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Thread: (M) The Reclamation of the North OOC

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    Default (M) The Reclamation of the North OOC

    Rated M for possible mature content including sex, violence, language, graphic situations, and drug use.

    The Reclamation of the North

    History is written by the survivors, but only after the brave have cleared the way.

    The IC is now live.

    3 Magic User slot(s) open

    Guard Captain slot taken by Pheasant

    2 Royal Guard slot(s) open

    Backstory: Many leagues Northeast of the Eisignol mainland sits an ancient island called Eilean na Cloiche or the Isle of Stone. Believed to be the birthplace of many of the Mammalian Beastfolk that now roam Eisignol. Historically it has been split into two nations, Wardian in the South and Valra in the North. While Eilean has normally been a shared monarchy with both the North and South having separate but peaceful relations. Bit with the death of the Fox King Exer the First, the Wardian King, a wolf named Cerse has set his eyes on claiming as much of the Isle of Stone as possible and pass it onto his son who has yet to make himself useful despite being nearly twenty-one summers old. The Wardian King doesn’t wish to see the legacy he, his father, grandfather, and many grandfathers beyond have worked to maintain wash away in the bath water of a spoiled pup before he goes to dance around the marketplace with his squires.

    Always the shrewd old warrior Cerse began implementing many old customs in his Southern Lands that would affect the North as well. Obscure taxes, hunting restrictions, allowing lords to take children from poor families for “a better life” and most despicable of all. Còir an tighearna, or the Right of the First Night. Where a Lord or in some rare cases a Lady could take and forcibly bed any young beast of their choosing particularly on their wedding night. The idea behind it was the aristocrat would “bless” the marriage, but it was all Cerse plot to “outbreed” the Valrans or at the very least pollute the bloodlines of the Lords and weaken their hold on the mountains and moors they’ve held since time in memorial.

    As to be expected this didn’t sit well with the Valrans, it led to rebellion led by many warriors and heroes. Two such creatures were Sir Viggo Armin, a minor lord who quickly became the Guardian of Valra until his execution by Cerse, the other hero was Lord Exer the Second, the estranged son of King Exer who would be dragged out of his misery and nomadic wanderings to reclaim his birthright and finish Sir Armin’s work gaining Valra’s independence.

    The Wars raged on for sixty-one years and reduced much of Eilean’s population to near extinction levels. It eventually led to the Mammalian Beastfolk leaving it’s shores to find lives on the mainland of Eisignol. In the end all that saved the Isle of Stone from becoming a land of the dead was a marriage between the Late King’s Cerse’s granddaughter and King Exer’s the Second’s son. Peace treaties were stricken and the two Kingdoms returned to the benign existence they both once enjoyed, but many changes were to follow the end of the Wars. First among them was the establishing of mixed species armies and guard forces, the old feuds and the stubbornness of those that perpetuated them nearly led to the extinction of the Mammalian Beastfolk. While they had trouble building the trust between the many races, another war, this one from foes aboard would lead to the cementing of what would become the United War Bands of the Isles. The Raiders from the High Seas have long been a thorn in the side of the Beast People. But an ambitious Queen from the land of Novigard led a full scale invasion to the Eilean na Cloiche. She had strange gemstones with her that allowed her to navigate the rough waters around the Isle and quickly overwhelm the scattered forces of the warrior bands.

    Even more lives were lost and it marked the last battle King Exer the Sage would take part in. Even being well into his final years and racked with fitful coughs Exer led his troops into battle for their freedom, and like his father and Sir Armin before him he died protecting his people, and his death surrounded by the bodies of fifty bloodthirsty raiders rallied his forces and as one they drove the Human Queen and her raiders away freeing the Isle from it’s latest and last would-be conqueror. From that day on the War Bands were united by a love of their homeland and the sacrifice of it’s heroes. That day was nearly three centuries ago and is still celebrated by the Beastfolk of the Stone Isle. The War Bands are each independent from one another, but function like a standing army with logistics, training, and supplies crossing borders every day. Many groups have come and gone. But each protects an area of land. To the furthest northern reaches a legendary group who could stretch it’s legacy back to the very first Wars for Independence. The Icedart Guard, the mountain warriors that protected the highlands of Valra. They fought raiders, wild storms, mythological beasts once thought to be mere legend. They were the best of the best and many brave young warriors sought acceptance into their ranks. One such warrior, a Tigraer by the name of Alik Sanesar would earn his right to wear the glacial cloak of the Icedart Initiate, but through more than a few strange twists of fate, he would find himself neck deep in a conspiracy between the leader of the Icedarts. A Bisinian by the name of Landstaff and the Vizer of the Novigard people to conquer Eilean na Cloiche once more.

    But with the help of his friends Alik would kill the betrayer and become the leader of the famous Icedart Guard. But as fate would have it he would become the last of those illustrious leaders, a few years after Alik assumed command, a strange storm swept over the Highlands. Blizzards weren’t uncommon for Northern Valra, the beasts bundled up and hunkered down to wait it out. But days became weeks, weeks became years and before too long a decade had passed before anyone from the North found their way to the warmer South. Many of them died mere hours after seeing the sun, but those that hung on spoke of magics never before seen in Valra. Whispers of Novigard treachery and even the work of malevolent Fae were given as explanations. The beasts of the South waited to see if the storm would pass, but a further three years passed with no sign of the storms slowing. So King Visiger of Valra and Queen Hella of Wardian decided to launch expeditions north to see if they could find answers. Gathering the mightest and most experienced souls they equipped them with the best gear at the time and sent them off with all their hopes and prayers...none returned.

    More expeditions were sent forth, but they fared little better. Only a few members returned and they were half mad and screaming about hulking shadows prowling the white-outs snatching up prey like candied chestnuts. Their screams were the last things anyone heard before the crushing howls of the winds returned to deafen and blind them once more. The last expedition was sent out half a century ago with just three members returning to tell the same tales as the others. With no other recourse the Monarchs built a giant wall between the towns of Lonely Moor and Arching Valley effectively closing the borders of Northern and Southern Valra. From then on “Exer’s Wall” as the people had come to call it, stood tall and unmoving before the might of the unnatural storms. They named the wall as such in hopes the spirits of their past Kings would watch over and protect them from whatever monsters that may still be roaming the snowscape beyond.

    Now on the fifty-first anniversary of the Final Expedition news has come down from the wall that the storms have begun to abate. Where once the Sentries couldn’t see more than twenty feet beyond the ramparts they could now see well beyond a mile in every direction. The incessant winds have quieted to an ominous moan and the glistening of centuries old snow winks and entices the superstitious beasts of Exer’s Vigilant. Even in the twilight of their years, the King and Queen still hold out hope to regain the rugged landscape and many burgeoning mines of the North before they pass the crown onto their children. Maps of the North still exist but no group has been willing to brave the terrifying tundras, they do not know how long this calm will last, but can feel the time is running short so with nationwide declarations they are calling upon all the remaining War Bands and unaffiliated citizens to take up cloak and join their Captain of the Royal Guard and a few hardy soldiers on a reclamation of the North, the last message the Monarchy received was from Alik Sanesar himself speaking of strange noises and lights coming down from the hills. He had sent his second in command, a Wolverine battler by the name of Javur Shatterclaw with the news. He was the first victim of what would come to be called the Diamonddust Plague. His eyes and fur were permanently tinged white and seemed to be suffering from an uncommonly powerful frostbite that more so preserved him than harmed him. It was like he was made of diamonds or crystal, he lived on, but with each passing year his body grew colder and stiffer until he simply ceased to move, he had become a living statue. The Healers and Shamen did all they could for him, even calling upon the powerful ancient magics to try and return him to normal, but nothing worked. So in the end... they simply ended his suffering, using a powerful combination of poisons they would first put him into a deep sleep...then stop his heart. Many would follow him in succumbing to the Diamonddust Plague, but Javur held on the longest.

    The horrors of Diamonddust are still fresh in the minds of the families of the victims. But the winds and squalls have cleared and through study the Eilenens have learned that certain magic can slow the march of Diamonddust and force the blizzards of the north back for a short time, but with the skies being clear for the first time in many years speed and planning will be the keys to finding out what happened to the North of Valra.

    Info: And here we are! Yet another epic fantasy story brought to you from wild and woolly world of Eisignol. This one will be taking place five-hundred years before my other RP the Rogue's Gallery, in it everyone will be playing one of the many Mammalian Beastfolk from Eisignol lore. Eilean na Cloiche is a land very similar in climate and temperature to the United Kingdom so take that into consideration when picking and creating your characters.

    We'll be playing an ambitious band of guards, warriors, and adventurers being sent into the long abandoned northern lands of Valra. For centuries the north has been locked in perpetual blizzards and snowstorms making any kind of expeditions impossible despite the best efforts of the King and Queen. But now the snows have slowed enough and with renewed hope the monarchs are sending anyone willing and/or crazy enough into the forgotten lands to learn what they can with the end goal of reaching the Hall of the Icedart Guard. It was the northernmost settlement on the Isle of Stone and the only place they received any kind of word from before the North was lost. We will be heading into almost certain death blind and deaf, but what fun is an adventure without risk?

    A central part of this setting are the War Bands, which act like guard forces for various regions. Every group is mixed to help promote trust and allegiance, but old habits and bloody feuds die hard. Each group protects a geographical region around the Isle of Stone which function like counties or territories largely independent with their own local government, but all owe fealty to the King of Valra and Queen of Wardian. Some examples would be...

    The Wild Hearts(Ranger/Druid classes, equipment type and skills, specializes in wooded terrain).

    The Scrubland Vanguard(Light Warrior/Scout classes, equipment type and skills, specializes in hilly terrain).

    The Marshers(Sapper/Assassin classes, equipment type and skills, specializes in swampy terrain).

    The Corsairs(Pirate/Thief classes, equipment type, and skills, specializes in coastal terrain and open seas).

    The Dawn Blades(Heavy Warrior/Cleric classes, equipment type, and skills, specializes in open terrain and urban environments).

    The Cloud Chasers(Wizard/Monk classes, equipment type and skills, specializes in mountainous and cavernous terrain).

    Now these are just stater bands you can join. If anyone has an idea for another group they want to come from I'm all ears. And of course you can just be an unaffiliated warrior with a past among War Bands or a young hopefully looking to make their name.

    Magic in this world is something of a rarity and those who use magic are not trained in normal weapons. Now any band can have mages in it, but those mages are restricted in the types of magic they can learn. This RP follows the basic elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind with the addition of Metal and Nature to cover all the skill bases the bands offer. One magic school per char and three magic characters for the entirety of the RP.

    If anyone wants they can play the Captain of the Royal Guard or one of the Royal Guards themselves but they only number three including the Captain.

    And lastly the tech level for this RP is your basic fantasy fare. Big swords, small swords, halberds and plate mail. No black powder, but who needs them when you can throw fireballs at people or dump boiling oil on them.

    Reserved/Accepted list

    Ulla Shatterclaw by Siks

    Suthri Thunderhoof by SaltyIrishman

    Jun Adalsteinn by Pheasant

    Liu Bu by Dnafein

    Character Skeleton

    Gender (M or F):

    Appearance(pic and/or description):

    Role within the Expedition:

    Spells(limit of 3, mages only):

    Racial Skills and Abilities (limit of 4):

    Normal Skills and Abilities(limit of 5):

    Weapons(Limit of 4 weapons):

    Armor(one sensible suit of armor):







    1. All RPA and Mature Section rules apply.
    2. I made this a mature RP for the reason of creative freedom, anything goes for the most part as long as none of the rules are broken
    3. I am the GM, and as such I have the last say in issues.
    4. Any issues between players deal with in PMs.
    5. If the problem persists, send me both sides and I'll see if I can help.
    6. If I help and it continues ask a mod or get out.
    7. Be active and post at least a paragraph a post once a week.
    8. Moderate to advanced writings skills only please.
    9. Ignorance of the rules won't save you if you break them.
    10. Be smart, have fun, and no modding or powerplaying.
    11. Any new RP ideas are welcome just run them by me and I'll see about working them out.
    12. Inactivity will be punished by the death of your char.
    13. The GM is the only judge of inactivity, when the RP is going well it's a week unless you send me word of your inactivity then I'll pull you along but after two weeks your character will be on the chopping block unless you have a good reason for not being around. And after three weeks they die no matter what.
    14. Everyone is allowed only 2 main chars.
    15. You can reserve a spot, it will only be held for a week though.
    16. As of now the only races to pick from are Mammalian Beastfolk (a.k.a. Wilderbeasts, Beastmen, and Sunbloods.) or Half-Breeds, but that entails nearly any kind of mammal to build with like Bears, Tigers, Lions, Mice, Badgers, Deer etc.
    17. Magic is a rare gift and this RP will only have three magic users in it and magic users cannot use most weapons.
    18. Half-Breeds, while not uncommon are not looked well upon by some of the more traditional races and even some of the less traditional depending on the Half-Breed's linage. Only logical Half-Breeds will be allowed I.E. Tiger and Lion Half-Breeds or Wolf and Fox Half-breeds etc.
    19. This is not a PC world, bad things will happen and some groups will still hold old blood grudges close to heart and some of us will likely have dark and seedy pasts.
    20. If you've read down this far, put a good, two-paragraph in-character scene in the Other Section of the sheet displaying your character's skills.

    I reserve the right to add, change, or remove anything in this RP at any time, nuances, rules, and characters included.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 07-06-2020 at 10:19 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2
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    I'm aiming for the Guard Captain spot, half the sheet is done I just need to take a mental break.

  3. #3
    Red Ninja
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    Coolness, I'll put you on the reserve list.

    Spoiler: Ulla Shatterclaw 
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 06-19-2020 at 06:30 AM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  4. #4
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    I have a mostly finished character, but I'd like to clear an idea before I just put it in. I have an idea for War Band, the Ice Hammers. They're a nomadic warrior tribe that inhabits the peaks and foothills of a mountain. They have more prowess in battle than the Cloud Chasers, but they're no Dawn Blades. They specialize in quick, heavy attacks and constant movement. Because of their mountainous home, they can't utilize horses but are terrific climbers and are very surefooted.
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    Well first off thanks for the interest. But the idea you proposed is pretty much already the Scrubland Vanguards they're your basic barbarian warriors with two-handed weapons, light armor, and speed. But even then they wouldn't be able to be on constant movement and swinging big hammers or axes around like you would a quarterstaff.

    If you keep that barbarian idea best make him a Vanguard and find the middle ground between quick and damaging hits because quick and strong aren't the same series of motions or training.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  6. #6
    Knight in Swiss Armor
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    I'll take one of the magic slots I suppose... a cloud chaser.

    Holey Paladin's armor by Haya

  7. #7
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    Roger that Pal.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  8. #8
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    Alright, tell me what you think of this. I can change/clarify anything you need.

    Name: Suthri Thunderhoof
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male

    Spoiler: Appearance: 

    Race: Capraen

    Role within the Expedition: Ranged and mid-line fighter

    Racial Skills and Abilities:

    Forceful Personality: Although Capraen are magnificent fighters in their own right, their loud, brash presence is more than enough to discourage fights.

    Surefooted: To others, it can seem like magic, but Capraen hooves grant them the ability to climb surfaces as steep as 65°. Mountains and cliffsides are childs' play.

    Hardheaded and Sharp-Horned: While other races depend on sharp claws or powerful jaws, Capraen use their horns as weapons, stunning foes and breaking bones by ramming into them head-first.

    Glacier-Hardy: Capraen are a tenacious race, thick and difficult to kill. Thick fur, dense muscle, and hardier bones and organs make Capraen a generally difficult group to injure grievously.

    Normal Skills and Abilities:

    Longbowman: Suthri is trained in archery and is deadly precise with his yew longbow.

    Mountain-born: Used to mountain peaks, Suthri has a heavier resistance to cold, high altitudes, and falling greater distances.

    Built Like A Truck: Suthri is a large man in an already heavy group of Beastfolk. If he can get going, his speed, weight, and strength can really ruin somebody's day.

    Hammer and Horns: Although his specialty is a longbow, he isn't afraid of melee combat. His main weapons are blunt force induced by his horns or hammer. He breaks bones and dislocates joints as easy as pie.

    Weapons: Suthri's weapons include a yew longbow and a steel warhammer

    Armor: Suthri wears thick, padded clothes on top of already dense fur, granting him protection against cold and claws alike

    Equipment: A knife, a bedroll, a tinderbox, a pail, a mess kit, 50 feet of rope, a tankard larger than the standard, and a quiver of arrows

    Personality: Suthri has a one-track mind. Once he decides something, he rarely thinks about it again. Then again, he rarely seems to think anyway. He's not one for scholarly deliberation and tends to make snap judgments. He doesn't debate points of view, he chooses a side and sticks to it. You'd be hard-pressed to convince him of anything different to his idea on a matter.

    Despite all this, he generally has a jovial outlook on life. One of the greatest joys is camaraderie in his opinion. He enjoys a flagon of ale with friends in a tavern. He loves to joke and tell stories, one of his favorites being how bandits once forced him to play fiddle to keep from being robbed and killed. He doesn't know how to play the fiddle.

    Likes: Ale, friends, a good tussle, standing on top of perceivably unclimbable areas and watching people try to figure out how he got up there, and telling tales
    Dislikes: Liars, cowards, people who can't let things go, and areas that seem to be flat in every direction

    Background: Suthri was born on one of the highest settlements the Scrubland Vanguard occupies. His childhood was filled with brief and golden summers, musical harvest festivals, beautiful yet deadly winters, and the magic of seeing life creep back into the hills once more.

    Once he came of age, he was trained to protect his fellow Vanguard, with his life if need be. First, he was trained in the hammer, then in the bow. He was much more proficient with the bow, leading him to become one of the best archers in the Vanguard. Although he carries a hammer, he prefers his bow and if he needs to fight melee, he will sometimes forgo it to use his horns.

    He would often need to hunt or fight with his bow, and his signature became the black-feathered arrows stuck in the corpses of foes and food alike. Unfortunately, that signature became his downfall.

    During one particularly harsh winter, he fell ill and resigned to his home for a week. Unfortunately, he forgot to notify others and to the rest of the Vanguard, he had seemingly disappeared. He survived, but when he became well enough to fight, he left his home and was immediately seized by the Jarl. It seemed while he was ill, the Jarl's wife had died. She had been shot with black-feathered arrows.

    He claimed innocence, but nevertheless, the trial was quick. The grieving Jarl had sentenced him to death in under ten minutes. He was set to be hanged at dawn the next day, but during the night, a masked figure unlocked his cell and returned his bow and quiver to him. He never knew the identity of the masked figure, but if he were to meet them, he'd like to buy them a drink.

    For three years, he moved from town to town, keeping the Jarl's hunters three steps behind. In those three years, he's become more set in stone and has grown to hate lies and liars. Lies once nearly got him killed, and he won't tolerate another.


    With a thwip of the bowstring, Suthri let an arrow fly. It flew fast and straight as ever, meeting its mark in the hide of the beast. It snarled in pain, before locking eyes with Suthri. Suthri gave a bleat right back, before loosing another arrow in the beast. This time it bellowed, before bounding towards him. Two more arrows with deadly precision found their way into the beast's massive barrel-shaped chest. Before Suthri could loose one more, the beast was upon him.

    The beast raised a massive paw, dagger-sharp claws ready to disembowel Suthri. A swift headbutt to the snout caused the beast to falter. It growled, strings of saliva dripping from vice-like jaws. Another headbutt, this time to the beast's skull, made the beast stagger and inch backward. This gave Suthri all the time he needed to plunge his hunting knife into its thick neck. A spurt of blood gushed across Suthri's face, but he continued digging in with the knife. After one last attempt to claw at the hunter, the beast collapsed atop Suthri.
    "... shite."
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    Spoiler: Jun Adalsteinn 
    Last edited by Pheasant; 06-19-2020 at 07:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Red Ninja
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    Salty: I like him, personally I would like to see more of a backstory and a better Other section, but he's passing otherwise. I do like the fact he's a hunter, but remember mountain goats are herbivores so anything he kills would likely be sold to a carnivore somewhere. Also be careful bragging about your rabbit fur stuff just in case we get rabbit people in this.

    Phes: I really like this guy, he's well-built and fits the role of guard Captain well, I look forward to seeing him fully done with the pic and/or description and all. Also in his Other section, I assume the "Honey Bear" is meant to be a Sun Bear instead of a Kinkajou, but even the Sun Bear is actually much smaller than an Elk being only 28 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 55-143lbs so even if we're using anthros it wouldn't be taller or stronger than a fully grown male Elk.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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