted and wrapped around his body so that one leg dangled out from the cocoon and over his bed. The leg enticed by the law of gravity, swayed ever so slightly close to the heater. It wasn't long before the warm sensation in his leg grew, intensifying until it became so hot it hurt. Daniel shot awake and swung his leg back onto his bed. Having been so rudely awakened by his environment he quickly shifted and rolled over hoping to quickly fall back asleep.

    It was less than two minutes before his leg, the one that had been hanging had restored proper blood flow to itself which only brought the terrible feeling of pins and needles. The strange numbness shot up from his foot to his knee, annoyingly prodding discomfort to his brain. Frustrated Daniel threw the blankets off himself and got out of bed. He hobbled around trying to shake that terrible feeling but much to his chagrin it wasn't coming easily. His eyes eventually settled on the door, tainted red by the heater's warmth. Daniel couldn't help but think of the other tenants and what they might be doing this hour. From what he knew of most of them, they were probably having a better night than he was so far....well maybe that was an exaggeration. He had seen, and heard enough to know pins and needles wasn't such a bad night staying here.
    Last edited by The Imposter; 07-29-2012 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Friggin' dice roller was giving me a hassle...I'm such a bbcode noob

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    Family, Duty, Honor Lord Tully's Avatar
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    On the floor below Hanna could faintly hear one of the women on the third floor start yelling, probably Holly, the poor girl scared so easily. Normally Hanna was understanding of Boot's getting scared by something, but when she got woken up at such an ungodly hour it wasn't quite so easy to be understanding. "Goddamn it Boots." she said to herself as she slowly sat up in her bed which was stacked high with blankets and held up by a cheap metal frame. Hanna's apartment was about as far as you could get from Holly's without leaving the building so, if Hanna could hear Holly she was sure everyone else could, so she got out of bed to avoid simply getting woken again by the others grumbling.

    Hanna normally loved winter, but around here the the cold at night could get borderline oppressive, even without her blankets she had about 5 layers on her in shirts and coats. Hanna stumbled drowsily to the wall and flipped on the light, if she was going to be awake there was no way she was just going to sit in the dark. It was that hellish point in the early morning where Hanna was up much earlier then normal but not early enough to get any real sleep if she just went back to bed, so she decided she may as well go up and see what was wrong. Hanna actually liked Holly and Howl despite the relatively short time she'd lived at Mythos, they seemed like very good people, and counted them among the very few friends she'd made in town, though she had almost no idea if they felt the same way about her. And if they didn't want her there, hell at least some walking would wake her up some more.

    After draining off the bad mood she had from being woken up, Hanna went up the stairs to Howl and Holly's door and knocked "Holly, are you alright in there?" she asked in her deep Irish voice, "It's Hanna."
    Spoiler: sorry but I have some bad news 

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    Katia bolted up from her bed - or tried to. Another scream; another scream from Holly and Howl's room. She rubbed her eyes and groaned. There was a pressure at her back, and it was hard to move around in her small little bed. Craning her head, she pushed back her messy hair to see the dark head of her neighbor, Apollo, peaking out from above the covers. Between the sounds upstairs and her headache, she tried to recall her night. The lack of clothing was a very subtle hint to what had gone on. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. There was someone walking up the stairs, then a knock on a door. She should have woken him up out of spite just so he could return to his own room, but even she had to admit that the extra body heat beneath the covers was a good thing.

    She glared at her broken heater sitting on top her hope chest adjacent to her bed. It had gone out just the other day, and she hadn't enough blankets to keep herself entirely warm. Bedding him was an option - she couldn't say an easy one. The glass of rum she had sat on her small nightstand, still with enough for one last sip if she bothered to wet her throat. She had to admit, she tolerated the slight hangover because it granted her with the fleeting attempt to escape her thoughts for the night. He was a good distraction, she'd give him that.

    Shifting to an uncomfortable position, Katia nudged Apollo with her elbow. "Apollo," she said, nudging him again, "Are you still asleep?" She already felt like a fool, and as the covers slipped, she shivered from the cold night air and clutched the covers closer to her, cuddling back under them for warmth. She'd deal with whatever anger the man had to throw at her if he woke up.
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    .:Lion Heart:.

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    Apollo woke to a foreign object making contact with his ribs. A groan escaped from his lips as the object prodded him once more. "Apollo, are you still asleep?" The sheets that had currently kept him warm were suddenly pulled and he became acutely aware of how damn cold it was - and how little he had on. Instinctively, the man rolled over, adjusting the covers as necessary. His eyes still hadn't opened. Apollo's arm met a thin, shivering body beside him and the scent of some feminine shampoo reached his nostrils.

    "Mmm," he muttered. "Did you..." he yawned, "scream just now?" His voice was laced with tiredness. There was no way it was 6am already. Against his will, the thin figure opened his eyes, squinting into the darkness in an attempt to find a clock. Unfortunately, he'd left his phone - also his most trusted alarm - in his room. Given, it was only a wall away, but it was also too much hassle, considering the cold. What he found instead seemed to be the slightest silhouette - black against a color darker than black. It was hard to see, but he could have sworn Katia was wide awake, and staring straight at him.

    "Katja?" he asked, his body already beginning to gain alertness. Someone above them knocked on a door. Well then, he thought to himself. It seems as if there's more night activity in these apartments than one would think. Apollo pulled one arm from underneath the sheets - sacrificing his personal comfort - so that he could stroke a clump of messier-than-usual hair out of the woman's face. "Are you alright?"

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    The heaters were on and Bridget was underneath the blankets. It was still dark out, she couldn't tell what time exactly, and she wasn't going to look at her watch, ticking away on the bedside table. The moaning was back. Bridget wasn't surprised. It was pretty regular. She should have expected it when she moved in- that girl's suicide was the reason she got the room for such a ridiculously low price. It only took her a matter of days to realize why it was so cheap, why no one else wanted it. That first night, she was actually thankful to have heard all the disturbing stories about the place - at least she knew she was dealing with a haunting, and not simply going insane. Funnily enough, she'd never believed in the supernatural before - living with a crying spirit had made her re-evaluate her views on the matter.

    So, as usual, she didn't move. She lay under the blankets, facing the wall, keeping her breathing steady. Controlling her breathing allowed her to stay calm, it was almost like meditation. Being calm was important. She always used this technique whenever the crying came. A couple of nights, she had plucked up the courage to look around the room, but had never seen anything. Honestly, she didn't want to. Sometimes, her stuff would be moved around, and of course she could barely get any sleep on most nights, but the worst part was the crying itself. It just sounded so.... pleading, so pathetic... Sometimes, the thought of confronting the thing rose up in her mind, but she quickly shooed it away. Confrontation wasn't her forte, not at all. And she did not, definitely did not, want to risk angering it. No, no. Inactivity was certainly better, she was sure of it.

    The noises continued. Bridget kept her eyes closed and her breathing steady. Then, she heard Holly, from down the hall, scream out. She gritted her teeth - the crying stopped. Bridget felt the temperature of the room drop, as if her comforters ceased existing and the heaters had been turned off. She kept herself from shivering. The silence lasted only for a second- then the sounds picked up again, even louder, more desperate. Bridget thought she could hear someone knocking on a door -the walls were pretty much paper thin, after all- but that only made it cry louder. Any apparent activity made it cry louder, like it was desperate for attention. Which is why, she reminded herself, movement and confrontation were not how to deal with her unwanted roommate.

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    Keito was wrapped around the conforter blankets. It was quite cold in the room and Keito was feeling like a popsicle. The blanket was over his head and around his body leaving no open skin except for his eyes. He sat on his bed shivering. Little lights came from the windows and from the bottom of the door connected to the corridors. He looked towards his current guardian Ellie. She seemed to have noticed the cold too,but she did her own things in her own bed.

    Keito looked passed his red nose and stared at the wall. He imagined all the other kids who would play in the snow. Keito would not be one of them. He would stand behind a tree and watch them play the war game of fighting with balls of snow. They would laugh and he would sigh. Now he sits on a bed of a creepy apartment with his sister's friend Ellie. Keito sighed and repeated the word "Cold" quietly every ten seconds.

    He shivered from the cold room. The heaters were not doing their job properly and it felt like they were about to freeze for iternity. Keito closed his eyes, and imagined something warm, like a fire place, or a beach, until he was interrupted. A scream. Sounded like a girl's. It was faint but it was heard to their room. Keito turned his body towards the door, and hopped to Ellie's bed, still keeping his eyes on the door. He was now shivering more from fear, rather than the cold. That surprised had shaken him up so much that coldness seemed like the least of his problems. He looked at Ellie and waited for the next surprised to occur.

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    Ellie breathed softly, and groaned a bit, breaking the surface of the dream realm. She slowly opened her eyes ti see the boy, Keito staring at her.
    She sat up and looked at him, and once she did, it was the that she had noticed the cold... She shivered, and pulled the blankets around her, for her green tank top and shorts did not protect her from the freezing cold of their own room. She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering and her attention drew back to the boy. He had come just about 3 days ago, and was only taking care of him because his sister was Ellie's best friend since high school. Yet from the three days that he had spent here, this was probably the closest he got to her...
    "Jesus, it's cold in here... You okay?" She asked him cautiously, for he was shivering badly, but something told Ellie it was more from the cold... Her eyes drew to the door, and an unexplainable feeling washed over her... Ellie heard the meow of a cat, and up jumped Snickers. Ellie stroked her black fur to comfort herslef, and watched as Snickers walked across her bed and towards Keito, whom she sniffed curiously.
    Ellie had named Snickers after her favorite candy bar, and the cat was just as sweet.
    "Say, you must be freezing like me... do you want something warm?" Ellie asked in an attempt to communicate with the kid.
    Last edited by Wanderess; 08-05-2012 at 06:14 AM.
    "Once you've met someone, you never truly forget them."

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    The howling wind of the winter night scraped at Noah's face as he crept his way back to his shamble of a home. The thick layer of frozen particles crunching at his every step, leaving a pitiful trail of empty shallows slowly refilling with every passing second. Stopping at a flickering light post he let his feet rest as he leaned against its cold surface. His ever faithful coat, a beanie, a red t-shirt, jeans, his boots, and a bag created a soft shadow at every passing flicker. A long and deep breathe of frozen air followed before he finally looked over at the complex across the street. The shambled windows and wooden panels befitting its deathly and battered exterior from years of nature's and man's abuse. Making sure to avoid patches of frozen puddles he effortlessly crossed the street, and entered the complex.

    The wooden flooring of the establishment creaked softly as he made his way past the Landlord's office and into the staircase. It was deathly silent, and he didn't have the state of mind to figure out why, he couldn't even recall how much time had passed since he had left for work; let alone what time of night it was. In a few quivk seconds he made his way towards his room making sure to keep quiet for his roommate as he locked the door behind him. He stood in front of the wooden door for a few more moments simply listening before turning on the lights to his room. Two beds, a closet and a few personal belongings were scattered over the area as he made his way towards his bed. Putting the closely held bag on a small table next to him he began to remove his clothing. He was personally glad that his roommate was absent, this way he wouldn't have to wait until morning to start his mental purging.

    After finally removing his beanie a slick stream of blood began to flow down the left side of his face. A few bruises on his cheek and blood on his busted lips becoming far more visible with the light as he lifted his gaze towards nothing. He remained this way for a few more minutes before emptying the bag at his side revealing a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey and a shot glass he had bought on his way home.

    As the night went on the bottle of alcohol dwindled into its half mark as Noah continued to drink, now from the bottle since he felt shots were too slow. The cut on his lip screamed at every moment he made contact with the glass, but he just ignored the pain. As he had expected negotiations with local cliental had gotten physical. He could almost laugh at their terrible negotiating skills, and even snort at their fighting capabilities, but he did give them props for getting a few good hits. As his mind began to drift he absently let the bottle slip from his hands slowly when suddenly a scream began to fills his left ear and bringing him back to reality. To be sure of what he had heard he tilted his head to the left and was immediately followed up with more screams and movement from a neighbors. He was unsure how to respond to the situation so he remained seated on his bed simply listening before finally deciding to go to his door with bottle in hand. A soft creak echoed across the hallway from the rusted bolts of the door as Noah kept his right side to the opening simply waiting for something to happen.
    Last edited by Public_Hazard; 08-01-2012 at 12:39 AM.

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