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Thread: Lion Heart OOC [M]

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    Anti-Hero's Avatar
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    Default Lion Heart OOC [M]

    Lion Heart

    All credits of this video go to a personal friend of mine Daisuke Aurora

    A world, a city, a king
    A world aware of its destiny where prosperity is decided by a repeating course of events.
    A city lead by a cyclical prophecy where the people, live, love, and die.
    A king who is born to prepare for the day he will leave and never be able to return.

    Welcome to Crassia

    Dearest Son,

    I guess I should begin my explanation here, odd that this will be my final entry in this journal. I've kept it ever since I was a kid, but the odd thing was this journal was never just mine. Before my father left, he wrote here too and before him his father, and I really don't feel like pushing that any further, but I'm sure you'll get the idea. I plead with you, more than any other book, read this one and take it to heart, because unless something has changed, this too will be your path. That's why this journal is what it is, a record of those who came before you, for those who will come after. There are details here that may one day help you put an end to all this, but for now, we have no idea. My name is Seigilius Vireliusteus autem Giredania, but really my name is Seig Virelius, I'm not sure why, but our royal family has always found it more fit to drastically over complicate names. More to the point, because knowing this is my last message to you, I feel like I could go on for hours, days, months, I'd be exaggerating at years. There is still so much I want to teach you, but I'll have to leave that to your mother. Poor girl, she was actually fit to be queen, however, you'll come to learn that kings don't have the luxury of wives. It will make your old man sound like a young fool, but I wish I could have married, sex was a lot of fun. More so, I wish I could have known you for a while longer. Today is the day before my twenty-third birthday and you are but a mere five years. You resemble your mother more than me, but you'll grow and no doubt like me, have a magnificent beard.

    See? Side-tracked.

    As you get older I would like to leave you with a few last lessons that I will never be able to teach you. One, be happy, you will train hard, be pushed harder and sometimes that will boil over into rage and sadness, but you need to stay happy. The time you have isn't much and no grudge is worth losing what little time you have. Two, don't fear love. While we may not be allowed to marry, grow up as you would, love who you would, and understand that everything we do is for the love of the people. Three, be strong. Be immovable, be the wall at which your kingdom can hide behind, be the sword that thrusts against our enemies, be the light that will one day burn away the darkness. These people, they know of our destiny and of theirs and while they do not show it they are afraid. As my final act as your king and your father I give you a small but important gift, with your mother's aid, give yourself a name. In our kingdom it is tradition that this be your first act as the new king. Let no man, no demon, angel, or God, take that from you and if they so try, stand against them with everything you are. You are my son, my father's grandson, and our world's king. I am proud of you in whatever way you choose to live and know that your decisions belong to all kings.

    I love you my son,
    Seig Virelius.

    Our story begins in the High Kingdom of Giredania, a vast city built into the natural barriers gifted to us by our world, Crassia. At its center a vast tower erected far above the standard skyline that emits a strong barrier that can be seen from miles away until the horizon becomes thick with a seemingly unending tree line. This imposing city was the first built by all kin of this world, at least, that's the beginning of what is left of our history. Prior to its existence, our records of what transpired are, at best, skewed and much of it remains conjecture and the subject of much debate when it comes to our origin. As we know it, this city has known equality since its founding, whether you live as creature-kin, beast-kin, or human we have lived as one society protected by the magic radiating from Giredania's central focus, The Royal Family's High Throne. In Giredania, in fact all over Crassia, we know of the old prophecies that ensnare us to our destiny.

    The Light of Crassia is ever-fading into abandon.
    Forevermore shall this world's people know not rest or solace in a guaranteed future.
    As with fading light is brought the calamity that is darkness and chaos a child shall be born.
    A payment for the sins of creature and man, a sacrifice to the immortals that none can begin to imagine.
    In loss of the best of them, shall so gift a brief moment in time for respite.
    Until again the cycle repeats.
    So is the destiny of Crassians
    So is the fate of the one they call King.

    Not a day goes by, that people all over Crassia don't recall these words, for just as it is written, a cycle of events that occurs every twenty-five years begins and either is quelled or so with it life ends. Giredania is in part a shining reminder to this fated tragedy, but in darkness it stands illuminated by those giving everything they have to see it protected and by extension every growing town, small camp, or even large city within it's view. So long as a King is upon the throne, the barriers will protect us from what lies beyond our walls. Even so, Crassia is not without trouble, even in the times of respite from what we have come to call "The Calamity" the world outside Giredania can be dangerous and even more so, outside cities and towns that are not the Capitol itself. But people find a way, they survive and build their lives wherever they are able. Crassia is a world full of wonder and with wonder comes the want for adventure, and with adventure comes a special breed of life.

    Outside of the Capitol there are several large cities that act as conduits for the reception of magic that powers the barriers for all cities and towns. These cities are immense hubs full of trading, adventuring guilds and even militaries built to attempt a stand against The Calamity, assuming failure.
    Spoiler: The Luminous Capitol of the Royal Family: Giredania 

    Spoiler: High Cloud City: Sira-Se 

    Spoiler: Glistening Mountain Border: Opalli 

    Spoiler: Salvaged Sea Harbor: Lyse 

    Each of these cities has much in common with the Capitol the most important of which is the receiving tower, matched with the layout of Crassia's natural magic leylines. These leylines somewhat ease the burden of the High King to transfer the energy necessary to each of the cities survival. The High King's magic is the cornerstone to the small empire's survival through the period of respite and more importantly The Calamity. Something that is immediately noticeable as different from The Capitol is the erection of guilds in the three hub provinces. Crassia, the world, is vast and expansive to a point that many scholars are almost positive it has never been fully explored. The limit of time between each Calamity make true expansion near impossible, even with the protections granted and the stalling of the true end, many lives are lost and territory is stripped away. These hubs have proved the most resilient and this is in large part thanks to the guilds protection. The Empire of Giredania has never raised a formal military due to the lack of necessity and manpower, there is however a vast number of volunteers who train much of their lives to stand against The Calamity, sadly there are but few veterans and they are prized teachers.

    The truth of our world is in the prophecy itself. No one knows how much longer we can hold our ground without finding an answer to ending it all, if an answer even exists, so yes, this struggle against the end may in fact all be for nothing at all. Yet, still, what we have to lose is our lives, our children's lives, our futures, we have little to gain when you write this upon paper, but we have everything to lose. So we stand together, whether we have razor sharp teeth, talons on our feet, pointed ears, wings, we stand together in hopes that what we have built will hold when tested. We hope, that those heroes born of the guilds and the High King will buy us enough time to answer the most important question, how do we survive?

    Spoiler: Story 

    Spoiler: FAQ/The Magic List 

    Spoiler: Standard Character Application 

    Spoiler: Notable Characters(CS) 

    Spoiler: Rules 
    Last edited by Anti-Hero; 03-21-2019 at 07:40 PM.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
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  2. #2
    Anti-Hero's Avatar
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    Name: High King Seig Virelius (Prefers Seig)
    Species: Human
    Age: Twenty-three (as of Festival)

    History: Twenty-three, young for what we would consider a king, and yet, such is a way of life on Crassia. Seig Virelius was ushered in as a new ruler when he was five years old, that was the same day he said goodbye to his father and never heard from him again. But of course, a five year old couldn't rightfully make choices for an entire empire and so alongside his mother several other advisors stepped in to guide him along the path his father had set for him. With that in mind and to the surprise of many the boy was only seven before his formal donning of the crown and his physical ascension to the thrown.

    What all will now have to understand is that this way of life wasn't uncommon, even so, Seig was particularly young by about three years and was widely considered to be the second "Genius-King."
    This did not mean he was the most powerful, as there was once a king before him that set out to quell The Calamity alone and succeeded. This did mean that Seig was an immensely power mage who's powers went beyond that of elements and took forms that no one living today had seen. Seig in his youth was his own master, no veteran teachers understood his ability and even more so he learned by merely watching once, some hailed him as a God-King, though he wasn't particularly fond of the nickname and out right spoke against it.

    As he grew it became more and more apparent to those around him that he was quick to cut affiliations with most and stick entirely to his books, he was driven toward a goal and in his eyes you could see the means to achieve it. Even his mother wasn't entirely free of his cold shoulder, suffice it to say it wasn't that he disliked anyone it was that he knew what being High King meant from very early on.

    He spent almost his entirely within the confines of the walls until he got old enough to roam around on his own, at first is awkward, he'd witness small things and overreact or not hold himself properly in public. In a way it both pushed away and pulled people to him and in time he became adored by many.
    Like all Kings, a woman was selected, a son was born and a family was loosely created. It was apparent that the High King had a soft hear for the boy and his mother, but even so he stuck to the rules and the traditions. No marriage, limited contact with his offspring, and a lot of time sitting in a chair.

    Appearance: A young man, though often it was mistaken, due to his graying hair, a side effect of constant magical intake and use. He stood tall with broad shoulders and certain pride that carried him. Some said he gave off the presence of being "kingly" and what they meant by that was that he wore a near constant scowl but never portrayed anger, more focused and determined. He wasn't much for elegance and was often caught in comfort clothes rather than expensive garments that would befit someone of high standing, in fact it was so common that another nickname rose about for him, "Common King". Seig was also known for avoiding grooming his hair or facial hair and was poked fun at for constantly scratching at his beard, pulling his hair out of his face, or cursing at it. When asked why he didn't groom it he simply replied, "I like it, makes me look 'kingly.'"

    Weapon and Armor Preference:
    Name: Pride of Lions
    Appearance: A long one-handed ornate blade crafted for the High King, as is tradition.
    This sword is dual-edged blade that has had its spinal piece removed and replaced with gems mined from Opalli. Each edge is highly scrutinized for blemishes and made sure to be expertly sharped down the blade stopping just shy of the hilt where it has been molded and cut into a serrated pattern. The sword acts two fold as a blade and a catalyst for the King to direct his magic. The hilt design is specifically crafted to allow magic to flow through the blade and down the hilt to a slightly larger gem made entirely of ruby. When magic is in need of direction, the sword his flipped so that the tip is pointed toward the ground and the ruby looks toward the sky. The cross guard of the blade keeps an ornate look but is reinforced well enough and shaped in a way that compliments the High King's style of fighting which is to rebuke and retaliate against his opponent.

    Name: N/A
    Seig prefers more lightweight style of armor that maximizes his protection without costing him his ability to move. Thus, the armor developed for him particularly covers vital areas leaving the joins relatively exposed. This armor is also suited to keep him warm enough in cold weather and cool enough in hot weather that very little of it has to be put on or removed. The main display of the armor comes from a long coat that falls just short of the heels of his boots and is embellished with the symbol of the Lion Heart covering most of the back. His armguards are slightly more specialized than the rest of his armor and are built to cover up to the middle knuckle of each of his fingers. All other armor pieces are built to the same standard as any other member of the Lion Heart

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
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    War on High Interest Check
    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

  3. #3
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Looks like you've got an awesome roleplay started,Anti-Hero!! If you would like to advertise for more members, here are some ways to do so!

    First off, there's the Roleplay of the Week. This is displayed on the website's home page as well as on the side bar of the forum. If you think it might help then we implore you to do so! We are always looking for new RP's to advertise. (No, really. We are. Always.) If you would like a little bit more information, or even an example, you can view that here.

    One of the requirements for a RP of the Week submission is that you have a banner. If you're not artistically inclined, however, do not fear! We have several amazing artists on the site who will make one for you. Simply post here.

    Next, you can post in this thread and the staff will display your role-play in their signatures.

    Also feel free to post in the Roleplay Directory. This is a thread that anyone can view at any time to see roleplays that are currently seeking and accepting members.

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    Name: Theorynn “Theory” Redmane
    Species: Human
    Age: 23

    History: Theorynn was born to a rather plain looking noble mother and a knight father with a rather regal appearance. Unfortunately upon her birth Theorynn’s mother passed due to complications during childbirth. This made her a bit of an outcast amongst her noble family. They called her a curse and a burden. She would not learn of this until later in life however, as her father and older sister loved her more than all the stars in the sky. It wasn’t until after she had turned five years of age that she learned of how cruel her fate and family were. With the calamity once again upon them her father had been chosen to go with the king to once again save the world. Her mother’s family cast her out on the street the day he left.

    Suddenly an orphan, she wandered the streets for days learning to hide and beg like any other orphan. Eventually however upon being captured by a guardsman for stealing a small bit of food from a grocer she managed to catch a bit of luck. A visiting knight happened to recognize her as her father’s child. Taking the young ruffian under his wing he taught her to fight and act like a knight. She took these lessons to heart and took a shine to the practice. She was a natural.

    Eighteen years later she has become one of the best of the best. She has dedicated her life to perfecting her skills in the art of war. Honing her skills and weapons to a fine edge she has gotten a reputation for being able to even cleave a large solid stone in half with a single swing.

    Appearance: Theory is a rather pretty if not somewhat plain girl. Her mousy brown hair is usually kept in a short mop that somehow manages to fall around her face in a moderately pleasing way for someone who simply cuts it with a dagger. If one were to pick out her most pleasing features it would likely be her soft grey-blue eyes and yet even they manage to have an abrasive and piercing edge to their gaze. Perhaps her less seen, but by far most pleasing aspect would be her fair, and lightly freckled skin stretched taught over her well muscled 5’5” frame, though typically what you can see is bruised, cut, or scuffed from hours of combat practice....

    Spoiler: Theorynn 

    Weapon and Armor Preference: Medium armor (chain mail and scale mail mostly, maybe even hardened leather, and maaaaaaybe some minor plating around the arms and legs.) and mostly short swords with an optional shield/buckler

    Veteran Status Application: No

    (His name is whatever the hell he wants it to be!!!!)

  5. #5
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    Name: Knight-Enchanter Brennus Vandrachen
    Species: Human
    Age: 42

    Spoiler: History 

    Spoiler: Appearance 

    Weapon and Armor Preference: Brennus adorns himself in full praetorian plate, constructed of some of the finer steels the royal armorers could muster, built for protection and ease of motion, but also damascened with fashionable, if modest scrollwork. Beneath his plate, he too is draped in a maille hauberk over a silk gambeson.

    The weapons at hand are twofold. Brennus' primary weapon is his ox tongue partisan, a well balanced and keen weapon that had seen him through decades of service. Steel-headed, forged of spell-forged crucible steel, and mounted on a rune-etched staff of white ash wood. A falchion and buckler hang belted, along with a poniard.

    Veteran Status Application: Yes

    Did you read? What is Seig's son's name? "My Son"

  6. #6
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    Name: Kaia Vandrachen
    Species: Half breed Human/Avian beast folk.
    Age: 22

    History: Kaia Vandrachen was born to Brennus and Nyrah Vandreachen the year after her father took up his vigil to the young prince. She grew up observing her fathers constant loyalty and vigilance in his duty to the young man instilling in her a sense of loyalty, Justice and a desire to be as strong and vigilant as her father before her. Even so, Kaia turned out to be a free and daring spirit. She shirked no opertunity to gain her fathers approval, even if it sometimes landed her into trouble, her sense of Justice drove her to stand up for those less fortunate and against those who used their influence wrongly. She trained hard and studied diligently while still making time for her free spirit needs. She took diversity into stride and always seemed to wear a jovial smile, rarely found without it even when enemies of her family tried to tare them down or those mocked her half blood statues. When she reached the appropriate age she Left home to follow in her fathers footsteps and join in the imperial military school in Sira-Se, her father's birthplace.

    With in the Academy Kaia's Trials didn't end there. Her fathers legacy which was the pride of the school made high expectations for her which tested her spirit and smile as she put all her study and training to the test. Kaia never came in as the first as the top of her study or the best in her class but each time she proved that she was fluent in combat and had a level head even in the face of danger making her invaluable to those who did lead as she was dependable in any situation and would carry out orders in rapid succession to ensure success.

    Kaia has been away from home up until now and with the kings coming of age to leave she wishes to return home, not only to surprise her parents but to enter into the festival herself.

    Appearance: Kaia has a soft heart shaped face with two dark brown eyes framed by pale orange locks as soft as downy feathers, dancing and playing in the wind as far down as her mid back. Her skin is sun kissed and her lilith body is well toned but lightly endowed. A pair of wings rest upon her back, closely resembling those of a barn owl. Around her neck and shoulders is a mantle of soft Orange feathers speckled with gray.

    If there is one thing she inherited from her father its her sense of style while Kaia likes pretty things She tends to dress simple, wearing something more elegant when the occasion calls for it but otherwise she can be seen in her leather armor and a cloak. The only Jewelry she freely wears is a woven wrist band with a single stone bead.

    Weapon and Armor Preference: Kaia tends to wear extremely light armor if any at all opting for studded leather vest and skirt specially fitted to accommodate her wings. Knee high steel toed boots and a pair of leather fingerless gloves.

    Kaia's weapons of choice are a simple halberd and short sword.

    Veteran Status Application: no.

    Did you read? What is Seig's son's name? His name is something that hasn't yet been revealed to us.
    Last edited by P.K.; 01-18-2019 at 12:44 PM.
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  7. #7
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    Bookmarking this for later
    Stormy's 1X1 recruitment thread!
    Spoiler: Don't lie to yourself, you know you want to look. 

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    I'll be reading this over today and most likely adding acceptations.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
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    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

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    Update: We'll be having one more person writing an Application on Sunday, so I'll be waiting till then, both of you passed CS inspection with flying colors like I knew ya would You are both free to write second character if you wish.

    What is a King without his pride? If you're looking for answers come find them in my first RP since my return to RPA!~
    Lion Heart OOC
    Lion Heart IC
    War on High Interest Check
    Got a discord? Hit me up via a PM we can do an info exchange!

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    I'm interested, I'll be working on a sheet soon

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