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Thread: (M) Rogue's Gallery IC

  1. #1
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Default (M) Rogue's Gallery IC

    A full moon and a sky of stars burned over the smokey stacks of Balefire. Shipbells dinged mournfully from the docks and the streets were enveloped in a low hanging mist obscuring the passed out drunks and puddles of dark yellow and brown piss trickling down the cobbled gutters.

    Sailors and hard-handed dock workers were carousing. Up and down the streets singing one nonsensical song after another while hellcats whistled and called to them beckoning them into the heavily perfumed sheets of the red light district. Some would get the night of their life others would wake up in a slaver ship heading for the distant lands around Eisigonol and Besignol. It was a devil’s game, but that the game everyone plays on the docks of Balefire. Fuck or be fucked. But as the stench of stale fish and bilge lift away the hills swell out in all directions.

    Closed shops and squat houses rub shoulders with large fenced off manors and bustling Taverns of a...higher quality. Balefire is home to many people many guilds, but one tucked out past the town proper is both blessed and cursed with a reputation. Tis the Rogue’s Gallery, home of the thrill-seeking treasure hunting Rogues that make up the Gallery’s ranks. Criminals, runaways, outcasts, and wild beasts fill the two story long house. Open to the public, but under the thorough, but carefree eyes of the Guildmaster Dagur Harken. Disgraced son, self-made man, and fool extraordinaire according to some. But he doesn’t care, he’s earned his name, all that matters now is his people just closed a huge payday from the Dwarves of Ebonrock to find the ancient mine of the Green Water, this did so and were given a nice bag of emeralds apiece for the trouble. But the Guildmaster woke up with such a magnificent stamina today that he wore out two young serving girls before it was sated. And for an old man if that’s not an omen of even greater fortune he didn’t know what was. Nothing has happened yet, but he knew it would soon, his people were enjoying themselves even the dour merc Adam Oakland was smiling. He didn’t know where Balder or Tristifer were, but he was sure they’d show up soon. The rest of the inn was full of townspeople looking to spluge on good beer and good food away from the stink of the docks.

    Tristifer strode through the door a bottle in his hand. His eyes flickered around the common room settling on the guildmaster, the archer raised his bottle in salute. Taking a long pull from the bottle he lowered it and moved into the room. Picking out a deserted chair the human sprawled across the seat comfortably, taking another pull from the bottle her glanced at Adam before offering the man the bottle.

    It’s been a long time since Adam could say he was content. Not overly happy, just content. Life was going good. He was alive, employed and best of all no one was any closer to learning his secret. And now he had a bag of thirty emeralds on his belt, a leg of boar on his plate, and a tankard of the Guildmaster’s Reserve to wash it all down with. While the Gallery was open to the public the reserve was only for members of the Guild. And it’s violet color and strong burn was always a point of recruitment.

    He didn’t know where the rest of his comrades were, but he was looking forward to some peace and quiet, the townspeople generally left him alone. It was nice, until Tristifer walked in carrying a bottle of his own choice. One of the few humans that make up the guild’s ranks, Sheva being the other one, but Tris was like a annoying kid brother sometimes. And as he handed him an empty bottle Adam had only one thing to say before tossing the bottle back. “Jerk.”

    Snatching the bottle from mid air Tris smirked. “Bitch.” He shot back, before resting the bottle next to the leg of the chair. “Willing to gamble yours away yet?” Tristifer asked offhandedly. “I mean you're certainly not spending much hiding in here.”

    The archer twirled a knife in the hand next to the bottle. The payday was nice however Tristifer was restless. The job didn’t require much in the way of his skills, and so he felt the need to flex certain muscles; As well paid as they currently are.

    Adam chuckled leaning back in his chair lifting his tankard shaking his head.
    “I’m not enabling one of your bad habits. Besides I got plans for those gems, why not go find Balder? He seems to enjoy gambling with you.”

    “Have you ever asked him to pay on a lost wager?” Tris flipped the knife idly. “If its not an excuse to slip away its an accusation of cheating. Typical behavior from a ‘wise old trader.’ Besides, he's probably already broke.”

    “Anyways, he insists on distance over accuracy anymore.” Tristifer smirked, “Only chance he has at winning.”

    Adam laughed nodding at the Archer’s words. “Well when your ranged weapon is a boulder being shot out of a tree do you really need accuracy? Besides Have you ever actually tried to collect off him? He’s never welched a bet I won of him.” The Skirmisher put his tankard down and dug back into the boar’s leg. He took a few large bites that would make a Leor proud before nodding towards the kitchen. “Why don’t you get some food, you young boys are always growing and good food will help.” He said in a parental tone patting Tris on the head the reserve loosening him up enough to be a joker.

    “You don't win 9 of 10 bets.” Tristifer said with a grin. At the mention of food his stomach rumbled. Tristifer whistled grabbing the attention of a serving girl; Receiving it he mimed eating, ordering a plate from across the room. The archer leaned back in the chair, sheathing his knife.

    “That’s why I always bet big on time number ten and win it all back. So since you seem so keen on talking about my jewels am I to assume you spent all yours already?” He lifted the empty bottle from before and studied it. It was a rum of some kind, but foreign, granted Adam wasn’t a hard drinker like some of the others. “I do hope you didn’t spend thirty emeralds on this. Tell me it at least sang a song first.”
    He chuckled again and placed the bottle in front of the other man again.

    “If I had spent it all, what would I wager?” Tris stated. “And the bottle was won, so…” The archer shrugged. “Some people can't even toss a coin straight.”

    The human smiled at the serving girl when she delivered his plate. He tore into the boar with gusto. Stopping to swallow, he turned to Adam. “There any pie tonight?”

    Adam shrugged turning back to his own food, but a jovial voice answered the question.
    “There’s always pie in the Gallery, Mr. Tris you know that!” Following the voice Guildmaster Harken soon appeared downstairs and joined the men ordering up his own mug of reserve. “Just don’t make a mess with the Baker’s daughter this time understood?”

    Tris raised his fork in salute as the guildmaster joined them. “I make no promises,” The Archer shrugged, “Some pies taste better with sweet cream.”

    “So,” Tris started between bites. “What brings you down amongst us plebes?”

    Dague chuckled sipping his mug. “Well I have blessed with good feeling all day, and it’s telling me something dangerously exciting is about to happen.”

    Adam chuckled finishing his meal. “More excitingly dangerous than find an underground river lined with emeralds and guarded by big rock monsters?”

    The older man nodded and winked behind his mug. “Very much so.”

    “Bout damn time.” Tris said through a mouthful. “Some of us aren't being used to our full potential.” He complained after swallowing. More it was that he wanted a bigger cut.

    Dagur nodded lifting his mug in cheers to the other men.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 11-20-2018 at 05:43 AM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  2. #2
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    Faur strode through the streets, his eyes swiveling around the people who stared at them. He felt uncomfortable with the crowd of drunks around them, some of them wondering if they were worth the risk, or others wondering if it was possible to lure them into a room for the night. His feelings were shared with the rider on his back, a single hand gripped into the fur at the nape of his neck. Yn kept his eyes forward, keeping his eyes on the target. The out of the way the inn Rouge's Gallery. They had gone through plenty of ideas, from the thieves guild and even the mages guild. The problem was either the cost was too high, or the risk was too much.

    *You know we could hunt them on our own. We could have gotten the assassin's to find them.* Faur responded as the crowd thinned out, allowing them a bit more breathing room. Yn took that steading breath as he allowed his grip to relax. His shoulders rolled forward before he dropped to the ground, the stones rumbling underneath his feet. He kept a steady hand on Faur though, if just for his own sake of mind.

    *I made a promise to do it, and I have almost failed the guild once. I will prove my strength and do it myself.* Yn spoke as they neared the stables. The woman running it turned to study them, the sound of hoofbeats. Surprise flashed in her eyes as she looked upon the massive deer, Yn's appearance dwarfed by his brother. Yn cleared his throat to let the woman focus there.

    “Can I get room for my brother. Nicer if possible.” Yn requested, making the woman furrow as she questioned his antics.

    “Ya really not gonna let me come in with you? Would make for a big shock.” Faur spoke in annoyance, making the woman shout in shock and fumble backwards. Yn grumbled as he could feel the smug mirth from his brother, resulting in a smack across the hind quarters. Once they got the stable maid back to her feet, and his room paid for, Yn finally made his way into the bar proper.

    Music assaulted his ears as warmth flooded around him, pushing the cool air away from the doorway. Blinking in the varied group before him he made his way towards the barkeep, adjusting the bundle on his back of payment. He had studied up on as much as he could about the group, though none who could honestly give him a clear description of the leader. He waited a few moments before a bar maiden finally made her way over to him.

    “What can I serve you tonight? Strong man like you seems like a good strong drink, or maybe a room for the night?” The woman asked, leaning forward to show off her assets. Yn had to focus as he could to train his eyes upon hers, a strong gaze making her flounder some.

    “I wish to speak with Dagur of both a job, and a mission I need help on.” Yn was firm in his words. Faur did what he could to help, sending him memories of their destroyed village to harden his spirit. They had finally begun their mission in earnest, and nothing would sway them now.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  3. #3
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    Vel quietly set at the edge of the bed, her shirt pulled up and held tightly in her mouth as her hands pressed the gaping wound on her stomach closed. She'd popped the stitches during her last mission, staining her tunic and cloak with dark blood and other liquids. The wound itself was a simple fix, and fortunately she had another tunic and cloak. She carefully fished out her sewing kit, and pulled out one of the pre-threaded needles she had prepared and carefully began to thread it through her skin, pulling the wound closed once more.

    Once she was finished she warped it in bandages and changed into a fresh pair of clothes, bundling up the soiled clothing and set it aside. She took a fresh cloak and put it on, warping a scarf around her neck and pulled a pair of gloves on. she pulled the scarf over her face and finely the hood over her head, effectively hiding her cold, pale and sickly appearance. She strapped her belt on and slipped her two knives into their holders never going anywhere with out them, made sure her great axe was resting against the bed and made sure her coin purse was on her along with her blank book and quill before she opened the door and began to head down to the bar.

    As always the sound of a lively time hit her ears as soon as she opened the door, The smell of good food wafted up to her making her mouth water. If she had a tongue she'd lick her lips. She moved down the hall and peered into the bar space. As usual men, women and monster and myth mingled where there was strong drink and good food. Giuld members and none guild members alike. She knew very few of the people here, she mingled very little if she could help it.

    She crept around the crowed, keeping close to the wall. She knew wearing a hood in such an open place would likely draw attention to her, but if people saw her, really saw her that would draw more attention to her. unwanted attention. She made her way around to the bar hovering near the bar and waited till someone finely noticed her. When they asked what she wanted she hesitantly made the sign to drink and then made the sign to eat. She'd been here for a few months so they were starting to get the idea by now.

    She waited patiently her hazy eyes roamed over the room, taking in the individuals as they merrily drank and ate together. She longed to do the same, but she had yet to work up the courage to mingle with anyone. A new face emerged in the crowed and she watched him make his way over to the bar, not to far from her. as she turned back to the bar herself she was greeted with her food and a drink. she waved gratefully before turning to skirt around the room again to find a secluded table. It took her a moment but eventually she found a far corner table where she settled down. she put her back to the rest of the room and pulled down the scarf over her face before she began to dig in.

    She was disappointed that it wasn't as heavily seasoned as she would have want it... but you couldn't have everything she supposed. For now she'd just try to enjoy it was best as she could, savoring what little flavor she could get out of it.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  4. #4
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    Mynx wove her way through the streets, her tail swinging from side to side as she made her way to the Rogue’s Gallery. She walked with purpose, her head held high and her blue eyes focused forward. She had already made use of one of her emeralds, the rough cut gem sectioned into several parts. The necklace she now wore around her neck displayed a stone encircled with silver wire and another, smaller piece, hung on a chain which dangled on her forehead. The remaining shards of the emerald she had traded for coin, which she now carried on her person.

    Once at the bar, the ocecat entered and surveyed the room. It was almost filled to capacity, but she used her sense of smell to track the other members of the guild. She saw the two "brothers" in arms having a drink and nodded at them, also spotting the one who smelled of disease, but it was Harken she moved towards. She put her hand on his shoulder, brushing her cheek against his, then purred in his ear as she inhaled deeply. "Hmm...cattin' round? 'Tis a good day indeed." With a light chuckle she pulled away, her tail swishing as she walked up to the crowded bar, her hand slapping down on the surface in front of one patron. When she lifted her palm a coin was revealed and without pause the man offered his seat to her.

    Myn typically didn't drink, but on special occasions such as this, she made an exception. She ordered a small glass of Reserve and a meal which she had previously paid for. In short time a plate was set before her, and she inspected it closely. As she had specified, the bloody organ meat was warm, but not cooked, and sprinkled with dried mint. It was also finely chopped and a fork sat on the plate's edge--neither of which she had asked for. She picked up the utensil reluctantly and took a bite, allowing the taste to linger in her mouth. Satisfied, she continued eating, almost finishing the meal before she was interrupted by the man beside her, his hand falling casually onto her arm, but his eyes focusing on her chest.

    With a low growl, Myn looked to the side, taking note of the human for the first time. She did not find comfort with such creatures normally, they were too frail...bled too easily...but she was feeling a bit light headed, the drink and mint affecting her judgment rather quickly. She looked the stranger over, her eyes narrowing, then offered him a small smile. His looks did not offend and his smell was not overly ripe, so she lifted a finger to pause as she finished her drink. She then gave a nod, circled her hand around his wrist and pulled him to his feet. Without resistance the man allowed himself to be led up the staircase.

    It was only ten minutes later when Myn made her way back down to the main floor, licking fresh blood from her fingers. She went to her now occupied bar stool, which was surrendered to her immediately, and took her seat. She fingered her necklace as she leaned forward, drawing the barkeeps attention. Ordering another drink she also spoke to him in hushed tones. He called into the kitchen and two bar maids appeared, one rushing out of the room in search of a healer and the other taking to the stairs. Myn casually lifted her glass and took a sip, relishing in the burn of the liquid as it seeped down her throat.

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    Nisa felt the world rolling around her. Her blankets had been kicked off and she certainly hoped her bed was not broken. She thought it felt weirdly lumpy. As she rubbed her temples she pulled the blankets and pillows closer to herself. She was not a drunk…at least she did not take herself for it, but last night had been a night to remember. The issue was she really couldn’t. Well that’s not true she remembered bits and enough to know if someone was telling her something out of character. At least she hoped so. She kept her composure downstairs but the moment she felt herself going too far she came upstairs and went straight to bed.. She was an elf and had to maintain some of that imagine.

    It was another hour or two before she really started getting ready. She started to braid her hair, taking quite a bit of time to make a crown style and then allowed the rest to fall down to her mid back. She always loved how pretty and snow white it was. She always thought she was a beauty but men rarely came up to her. She had a very striking appearance and was taller and larger than most. She always liked the way she looked in finer clothing…she sighed to herself. She would never be a jewel in the crowd but authority she could hold together. Today she had no real plans to get into any trouble. She took a royal blue tunic and black trousers out, feeling a bit more comfortable today considering her headache.

    She took out her wolf furred cape that was a wolf around her shoulder but the cape itself was a storm grey color. She attached her bone short sword to her hip and opened and locked her door. She always carried little coin with her…always expecting one of these fools to try and robe her…but that rarely if ever came. Her nose twitched as she smelled the delicious meat that was downstairs. Oh gods she was hungry. If nothing else she could always eat like the rest of the guys even if she could not drink all of them down.

    She quickly moved her way down the stairs almost cheery and delightful. You would think she was a small young pretty girl with her reaction but before she made it to the bottom she stopped she coughed once and held her head high. She moved her neck a bit and then walked proudly into the room. She was shocked by how extra full it was. She towered over most of those around her. She caught a glimpse of the some people she knew and she nodded to them. She had been with the group a short time in her eyes but a long one in some of the others. Some called her or knew her only as Valkyrie but a few might know her by her last name Lady Nericeran but she did not think anyone other than the guild master knew her first name. It did not matter what they called her as long as they paid her respect.

    She did as what dictated and she pulled out some coin and tossed it onto a table. The men and women there eyed her up and then took the coin and left the table. Once cleared she waited until she could grab a barmaid and ordered meat as well cooked as possible without charring the entire thing and then some wine with some smoked vegetables. As she sat down she felt more normal. She placed herself as close to the middle of the room as possible. She tended to be a deterrent from bar fighting and the serving folk appreciated her presence. At first they were scared of her but that changed once she stopped a few fights here and there.

    Once her black meat came up she took her silverware and started to delicately pick at it, more so peeling the black upper meat layer and eating the inside. It was very dry but she watered it down with a sip of wine after each. Her table was open and she would be quite happy to have company. If no one came though she would also not be surprised.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

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    Crimson Casanova
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    People love to gossip. They became vultures and hounds over the latest scandals and other delicious news. It spreads like wildfire, but sometimes those wildfires are sparked by small, underwhelming acts. For example: Bigwit's act of capturing the infamous Agon the Terrible.

    "How the hell did that puny goblin managed to do it?" a teenaged mercenary whispered furiously to his colleague.

    Bigwit's green ears perked up before he smirked and took another sip of his dark ale at the counter. He could hear a group of young, inexperienced mercenaries whispering about the accounts of Agon's capture.

    "I heard he's a master of shadow magic," a girl whispered back. "He just snapped his fingers and the dwarf just collapsed!"

    "Nah, I heard something else," a third person piped up. "I heard he bribed another bar patron, a bigger guy, to knock the shit out of Agon."

    "That's stupid, Agon's been known to fight off like at least four..."

    They kept blabbering on and the goblin could only snicker about the rumor mill. However, Bigwit wasn't only keeping attention on that table. His keen senses allowed him to multitask and notice the ongoings in the rowdy bar room at the Gallery. There was the smell of fresh blood near the stairway, where Mynx climbed down after having a private shindig. Bigwit could only assume that she played a lil rough... again. Hopefully the poor guy wasn't too traumatized.

    "Need another drink, love?" A serving maid approached him with an easy smile. She bent over a bit so she can be at eye level with the little guy, which Bigwit could appreciate along with the awesome view she was showing off.

    "Yes, Bigwit could use two drinks!" The goblin held up two short, stubby fingers. "Two of Bigwit's favorite, please," he awaited and received two more stouts. The gremlin decided to be social and wanted to share the second drink with someone else. He left some gold coins for the lovely lady before walking away, double-fisting his beer.

    "Hey, Merry Grasshopper," Bigwit plopped down at a table near the middle of the room. He pushed the stout to Nisa, the Valkryrie, or as Bigwit likes to refer her ever since knowing her, the Merry Grasshopper. "Join me for a drink from the waters of life!" He raised up his own drinks in a cheers motion, "And tell me how goes your day?" Whether he was intruding or not, Bigwit hardly cared, he was a curious creature and love to socialize with others.

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    "Hey, Merry Grasshopper,"

    The following plop was made by a very famous small green creature. She flashed a loving smile behind sipping her own drink as the Goblin sat himself down. She gave a chuckle as he moved one of the drinks towards her. She felt a little sick but she could never say no to this little being. He was so happy and full of energy, she loved that about him.

    As he raised up his drink in cheers he asked her how she was doing. Without hesitation she picked up the drink and pushed it into his losing a small amount of drink and brought it straight to her lips taking in a few large gulps. This was how you could tell the major difference between snow elves and regular elves. She didn’t carry any of the prissiness that came with the usual title of elf. She also did not look down on those elves normally would.

    She admired Bigwit. His smile and how bright and bubbly she got around him showed that. She had nearly three feet on him and considering the look of the table they would make for a very bizarre pairing at first glance. She deeply loved his wit and life style and while the ball was not in her court she admired his ability to make effective traps so quickly. As a hunter of beasts…well she would never top him. Some people might look down on him and think he was primitive or clever but she was a snow elf looked down on by other elves for their lack of magic and general grace. She saw the true intelligence knowing full well she would never beat him at any game they played and she loved it. She loved watching him smash stereotypes and cause people's mouth to drop. She wanted to be Bigwit in that regards.

    All this flashed quickly before her eyes as she looked down on him. She moved her plate and put her arms on the table so as to lower herself close to his size. A little pink coming to her face as the warmth came to her. “Master Bigwit you are always welcome at any table of mine!” She said this in a slightly louder tone. She enjoyed people knowing they got along and she never wanted anyone to mess with him. He was a treasure of this guild.

    Her eyes twinkled as she pulled up on her tunic…she also knew he had eyes that wandered, not that she really minded but it was more so a playful jab than anything else. Due to her bulk and size she was not blessed with a massive chest or an amazing hourglass figure but Bigwit treating her as her did every other woman, which made her feel better about herself.

    She moved her head to get her hair to one side and said, “I am doing alright for myself. I am eager to get back out there as usual. I haven’t had a good thrashing in a while…” While Bigwit did things the smart safe way she was the opposite and while you might think this would cause a rift between them, she actually felt it made them strong. She handled the trash and he handled the delicate work. Maybe she was just over francizing how close they were but she liked to imagine it as such.

    “What about you Master Bigwit what is on your mind this fine day?” She flashed a pretty smile and took another sip of the drink he gave her. Some might fear poison from a goblin but she always placed her trust in Bigwit.
    Last edited by Kortaga; 11-27-2018 at 08:45 PM.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

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    The day was already bringing the town to life. Sun Lin was laying comfortably on the floor of the room she had obtained just days earlier. As she meditated, the sound of drunk sound drifted through her window as she opened her eyes. Another day sets upon her as she rolls to her stomach pushing up coming to her feet.

    She runs her fingers through her black hair figuring this would most likely be the day she comes in meeting with those of this guild she has learned about. Thoughts of how long this guild might provide her opportunity to work, unlike Kings, Princes, Sheriffs and those kinds, she does not think that a guild would try to eliminate her once she has served their usefulness. If she was wrong it would be just another to return to nature for their mistake.

    As she dresses, she slips her dagger in her booth sheath and straps a wrist band in containing 20 acupuncture needles. She figures that she need not bring her sword, after all, she is a mere lass and plenty of man folks were more than willing to show their manliness if ever a fight were to break out. A thought of 'men are such silly creatures' runs through her mind as a slight giggle escapes her lips.

    She steps out of her room closing the door and through the narrow hall to the outside. She feels secure leaving her possessions in her room as the Inn Keeper is somewhat a ruthless criminal himself... unspeakable things happen to those who steal his possessions, those who pay the additional coin for a room within his Inn ... their possessions are under his protection as well. She knows this as she is one of those unspeakable things that could happen as she had worked for him tracking down a thief just a season past.

    She makes a slow attentive pace toward this Rogue's Gallery. Her attention momentarily focuses on a young man, she figured he could not have went through the ritual of adulthood yet, mayhaps in his late teens. The youth was standing outside a pub door with two rather dirty men in the door. The youth was inquiring if his master were still in the pub as he had not returned. She could tell easily that the two filthy men were slavers and the child's master was most likely on board a ship if not already out to sea. As she was passing by the front of the pub, she could hear the two men coaxing the young man inside to see his missing master. This was not her concern, the youth would grow quickly should he go in the pub with the two men, possibly rejoining nature to come back as something smarter if he did not survive the voyage. She stops dead in her tracks as she hears one on the men "Or you can grab that lil exotic bitch over there and you can have the old man back...".

    The two now have her unwanted attention as she turns and slowly approaches the larger of the two men who also is running to meet her in the street. As the fairly large man reaches out to grab her, she easily side steps him thrusting her finger tips into the side of his neck which internally ruptures his carotid artery. The time it takes the man to turn and raise his fist back in what appears to be an attempt to strike her, his eyes glass over and a gurgling is heard as he tries to speak. He drops to his knees before falling face down in the street, blood coming from his mouth and nose.

    The second man has already drawn a sword holding it in his shaky hands. From behind her she hears a male voice
    "Suzie Suzie Suzie... I was going to step in..."
    as the one of Inn Keeper's enforcers approached the group. The second man with the sword wisely drops the sword as the enforcer speaks again rather casually
    "Suzie dear... I'll clean up here, you want this other mut to pay for insulting you?"
    Su Lin casually shrugs muttering "That thing isn't worth seeing it's rebirth." before turning to head back up the street.
    She would hear the enforcer laughing "She is cold as ever..." as he lets the other man know how close to his last day he was.

    There was an unintended consequence. The young man seemed to grip somewhat of a clue what was going on, as Su Lin started back toward the Rogue's Gallery, the young man started after her, his voice shaky "Miss, I can not thank you enough, I am indebted to you, just say what you desire and I shall do it for you..." the youth in the realization that his master was probably no more.

    She continued toward her destination and would not even make eye contact with the youth that now follows her, dryly she mutters "I do not seek a pet... you owe me nothing... live your life... find a girl and marry... farm... fish... or anything you desire... just be gone now."

    As she approached the entrance to the two story house, her words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Jamon still followed from several paces behind her. As she entered the Gallery, so did Jamon. She takes a moment to glance around the assorted life forms which inhabit the interior of this establishment. She hears a sqeekish "My name is Jamon mistress..." as she mutters back "I do not seek a pet child...". A fleeting moment of regret drifts through her mind for reacting to the animal who called her a bitch. Had she been able to do it again, the child would belong to those dogs and would have a journey to remember. So she trys to convince herself. She mutters again to seemingly deaf ears "This is no place for a child to be..." before heading in the direction on Bigwit and Nisa's table hoping the sight of a Snow Elf and Goblin would persuade the child he were better off away from her. Her eyes also catch Mynx pondering if she might approach her, that would be a much ... firmer ... way to dissuade this child from any thoughts he might have.

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    A Siks and Koti post, introducing Jezi
    Spoiler: Jezibel Lupin of the Redscar Tribe 

    Dagur was still enjoying the quiet company of Adam and Trish when his other rogues began coming out of the woodwork it seemed. First Vel the Zombie girl, quiet and sturdy, but also carrying a great deal of sadness. Next was the Ocecat Mynx, one of his group’s Hunters, she as rambunctious and moody as Vel was reserved, but her nose and claws have been invaluable a great number of times, but as he saw her slip away with some poor human he sighed and waved a server over to go clean up whatever mess she just made and he also made a note to talk with the young woman about making the patron bleed.

    Next was Nisa, the group’s resident Snow Elf and primitive smith. Her bone and hide gear has brought in a few rich patrons looking for quaint new toy or conversation piece. She rarely sold them, but he managed to talk her into it. He studied her for a few minute then turned to the pay and saw two things of interest. One was Bigwit listening to some youngsters talk about a job he did before slipping off to talk with Nisa. Those two were a strange team at times, but he was happiest when his people were happy and socializing. The last thing that drew his attention was a rather large young man wearing animals skins. He looked like one of the Duhsa Kin from the plains, the Guildmaster had accompanied Balder on some of his mercantile trips out to the nomad tribes. But they weren’t a people he was overly familiar with, but this boy had come a long way and he seemed to be looking for Dagur. The server Emily gave the old man a look before slipping out from behind the bar to come speak with the Guildermaster. Just as she did one of the young merc that were talking about Bigwit’s big “win” over Agon the Terrible or as Dagur knew him Agon the drunk with an enormous gambling debt. The girl with braided brown hair, she’d look like a young man if it wasn’t for the corset she was wearing the left the top of her small breast exposed the pale skin glowing with youth. She slipped past her comrades and took a seat next to Yn squeezing a little closer to the burly young man. “Hey big guy, you look lost.” She said sweetly watching him.

    Yn looked over at the young woman, not surprised to see her in no small aspect. For other human females, he could be seen a quite a catch, at least that's what he had been told from the other men from his tribe. Going by the rosy complexion and the smell on her breath, she was more than a few drinks in, which already had Faur somewhat alert in his mind for worried.

    “I sure that I am in the right location.” Yn gave her a polite wave, only to be given a mental huff from his other half. Surprised he blinked at the rebuttal, making his brother chuckle mentally. The woman, while probably drunk, would be a good mate going by her appearance.

    “This is the home of the Rogue's Gallery.” Yn followed on, looking over the growing crowd. As it seemed some of the rumors were true, from both the inclusion of an Ocecat and an Elf, to the more strange Goblin. If he did join in, it would make for some very fun stories to tell his mates back home. That would on really work out if Dagur accepted his trade offer.

    Smiling at the lad’s country boy ways and manner of speech the girl let out a giggle and gripped his hand leaning a little closer her quick eyes studying his belt, he didn’t seem to have any coins or jewels, but his staff and skinning knife looked like they’d net her a few coins, plus he looked like an adventurer and adventurers usually have things stashed on their mounts. She’d just need to get him alone and learn what and maybe she could have some other fun. Slipping off her stoll she stumbled a little and fell more into the boy’s arms. Damn, he’s a big guy. Wonder if he’s big all over? She thought regaining her feet. “Yes this is the right place, you must be looking for Dagur. I can take you to him if you want!” She put in a little girlish giggle then added. “Oh I’m Jezibel by the way, but you can call me Jezi!” She used both hands to pull Yn up some.

    “Yes, that would be rather helpful. My name in Yn.” He said, looking a bit more interested. Despite the girl’s advances, which Faur was giving the gentle urgings to take her for a roll in the hay. It made him realize that his brother was more into siring strong children as he was protecting him. He let out a sigh as he pushed the thoughts free from his mind. It wouldn't do now to get sidelined from his task, despite the woman's alluring body. Helping steady the woman on her feet. It was clear that she was more than a few drinks in.

    *Dagur must want to be a bit more discreet when discussing business.* Yn thought as he allowed the woman a moment to get her bearings. He added a few more coins onto the table for the barkeep as he waited for the woman to take the lead.

    “Yn...good strong name, for a good strong guy.” She giggled again leaning against Yn as she led him around the back of the tavern and out the door to the animal feed shed. Swaying slightly Jezi continued to play the drunk bimbo card. She hugged his big arm making sure it slipped between her breasts a little. The warmth of her flesh countering the cool of own. She led him to the shed and slipped again only this time pulling him to her as she pressed against the back of the shed. She pulled him to her and down slightly so she could kiss him on the lips digging her fingers into the folds of his shirt and down to his waist.

    The motives of the woman was becoming steadily clear as he was led back to the feed shed. With the way the woman was hanging off him, along with her subtly trying get him to feel her up. What finally drew the line was when Jezi pulled him into a forced kiss, her hands traveling the thick matting of hair along his chest, moving along to his waist. His hand moved to clasp her, taking them in a firm grip as he leaned back. It wasn't right to allow the woman to throw herself upon him. Sure, most would easily take a woman without a second thought, probably even sire a child from her.

    *Oh come on! She could make a great first time, and get some practice with it.* Faur had to grumble mentally, punctuated with a rather loud humanish grumble. Yn looked to the spot where he could see Faur, taking his eyes off the woman.

    “Oh you can stuff it you giant mule!” Yn shouted into the room, followed by a rough sounding 'Be biting me!’ echoed in response. Yn could only grumble as he closed his eyes in annoyance. While he loved his brother greatly, he sometimes disliked the brute just as much.

    While the big guy was distracted Jezi pulled her hands free and quickly pulled the man’s skinning knife from his belt and slid it into her own. She then gently gripped his ornate walking stick and wondered how hard she’d need to kick him in-between the legs when a low chuckle stopped her.

    “Now Ms. Lupin, you should know stealing a Dusha Kin’s Okhota is a quick way to either an early grave or maybe in your case just a fat lip. You should really tell your human about the dangers of women Master Deer.” Dagur chuckled stepping into the moonlight sipping his drink. “Also best give him back his knife Jezi.”

    Jezi squeaked lightly pulling away from Yn while keeping her hands on the knife playing innocent. “I-I wasn’t going to steal anything from him!” All the slur of her words was gone as was the drunken act she had been putting on.

    “Only so much I can be telling. Each must be learning through trial.” Faur spoke in surprise, unaccoustemed to humans knowing he was sentient. While they were not rare, it was still an odd occurrence. Yn gave them both a surprised look as he glanced back to the woman, noticing his dagger resting in her belt. A brief look of anger flashed through his features before he stepped forward, a bit of a scowl as his hand gripped the hilt of his dagger and pulled it free, pulling himself up to his full size.

    “Tell me the truth, were you truly planning on trying to steal my Ohkota?” Yn demanded an answer of her, using his full height and towering over her.

    “No need for death Yn.” Faur spoke in soft tones, moving to make himself known to the woman a bit more clearly, having to bow his head a bit to avoid damaging the roof and his own horns. Yn only continued to stare down the woman while awaiting her response.

    The girl let out a small squeaky growl as the man took his knife back and her game seemed to be up. She noted Yn’s anger and his attempt to intimidate her as well as the big damn deer. But she’d been around the block a few times and simply squared off with Yn staring him dead in the eyes which considering she was just barely 5’6 was quite the sight. “And what if I was? You can make another big stick, hell have your pet help you.”

    Dagur chuckled to himself and quickly moved himself between the three. He pushed Yn and Jezi apart. “Now, now little She-Wolf.” He said addressing Jezi. “Surely your tribe taught you something about the Dusha Kin. The Ohkota are sacred objects and not so easily replaced as that.”

    Jezi scoffed glancing at Dagur before turning away crossing her arms under her bust pouting slightly and looking off into the sky like a child who had been caught stealing sweets between meals. The Guildmaster chuckled turning to Yn. “She’s a young tribal like yourself Master Yn. She meant no disrespect. I’m Dagur Harken, Guildmaster of the Rogue’s Gallery.”

    Thankfully Jezi had roundabout gotten her to the actual target. Guildmaster Dagur Harken. Though it wasn't under the best of situations, it did make having to hunt him down a lot easier. Though still annoyed at Jezi, he couldn't hold a grudge the entire time, as she hadn't gotten away with it.

    Placing his knuckles to his forehead and bowing slightly, he greeted Dagur properly before standing up.

    “Thank you for rescuing me from this woman's ploy even if my own brother wouldn't,” Yn began, getting a disappointed grumble from his brother, “As you have learned. My name is Yn and this is my brother Faur, and we have come here seeking both a request and offer.”

    Dagur nodded bowing slightly to Yn. Figuring she wasn’t going to die Jezi tried to slip away, but the Guildmaster’s hand shot out and grabbed her shoulder pulling her back and presenting her to the young man. While his hand gripped her braid. “I figured as much, but first what do you wish to do with Miss. Lupin here? We have laws in Balefire that say if a Thief is caught red-handed then it’s the rite of the one they stole from to decide their fate. Slavery is a good option and legal in the Human Dominion.” Jezibel’s eyes widened in fear a little but quickly hardened as she looked down, he was right of course. Her parent had told her this could happen, but too late now. Dagur made her lift her chin and forced her to look up. “She could be a good pack mule. Small but strong, she could also be made to give your friend a bath and clip his hooves.” He smiled cruelly before forcing the girl to thrust her chest out for Yn. “She could also be used to keep your bedrolls warm at night young master. Her tribe is from the north near the White Peaks, I’ve heard they’re quite passionate lovers and exceedingly warm when stripped bare in the cold mountain air.”

    Jezi’s eye began to water some but she kept her face stern. She’d been a trenchwife before when a rival tribe tried to destroy her village. They were beaten back, but Jezi and a couple of other girls were captured and kept as trophies. Luckily it was only for a few months before a prisoner exchange brought her and the other’s home. Jezi, being the only one that wasn’t heavy with child. “She is yours if you want her young Master.” Dagur smiled watching the boy closely.

    Yn listened intently as Dagur began to speak of the woman, mentioning that as he had caught her stealing, that it was his duty to punish her, leading to the mention of slavery. One of the darker tales he had heard from some of the more allowed assassin's and their times in the light. He allowed the man to speak as he looked Jezi over, studying not her form, but her body. The tense muscles and watering eyes as he rattled off what he thought was best for her suited tasks. He even despised the notion of taking another as a slave, but knew that Dagur would favor him poorly if he let her off to easily. This was also a good chance to improve his impartial skills. If he ever hoped to become the next war chief in his time, he needed to have the ability to make rational and just punishments for those who have wronged him.

    Several ideas passed through his mind, some guided by Faur as they worked through the possible outcomes as he continued puzzling through a fitting judgement that would benefit both and hopefully impress Dagur. Finally he had an idea before he stepped forward, confirming it with Faur as he acted.

    “Let me see your hand.” Yn spoke carefully, pulling out his dagger. Jezi hesitated, fearful of what Yn had planned before he took her hand.

    “In the laws of the Dusha Kin, the theft of our Okhota is punishable by death, as to steal it is the same as stealing our history. Thankfully yours was a poor attempt, though that makes it no less punishable. For that, I require something of equal from you.” Yn began, before turning her hand over and showing the back. Taking the dagger he pressed the tip against her flesh and began to scrawl, digging just enough to leave red lines along her skin. When he finishes, his name was scratched into the back of her right hand, which was rather hard as it was upside down

    “Until that fades, you will teach me about the world at large, free of charge. I have heard that time as a mercenary is precious, along with their knowledge, so I do believe this should be a fair trade. Would you agree, Guildmaster Dagur?” Yn asked the man, mentally hoping he had done right.

    Jezi winched at the pain of the dagger, but kept quiet. So she was going to be a slave, at least for now. She nodded softly pulling her hand back quickly wrapping the bloody wound in her handkerchief. He said she’d be his teacher in all things mercenary, but she knew how young men got it wouldn’t be longer than month before she would be his own personal broodmare, She just hoped he wasn’t as rough as her last trench husband. She idly rubbed a long jagged scar along her stomach still rough feeling even under her blouse and corset.

    Dagur nodded softly patting Jezi’s back.
    “That seem fair to you Miss Lupin?”

    Jezi only nodded her voice a quiet sigh.
    “Yes Guildmaster Harken.” She looked at Yn frowning some. “May I go pack my things and say goodbye to my friends Master Yn?”

    “You seem to think this is the last time you'll see them? I'm not making you live with me, or to stay with me. If my dealings with Guildmaster Harken hopefully go as planned, I won't be around constantly, nor will we both have time to spend every second together, as I'm sure you still have work to do for Master Harken. When we have the free time while that mark remains, you can help teach me. During the other times when you or I are busy, you are free to do or relax with who you wish. This isn't slavery, and you are not at my beck and call if you have more important tasks to do.” Yn spoke, blinking as he mentally ran through everything he had said to her. Did he say it wrong, or maybe his thoughts played out differently than his actions.

    “Man, dealing with women are a lot harder than I thought.” Yn mumbled to himself as he rubbed the back of his head in annoyance.

    Jezi shook her head and quickly slapped Yn across his ruggedly handsome face stopping him from babbling. “First lesson of being a merc never try to alter a deal after it’s signed.” She held up her hand the bloody letters of his name soaking through her improvised bandage. “Second lesson, you make a deal like this it means I’m with you until the contract is up whether I like it or not. I’ll take this as a yes master.” She moved passed the men her eyes trickling water now as she said under her breath. “Stupid shit doesn’t even know how to be a proper slavemaster.” She moved quickly away and vanished back into the tavern hugger her arms around her as she moved.

    Dagur sighed softly and patted Yn’s broad back. “First lesson of dealing with women young sir, you can live a thousand lifetimes and you still won’t know everything. Her people are very much like your own. Very proud and they take oaths very seriously, but you handled that well. Most young men I can think of would’ve happily jumped on the chance to have a Redscar Tribal sex slave in their bed. And if you had done so I would’ve dismissed you without further thought. Now come we’ll discuss your request in my office.” He looked at Faur petting the buck’s neck softly. “You’ll have to stay out here Master Deer sorry.” With that the old man headed for the steps leading up to the second floor door that overlooked the feed shed.

    “I am understanding. I am being larger than most doors.” Faur responded, a sense of enjoyment from the petting. It was a comfort as he urged Yn up into the office after Dagur. Thanking his brother and his good fortune about how he dealt with that situation, he gathered up the hide he had collected and was quick to follow after Dagur. Opening the door he could see the office was rather nicely made, and staged for security with his back to the wall and only one obvious way into the room meant that Dagur could control who entered his office and where from. Taking the seat offered he set the hides to the side and look a moment to steady himself.
    Last edited by Koti~; 11-28-2018 at 10:17 PM.

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    Default One more Koti x Siks co-op

    “Guildmaster Dagur, as you have probably heard, I have both a request and a possible job for you, if you would be willing to hear me out.” Yn began, his body set and his jaw firm. The prior actions that has occurred were going to remain under the pass for now and he needed to focus on this mission.

    “Will you hear me out?”

    Dagur nodded taking a seat at his desk pulling out a small bottle of alcohol pouring himself a glass swirling the liquid around the glass. “Of course young master. Would you like a drink?”

    “I'll accept, thank you.” Yn spoke, nodding thankfully at the offer of liquor. It smelled strong enough, so it seemed like a decent enough idea. It would help with the deluge of info he was about to dump.

    “During the last month of winter, my tribe was attacked. The people must have been desperate due to the harsh winter, and even worse they succeeded. If I had been there, not galavanting around with Giants, it may have turned out different. I do not know who they were, or where they are, but not only that, they still have the animal furs. Even worse is they stole the Ohkota of those fallen.” Yn began, anger lacing his voice.

    “My request is helping find and taking down this group. I would also like to join your guild in effort to take down this group, so I can enact revenge for my fallen brothers and sisters.” Yn requested.

    “I don't have much, but I can offer paying you in these and send my earnings to pay for this job.” Yn offered as he moved the pile of hides onto the desk.

    Dagur nodded slowly listening to the boy speak. Things like this weren’t uncommon to hear about. But it always saddened him a little. He sipped his drink slowly studying the young man closely then his pelts. They were of a good quality mainly rabbit pelts, but a couple of boar, and even a fine wolf pelt. He hmmed softly before pushing the pelts back shaking his head. “No need for those young master. I’m always happy to welcome members who prove worthy. As for your request you are welcome to the Guild’s resources to find this group, even ask some of the vets for help. But I make no promises, you are also welcome to hunt them on your own.”

    “Really? Just like that?” Yn responded, shocked by how quickly he was allowed in. He had heard of the rather strict requirements to get into guilds, and even some of the costs joining the major guilds. To so suddenly be allowed in knocked the leaves from his tree. For the guild itself though, it made a lot of sense.

    “I mean, of course Master Dagur. Is there anyone you suggest asking to join me?” Yn asked, a huge smile breaking open on his lips and relief passing over him.

    Dagur laughed nodding at the boy’s surprise. “Yes just like that, I have a good feel of people plus it’ll be a probation period for the first month. You and Ms. Lupin will be under the watchful eye of one of my veteran explorers. It’ll be three strikes before you’ll be kicked out and you’ll earn half wages during the probationary period. The rules are pretty simple just don’t steal from anyone, hurt your comrades or civilians, and never break a contract. Sound good?”

    “Those rules are completely reasonable.” Yn spoke with a firm tone. The rules were simple enough to follow, and he himself knew the personal risks of theft and harming family or friends. The contract promise made a lot more sense, and explained Jezi being so frustrated with by the contract he made.

    “I'm thankful that you allowed me to join, and hopefully with the guild resources I can find the group who can took down my family.” Yn spoke calmly.

    Dagur nodded again standing up offering the young man his hand. “Good luck Master Yn if you need help feel free to ask me personally. Or look for the men Adam Oakland or Tristifer Barton or if he ever come back my Giant Quartermaster, Balder of Stonestead. Those three have been around the Gallery longest and can be the most help after me. In fact Adam might be the best choice as your and Jezi’s sponsor. You can usually find him by finding the darkest broodworthy corner in a building and poking him with a stick. But I’d recommend finding a room first and trying to make nicey nice with Miss Jezibel before you get on the road. Just talk with the barman Reggie he’ll set you up.”

    “I… probably should do… wait, you mentioned Balder of Stonestead? I know that guy. Huge giant green dude that uses a tree for a slingshot?” Yn asked, a bit surprised to hear that name. He had only met the giant a few times when their tribes traded during the winters, or the few times he headed there during the summer. It had been a few times since they had last truly met.

    “Still, I shall talk with Reggie about setting up a room. If I'm going to be here a while, I may need a place to rest.” Yn continued on, knowing that he should work with Jezibel to smooth over their relationship.

    Dagus nodded reaching into his desk and pulled out two small pin in the shape of two curved daggers and handed them to Yn before he showed the young man to the door. “Here are yours and Jezi’s membership pins you’ll need them to get into the upper rooms and be able to get some outfitting from Balder when he returns.” He patted Yn’s back smiling broadly.

    “I shall do as such. Though I'm not sure how Jezi will react to this.” Yn spoke as he looked to the pins, a sense of pride forming in his chest. He had managed to make his way in. Even better his friend Balder was actually a member of this guild. Things were looking more promising by the minute as he fixed the pin to his belt line.

    Dagur chuckled again patting the boy’s back opening the door for him. “Good luck young master.” Yn smiled at the older man and exited the office making his way back to Faur and soon into the Gallery.

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    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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