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Thread: The Hunted {IC - M}

  1. #1
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    Default The Hunted {IC - M}

    Rated M for Mature; Will Encompass All that a Mature Rating Entails!

    The Hunted

    BrickHurst Asylum

    Your kind is a disgrace to the very fabric of normalcy on this Earth. Your kind goes against God and his divine will for everyone to be normal. You are an oddity, a stain, you do not fit in and the unholy powers you have are an abomination. That is what they told you, that is what they beat into you day after day, but you know better. You were once happy, living your life freely among them, among those who turned on you, your very family betraying you. Whatever you did you loved it, and you thrived that is until they found out about your gifts, then you became the hunted.

    You are called by many names. Some call you Mutant, Demon, Plague, Abomination, but you never lose sight of who you are. You are who you were meant to be until they began beating you, telling you something different, and pushing you to the point of breaking. The Asylum you were taken to is a jail, a prison for your kind. To them you need to be studied, to them you don’t deserve to live, but you will find a way out, the only issue is you will always be the hunted. Those who have tried to escape have been met with lethal force. The medicine they give subdues your gifts to the point in which it isn’t useful against them.

    One thing is for certain. You don’t want to be here and you will find a way out, but what awaits you out in the world you were snatched from?

    Date: May 27, 2020
    Time: 5:45 AM
    New York, New York

    An alarm rings through the cells alerting you to wake up. Another day in prison for a crime you never knew was a crime until you were captured. The sun begins to peak into the prison and you hear the movement of the guards as they open the cages they put you in to let you roam in the enclosed area they call the "yard" which is nothing more than a glorified playground inside. This is the only time you get to socialize and feel as if you are normal. Welcome to another day in the Asylum.

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    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 06-18-2018 at 06:57 PM.
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    Domina Noctis
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    The sound of the siren going off didn't seem to phase the young woman sleeping in the small bed in the corner of the room. There was barely anything in the room, just the bed, a small table, chair and toilet. The door to the room opened with the woman still not stirring. A moment later two men walked by the room looking in. “How hell is she still asleep?” One of the guards said.

    “Damnit she better not be dead. I am not in the mood for that much paperwork. I swear if she is dead you are taking the report Harrison.” The second guard said stepping into the cell and toward the bed. “Come on Miller wake up.” He moved closer to the woman on the bed reaching out to shake her shoulder but was stopped by Harrison.

    “What the hell are you doing Davies? You know not to touch this one. She does all kinds of weird things.” Harrison said, pulling the first back. He reached to his belt and pulled out a baton using it to poke the woman in the shoulder. It took two tries to get the woman to wake up. “Come on Miller yard time wake up.”

    The girl sat up straight in the bed looking to the two guards. “Who is Miller?” The girl said, a confused look on her face.

    “God not this shit again. Every single damn day.” Davis said, “For the last time you are Sara Miller. Says so on your case file and on the sign outside your cell.”

    “Just call her Echo. Trust me you can't reason with crazy. I know this place's cover is an asylum but why did we have to get stuck with the nutter on our block?” Harrison said, turning back to the girl, “Now up and at em Echo you know the rules get your ass into the yard.” He moved closer to her poking her again with his baton trying to urge her to get off the bed.

    Echo reached up pushing the baton away, “No, I don't want to go out there. Too much noise. I can't figure out what is what.” Her hand slipped up the length of the baton accidentally brushing against Harrison's hand. Her body became ridged and her eyes got a glassed over look on them.

    The cell faded away and Echo was running on the street following a young boy on a bike. She was holding onto the back of the bike helping keep the boy upright, after a few steps she let go and stopped watching the boy waver a little but then get the hang of it. A laugh escaped her lips as she watched him until he started to veer towards a mail box before crashing into it. “Julian!” Echo found herself saying as she ran toward the boy. She barely got a few feet before she felt a sharp pain against her cheek and she was knocked to the ground. When she opened her eyes she was back in the cell on the floor and Davies was standing over her with his baton in his hand. Least she thought it was Davies, she didn't have her glasses on and everything was a little blurry.

    “How the hell did she know your son's name?” Davies said, looking back and forth between Echo and Harrison.

    On the ground Echo didn't move rubbing her jaw where she had just been struck with the baton. “This is why I don't want to go out there.” Echo said, scooting back against the wall away from the two guards. She didn't stop until she couldn't move back any further and she started rocking.

    “I told you she can do weird things.” Harrison said, stepping toward Echo with his baton held at the ready. “I don't want a freak like you ever saying his name again.”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

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    Deep inside his sleep he could hear the alarm. It rang and rang and rang. Bakari tried to roll over and only let his dreams surpass the sound. Yet even in the dream he could see a flashing light in the sky circling around with a flashing light to match the tone of the alarm. He could see it clear as day in the deep blue skies. Yet, as he looked down to the streets where he stood he saw a car coming and-.

    Jolting awake, Bakari could feel his heart beating through his chest. If this were any cartoon one would see it leaping out of his chest. Panting, Bakari wiped his face and let a large yawn escape from his throat. The man looked over to his alarm clock and blinked trying to focus his vision on it seeing the red boxed numbering. "Five Forty Five. Swear to god these assholes are waking us up earlier and earlier."

    Standing up, he stretched and let a few of his bones pop. The siren as he called it was still blaring. With a soft sigh he looked over to a small pile of sand in which he kept around just for entertainment. Extending his left hand out, he focused on the pile and brought a section of it to him. The pile split into two and coated the inside of his ears to deafen the sound. It was still loud as ever but at least now it was bearable.

    As the sandman slowly made his way to the door of his cell he stepped out and looked around, Eyes heavy with lack of sleep he made his way to the same spot everyone was heading. The only time spent out of a cell block was in the Yard. Where most inmates would go. This place wasn't a home, it wasn't a place to help. No it was a prison and Bakari knew that. A few others would likely agree with him. Yet here he was with nothing to do.

    Upon making his way he only stopped and looked to the two guards harassing the girl everyone called "Echo" many saw her gift as a curse, yet Bakari took the gift as a blessing. Seeing into someones past? That would be the coolest thing ever to him. Or so he would belive yet here these two were jabbing at her and everything.

    With a step he slipped right into the cell and behind the guards just in time to hear them speaking about the one guards son 'Julian' With a smile he piked in "Julian..... Huh, does Julian know that your in an asylum hitting it off with another man?" He eyed Davies and shrugged. "Sorry woman. Definitely a female here." He said patting Davies' shoulder. He was responded to by a swift punch straight to his jaw causing him to cringe in pain. This was a given matter but it was better that he took a blow then Echo.

    Bakari raised his hand to strike back, the sand that coated the inside of his ears peeling off and out traveling towards his hand but soon stopped as he lowered his hand. He could feel his temper rising rather quickly. "The fuck are you talking about Sandman? This woman is a freak. Just! Like! You!" He jabbed at Bakari who at first ignored the matter. "You're asking for it today aren't you? Need I remind you what happened last time you got that little temper of yours and set off at us?" Bakari clenched his fist in response to Davies' words. He remembered all to well. And he had just gotten back a small pile of sand to "play" with and to calm his nerves. He really didn't want to lose the pile again to these... Things.

    Yet just to add to everything he heard Harrison pipe in with his own words. "Julian should never be spoken in the names of a freak of nature. Don't ever say his name again." He spoke the same words this time directed towards Bakari who was still rubbing his jaw from the first strike. With a small smirk he felt his anger release into a wild grin. "Ah so never say Julian Harrison right? Should I just call him little bastard then cause we both know you're not the father."

    Internally he felt himself crack up, yet on the outside a baton struck him right across the face this time leaving a cut just under his eye. The two guards jumped right on Bakari and gave him a swift kick and a few strikes from the baton until one of them struck him in the nose nearly breaking it. Yet all of this was haulted when one of the other guardsmen stepped up at the cell doors. "Harrison! Davies! Both of you back to your post. We don't have time to deal with these freaks. We have orders and you know it! Big man is coming and he's not going to enjoy everything being out of line cause you two are letting some low life get the best of you." The man stood tall and the other men stared at him before giving a nod. "Your right. He doesn't deserve to be beaten, he deserves much much worse." Davies' spoke and gave him one last swift kick to the gut before walking off. "Your stupid little sand pile will be gone when you get back. Best have enjoyed it while you had it."

    Bakari cringed at the pain and slowly sat up shaking his head touching his now blistering lip and bloody nose cringing at the pain. "Damn assholes. They'll get whats coming to them soon enough." He said and used his shirt to wipe away what he could of the blood. With a bloody grin he smiled at Echo. "Welp. Enjoy your nap Echo. Surely they won't be back right?"


    She was in a special cell as they called it. Wasn't much but it was made of complete foam. Why? Angel could never figure it out, yet she was sure it was because of her little "incident" where she took out the entire power to a cell block. That had to be it right? She couldn't help it tho getting that much electricity was so much fun and made her full of so much energy. She was up long before the siren went blaring through the halls and into each and every cell. The girl sighed as she felt a spark between her fingers. She had a little bit of energy built up from over the last few days and was wasting it playing with the current between her hands.

    As the guards came through she caught wind of the commotion coming from a few cells down. Apparently one of the inmates was stupid enough to challenge the guards and get his ass whipped royally. "Stupid idiot." She said softly and made her way into the line forming as everyone made their way towards the yard so to speak. A large room made of plastic. Boring to her seeing she could use metal to just travel a current through and shock someone. Why? Because she can and it's fun.

    Angel watched as the two guards continued striking one of the inmates then them themselves got shouted at by another man. Men always trying to be better then one another and letting that testosterone get the better of them. She of course liked men who were active and fit but they all pissed her off none the less and she couldn't see herself getting into anything to do with them. Upon reaching the Yard, Angel sat down on the hard floor and stared up at the skylights above. Sun was barely rising and she really didn't want to deal with today, yet she was in the mood to piss someone off. She'd find her target before the day was up.
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 06-16-2018 at 01:24 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Metal groaned under his weight and the soft grunt of a man filled the small cell. The bed was flipped on it's head and a strong pair of copper colored hands were gripped around the worn metal leg. Silus was always up before the wake up alarms, he hated the sudden screeching noises disturbing his much needed slumber. While not the level of his animal senses his human senses are still keen and the alarms nearly deafen him when they fire up. And many of the guards like wailing on disoriented prisoners when they see them.

    The last time it happened Silus broke the man's nose with the heel of his hand in self defense. That was a helluva beating, but not the first and nor would it be the last. Now he was doing pull ups, his legs were curled up behind him and his long strong limbs were bent at perfect L's. He moved with slow practiced ease, physical fitness was key to surviving this place, be it to fend off the guards or other prisoners. The young ones had a type of unspoken protection beings kids and all, but once you got older that protection leaves and you get to experience real prison life. Fights, bullying, shankings, even rape a couple of times. You make allies or you become a force of reckoning yourself, Silus wasn't skilled at making allies so he went the force of reckoning route though he was on friendly terms with a couple of his fellow prisoners. His powers and years of wilderness training gave him a head start, but the constant training kept him on top of things. Once you make yourself a loner though, you can never relax. Always on guard, always ready to fight, it was a similar sensation to walking through the woods at night. Animals can attack from any direction not even all of them predators. Only once you got into your camp the sensation of being on guard can relax. Wild animals avoid fire and as long you keep your fire going they stay away. In BrickHurst though there is no safe space like a firelit camp. Even when locked in your cell, some of the corrupt guards come play games and prisoners who are in their good graces are sometimes just let in to do their abuses for them. Yea kill or be killed, that's the rule of the Asylums.

    The alarms begin just as Silus finishes his work out. His door swings open and two guards armed with shock batons enter. The same ones as always a man and a woman, he didn't know their names just called them Anchors(because of the man's tattoos) and Fox(because of the woman's red hair). Anchors sighed he hated repeating himself.
    "Fucking fuzzball. Every day you pull this shit, how many beatings does it take to get you to stop fucking up your room!" He drew his baton and moved to strike Silus, but Fox gripped his arm and shook her head.
    "Don't waste the baton's charge on this'un. He's an Injun ya can't talk to the savages and hitting them just makes them more ignorant. Tell the brass, they'll fix'im and save us the hassle, maybe a nice taxidermy statue. Fix your bed and get your mangy tribal ass outside."

    Silus stood defiant for a few seconds, but as the humming of the batons started up the young man relented. He often contemplated transforming and just mauling them both, but the meds they get force fed make it just a painful and fruitless experience. Silus has been able to get away with only taking them half the time for a few months, today would be a trick day and hopefully he'd be able to find an opportunity to escape. Maybe a complacent guard leaving a door open or the chance to grab a gun and shoot his way out. He didn't know and it would likely be another day of no chance, but you never know. He put his bed back and made it neatly before with his hands held up he let Anchors search him for contraband. For the more mentally sound prisoners like himself this was normal procedure, shanks or the like can be fashioned or bargained for if you know what you're doing. Anchors found nothing and with an annoyed grunt he shoved the young Indian towards the door and he walked out glaring at Fox who simply sneered jerked her thumb out the door.

    Like a herd of cattle Silus and the other prisoners on his block were led out and into the "Yard" as the Guards cutely refereed to the central hub for BrickHurst's prisoners. Massive flat slab of brick with sheer walls with some chairs and tables for sitting through all of them were bolted to the floor and unmoving. It was an awkward place and the prisoners were already grouping up in their usual cliques eyeing everything else up. Everyone was on edge just waiting for some disaster to happen, Silus growled gently watching the usual troublemakers. Some people never learn and three prisoners always seemed froggy when they saw the young Native American. A large guy named Crunch, and a pair of young women that go by Ana and Elsa who were like the Block Queens.

    The trio, often refereed to as the "Court" kind of ran things for this Block they give favors, offered protection, and just kept as many people under their thumbs as possible. Silus was approached a number of times, at first it was the usual scam of offering to protect him from the meaner prisoners and some of the guards, but he turned them down. Then it was extortion, then after word of Silus's fighting skills got around they wanted to bring him in as an enforcer like Crunch, then after Silus started being approached to protect people the "leader" Ana tried to seduce him to be her "King". She had things on lockdown so being at her side would be beneficial. But he turned her down again, he didn't want to be distracted from planning his escape. Ana didn't like that and then she began to fight dirty, Silus's reputation kept him safe from most attempts, but the "Court" were gaining more allies while Silus still only had himself and maybe a couple of comrades to keep them at bay. But that would be for another time they were busy hustling some of the younger kids and wouldn't bother him, moving to his usual spot by the wall he slumped down and sat cross legged and steepled his fingers before him praying gently to the Spirits to give him the chance he needed to get out of here.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 06-16-2018 at 02:32 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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    Krystalline Moon
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    Nero, Angelo

    Watching as the guards of the Asylum beat yet another one of the gifted, and then got yelled at by another member of the staff. Nero was watching via the camera in the asylum. He chuckled to himself as the datascape turned white. He returned to his body as his time was coming to an end. He tried to go longer than a half an hour but he was never able to do such a thing. The strain on his heart and body was just too much, and he was forced out, and he wouldn't be able to move for about an hour if he did so.

    As he returned to his the white that enveloped his sight cleared and his eyes popped open as he lifted himself up. He wished he would never have to leave the datascape, humans were not his cup of tea and he wished all of them would just disappear. As he stood up he raised his arms into the air stretching his muscles. Rolling his shoulders at the same time to become limber.

    Sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed he looked to the man that was guarding his body. His room was filled with a large computer that he had built to be able to hack into systems so he could gain access via the gamescape. Though for him to gain access to the asylums computers he needed to have someone on the inside. Dianna was filling that role, and gave him the access he needed. Though it has only been a couple of days since he has been able to access the computers.

    “Their computer system is so vast. I can’t seem to find what I am looking for just yet, but I am sure I will find it soon.” Nero said as he stood up from his bed and walked to the computer.

    “Nero, I hate to interrupt your day, but the Order has decided to hold a meeting today. We need to get going.” Angelo said as he handed Nero his hoodie. He knew how much he hated going to the outside world, but there was no other way of doing this.

    Nero just huffed as he knew that he needed to attend, and what was worse that he had to be there in person. The only good thing that came out of this was the fact that he at least was around other gifted, and he tolerated them. Though going through all of the ‘other’ people was another story. Sighing slightly he took the hoodie and put it on.

    “Well then let’s get going Angelo.”

    “Don’t act like you aren't looking forward to the thought of finally getting to do something other than spy on the Asylum, and the Agents.”

    Nero began to chuckle as they made their way out of the abandoned building, and locking the door behind them. They went to their car, and Angelo got in the driver's seat, and Nero was riding shotgun.

    “Of course I am ready to finally take down the Asylum, and all of the un-gifted trash.”

    Angelo smiled as he put the car into drive, and they left their home. Not another word was said between the two. They both agreed on the situation, and as his friend and bodyguard drove Nero fell asleep. It didn’t take long before they were there and they crossed the water to Liberty island. Now he and Angelo were making their way into the meeting.



    On the busy streets of New York a lone figure was sitting at a coffee shop drinking a chai latte. He had been in hiding since the Agents had found him an the children in the forest. It took almost everything he had to be able to escape from the Agents. Thought, it wouldn’t have been an easier time if they didn’t have that metal using gifted with them. He was barely able to escape with his freedom, he had taken a fairly deep wound but that one little opening was what he needed to escape. Though, he knew that he was probably public enemy number one in his eyes.

    Moving his right hand to feel his left side and cringed slightly from the pain. The injury wasn’t fully healed, and now that the Agency knows about him he would have to watch over his shoulder for the rest of his free life. He doubted he would ever be free from this. However, as long as he was out in the open, and surrounded by people the agents would have to deal with him differently. That was the only advantage, so he would have to stay in the open.

    Finishing the chai he left a tip on the table as he made his way out to the streets. The Defiance had a meeting scheduled and he needed to attend. They were making plans on how to stop the agency and the Agents. Not an easy task, but they would have to try nonetheless. Even though normal people don't know they exist, but that doesn't stop the agency since they are t normal people.

    Weaving through the busy streets to get to the International library was no easy task. With so many people on the streets maneuvering was almost a chore. Though, this was his home and he would have it no other way.

    Making his way into the library he knew exactly where to go, and how to get there. It was just not an easy task to keep himself from being seen. Once inside the hidden tunnel he made his way down the dimly lit hall. Stopping in front of a simple wooden door he knocked there times, and the door opened. He was one of the last to arrive, but they knew his circumstances and nothing was said. He made his way over to the table and sat in a free chair. It wouldn't be long before the meeting started.



    Sitting on a rickety bed in a small room rubbing his hands together. Gaius waited for his punishment to end. The Agency though he let target A00158 escape, and thus the reason for his confinement, and the ‘Lesson’ that was given to him. It has only been one year since they gave him the choice of staying a guinea pig, or becoming an Agent and hunting his own kind. Choosing to become someone that hunted his own kind was not the most ideal choice he could make, but if it stopped the experiments and gave him a chance to make a difference in helping his fellow gifted he would do it. Unfortunately things haven't quite gone as planned.

    The Agency didn’t trust him, and made a special ceramic bracelet to help ‘keep him in line’. This little trinket was filled with enough sedative to knock him out within a second if he went against what they wanted him to do, or if the Agent in charge of him is killed. So, now he was nothing more than a tool they were using to be able to capture other gifted. This is not what he had planned, but maybe one hay he had hope that he would be able to escape from this, and find Connor. However, until then he would just have to play their game, and try to help his kind the best he can. While he was deep in thought the door to the room opened, and an Agent walked into the room.

    “Well looks like you have learned your lesson.”

    Gaius looked up to the woman with a neutral look on his face. As he looked her over, he realized she must be his new ‘Handler’ scoffing at the comment he stood up.

    “There was no lesson to be learned. I didn’t let that gifted escape, he just got lucky. If any of the others had been smart enough they would have lived to tell the tail.”

    “Don’t get smart with me. I don’t like your ‘Kind’, and I certainly don’t want to be partnered with you. However. I don’t get to make the decisions around here. So just let me warn you. Cross me, and I will make sure you don’t live to tell the tail.”

    As the woman turned to leave the room Gaius just smile a cold smile as he stood up and followed her out of the room.

    “I will keep that in mind.”

    Now that he was removed from his confinement, he needs to take care of his wounds, and then get ready for the inspection that was about to happen. It seamed a big wig from the main office was coming to all of the different Asylums and doing an inspection. He hated when people from the main office came. They treated him like dirt, and sometimes even like to… Gaius shook his head at the thought trying to get the images out of his head from the last time someone came.

    Finally making it to his room he entered the small accommodations, and preceded to remove the rags his clothing had become. Throwing them into the trash he went to the small bathroom stopping in front of the sink. He looked over his most recent cuts as they were still trails of dried blood coming from them. “More scars to add to the collection.” Gaius said as he took his shower.

    He finished his shower and put on some clean clothing. Making himself presentable to his superiors. He didn’t need any more ‘Lessons’, brushing his hair into place then running his hands through it to mess it up a bit. Once again he looked like a monkey, and he was about to put on a show for his keepers.

    Walking out of his room, he made his way to where he needed to be. He was certain they would send him after the water user again, but for now there was a corporate butt to kiss, and he was told he had to be there because of his failure, and the fact that he was going to have to answer for it.

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    Everything was a mess when the black-haired women awoke in the middle of a metal chamber. Groaning, and propping herself up with one arm, the women took in the damage of last night. Long, insidious claw marks scuffed up the walls before they became deep and ingrained into the metal. The bed that had been stupidly left in the room was also torn to shreds. It was all too obvious that at some point desperation had taken over the wolf as it tried to escape it's containment. This time she was lucky. The women hoped that luck would continue to work in her favor.

    Taking just a moment, the women braced herself for standing up. After a night like the last her muscles always ached and groaned in protest at any kind of movement, but movement was necessary. Now that "the event" was over it was time to get back to work. There was some part of her that just wanted to continue to lay there, but eventually, they would come looking. Righting herself, the women glided do the door with some effort. The placed three distinct knocks on the door. They echoed inside the metal chamber. Seconds later the door opened and a female was standing there with a towel. Without another thought the female quickly approached her and wrapped the towel around the women's naked body. "Miss Isis," the women said a squeaky monotone, "You have an assignment."

    "Of course I do," Isis mumbled dryly under her breath as she grabbed the towel, "Tell them I'll head out soon. I need to get cleaned up." Not even waiting for the women's reply Isis made her way to the bathroom to prepare for the next assignment.



    It was a morning like every other.

    Farrah, who would be sound asleep, would be startled awake by the baring alarms that sounded throughout the building. It was something that one should get used to, but that was never going to be the the case. Two years later and they still left ears ringing and heads spinning. Audibly groaning, the girl rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Maybe this morning they would forget about her. Seconds later the brunette knew that was just wishful thinking.

    "Let's move ya' filthy Witch!" A deep, baritone voice called out from the front of the cell. Getting ready to throw the covers off and move as ordered, the girl suddenly felt someone grab the unsuspecting foot that stuck out of the covers and jerk. Bare skin met stone floor. The shock of the cold harshness was enough to keep her frozen for a minute longer. "If ya' won't move yerself, then I'll move ya!" Suddenly, the girl found herself being dragged across the floor and down the halls of the asylum. Shirt rubbing up the bare skin that was normally protected was exposed to the rough floor. It was hard not to noticed the irritation building up. Angry, and confused, the chocolate eyed girl tried kicked the man. It didn't help. Then a thought occurred that caused Farrah to stop altogether. If they thought she was weak, then they would underestimate her. It would be easier to get out.

    "I can endure this a little longer. Then I'll be free."

    Next thing that Farrah knew she was being tossed like a rag doll into the yard. Rolling, she allowed herself a minute to lay there while the world spun. The clouds and blue sky above blended into one. Once everything settled that was when the girl stood. Dusting herself off the brunette quickly glanced around the yard. A couple people had been staring, but once they found nothing interesting they resumed their normal actions. The yard was one of the worst places. It was a feeding ground for the strong, and a hell hole for the weak. Strangely enough, Farrah herself fell more toward the weaker end. There was no need to excerpt dominance if you were a shadow though. And that was what Farrah tried to be. A shadow. Wandering off to the side her chocolate orbs quickly scanned the area.

    "Where is he?" She murmured under her breath, orbs darting from place to place. Nope. Nope. Nope. Wait, back track. There. Of course he would be at his normal place. Smiling briefly, Farrah started to head his way. She was not entirely sure how she became friends with the serious Native American, but before she even knew it they were talking and hanging out. The girl was not even totally sure he thought of her as a friend, but she liked to think he did. While she made her way over to the male she made sure to stop and talk to the children. Elena,who was an older women that took it upon herself to watch the children, smiled at Farrah as she walked past. Elena was could probably evenly match "The Court" if she wanted, but it was not in the women's interest to do so. She was gentle soul and made sure that children that were locked in this hell hole were taken care of. Farrah did what she could too.

    Farrah spent some time with the children before continuing to make her way to the her friend. "Hey Silus," the brunette greeted while sliding down next to him careful not to hit anything that was aching, "Did you sleep okay?"
    Last edited by LastExile; 06-16-2018 at 08:55 PM.

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    His day started with an itch, one that didn't feel like a normal itch. Andrew suffered from the occasional itch of not showering, other times from chaffing on the tables. This itch was different and was the first thing to note when the alarms blared awake. He allowed a minor groan to creep through him as he looked around, taking in the monitoring systems attached to him. The heart monitor showed nothing strange, so that wasnt the problem itch. The ekg was well within the normal range with no problem blips on there. The only major notice was that the bag holding his suppressant was running a bit low. That the drug was having to work harder along with that itch only meant one thing to him.

    His powers were starting to bottle up from disuse. The tests had been halted for a week as they had gone over what new data that had shown up for him from their tests. So now it made him itch as he began to stretch, waiting for his body to wake up some. The scrape of metal on his floor followed him as he walked around, waiting for that telltale knock on the door, signalling that his nurse was waiting on the other side of the door to enter. As soon as he heard the first beat, Andrew moved back onto his bed and waited.

    “Good morning Nancy.” Andrew greeted her as she walked in while pushing the chair, getting a muted greeting as she moved closer to him. Before even helping him into the wheelchair she began going over every check, a routine she hasn't done to 100 percent since the second week. It made him worried as he watched her work, listening to the comments about her notes.

    'Must be a big visit today.’ Andrew pondered before he was guided into the chair. A fresh bag was secured to the back and a fresh line fed into his right hand, the curved needle meant to make it hard to try and pull out. A chill spread through the back of his hand as the fresh medicine poured into his system, making him shudder as the nurse went over the checks again. In all, with the time it took him to get set up, he was one of the last few heading into the yard, the guards who had just picked on Echo having already left, so he wasn't there to see the altercation.

    Waving his greeting to the others, he headed over to the tables, getting some greetings from others. Unlike most that would see a wheelchair bound rail like him would pick him as an easy target, but the very opposite was true. He was one of the very few untouchable in the institute, the biggest reason being that he was a test subject, so the guards were vigilant that he wasn't damaged to severely.

    With a smile he began rolling over to the far wall where Silus and Farrah now sat.

    “Good morning.” Andrew cheerfully greeted the two of them, waving with his left hand.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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    ”You know what must be done, yet you hesitate. Do not show weakness.”

    “It is not a weakness to value life.”

    “All life ends at some point,”

    “Your ideology is flawed, while all life does end, our job is to protect it. Connor you are far to smart to think that ending the life of those who hurt you is the way to overcome. Restraint. You must practice restraint and understand that what we do here is for the greater good.”

    Connor looked at the leader of Defiance, a strong and caring man who knew what it took to fight for peace.

    “You put me in there to watch my kind suffer?”

    “I put you in there to help our kind escape, but it takes time. We can’t go in blasting and killing people, that will cause a war we don’t want.”

    “So lying and manipulating is better?”

    “We have to operate with discretion. To save as many gifted as we can. When you joined Defiance you knew what it took, you were ready, and now you’ve had a change of heart?”

    “I’ve been in the Agency, I have seen what they do, those people don’t deserve mercy,” Connor replied looking at his leader and trying to figure out what was the right thing to do.

    “You speak as if you are a part of the Order. I suppose we should kill them all then huh? Your parents, everyone who isn’t gifted right?”

    Connor’s eyes softened as he listened to the older man speak. Taking in the lesson and trying his hardest to understand. “I will do my best,” Connor said to the man as he stood from his kneeling position on the floor.

    “You are strong Connor, it was why I chose you for this mission. Your gifts are unique, and you will prevail even after I’m gone.”
Connor nodded and turned to leave.

    His eyes opened as he reminisced on the memory of his leader. The man who worked so hard to bring peace.

    “Sir, we are arriving,” the driver said as they pulled in front of building that housed them. Connor exhaled. He’d risen in rank. He’d done what needed to be done and he’d helped in every way he could. Though part of him wondered if they would truly be able to stop the Agency. It was government funded, they had so much to back them up. The car door opened and he stepped out allowing the wind to blow through his hair. It was longer now than it had been. It touched his shoulders and fluttered freely as the wind caressed his face. He was dressed in a beautiful homage to his Asian roots. He felt comfortable and he exuded confidence and power. He approached the front door of the asylum and was met by the warden of the asylum.

    “Welcome Sir,” the man said groveling as if worried that Connor would shut the operation down. Connor nodded and was led into the asylum. The entire time the warden spoke to him, telling him of the operation and how they were uncovering so much data. Connor gave simple nods to let the man know he was listening, but when they reached the warden’s office, Connor smirked.

    “Take me to them. I need to see each of them that you have here, I need to see what the threat level is here in New York versus the other asylums.”

    At first the warden seemed taken back by the request, but when he saw Connor’s eyes, they seemed to bore into him and he nodded as Connor’s assistant grabbed the file folders for each gifted held in the Asylum.

    “They’re currently in the yard sir, we let them out every day for a few hours.”

    “I see, and what of the meds? Have you had any incidents in the past thirty days?”

    “No sir, the meds prohibit them from utilizing their gifts.”

    “Are they treated with care?”

    This question seemed to catch the warden off guard and he looked at Connor. “Excuse me?”

    “I will ask again. Are you treating them with care? They’re test subjects, but even test subjects are treated with some level of care. I’ll check myself since you seem to not know,” Connor replied as the elevator doors opened to the underground prison that housed the gifted. Connor walked, the warden having a hard time keeping up with him. One of the guards led them to the yard and when Connor walked out into the yard, he looked around at all of the gifted gathered. They were all unique, all capable of great and dark things. “Who is the one in the wheelchair?” Connor asked as the assistant rushed over with a file in his hand. “That is Andrew Lanzarole. He’s able to decay basically anything with touch.”

    “Extraordinary,” Connor said as he moved around the room.

    “Be careful sir,” the warden said as Connor held up a hand to silence the man. He approached the group, Andrew, Silus, and Farrah and looked at them. The assistant moved next to Connor and was about to explain who Silus was but Connor stopped him.

    “What is your name?”

    The meeting for the Order began and the leader, a very tall man with eyes crimson in color, stood before them and smiled broadly.

    “The time has come to launch a preemptive strike against the Agency. We will show them the power we hold, we will cleave them from this world and claim it as our own. We will resurrect the god of death who will sweep through this world and cleanse it of all who are not gifted, all who are not on our side shall perish,” the crimson eyed man said looking over the gathered gifted who believed in their cause.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 06-18-2018 at 06:56 PM.
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    *Silus and Farrah*

    The young man had just finished his prayers when Farrah approached him. He never expected to find a friend in this prison and in fact most people were a means to an end in here. You use the weak and foolish to further your own chances at survival and damn the consequences.

    But that has never been Silus's way, he'd rather do without the bother of allies in some place where your friend could betray you for the promise of more sleep from the guards. So when Farrah decided to talk with him he at first treated her with caution and kept her at arm's length. But she grew on him, and while he's still not 100% assured she's nice to chat with and pretty to look at. He gave her a tense smile as that was the best he could manage most days and nodded. "Hello Farrah, I slept about as well as usual, got my work-out in though. How'd you sleep?"

    Pulling knees to her chest Farrah rested a cheek on her knee to look at Silus. "Eh," Farrah shrugged her shoulders, "about as well as you'd expect." The first time she had talked to him, the coldness and seriousness of the young man had thrown her off, but now, it was just part of who he was. Part of Farrah wondered if he was like this before he got here. Honestly, she wondered that about everyone. Or had everyone just adapted. She tired to think about what she was like before this place. It was hard to imagine. So much so a headache started to come on. Right as she was about to talk again, other presence pulled up.

    It was then Andrew rolled up and greeted them. He gave the sickly man the same smile. "Hello Andrew."

    "Andrew," Farrah grinned warmly, "Glad to see you!"

    Before anything else could happen another individual greeted them. This person was not familiar in any shape or form and they were trying to engage Silus. From her sitting position the young man appeared to be about her own age. Without even thinking she moved ever so slightly so that she could block Silus as much as she could.

    "The better question is," Farrah glared at the young man, "Who are you?"

    Silus saw the young man exit the elevator and could tell by the way the guards looked at him he was the Brass scheduled to show up today. How such a young person got to be important enough to inspect Asylums on their own was a mystery. But the naturally cautions Indian simply placed a calming hand on his friend's shoulder. She was a protective person and Silus deeply appreciated that about her.

    Standing stiffly up the shapeshifter was amused by the fact he was taller than this new person and looked to be more fit. In the forest the bigger animal usually wins, but he was a bear among wolves. And enough numbers can overwhelm even the mightiest of hunters. He would need to keep playing the part of the Fox before he can be the Wolf.

    "My name is hardly relevant, it hasn't been used since I was captured. Call me Injun, or Inmate 7456." He nodded to Farrah. "This is Filthy Witch, or Inmate 7457." He nodded to Andrew. "And that's Dead Boy or Inmate 3358." He looked into the young man's eyes studying him like a hunter would a rival sniffing around his territory. "What difference does it make to our tormentors?" Silus knew he was toeing the line between walking back to his cell and being carried in after his legs got broken, but it wasn't often the prisoners get a chance to take a cheap shot at BrickHurst, so he'd take the beating if it helped him and the others in some small way, even for a day or so until the higher ups forgot about them again.

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    Default Co-op: Kiro Akira and ADN

    Sitting on the ground Echo looked around seeing another person enter the room. Like the guards she couldn't really make out who it was. It wasn't just her vision being blurred from not wearing her glasses but she was always disorientated when she came out of a vision. It didn't help that she had been pulled from the vision by a blow to the face. Her head was throbbing both from being struck and exiting a vision quickly. Reaching up she rubbed her cheek, the skin wasn't broken but she could already feel it starting to swell and a bruise forming. The two guards left the room and she stayed still for a moment noticing the newcomer was still in her cell, she leaned over to the end table retrieving her glasses, putting them on allowing her to see that it was Bakari and he was bleeding. He had taken a few hits as well. "You didn't have to do that they would have gone away on their own." Echo said.

    Bakari shrugged shaking his head. "Yea after they beat you like they just did to me. The guards here are ridiculous and you know that. Besides, they don't deserve to treat us like that. Useless is what they are. Exploiting their 'authority'. They're just scared little chickens who think they have a right here." Bakari rubbed his swelling cheek next to his eye and dabbed at it with his shirt the best he could without taking it off.

    Looking at the blood, Bakari shrugged it off and motioned the bits of sand he still had to form over the wounds on his face. It wouldn't stop the bleeding but it would help it from spreading. Bakari held his hand out to Echo and gave her a gentle smile. "Come on, lets get out to this hell hole we call a Yard." Bakari knew the issues that could come with her touching his bare hand but he didn't care at that given point in time. It would be fine as far as he knew anyways.

    She watched him dab at his wounds with the sand thinking at first it was strange that he did that it could get infected but like her Bakari had powers and his power had to do with sand. Before coming to Brickhurst she never knew there were so many powered people out there. She wasn't fond of the term gifted as she didn't see her ability as a gift. A gift meant it was something you wanted and something that you would like. Her powers were nothing like that. She hadn't gotten used to there being so many together even if their powers were suppressed by the medication they gave them.

    Echo got pills every day but she never knew if it was the medication or a placebo pill. She figured out a while ago that from time to time they gave her placebos so they could study her powers. There were days were she hardly had any visions and others where they were constant. She hadn't taken her pills yet today so she didn't know which it was going to be. It was always best to avoid people until she had her pills and even after she tried to avoid others. Bakari stood there with his hand out for her. She was weary to take it but normally she didn't get back to back vision so she reached out to take it.

    As he took her hand he nodded and lead her to the door of her cell. "I hear that the guards were planning some stupid shit today so be on your toes yea?" He said spoke taking a glance back to her before falling in line leading the female. Bakari saw no difference in any of the people here. They were all treated the same, with the same horrific language and beating from the guards.

    With Bakari's help she was pulled to her feet, through the contact of their hands she could feel the surge of a vision. She stiffened waiting for it to come but nothing happened. It just fizzled out. She must have used it all on the vision with Harrison and the rough exit. Not wanting to press her luck she quickly let go of his hand and shoved them in her pockets. True she didn't need to touch someone with her hands to have a vision it was the most common. Thankfully they kept her on enough medication that she didn't have very many spontaneous visions without contact. Those were the worst because half the time she didn't know where they were coming from.

    "Aren't they always doing something?" Echo said. She was no stranger to the dog and pony shows places like this put on. When she had been working for the police department the detectives would always be showing her off to the chiefs to try and get more funding. Echo looked around the room noticing everyone breaking off into their usual groups. When she was forced out of her cell Echo always tried to find somewhere quiet on her own. She noticed one of the nurses moving around with a cart with little cups of pills on them, trying to get the easy going inmates to take their pills. Most wouldn't take the pills without some sort of encouragement but there were some like Echo who didn't fight it.

    Stopping at the cart Echo held her hand out waiting for the woman to give her a cup. "Lets see Sara Miller and Bakari Bennu, here we go." She said, pushing two cups forward as she looked up at the pair. Her focus was more on Echo's bruises than Bakari, they weren't unusual on him. "Oh dear, let me look at that." She said, reaching out to touch Echo's cheek.

    She grabbed the cup and jumped back away from her. "No!" She shouted causing a number of the other inmates to look at her.

    Bakari look at the pills and shrugged at the cup. Of course they wanted him to take these foul things. Not only was the taste terrible but they would drain his power immensely giving him a weak nature. He did take them for show obviously but he had a small pile of them hidden away when he could. Giving a sly smirk seeing the nurse over look him and attempt to examine Echo's bruises. He quickly released the sand from his face letting his cuts show much more. Yet he didn't care.

    With a quick pace, Bakari tipped the cup back to let the pills drop into his mouth, yet the sand filed in after them wrapping them to stop the pills from getting wet and into his system. With that he pushed them to his cheek hiding them there passing back the cup. "There you go." He said and turned away. If he didn't know any better the pills not only kept him in check but he was positive they drugged him into submission. He always felt loopy and uncaring when the pills were taken. But as long as he kept up the act, they could never prove anything. He just had to be sure not to use his powers within the next few hours. Unless they found his stash that is and he kept that well hidden in a small piece of sandstone hidden inside his mattress. When he was sure they weren't looking, Bakari spit the pile of sand into his hand as stealthy as possible and slipped it into his pocket.

    Echo didn't like touching people and she didn't like people touching her even more. While jumping back she nearly dropped her cup of pills. It took a moment to steady herself and she didn't notice the strange looks from some of the younger inmates. There were a few that had recently arrived and didn't know about the crazy girl who saw things. The nurse seemed to apologize very briefly then gestured for her to swallow the pills. Like Bakari she didn't hesitate when taking them but unlike him she actually swallowed them. Being on the pills was one of the few times when she had a moment of piece and didn't have to be as afraid to touch people. They didn't fully block her powers, it seemed that was the case with most of the inmates they just reduced their powers. One thing she knew for sure was that they were fast acting, usually within just a couple minutes of taking them she could feel the affects of them.

    Dropping the empty cup back on the cart she turned to walk away with Bakari when her foot stepped on a plastic bolt that must have fallen off a table or chair. With her altercation with the guards earlier she had forgotten to put her shoes on and was walking around barefooted. Stepping on the bolt reminded her of stepping on a Lego when she was a child. Or at least she thought it was her memory, it could have been someone else's memory she didn't know it was hard to tell sometimes. All she knew was that she had felt it before. The pain of stepping on the bolt made lose her balance and she stumbled falling into Bakari. The moment she made contact with him she felt her body go stiff and her eyes rolled back getting glassed over as she was hit with a vision.

    Vision Begin"Dad? What are you doing?" An older gentleman took a swig from his bottle and gave a drunken grin as he swatted the younger boy across the face. "You are a disgrace to this family. You and that wretched mother of yours." Bakari cringed from the strike on his face and looked up at the drunken fool.

    This was something he had been dealing with for the last month or so ever since his father had come home and he hated it. This man who claimed to be his protector and "protected and Served" the people of the United states. Yet here he was beating a defenseless child. When the man grabbed Bakari's arm he instantly snatched it back from the man. "Don't touch me!" He shouted back at his father.

    As Bakari shouted the man stood tall and stared down at him. He was clearly towering over Bakari and was much stronger then him. His father glared as he stared him down and struck Bakari again. Yet this time the boy wasn't having it. As the blow hit him, a pile of the sand that sat in a large jar just in the corner of the room shattered the glass and wrapped Bakari's hand. The sand then hardened and moved into a point as Bakari struck back this time. The now spike pierced through the skin. He could feel the ripping of the fabric of his fathers shirt rip as it went into the skin. He felt every bit of it as his rage filled eyes stared back at the man who moved back from Bakari. "You monster! How dare you do this to your father!" The man grasped his bleeding shoulder and stared down at the boy as he quickly moved away running off to another room.

    The boys mother stepped around the corner and looked down at Bakari as he sat on his knees the sand falling from his hand back into the state it once was. His mother on the other hand knelt down beside him wrapping her arms around him feeling the pain in her childs heart. "It's ok Bakari. He's just a drunken fool.....Don't cry it's all going to be all right."

    Bakari could feel his mother's embrace which caused his heavy breathing to finally break and his tears to start falling. He was used to the beatings. But now, his father must have hated him. He took pride in his father and his work and even wished to join him one day. Yet now here he was with a huge issue. Not only had he struck his father back through rage. He even caused him to bleed and used his "gift" to do so. The boy wrapped his arms around his mother and he held her tight. "I'm sorry mom......." Vision End

    Bakari was quick to grab Echo as she fell. Of course she was unstable but it was alright he had her. "Woah there Echo everything alright?" He asked the female as she fell into him. Yet this time she seemed off, like something was wrong and not to mention her eyes were glossed over and a stiff body to add to it. He knew what this was, he'd seen it a short time back about a week ago the same instance. More then likely she would freak out after returning to the Real world. Bakari eased her body down to a state where she could lay comfortably. He was unsure of who's vision or what was going on but he was sure it'd end soon. "Oh Echo what have you gotten into now?"

    Coming out of the vision was easier than before and hurt far less. It was always better if she didn't try to force anything when it came to the visions. Just let them run their course. She found herself in Bakari's arms clinging to him as she cried. "I'm sorry mom." She found herself repeating several times before she pulled away and looked around. She wasn't in the house she had just been in nor was she being held by the middle eastern looking woman that had just been there. It took a minute for her to realize whose arms she was in, then she pulled away from Bakari and stood back up.

    Echo wrapped her arms around herself trying to get her bearings again. She recognized many of the inmates in the yard but there was a young man that she had never seen before making her wonder if it was a new inmate. His clothing was strange too not like the others. He didn't seem like an inmate or a guard. She turned back to Bakari, "He shouldn't have hit me." Echo said, referring to the vision. "I was only defending mom. I didn't mean to use the sand." Echo could still feel the range of emotions from the vision welling inside her. It was so hard to separate things so soon after a vision especially when the vision was so intense. Slow though the feelings in her calmed down and she found herself looking around the yard noticing the nurse and her cart of pills. Guess today was going to be a placebo day.

    Bakari blinked looking down at her as she came to speaking about how she was sorry mother. "Mom? Watcha talking about? You're here Echo. Back in the Asylum. Everythings gonna be alright." He said and watched as she stood up. He was sure she was going to be fine but a vision was never fun for her he was sure. And from the sounds of it this time it was a bad one. Something traumatizing. What Bakari hadn't realized was it was his own mind that had set off the vision.

    Standing, he looked around at everyone and eyed them stepping towards one kid who looked as if he was about to crack up. Bakari knew his temper was short and a gifted picking on another gifted? In the yard of all places. It was areas like this where they needed to stick together rather then laugh at eachother. "So uhh. Something seem funny to you kid? What's your power again? Oh right.... You stick to walls and thats about it. Th' Fuck outta here spider boy." He said and gave the kid a shove causing him to look at Bakari in fear and scamper off worried he might hurt him much worse.

    Turning back to Echo he looked at her listening to her speak to him. "Hit who? Defen-" His words paused when she mentioned using the sand. His eyes focused to his right arm as his own mind flooded with that night. He was sure that she was speaking about him. It was his memories and he was the only 'sandman' in the complex that he knew of. "Hey Echo. Yo, look. It's not your mind. It was mind calm down a bit. It's all gonna be alright. Don't gotta worry about nothing so come on. Lets go sit yea?" He asked reaching for her with one hand while pointing off to a section of the room where not many of the inmates were. He took no notice to the man who was pretty new to everyone else yet he took a glance over to the forming group. This one was surrounded by guards and they all seemed to answer to him. "Looks like we have a prodigy here. Might wanna keep our heads low and possibly get left alone."

    He was hoping the man wouldn't approach them but with Echo's vision incident he was sure that they would be approached. Bakari couldn't stand when others visited the asylum. They were generally rude and cruel to them. The last one who visited was even wrong enough to strike a gifted into submission. And the warden? He wasn't getting started on that man. He only told them to continue. He didn't care for anyone in there and he was sure that a few of the "escaped" gifted were killed long before they met the freedom that they had wished for.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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